by Mary W Maxwell, LLB seem to run two parallel stories. One story is about whatever is the contents of the day’s article; the other is the good-quality arguing that goes on in the Comments section. For several months the argumentation was mainly about Covid, aka medical genocide. Lately it is, appropriately enough, about “the Ukraine situation.”
This article has to do with the Comments section — it has no content of its own! Please see the six books above, five are about Russia and one is about China. I was “forced” to buy them, thanks to the mystery of the Holodomor (Stalin’s starvation of people in the Ukraine in 1933). The video was inserted into Gumshoe Comments by Julius Skoolafish. It will be included again at the end of this article.
The books are:
Sharing Secrets with Stalin (pitched later than the Holomodor event, namely in the 1940s),
Russia and the New World Order (partly based on Antony Sutton’s discovery that the US financed the development of communist USSR),
Stalin’s Englishman (it’s a biography of Guy Burgess, the British traitor associated with Kim Philby),
War of the Century: When Hitler Fought Stalin (hmm),
The Devil and Karl Marx (what would Gumshoe comments be without that little old devil), and Inner Asian Frontiers of China, by Owen Lattimore who grew up in China.
The can opener is Julius Skoolafish.
Julius admits to having entered the conspiracy field only 6 years ago, owing to a Syrian false-flag story. Since then, he has (to quote Banjo Paterson) “followed like a bloodhound on their track.” Julius can’t ignore big inconsistencies, such as the “fact” that USA and USSR were enemies and the “fact” that USA and USSR were in cahoots.
I can’t ignore these problems either. My usual solution, which is perhaps just lazy, is to say that Russia, China, America, and UK are all run from the top by the same person. Oh, and Germany, too. Pretty confusing, eh?
Wait, there should be another book pictured above, but I found it online, so did not have to purchase it. It is Sisley Huddleston’s France: the Tragic Years, 1939-1947: An eyewitness account of war, occupation, and liberation. Guess what the New York Times printed in 1938 regarding Huddleston’s other work, A Journalist’s View of Europe? Listen:
“MR. HUDDLESTON’S description of himself as an observer is of more than conventional significance. Early in the World War he came to distrust the kind of news that was distributed from official sources, and what prominent people said for publication, he found, needed more than ever to be accepted with many grains of salt.”
Oh, my.
And here is the dedication Huddleston wrote to his France The Tragic Years:
Dedicatory Letter to William C. Bullitt
Ambassador of the United States of America.
“My Dear Bill: More than thirty years have elapsed since you read to me in Paris your letter of resignation from the American Peace Delegation, and since then everything that has happened has justified your protest against a Treaty which was a betrayal of our hopes, a repudiation of our principles, and a frustration of the purpose for which we fought the First World War. We both realized that the statesmen of Versailles had doomed mankind to a future bloody trial of strength,
“Our friendship, which has never faltered from those far-off days when you took your stand for truth in diplomacy, is stronger than ever as we enter the dark era in which the ineptitude and the pernicious untruths of the past decade threaten to overwhelm humanity.
“More appalling than follies and errors are lying legends. It would be possible to correct mistakes, however damnable, did we possess the courage to acknowledge them. We prefer comfortable falsehoods, fatal expedients, purblind propaganda; and we are disturbed by testimony which upsets the conventional views….”
— End of quote from Sisley Huddleston
Note: Don’t forget Gumshoe’s review of Emile Dillon’s report from the streets of Paris at the 1919 peace conference:
When Will Our Holodomor Begin?
I am sad and worried at the likelihood of imminent starvation of all of us (aka a man-made famine). Can it happen? Natch — anything that has already happened can be repeated. Let me copy out the current Encyclopedia Britannica description of the Holodomor:
Holodomor, man-made famine that convulsed the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 … was part of a broader Soviet famine (1931–34) that also caused mass starvation in the grain-growing regions of Soviet Russia and Kazakhstan. The Ukrainian famine, however, was made deadlier by a series of political decrees and decisions that were aimed mostly or only at Ukraine. In acknowledgement of its scale, the famine of 1932–33 is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).

[Is anyone thinking of Dr Day’s 1969 prediction that we will become accustomed to seeing dead people on the street?]
The origins of the famine lay in the decision by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to collectivize agriculture in 1929. Teams of Communist Party agitators forced peasants to relinquish their land, personal property, and sometimes housing to collective farms, and they deported so-called kulaks—wealthier peasants—as well as any peasants who resisted collectivization altogether. …It also sparked a series of peasant rebellions, including armed uprisings, in some parts of Ukraine.
The rebellions worried Stalin because they were unfolding in provinces which had, a decade earlier, fought against the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. He was also concerned by anger and resistance to the state agricultural policy within the Ukrainian Communist Party. “If we don’t make an effort now to improve the situation in Ukraine,” he wrote to his colleague Lazar Kaganovich in August 1932, “we may lose Ukraine.”
That autumn the Soviet Politburo, the elite leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, took a series of decisions that widened and deepened the famine in the Ukrainian countryside. Farms, villages, and whole towns in Ukraine were placed on blacklists and prevented from receiving food. Peasants were forbidden to leave the Ukrainian republic in search of food. … The crisis reached its peak in the winter of 1932–33, when organized groups of police and communist apparatchiks ransacked the homes of peasants and took everything edible, from crops to personal food supplies to pets.
Hunger and fear drove these actions, but they were reinforced by more than a decade of hateful and conspiratorial rhetoric emanating from the highest levels of the Kremlin.
From famine to extermination
The result of Stalin’s campaign was a catastrophe. In spring 1933 death rates in Ukraine spiked. Between 1931 and 1934 at least 5 million people perished of hunger all across the U.S.S.R. Among them, according to a study conducted by a team of Ukrainian demographers, were at least 3.9 million Ukrainians. Police archives contain multiple descriptions of instances of cannibalism as well as lawlessness, theft, and lynching….
Ukrainians lining up to trade valuables for bread at a state-run “Torgsyn” shop, photo by Alexander Wienerberger. Diocesan Archive of Vienna (Diözesanarchiv Wien)/BA Innitzer
The famine was accompanied by a broader assault on Ukrainian identity. While peasants were dying by the millions, agents of the Soviet secret police were targeting the Ukrainian political establishment and intelligentsia. The famine provided cover for a campaign of repression and persecution that was carried out against Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian religious leaders. The official policy of Ukrainization, which had encouraged the use of the Ukrainian language, was effectively halted.
[Note: Is anyone thinking of Australian policy of teaching Aboriginal children in NOT their native tongue?]
Moreover, anyone connected to the short-lived Ukrainian People’s Republic — an independent government that had been declared in June 1917 in the wake of the February Revolution but was dismantled after the Bolsheviks conquered Ukrainian territory — was subjected to vicious reprisals. [Note: is anyone thinking of those who donated to the Canadian convoy last month?]
All those targeted by this campaign were liable to be publicly vilified, jailed, sent to the Gulag (a system of Soviet prisons and forced-labour camps), or executed. Knowing that this Russification program would inevitably reach him, Mykola Skrypnyk, one of the best-known leaders of the Ukrainian Communist Party, committed suicide rather than submit to one of Stalin’s show trials.
As the famine was happening, news of it was deliberately silenced by Soviet bureaucrats. Party officials did not mention it in public. Western journalists based in Moscow were instructed not to write about it. One of the most famous Moscow correspondents at the time, Walter Duranty of The New York Times, went out of his way to dismiss reports of the famine when they were published by a young freelancer, Gareth Jones, as he “thought Mr. Jones’s judgment was somewhat hasty.” Jones was murdered under suspicious circumstances in 1935. [Note: Is anyone thinking of … oh, never mind.]
Stalin himself went so far as to repress the results of a census taken in 1937; the administrators of that census were arrested and murdered, in part because the figures revealed the decimation of Ukraine’s population.
Although the famine was discussed during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine in World War II, it became taboo again during the postwar years. The first public mention of it in the Soviet Union was in 1986, in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. That disaster too was initially kept secret by Soviet authorities.
Because the famine was so deadly, and because it was officially denied by the Kremlin for more than half a century, it has played a large role in Ukrainian public memory, particularly since independence.
— End of Encyclopedia article on the Holomodor.
Now to a Typical Skoolafish Contribution
On the Ides of March, 2022, Julius Skoolafish commented as follows to my Gumshoe article “Fourteen Books on a Table” by producing yet another eye-opening excerpt from a book:
From “The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia” by Tim Tzouliadis Pp 101-104, Chapter 9 “Spetzrabota”[Special Work]
“Through the course of 1937 and 1938, Americans such as Victor Herman began to disappear, one after another. Many of the arrested were shot not long afterward, often with their fathers, who had brought them to the USSR. […]
In the killing fields of Butovo, twenty-seven kilometers south of Moscow, the depressions in the ground later revealed themselves in aerial photography. The mass graves ran for up to half a kilometer at a time. Nor was there anything particularly unique about Butovo. Within the Soviet Union, such “zones” were differentiated only by their location.
Orders sent from Moscow were applied uniformly throughout the USSR, from the Polish border across one-sixth of the surface of the earth to the Pacific Ocean. If the NKVD were instructed that 250,000 people should fill one of the eight mass graves in Byelorussia, then a similar ratio was applied to every other Soviet republic, and every regional district of Russia, too, including the Moscow region itself. At Butovo, exactly the same procedure was followed by the NKVD brigades as elsewhere.[footnote source 32] […]
In the 1990s, a Russian society for the rehabilitation of Stalin’s victims located within the files of KGB pensioners a “Comrade S.,” […] Comrade S. remembered how his unit had waited in a stone house on the edge of the killing fields while their prisoners’ files were checked. How they led their victims to the edge of the pit and held the standard-issue Nagan pistol to the back of their heads. How they pulled the trigger and watched the bodies crumple and fall into the hole in the earth. And then how they repeated the process over and again until, like every other Soviet worker, they had met their quota for the night’s work.
At the end of their shift, Comrade S. and the dozen members of his squad would retire to their stone headquarters exhausted, to drink the liters of vodka specially allocated for the job at hand. Obviously, their masters understood the traumatic effect the spetzrabota had on the minds of the executioners. The vodka salved their consciences as the dawn rose over Moscow, and a new day began for the city’s fear-filled inhabitants.; footnote source 33]
Let’s work hard to prevent a new spetzrabota — MM.
The complexity of the current situation utterly defies the goodie-baddie mindset on which most ostensibly conflicting reports are based:
“Ukraine’s government is “openly neo-Nazi” and “pro-Nazi,” controlled by “little Nazis,” President Vladimir Putin of Russia says.
U.S. officials led by President Joe Biden are responsible for the “nazification” of Ukraine, one of Russia’s top lawmakers says, and should be tried before a court. In fact, another lawmaker says, it is time to create a “modern analogy to the Nuremberg tribunal” as Russia prepares to “denazify” Ukraine.
In case the message was not clear, the Kremlin’s marquee weekly news show aired black-and-white footage Sunday of German Nazis being hanged on what is now central Kyiv’s Independence Square. The men drop, dangling from a long beam, and the crowd cheers.”
The main issue for the so-called “West” is that the leadership is every bit as incapable of grasping the fact no ideology can be criminalisied without compelling another and that such control is the antithesis of an egalitarian culture
What is described above seems very familiar to me. Seems that the currently known program “the Great Reset” supposedly devised by that arrogant piece of human waste named Klaus Schwab is but a rerun of Stalin’s plans of the 20th Century.
The plan Stalin used goes back to the formation of the Red Army(lots of other colours there). Shows how people are used and abused. He allows the civil war combatants to join the peoples army but allow had control through a “crack” unit with superior tools. (T-34’s tanks imported compared to local product). They would do jobs like be a blocking force to make sure the meat grinder had meat, to explain the 2 Red Armies.
(blocking force sits behind the lines and shoots anyone not going over the wall, not worrying that they would be needed).
Then he pair’s down the potential adversaries by purges that put him in bed with Hitler because he does this after the “invasion”, Hitler does his part with unfathomable tactics). Both making sure the hardware is destroyed so can not be picked up and used against them, plus greater debt through loans. The same drivers are seen today and political correctness might be used again, Putin Or Uke supporters, beware
In this early period US also suffers financial collapse and drought driven starvation.
Eisenhower then starve’s the potential enemies of the cartel(German regular Army), and brings this fifth column to “west” world.
Dust settles then loan please we have “West” Germans to save by Airlift
What interests me is that the conscripts from both sides who died in appalling conditions on the Russian front are given virtually no attention – a fair indication that military-aged men have become the niggers of the Age
and convicts none who wanted to fight, but they were the target for culling and propaganda now very effective because everyone knew of someone killed.
Like today apex intelligence knows and the whole code breaking story of ww2 takes on a different light. Bletchley park would carry other secret communications of course and carries on in secret cells for many decades.
Rudolf Hess, shows that the need to know was very select. Don’t think Rommel knew but Göring did, the secret society connection to Mussolini and King-Emperor Edward VIII. Franco I have not deep died but..
If you look at it this way, Warsaw, Rotterdam the supposed tit for tat of Churchill bombing of Dresden and Potsdam as payback for Coventry makes a lot more sense. Not to mention Dunkirk.
There where more pressing targets than civilians by history but they were always the target.
The radar appearing from nowhere and effective too.
It is inevitable that whenever the means of survival becomes limited, such as with food shortages, the most powerful entity will demarcate the population accordingly, to its own advantage. If not by culture, skin colour, class, religion, or ethnicity, then ideology is as good a banner as any.
However, some cultures/ethnicities focus their activities on gaining advantage in the complete absence of shortages, and then precipitate artificial shortages to magnify that advantage. These entities then attract the approbrium of the entire population. Ashkenazim and Chinese come to mind: the former in Europe and the latter in the Malaysia/Indonesia/south Pacific region. The phrase “Night of the Long Knives” gained overnight currency on three historical occasions.
A third scenario evolves when one sector of the population accumulates great wealth at the expense of the rest. As historians note: inevitably, the barrel rolls and the ‘have-nots’ eliminate the ‘haves’. 1790 France comes to mind or, more pointedly, America at this very moment.
But today, we have a global convergence of all three. The Askenazim have accumulated great wealth and power in America and have exploited all below them, creating artificial shorgages and introducing apartheid forms of goverment. They have exported this oppression to all western countries.
Consequently, when the barrel rolls in the US, the resulting destruction will spread world-wide overnight.
Survival will depend upon our individual capacity to migrate to remote regions where fighting and riots and lawlessness are sporadic at worst. Ironically, American Preppers lead the world in preparing for this event.
A conflagration between the US and Russia could launch this apocalypse today. If you have not been preparing for this for at least a year, your chances of survival are slim. But if global violence doe not ensue, the jab squads will be coming to get you anyway. The same rule for survival applies.
And you better have a more useful defense than to counter the violence with a pained expression and a White Dove of Peace shitting on your head.
India Buys More Russian Oil Despite US Threats
by GGI Staff
India is the world’s third-largest consumer of energy, relying on imports for nearly 80% of its crude oil requirements. As Russia is being sanctioned from all sides owing to the situation in Ukraine, India has stepped up to buy Russian oil at a huge discount despite threats from the US.
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In snub to Washington, UAE reaches out to Russia
by uprootedpalestinians
Washington’s geopolitical cards are dwindling rapidly. The high-level UAE visit to Moscow this week has consolidated OPEC+ support for Russia in the energy war now raging between east and west. March 18 2022 By MK Bhadrakumar Four top foreign minster level diplomats from Qatar, Iran, Turkey and the UAE travelled to Moscow this week, in as many […]
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Well hello Mary – I guess I should respond by way of background and context.
Yes, it was the events (including false flags) in Syria that took me down this Russo-centric reading binge. I will try and respond in bullet point form rather than try and provide a complete ‘history.
Firstly, thank you for reminding us all of the things we have NOT read … and that are still out there to be digested.
Secondly, once I opened the can on the Syrian conflict (and in particular Russia’s intervention in September 2015) I realised that the same controlled media outlets that were lying ABSOLUTELY on that issue are now bringing us the news on Ukraine – and brought the news (now entrenched as ‘history’) about 911 and way back to WWII and beyond.
In the spirit of the theme I will get together a list of books that I have read in the last five or six years – including Tim Tzouliadis.
For this opening comment I am simply going to quote Jeff J Brown as his words perfectly describe my own personal journey.
Jeff writes:
“I was in complete denial until recently [around 2010]. It’s just so much easier to look the other way and survive the day.”
“While not a religious person, I think that when the clarity of the truth fulfils you, it is like an intellectual and spiritual baptism of sorts.”
“I now understand that getting de-brainwashed takes a lot of effort, humility and personal courage. I get inspired reading about other people’s journeys to discover the truth.“
“My arc of personal enlightenment about how the world really works has been a long, slow hyperbolic curve that has skyrocketed upwards in the very recent past.“
“I clung to the nobility of the “democratic” process, capitalism and the mainstream media’s mind numbing consensus. I still believed at the time that the New York Times and the Economist were cutting edge (and dependable) journalism.”
“I was ready to question my 1950s-1960s upbringing, its conventional wisdom and official narrative. […] I was finally prepared to step out of the Matrix. There was no turning back.”
Jeff J Brown – ‘China Rising’
PS – Simon has been holding back – go for it SImon – you are right on the money.
This sounds like China to me –
Learn how to pronounce sinim
“…………..These two house church movements unified in what they called the “Sinim Fellowship.” Sinim is considered to be China in Isaiah’s prophecy of 49:12,
"Behold, these shall come from afar; and lo, these will come from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Sinim."
This is also why in modern politics, relations between China and America are called “Sino-American relations.”……………..”
Dr. CK Thong: God in Ancient China Identical to God of the Bible (TSFT15 Los Angeles)
George Soros: United States, European Union Must Remove Putin And Xi From Power ‘Before They Can Destroy Our Civilization’
Funny how they use words that we tend to find appealing to our senses and emotions – such as freedom, democracy, civilisation – and yet they have a completely contrary, sinister meaning for such words.
George Soros idea of civilisation is the equivalent of Sodom and Gomorah. China and Russia reject homosexuality and all the goings on that go with it.
Like the Days of Noah and Sodom & Gomorrah! Jesus tells us that in the last days, it will be like the days of Noah and the days of Sodom & Gomorrah – Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:26-30. The bible also repeats these statements describing the last days as being extremely evil while snubbing God and rejecting the gospel – 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 1 Peter …
Dr. C.K.Tong on the Purpose of Business
Mar 9, 2021
Reading Material:
I have read most but not all of these – they are either on my shelf or I have PDF copies that I scan through from time to time for research on particular topics. You will remember how I got stuck on Catherine, my favourite.
Some Book Titles – mainly concerning Russia
• Secondhand Time – The Last of the Soviets – An Oral History – Svetlana Alexievich
• Peter The Great: His Life and World – Robert K Massie
• Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman – Robert K Massie
• Nicholas and Alexandria – Robert K Massie
• The Romanovs: The Final Chapter – Robert K Massie
• Lifelong Passion Nicholas And Alexandra – By Mironenko, Sergei & Andrei Maylunas
• Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs – Douglas Smith
• First Person: A Self Portrait – Vladimir Putin
• Russian Populist: The Political Thought of Vladimir Putin – Matthew Raphael Johnson
• The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism and Orthodoxy – Matthew Raphael Johnson
• Lenin’s Path To Power – George Katkov and Harold Shukman
• The Making of Modern Russia – Lionel Kochen
• The Russian Revolution: Ten Dramatic Days That Changed the World – Alan Moorehead
• A Gentleman in Moscow – Amor Towles
• In the Steps of the Romanovs – Helen Azar
• The Diary of Olga Romanov – Helen Azar
• Maria Romanov – Diaries and Letters 1908-1918 – Helen Azar and George Hawkins
• The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal – Saint John the Forerunner Monastery of Mesa Potamus, Cyprus
• The House By The Dvina: A Russian Childhood – Eugenie Fraser
• My Russian Life – Princess Anatole Marie Bariatinsky
• The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia – Tim Tzouliadis
• The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II – Viktor Suvorov
• Chronicle of the Russian Tsars – David Warnes
• Last Years of the Court at Tsarskoe Selo: Volume I – 1906-1910 – General Alexandre Spiridovitch
• The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II – Edvard Radzinsky
• Anna of All The Russias: A Life of Anna Akhmatova
• Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II – Sean McMeekin
• Stalin and Hitler: Parallel Lives – Alan Bullock
• Stalin’s War of Extermination – Joachim Hoffmann
Some Russian Literature
• The Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov
• Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
• Dead Souls – Nikolai Gogol
• The Idiot – Fyodor Dostoevsky
• The Brothers Karamazov – Fyodor Dostoevsky
• The Steppe and Other Stories, 1887-1891 – Anton Chekhov
• Chekov (Biography) – Sophie Laffitte
• Solzhenitsyn: A Biography – David Burg and George Feifer
• The Life of Potemkin: Prince of Princes – Simon Sebag Montefiore
• Turgenev: A Biography – Henri Troyat
Many more to come – just need to sort them.
More titles – unsorted – quite a few read, some partially, some still to read.
• Capt. A. H. M. Ramsay – The Nameless War
• (Admiral Sir) Barry Domville – From Admiral to Cabin Boy
• Rev. Denis Fahey – The Rulers of Russia
• Russia’s Gravediggers – drawings by Otto Kurfell and foreword by Alfred Rosenberg
• Arnold Leese – My Irrelevant Defence {and others]
• Count Cherep-Spiridovich – Secret World Government of the Hidden Hand
• David L Hoggan – The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed
• Juri Lina – Under the Sign of the Scorpion
• Douglas Reed – The Controversy of Zion
• Marcus Eli Ravage – A Real Case Against the Jews (1928)
• Ralph Franklin Keeling – Gruesome Harvest
• Benton L. Bradberry – The Myth of German Villainy
• Thomas Goodrich – Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947
• Thomas Goodrich – Summer, 1945 – Germany, Japan and the Harvest of Hate
• Gerard Menuhin – Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil
• James Bacque – Other Losses
• John Wear– Germany’s War
• Catrine Clay – The Good Germans
• Winston Churchill – Shall We All Commit Suicide (essay)
• Alexander Watson – Ring Of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary at War, 1914-1918
• Max Hastings – The Secret War – Spies, Codes and Guerrillas 1939-1945
• David Astle – The Babylonian Woe – A Study of the Origin of Certain Banking Practices
• Edith Starr Miller (Lady Queenborough) – Occult Theocrasy
• Ben Weintraub – The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order
• G. Edward Griffin – The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
• Patrick J. Buchanan – The Death of the West [and others]
• M S (Mike) King – The Bad War / The War Against Putin / Killing America: A 100 Year Murder / Planet Rothschild I and II [and others]
• David Irving – Hitler’s War / Churchill’s War / Uprising!: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 [and others]
• John Coleman – The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
• Arthur Ponsonby – Falsehood in War-Time
• Kevin B MacDonald – Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and
• John Beaty- The Iron Curtain over America
• John Sack – An Eye For An Eye
• Theodore N. Kaufman – Germany Must Perish!
• Dumitru Bacu – The Anti-Humans
• Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – 200 Years Together
• Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – Gulag Archipelago
• Fyodor Dostoyevsky – The Diary Of A Writer
The last Russian book I read was Oblomov but it faded after the first chapter so I didn’t get to the end. This was about 1980.
Here’s the ruling class being ejected from a holiday island, what next for the inhabitants, a very nasty virus we might expect …. cameos follow of the hit&run guy as if to forewarn
My Russian connection is through Victor R spy rings and Christine K prostitution and their mind kontrolle-cold war–also KGB and friends of Holt infiltrating remote communities—starvation in death camps–mmm convoluted—also I have some personal knowledge of events in Budapest post ww2–Churchill —–
received this morning –apologies Mary— but think these are my rallies
All distraction from what is really really happening
actually that link strikes me as being a good deal closer to the truth than all the banter of the past 4 weeks
Hope not a distraction, found this, could not pin anything unknown, the county connections, you likely know but..
Wave Hill Station walk off
Thanks, so far, to Berry, Mal, Simon, Tony, Crisscross, and the Can Opener himself.
I can’t locate the exact video that I planned to include, bu if you type “holodomor genocide” into Youtube, you will get numerous documentaries, as here:
I also cannot find a video I intended to post, about an Aboriginal meeting this Monday 21st of March.
If Tony or Diane know of it, would they please oblige….
Julius has a Japan collection, too:
Would Gumshoers please reply in haiku? It’s easy. 5 syllables, then 7, then 5.
And a few Sino-books
• The Big Red Book on China – Jeff J Brown
• China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destination – Jeff J Brown
• The Governance of China – Volume I – Xi Jinping
• The Governance of China – Volume II – Xi Jinping
• The Rise of Modern China (3rd Edition) – Immanuel C Y Hsu
• The New Emperors: Mao and Deng – A Dual Biography – Harrison E Salisbury
To highlight this real horrific mass torture-killing-starvation of Ukrainians Holodomor without mentioning the common identity of the topmost of these NKVD/Chekist thugs is a grave injustice.
This criminal event is a jewish bolshevism ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians. Please watch:
“… it is obvious that the only White peoples who have any chance of survival and prosperity are those who know how to suffer and who still retain the courage to fight, even when things are hopeless, to the death. And the only peoples who will have the right to claim these qualities will be those who have shown themselves capable of eradicating from their system the deadly poison of Jewry.” — Adolf Hitler, Last testament, April 1945
So far, Hanna, I have only watched the first 6 mins. Thanks for linking it.
So what was the motive behind this starvation-genocide? If Jewish Bolshevists did it, why?
• The Secret Masonic Victory Of World War 2 – Part 3
Some background then Holodomor starts at around 2:00
How can we answer why? The depths of the evil that did this is beyond our comprehension.
I guess we need to ask the same question – why does the WEF think that human beings are of no use in their future transhuman utopia?
Here is one of their spokespersons [sic] – Harari
Trying to answer the “why?”
• Amalek (Esau) Designated for Extermination
But why?
See George Soros’ comments about ‘our civilisation’ earlier
Projection of their Edomite selves onto white Christians
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!
Left out of the Bible list –
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…
2 Esdras 6:9 Context
6Then did I consider these things, and they all were made through me alone, and through none other: by me also they shall be ended, and by none other. 7Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the times? or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? 8And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob’s hand held first the heel of Esau. 9For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. 10The hand of man is betwixt the heel and the hand: other question, Esdras, ask thou not. 11I answered then and said, O Lord that bearest rule, if I have found favour in thy sight, 12I beseech thee, shew thy servant the end of thy tokens, whereof thou shewedst me part the last night.
Spitting Superstitions
Spitting, according to Pliny, was superstitiously observed in averting witchcraft and in giving a shrewder blow to an enemy.
Read the post
‘……………Spitting on Palestinians is now de rigueur. Business as usual. Sadism on a grand scale. Whence the motivation? And the collective psychological reward? The Jewish God is a militant deity………….”
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
Julius, thanks for your supportive responses in our herculean task of exposing the jewish problem. Those who do not see this, despite mountains of factual evidences presented and readily available collaborative info upon research, obstinately DO NOT WANT TO. There is no cure for this.
There is strong resonance between us when it comes to truths of the world wars and the heroic fight of National Socialist German Third Reich. A significant factor distinguishing those who are open to seeing the jewish problem and those who remain perpetually in the dark.
“Who fights the jew, battles the devil” — Julius Streicher
Thanks Hanna – the people interviewed in this video seem like very credible witnesses with soul-destroying memories, but without an axe to grind or revenge in their heart …
Unlike the deranged ‘testimony’ of ‘witnesses’ and ‘survivors’ of this demonic occult myth … such as Rachel Hanan …
or Irene Zisblatt – or Herman Rosenblat – or Elie Wiesel.
Who can explain this behaviour? Why?
Speaking of an ‘axe to grind’ (and I am not referring to justified ‘revenge’ – just psychotic Talmudic vengeance … one of the books I mentioned was John Sack’s “An Eye for an Eye”
• The Untold Story of Jewish evil against Germans in 1945
Elie Wiesel admits his true stories never happened –
“……..In his autobiography, Wiesel recounts a time when, visiting Israel, he went to see the “young” Rebbe of Wizhnitz, whose father he remembered with reverence from his childhood. At the end of the visit, which took two pages (273-75) to tell, the Rebbe questioned the young writer without being satisfied with his answers. Then:
The conversation became more relaxed. He asked me about my work. He wanted to know if the stories I told in my books were true, had they really happened. I answered not too convincingly: “In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.
Proof positive of what I said above, quote,”no ideology can be criminalisied without compelling another”
More importantly,those who refuse to acknowledge that Criminalisation/Compulsion is THE demon of the Age are bound to fall victim one way or another
Which is, of course, exactly what happened to Hitler himself, as evidenced by his failure to, quote, “eradicate the deadly poison of Jewry.”
And history is, of course, destined to repeat
berry, so you are saying that Putin’s ongoing eradication of the Rothschild’s and their evil practices from Russia will inevitably fail?
The quote in question concerns a desire to eradicate the Jews themselves. Purging Jew-invented crap is another matter altogether and there’s only ONE WAY it’s ever going to happen:
Digressing for a moment …
Speaking of words and labels – every time I hear an ’ism’ word such as socialism, liberalism, communism, fascism, Marxism … when I try and identify with that word I realise I have no idea what it means. Someone will write “Marxism is all about learning from your mistakes and improving” – so I must be a Marxist – well no it isn’t – is it? Isn’t that just a piece of common sense good advice that they then try and attach an ism to and claim it as part of ‘my ism’?
Oswald Mosley writes on Fascism:
“And in our morality—and I think possibly I can claim that it is the only public morality in which private practice altogether coincides with public protestation—… the one single test of any moral question is whether it impedes or destroys in any way the power of the individual to serve the State. He must answer the questions:
• “Does this action injure the nation?”
• “Does it injure other members of the nation?”
• “Does it injure my own ability to serve the nation?”
And if the answer is clear on all those questions, the individual has absolute liberty to do as he will; and that confers upon the individual by far the greatest measure of freedom under the State which any system … or any religious authority has ever conferred.”
So really, Mosley is just proposing a pragmatic worldview that is something OTHER THAN the totalitarianism and brutality of Oligarchic Communism – it needed a name. Oligarchy/Communism won so the word Fascism had to be demonised. As proposed by Mosley perhaps it should have just been called ‘Pragmatism’. No you can’t have that word because only I am pragmatic here – I insist!
I am observing that such labels are usually used by people to pigeon whole others and so pre-emptively dilute or negate anything they have to say – when in fact they weren’t even thinking in terms of ideology – just pragmatic common sense – “is what I am doing beneficial or destructive to others and the society in which I live in general?”
“You’re a Marxist/Liberal/Conservative/Fascist so nothing you say from here counts.”
Jordan Peterson is very good at that technique – very clever indeed.
Just a bit earlier Mosley talks about the psychology of getting the masses to follow a particular doctrine or ‘idea’ and he writes:
“The superficial question may be raised whether the idea really had any relation to this kind of action, since not one in a hundred of Communist Party members understands Marxism, and not one in a million in the countries adhering to that creed has ever read Marx.”
I bought a copy of The Communist Manifesto in the late 1970’s
Looks like we’ve been participating in the Ukraina war for some years now.
Victorian CSIRO (bio weapons labs) caught importing blood serum from labs in Ukraina.
Classified documents discovered, reveal paper trail between their labs and Doherty Institute Melbourne Uni BSL4 lab.
May help to see, why we have an armada of oligarchs 100 million $ private cruisers in Sydney Harbour. Lots of backhand deals going down under, as the eugenicists perform their silent yet deadly war here with the jabs. No words can describe the deceptive treachery.
Re those videos on the Holodomor (thanks Hanna) – a bit of a waffle/rant …
What I find most fascinating about this topic is the psychology of commentators (not just at Gumshoe – but more particularly elsewhere). Putin himself talked about Lenin as a mere revolutionary, not a statesman, about the ‘pernicious’ Leninist/Marxist experiment and about the dark times that Russia went through under Jewish-led Bolshevism. All these things need to be put on the table so that real reconciliation can eventually take place.
Those elderly witnesses in Hanna’s video could equally be Russian, Ukrainian or German – all victims of the same demonic forces that engineered WWII.
Russians and Germans need to stop bickering about “who won the war” and realise that they have a common enemy that engineered the war and wants to exterminate civilisation. It is also important to appreciate that when these atrocities occurred, Russia was still under occupation by the Bolsheviks – a hard thing for most to admit. Children of subsequent generations (Russian OR German) could not be expected to know what really went on or to harbour the same ‘passions’. Those that do express such ‘passions’ today are generally petty self-serving ‘wallies’ riding high on that sense of ‘we were on the winning side – so there!’
This should not reflect on Russia and Russians today – especially the ‘ordinary’ people – today they are under a form of mass Stockholm syndrome but I believe have emerged from those dark times and got their Russian soul back [see Russian literature]. Similarly, Russians need to acknowledge that Stalin did actually commit calculated and systematic genocide against tens of millions of Russians. The topic is just too awkward, so they find it comfortable to conform and adhere to the lies concocted about the Germans who saw the threat of Bolshevism to all of Western Europe.
And not just against Russians, but also against Poles (Katyn Forest) and Ukrainians (Vinnitsa). This is why the Jewish media concocted such diabolical atrocity propaganda against Germans – to cover up their own crimes against civilised humanity (Amalek).
• Hitler: Speech to the Reichstag “The German Reich declares war on the U.S.A. – Berlin, December 11, 1941
“Had not Slovaks, Hungarians, and Romanians also taken on the defense of this European world, then the Bolshevik hordes, like Attila’s gangs of Huns, would have roared across the Danubian lands and then today Tartars and Mongols would stand at the Ionian Sea, forcing a revision of the treaty of Montreux. Had not Italy, Spain, and Croatia sent their divisions, then the resistance of the European front would not have developed, which, as the proclamation of a new Europe, has won over all other nations. With this anticipation, they came as volunteers from northern and western Europe: Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Flemish, Belgians, even Frenchmen.”
“It will have a crushing effect on this enemy and, at the same time, on the instigator of this war itself, England. By beating this opponent, we will eliminate England’s last ally on the continent. Thereby, we will free Germany and all of Europe from a danger, the like of which has not imperiled the continent more dreadfully since the times of the Huns and later the Mongolian invasions.
[… ]
What you and the soldiers allied with us have accomplished already obliges us all to profound gratitude. The entire German homeland accompanies you in the coming difficult days with bated breath and good wishes. Because, with God’s help, you will give it not only the victory, but also the most important prerequisite for peace.”
[so I guess Hitler was not a Hun then …!]
When Hitler first launched the pre-emptive Operation Barbarossa he wrote:
• Hitler: Proclamation to the soldiers of the Eastern Front – Fuhrer Headquarters, October 2, 1941
“You have taken over two million four hundred thousand prisoners, you have destroyed or captured seventeen thousand five hundred tanks and over twenty-one thousand guns, you have downed or destroyed on the ground fourteen thousand two hundred planes.
Now, my comrades, you have personally seen this ”paradise of workers and peasants” with your own eyes. In a country, whose vastness and fertility could feed the whole world, a poverty reigns that we Germans cannot imagine. This is the result of nearly twenty-five years of Jewish rule which, as Bolshevism, basically reflects the basest form of capitalism. The bearers of this system are the same in both instances: Jews and again Jews!
[… so he wasn’t a capitalist then, either]
Cue Darkness Descends – which also includes the Holodomor.
Insert …
• Hitler: Proclamation to the soldiers of the Eastern Front – Fuhrer Headquarters, October 2, 1941
“As we know today, it was the intention of the rulers in the Kremlin to destroy not only Germany, but also Europe. Comrades, you have realized two things in the meantime:
1. This opponent armed himself militarily for his attack to such an enormous extent that even our greatest fears were surpassed.
2. Lord have mercy on our Volk and on the entire European world if this barbaric enemy had been able to get his tens of thousands of tanks to move before we could.”
Prompted by this video of Eva K Bartlett with Alex Christoforou of The Duran.
… now posted on Eva’s site ‘In Gaza’ with explanatory notes and links
Good posts and well said Julius.
Sean Hross’s latest extra long video ( featuring a splash of Putin ) finds him really grinding his axe and grinding his teeth as well I should think he is so bitter about the war. Says Putin, Trump, all of them are orchestrated ( obviously to varying extents ) and all the religious leaders, rabbis, imams, popes and “whatever” are also all appointed by the same bunch who are centred on Switzerland but of course like rats they have legs and can be anywhere. This idea that one football team is good and another bad, that there are all these football teams and some deserve to be eradicated while others are misunderstood and unfairly maligned etc., misses the entire point, the football teams are controlled by the football federation which has been around as long as the football itself. The football is run for profit and squeezes funding out of its underclass fans. I listened to this video a long time ago, probably will give it a re-hearing, something happened around 1177BC and wiped the slate almost clean, so recorded history apparently starts from then ( not 300 years ago ).
Sean Hross shows a room full of German upper class, photo room about 100 years ago, you can imagine all the coats & tails, octagon medals and so forth, and tells us these are all descended from Knights Templars ( who founded freemasonry ). These ruling, inheritance classes are all very well versed in “statecraft” and their manipulations would suffer very little interference from gypsies, huns, usurers etc., under whatever flag.
For evidence I provide a mountain of football fanzines, newspaper articles, interviews with football stars etc. ( No I don’t, that’s sarcasm ).
1177 for anyone interested:
Great video – thanks W3
Another software called jetpack “closed my connection” twice so trying again:
Demographics of Ukraina: start at 3:15:00 or shortly after
If anyone wants to hear the entire video I suggest go to the settings (cog ikon) and change to 1.5 speed
Here’s one of Hross’s suggestions, “dronescapes” showing CCTV split screens from Kiev ( 2 weeks ago ) nothing happening but if you start in the middle (6:00:00) and just sample through about hourly you will see the cameras getting taken out one by one
One of the biggest takeaways from Hross’s double-feature length video above is that Putin’s kids were born in Swissyland and are living there and educated there. Huh ??? Yes it appears they’re all in it together, and they are going to get all those Russkis jabbed onehow or another.
Maybe the Globalilsts have created the official “alt-news” so they can manipulate one crowd with the MSM fake news and manipulate the alt-crowd with their fake alt-news confection(s).
Meanwhile the reality is the ruling classes have been essentially the same crowd for 2000+ years.
Bosi spells out the alt-version of Ukraina to the public (3 min), Bosi getting attention outside Australia now, raising his profile. So what is Bosi’s plan, is he going to attract followers until the election and then after the election start an insurrection ? Or ?
yes Bosi spot on—–re Ukraine Head of the snake–my research has included info re Ukraine head quarters of global child trafficking Industry–direct links with Australia–breeding programs. Bosi has spoken of this and SRA andrenochrome industry—-the drug of the elite—extremely lucrative business. Epstein Ghislane——-
So where’s the footage of PUTIN saying his intention is to, quote, “cut off the head of the deep state”?
The idea that he’s some sort of Saviour is akin to believing that Jo Biden is merely pretending to have senile dementia
PM Boris Johnson answers children’s questions about the Ukraine crisis on Sky FYI
“This is what they think of you. This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience, they will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.” – Vladimir Putin
Mary — Info about an Aboriginal meeting this Monday 21st of March. To be released today
Some background.
The conference proceedings in video form of WHERE TO FROM HERE?
Decolonisation and the Sovereign inherent right to self-determination
will be released on Monday 21 March 2002 on the
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The record of the conference is in six parts. The links to trailers are:
WHERE TO FROM HERE? 1&2-Trailer: Decolonisation & sovereign inherent right to self-determination- Ghillar, Michael Anderson (2:50)
The conference open with two detailed powerpoint presentations by Ghillar, Michael Anderson, of the legal arguments that confirm First Nations’ sovereignty and title to lands, and ownership of waters, natural resources and biodiversity. It is truth-telling of a very high order.
WHERE TO FROM HERE? -3 Trailer-Master Tropes and Hegemony- Prof Gary Lillienthal (2m)
Prof Gary Lilienthal PhD simplifies the complex psychological concept of the master tropes and their pattern of influence on the human mind by transforming metaphors to irony. He also takes us through ways to understand hegemony.
WHERE TO FROM HERE?-4 Trailer-Do Australians Care about First Nations People? Where to from here? – Part 4-trailer (1:40)
Elisa Choy, founder and managing director of Maven Data, analyses big data regarding the current state of play around the question: Do Australians care about First Nations people?
WHERE TO FROM HERE? 5 Trailer-Q&A Do Australians Care? Elisa Choy – big data -trailer (1:54)
Elisa Choy moderates a lively discussions and answers questions on her big data analyses regarding the current state of play around the question: Do Australians care about First Nations people?
The New Way Summits that we started in 2010 were to alert our Peoples to the fact that we had to take a new approach in achieving our rights as First Nations Peoples. The Aboriginal Embassy had two significant signs in 1972: ‘Land Rights Now’ and the other ‘Sovereignty Never Ceded’.
The New Way Summits focused on what ‘Sovereignty Never Ceded’ means to First Nations Peoples in Australia?
Got it. I copied this out:
“Unless our Peoples come together and resist as one, all that will remain will be isolated pockets of liberation fighters being oppressed by the assimilated.”
The Leonard Peltier situation in Florida is intolerable. I think he has been jailed for 46 years and is now infirm. I wrote to the jail to ask if I could interview him but they said “You have to have been his friend before 1977.” Probably there is no such law.
I like the Australian Aboroginal way of not kowtowing to an alleged lack of written law as to their rights. “Sovereignty never ceded.”
Elisa Choy,
Will never get anywhere, to woke. With all the virtue signaling and analyses of big data, well pretty much a robot. To say stolen generation is a narrative is outrageous, and yes they can be confronting. Frustrating to, doing stupid shit, getting time. Self sabotage, yes, but there is a reason, and building indigenous friendly prisons is an expensive exercise for that narrative driven concept, and will not ever yield justice or a solution.
Happened to lots of working class, single young Caucasian women as well. Horrible most only needed a hand, difference is, it, was a one off event that “could” disrupt for generations. The stolen generation’s had law then policy of crime’s against humanity, aimed at them and only them and robots don’t care.
I think stolen generation’s is a better description.
Some people regardless of group, are just predators, and can be locked up together. The political class is under-represented.
GIGO is a computer term applicable to Maven Data, who think petabytes or exabytes of data will somehow, by numbers, yield a winning marketing narrative “for change”. Garbage in, garbage out.
Hope that was ten years ago. Uncle is rightly worried that the private stories will be exploited. The story’s are the living proof, and with humanitarian philanthropist’s like Twiggy Forest accidentally removing ancient places of history, art and knowledge, while reducing sacred ground to a commodity is pathetic. He is all about law and ownership,then, but still he wants all HIS fish and all other things that can be bought by using the power of state.
If Uncle wants to know what THAT kind of Caucasian would do apart from lie, steal even removing heritage for reasons, that he says and i also have to conclude.
Create a tax free foundation of the family spirit, common to all First Nations. Bind it to a testimonial trust that recognizes nations as before, weld it as a sovereign wealth fund, though just accumulate, what is yours. Funds would arrive by many channels but they would go the the nation account that individuals or groups have brought in. At first some will have a tourist venture, cattle, bush food ,some art, pensions, compensation, superannuation and high worth individuals directly funding. They can build as they please on nation per local law. Some mining royalties till the trust can exert title extinguishment.
Pay out a dividend of $1 annually, a byo gathering to meet. Constitution change only allowable with 100% member nation agreement. Some capital would be needed for operations but kept low and transparent because temptation is universal. I would start Schools that could as well as remove Government hands, extend through tuition/some free for sharing and be funded by the existing stipend. Health too, these two are the mechanism of Government influence for control, done through lies and coercion This is the greatest threat we all face
Lastly a volunteer but trained enforcement group to issues that are always going to happen. and lost outsiders, needing directions or help. Outside police, now not needed, could be arrested like anyone else for, breach of the peace
A First Nation Reserve force that is traditional ADF for integration, a willing and reliable partner. PR would be local knowledge for protection of all Australians and our unique environment. Focus on natural disaster and rescue, but troop trained to fit basic. I would recommend an engagement policy with only internal review, and never deploy outside of Australian land and sea borders, or traditional boundary.
Don’t remember the embassy being set up, think i was OS, later raids but but i remember “Michael Mansell talked of travelling to Libya to ask Colonel Gaddafi to consider trade sanctions against Australia” and talk of an Indigenous passport – freaking the public
Pity that’s not up and running , as we have a pretty good idea of whats behind the curtain.This was the one thing, not just right but the Government would have been contained. Looking back, there was support for a treaty but means nothing to a John Howard(known for retrospective legislation) or the current wannabe. Now we’re a trillion in the hole
Sovereignty has never been ceded
Just watch the first half-minute:
I’m taking up a collection to send Agent 77 back to her “people.”
Just received videos of the conference—long form—trailers posted earlier
This was a meeting held in Canberra on the 27th Jan this year—
It is on topic note a Russian Ambassador attended.
WHERE TO FROM HERE? was well attended, including Elders and diplomats from the Embassies of Switzerland, Russian Federation, Lithuania, Venezuela and Ecuador.
The comprehensive video record of the conference is in a long form of six parts:
Media Release
WHERE TO FROM HERE? -1 (Decolonisation & sovereign inherent right to self-determination- Ghillar, Michael Anderson (45m)
The conference opens with the keynote presentations by Ghillar, Michael Anderson, of the legal arguments that confirm First Nations’ sovereignty and title to lands, and ownership of waters, natural resources and biodiversity. It is truth-telling of a very high order.
Decolonisation & sovereign inherent right to self-determination-
Ghillar, Michael Anderson (51m)
The conference opens with two detailed powerpoint presentations by Ghillar, Michael Anderson, of the legal arguments that confirm First Nations’ sovereignty and title to lands, and ownership of waters, natural resources and biodiversity. It is truth-telling of a very high order.
Master Tropes and Hegemony- Prof Gary Lilienthal (1h7m)
Prof Gary Lilienthal PhD simplifies the complex psychological concept of the master tropes and their pattern of influence on the human mind by transforming metaphors to irony. He also takes us through ways to understand hegemony.
WHERE TO FROM HERE?-4 -Do Australians Care about First Nations People? Where to from here? – (34m)
Elisa Choy, founder and managing director of Maven Data, analyses big data regarding the current state of play around the question: Do Australians care about First Nations people?
WHERE TO FROM HERE? 5 Q&A Do Australians Care? (51m)
Elisa Choy – big data
Elisa Choy moderates a lively discussions and answers questions on her big data analyses regarding the current state of play around the question: Do Australians care about First Nations people?
WHERE TO FROM HERE? -6 Q&A DISCUSSION (1h5m) Decolonisation & sovereign inherent right to self-determination Panel: Ghillar, Gary and Elisa.
Gravitas Plus: How Big Pharma pushes dangerous drugs and reaps profits
16 African countries abstain from UN vote against Russia invasion: Prof Iqbal Jhazbhay
Babylon Bee got offside with Twitter for calling Richard / Rachel Levine a “man”, that is “hate-speech”. But doesn’t twitter know BB is a satirical site ? Of course we know Richard is a woman, he has the XX genes doesn’t he. That makes him a woman. Every singel cell in his body is programmed to be a woman regardless of whether he used to dress as a man.
Australia: Willing Pawn in US Struggle with China
August 8, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – Upon reading Australia’s new defense strategy, one might think its authors believe they are surrounded by nations invaded and destroyed by China with Australia next in line.
News headlines declare, “Australia’s new defence strategy unveils a significant strategic shift in foreign policy to meet new threats from China,” “China the unspoken threat at centre of new defence strategy,” and “Australia to buy ship-killing missiles and shift focus to Indo-Pacific” to “to protect overseas forces, allies and the mainland against rising threats including China.”
The “threat” of China – the articles and the new defense strategy argue – requires Australia to spend billions on weapons bought from the United States and to depend more heavily on the US for Australia’s protection.
Yet in the same breath, Australia’s media openly admits that up until now, Australia’s military has spent much of its time contributing to America’s many and still-ongoing wars of aggression around the globe from Libya and Syria to Iraq and Afghanistan. Most recently, Washington has recruited Australia to help bolster its presence in the Strait of Hormuz in an effort to menace Iran as well.
In one of the above mentioned articles it’s admitted that:
For decades Australia has been quick to send troops, naval vessels and planes to help the United States wage wars on distant shores.
Despite all but admitting the US – not China – is engaged in a global campaign of armed aggression and that Australia is a willing accomplice – Australia’s new defense strategy points the finger at China as the ultimate global threat.
Read on –
Foreign Fighters FLEE Ukraine as Their Comrades are Decimated Helping Nazis