Home False Flags The Liberty Ship, Part 1: Please Stop Blaming Israel

The Liberty Ship, Part 1: Please Stop Blaming Israel


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This new series at Gumshoe takes off from the 2017 book by Phillip F. Nelson, Remember the Liberty. I have done no research into the Seven-Day War in 1967 in which Israel grabbed extra territory from Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria.

Here we won’t be interested in that. The focus is on one “battle” if you could call it that, in which an American ship was attacked by Israeli planes, causing many deaths. This was 52 years ago. All US sailors were told to shutta you mouf, under pain of imprisonment “or worse,” and they did so.

But finally, starting about 20 years ago, some of the truth came out. Later in the series we can present the story of the men on board. They hold yearly get-togethers, and they have  got some of the brass to ’fess up.

What Happened That Day

The USS Liberty was a spy ship, thus it had almost no fighting equipment. It was sitting there in the Mediterranean, minding its own business – well, technically, it was minding  everyone’s business – when out of the sky came planes that strafed it and dropped napalm on it. That’s known as Phase One.  Then, Phase Two consisted of torpedo boats that came as close as 100 feet and did their best to make the ship sink. However, it failed to sink.

Phase Three will be discussed below; it was really up close and personal. It has given rise to a debate about “war crimes.”

The attacking parties were indisputably from the IDF – Israeli Defense Force, albeit in unmarked planes. (How did they get the unmarked ones ready so quickly for such action?)

From the beginning, or at least as soon as the story started to get around, the Israeli brass excused themselves by claiming to have made a mis-identification of the boat. They say they thought the Liberty was an Egyptian ship, the El Quseir – at that moment Israel was at war with Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.

Finally, the attack was called off, perhaps because the attackers suspected a Russian ship in the area might be noticing. The men on the Liberty who were still alive cleaned up the dead, and the ship limped its way to Malta.

My Interpretation

The book by Nelson is well written and well documented. But it does not state clearly, or at least not as clearly as I want it to be stated, that despite the Israeli’s having done the awful deed, they are not to blame. The US is to blame.

Pulling together the many strands in the book, including information obtained from other American ships in the area, and the various leaks as to what President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said,  I declare that the US thought up the plan to have an American ship sitting there to be sunk, and that the Egyptians would be blamed, and that this would make it politically possible for LBJ to justify making a nuclear, yes nuclear, strike on Cairo, yes I said Cairo.

Note: I don’t take credit for any discovery here; it has all been elucidated by others; I am merely driving it home.

My Motive

I am mad keen to pull the blame off of Israel for five reasons:

1. I always favor blaming the top-most party, the decision maker. That in itself may lead to arguments about the rightness or wrongness of lower levels obeying bad orders. OK, let’s have those arguments, we need them.

2. I want to yell and scream about America’s blame so we Americans can get the full picture of what we did to our own Navy men. (There were Marines on board, too, but it was a Navy operation.) This sort of abuse of soldiers is happening all the time both when military people are on active service and when they become veterans. It is sadistic. (Granted in this case it was utilitarian, but often there is no reason for it.)

3. I want everyone to sit up and notice that we could have started a nuclear war.  (This has never been discussed in the media or in academia as far as I know.)

4. I want to show how Cairo, a great city from ancient times, could have been destroyed for no reason. (This has never been discussed, though admittedly another great ancient city, Baghdad, got destroyed by us, to the tune of considerable cheerleading.)

5. This is my fave. This is why I am writing the article. I want the heat to be taken off Israel, cuz when the rumor is that Israel killed the Liberty it becomes “necessary” for everyone to bite their tongue. This always prevents us talking about a host of things where the influence of Israel is considered crucial, notably 9-11.  In short, I want to get Israel out of the way in pinning the blame for Libertygate, so we can talk openly about Libertygate.

Israel, out!

June 8, 1967 – Dramatis Personnae

It will take several articles to portray the main event. Today I merely whet your appetite by naming some key players

Researchers and Book Authors

Of the many players in this story, some were not connected to the event at the time, but later researched it. I’ll list them now. Note: there were also some propagandists, who wrote books about the sinking of the Liberty in order to suppress the truth.

The following books are considered by the victims to pass muster:

James Ennes, Assault on the Liberty  (1979) (He was onboard the ship)

Ernest A Gallo, Liberty Injustices (2013)

James Bamford, Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency  (2001)

Philip Nelson, Remember the Liberty (2017)

Peter Hounam and John Simpson, Operation Cyanide (2003)

And articles:

Philip Giraldi “Sinking Liberty” The American Conservative,   March 17, 2011

Ralph Lopez, “Declassified Israeli cables add evidence USs Liberty no acccident”, digitaljournal.com, November 14, 2014.

Also see Peter Hounam’s BBC documentary Dead in the Water, available on Youtube.

The Victims and Others in the Area

Now for a list of servicemen who saw or heard what happened. Most are Liberty sailors but some are from other ships. An important one, who was on the submarine USS Amberjack, remains unnamed. I dub him “the Christmas Eve sobber,” but will hold his story till later in the series.

Philip Tourney. “They say time heals all wounds but that has not ben my experience.” (p xvii of Nelson’s book).

Ron Kukal. “I was the Petty Officer in charge of the body recovery.”  (p xiv)

Commander William McGonagle – hailed as the primary hero of the day for saving the ship from sinking

James Ennes, and Ernest Gallo — listed above as book authors

Captain Merlin Staring, Judge Advocate – helped the McGonagle inquiry

The Brass and Civilian Leaders’ Contributions

There are also many members of the US Defense Forces who made helpful statements, and some who gummed up the works (notably Admiral John McCain, father of the late Senator John McCain).

The highest-rank giver of helpful information and analysis was Admiral Moorer. He conducted his own Inquiry and the men are very grateful to him.  Note: three weeks after he made a strong statement in 2009, he suddenly died.

Captain McGonagle ran the ship during the June 8 1967 incident and told what he saw.

Captain Ward Boston, Jr, made a declaration of the truth, on January 8, 2004.

Rear Admiral Lawrence Geis was on the aircraft that had launched rescue planes, then got the order from HQ to recall the jets.

Many other good names will appear in this series.

Phase 3

I said above that Phase One of the attack by Israeli forces consists of planes – 12 to be exact, flying 30 sorties over the Liberty. Phase Two consisted of torpedo boats trying to sink the ship.  The IDF has admitted that it did Phases One and Two, but no one on either side officially mentions Phase Three.

Phase Three occurred when the torpedo boats returned, manned by a crew with machine guns, to kill the men who had been lowered from the Liberty into life rafts. In other words, disabling an enemy ship (the supposed Egyptian El Quseir) was not enough. Someone wanted to be sure no man lived to tell the tale. Indeed none of the men in the lifeboats survived the shooting but many aboard lived to tell this extremely important story.

Stay tuned.



    • Just to lay the plot here — the story as told in the above video is the one I will be opposing in this series.

      For example, at 10.51 minutes, the speaker says that after this event (as covered up) the Israeli leaders must have felt it would be safe for them in future to do anything they liked and get way with it.

      Probably they do feel that way, and probably the US will let them get away with anything (ask Rachel Corrie), but I say that this is the wrong deduction to make from what happened on June 8, 1967.

      Anybody who reads Gumshoe knows that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bremmer — Dee doesn’t want me to forget Paul Bremmer — were not the least surprised by the attack on the WTC on 9-11.

      OK, well, it was the same deal here. Wait for Part Three, K?

    • One of the comments – by “Rrudy DeDogg”

      “I am stunned. Literally stunned. I am 68 years old and I’ve supported Israel my entire adult life. I am also a Vietnam veteran and I am feeling like my government has used and deceived me my entire life.”

      But hey, it must have been Iran

      • Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress interrupted by standing ovations

      • Why have you supported Israel all your life ? Yes the government all governments use deception, secrecy, cunning and are hypocrites.

      • WAKE UP – Israel was bought, created and is maintained by the Rothschild Cartel!!!
        Do some research OUTSIDE of your mindscape. The WHOLE THING is a CON.

        • Perusing the comments, it seems to me that the real story has been submerged by later publications. Nobody mentions why the Israelis were so desperate to sink the Liberty. And all that baloney about false flags… stinks of Mossad reportage espionage.

          Truth: the radio-shack crew intercepted an Israeli conversation that revealed the entire six day war was staged by the Israelis. It was all just a ploy to expand their territories. If this got out, Israeli expansionism and associated credibility would have been sunk forever.

          Israel Shamir’s war time experience in the Egyptian border provides colour and context to this realitry.

          As Peter accurately points out, Israel is a Rothschild banker construct and has been from the outset. Israel is a fraud, its so-called Jews being Ashkenazim descendants of the 8th century Khazar Empire. No connection with the ancient Israelites whatsoever.

          There are two kinds of Zionists… Ashkenazim, and fundamentalist Christians, who are gullible enough to believe the story. They believe what they want to believe.

          When, two years later, in 1969, I published the Imprimatur article “The Arab side of the story” those ‘Nice Jews’ threatened to burn me to death with petrol. Thankfully, non-Zionist Jews, such as Sir Dovemeyer Robinson put a stop to the terrorism.

          America appears to be the last country to remain Zionist; greatly assisted by its status as 39th on the global literary scale.

        • So how was Australia created and how is it being maintained ? It’s fairly obvious that if either issue could be surmounted Israel wouldn’t be a problem.

          • Correction: if there was a national will to surmount either issue Israel wouldn’t be a problem

            Perhaps a good starting point for dealing with it is to acknowledge that the loser in a pub brawl is no more principled than the winner

      • A couple of misunderstandings. That was actually just a quote from one of the comments on that video

        – and Peter is perfectly right to bring up the Balfour Agreement

        “Foreign Office November 2nd, 1917

        Dear Lord Rothschild,

        I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

        His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

        I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

        Yours sincerely,
        Arthur James Balfour”

        • The Rothschild 1901 – 1919: The secret creators of World War 1

  1. President Johnson aka all the way with LBJ was a Jew according to research. His past was very much involved in criminal activities, blackmail and murder

    The Dark Side of Lyndon Baines Johnson

    USS Liberty White House-sanctioned attack, June 8, 1967 – TERRORSTORM excerpt

    Excerpt: “In the early 1960s, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, L.L. Lemnitzer, concocted a plan for false flag operations, as a pretext to invade Cuba, and for war with the Soviet Union. In Operation Northwoods, they planned to hijack jets by remote control, crash them, and blame the attack on Cuba. There were many other terrorist attacks they planned to carry out, that were contained within the document. One scenario mentioned was the destruction a US naval vessel that was to be blamed on a foreign power, as a pretext for war with any enemy they picked. President Lyndon Baines Johnson went operational with Northwoods on June 8, 1967 during the Six-Day War. … between Israel and the Arab nations, the USS Liberty was sent by Johnson to collect electronic intelligence in the eastern Mediterranean.

    The Truth About The USS Liberty Attack (Abstract click on link for full article)
    USS Liberty Personnel Roster The Ship’s Officers (16) + Lieutenant Commander Philip ….. Then in 1988 the Lyndon Johnson Library declassified and released an intriguing, …. I told you, we have no argument with any god-damn rag-heads right now! … After we sink her, you could go on television… say it was the Egyptians.

    Something You Might Not Know – A Jewish U.S. President

  2. Names then.

    Henry Kissinger, (a league of his own)
    Orders the commander and chief to scrub air support on its way and would have cleaned out the attacking marine parties.(who knew whom they were targeting as the encounter was close almost personal). I doubt the pirates in the airforce would return for engagement.

    • Simon, far be it from me to defend Kissinger (far, far, far), but the Liberty thing was in 1967 and Hank did not become an official until Nixon got in, in 1969.

      The blameworthy parties here are Johnson and McNamara , plus (oh, there goes Mary again) the folks above them to whom they answer.

      • Fair enough, I’m a 64 model so my memories are not really first hand. I go and fact check myself. Thanks, happy to be corrected so I can learn.

        • Working on my Biden moment.
          Have other things now.
          But I can not get away from David Rockefeller acting as a “glue” to all these shenanigans.

  3. Was Jim Morrison murdered because his father proposed attacking Israel?

    Wikipedia does not want people to consider the possible connection between Admiral Morrison’s anger towards Israel for their attack on the USS Liberty, and the mysterious death of his son a few years later.

    Also, the Wikipedia article does not mention that Admiral Morrison was the Naval officer who personally launched American fighter jets from the USS America to engage the Israeli jets that were attacking the USS Liberty, and that a short time later that order was countermanded by Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe, Admiral John S. McCain Jr. They are censoring many important details about Admiral Morrison’s involvement with the attack on the USS Liberty.

    Wikipedia has been editing articles during the past few years to remove remarks about Israeli and Zionist crimes. By censoring historical information, they hope to improve Israel’s image. Wikipedia has also been editing the “personal” sections of many people’s biography to remove remarks that they are Jewish in order to make it difficult for us to determine who is a Jew.

    Some links to Morrison’s connection to the USS Liberty
    This article claims that Adm. Lawrence Geis says that his orders to stand down came from Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, and that Pres. Johnson did not care if the Israelis sank the ship. Johnson supposedly

  4. http://www.hamptoninstitution.org/remember-the-liberty-review.html#.XXWh7y4zaCo

    “With the anniversary of the enormously consequential 1967 Six-Day War (SDW) between Israel and the Arab states (Egypt, Syria, Jordan) upon us, Phil Nelson’s book is a timely and welcome addition to the literature of that event and the key people involved, and indeed, the era. Although on its face about the deliberate attack by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) during that conflict on the U.S. naval ‘sig-int’ ship the USS Liberty, with the loss of 34 lives and over 170 casualties, it’s much more than that…

    Along with showcasing one of the most disgraceful episodes in U.S. military history —

    Q: Should concerned/interested people in world events set up boundaries to honest discussion (“keep Israel”out)? How can truth be determined if all the facts are not considered? What is the purpose for discussion if we can’t find out what has happened and why?

  5. The USS Liberty Revisited (Abstract click on link for full article a long article)

    In 2018, Joan Mellen published another book on the USS Liberty (“Blood in the Water: How the U.S. and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty”). The author corroborates largely Hounam’s findings and complements these with new testimonies. She, too, concludes that the attack on the Liberty was a joint U.S.-Israel false-flag operation aimed at toppling the Nasser regime in Egypt.

    While it is now generally accepted – including by former U.S. military leaders[3] – that the attack was no mistake but a deliberate attempt by Israel to sink an American ship, questions remain: Why was the USS Liberty sent to the zone of war and even denied military escort? What was the purpose of the attack on the USS Liberty? Why is this issue surrounded by such secrecy lasting until now? An attempt to shed some light on these questions will be made in this essay….

    Realizing the degree of callousness of which they are capable may help to expose the mass-murder of 9/11. Such a conclusion is not meant to exculpate Israeli civilian and military leaders, who agreed to murder defenseless Americans as a hired guns of the United States. A few days after the 1967 war, the United States began negotiations with Israel for delivery of fifty Phantom F-4 fighters.[82]

  6. So we can see that the NSA was behind this amongst others and who is behind the NSA?


    On 13 December 1951 President Truman ordered a searching analysis to be conducted by a special committee to be named by the Secretaries of State and Defense, aided by the Director of Central Intelligence. Chaired by George Brownell, an eminent New York lawyer, t he Brownell Committee surveyed the situation and in June recommended that a unified CO MINT agency receive greater powers commensurate with clearly defined responsibilities. It also advised that t he agency he freed of the crippling line of subordination through AFSAC to t he JCS and, instead, be directly subordinate to the Secretary of Defense, acting with the Secretary of State on behalf of t he NSC. It further proposed that the unified agency be controlled in policy matter s by a reconstituted USCIB, under the chairmanship of the Director of Central Intelligence, in which the representation of military and nonmilitary intelligence interests would be evenly balanced.

    An American Spy Base Hidden in Australia’s Outback – The …
    https://www.nytimes.com › world › australia › pine-gap-spy-base-protests
    Nov 24, 2017 – From the base, known as the Joint Defense Facility Pine Gap, the United … But behind the scenes, the station was run by the C.I.A. to collect …

    The U.S. Spy Hub in the Heart of Australia
    The documents “provide authoritative confirmation that Pine Gap is involved in the geolocation of cellphones used by people throughout the world.”

    Emily Howie, director of advocacy and research at Australia’s Human Rights Law Centre, said the Australian government needs to provide “accountability and transparency” on its role in U.S. drone operations. “The legal problem that’s created by drone strikes is that there may very well be violations of the laws of armed conflict … and that Australia may be involved in those potential war crimes through the facility at Pine Gap,” Howie said. “The first thing that we need from the Australian government is for it to come clean about exactly what Australians are doing inside the Pine Gap facility in terms of coordinating with the United States on the targeting using drones.”

      • In the year of 1968 it was referred to as an Aboriginal Mission somewhere near Alice Springs. I thought that was strange at the time I was fitting out and doing the control wiring for a generating set, designed by the Northern Electric Company in Brisbane. The giveaway was in Australia our electrical is for 50 cycles, or hertz, whatever. This custom built unit was 60 hertz. Maybe boomerangs and other such objects are 60 cycles, but I really wouldn’t know about that. I think the staff at the Pine Gap aboriginal mission number around 1200 and flown in and out on a daily basis along with all their personal needs, such as hamburgers and stuff. It doesn’t really matter because you’re probably not going to believe any of this anyway. Kevin

        • There is enough evidence around to prove these U,S, bases in Australia are AMERICAN territory, and Australians (despite claims made to the contrary) are persona non grata. It was Gough Whitlam’s threat to shut down these facilities, when he discovered HE as P.M. was not allowed to set foot in them, that put the cat amongst the pigeons so to speak. Nixon’s chronic constipation was immediately cured, and the setting for the destruction of Whitlam was set in motion. Today, there is not one Australian politician that would openly, or even quietly broach the subject of Australian access to these bases. I too, know of a young man who works on these bases, only allowed to go to certain locations. He approached me some time back, regarding an offer he was made by the U.S. powers in charge of these bases. They asked him if he would be prepared to sign on to take care of the A/C systems on all their bases, including the ones outside OZZ. It was a very lucrative offer. I told him to make a judgement call on how the U.S. looked after such foreigners when the shit hit the fan in their off shore bases, who received priority on extraction under duress. Americans first or foreigners ? That he had two young daughters to take care of, and what would they think if their Dad didn’t come home one day even if all he was an Refrigeration engineer, non combatant.
          He declined the offer, and now works only within Australia. Good on him.

          • Interesting stuff on Pine Gap.

            Just to formalise the context… the OIC for Pine Gap construction was CIA boss Richard Stallings (1970-1975). His Australian support base was Sir Arthur Tange (Canberra Dept Administtrative Affairs), Sir Doug Anthony (Nationals leader), and Bob Hawke (Pres ACTU).

            Whitlam was poised to out the lot of them when he was sacked.

  7. So I send a company of killers into a bank and they attempt to kill everyone in the bank so that no witnesses are available.
    I also arrange it that radio messages are sent from a control point to the world at large falsely blaming another select group of human beings for the murders in the bank.
    The whole plan goes astray and the facts have to be covered up with serial lies for over 50 years.
    No one is exposed or penalised for the mass murders and conspiracy to murder thousands in some innocent metropolis.
    For decades cowards lie to the world to escape responsibility for a horrendous cowardly war crime.
    Now someone faults those directing the plan without understanding who would have most to gain.
    Well, let us give all the Israeli perpetrators a medal for bravery and service to their evil country?
    After all, that would be a fair acknowedgement of serious terrorism!?

      • In layman’s terms.
        With a conspiracy charge/trial, EVERY PERSON who knowingly committed an act in furtherance of the conspiracy ……………E.G TO MURDER should be charged.
        Anyone who carried out part of an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy ….. e.g. even the planning, changing the identification of the liverage of the Mirages etc would be part of the conspiracy.
        Persons can be part of a conspiracy by entering the agreement, leaving it and/or returning.
        The baggage handler passing of known prohibited imports and the ‘uber’ driver knowingly delivering the prohibited substances are part of an overall conspiracy for example; to import/supply prohibited drugs.
        Those who attempt to cover up the enterprise, but do not actually take a physical part in it, may also be charged.
        As for a conspiracy to defeat or attempt to defeat the course of justice: EVERYONE who knowingly aided and abetted those who knowingly intended to cover up the mass murders should be charged.

        If direct evidence is available of an act constituting a crime….. eg the actual importation, then the relevant charge should be laid for that particular crime rather than a conspiracy charge………………….from memory way back.

        Two or more people may be charged with a conspiracy to murder, there being no body found and no known cause of death etc., depending on the evidence available. Think, Chamberlains…………………….. from memory back 30-40 years.

        Now think 911!!! No limitation period.

      • As for the bank scenario. Just quickly.
        Those who planned or contributed to planning the ‘event’.
        Those who agreed to take part in the event, even if they withdrew prior to the ‘event’.
        Those who scouted the bank layout for the purpose.
        Those who supplied the arms and means. Think recently of the fellow supplying the gun to murder Mr. Chang (?) the policed accountant at Parramatta.
        The suppliers of transport for the purpose.
        Those who tried to frame innocents for the ‘event’.
        Those who protected the identity of the culprits. (Think ‘clergy’ for a separate charge!!!)
        Those who provided aid and comfort after the ‘event’ (separate charge of aiding and abetting etc)
        With time I could add a few back ups.
        That enough for now Mary???

        • I like it! I love it! I like it! I love it! Thanks.

          Ah you say the Parramatta murder was recent, Ned, but time is running away from us. I think it may have been 2016. It’s in my book “Inquest.” Too lazy to look it up.

          • Misprison!
            Yes, thus the ‘clergy’ reference/example!!
            Now applicable to so many pollies, shock jokes, prostituted journalists and msm editors.
            So who is the most evil, paedophile protectors or mass murder protectors? (How many children have suffered for the crimes of the msm and Co for 18 years of killings and invasions based on the lies of 9/11.)
            They are a sick hypocritical evil lot.

  8. Further corroboration of the insidious CIA manipulation, influence and control of governments


    Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, employs nearly 1,000 people, mainly from the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Originally code-named MERINO, it is the ground station for a satellite network that intercepts telephone, radio, data links, and other communications around the world.

    In the book, Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo, he writes that Pine Gap is 12 miles from the dead center of Australia and has been drilled down 5.3 miles.

    This bore could be used as an underground antenna for VLF electricity broadcasts. He says, as it is supposed to be involved in both upper atmospheric sub-surface research, the ‘bore antenna’ could be used to tune a gigantic ‘standing wave’ field around the entire planet. This system could be tuned to set up a resonating electric field around the planet to an altitude of 250 miles.

      • Relevant for civil allegations resulting in proven damages.
        E.G. a employer not providing a safe workplace.
        Add, a banker corporate not overseeing employees being ‘fair dinkum’ and defrauding customers.
        Won’t experience many bankers being gaoled for their employees just carrying out their designated frauds.
        So for vicarious iability!

  9. Seems that it is historically clear that a apologist for Israel is not a friend of Australia.
    Just listen to Ex Prime Minister of Australia. (note 3 minute plus mark)

    The fellow apologist is clearly the Australian Broadcasting Commission………..spending our billion dollars per year, borrowed at interest.

    SELL the ABC, how can it be loyal to Australia, considering it’s treacherous history and attitude?

    • The above was posted at 11.35 today, 9th September.
      Surely Ita’s (now ABC mover and shaker) butt rose has has been briefed/informed of the video above by her ‘loyal’ ABC staff to consider.
      Surely, someone at channel 7 (Sydney) has passed on to Stokes that the channel 7 911 forecasted program better not put up to his viewers, again, any BS as to the ofiicial government 911 mad unscientific tin foil hat conspiracy theory that, 19 Muslims did it.
      If Stoke’s 7 proceeds with any bullshit official 911 conspiracy theory that does not deal with scientific truth, then I will now accept that much of his capillano and allowrie honey sold by woolworths is also chinashit. See reports at: kangaroocourtofaustralia on the many legal proceedings to cover.
      Now come on Mr Faine, what do you say;! under a Frydnenberg rock? Right: “there is nothing to debate” !
      Come on ABC, try and justify your billion per year rip off of the Australian taxpayer.
      Come on Mr Frydenberg, (currently treasurer of Australia) put up your mitts and defend yourself vilifying kevin Bracken, under privilege in the Australian Parliament. Ditto the ABC.
      Come on Prime Minister Morrison, read Fraser’s book and listen to his words and experience above. Do your job, represent Australia’s interests.

        • As you know and many of us know its propaganda propaganda propaganda to the masses….ad nausuem We don’t expect anything different.

        • I held back 3 score years and after 911 realised that nearly every government account is a lie.
          I was educated by mother to never lie.
          When I realised that almost everything puked by pollies and msm is a lie, then that was it.
          I despise liars, even clients who were exposed as liars. I advised; matter for you or find another lawyer for their purpose.
          Has that cost over 50 years?
          But I sleep well.
          In my passing years, I will not Hold Back. My granchildren are relying upon me.
          I will not lie to them.
          There is a movement to require politicians to undergo ethics training.
          What a joke.
          Is there any politician (or msm pressitute) without breeding to be entrusted with office?
          Seems so, perhaps they could have been educated with, at least, the 4th to 10th commandments given to Moses.
          Ethics: anyone over 30 who has not been educated in same at home is as trustworthy as a scorpion on a toitoirses’ (sp) back being carried across the Nile river. Look it up.
          We are being governed by and controlled by greedy control freak corporate mass media traitorous totalitarian scorpions and their political running dogs.
          I look forward to the scorpions bite and the survival of we, the tortoise.

      • Driving up to Edgecliff station, above the building are usually various international flags including Australian. Today there were only three, the Oz, the native flag of the original people on this land and a red flag with a big yellow star ! Had to rub my eyes.

  10. Ned in your comment 12.52,you described the Port Arthur Massacre situation down to a Tee. All those criminals should be in jail for life. There is no time limitation on prosecuting murders. Politicians, a judge, lawyers, some police officers are just some that are guilty of murder, planning murder or covering up murder.

    I am sorry that I have to keep bringing up Port Arthur, but until this is sorted out Australians, will never be free of the Globalist Cabal. Our politicians even if not involved in that crime are too gutless, to even listen to, or look at the evidence.

  11. Was the USS Liberty attack also to get American minds off the situation taking place in Vietnam at the same time? I was in that country in 1967, and there was a furphy doing the rounds that we may be pulled from Vietnam to be sent to the Middle East. We had not been notified of the Liberty. attack. I did not know of it until many, many years later.

    America was doing very badly in Vietnam at that time and people at home, in US were waking up to the Vietnam fiasco.

    • A very interesting thought Oz.
      Brings up many other possible scenarios.
      Now who would have gained and profited with the ongoing Vietnam ‘distraction’ at the time?

  12. Off subject! Are there any electrical scientists in our readership?

    I am very interested in Arlyn’s comments regarding Stan Deyo’s 5.3 mile drill hole.

    I have had a theory in my mind for some time but I do not have the facilities to prove or disprove.
    If it is true corporate bodies would not allow the idea to be used. It centres on possible free energy.

    When lightning strikes it always goes to earth. This is a tremendous volume of energy. Energy cannot disappear. Where is it? Stored in the Earth?

    My theory, ground level is zero energy(zero volts). Below ground is positive, growing even more positive the further you go to the centre. Energy, (electricity) always travels from positive to zero. What if the energy of lightning is stored in terra firma and a contact is made, say 5.3 miles into the Earth’s centre by an insulated conductor, capable of carrying a huge voltage. Would that conductor bring some electricity (free energy) to the surface? My theory assumes that there is a potential difference between the Earth’s centre and that at ground zero.

    Assuming my theory is correct, if a tall person at the bottom of a 7 foot hole touched at of near the top of the hole he would not get a shock, as the potential difference would be too small. But the potential difference over a deeper distance could produce a big shock.

    Any sensible answers?

    • I think Tesla thought of the world as a capacitor, the energy coming from space radiation. The Van Allen belt action as type of resistor/governor. Does kinda look like Tesla is inside a earth(earth/ground, different to common or floating differences of potential) in those famous images of him inside a Faraday cage.
      The Canadian tar sands pipeline seems to me could be part of a electrical hook up as the market viability of the project is like nuclear in that it makes no economic sense. Line losses are a problem but the superconducting mechanism will help. I don’t think the power in the battery earth is unlimited as it needs replenishing. I bet the atmospheric experiments will be tuned to let some radiation in. Quite the advantage for the ones able to hook up.
      So a hook up north to south(anode/cathode) would produce enormous amount of power by measurement against our current outputs.
      Hope that’s along your lines, we may get to discuss on later HAAP/collidor type stories.

  13. Some ignoramuses above use every opportunity to peddle myths about the establishment of the State of Israel. I say ignoramuses because they probably have never read the serious critical literature by Palestinian scholars, as Henry Cattan and Walid Khalidi, about the genesis of the Zionist State. Their ignorance demonstrates that they are not moved by empathy with the Palestinian people, but by bigotry against Jews. As a Jew born in Palestine and opposed to Zionism, I deplore the abuse of this forum for propaganda. Please stick to the facts of the Liberty. Israel’s crimes toward the Palestinian people do not mean that you can blame Israel for US imperialism, the Korea war, the Vietnam war, the bombing of Cambodia, the coup in Chile, the destruction of Iraqi infrastructure in 1991, the genocidal sanctions on Iraq, the war of aggression against Afghanistan, and so forth. If you wish to know more about Zionism, take a look at my large mine of articles at http://www.juscogens.org.

    • Thank you Emmett23, I look forward to the extra reading.
      I think most people here would understand it is not the generic citizen of any country/race that is the problem, but rather those at the very top who decide for everyone else what things are going to be, and how they should think.

  14. The TRUTH concerning the USS Liberty and the Israeli attack against that ship dwells within the book not mentioned in this article but, nevertheless, is an authentic account of why an ally of the United States (Israel) would attack one of its allies naval vessels.

    That book is titled, The Secret War Against the Jews – How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People – by John Loftus and Mark Aarons. The TRUTH concerning that incident begins on page 259 as Chapter 12 of a very informative, reliable and researched accumulation of historical FACTs that I attempted to alert many on this site to some years back, but received abuse, personal attacks, and virtually called a liar – yet none of the abusers at that time, and to my recollection, had even attempted to, or expressed an interest in, reading the bloody book!

    I also agree with Emmett23 in his comment regarding a fixed mindset whenever Israel or the Jews get a mention on this site, and it pains me no end to see reasonably intelligent folk who inhabit this site, put aside the pursuit of TRUTH because what they may find in their further investigations may not happen to coincide with what they choose to believe that is not based in what they have taken the effort to verify.

    TRUTH will always be stranger than fiction in this world.

  15. Yes truth and fiction, it may be an interesting ‘Good Year’.
    History may repeat, but hope not, there have been lessons to be learnt and now able to be dealt with?
    ‘November 3 Alpha’.

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