Home NWO The Mark of the BIS

The Mark of the BIS


Seven heads of Switzerland prior to 2023 elections (above) – notice how they like to insert an extra, in this case the individual standing right at the back, above the Z in Zurich (below).

J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) of Zurich quietly absorbs allied banks and failed banks alike, like an octopus, created by Charlemagne and the Vatican.

High risk operations like Credit Suisse and established concerns like Warburgs have thrown themselves into the vortex. It looks like the British royals, heirs to the Viking empires, may be headed that way too. UBS claims to be one of the smaller Global banks. Leaving out the Chinese banks, which are communist entities, UBS is stated to come in about 15th largest, after the US, then Japanese, French, British, and one Spanish entry. Hard to believe.

Japan coming second may surprise some. Japan is used partly as an investment front for the US banks going into non-Chinese South-east Asia. It may be viewed as a scaled-up version of Hong Kong, since the end of World War II, Bretton-Woods agreement and knock-on effects in 1947. Hong Kong of course was scheduled to terminate fifty years later in 1997. In the same way as the US-Japan relationship, the UBS has the capability to dilute, diffuse and conceal any amount of its own activities.

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) HQ is in Basel, also Switzerland, of course. Featured just below, their promoted Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) are a form of debt, a national credit card.

“SDRs were created in 1969 to supplement a shortfall of preferred foreign exchange reserve assets, namely gold and U.S. dollars.” (At that time the USD was still theoretically gold backed).

SDRs’ allocated value is something close to a Euro. The BIS claims they have 350 billion, however they have as many as they care to create since the currency is simply “an accounting entry”. That is, debt passed off as credit, which is in fact, nothing. A “shortfall of gold” means they have nothing.


Everyone who is anyone is a member of the BIS system, most notably the including the Russian Federation, the ringleader of the BRICS. Putin himself has very recently complained that he wants to be reconnected into the SWIFT system of international payments. Everyone by now has reverted to their national currencies because of US political sanctions being abused.


The latest pairing is between Modi’s expansive India and prickly Sri Lanka, who have agreed to drop the USD medium of exchange.

The ancient bridge between India and Sri Lanka

These Globalist Swiss bankers have clearly stated that they are not satisfied that any monetary transactions can take place without their knowledge of all details involved. As is currently legislated in Australia with telephone metadata [The Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015 via the Department of Home Affairs], the bankers want to know who, what, where, when and how much. Essentially, all the currency of the member states belongs to them. Gold, silver, bitcoin etc remain out of their scope, until their puppet governments legislate against them, as the Australian government has already done, banning local banks from engaging in crypto “buy” transactions. The purchase of metals for cash is next to be throttled.

The pieces are all moving into position for the most spectacular checkmate of all time, the well promoted “Great Reset”.

Successful statecraft relies on the negotiation skills with peers combined with the fine art of herding cats in respect of the commoners.

When the lower classes are reduced to an inescapable hand-to-mouth existence and the middle class is cleanly removed from their various independent financial systems, the game is on between the residue: the upper classes, plutocrats, bloodlines and secret societies. These vested interests already mostly control whole countries, in spite of democracy, which is widely understood to be a sham, totally manipulated and run in a zigzag fashion, according to the Hegelian dialectic principles. The big vested interests run the military, parliaments, courts, industries, media, whatever organisations you care to mention, down to local government and NGO committees by infiltration. Their objective is not to physically own, but to control at least 51% of all decision makers and authorities. The Australian “Teals” political organisation is a perfect example. Their primary backer traces his roots back centuries to Baron Heytesbury in England.

States always play their double game of doing things “for the people” which in total work against large numbers of individuals within the state, or even the entire population. In an extension of democracy, some are sent on suicidal expeditions so the majority may continue in comfort. It is all framed as correct and essential.

Problems requiring state solutions are invariably horrendously slow and expensive, in a word, Byzantine.

On the Globalist level the objective is simply to defund and depopulate, but on the national level there is another layer of strategy involved, there is a strong element of “you first”. The Crimean War II must be seen in this context.

As with any other major event, the Olympic Games for example, there are years of preparations involved. Russia has been developing the world’s best and fastest military rockets for the duration. These were proved and quietly demonstrated during Covid. The mainstream media seems only very dimly aware of their capacity.

Now, a hero celebrity soldier of some sort, the oddly named Igor Girkin has been selected as scapegoat for the MH17 headline-grabbing rocket-shooting incident over Ukraine at the outset of the present conflict. On a personal level he has reportedly been saying the Putin strategy is weak and ineffective. This of course surely depends on the effect one is seeking.

If the effect sought is a very slow buildup to a long-running attrition then both sides of the conflict are working in unison, again Hegelian style: thesis and antithesis leading to synthesis.

The controlled media in concert with the US Democrats campaigns since MH17 have been whipping up Russia relentlessly to the point where many western people who naively believe their thoughts are their own are now anti-Russia. Nobody in the past cared about who wins the wars of Africa or Arabia or even western China so why are we so concerned about the eastern border regions of Ukraine?

The cold war enemy has been successfully resurrected, USSR 2.0 can now be blamed for anything.

The economy, fuel prices, food prices, the US election and any other pending Globalist schemes such as CCP activities in the pacific, internet and power blackouts or weather interference by high altitude resonant frequencies and magnetic waves can all be attributed to Russia as part of a planned asymmetric attack on America, necessitating a response. This has been successful to the extent that Globalists can now attack America in any way they choose, and the wider public will willingly believe the official story, just as they did twenty years ago with the man in the cave in Afghanistan, plotting the destruction of New York, and, er, the Pentagon.

With longer nose, smaller chin and eye-bags the old Putin is an odd-looking creature

Former Prime Minister David Lange (1984-1989) alleged that Putin served the KGB in New Zealand, working undercover as a shoe salesman in central Wellington. Lange was a maverick, something like what Kevin Rudd in Australia tries so hard not to be seen as, but probably less of a hostage.

Now, look over here! Around the early and middle part of the above period, 2000 – 2019, Putin was often shown in long shots, bare-chested on horseback or undertaking other manly activities which were well promoted in the western press.

We all got used to seeing the tough guy taking on nature and had a laugh.

Putin was a Young Global Leader with the World Economic Forum (short video):


Klaus Schwab lavishes praise on Russia (pre-Covid)


The recently jailed (2022) opposition leader Yashin in his final statement to the court this week, had appealed directly to President Vladimir Putin, describing him as “the person responsible for this slaughter” and asking him to “look at the consequences of this monstrous war” and “stop this madness”. “The words ‘death’ and ‘destruction’ are now firmly associated with your name,” he said. “You have brought terrible misfortune to the Ukrainian people, who will probably never forgive us.”


So who benefits from the war? As soon as Zelenskyy was properly embedded, Putin moved in on the Donbass region. Zelenskyy responded by conscripting all Ukrainian males aged up to age 60. Thereafter, the Russian tactic was to draw in the Ukrainian forces, who were up against professional mercenaries. No contest! The strategy of these mercenaries was to draw back and lure the conscripts in, again and again. The equation here is quite clear and simple, the Military Industrial Complex (oligarchs) of NATO and Russia both win, and the commoners of Ukraine lose, in many cases, lose everything.

Further, Ukrainian farmers are no longer required, their broadacre styles of farming are more suited to fully industrialised systems. With GPS guided harvesters and robotic equipment planting and processing grains and oilseeds, the human element is unquestionably obsolete. “The foodbowl” of Ukraine is being cleared out.

The purpose of shutting down the foodbowl, in terms of one Globalist agenda, is to shut it down.

The Ukrainian nation and people are just in the way now, with the Russian access to the Black Sea crossing north-south through the new east-west Belt & Road and intersecting again with sentimental routes from the land of Gog (as far as Russia and Kazakhstan) to the more recent Khazarian Mafia settlements of Venice, Zurich, Geneva and now Israel. As well, access from northern Europe via Poland, through to the cheap labour Persian areas is afforded. This magnificent inter-continental intersection is not geographically solvable so it is certain some accommodation has already been worked out, once Ukraine has been “done”.

Communism, it seems, disregarding secondary reasons, was specifically devised to defeat the intractable tribesmanship of Slavic peoples. It reached its climax with the execution of the Tsar and Stalin’s purges, and met or exceeded the expectations of its creators. The Russians were united by force under communism and have been under that system ever since.

As is impossible not to know, in West European places the systems of royalty continue to this day, with the ten crowns of Europe allegedly compromised by the infiltration of certain Khazarian bloodlines. These ten are the kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain. Three are principalities: Andorra, Liechtenstein, and Monaco. The co-prince of Andorra is at present Rothschilds’ loyal servant, Emmanuel Macron.

We have ten crowns and seven heads of Switzerland now enjoining us to their BIS system (excuse the pun). The origin of the system might perhaps be found in old Venice, the islands in the lagoon. Venice rose up from out of the reeds and mud to become the most renowned and predatory banking capital of the world, in those so-called dark ages.

From Revelations 13.1:

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and [ten horns, and upon his horns] ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

Various editors may have had a penchant for embellishing these stories with horns and trumpets blowing, who can say, it’s a long running debate.

The fleur-de-lys features centrally in this interpretation




  1. J.G. Olsen is well and truly out of the geo-political loop, if what is written here, is truly believed to be what is now occurring.

    Why would Putin want to deal with the Swiss – those Nazi Bankers – when the gold backed BRICS financial system now has over 70% of the world signed up?

    And more countries are signing up to BRICS as time moves on. But, the lying gate keeper media will not tell you that!

    The only financial reset to happen, and it is already installed in place, will be the Quantum Financial System, QFS, a financial system that is controlled off planet for the very reason that the Swiss system of operation and control will reveal to any who wish to study it, or more to the point – there is no Human agency or individual, yet deemed worthy, to have any authority over the QFS because at this time in our Human evolution, there is not one of us on this planet who has reached the level of spiritual maturity that is required to run such an all encompassing and advance financial system.

    BRICS is simply the vanguard for what we can all expect from the QFS and will be absorbed into the QFS at the appropriate time – Putin already knows this.

    All it is going to take to bring the QFS forward so that we all may benefit, is for We the People to stand up and say no more of your bullshit to the Globalist run governments of every Western country.

  2. The Perth Mint has already disallowed cash for purchase of buying precious metals and display this information on their website.

    This to me is unlawful, as cash is legal currency. It is safer than cards as it is unlikely to be fraudulent and cannot be overdrawn.

    • Aussiemal – in my estimation there are two parts to Banks limiting cash withdrawals which is also having a knock on effect with other financial asset establishments, such as the Perth Mint.

      All Banks have begun the process of withdrawing the old FIAT currency before the New – QFS – currency (gold backed) can be issued for those who trust only cash.
      All Banks will be subject to using the QFS when Central Banking around the world finally collapses – (soon) – the collapse has to be by the Banks own hand which all Banks are now currently engaged in, willfully or unwillfully..

      That is my current comprehension of what is now occurring.

        • Thanks Joe. Much of my comments are based in what I have learned from my own research.

          My comprehension.

          Everyone is free to accept, deny, or do their own research on what I present.

          I see no point in presenting ‘links’ unless the Truth of what is contained within the link, is right in one’s face.

          • My opinion is, nobody will do a gold backed currency except by the usual fractional reserve

          • Everyone is entitled to their opinion Joe – however – opinions are often formed from emotional reactions rather than factual knowledge.

            Knowing a Truth is on a whole different level.

          • Many folks take to forming an opinion based on their feelings, and not from what they may learn if they actually look at the evidence. Knowing something is True Joe, is not the same as believing it, or wanting it to be true.

  3. I’ve been watching the weather report and today their ClimateChange propaganda concerns the supposedly receding Antarctic ice-shelf, due to Global Warming they say, from CO2 of course. All their scientists are too dumb to even do the most basic lookup on G666gle and use their brains, they are simply parrots.
    If they just look up glaciers they will discover that glaciers move at a speed which might be described as glacial. It takes them ten years to build up and then travel down a smallish mountain. Therefore the ice at the bottom is a result of the weather 10 or more years ago. So if the Antarctic ice-shelf is shrinking, that is from the weather somewhere around 2010. They also say Antarctica reflects the heat from the sun. No it doesn’t, it’s on the bottom of the world, not the side. The sun has to get through an extra-thick layer of atmosphere and clouds to even hit any snow sideways. That’;s why you can get good photos, the sun is coming in sideways.
    Don’t forget the earth is also an “oblate spheroid” meaning the top and bottom are flatter. The stuff they make up on the news is ridiculous. Here are statistics from G666gle I looked up in five minutes. The TV reporters are too dumb and too “owned” to even be able to do this. The morning weatherman seeks out minor local events to avoid having to reveal any “inconvenient truth”. Hello weather fraternity, you are a pack of dopes, going along with the lies.

    From G666gle:
    Mount Vinson is the highest peak in Antarctica, at 4,892m.
    Highest in NZ is 3724m, highest in Australia is a volcano on Heard Island at 2745m.
    Antarctica’s average elevation is 2,500 m. In contrast, Australia’s average elevation is only 330 m. The height of the South Pole is 2,830 m. The highest point on the icecap is 4,093 m.
    We can see the average elevation of Antarctica is higher than Mt Kosciosco, which is the highest point on the Australian mainland including Tasmania.
    Length of southern Alps 650km.
    Diameter of Antarctica 4500km so perimeter let’s say 14,000km.
    New Zealand contains approximately 2900 glaciers over 1 hectare (2.5 acres) in size, almost all of them along the Southern Alps, the main divide of the South Island.

    Antarctica is one huge glacier haemorrhaging ice in all directions and the delay in ice between snowfall and sea-ice must be at least ten years, up to much more.
    Once again the M$M is lying to us about the climate, as they do about inflation, as they do about wars including 9-11, as they do about medical treatments, and as they do about who is really running the place.

    • You hit, maybe all around the emprical common sense truths. However, a helio centric model is still your frame of reference?! Yes

      However, there appears to me to be an ice wall completely around the entire known or revealed land mass. There are many scrubbed places especially in the vast Pacific. (Japan recently boasted of dscovery 7,000 islands not previously known about.

      Most likely when you see the moon you are seeing a reflection of these land masses. Right in front of you. And some have said the Moon is plasma. Me, I believe it is the apex of a firmament above the earth.

  4. Revelation 18 NKJV – The Fall of Babylon the Great

    18 After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried [a]mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the [b]abundance of her luxury.”

    4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. 5 For her sins [c]have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. 6 Render to her just as she rendered [d]to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. 7 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived [e]luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ 8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who [f]judges her.
    The World Mourns Babylon’s Fall

    9 “The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her, when they see the smoke of her burning, 10 standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come.’

    11 “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: 12 merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13 and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. 14 The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have [g]gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16 and saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! 17 For in one hour such great riches [h]came to nothing.’ Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance 18 and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What is like this great city?’

    19 “They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she [i]is made desolate.’

    20 “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you [j]holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!”
    Finality of Babylon’s Fall

    21 Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore. 22 The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore, and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore. 23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.”

    • New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

  5. The U.S. Constitution says that all money should come from the Treasury, not from bank loans. The private reserve banks are a mass robbery criminal enterprise, that create $ from nothing through debt.
    The BIS is the central bank of central banks, operating above laws of all governments, the plan replace the debt system with CBDC, herding all into a digital prison of enslavement. A straight jacket social credit system monitored 24/7 by AI.
    BRICS are ditching the $ replacing it with Yuan. Thanks to banksters investment, CCP is on financial steroids with Belt and Road expansion. China groomed to replace America, as Chinese people on the streets despise the slavery they’ve been forced into, coming here with 5G global.

  6. “The only financial reset to happen, and it is already installed in place, will be the Quantum Financial System, QFS, a financial system that is controlled off planet for the very reason that the Swiss system of operation and control will reveal to any who wish to study it, or more to the point – there is no Human agency or individual, yet deemed worthy, to have any authority over the QFS because at this time in our Human evolution, there is not one of us on this planet who has reached the level of spiritual maturity that is required to run such an all encompassing and advance financial system.”

    Am processing Nemesis

    • Diane – I don’t know if you are aware of JFK’s grave site that is encompassed by a very large representation of the letter, ‘Q’?

      NESARA – national, and GESARA – each individual country, were to be implemented by President Kennedy who was assassinated just two days prior to Treasury’s silver backed Dollar – against the Federal Reserve – was to be released.

      Apparently, the Book of ‘Q’ was deliberately omitted from the put together Bible at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD.

      There is far more to JFK than many of us realize.

          • Some time ago I looked but I do not follow the Q clues.
            If MAGA party forms with Trump and RFK it will be good for America and also perhaps any surviving Ukrainians.
            Perhaps they will both be snipered or droned before 2025 and we will have fake Trump and hologram RFK run by the Globalists.
            Now we are told the SCOTUS is waiting “for vectors to line up”. Is this the FEMA coffins event or what.

          • Joe – I meant Kennedy’s grave. The Q surrounding it is unmistakable.

            FEMA has been put on notice by the Alliance, or White Hats, to cease and desist from their terrorising of the American public – you can find that aspect of where the Alliance now controls if you look at RealRawNews.

            Do you believe that a ‘tornado’ took out that Pfizer factory in the U.S. a few days ago, or was something else at play in that destruction?

            Look up Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn.’organizers of the ‘Weather Underground’ during the 1970s.. The FBI infiltrated that organization, and if that exposure is still doing the rounds on YT, then you will learn just how far Ayers and the Communists were prepared to go to exterminate Americans.

            BTW, Ayers was one of Obammy’s ‘advisers’ prior to Obama being parachuted into a Senate seat around 2006?

            Sorry elspeth, no time or dates..

          • Yes the discussion was about the Kennedy Q shape, as for realrawnews I am starting to wonder now are you real or are you a psyop

  7. Could Australia Vote to Abolish Itself?

    Gregory Hood • Friday, July 21, 2023 • 1,700 Words • Comments


    The Australian people will vote on a referendum before the end of the year. The text is simple enough: “A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

    The “Voice” would be an Aboriginal government body that could make “representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.” Would it have power? No. Could it force through legislation? No. Could it even challenge Parliament? Not really.

    It’s the proponents of the referendum who assure us that it will be powerless, and that Parliament will retain the ability to make laws. The Guardian says that “a majority of leading constitutional lawyers have all either spoken strongly in favour of the voice or rebuffed concerns about the legal effect of its representations.”

    Nonetheless, what’s at stake is nothing less than Australia itself………………………. Read on –

    • Could Australia Vote to Abolish Itself?

      “………………..Simple language can bring colossal change. The 1991 referendum that ended white rule in South Africa said only this: “Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on 2 February 1990 and which is aimed at a new Constitution through negotiation?”

      At least Australians will get to vote. Let’s hope they make the right choice”.


      • I was made aware yesterday that there are only two countries on this planet that are currently true sovereign countries – Russia and Australia.

        The ‘voice’ is a ploy to take back control over our original inhabitants who have never formalized a treaty with anyone.

        Think about that one factor that we all have in our favor.

        • The opinion of Sir Harry Gibbs, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia from 1981 to 1987
          Copy of Letter from Sir Harry Gibbs
          Page 1
          I am a former member of the High Court and I wish to take this unusual method of informing you about a matter that is going to deeply affect us all. Unfortunately, a document such as this is too easily “lost” in the bureaucratic jungle in which we operate………….
          “…………..In view of the above, the historical evidence for Australian Independence by 10 January 1920 when the League of Nations became part of International Law is overwhelming. When this evidence is reinforced with the contents of the Charter of the United Nations, the continued usage of any legislation that owes its very legitimacy to the parliament of an acknowledged foreign power cannot be supported by either legal opinion or indeed historical evidence.
          I therefore have come to the conclusion that the current legal and political system in use in
          Australia and its States and Territories has no basis in law.
          Following discussions with members of the British Government relating to the Letters Patent for the Governor General and State Governors I find that these documents no longer have any authority.
          Indeed, the Queen of the United, Kingdom is excluded from any position of power in Australia by the United Nations Charter and is excluded under UK law from the issue of a Letters Patent to other than a British Subject. A Letters Patent must refer to an action to be taken with regard to British Citizens.
          The Immigration Act. 1972 UK defines Australian Citizen as aliens.
          The Governor General’s Letters Patent is a comedy of errors. We are greeted in the name of the Queen of Australia who suddenly becomes the Queen of the United Kingdom in the next paragraph of the Letters Patent. This Queen the gives instructions to the Governor General with reference to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK. Here we have a clear breach of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the United Nation Charter. Under both UK and international law, the-Queen is a British Citizen.
          State Governors are in a worse position as their authority comes from the late Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. Regardless of the validity of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK, if the authority of Governor General and the State Governors is invalid then so is the entire political and legal system of government.
          When advised that the War Crimes Commission was taking an interest, I called them in Geneva. Under the 1947 Geneva Convention, they are empowered to look into eases here in Australia where it is alleged the law of a foreign country was enforced against a citizen of a member state of the United Nations. As they perceive that only the judiciary can actually enforce the law, the judiciary becomes their target. The group has already placed cases before them which they ate currently investigating. If found guilty, the penalties are horrific and include the death penalty!
          I could go on with more relevant information however I think now is the time for a summary. The group leader, a QC, states the obvious when he asked me how could a colony now acknowledged by all world nations to be a sovereign Nation retain exactly the same legal and political system it enjoyed as a colony without any change whatsoever to the basis for law. This point alone requires an answer.
          The High Court has already answered with regard to the position held by treaties signed by the Commonwealth Government in the Teoh case of 1994. “Ordinary people have the right to expect government officials to consider Australia’s international obligations even if those obligations are not reflected in specific Acts of Parliament: the rights recognised in international treaties are an implied limit on executive processes.”
          My advice is to adjourn any case “sine die” that that challenges the authority of the Letters
          Patent. Under no circumstances hear a case that challenges the validity of a State or the
          Federal Constitution. It is the politicians who are using us as pawns without them having to
          face the music. These matters are of concern to politicians, let them sort out these problems
          and accept any inherent risks themselves!
          Article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is the correct reference for you to refuse to hear a matter when an international treaty is cited as a defence.

  8. Arrgh -censored-therefore must be important–so will edit and try again–off ntopic as Dee would say –But important

    Leonid “Len” Ber received his MD degree in the former USSR where he specialized and practiced as an endocrinologist. Now a US citizen, Len is one of the few US civilians to ever be officially diagnosed with Havana syndrome. Robert Duncan is a renaissance educated man from Harvard & M.I.T with a focus on medical sciences, engineering, computer science and more specifically genetic algorithm optimizations of neural networks. He has worked on projects for DARPA, the CIA, the Navy, and Army.
    Ya basta

  9. Strawberry fields, nothing is real …
    Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Hunter Biden, Tom Hanks et al all hanged at Gitmo.
    Julian Assange still locked up, come on man !!!
    They said Q was a something and Qanon was a psyop.
    I saw a minute of Tom Cruise Mission Impossible film from a few years ago, they were exchanging passwords. Extra: “The storm is coming”. Cruise: “I am the storm”.
    Cruise isn’t saying anything about Kubricks death 3 days after the Tom & Nicole film was finished. The last 20 minutes where the young girl was abducted out of the toy shop, etc.

    Paul McCartney died in 1966 …

    • Democracy and how it really works (1 min)

      Leunig got sacked from “The Age” for his injections cartoon.
      So much for The Age, used to be so superior now a piece of shit.

      • Joe,
        Yes we vote with pencils, ushered to ballot boxes (destined for recycling prior to opening) by ccp plain clothed in suburban councils all over Sydney. Proof we have OWG.

    • Joe – John Lennon was assassinated because he was ‘talking out of school’ concerning how the Beatles were basically a psyop designed as a form of psychological control over the gullible into accepting a break down of personal morality via ‘feel good’ music.

      Julian Assange is in a safe place. His evidence against the Cabal will be made public and used to seal the fate of whatever remains left of the Cabal at some future time.

      Nothing in life is a coincidence – ‘Q’.

      • “the Beatles were basically a psyop designed as a form of psychological control over the gullible into accepting a break down of personal morality via ‘feel good’ music.”

        so when,exactly, did John Lennon say that?

  10. OT
    Sound of Freedom has been viewed at theatres in US for three weeks. Here in Oz, still waiting for release date, there seems to be silence over it. Wonder why, too many compromised in positions of influence down under. For a movie that’s earned 140 million $ since July 4, outselling all others, isn’t it strange media here denies its existence soo far downunder. Yet children can be fished on line globally in seconds!
    This place stinks with injustice cause judiciary with masonic associates are up to their necks in it. Don’t hold your breath for it’s release here. War in Ukraine with spoils of child trafficking way more profitable for punters involved in the “lucky country”.
    Krown kabal komunizm elites on the ‘chrome juice, sucking us dry. How can we claim to be a nation without a constitution?

  11. People can’t keep up the fight because they are confused by who the enemy is. The enemy takes a pause and pretends to be their friend. People need clear-cut enemies as with sport, in club uniforms, then they can fight over and over again, tirelessly every weekend.
    People are raised by the state to become what the state wishes them to be. They are accustomed to a top-down system. Everyone stays more or less on their strata, a few aspirational immigrants send their kids to law school, afterwards they move to real estate sales. Most remain in their class or caste, not looking up or down.
    In ww2 the people had a clear enemy and kept up the fight year after year, tit for tat, with easily recognisable uniforms and colours. Here and now, the government has infiltrated the people and pretends to be their friend. Like John D. Rockerfella handing out dimes, while at the same time spreading his poison throughout the world.
    The system of infiltration is so perfectly tuned to the conditioning of the people that it can be multiplied, to include something like the Teals party at the drop of a hat, and nobody even blinks. Teal “independents” all pop up like mushrooms in a circle, the fertiliser supplied by the bluebloods, their rubbish narrative pumped by the fake news.
    They are just one example but nearly the whole spectrum is contrived now.

    • Actually the 1st two paragraphs of that comment sum up exactly how populous support was garnered for WW1,WW2, & every other political cause that’s ever been instigated. The current version of the “genetic inferiority/superiority” credo is merely an upgrade of the same system that’s beleaguered every civilisation since Babel and it was already in full swing by the mid-19th century.

    • While reading the comments to the article, I read this line in Tony Ryan’s comment about a previous attempt to get independents involved – “Each Independent was struck down with Messiah Complex”.

      LOL, that was my assessment of the many alternative parties I got involved with. I forget who said it and this is just a paraphrase of the idea, but, ‘the only people who should be in politics are people who don’t want to be in politics’.

  12. Weather lies:
    They are saying heatwaves in North Africa, temperatures over 50C in some places, but looking at Algiers (near Spain) on the weather guide it is a very comfortable 30 degrees all week but the M$M is screaming about extreme heat. Check out the weather on a few sites and you will see it’s normal, pleasant summer weather, no heatwave. If they have 50 degrees somewhere it’s probably in the corner of the Sahara more than 1000 km away. The M$M reporters don’t care, they don’t check anything, they just read off the teleprompter like robots, and very soon they will be replaced by robots, because they have smoothed the way for robots and proved their utter worthlessness, and the public keeps buying the product from the advertisers. “$5 a week to save / insure against … bla bla”.
    The arsonists have appeared in Algeria, maybe this time they got the boat over from Rhodos Island in Greece. They are running around burning everything on their grand world tour, probably just a little bunch of them, 3 or 4 arsonists.

  13. The Beast from the bottomless pit explained:


    The rise and establishment of the kingdom of Lucifer representing ALL nations on earth is in effect a concealed political system run by a “woman” (aka the Roman Catholic Church) who “sits on the beast” via the agency of numerous secret societies designed to deflect attention away from the true controller. The Pope is Satan’s representative as the reformers (Luther being one) had originally proclaimed.

    This is above all a spiritual battle as Satan is trying to take as many souls as he can before his final inevitable demise.

    • “The Pope is Satan’s representative”

      And that conclusion’s based on the biblical context ?
      Or some other criteria ?

      My position’s based on the fact that, biblically speaking, national departure from the “straight & narrow” is always represented by a harlot:

      No argument on my part that the Pope is too weak to counter the hedonism and debauchery that’s captivated western thought processes like so, but he’s simply being dragged along; he could hardly be accused of taking the lead:

      The Beast that said intoxicated whore is riding is what’s commonly called “legalism” within Christian circles, i.e. faux salvation via human works:

      • Most people are flawed by the concept of such a Beast acting in concert with a whore(the decadence of the Age), but such is the nature of all co-dependencies

          • Like it or not, there’s no record of him “denying that Jesus is the Christ” (1 JOHN 2:22) and there’s simply no other criteria for identifying the Antichrist/Beast referenced in the Book of Revelation

          • Just as there’s no record of John Lennon fessing up to willfully participating in a “break down of personal morality psyop”, as claimed in an above Nemesis comment

          • According to some old prophesy I heard 20 years ago the two popes after JP2 ( 1978-2005 ) “won’t last long” ( Rapsinger quit 2013 ) and the current one will pass the baton to the AntiChrist ( whatever that is ), in about a year or two I guess. My impression is the current one is in and out of hospitals on a regular basis

  14. Pandemic 2025: US Creates Permanent New Pandemic Agency for Decade of Vaccines.”Catastrophic Contagion” Simulation

    By Great Game India, July 24, 2023

    The US has created a permanent new pandemic agency called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy in anticipation of future pandemics and the Decade of Vaccines. President Joe Biden has appointed a retired Air Force general to take charge of spearheading the project.
    Read more


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