Home World Politics The West Has Fallen Due To Expertized Economic Idiocies

The West Has Fallen Due To Expertized Economic Idiocies


Note from DM: Correspondence from G5. Above… trickle down theory.

by G5

The west has fallen due to expertized economic idiocies, and theatric election frauds, festering socio-economic, psychotically induced, psychopathically functioned, and media-tutored, control mechanisms.

Frauds and Deceptions are institutionalized collateral and weapons used by the elite classes against The People.

As one travels: we become aware of the Fictions of; Banking, Accounting, Real Estate, Law, Medicine, Science, Politics, and Government.

We see and suffer the herds of collaborative and compliant fools, manufactured and maintained by their supplications of authority addiction, the disguised terror of power bases, and inculcated expunging of the rational and critical, in exchange for the mush of left-right paradigms, and false opinions derived from omphaloskeptic entrenched stupidity of being fully informed and discerning.

Varoufakis; the alleged saviour of the nation destroying German-American Debt Fraud perpetrated against Greece; writes and lectures on Marxian Economics. The high fiction used to intellectualize that which he was supposed to expose and eradicate.

As Varoufakis entrenched Greece: so too has Wilson, FDR, Obama (Soetoro), Clinton (Blythe), and JHW Bush (Scherff) entrenched America, Churchill, Heath, Thatcher, May, Blair, Brown, and Sunak, The UK, Napoleon B, and Macron France, Ardern New Zealand, Menzies, Fraser, Howard, Morrison, and Albanese Australia, Rasmussen Denmark, Harper and J Trudeau (Castro) Canada, Hitler (Shicklgruber) and Merkel Germany, Grybauskaite Lithuania, Sturgeon Scotland, Mandela South Africa, Poroshenko and Zelensky Ukraine, Saarkashvili Georgia, Tito (Broz) Yugoslavia, Amin Uganda, Mussolini Italy, Pahlavi Iran, Khazai Afghanistan, Kyi Myanmar (Burma), Ky and Thieu Vietnam, Batistsa Cuba, Peron Argentia Noriega Panama, Pinochet Chile, Marcos I and Aquino Philippines, Mao China, and Lenin (Ulyanov), Stalin (Jughashvili), and Gorbachev Russia.

A long and steady process of economic devastation and subjugation.

The current balance of the threats of Putin and Xi, with a destroyed America; is just fine.

Expertized Economics has politically delivered the lies of: The Phillps Curve, The Keynesian Cross Curve, The J Curve, Quantitative Easing, Trickle Down, Bracket Creep, Stimulus, Sanctions, and insanities of Fiscal and Monetary Policies, allegedly affecting; Government Spending, Economic Growth, Inflation, Unemployment, and Energy Costs.

The lies are incessant, genocidal, cumulative, and economically enslaving.

The top ten percent; who own and control all; want what the mid-eighty percent have acquired. The lower ten percent are fodder and have nothing to steal.

Another video:Β This is What They Did to This PresidentΒ 

On comment on the US:



  1. The LSE in Lndon was created to replace the need for colonies.

    Bamboozling the multitudes, means traitors can be well rewarded for surrendering their country’s valuables. Bribery at the very top.

    One example is the fleecing of the Irish banks in the noughties, where reckless lending was honoured by assuming debts of 100,000,000,000 Euro. The PM got a lucrative lecture tour in the USA.


    Going back to the year 2001, Australia’s foreign debt was $326.12 billion (Australian Bureau of Statistics, Balance of Payments; Cat. No. 5302.0; Table 35). It is even more now.

    The Treasury Department advised that Australian taxpayers pay $20 billion interest on this debt every 12 months. Imagine the schools, hospitals, police, soldiers and equipment $20 billion would buy every 12 months!

    You can control a Government if you have it in your debt. A creditor (banker) is in a position to demand the privileges of monopoly. Money-seeking Governments have granted monopolies … the monopoly which the international financiers most covet is control over a nation’s money. ( NDCC [above], page 41).

    Whoever controls credit, controls policy, and with it, power over and above the heads of Government. ( The ABC of Social Credit , page 25, by E.S. Holter; Heritage Bookshops).

    Richard McKenna, former president of the Midlands Bank of England said, β€œThose that create and issue the money and credit, direct the policies of Government and hold in their hands the destiny of the people” ( NDCC , page 41).

    Once a Government is in debt to the bankers it is at their mercy. A frightening example of this was cited by the London Financial Times in 1921, which revealed that … β€œHalf a dozen men at the top of The Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of Government finance by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills.” ( NDCC , page 41).

    The RBA which issues Australian money as an interest bearing debt is a foreign owned corporation and is not a documented part of the Australian government – neither is the ATO which collects our taxes to pay the interest on government borrowing

    The Bank of England’s City of London is not a part of the UK nor the E.U.

    The Queen needs permission to enter the City of london’s one mile square precinct.

    Meanwhile the Bank of England’s β€œRemembrancer” sits opposite the Speaker in the British Parliament.

    Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

    • Nice video CrissX, well explained together with your input above. So how do the Gov and Bank intermediaries get out of this huge amount of debt, steal our loans from us to them in the form of deposits and issue us an IOU note. Maybe testing the waters in the EU were they want to steal all Russian assets.

      • The Story of the Commonwealth Bank β€” Museum of Perth


        The story of the Commonwealth Bank By D.J. Amos Publisher Veritas Publishing | 2009, c1986. | 1986 ed., 3rd reprint. Summary “Institutions, no matter how excellent they may be, are of little permanent use to a people who do not understand the value of them. The right of the people of this Commonwealth to expand or contract financial credit in …

        • https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/promissory_notes#comment-2535

          You finance your own loan

          Dear Department of the Treasury,

          Are banks legally bound to take my promissory note?

          What is the treasuries position on using promissory notes?

          Lord denning stated

          “We have repeatedly said in this court that a bill of exchange or a Promissory Note is to be treated as cash. It is to be honoured unless there is some good reason to the contrary” (see per Lord Denning M.R. in Fielding & Platt Ltd v Selim Najjar [1969] 1 W.L.R. 357 at 361; [1969] 2 All E.R. 150 at 152, CA)

          Another of Lord denning’s rulings stated that a bill of exchange once tendered has to be treated as cash.

          The principle is that a bill, cheque or note is given and taken in payment as so much cash, and not as merely given a right of action for the creditor to litigate a counterclaim (see Jackson v Murphy [1887] 4 T.L.R. 92).

          First of all it is important to remember that the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 (and many Statutes subsequently) consider a Promissory Note to be the same thing as “cash”.

          Is this somehow not enforced in Australia?

          Yours faithfully,

          Troy Dimitrov



          β€œmoney ” includes:

          (a) currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
          (b) promissory notes and bills of exchange; and
          (c) any negotiable instrument used or circulated, or intended for use or circulation, as currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
          (d) postal notes and money orders; and
          (e) whatever is supplied as payment by way of:
          (i) credit card or debit card; or
          (ii) crediting or debiting an account; or
          (iii) creation or transfer of a debt.

        • Exactly now it’s in a museum, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia was finally split cleanly into Reserve Bank of Australia and “Commbank”, the finale a joint effort between Keating government and Howard opposition. In 2020 Commbank got an updated logo, you might consider it a halfway move toward an aerial view of an Egyptian pyramid. You know the type that Bob Hawke had put on top of Parliament House Canberra. They also sometimes use them on shopping centres and suchlike.
          To design the logo ( kickback !!! ) they used Saatchi advertising, Saatchi married the daughter of the British Treasurer, her name was Nigella Lawson and here she is being throat-gripped at the restaurant by Saatchi, who reportedly said he was trying to get the cocaine out of her nose

          As well as a Bank for International Settlements ( Switzerland ) there should be a Bank for International Kickbacks, maybe Bill Clinton could run it since he would know about most of them

          • https://archive.org/download/amos-dj-commonwealth-bank/Amos DJ – Commonwealth Bank.pdf

            The Story of the Commonwealth Bank Let us consider the story of the Commonwealth Bank. It merits your attention, for if the Commonwealth Bank had been allowed to function as it did at the commencement of its career, Australia would have been helped over the years of depression as it was helped over the war period (1914-1918), many prosperous

            “The Story of the Commonwealth Bank” was originally
            delivered as a lecture before the Sturt Electoral Committee, Adelaide, and was first printed in pamphlet form in 1931. It exhibited the usual defect of all lectures, namely, condensation of the subject matter to an extreme degree.

            The great and unexpected demand which arose for the pamphlet found me so closely occupied in other work that the second and third editions had to be printed practically unaltered, and I began to be more and more sensible of the need for amplifications and additions.

            These were accordingly made in the fourth (revised) edition, after which only minor additions, for the sake of clearness, were inserted in subsequent editions until the eighth was called for. It was then found necessary to continue the story up to Australia’s entry into the second world war (1939), and also to include in it a short account of the note issue. In the present (ninth) edition it has been deemed advisable to mention very briefly some important paragraphs in the
            Report of the Royal Commission on the Australian Monetary and Banking System (appointed in 1935), as this most important report is now either out of print or has been withdrawn from circulation.

            It only remains for me to thank the general public for the cor-
            dial reception they gave to all “The Commonwealth Stories,” and which encouraged me to persevere and complete the series.
            D. J. AMOS, F.A.I.S.

    • Prof Werner spills the beans but people aren’t listening.
      He says that banks are in the business of trading securities. ( they also have a licence to create securities and transact the same)
      When a loan agreement is signed, you have ‘created’ the germ of a security instrument, which the bank completes and then transacts on an obscure trading platform that the people are ignorant of and are not allowed to partake in.
      As he says, the bank ‘purchases’ your loan agreement and provides the money in your account.
      What has just happened is that the loan agreement is created in the equitable jurisdiction, and the bank derives from it a tradable legal instrument that it lays claim to.
      The reality is that the creator of the equitable instrument did not intend to sell their instrument, but the bank acts as if they are the new owner.
      The bank also acts as if they are the owner of the funds advanced to the creator of the equitable instrument as de facto ‘payment’ for that equitable instrument.
      The so described scenario puts the creator of the equitable instrument/borrower in the box seat if they had the right knowledge and were prepared to act.

      Where people are confused in all matters regarding their relationship with what is commonly referred to as government (but in actual fact is nothing other than a private corporate entity – research the Clearfield Doctrine) is that the people are ignorant that 2 jurisdictions exist, and almost all people pretend that they are something the ‘government’ created (think Birth Certificate derived identification).
      They wonder why they have no unalienable rights.
      Their actions state that they have elected to be slaves/bondsmen and bondswomen/sureties so the fictional reality that ‘government’ creates can function.

      • One has to wonder how the corporatisation of the US might be affected by Trump getting a landslide and moving everything out of DC and into Mar-a-Lago, if only temporarily. As we see in the video above, Washington is being degraded and the Oval Office is apparently a film set somewhere else. Smarter people than me are Trump skeptics and this Globalist scheme is so long running and massive, banking is just a part of it.
        Consider in total: Sudden Injection Death Syndrome, all the hospitalisations and lawsuits, all the wars and mercenary armies, weather manipulations, social fragmentation, dependence on failing systems, white-collar theft and grand theft, political class & M$M misinformation and individuals passions, roll it all together and I guess you eventually end up with Global anarchy.
        Only fully digitalised money will be able to save us !!! And the inflation will be our own fault because interest rates on their counterfeit money were too low.

        • I was in D.C. back in the mid-1970s. I could see the decline by then, the population was predominately black and violent. I barely got out during the day without physical injury. – Back then, if anyone couldn’t see the handwriting on the wall, then they were too stupid to be part of the human race. – The only useful advice I could give was just get out, let it die…

          As the narrator said, it is a metaphor for the U.S.

    • Good analogy, elspeth. The symptoms are the effect, not the cause of the disease.

      “Expertised Idiocies” are the result of a cultural degeneracy in which things like Truth and Virtue are regarded as “relative” to some advantage or convenience.

      • “Expertised Economic idiots” are brought to defend debt based currency — maybe they go together as the ship sinks. But when did these experts starts — 1913? Which means they have caused the demise. The debt based system is bound to fail, so could good experts have this turned around 60 years ago?

        • Well like you say, the disease was contracted in 1913 and I don’t think there’s any question as to doubt that it was the terminal variety

          But every development on the planet, no matter how ostensibly disastrous, always presents multiple propitious opportunities. That, in my view should be the focus. Easier said than done of course.

          • Refer back to Michael Hudson, featured just back here:
            whose other material talks about a history of debt forgiveness long ago which from memory used to occur every time they got a new king or somesuch event.
            This fits in with the ideas of native tribes that buying some tribal land is the same as leasing it, for which contract (maritime) law had to be invented, and backed with a military, to instill the idea that buying something, such as land, was permanent.

          • “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
            And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.
            If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold.
            And if the man have none to redeem it, and himself be able to redeem it;
            Then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his possession.
            But if he be not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubile: and in the jubile it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession.
            And if a man sell a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year may he redeem it.
            And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it throughout his generations: it shall not go out in the jubile.
            But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be counted as the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the jubile. Notwithstanding the cities of the Levites, and the houses of the cities of their possession, may the Levites redeem at any time.
            And if a man purchase of the Levites, then the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall go out in the year of jubile: for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.
            But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold; for it is their perpetual possession.
            LEVITICUS 25: 23 – 34

            The fact that no such system has ever been established within so-called “Christendom” is proof that there’s never been any such thing as a Christian country

          • “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
            For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
            MATTHEW 5: 17 – 18 (extract from sermon on the mount)

          • Yes that’s exactly what Michael Hudson calls it, “jubilee”.
            As for Leviticus, is that a book of Moses ? What would he say about Richard / Rachel Levine I wonder. It’s a long way from here to Moses’ times, but the mass infanticide is not much different.

  3. I just heard a guy talking about fractional reserve banking in the USA and he said the fractional reserve gad gone from 1/10 down to 0 because of “covid” so now they are using Zero Reserve Banking ( like in Lebanon where you have to take a pistol to make your withdrawal ).
    Oh well don’t worry just put it on the card.

      • Yair, well, Max keeps pushing the idea that notions of goodness, truth and beauty are creations of the human mind and that “evil” is just what does not agree with his take on it.

      • Max Igan opens saying everyone is in on it, Putin Zelenskyy etc basically work for the same masters, by extension Trump too, makes freemason signs etc, gets control of the house and senate and presidency just in time for SPARS 2025 where Trump is a notorious va666ine advocate, it’s as if we are being herded towards these outcomes, it reminds me of watching TV Saturday mornings as kids we used to watch “BigTimeWrestling” where they had good guys, bad guys, tag teams etc., it was all fake and we knew it, it was all theatre and all the players were working for the producers.

  4. Way back in the dim “dark ages” of the 1970’s I wrote up a short explanation (about 4 typed pages) of the nature and economic effect of the type of usury that has become institutionalised in what has become known as “banking practice”. (Economics is the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services. Money is only a human invention to facilitate economic activity).

    I sent it to the heads of four Universities economics departments asking for a criticism and correction if I got anything wrong. Not even a single acknowledgement. I eventually also sent it to all the politicians that were connected to our part of the country. No reasonable response. (That was back in the days when pollys would get one of their occultly trained “back room boys” to at least acknowledge correspondence.

    As far as I can see it seems to have been the Templars that acquired some esoteric knowledge of “smarter usury” from their sojourn in the Middle East and had their headquarters in Venice to start with and spread all through Europe eventually.

    According to some archeological finds “smarter usury” (now known as “fractional reserve banking” or “standard banking practice”) was known in ancient Babylon, at least. I think that one could reasonably suspect that the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah have the same ideological roots. Something like an institutionalised predation by the “enlightened” or “chosen”, perhaps?

    • Can you supply a link to the archaeological stuff …
      For fractional reserve lending you have to have an accepted money system as the basic infrastructure and probably a lot of peasants bondsmen and slaves didn’t have any money and couldn’t count

      • No Jo, I cannot supply a link to the archaeological stuff as it was in a book I read decades ago.

        Yair, you do have to have an accepted money system, and the example I gave was a “legal tender” of gold (coins).

        Say a “gold safe keeper” of your spare loot claimed to have a strong room impervious to burglars in which you could store your claims to wealth.

        Said “keeper” naturally issued you with a receipt for your deposited loot. It wouldn’t take long for people to exchange the receipts for their gold deposits instead of going to the “money keeper”, taking out the coin, giving it to someone else who promptly deposited in his “bank”.

        It would not have taken very long for the “gold keeper” to notice that most of the “deposits” of gold coin just “sat there” and never were all claimed at once. So the smartest usurers thought “we could lend out “receipts” for gold coin that we have just sitting there and never moving until the receipts claiming payment in gold coin was about what we had idle in the “vault”.

        Ultimately, it didn’t matter a bugga whether the money token was gold, silver, notes, coin, marks on a bankbook, or blips on a computer tally, ultimately, money (no matter what its token) is nothing but an accepted medium to exchange goods and services…. and for some a medium for theft by usury. There’s much more.

        • I’m not questioning the evolved systems of fiat money, what I’m looking for is an existing infrastructure in the Babylonian era capable of supporting any type of retail usury. Funding of kings etc is on another level

  5. Thanks G5
    “The west has fallen due to expertized economic idiocies, and theatric election frauds, festering socio-economic, psychotically induced, psychopathically functioned, and media-tutored, control mechanisms.

    Frauds and Deceptions are institutionalized collateral and weapons used by the elite classes against The People.

    As one travels: we become aware of the Fictions of; Banking, Accounting, Real Estate, Law, Medicine, Science, Politics, and Government.”

    Author of Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State, Joachim Hagopian joins us to share his incredible research about the pedo-scourge in power, their international child rape blackmail intelligence operations & the secret society cults that control Washington, Rome & The City of London.

    Interview with Gabbi Choong

  6. If the banks were nationalised could Australia’s debt be written off ?

    Well the Banks “money” was loaned to us on our promise to produce real wealth. What have the banks produced – nothing but debts. Banks parasite on our productivity – we finance our own loans, how does that make you feel? Banks produce numbers called dollars and charge interest on them.

    • What we consider to be money in these times is nothing other than company script. It is entirely found in the legal jurisdiction, and comes into existence as a liability, being a promise to pay in the future when real money returns as general circulation.
      What is considered as debt is really an illusion.
      How did the Commonwealth Bank finance Australia’s requirements to fight in the WW1 when it was only 6 years old from it’s inception and was started with a ten thousand pound grant?
      It was the equitable substance that the people represented that was the source of the $700M needed. (ponder the terms of repayment that the Bank required the Commonwealth to make to extinguish the full debt!)
      And it is the equitable substance of the people that is the source of the legal tender created today, even if the people are ignorant of such.
      All the power is with the people, but in ignorance they are in bondage.
      And as is written in the Bible (the precepts of which bind the reigning Sovereign via their Coronation Oath), the means to free themselves from their bondage is by their own hand.

      • About 1:10 Clif starts ripping the CCP a 2nd a*hole saying nobody can even get water and sewage for their apartment without bribing the CCP minions to get in, there is a video floating around lately showing people carrying water upstairs to their apartment from a tap down at the ground somewhere. Clif is saying one belt road etc is falling apart because of complexities.
        Me: They are in a race with the west which is also falling apart

  7. Lament of the Commonwealth {Bank

    A hand-maiden, where once I ruled
    A Queen from sea to sea!
    No task too vile to set me to,
    Who strove to make you free.

    God! Did I once stand upright from
    My frightful servitude,
    And wear upon my beaten brow
    The crown of nationhood?

    As in a dream I see them pass,
    My deeds of long ago,
    My bright Homes, filled with happiness,
    In peace and comfort glow.

    My Credit flows in running streams
    To help you in your need;
    It saves you from the usurer’s grip,
    β€’And private banker’s greed.

    When Ruin turns his grim face on
    Your primal industries,
    My Ships steam swift, and carry forth
    Your produce overseas.

    I turn my eyes from what I did
    To what I had decreedβ€”
    A nation freed from want and debt,
    Where no man dwelt in need.

    “Come, grind this people to the dust!”
    I bend in slavery;
    But once I was a nation’s Queen,
    Andβ€”almostβ€”made it free!

    The Story of the Commonwealth Bank – socialcredit.com.au


    No. 1. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank. No.2. The Story of the Commonwealth Fleet (of Steamers). No.3. The Story of the Commonwealth Railway and the Note Issue. No.4. The Story of the Commonwealth Woollen Mills. No.5. The Story of the Commonwealth Oil Refineries and the Search for Oil. No.6. The Story of the Commonwealth Wireless Service.

  8. downloaded from http://www.socialcredit.com page 6


    When the Great Depression broke in 1929 there was a great deal of discussion among economists, church leaders and the public about a theorem propounded by a Scottish engineer called Clifford Douglas. It was known as the A+B theorem, and showed that, if all money was created in the form of debt, it must result in a price structure that rose faster than available purchasing power. The result would be prolonged periods of alternating boom and bust, interspersed with trade and military wars, and finally complete dislocation and breakdown……………..read on –

    The Story of the Commonwealth Bank – socialcredit.com.au


  9. Jew Banks are all one –


    “6). ‘Liberalism’ is one of the chief instruments of Jewish power. Through preaching this doctrine and getting into the machinery of Liberal parties, Jews have exploited for their own ends the generous instincts of all the peoples who have received them into their communities. Jews have preached ‘democracy,’ and through getting their dupes to believe it, have succeeded in rivetting on their necks the chain of Shylocracy, the rule of the Crowned Usurer, Shylock Rothschild, who was admitted to England’s Parliament by ‘Liberal’ statesmen, and now rules the world. Jew banks appear to be many, but in reality there is only one. Reduced to impotence the nations bow before the Law not of Moses, even, but of the Jews’ Bank ‘always united and always devoted to our (Jewish) cause’.”


    • Banks and indeed any fiat currency hegemonies are backed by THE MILITARY
      You cannot just build a bank and start printing money, you need INFRASTRUCTURE

    • Why should I read that, I can work out my own equitable scheme easily enough, but I don’t have an army to implement it

  10. This video posted as a link by G5 above should not be overlooked, basically it’s a Jesuits’ scenario and he goes to great pains to say everything comes from quotes and sources and no opinions presented. He says Hitler’s book MeinKampf was written by a Jesuit priest working in the Vatican and Hitler’s real name was KleineSchnitzel or DummeWurst or KlausKaputski or something else. I will have to give it a 2nd listen.

    They get “us” to kill each other, it’s been going on for 1000’s of years, but so far I have easily avoided killing or being killed ( apart from nearly being thalidomided ), so perhaps I should say “they get them” to kill each other. Bye-bye

    • As he fades out he says Jackie Kennedy went to a Jesuit school and Gerald Ford was a 33rd degree freemason, “these people aren’t who we think they are”.
      Bob Dylan and Michael Jackson had a baby and here it is, complete with zombie army, predicting the 21st C from 50 years ago (1973 I believe)

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