Home Awakening Parasites and How the World May End

Parasites and How the World May End


(L) Eustace Mullins, Photo: Wikipedia (C) Article by Colin Todhunter"India's New Rulers Are IMF, WHO, Monsanto," Photo: the ecologist.org (R) Michael Hudson, Photo: quotepark.com(L) Eustace Mullins, Photo: Wikipedia  (C) Article by Colin Todhunter”India’s New Rulers Are IMF, WHO, Monsanto,” Photo: the ecologist.org (R) Michael Hudson, Photo: quotepark.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This is how the world ends. This is how the world will end. This is how the world is ending. Not with a bang but an Oh well.

My elderly friends — and myself, for that matter — are ready to take “the demise pill.” We don’t see any chance for improvement. We remember a good life, with scads of hope in it. We assumed our progeny would have an even better world, but now it seems there is no chance. It’s gone (or rapidly going). We are saying “Oh well.”

It appears to be impossible to turn things around. How can one alter a situation, when one can’t contact the hidden monsters who have wrecked the place? We can’t even have an honest chat with our fellow sufferers, as they appear to be in a trance! Darn.

I was lucky, today, to peruse a September 6, 2022 article written by Colin Todhunter, which rehashed an article by Michael Hudson. Let me summarize it, third hand. Those two critics hypothesize (actually, they out-and-out declare) that the US hegemon does all kinds of things to maintain world hegemony. Currently, the US is undermining the strength of Europe and Russia, to keep them from moving toward China. At every citizen’s personal expense, of course.

The US impoverishes the Third World, also, by giving it the means of increasing output of agriculture via machines and chemicals that then become more expensive.  And those crops are for export! Nations, and individuals, are now hopelessly in debt — to a few banks and the IMF. And let’s not forget the way local police, worldwide, are becoming militarized. Hmm.

I mention those particulars only to convey the fact that it is difficult to compete with the Big Guys who operate with great coordination planetwide, and who control the militaries of most countries! My purpose here will be to inventory various ways of knocking down this hegemon. As I said, it feels hopeless, but I am conversant with the intellectual approach, so let’s run it.


Sociobiologist EO Wilson defines “parasite” as a predator that eats less than one unit. Not like a bird that kills a mouse and consumes it, but like a parasite in your stomach that lives off your innards.  “Hegemon” is a Greek word meaning leader; it’s used to indicate one nation dominating others — subtly or blatantly.

For his 1985 book, The World Order, Eustace Mullins gave the subtitle “A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism.” His book is about the great heist accomplished by bankers, circa 1910.  He says they are parasites.  I will adopt that concept here. So just as a doctor might try to figure out how to get the parasites out of your stomach, I will inventory any “medicines” I know of that could relieve us of the bank crowd’s hegemonic fixations.

Remember that I am operating today with a personal eye on the demise pill.  So the following is (allegedly) just a heuristic exercise.

Imagine ten ways that we could kick the parasites off the throne.  I mean out of our stomachs. Or whatever. The first two ways can be disposed of in one sentence each, since I’ve elaborated on them many times elsewhere:

Ten Ways

  1. Get’em by applying the law — both to punish them and to stop their activity.
  2. Get them out of our legislatures where they put clever details into laws that enable their big schemes.
  3. Don’t do anything. Let the forces of man and nature work it out. (Presumably, this will entail much cruelty and destruction.). That will frustrate the parasites, as soon as they realize their prey are becoming scarce.
  4. Smoke them out. Sure, the bankers have henchman galore. They have a henchman in every pot. But not every henchman is 100% brainwashed. Shakespeare, who had no illusions, wrote “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Even parasite bankers have to sleep at night.
  5. Build up religion. I know from Negro spirituals, which are great music, that faith in God pulled the US slaves through difficult times. I envision “God” as everything we believe in, that comes under the heading “morality.” Religion also makes for a strengthener against an enemy. “God said we should do this…” Pow!
  6. If it’s impossible to get at the big guys, get the low-hanging fruit. If you punish them good, this will make the uneasy crown-wearers even more uneasy. It also will also send a message to other low-hanging fruit. They will whisper to one another “Are we really in the right business?”
  7. If you do get a biggie (Henry Kissinger if he is still alive), stay your hand from the paddle or the gun or anything. Just administer sodium amytal or scopolamine, aka truth serum. Or use hypnosis. “Look at this pendulum. You are getting sleepy, sleeepy…” If his lawyer says that’s against the Fifth Amendment, tell him not to worry about amendments. This is quite possibly the world’s biggest outlaw that has ever been captured. He has codes that we need to elicit. Make nice with Hank.
  8. Encourage birth control, seriously. Put a moratorium on births. I say this, as a way to prevent a more violent way to kill off the tribe. It will be too difficult to live in a civilized way with ten billion individuals. We are not built for it. Be pro-life — save humanity.
  9. Design a kind world. Even if it does not look practical. Maybe it’s eminently doable. Check Philip Allott’s 2016 book “Eutopia” (and Law professor Allott is, believe me, no slouch). Today we see kindness slipping away. Why?  Just because some jerk parasites have to have their stupid way?
  10. Meet up locally as a set of elders plus youth. Teach one another. Ask the public to say what they dream of as a good life. Then declare your authority to speak for the group.

As Terese Grinnell once said:  Amen.



  1. “Whatever the struggle may bring, however long it may last, this will be its final result. And only then, after the elimination of these parasites, a long era of international understanding, and therefore of true peace, will come over the suffering world.”
    AH – February 24, 1942

  2. Another coincidence. The article on my email list previous to your article titled “Parasites……….” was headed “This week in Parliament”. Could not have been a better follow up connection.

  3. Comment by Andy on Winter Watch article “The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World”


    Andy’s comment:

    In 1865 the Jewish Rabbi RZEICHORN, made a speech in Prague.
    The speech was published 11 years later by Sir John Radcliff, who was assassinated shortly after its publication and it became almost extinct for years. Here are a few passages;

    “With Gold one can buy the most upright consciences, with Gold one can fix the value of every stock, the price of every merchandise, one can loan it to states that afterwards one holds at ones mercy.

    “Already the principle banks, the stock exchanges throughout the world, the loans to all governments are in our hands.

    “The other great power is the press. By ceaselessly repeating certain ideas, the press in the end makes them considered as truths. The Theatre renders similar services, everywhere theatre and press follow our directives. By an indefatigable campaign in favour of the democratic form of government, we will divide the Gentiles amongst themselves in political parties, we shall thus destroy the unity of their nations, we will sow the seeds of discord. Powerless they will have to accept the laws of our bank, always united, always devoted to our cause.

    “The possession of land has always procured influence and power. In the name of social justice and equality, we will divide the great properties; we will give small fragments to the peasants who desire it with all their heart, But who will soon be indebted to us by the very exploitation of these properties. Our capital will enable us to be the real masters.

    “Let us use all force to replace the circulation of gold by that of paper; our banks will absorb the gold, and we shall decide what then what value the paper money will have, this will make us masters of every mans existence.
    “We will promise to the workers salaries they have never dared to dream of, but we will also heighten the price of all necessities, so much so that our profits will be even greater. ”By our jokes and attacks we will render their priests ridiculous and eventually odious, their religion as ridiculous, as odious as their priests. We shall become the masters of their souls.

    But above all, let us get control of education, of the schools. By them we will spread the ideas that are useful to us, and we will mould the children’s brains as we wish”.

  4. “For as long as I felt it was possible, I extended my hand to the rest of the world for peace, time and again. After the rejection of my last peace offer in July 1940, I realized that any repetition would be interpreted as weakness, since the responsible agitators in this war did not desire peace under any circumstances.

    The conspiracy of international capitalism and Bolshevism is not an absurd phenomenon but a natural condition. The driving force in both cases is that race whose hatred has torn mankind to pieces time and again throughout the millennia, corrupted it inside, exploited it economically, and destroyed it politically. International Jewry is “the ferment of the decomposition of people and states” today as in antiquity.”

    AH – January 30, 1943

    • This goes with that and (4) gives a good description of the Jewish Banking system IMO.


      From The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, Collins-World Publishers

      CHAPTER 9

      That the commands of Moses concerning clean and unclean beasts, etc., were all designed for a spiritual significance.

      But why did Moses say, You must not eat of the swine, neither the eagle nor the hawk; nor the crow; nor any fish that has not a scale upon it? Because he comprehended three doctrines that were to be gathered in the understanding.
      So he says to them in the book of Deuteronomy, I will give my statutes to this people. Therefore it is not the command of God that they should not eat these things, but Moses in the spirit spoke to them.
      He forbade them to eat the sow, meaning: You must not join yourself to such persons who are like swine, who while they live in pleasure, forget their God; but when any lack pinches them, then they recognize the Lord; just as the sow when she is full does not acknowledge her master, but makes a noise when she is hungry, and being fed again, is silent.
      Neither, says he, will you eat the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the crow; that is, you must not keep company with the kind of men who do not know how to get themselves food by their labor and sweat, but injuriously steal the things of others and watch how to lay snares for them, when at the same time they appear to live in perfect innocence.
      So these birds alone seek not food for themselves, but sitting idle seek how they may eat the flesh others have provided, being destructive through their wickedness.

      • 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

      • The animals mentioned above also eat flesh (Yes, pigs often do), rather than grass. This is also significant both spiritually and practically. Thereby are the ones who also are more likely to have parasites!!!

    • “Shaping culture requires access and content.”

      and time i reckon, – people talk of “aussie culture” – i dont think you can have a culture that fast.. a few hundred years.. i reckon it takes a lot longer.

      Re access and content.
      Im a little amazed really.. i have had so many twitter accounts banned forever – for posting info that goes against official narrative, but yeah.. i can keep coming back! – but I dont bother any more.. not lately.

      but im seeing a bit more of this stuff recently, – that is a lot stronger than the messages i left, – that twitter seems to be letting stay up. or maybe this person has more followers – so a ban would cause more outrage. ?

      Mary –
      10. Meet up locally as a set of elders plus youth. Teach one another. Ask the public to say what they dream of as a good life. Then declare your authority to speak for the group.

      i stumbled upon this tweet below, and see this person speaking as an authority for her group at least, followers or whatever.. and it gives me a little hope. actually, that things are changing? truths are getting out? I dont know, i used to be a real pessimist.. maybe im changing.

      waking up every morning gives me a little hope, enough to not take “the demise pill.” Mary, – maybe if i dont wake up one day ill think about it 🙂


      • LinkedIn too is getting quite bold. Human rights commission has been posting (boasting) and folks are letting it have it! My recent fright of govt trolls has just made me let it rip too. Go down fighting!

    • John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.

      • Crisscross, I left a message for you on yesterdays subject.

        foffa gremlin October 21, 2022 at 9:02 pm

        Thanks Crisscross,
        You sound like you have a good grip on the BCC.

        Diclofenac is said to be safe to use daily on tissues in the mouth for several months, so nasal tissues should be similar. If the condition you describe cannot be easily inspected, maybe it would be wise to continue the therapy for a month or two and checked by en ENT??

        (Another agent said to be active against BCCs is EGCG = EpiGalloCatechinGallate). Prof Saverio Bettuzzi (Uni Parma It.) could prove that EGCG is an important protection against Prostate cancer. Green tea powder is now in the limelight again as a Zinc transporter (Ionophore) in the prophylactic efforts against Virus infections.



        • Thank you foffa for the information that I was unaware of. I have documented it in my cancer file.

          Outlook.com decides what sites it will leave me subscribed to (gumshoe has been wiped) and at present no longer notifies me of replies to my posts.I will have to find a nerd somewhere to fix the problem. I’m an old bastard and computer illiterate.

          I’ve had a large store of green tea given to me by my Chinese friends about 3 years ago but never had a good reason to try it out. That has changed now.

          I recently ordered a few jars from Cabot Health of Calcium Complete and gave them an excerpt of Poornimah Waughs description of her use of the formula, which they said that they would get back to me on.

          Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
          August 16, 2022



          • Green tea is going strong in Asia, you can buy all sorts of smoothies and Chai Keow Yens from central Singapore to vending machines in rural Thailand

  5. George Christensen (former MP) is covering mass Formation Psychosis today
    “Nation First by George Christensen is a reader-supported publication defending our sovereignty and democratic, free way of life. Consider becoming a supporter today!
    The Madness of Crowds
    The conditions to set up mass formation psychosis include a lack of social connectedness and sense-making as well as large amounts of latent anxiety and passive aggression.
    When people are inundated with a narrative that presents a plausible ‘object of anxiety’ (COVID) and strategy for coping with it, then many individuals group together to battle the object with a collective single-mindedness.
    This allows people to stop focusing on their own problems, avoiding personal mental anguish.
    Instead, they focus all their thought and energy on this new object.
    As mass formation progresses, the group becomes increasingly bonded and connected.
    Their field of attention is narrowed and they become unable to consider alternative points of view.
    Leaders of this ‘movement’ — if you can call it that — are revered, unable to do no wrong.
    Left unabated, a society under the spell of mass formation will support a totalitarian governance structure capable of otherwise unthinkable atrocities in order to maintain compliance.
    A note: mass formation is different from groupthink.
    There are easy ways to fix groupthink such as by just bringing in dissenting voices and making sure you give them platforms.
    It isn’t so easy with mass formation psychosis.
    Even when the narrative falls apart, cracks in the strategy clearly aren’t solving the issue, the hypnotised crowd can’t break free of the narrative.
    This is what happened with COVID.
    In fact, its still happening now!
    The solution for those in control of the narrative is to produce bigger and bigger lies to prop up the solution.
    Those being controlled by mass formation no longer are able to use reason to break free of the group narrative.
    Of course, the obvious example of mass formation is Germany in the 1930s and 40s.
    How could the German people who were highly educated, very liberal in the classic sense; western thinking people… how could they go so crazy and do what they did?
    How could this happen to a civilised people?
    A totalitarian leader of a mass formation movement will use the platform to continue to pump the group with new information to focus on.
    In the case of COVID-19, I like to use the term ‘fear porn’.
    Leaders, through the fake news legacy media and government channels continuously fed the ‘beast’ with more messaging that focused and further hypnotised their adherents.”

      • Speaking of mask-wearing, I think they will get over it in ASEAN countries in a month or so. They are showing signs of losing interest now.
        Something else I am noticing is boomtown Penang which has massive walls of hirise popping up, supported by a flourishing industrial sector, even including AMD chips. Old Georgetown survives, hopefully forever, but they are packing more and more in to the smallish island, seems a big change from just a decade ago.
        There is plenty more land for expansion across the two bridges to the mainland. These areas are I would say more Chinese in culture than Malay. They are business minded and not generally enthusiastic about communism, some may have actually escaped Mao’s revolution, nonetheless they are influenced to some extent by the constant lies of the media, but I would say, not wholly persuaded.

  6. Mary,
    Your second paragraph.
    Do I detect the sin of despair?
    I heard on a Charlie Ward interview that despair is worshiping SATAN.
    So I hope the score is not; Satan 1 Mary O.

          • Groan, Monika and others should stop having so many feelings.
            “Sudden Injection Death Syndrome” will eventually wake a few more people up.
            There is no lull, the US elections are almost here and nobody knows where things will go from there.

  7. Hope you did mean demise as in share and not, demise demise.

    Being underdogs, and I have always been, makes you dig deep. Success in our shared pursuit(“”) can only appear as, unattainable.

  8. I see topic has changed from Protocols of Hitler to the actual article.
    I can suggest, do not ascribe acts to the USA which are actually acts of the DeepState just as we should not say China when we mean CCP and we should not say jews when we mean Khazarian mafia.

      • The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!

        Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…

        The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

        Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

        “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.”

      • Whomever is making the accusations will have to fine-tune them for themselves. I make no informed claims about the 13th tribe and so forth.
        If some axe grinders want to specify Edomite Jews, they should adhere to that instead of the shorthand “jews” and constant salivating about Hitler.

          • NB: cc is also on record as trying to reinvent the bod who wrote the bulk of the NT, quote,
            “Paul was NOT a Jew. He was a Benjaminite.”

            Anyone with so much as a sketchy knowledge of the bible would know that Benjamin was incorporated into Judah when the kingdom of Israel split circa 930 BC.

            The development is even recorded in Britannica:

          • Not disputing your comment but about the source:

            Brittanica, based in Chicago, the most notorious city in the US, owner: “Jacqui (Jacob) Eli Safra (born c. 1940) is a billionaire investor from Geneva[1][circular reference]. He is a descendant of the Syrian Lebanese-Swiss Jewish Safra banking family”

            Probably safer sticking with the wikipedia, at least you can see the hacks, they are so unprofessional

          • What interests me is that the “fake Jew” narrative comes from the very same source as “Jews are scum”
            Which beggars a somewhat obvious question
            As to why anybody would want to fake being scum?

          • As for your reservations about Britannica, an endorsement of a biblical record could hardly be construed as a political manoeuvre

          • Apparently, the fake jews or 13th tribe somewhere around Kazakhstan didn’t like the choice of Christian or Muslim when upgrading from their pantheistic arrangements so they went for Judaism, this conferred the rights of usury granted by the Vatican, not sure of the conversion date however, in fact I can’t vouch for the entire story, anyway it ends with them moving to Hungary &/or elsewhere, where it seems they turned into George Soros, Lowy family, Rothschilds and probably Bibi and Richard/Rachel Levine too.
            Meanwhile, I guess anyone in those days could say they were a jew just by hiking 100 miles in any direction and setting up a pawnshop with a candlestick in the window.

            S/he is a 4-star admiral in the US public health corps.
            ( Personally I can’t wait for the dirt to come out !!! )

          • The Khazar/13th tribe cant is supposedly based on the premise that those who claim Jewish ancestry aren’t descended from the inhabitants of Judea & therefore have no right of claim to said patch of dirt
            Which is, of course, a not-so-oblique acknowledgement that there is such a right per Jewish ancestry
            As notated above, the “scum” accusers always wind up achieving the very reverse of what they intend

        • If Esau is the end of this age then the Khazars are descendants of Esau who found their way north in the diaspora after the fall of jerusalem in 70AD

          The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom: “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.

          ………”Esau” (= Edom) later represents Rome.
          S. S. E. G. H.—Critical View:
          Esau is assumed to be the progenitor of the Edomites. His character reflects the disposition of this warlike people. The stories in Genesis purpose to account for their relations with the Israelites (Gen. xxv. 27, xxxii. 4, xxxiii. 1 et seq.), as well as to throw light on the fact that the “younger brother”—that is, the tribe or tribes that gained a foothold in the country at a later date—crowded out the “older,” and thus acquired the “birthright” (Gen. xxv. 29 et seq., xxvii. 28 et seq.). These narratives belong to both the Elohist and the Jahvist writers, as does Gen. xxxvi., which reflects, in the form of a genealogy, the historical fact of Esau’s mixture with Canaanites (Hittites) and Ishmaelites. To the priestly writer is due the statement that Esau’s marriage, distasteful to his parents, leads to Jacob’s being sent away (Gen. xxvi. 34,

        • The Edomite Judeans said –

          John 8:31–36 , 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the otruth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone”.

          Therefore they are not the participants of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt.

          • Author : Weisman Charles A.

            Title : Who is Esau-Edom ? The Life, History, Genealogy, Prophecy, Predestination and Modern Identity of the Biblical Esau

            Year : 1991

            Link download : Weisman_Charles_A_-_Who_is_Esau-Edom.zip

            The title of this book poses a quesllon which may well prove to be the most important question in understanding the Bible, history and world events. Who is Esau-Edom? Esau was the firstborn son of Isaac who was the son of Abraham, with whom God had made a special covenant with. The Bible story tells us that Esau would have a destiny unique and separate from that of his twin brother Jacob. The dissimilar and confli cting destinies of these two individuals would affect the course of history to the present day. This material presents the “strong meat” of God’s word which is intended to edify and nourish strong Christians (Heb. 5:12-14). It thus is specifically intended for those who have advanced to the stage of understanding the racial perspective of the Bible. In revealing the mysteries of Scripture surrounding Esau-Edom, this book deals with history, prophecy, ethnology, providence, symbology, and eschatology. This book traces the life and destiny of Esau and his descendants, the Edomites, and their relationship to Jacob-Israel, to God, to historical and current events, and to other races, plus their place in prophecy and judgment. A main goal of this material is to reveal the plans and ways of God regarding the role of Esau and his descendants in the world. Thus, this book may well provide the definitive answers to some of the world’s most perplexing questions. …


          • There seems to be a chance of you becoming coherent if you keep the effort up, all the same the exclusivity thing is in your imagination

    • Judging by your story not the end of the world but the end of nouveau-liberalism we can hope.
      Congressional Demonrats are desperate for a diversion, to hold on to their fetid careers, while others such as Tulsi Gabbard cut and run as the last and best hope.

  9. Afraid to say Mary is completely wrong on the birth control part. The Malthusian lie has been exposed as nonsense for 220 years now.

    It would be joy to the ears of Kissinger et al if they could read her words.

    • Julius, I’m copying out this bit (from your item by Hitler), which counters what we were taught in the 1950s:

      “It still saddens me today that, in spite of all my endeavours, I have not succeeded in obtaining this friendship with England which, I believe, should have been a blessing for both peoples; and especially because I was not able to do so despite my persistent, sincere efforts”.

      … “It was not my ambition to wage wars, but to build up a new social state of the highest culture. And every year of war takes me away from my work.” — end

      “The response: Britain had been bombing German civilian cities since May 10th, and a month after Hitler’s speech Churchill ordered Germany’s capital Berlin bombed for the first time. Hitler responded in kind in September, four months after British civilian bombing campaigns had begun against Germany.”

      • The fate of social and genetic misfits under Nazism proves, beyond any measure of doubt, that “building up a new social state of the highest culture” was a euphemism for waging war

      • Silly political bullshit tailored for the mugs of the time. Germany wanted to build rail lines into the energy resource areas of the east and Arabia and they were as such an unwanted competitor to the British Empire. The oil wars started as soon as the commodity was wanted to put in cars. Anyone back then could see, horses and carts were finished. The future arrived.

      • “It is the same today. Again, I have to watch something happen somewhere for months. You should not think that my heart is not also consumed by fury when I hear about these air raids. You know, I did not do anything for a long time. In Paris, for example, I did not have a single bomb dropped on the city.

        As England began to bomb our cities, I waited for three-and-a-half months.

        There were many at the time who asked me: “Why do we not respond, why are we not allowed to strike back? We are strong enough to do it.” I waited in the conviction that reason would in the end return. It did not. ”

        • Adolf Hitler – Munich, November 8, 1942

  10. Speaker of Russian Parliament: Perversions as Precursor to Enslavement of Nations
    20.10.2022, 16:06

    Speaker of the Russian Federal Legislative Assembly (State Duma) Mr. Vyacheslav Volodin at the parliamentary hearing on the issue of sexual perversions propaganda on Monday observed that the actions of governments that promote perverted sexual behavior and undermine morality and decency are aimed at “destroying the normal world” and “enslaving” other nations……………”


    Israel’s monument to gays persecuted by Nazis planned for Tel Aviv

    The monument, to be erected in Tel Aviv’s Meir Park, will have a symbolic pink triangle, the badge used by the Nazis to mark homosexuals.

    Israel’s first monument to homosexuals persecuted by the Nazis will be erected in central Tel Aviv’s Meir Park (Gan Meir) later this year, near the headquarters of the Gay Center.


  11. How about be as productive as you can and feed the people, but starve the parasites by refusing to use their currency?
    How about breed like rabbits until we cannot be controlled and f..k your civilized way of life?

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