By Dee McLachlan
A Gumshoe staffer was snooping through archives and was startled to find a 2017 article by me — which looks like a prediction of the present horror-show. She insists I rerun it here. It was September 2, 2017, that I wrote the article entitled “Will You Be Living in a City That Is Really a Digital Prison?” So I’m going to re-run the article, as it has become all the more real — especially as Premier Daniel Andrews put Victoria into Stage 4 restrictions last night.
I had this picture leading the article:

Below is the article, with my August 2020 additions in square brackets.
Thanks to an email that I received from Gumshoe reader David, I have rethought my earlier posts about driver-less cars, smartphones, vaccinations, and a few other things. Let me take you down the Dr Day road once again, and suggest that we are headed for a new type of prison existence, one in which we entrap ourselves by accepting every technological “improvement” that comes along.
…Gumshoe has covered Dr. Lawrence Dunegan’s recollections of a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. The speaker was Richard Day, MD. Dunegan later made a radio recording of as much as he remembered. I begin with the section about implants and surveillance, then will go on to describe transport, “financial punishment”, vaccines, and finally, implants.
“Shortly after I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I’ll never forget it. There was some mention, also, of implants that would lend themselves to surveillance by providing radio signals.
“This could be under the skin or a dental implant, put in like a filling so that either fugitives or possibly other citizens could be identified by a certain frequency from his personal transmitter and could be located at any time or any place by any authority who wanted to find him. This would be particularly useful for somebody who broke out of prison.” [Wow! This was in 1969. Is this tied into technology like Gate’s Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System?]
Day was suggesting surveillance on an individual basis. The mobile phone is presently a substitute for this personal surveillance tool… [Day discussed the television monitoring you.] “the television set can be used to monitor what you are watching.”
All this has come to fruition … How stunningly accurate so many decades before. What fascinates me, is that this plan seems to be generational. What does not happen in this generation, it will most likely to happen in the next.
Dr Day said more about transport, and that travel is a privilege:
“Travel would be easier, less expensive, for a while…
“…travel then would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel… and everyone would need ID. This would at first be an ID card you would carry on your person and you must show when you are asked for it.” [BOOM! CoV2 is going to make travel impossible for some, and the airlines will take a long time to recover.]
This sounds extraordinary. But I was brought up in South Africa, where travel restrictions, like this, were imposed on the African populations. Truly appalling. Don’t believe that it can’t happen again. [It has — welcome to 2020 to 2022.]
To continue with Dr Day, we see that your whereabouts must always be known to the controllers.
“It was already planned that later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual. This would eliminate the possibility of false ID… The difficulty about these skin implants was… getting material that would stay in or under the skin …without rejection and to be able to retain information retrievable by electronic means.” (This was solved a long time ago.)
When I was living in the US in the mid 90s, I was told by a Motorola employee that the company had perfected implants (to initially hold medical information).
Financial Punishment
I think we are being prepared for a new world — a place where everything appears convenient and technically advantageous — but cities in the future might be more like prisons. And if you don’t comply with the regulations, and fully submit to the city protocols, the fines imposed will cripple you financially. [Is this the reason fines for CoV2 violations are so extreme? Get used to it folks.]
…These fines always catch the poorest and weakest. And Dr Day’s travel restrictions might not be far away. In June 2014, the Herald Sun reported that a Sentencing Advisory Council in Victoria put forward 49 proposals. These were a few of the ideas proposed:
“…introducing a HECS-style initiative to have the ATO collect outstanding fines… [and that]
“…fine dodgers be barred from travelling overseas and have their passports flagged…
State governments and councils are operationally dependent on fines.
Mandatory Vaccines
In Melbourne at the moment, GP, Dr John Piesse, is facing prosecution and deregistration for the “crime” of supporting parental vaccination choice — and writing medical exemption forms for families whose children are at risk of serious reactions.
[I believe Dr Piesse was aware of the agenda, but not the plan.]
This is what Dr Piesse wrote:
“I have been encountering cases of vaccine injury for over 40 years. In June it was a happy, healthy nearly 5-year-old whose parents were required to put her on a catch-up schedule, in order to get her into kindergarten. She won’t be going to kinder. She’s in a wheel-chair, brain-damaged. Her life ruined. Then came a friend’s father who died after a flu vaccine, and last week a 4 year old boy, made autistic by a catch-up schedule.”
The authorities are throwing everything at the doctor. They want 100% compliance — in the compulsory and legal push to have everyone vaccinated. [And now they have found the perfect weapon to implement the plan. But as I have said before: If you’re vaccinated, why worry about the virus that you are supposedly vaccinated against?]
Implants – A Step Away
Chips or implants will initially be sold as a medical “saving” device — then used for banking and tax purposes. If we are being forced to give a newborn a Hep B shot — it is not a big step for the authorities to say, “as part of the Hep B shot, we are planting a chip — a few millimeters in size — to monitor your baby’s health and keep her safe (from abduction).”
Disclosetv wrote about the National Medical Device Registry and the “Class II Device That is Implantable”:
“…this bill offers guidance for FDA staff. It is not just a tracking device, but this microchip would have the ability to control the food and money of the people on a grand scale. It has even been indicated that it would be possible to kill using this implant if people didn’t obey orders. The possibility for this chi[p to be implanted in every citizen of the United States is very real. Citizens are urged to read through pages 1501 to 1510 inclusive and look at the evidence themselves…”
In May, 2015, the Australian wrote:
“A subcutaneous chip would let consumers pay at a retail terminal without a wallet, credit card, smartphone or smartwatch. They would simply wave their bare hand over a terminal.
“The finding was revealed as Visa and the University of Technology Sydney announced a partnership to explore the future of wearable technology. Visa’s research looked at the wearable technology Australian consumers were interested in using for payments.”
And several people and companies have volunteered to trial the technology and have implants. One firm in Sweden has employees that can access buildings, use photocopiers, and pay canteen bills with implants.
The chips work by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and the applications are endless; transport, manufacturing, banking, tracking, tracing, stocktaking and medical storage. But from surveys done, society is not ready and willing to accept this transition yet. But one can be sure a series of false flags are being planned to help guide public opinion towards a chipped society.
If everyone had a chip, the population would be perfectly controllable. Your identity and location would be tracked 24/7, and any transgressions dealt with. All taxes and fines would be automatically deducted. We would be prisoners living in modern city prisons.
In many states in Australia and in many countries across the world micro-chipping cats and dogs is mandatory. So beware — if there are a sudden spate of (false flag) newborn abductions in several NATO countries, you can expect what will be coming next. The MSM probably already have the press releases that promote RFID chips to keep our babies safe.
Please note: I believe that getting society to accept mandatory vaccines is the first major step in paving the way for people to accept mandatory personal RFID chips. That is why the vaccine campaign is so determined to crush informed consent.
Back to 2020:
The plandemic was perfect timing. We’re addicted to phones and accept forms of tracking. But, global populations would never have accepted mandatory vaccinations, nor implants. But this has all changed. People are caught — like a deer in the headlights. The rollout of 5G to coincide with a pandemic was probably discussed 20 or 30 years ago. As Dr Day said back in 1969, “Nothing can stop us now.” This could (or will) lead to total control over a person’s movement, finances, and well-being. We need to block their “frequency” to stop what has been planned for the prison planet.
Scroll down to number 3. He (Larry Hannigan I think) says Geelong got money from Wellcome Trust, Gatesie Boy, and Davos to do gain of function at CSIRO.
Professor Francis Boyle(author of the 1989 US Bioweapons act) stated early in the pandemic(featured on a Spiro Skouros vid)that the virus was given GOF at the North Carolina P4 lab and the CSIRO Animal Health P4 lab in Geelong.
Dee, this article points the finger at Queensland:
Covid 19 is no more a “bio-weapon/dangerous super-virus” than any other strain of flu. Strategic biological attacks are, for very obvious reasons, invariably based on maladies that can be easily confined to a particular community or geographical region, e. g. ebola
And the only thing anyone needs to know about the New World Order is that membership is a matter of choice:
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: THAT NO MAN MIGHT BUY OR SELL save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. REVELATION 13: 16 – 17
It goes without saying that a high mortality rate is prerequisite to confining any disease, something that isn’t characteristic of any flu.
People, please for the sake of future humanity, DO NOT accept any more vaccines, for any reason. I have not had any since 1967 while in the Army and have very few health problems, such as seasonal colds now and again. (No diabetes, no cancer, no abnormal memory problems, don’t get the flu….just hope I am not speaking too soon)
Eat decent foods and stay away from vaccinations. Your health will improve if you are older, and younger people, your health will not deteriorate. Give up your mobile phones. They are not necessary. If mobile phones are not in use in large numbers it will not be financially viable to install 5G for the telecommunications companies.
Our Mal — semper eadem. Always balanced.
Give your mobile phones to another species. Our species does not want them.
Duck 5G. (Typo).
“We’re addicted to phones and accept forms of tracking” – What’s this ‘WE’ you’re talking about. I can function just fine without a mobile phone, let alone a ‘stupid phone’.
If people want to get addicted to some technological device that they just ‘can’t get along without’ – that is their problem, they’re just like a junkie addicted to dope. It doesn’t have to happen, it is a personal choice – make the decision wisely.
Again, we all live with our personal experiences to help guide us. Way back when I had to deal with humit intelligence of ‘floating boxes’ of surveillance (I got fairly aware when I was in a box). – When mobile phones came out (before the ridiculous ‘smart phones’), I was already clued in to the surveillance state and moved cautiously into the new technology. – Nope, I do not have a new, bewt ‘smart phone’ and never will.
The way that most government personnel respond to being told ”no,I don’t have a mobile phone” is pretty darn telling
I’ve been looking on some Scandinavian papers and they are not so caught up in the hysteria as the Melbourne Age. I expect the Age will soon be showing photos of carts piled up with dead bodies being pulled through the street. Nobody seems terribly concerned in Scandinavia, the beauty of English being a second language there, it’s harder to be infected. As for death counts, they are all confected anyway. Death rates would seem to be roughly normal anywhere. Only huge spikes in hysteria maybe in places run by evil dictators, and places with a lot of chemist shops.
The big question is: Nations around the world have signed treaties banning the manufacture and use of bio-weapons. WHY is there any laboratory in those countries with specimen of chemicals and viruses that can be used as weapons of warfare?
Don’t b/s that they need to study these items to create neutralising agents. That argument is crap.
Iran is not allowed to have up-graded uranium because it might develop nuclear weapons. What is the difference?
US has circumvented it’s obligations under the treaty agreement by off-shoring it’s bio engineering to the Wuhan laboratory in China. Thank you Dr Fauci! So now either the American taxpayer is covering the cost of covert work being done in a foreign country or Bill Gates is sponsoring via the NIH donations. Could be US taxpayers’ funds anyway.
I can’t get my head around why anybody would dig up a frozen corpse in Iceland (?) to take organs which supposedly have the Spanish Flu virus imbedded. This deadly disease has been gone for 100 years, probably forever, and then some madman (or madmen) decided it should be recovered. Really smart! Especially if you are intending to use this virus as a weapon.
“I believe that getting society to accept mandatory vaccines is the first major step in paving the way for people to accept mandatory personal RFID chips.”
Back in 2010, a US school used RFID chips sown into school uniforms to monitor students whereabouts according to this 2012 article:
and this 2015 article:
shows that you are (unfortunately) right on the money Dee!
Thanks for reminding me of that C. When I visited Adelaide in early 2019, there were drones in the sky every night.
I have my theories (evidence) that Molescreen Clinics have been involved in trialling testing and tracking with chips.
Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations
Earlier today I made a comment on another blog about this very topic, only the article I referenced was dry & scientific:
rather than the most interesting & deeply disturbing article you have linked to. I find many people are not yet ready (or willing) to connect the dots about Bill Gates & Big Pharma & Agenda 30 (amongst others). This whole situation has accelerated & escalated so quickly in only six months that I find my head spinning. Your theory about Moleskin clinics sounds most intriguing.
“If they are on campus, we can legally count them present.”(the WIRED write-up)
Confirmation that mandatory schooling is all about paying obeisance to the State by fulfilling an attendance ritual, it has nothing to do with education per se
What’s particularly telling is that funding is the overarching impetus, a pointed reminder that certain entities gets paid for institutionalising children. By giving the entire system the flick re my kids I deprived it of $150,000 – or saved the tax-payer from forking out said amount – depending on your point of veiw
Our local primary school offers free tracking chips for their school jumpers so they don’t get “lost”.
On another note, as of last year (article is 12mths old, probably much higher numbers now) melbourne had double the 5G towers of any other capital city:, with all that 5G suppressing the immune system and handy research labs, what better place for our “second wave” to start?
I remember when, inasmuch as there wasn’t a perpetual demand on parents to fork out for this and that, the System itself was “free”. I also remember my own kids studying toy store pamphlets and other pieces of junk mail and telling me “Look, if you buy this you get a free one of those”. I’d always explain why said idea was both delusional and dangerous and they caught on very quickly. Pity the same couldn’t be said about most adults
Aman710, interesting. Same state that has the greatest number of positive Covid-19 tests. I wonder if the numbers are still climbing.
I have today sent letter to Victorian Health Dept.
Government of Victoria
Department of Health and Community Services
50 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne. 3000.
The C.E.O.
I request that you check health records to 31st July 2020 of all people that have tested positive to Covid-19 to see if these names correspond to those that have received vaccinations within the last five (5) years.
I would appreciate an answer to this request, in the form of number of positive and number of same people having had vaccinations.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
M.R. Hughes.
Aussiemal, great letter that is asking the right questions. My bet is that they will ignore it completely, worst case they will reply with a Vaccinated response. The true data will be non existent. They will never incriminate themselves.
However stranger thing have happened. Good Luck.
Have sent similar letter to Health Dept of Western Australia.
The general public are just too stupid and presently ignorantly comfortable to take any notice of Dr. Day’s exposure in 1969 of the planned fascist authouritarian state.
The fascist communists have complete control of the mass media and shock jokes betraying those who finance their commercial existence. How clever, and even more clever, we finance the ABC and our politicians to implement the fascist agenda.
We are all now like the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and the Poor starved 20 million or more Ukrainians under Stalin in the 1920’s.
Stupid is stupid and stupid cannot recognise stupid because the public are stupid.
Yeah the ABC is just rolling over every time the politicians want to dribble for half an hour they get their run and ruin the news.
In case you skipped thIs 2010 Item that Julius found, here It Is again.
DO NOT MISS IT. 6 mns.
Deeply moving triggered an internal response.
Mahalia Jackson-Go Tell It On The Mountain
As for fines, a good proportion of them have no legal basis and when challenged accordingly the respective “authority” will frequently just drop off(which is what happened with my last parking fine.)
If you do decide there’s no way round paying up there are certain provisions for doing so(that no doubt vary from State to State), provisions that, from what I’ve seen, are never set out in the corresponding tickets.
In WA you can wait till the time for paying any State-based demand goes to the respective Enforcement Agency, front the nearest courthouse and either:
* agree to pay if off on a fortnightly basis at the minimum allowable amount (there being no provision for the Beneficiary to charge interest)
* agree to pay it off via a Community Service Order:
The latter might appear to be daunting but the type of work you’re likely to be given is usually a breeze
And team activities often proffer the opportunity of paling up with like-minded fellows
but perhaps best of all, it stymies the whole intention, i. e. personal disenfranchisement via taxation
Various face masks for sale –
Medical military martial law. Victoria a concentration camp gulag.
Next increment, take the shot or be sent to a ‘state of the art’ Serco prison. These are the results of having bio weapon factories, 911 lies upon lies and the debt usury criminal scam that has stolen everything, and more, from all living.
The only way to stop this insanity is to shut down the RBA, sack all Freemasons and close the three BSL4 factories in Victoria. These are the tentacles of the banksters head, enforcing the debt usury slavery, on all man/woman kind. Round them up, take them to some distant wilderness and watch as they eat each other alive due to incompetence and lack of skills.
4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, R E J O I C E.
5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, T H I N K O N T H E S E T H I N G S !
’56’ , your solution ( getting to the ‘tentacles of the banksters head’) is the gold standard of panaceas.
Isus Krist, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Pick the bones out of this one. ‘Masks are the oral facial equivalent of wearing used toilet paper around all day’. I picked this up on GreenMedInfo. and wouldn’t doubt it for a moment. Kevin Woodman.
Kevin, one might even call masks ‘ Face Nappies’.
Let truth and freedom reign type thing. Start at 3.15:
As relevant to this moment in time as it was in the 60’s
MAHALIA JACKSON Live late 1960’s We shall overcome
For my Desert Family travelling with you all in spirit. To truth telling without fear.
Ntaria Ladies Choir of Hermannsburg
Hi Ladies. Very moving. And ghost gums to boot!
I don’t know how they keep the tourists out
Stan Costner – Your Country’s Been Sold ( Original 45… Kevin Woodman
My doctor told me you can now only initiate HCQ by going to a specialist, this is for lupus or whatever, GPs cannot prescribe it. Do I need to say, “even to help the patient”. Do I need to say “even to try to prevent the patient from developing a potentially fatal illness”.
Meanwhile Clive Palmer tried to get into WA with his big bagful of HCQ but didn’t fill his visa application properly. I think they said he has about half a million doses so no doubt he will try again with a new form before he goes to court and they will have to shut him up another way. At least he got himself some attention so that is worth a lot.
Can someone tell Clive to get on the one-meal-per-day diet as if we lose him we don’t have an opposition party leader anymore
Palmer parallels Trump in many respects, the most significant one being the fact that he isn’t a member of the Country’s political magic circle
bg, are you joking about a visa application. Don’t tell me we have at last seceded from the Commonwealth, without the plebs knowing?
Imagine the income to the State, not having to share with the rest. Joking of course!
As I mentioned earlier, ritualistic obeisance is the core issue re all the mandatory crap & every prohibition cooked up by the Big Boyz. Worshiping the Beast is the disease; that’s what every body needs to withstand. Trying to appeal to reason doesn’t really amount to anything more than dabbing at the symptoms
ditto trying to nut out the whys and wherefores of who, exactly, has done what
How you react depends on where you think it is all going, but having said that, this very weird ban on using existing treatments such as HCQ is almost as bad as 9-11/Afghanistan/Iraq.
How can our politicians dribble about HCQ gives you heart disease when the alternative is death. How did we get such politicians, who are in lock-step before we even heard about it.
They say they don’t know what to do but their strong advice is to not take the medicine and ban it instead. How is it possible they can be so mind numbingly stupid and get away with it?
As spelled out between the lines of these two articles, it’s all about supply lines/international relations and maintaining a facade of superiority/control:
The lengths to which the key players are prepared to go to disguise the fact that they are knee-deep in shit sure is mind-bending
Oh this is much worse than just a simple RFID chip.
Nanoparticles in every cell of the body quantum entangled to a hive-mind computing system.
If you want the full picture, please endure through all 4 hours of Anthony Patch:
The Final Solution Part 1 (100 mins)
The Final Solution Part 2 (140 mins)