Home 911Truth Three Judges “Astonished” At Now Seeing The Collapse of Building 7 (14...

Three Judges “Astonished” At Now Seeing The Collapse of Building 7 (14 years later)


In a interview in a video (now removed)  — after the court case, Harrit says,

We got the opportunity, for once, to present a video of World Trade Centre 7 collapsing, in court,   … at that time I recognised a state of astonishment among the three judges…. I understand, as usual, that none of them had heard or seen the collapse of Building 7 before.” 

“I’m just an ordinary, very ordinary retired scientist from the University of Copenhagen who just can’t stand (when) the fundamental laws of Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton are not respected in the public domain.” 

The former Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Fraser, was also unaware that a third building had collapsed on September 11, 2001 (when I interviewed him last year). Regardless of the outcome of this libel case, the collapse of this Building 7 has been deliberatedly “kept” from the public.

According to Mike Young’s report, Journalist Søren K. Villemoes seemed confident coming out of the courtroom after a four-hour long court drama in the Eastern High Court in Copenhagen. He writes that Harrit’s witness, a professor of theoretical physics Per Hedegård from the University of Copenhagen’s Niels Bohr Institute could have over complicated the issue.

In Denmark libel is a crime, as defined by Article 267 of the Danish Criminal Code, with a penalty of up to six months in prison or a fine. It is hard to win a libel case, and this “crackpot” case will be decided upon in four weeks.



  1. Why worry about building 7???? the laws of physics were violated for all three.
    free fall gravity acceleration
    no consideration for the concept of momentum
    nor the laws of Thermodynamics when most of the two towers distributed themselves as microfine dust all over New york.
    Just where did the energy to do this come from??????
    It needed a MASSIVE amount more than demo explosives. Building 7 got the demo explosives
    the towers got the pyroclastic cloud, molten steel in the basement and fission by products all over manhattan as well as extreme temperature microspherules of at least glass.
    You form these at extremes of temperature, not some smokey mosquito deterring “fire”.
    The laws of physics worked perfectly up to this day and perfectly after, they were just suspended for this day.

    • Steven E. Jones debunk free Fall of the Twin towers in 2006
      When the scholars for truth broke up over Judy Woods death ray theories.

    • Oh also no molten steel was ever found just low melt metals and plastics, you can dream on but the gravitational potential was sufficient to do the work.

    • All explained by natural occurring materials and events and most debunked by the members of the truth movement themselves.
      You have to love the truth movement self debunking.

  2. They were astonished that Harrit made such a dumb legal argument that had nothing to do with the case at hand, and that his witness testified against his own case.
    Did Harrit plan to fail in hopes of appealing to a higher court, just to keep fleeceing the faithful?
    Doubt the higher court will hear the case after the verdict is
    Announced on the ninety.

        • No he killed his own case, he had to prove that the comment hurt his reputation as a scientist, he proved just the opposite
          If he had hired a lawyer instead of taking the cash and investing in His buddy Steven Jones’s free energy over unity circuits he might have done better.
          Now he will have to pay the legal fees of the defendant, so expect more AE/9/11 truth sheep to be fleeced to pay for this farce.
          As PT. Barnum said there is a sucker born every day.

  3. Well, Carroll Sanders scores 7 out of the ten comments thus far that follows closely the modus operandi of the usual and serial three musketeers.
    Not one of her(?) comments is worth contemplation unless readers spend the 10 minutes listening to Dr. Haritt and watching the video.
    Readers should consider what the main aim was, as expressed by Dr. Harrit and the judicial record that should follow from the transcript.
    The second aim of course is to win.
    The Money to be spent on the hearing was worth every zac, as there is now a precedent in an official court transcript with the exhibited: video of No 7, the petition from thousands of supporters of the architects and engineers and observations by Dr. Harrit of the NIST footnote number 13 at page 82 of the NIST report.

    • Will not make any difference, no harm in a natural building collapse from connection failure.
      No evidence of crime, plus Civil case Niels will lose.

      • natural building collapse? they didnt collapse, they explosively turned to dust in mid air –

        connection failure? says who? NIST? they say themselves they dodnt know how they collapsed, they didnt even investigate the collapse.. you should read the report perhaps.

        no evidence of crime? umm.. there is plenty of visual, audio, and eyewitness testimony of bombs going off, as well as the unrected material as discussed in this video.

        as for the molten metal that remained underground and underwater for ~100 days after the event, how do you account for that? friction maybe? its obvious youre not as clever as you like to pretend you are, if youre really trying to actually make the case for the government account, rather than just prove youre a pathetic troll, id suggest you give up, because youre not helping.

        • Aerogel termites, why would a gas producing thermite with a slow burn rate be used, why not use a faster burn rate more violent thermite?
          Also why doesn’t the chips like Harrit and Jones found actually combust like thermite?
          They really appear to be just oxidizing paint, maybe paint with aluminum cutting dust contamination,
          Leave it to Jones to pick something useless again.

          • they appear to be paint? – i dont doubt that someone who is as unqualified as yourself is unable to differentiate between paint and thermitic material, and thereby your opinion as to what anything appears to be is not woth diddly squat – but im sure these experts would not be in court saying they have evidence of unreacted thermitic material if there was any chance it could be paint.

            leave it to you to leave yourself wide open to contemptuous ridicule again.

          • They have not been ignited under inert argon gas, and consist of platelets with no confirmed Aluminum fuel, platelets even further reduce the burn rate of the Aluminum from 800 meters per second down to 400 meters per second.

            The Iron oxides appear to be Fe 3O4 ball milled Oxidized to Fe 2O3 common in paint pigments, the ignition tests by Mark Basile. Show only surface gas ignition common in paints.

            The chips are not consumed completely as are aerogel termites, which the paper is comparing them too.
            There is no Al203, aluminum silicate powder residue shown in any of Harrit’s tests.
            The chips would in mass be as harmful to the structure as grains of popping popcorn, especially given the fact the impacts of the planes would have ignited them do to shock induced friction.
            The Harrit& Jones paper is either a result of incompetent work or deliberately fraudulent.
            No other logical conclusion can be derived from it.

          • “The Harrit& Jones paper is either a result of incompetent work or deliberately fraudulent.”

            and yet you havnt submitted a paper for peer review to argue that case.. you mustnt have the qualifications to do so, or to even have that opinion, or the facts to back you up. No other logical conclusion can be derived from it.

          • I don’t have to submit a paper to discredit pesudo science it
            Discredited itself, if it had not there would be proof of claim in the Harrit Jones paper.

            Here’s what happened Jones loses first microspheres debate, 2008
            He finds paint chips, he reads paper on Aerogel thermites published 2004 he takes the paper and paint chips to Harrit to find out if the paint chips have caricature of aerogel thermite.
            Jones believed the aerogel thermite to be explosive, which is false the paint chips have no resemblance to the aerogel thermites.
            Jones and Harrit publish a ridiculous paper claiming explosive Aerogel thermites are found based on a laughingly flawed tests.
            Not even knowing that aerogel thermites were shock sensitive,
            And low force and that nano thermites are less damaging than macrothermites.
            I have been laughing for years watching people believe Jones Knowing he is wrong.

            I know the truth movements complete flawed history, Lose Change to Harrit.
            I know the way Jones has always misinterpreted natural evidence from day one, he has no credibility now peddling over unity circuits, what a laugh but there is a sucker born every day and they always fall for Jones.and the fraudulent truth movement.

        • The molten metal lead and aluminum is explained better by carbon based fires than by quick reaction of termites,😂
          No place fore the metals to be under water, you forgot there was drainage below the rubble piles.
          Dumb claims of molten metals under water do not make it them so just because your dumb enough to state them.

          • better explained by who? you? with what qualifications? – fact is you – or no one else, has even attempted to explain how metal can remain molten, underground and underwater, according to the people there.. despite any drainage you claim, there was water covering the whole area.. for ~100 days.

            let alone explain how it got there in the first place. from a collapse?

            please dont waste your time, and everyone elses, with presenting your unqualified thought bubbles as actual credible evidence. you need to have some sort of expertise in these matters if youre going to argue against qualified scientists.


          • That is the water the fire department sprayed on the pile that would have reacted with hot metals in the pile before going into the path tunnels and draining out the subways.
            You forget about the structures below the buildings, DA.

    • “the NIST footnote number 13 at page 82 of the NIST report.”

      makes the whole report good for nothing but dunny rub. imagine having a report into the collapse of the towers, that does not investigate the collapse of the towers.

      would be funny if it wasnt so serious.

    • The towers and building 7 were shown on TV on 9/11/2001,
      Seeing no one died in building 7:who cares about nonevents?

      • Non-event? Buildings like that have burned for most of a day and never came down before, then magically the US has 3 in one day. I think that architects, steel producers and scientist around the world owe it to the world to tell us why.
        Was it a one day event, or where can we expect the next one?

        • Read the NIST WTC reports and stop embarrassing yourself. No steel-framed hi-rise has ever been hit at ~500 mph by a 767 carrying a ~9500-gallon fuel load, and none has ever been framed with the extremely long (~47′ girder and ~52′ beam) spans, asymmetry, and simple 4-bolt gravity connections that doomed WTC 7.

          • “stop embarrassing yourself”. Funny thing – I am not embarrassed at all. I do not think it all embarrassing to have a questioning mind. And when a building collapses in such an unusual way – and when it looks like a demolition, it is not embarrassing asking for a transparent investigation. I have read somewhere that investigating for explosives was outside of NIST’s scope anyway. It is a question of open transparency. What is embarrassing is that after 14 years you and I are still discussing it. Actually that is just shameful.

  4. @ carroll – for you, what evidence is the most convincing and irrefutable – that proves to you beyond all reasonable doubt that the official account of the events of 9/11 are in fact true and correct?

    it seems to me that everything they have offerred as evidence, fails to be able to withstand the slightest scrutiny, but maybe I have missed something? what is it?

    also, if you believe the account to be true, why do you bother to argue with people who obviously, if they dont believe what the government tells them, will believe someone like yourself, apparently someone who without the neccessary qualifications to make any sort of credible refutation. you simply like to argue online?


    • The way the towers fell, matches nist, better than any CD theory do to the expected ossilations in the core.
      Rodriguez description of a bomb like sound is the clue, that was caused by the sound of the impact transfered though the core at 5100 meters per second,
      When I checked all the photos of the towers steel no evidence existed of cutter charges. Or shrapnel. When I checked the videos the ossilations in the core can be detected.
      The cores were destroyed by off center strikes in the towers from falling debris going down the cores.

      • i asked you to provide some evidence, not your unqualified lumpen opinion. i didnt really expect anything more though, because there is absolutely NO evidence that can withstand scrutiny that supports the official account.

        “the way the towers fell, matches nist” – the ignorance of that is amazing, the fact is, NIST have never explained how the towers came down, didnt you read the footnote.. ? you really are a special sort of stupid to say what you do.

        but do carry on – your struggle with your own ineptitude is entertaining if nothing else.

  5. I cannot resist pointing out the irony of Niels Harrit declaring it an offence to call him a “crackpot” for questioning what exactly caused WTC 7 to implode, while he calls “holocaust deniers” crackpots. He is clearly unaware of the Zundel trials in the early eighties that exposed many of the lies surrounding the broad holocaust accounts.
    This trial established there is no known legal documented evidence that any concentration camp inmate was ever killed by gassing. The promoters of these propaganda stories were humiliated and it is all in the transcripts. Sorcery keeps this reality hidden.

    Carroll, is dogmatic that the NIST report explains everything about mechanical forces and metal behavior but totally excludes the political forces that are every bit as real as gravity.
    These political forces can steer and act on bullets as they did in the Warren Commission, interfering with expert interpretations of a whole range of forensic “science”.

    The forces act on journalism and Hollywood making selected opinions disappear and selected groups and individuals are favored with heroism, or crucified with regular sorcery.
    Because these political forces were acting upon the NIST investigations it would be faulty thinking to exclude the whole dynamic when calculating their published conclusions.

    The most powerful instrument of political force is the money creation spell. This force acts behind smoke and mirrors leaving many highly educated people totally misdirected in their purpose and comprehension of aspects of reality despite acting with incredible technical brilliance towards a narrow specific desired result.

    Searching for the truthful revelation of things must involve a fully dynamic method of thinking that includes every strand of knowledge that may be relevant to the subject.

    Not forgetting, philosophy includes the understanding that through learning previously held beliefs must be adjusted or even rejected.

    Those who rely on NIST as sound are possibly comparative to the general population who trust their doctors prescription advice and the Chemist outlet that dispenses the treatment.

    If they heard these interviews they would know other forces, the science of sorcery and the money trick are also at play where they presumed only chemistry and biology were relevant.

    Thinking with the fully open dynamic makes sense if we want to
    achieve the best understanding of any issue. In turn this also gives us the best chance of formulating genuine solutions.

    • Yes we know the new world order started with the first human,
      He discovered fire and then decided it would be good cover to plan the CD of wooly mammoths.
      Do you have anything besides insane fear of everything?

      • Dear Carroll,
        Is that Christopher you are addressing re having insane fear? I’ve never met Christopher, maybe he is wicked nervous, but just going by his posts I would say he is calm and steady.
        But then again, I think the realities are pretty fear-justifying so let me not accuse Christopher of lacking in appropriate response.

        As to Fair Dinkum’s good wishes above, we had a blast at the Fringe, thank you. Dalia is a formidable stand-up comedienne.

      • Carroll, if you exclude the forces of political and power realities,
        along with the climate and pattern of lies and deception dished up regularly to justify wars and oppressive policies, your method is flawed. Until a proper accountable legal standard investigation is conducted into all the relevant issues pertaining to 9/11, uncertainties are justified and intelligent.
        I don’t have any certain judgement on the deliberate implosion
        thesis but do believe the “shy” building seven and many circumstantial evidence issues remain full of puzzles and riddles that demand full explanation.

  6. I like it when Harrit says “I can’t stand it when the fundamental laws [of physics] are not respected.” Myself, I can’t stand it when ordinary citizens are afraid to say “A bunch of sociopaths, none of whom are Arab, caused the WTC to be demolished.”
    Every citizen should say it every morning before breakfast. Yay!

    • the editor, chris graham over at newmatilda.com, lied about what i was posting, removed all my comments and banned me ( tried to ) and called me a conspiracy theorist for saying the official account of 9/11 did not stand up to scrutiny.

      i wouldnt call him an ordinary citizen, but i cant stand the willful ignorance, or the disregard of the facts, from people who purport to be working as “independent” media, or news journalists, who simply regurgitate the same tired old disproven offical account.

      talk about being afraid of the truth. 🙂

      • Dear Fair Dinkum,
        Don’t you like to be called a conspiracy theorist? I do.
        I think we should embrace the title. We theorize that a few people are conspiring to do such things as create fear in the population.
        I think we musn’t feel any embarrassment about doing that.

        As for what you say about matilda.com, what a pity.

        • well i dont mind being called anything except late for dinner 🙂
          being called names, such as a conspiracy theorist is not a problem, because it gives me an opportunity to point out the official account of events, is in fact nothing more than a baseless conspiracy theory itself, and simply higlighting the holes in that theory, is actually more accurately described as healthy skepticism, if indeed it needs to be labelled.

          also funny how they throw about “truther” as being an advocate for truth is something to be ashamed of??

          re: newmatilda – yeah, they seem more focused on a perticular agenda rather than any real news journalism, its more a pity for them really, because when the truth does come out..and it will, it will be them that will have to justify their actions, they cant say, we didnt know.

          im pleased many people are still working hard to shine a little light on the lies we are constantly fed.. i hope the fringe in adelaide was a success in that as well, – wouldve liked to have seen it.. thank you for the work you do.

          • Truther was coined by members of the early truth movement,
            Lyte Tripp was one of your members who first used it.
            The truth movement bragged about being truthers.
            Twoofer is the derogatory term.
            You should learn the history of your movement.

          • it is not my movement. – if twoofer comes from truther, it isnt derogatory. just because you have a head shaped like a spark plug, it doesnt make you a champion.

  7. There is no need to debate trolls who continually promote the view that the NIST report is true. All that is necessary is to point out that the collapse of WTC7 was, for about 100 feet, at free fall, as now admitted by NIST. Only simultaneous severance of all support columns can achieve this, which requires the use of explosives. Any other explanation for the collapse will produce sagging, bending, tilting motions, leading to a slow collapse, which will be obviously progessive. This has been clearly set out here:

    • Stone walls tend to do that after the steel fractures because energy transfers though steel at 5100 meters per second,
      The is no need to respond to truther fairytales that are basis less except for the humor they provide.
      Trutherism true believers can be denser than lead.

    • Hello Frank haven’t heard from you since Jones lost the microspheres debate when he admitted microspheres,
      Could be formed in fires to Dr. Greening because the science showed it.
      Oxidizing steel can melt steel provided the steel that is oxidizing has sufficient mass. DA
      How’s your Jones and company over unity electric car doing that runs on free energy, and never needs a recharge, where the battery has more charge the faster you drive?
      Has the mileage past an inch yet?
      Not my fought you trust Jones Harrit.
      Have a good day in Woo ville, good health and prosperity to you.

    • Ps,. Frank I still have all the emails but as you know I am bound by my promise to Dr. Jones and to you not to release them.
      So don’t try to lie, I will know it.

    • Interestingly, Harrit’s own witness, physics Professor Per Hedegard, denied in Court on March 12 that freefall means CD. See http://911facts.dk/?page_id=7023 for a better account of how that hearing went.
      Even more interestingly, AE911truth’s star engineer, Tony Szamboti, doesn’t think that “Only simultaneous severance of all support columns can achieve this [free fall]”. He thinks it suffices to only take out the core columns; the exterior columns would then follow suit rapidly enough to enable free fall: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=10527698#post10527698
      “Removal of eight stories of the core would have left the exterior unsupported for those eight stories and caused it to buckle. The minimum resistance during buckling over an eight story column length would have been less than 5% of the column strength. The falling core would also be pulling the exterior inward, through the attached beams, so the exterior would essentially fall in free fall and it actually could experience a little higher acceleration than gravity due to a whip action from the already falling core. “

    • 3.5.2 in NCSTAR 1A clearly explains why the NIST model doesn’t match the visible portion of your Sacred Tower’s collapse, Frank. You either didn’t bother to read it or aren’t capable of understanding simple error analysis in FEA after the targeted modeling period which occurred >7 seconds before the main parapet walls began falling.

  8. These CD fairytales all just so laughable, hard to believe there are so many people who do not simply understand the high rate,
    that connection failure can occur.
    They have to make up fairytales so easily proven fake and false,
    simply because they can not do anything but internet research.
    By the way I just told AE9/11/truthers to look for the faster acting Fe3O4 Copper Oxide nano spheres in the dust that would be there from higher combustion rate low explosive thermites.
    I have already compiled a list of natural sources for those.
    Just look at the current work of AE/9/11 Truth, trying to pass off a lineer hand equation, for thermal expansion as proof,
    When NIST did a real world three dimensional nonlinear equation that can only be done on a computer, because it utilities millions of points expanding in unison for accurate assessment of damage.
    Is that the best and the brightest you have got fairytales and
    Fakery do not actual science make.
    I have written a better program for thermal expansion of steel
    than your so called expert engineers, on my home desk top, just using a simple HTML calculator that disstorts an image based on the expansion data on a per centimeter basis,
    It is nowhere near as accurate as NIST but it is good enough for my usage, welding cutting, drilling and bolting steel.
    I how can you people believe in people who can not do simple competent science and work?
    Can’t you see these theories have you buried in garbage merely to fool the uninformed.

  9. I like to point out why WTC 7 was demolished by expert Demo crews and difference explosives used on WTC 1 and 2.
    Just imagine if WTC 7 was not blasted. Most folks would spend their times investigating how WTC 1 and 2 came down and why over 300 fire fighters and survivors contracted cancer.
    Wake up fools–Israel operatives used nuclear bombs throughout both WTC 1 & 2. WTC 7 was a diversion–you got to admit these Israel Fisters are geniuses

    • The foolish people are the people who see old TV. Sets, black lighting, and old computer models as evidence of nuclear blasts,
      When simple connection failure explains the evidence and observance better.

      • “evidence of a nuclear blast”? You are a troll aren’t you?
        You’ve sure muddied up this thread. Good job. Take the rest of the day off.

    • Why blow up world trade 7 what was to be gained in destroying the building, why not wait till the clean up then blast it?
      Nothing makes sense in CD theory of World trade 7, Fire would have destroyed documents better than blasting them all over the street.
      No one died in 7, no reason that is logical has ever been proposed for the CD of 7 was it done so truthers could see a stone wall fall at free fall and make themselves look absolutely stupid?
      That would appear to be the only logical reason for destroying the building on 9/11/2001, because the big bad government knew truthers would be mesmerized by falling granite, and that mesmerization would make truthers look exceptionally stupid.

  10. Anyone who is not aware of the collapse of WW7 (the Solomon Building) has either never used the internet or is in complete denial. The BBC even broadcast the collapse of building 7 (with the standing building visible in the background) a full 26 minutes BEFORE it happened, as if reading from a script.
    911 is an inside job.

    • “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander,
      telling me that THEY WERE NOT SURE THEY WERE GONNA BE ABLE TO CONTAIN THE FIRE, and I said, WE’VE HAD SUCH A TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And THEY [the FDNY!] made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse.” –L. Silverstein
      -regarding the term “pull it”:
      We have never, ever heard the term “pull it” being used to refer to the explosive demolition of a building, and neither has any blast team we’ve spoken with.”
      -Brent Blanchard of Protec in “A Critical Analysis of the Collapse of WTC Towers 1, 2 and 7 from an Explosives and Conventional Demolition Industry Viewpoint”

      (check it yourself on any demolition contractor’s web site.)

      Why did Swiss Re, Lloyd’s, Zurich Financial, Copenhagen Re, and at least 8 other major insurance companies all pay Larry Silverstein a total of $4.68 BILLION for his 9/11-related losses if he publicly admitted to destroying his property?

  11. Carrol Sanders- explain how the hijackers passports were found intact in the rubble of the wtc but the black boxes of the planes were not. You are a sucker and the fact that you try to argue for known liars makes you beyond stupid. You not only have no common sense but you must also have a form of brain damage or autism.

    • Way back I read eyewitness reports that at least some of the black boxes were found, (at least one!) but somehow they appear not to have been analysed, or at least if they were, we do not know about it.
      BTW there was no identification of the aircraft by their parts, some of which would have service records somewhere. Such a failure of investihgation is counter to proer laid down procedures for a plane crash……….funny that the proper porocedures were not followed.
      in addition ,the passport was found in the street away from the tower rubble …………as per a news anchor video report at the time. there is refernce to it in Corbett’s: ‘9/11 a conspiracy theory’ which summarises the official conspiracy BS…in part.
      Don’t pass this on to Carroll, he may get into a lather, as he attempts to promote so many red herrings with his three musketeer mates.

      • Yes Carroll has become desperate to earn his keep. Pedaling furiously on his little deceptive (mouse) wheel – coming up with everything possible to deflect the murder and mayhem and protect the public from a proper murder investigation. I believe it is a crime to deliberately conceal knowledge of a murder it it not?

    • Justin OB — Satam al-Saqami’s passport survived split-second exposure (if any) to the fireballs and fell to the pavement below unburned, just as many thousands of other combustibles from both airliners did. Passports are very distinctive in appearance compared to nondescript papers, and it was picked up by a passerby and turned over to the NYPD. By contrast, the “black boxes” secured to the tails of both 767s most likely remained in the infernos for 102 and 56 minutes respectively, came down when the ~500,000-TON towers collapsed, and were subjected to months of extreme heat in the subsequent debris fires.
      Please feel free to explain the evidentiary value of that passport that wasn’t obtained through numerous other sources. If such evil was afoot, why weren’t faked ones planted?

    • The one past port that was found was found on the street not in the rubble pile, other light stuff from the plane was also expelled in the air fuel blast and did not burn because the fuel consumed the oxygen.
      You have to have heat and oxygen to burn something, when a light object is caught in a fuel air blast it can be shielded in the blast and just scorched by the heat.
      It has occurred before, in plane crashes, or other fuel air blasts,
      Why would someone plant such coincidentally apperient evidence, the passenger manifest and security cameras and eye witnesses would have been enough to identify the highjackers.

    • PLENTY of papers and other combustibles from both airliners survived brief or no exposure to the fireballs and fluttered to the pavements below un-burned before either WTC tower fell, and passports are very likely to have been noticed by passersby. Please explain the evidentiary value of Satam al-Suqami’s passport that wasn’t readily available from many other sources. You mistakenly believe that the al Qaeda suicide attacks of 9/11/2001 were a whodunit…

      • Ahhh yes who could not take into account ol’ Satam’s passport. Don’t forget the Kouachi brothers left their ID behind in the abandoned car in Paris – just in case the authorities wouldn’t know who they are chasing. Yes I hope they found the right stamp in Satam’s passport. Wonder if they checked for fingerprints… Maybe they should check on the plane’s steering wheel for prints…. Debating with the likes of you Albury is like being on a carousel – that has cheap music and goes around and around and around….

  12. This is what it is ALL about:

    Israel/NWO are preparing for the arrival of their “own Messiah”…the One Eyed Messiah, THE DAJJAL….

    That one eye atop the pyramid on the dollar bill refers to him.

    That one eye symbol omnipresent in the Showbiz, music videos, movies, architecture, company logos… Paying homage to their upcoming leader.

    Even Israel’s Flag represents the “As Above as Below” Satanic Tenet.

    In defiance to the Real Christ, the False Messiah will RULE FROM JERUSALEM.

    For Muslims and Christians alike, Jesus Christ (Peace upon him), was the real Messiah.

    The Zionists portray the REAL MESSIAH, SON OF MARY, as “boiling in hell in his own excrement”. Check out the T a l m u d…. “HE WAS A SORCERER, “HE PRACTICED MAGIC”, “HE WAS IMMORAL AND HUNG FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE JEWS”… MARY (PEACE UPON HER) WAS AN ADULTERESS..

    THEY ABHOR THE REAL MESSIAH and his MESSAGE. Why do you think they plotted against him?

    Yup. That is how much your Zionist friends love and respect you, O Christians for Israel.

    But through their fancy PR they managed to convince the oblivious American Public that they are your friends. This can’t be any further from the Truth.

    Once Al Aqsa falls (the last portent) and the Satanic Temple is erected, the False Messiah will emerge. They been paving the way in blood for him, rolling out the red carpet, you may say. They are UNDERMINING THE FOUNDATIONS of the Aqsa AS WE SPEAK.

    Why do you think they have been waging this image war on Islam? going to extreme lengths to discredit it?


    All our Arab/Muslim leaders are CIA/Mossad pawns and these “terror” groups are CIA/Mossad/Arab puppet regimes joint ventures. Because Islam is the last standing fortress, Islam is the natural enemy of Satanism.

    Prophet Muhammad identified the ANTICHRIST as ONE EYED!

    Now we know who Menachim Begin was referring to in this famous quote:

    “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. OUR EARTHLY KINGDOM WILL BE RULED BY OUR LEADER WITH A ROD OF IRON. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”

    Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982

    “In the land of the Blind, the one eyed man will be king.”

    The people are blind, AND HE WILL RULE AS KING OVER THE BLIND.

    Now you know why they gave Palestine to Satanic Khazars. This is not the Quran’s Israel, this is not David’s Israel or Christ’s Israel. This is Dajjal’s Israel.

    This is why Israel has the support of the World’s Elite and has always been ABOVE the Law. 70 YEARS OF ATROCITIES AGAINST THE PALESTINIANS, MANY OF WHOM ARE CHRISTIANS, and the REAL DESCENDANTS OF CHRIST.

    Just look at the MAP to see who the real Aggressor is. Statistics do NOT LIE.

    You think they gave it because they felt remorse for the Holocaust? These people have the darkest of hearts, A DEN OF VIPERS… you think they really give a cr**? They allowed it to happen in the first place. However, it was only the good Jews who suffered.

    BIBLE, Rev 2:9 (THIS IS FROM THE BIBLE, and it can’t be more accurate)

    “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN”

    God is ONE and the enemy is ONE.

    Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies.

    P.S: real authentic Jews are not fake Khazars aka Zionists. Please note the difference. Jews who follow Moses are people of the Book, God’s people

  13. Harrit just lost again, it’s truther thing always losing because of flawed nonsensical arguments that have no factual information
    Basis in reality. The truth movement has a suggcess rate of 0.0
    From Jones to Harrit, have a nice day.
    Congratulations on spending thousands on a doomed idea from the start don’t expect to hear much more from Harrit now.
    Basile’s studies will also never be published, and if the brightest AE/9/11truth has is Tony S. Everyone can go back to sleep, simple strain rate induced connection failure known to affect steel since the first steel was formed,
    Explains the towers collapses far more accurately than any CD, theory.

  14. Carroll is part of a organised psyop project. The goal is to over shadow facts with noise and deception. Basic concept of Carroll’s personality varies from forum to forum but all prevent topics are ridiculed, mostly 9/11, with disinformation in a last ditch attempt to persuade, influence & change opinions of over half the worlds population


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