by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
On January 23, 2018 I gave a public lecture in the public library of Watertown Massachusetts, called “The Tsarnaev Trial.” I role-played a “replacement Defense attorney” for Dzhokhar (“Jahar”) Tsarnaev, whose case in now in Appeal. Every person on Death Row has an automatic right to appeal.
In the lecture I had no trouble at all showing how the evidence against Jahar was so flimsy that his conviction was a disgrace. I also noted that his Public Defender, Judy Clarke, had said, in her opening speech, in 2015, “It was him.” This made every Bostonian, including myself, assume that Jahar had admitted guilt.
Well, no he hadn’t. He had always pleaded Not Guilty to each of the 30 charges related to the Marathon bombing and the related murder of an MIT campus police officer, Sean Collyer.
At one point during my lecture, I mentioned that there was a case pending in the US Supreme Court of a Louisiana state prisoner, Robert McCoy, who was convicted of a triple murder in 2008. McCoy had sought an appeal on the grounds that his attorney insisted on “conceding guilt” – supposedly to win a sentence less than the death penalty. The Louisiana appeal court turned him down.
During the break between my lecture and the Open Mic that followed, a member of the audience brought me his cell phone and read to me that the Supreme Court had denied McCoy’s demand for a new trial. I was truly shocked. The right to plead innocent has been in business since Runnymede, in 1215. Eight centuries with no one challenging that basic right.
Anyway, good news — the guy with the cell phone was mistakenly reading from the denial by Louisiana’s Supreme Court. Whew!
Subsequently, on May 14, 2018, the US Supreme Court, handed down its ruling in McCoy v. Lousiana. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the opinion.
“Held: The Sixth Amendment guarantees a defendant the right to choose the objective of his defense and to insist that his counsel refrain from admitting guilt, even when counsel’s experienced-based view is that confessing guilt offers the defendant the best chance to avoid the death penalty. Pp. 5–13.”
That does not mean Mr McCoy walks free. He walks back to the district court and gets a new trial.
In the title of this article I herald Jahar’s “walking,” and I do mean walking out the door. His case will at the very least fall under the McCoy ruling, that is, Jahar has to be entitled to a new trial. But once the appellate judges – en banc, three of them – get a load of what has gone on they will surely see that this was a false trial and the accused was a classic patsy.
Strategy Is As Strategy Does
Let’s concentrate first on the very issue of the mode of plea-ing. Did Judy Clarke, and her team really intend that the “strategy” of conceding guilt would spare Jahar from the death penalty? As widely discussed in the media, the strategy was for the Defense Team (budget for the defending of this case: $5 million) to say Jahar was pushed into it by his older brother, the late Tamaerlan Tsarnaev. “Yeah, sure, Jahar planted one of the two bombs but he didn’t think it up himself.”
A major effect of The Boston Globe and other media discussing the strategy was, of course, to allow the “story” – and I do mean story – of Tamerlan’s “Islamic extremism” to get air time, ad nauseum.
Why choose this path anyway? It is known that strategies don’t usually impress a jury, and this jury was being fed quite a meal of terrorism, including fatal harm to a little boy named Martin Richard, and numerous fans at the Marathon finish line having to undergo amputations of a leg, or in one case, both legs. “Boston Strong” tee shirts were everywhere.
And who do these lawyers think they are, anyway, overriding the accused’s unambiguous Fifth Amendment right? I think I know who they are. They are part of the whole thing – they never intended to defend Jahar in any way – you can see that at a glance in their failure to vigorously cross-examine even the most dubious witnesses, such as Jahar.
Great Carjackings of the Western World
Of course when you have a “strategy” you take the word of a witness like Dun Meng to be correct, so who needs to beat him down? Dun Meng gave an extraordinary tale but that’s OK. He said he had pulled over to read a text message (and/or he was tired) and Tamerlan’s car just happened to pull up behind his. Out of that car gets a perfectly confident carjacker, Tamerlan.
By “confident” I mean Tamerlan did not worry that the driver might dial 911 or might not let him in the car, or might have a gun and shoot Tamerlan – you can think of more possibilities. Nope, the carjacking went smoothly and even included a stop at an ATM where Brother Jahar would conveniently chalk up an additional charge of robbery and get his mug photo’d for posterity.
Note: I love to remind Americans of a court trial that was distinctly worse than that of Jahar Tsarnaev. Namely, that of Brian Nicholls in Atlanta Georgia. He was said to have shot Judge Roland Barnes dead right there in the courtroom where Nicholls was being tried for rape. (Date rape, to be exact.) Nicholls then fled out onto the street and did five carjackings in a row whilst police chased him.
And at 2am he ended up, randomly, in the home of a lady – single, of course, who talked him into turning himself in by reading to him from The Purposeful Life. Works every time.
Australia’s biggest patsy case, the Port Arthur massacre, also involved a carjacking. It was a BMW. Dun Meng’s was a Mercedes. None of your Volkswagen stuff for writers of a dramatic false-flag script.
The Role of Attorney William Fick
Back to the matter of the accused’s right to decide on his plea.
The timeline here is that Jahar was arrested on April 19, 2013, having been nearly killed on a dry-docked boat, into which the police pumped 228 bullets. (You have to worry about their competence.) Oh by the way at the post-lecture Open Mic when I raised the issue of the boat-attack, the Watertown officer who has been in charge that night, Sgt John McClennan, distanced himself from the whole thing and said “That never should have happened” – and it was “other agencies” that did it.
The next item to note is an August 2013 imposition of SAMs on the prisoner. These Special Administrative measures are purportedly aimed at stopping a terrorist in jail from causing even more mayhem in the outside world.
In fact their effect – and thus I suspect their real purpose – is to gag the man. Jahar’s Aunt Maret has been wanting to speak to him ever since he was in hospital with major wounds, but “no can do.”
Was it a judge that ordered the SAMs? No, the judge in this case, Judge George O’Toole, had not enter the picture yet. The trial began in February 2015. The SAMs decision was made in August 2013 by Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General. The Bureau of prisons was under her command. That command is now held by Jeff Sessions and he should stop this criminal obstruction of justice.
The Mind-Boggling Affidavit
I’ll now quote from the affidavit that Jahar’s aunt, Maret Tsarnaeva, wrote – with the assistance of Minnesota attorney Jack Graham, a copy of which is attached to, or really incorporated into, the amicus brief filed by myself and two other US citizens.
You really need to get angry, and scared, at the “standover” tactics seen in the home of Jahar’s parents in Russia. (Technically, the Russian Federation.)
The aforementioned defense team in the case, spending wildly the $5 million taxpayer-funded budget, made 14 trips from Boston to Russia.
William Fick, known as Bill Fick, had lived in Moscow in the 1990s. His job? “He designed and managed an array of projects to develop access to the Internet,” after the collapse of Communism. I recall that no sooner had the Berlin Wall fallen in 1989 than Rupert Murdoch was in Poland, under an assumed name, modernizing the telephone system. Almost as if he anticipated the fall of the wall.
On April 17, 2015 Maret Tsarnaeva signed the following, under penalty of perjury [All bolding is mine]:
On or about June 20-21, 2013, during their first trip to Russia, which lasted about ten days more or less, Judy Clarke and William Fick, lawyers from the federal public defender’s office in Boston, visited my brother Anzor Tsarnaev, and his wife Zubeidat, respectively the father and mother of Dzhokhar. The meeting was at the home of Dzhokhar’s parents in Makhachkala which is in the republic of Dagestan adjacent to the republic of Chechnya, and about three hours’ drive from Grozny. My mother, my sister Malkan, and I were present at this meeting. Zubeidat speaks acceptable English. Mr. Fick is fluent in Russian.
Laying aside other details of the conversation on June 20 – 21, 2013, I wish to note the following:
— The lawyers from Boston strongly advised that Anzor and Zubeidat refrain from saying in public that Dzhokhar and his brother Tamerlan were not guilty. They warned that, if their advice were not followed, Dzhokhar’s life in custody near Boston would be more difficult; [To me, that sounds like a physical threat, as how else can you make things worse for a prisoner who already has no comforts-of-home? And no lawyer!]
— Mme Clarke and Mr. Fick also requested of Anzor and Zubeidat that they assist in influencing Dzhokhar to accept the legal representation of the federal public defender’s office in Boston. Mr. Fick revealed that Dzhokhar was refusing the services of the federal public defender’s office in Boston, and sending lawyers and staff away when they visited him in custody.
… Dzhokhar’s parents expressed willingness to engage independent counsel, since Dzhokhar did not trust his government-appointed lawyers. Mr. Fick reacted by saying that the government agents and lawyers would obstruct independent counsel;
In any event, I [Maret] am aware that, following the meeting on June 20-21, 2013, Mme Clarke and Mr. Fick continued to spend time with Anzor and Zubeidat, and eventually persuaded Zubeidat to sign a typed letter in Russian to Dzhokhar, urging him to cooperate wholeheartedly with the federal public defender’s office in Boston.
[Shades of Martin Bryant’s mother in Tasmania being pressured to tell her son she couldn’t visit him anymore if he did not plead guilty (Carleen Bryant, My Story, 2007).]
On or about June 19, 2014, during their visit to Grozny over nearly two weeks, three staff members from the public defender’s office in Boston visited my mother and sisters in Grozny. I am told that they also visited Dzhokhar’s parents in Makhachkala.
… My sister Malkan relates, and has authorized me to state for her that, during the conversation on June 19, 2014, in Grozny, Charlene the independent investigator stated flatly that the federal public defender’s office in Boston knew that Dzhokhar was not guilty as charged, and that their office was under enormous pressure from law enforcement agencies and high levels of the government of the United States not to resist conviction.
What To Do
In sum, the Supremes have spoken. Jahar is in line for relief. Admittedly it’s a tad tricky as he has never been heard to say “Help me get a better lawyer.’ In fact he has never been heard to say anything. Exactly on a par with Martin Bryant in Australia. Not one word.
Surely it is within the American system (“Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,” etc) to open this thing up.

I phoned the aunt last week. She reports that at the Mahachkala meeting she suggested “We hear there is another suspect for the Marathon bombing. Why don’t you talk about him as a way of defending Jahar?” In response, Judy Clarke, God bless her, said “That’s a good idea. We could do this, Bill.” Whereupon Bill Fick got red in the face and angry and said “We are not going to do that.”
Why did the press tell us that Judy Clarke was the boss?
According to Fick’s website fickmarx.com:
“Bill has tried multiple federal cases and has obtained acquittals or dismissals of charges involving fraud, regulatory crimes, computer crimes, firearms, narcotics, immigration, bank robbery, child exploitation, and sex offender … and fought for fair sentences on behalf of clients who elected to plead guilty or were convicted at trial.”
Sounds like he could have done a better job defending Jahar. Even I did a decent job defending Jahar “in the library” – it was as easy as pie.
One wonders why these people have not been struck off the rolls. Partly it is because citizens are unaware of how easy it is to get a state board to call an attorney on the carpet. If you complain of unethical practice, the board must hold a hearing. This is superior to the Australian states’ “Law Societies” where the profession is able to protect its own.
In Massachusetts, the first step of complaining must go through the Board of Bar Overseers –MassBbo.org. They apply various rules of which the first violation they name is:
Serious neglect of a client’s case or a client. Examples would be an attorney’s failure to file papers or documents with the court within time periods prescribed by law, or unreasonable failure to communicate with clients on a timely basis.
If a serious violation is found (In Jahar’s case, I’d say how serious can one get!), the matter can be sent to the state’s Supreme Judicial Court.
Oh, and another violation of ethics on Massbbo.org’s list is: “conflict of interest.”
Think about this: Did Public Defenders Fick and Clarke work for the Defense or did they work for the Prosecution? Or, for that matter, did they work for the FBI?
Or…or…for, who knows?
— Mary W Maxwell has dedicated her book, Marathon Bombing: Indicting the Players, to “all aunts everywhere.”
Mary… It appears to be almost routine for Australian defense barristers to ask for deferrals because their case notes and lodgements are late. The Law Society is a law unto itself. As one lawyer told me, every legal draught must be vetted by the Law Society so that it can be made lucratively ambiguous.
The Law Society also vets constitutions to ensure no nasty bits of democracy or citizens rights sneak their way in… which they did to the Oz Constitution in 1900, leaving us with no rights whatsoever (except to whinge to Betty Windsor).
I read through John Howard’s Sedition Law, which meant anyone can be locked up indefinitely without arrest (hence no habeous corpus) and all property confiscated. Objecting to corrupt or crooked government constitutes the crime of Sedition.
It seems to me that the elite want to gradually eliminate courts altogether.
Great fight, Mary.
“It seems to me that the elite want to gradually eliminate courts altogether.”
— or possibly the opposite, Tony. They may think a court like US District of M’assachusetts is fab. As long as the media can cover up what’s going on. The majority of Bostonians believe Fick.
And at times they’ll need courts, to dispose of suspicious deaths. i reckon Judge Roland Barnes in Fullarton Count Court, Georgia was “taken out” by, let’s say, the Speculative Society, so they had to air a full trial of the innocent Brian Nicholls (champion carjacker). The trial was live-streamed in its entirety. Blatant lies. But it had the trappings — a judge, a jury, a bailiff. Hard to fault.
At the end I thought it would come unstuck when the judge said “Would the accused like to say anything now?”
But his attorney simply replied. “No, Your Honor, he wouldn’t.”
Perhaps you are right, Mary.
Now you come to mention it, Australia has already media-managed not just a court trial, but an entire $80 million Royal Commission of Inquiry.
I refer to the Deaths in Custody, the final Report of which actually said:
.”The conclusions reached in this report will not accord with the expectations of those who anticipated that the findings of foul play would be inevitable and frequent. That is not the conclusion which the Commissioners reached. As reported in the individual case reports which have been released, Commissioners did not find that deaths were the product of deliberate violence or brutality by the Police or Prison Officers” (1.2.2).
“The work of the Commission has established that Aboriginal people in custody do not die at a greater rate than non-Aboriginal people in custody” (1.3.1).
… Yet every Australian, in fact most of the world, believes the opposite.
This travesty of justice and judicial fraud was initiated by Supreme Court Judge, Justice James Muirhead, easily the most corrupt judge I ever met. His goal was personal and professional fame, to realise his ambition of becoming Administrator of the NT.
If this stunt could be carried successfully, illegal prosecutions will be a cinch.
Tony, having now read what you said below (June 15, 2.14pm) and also scanned your website, oziz4ozis, I don’t understand. Are you saying that the deaths in custody story is made up? So if The Australian says “50 deaths in custody in the 1990s” — or whatever — it is a crock?
Note: i did not say Aboriginal deaths (though indeed we always hear that these are higher) I just mean any death in custody.
Yesterday, on a Federalist Society teleconference the speaker talked about an Obama initiative re “fair Housing”. It seems to be aimed only at African Americans. I consider that racist and so do many African Americans. The subject was poverty. if you are poor you are poor. The fair housing initiative should deal with a poor white too.
So school me please. I trust your knowledge and experience.
Oops. Tony, rather than reply here — this is a Boston thread — please write an article for Gumshoe on the 1987 RC.
And I hereby invite any young journo (young=under 75) to give us an article on the old Fitzgerald Commission and/or the Wood Royal Commission.
OK Mary, I will write an article about the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
However, just to clear up any confusion, yes, it was made up. There were more non-Aboriginal deaths in custody than Aboriginal; which means the $80 million Royal Commission should never had traction in the first place.
That there were deaths in custody is a given. Nobody argues that. People who spend their lives in prison invariably die in prison. It goes with the territory.
It is also a part of Aboriginal culture to incorporate ‘payback’ in the grieving process. There is no such thing as accidental death, or pathologically-caused death, in Aboriginal culture. The cause of death is always assassination (ie featherfoot/Kadaitja/Galka), or sorcery, or dangerous spirits invoked by somebody saying a departed person’s name (too close to their death). or more recently, by police. The target changes according to current fashion.
Even with urban Aborigines, who have no Aboriginal culture or language, the reaction persists and police are hated and blamed for pretty much everything. This is how the deaths in custody machine gained traction.
Initially. it was entirely about Jim Muirhead’s ambition to be the Commissioner on a Royal Commission and deaths in custody looked like being the best bet.
This was disputed by me and by Senator Bob Collins (who was married to a Tiwi lady and worked in Maningrida for a decade or so.
In my article, I will provide background about Justice Muirhead so that every reader can judge for himself what kind of sociopathic and self-serving character he possessed.
Part way into the Royal Commission, Muirhead realised his boat was leaking like a sieve and so he recused himself, claiming ill-health. Several Aboriginal Commissioners were appointed in his stead and it took them years of desperate searching for a case to answer, but the evidence just was not there.
Above, I have quoted verbatim, what the Aboriginal Commissioners finally concluded in their report: in essence, more whites die in custody. $80 million was wasted to identify the reality which I and others had already exposed.
The same crap was repeated over the kids in the youth detention centre. A judge and professional Aboriginal were appointed who had no knowledge, expertise, or comprehension of what had happened. Neither, consequently, has been able to suggest what went wrong and what should be the remedy.
But I can tell you now (having lived professionally through the whole saga) that youth detention was taken out of the hands of child welfare (Communiity Welfare Division) and placed under adult corrections, which was transferred to Justice.
How the hell could that not go wrong?
Second, the kids placed there had been raised without parenting… as you and I would understand this to mean. Some of these were kids whose parents boasted of their criminality and when they bashed up little old ladies this was celebrated. Ergo… there was nothing to work with, and the people who guarded them had no skills.
None of the neglectful and abusive parents have ever been held accountable and so the trend spirals ever-more-wildly out of control.
This all comes back to moronic politicians and a hopelessly corrupt and incompetent and activist judiciary.
The prison guards have been the easy target scapegoats. Most old Darwin people, by the way, side with the prison guards. Why? Because they are the victims of these juvenile monsters and hated politicians.
Child separation/theft — another time, another place — embracing (and extending) the Australian (and Canadian, and US) model/template/”solution”:
Quote: “You don’t understand the trauma until you’ve heard like the scream of a mother and child being separated,”:
Also addressing the comments of 26chatsworth.
Sorry 26.
Nah, that’s me, Mary. I don’t know why it is coming up with the wrong name. But it could be worse,
Tony, which RC are you talking about? The one in the 1980s?
Tony, I am not one to go to rallies or marches but back around 1988 I marched in Adelaide because death-in-custody really pisses me off.
(Hello Tamerlan.)
So a large group was going down King Wm street and uniformed-police flanked us. The cop near me – young, blond, small-built – seemed friendly so I chatted a bit with him. You know ,“It’s great weather today” type thing.
Then I said “Too bad there are so many deaths in custody.” He turned on me and snarled “They are suicides.” I was so surprised by the vitriol. Have never figured out if he really believed it. Probably did.
It’s logical enough that some WERE suicides. But even if as many as 20% are suicides, that leaves 80% not.
Hello Tamerlan.
Please read what I recorded. You were dudded… lied to… duped by pathological liars.
In the 1970s and 80s, I was the person in the NT who Aborigines came to when they were in trouble, including complaints about police brutality. At the time, I was a welfare officer and the only government employee who spoke Aboriginal languages. By 1980, young Aborigines were routinely playing this cynical game to the hilt. Not one case I investigated was found to be justified.
Eventually, the seniors of some clans came to Darwin and blasted their sons and nephews over their behavior. As a matter of record: When the Royal Commission was announced, Senator Bob Collins was interviewed at the airport and said he had no idea why there should be such an inquiry as more mainstream Australians died in custody than Aboriginal. As our department also ran the prisons, I can attest to the truth of that.
The Aboriginal Commissioners wrote the RCADC Report from which I quoted, saying the very same thing. Please read again and ask yourself why the media said the opposite?
You really do need to understand the depth of propaganda in Australia, and the divide and rule games therein played.
Tony, I did one of the Royal Commission Inquiries into Deaths in Custody. It was out at Walgett and the bloke’s name was Clarey Nean.
Clarey went into custody to ‘cut out some time’ from a previous conviction. His cell door wasn’t locked, he went back and forth. He was given the job of washing the police vehicle one afternoon. He was found collapsed next to the vehicle. He had high blood pressure and had suffered a subdural hematomia.
While he was in custody he mentioned he had to take blood pressure medication. The Police went out to Namoi Reservation and tried talking to the relatives about his medication. They didn’t know anything or offer any assistance.
My cross-examination of the Police led to the Commission’s recommendation that the Police take full medical particulars when taking someone into custody. Perhaps Clarey’s death did have some positive result.
Judy Clarke`s attitude leaves a lot to be desired if one is looking at a death penalty result.
It appears that the criminal court system in Australia is defunct. There are several cases that I will mention, show that this system is corrupt.
There is a man in Queensland who has been trying for years to get his affidavit accepted, whereby he claims that he is an unintended culprit of delivering Prime Minister, Harold Holt’s murdered body to the sea off the Victorian coast. However this very serious admission is not allowed to be heard by the Court.
The “Hilton Hotel bombing”, whereby a live bomb was deliberately placed in a rubbish bin by Government agents, to explode killing two rubbish truck operators and a police officer was again, deliberately blamed on known innocent people. However the Court upheld the lies told and several people went to jail for numerous years until exonerated.
The Port Arthur Massacre certainly showed up the devious events of the judicial system. When Martin Bryant was accused of the murders his significant assets were stolen by the State Government so that he could not employ his own defence team. In place of this he was supplied with two defending lawyers by the State, who immediately left their client stranded. Then a third lawyer was employed who was illegally put to the task.
This lawyer had already served the Government involving the same crime, so was ineligible to act for the defence. This did not concern Justice Cox. When Bryant appeared before Cox and pleaded “not guilty”, Cox refused to accept the plea, leaving Bryant without a trial to stay in prison until he could be broken down, to change his plea. Brilliant, now no trial at all.
In the meanwhile the DPP had notified all meaningful witnesses that they would not be required to give evidence in court. Another brilliant move! A court case without witnesses.
The incompetent and illegal Defence Counsel has admitted in public that he would not allow Bryant to again plea, “not guilty”.
Once the victim pleaded guilty, no trial was allowed and the DPP went on the rampage with false evidence and lies. Neither the defence nor prosecutor mentioned any of the “Police Witness Statements” that had been collected or the fact that the police did not collect or supply finger prints or DNA of the killer from his meal tray and drink can.
The third event was the Sydney Siege Coroner’s Inquiry in which the ADF admitted that they had built a mock-up of the Lindt Cafe that they had offered the NSW Police for use. None of the Coroner’s lawyer saw fit to query if the mock-up was built premature to the siege, although this would point to whether the siege was planned by others than Mr Monis. These lawyers, to my knowledge, did not bring up the fact that in the previous twelve months a terrorist exercise was acted out in the same area as the Lindt Cafe. Suspicious, anybody?
The latter three Court cases resulted in legislation to herald more money for the Intelligence Agencies and a Police State mentality. This legislation was drawn up before each of those events had occurred. This is ascertained by the short interval between the crimes and the legislation.
In another travesty of justice, Bradley Murdoch, although no angel is serving life in Darwin Prison for the murder of the “undead” Peter Falconio. No body, no evidence just the lies of a woman, and disappearance of Falconio. Her “evidence” is so full of crap and lies.
I think Mal this is about to break with a series of films exposing the whole ‘crime’.
Mal, here is an item on Harry Holt from a government website: primeministers,moadoph.gov.au:
“Harold Holt had ambitions, but they were more for the country than for himself. He considered that Australia needed to become more independent in policy and practice, including in relation to Britain. He took pride in ‘not stepping over anyone’s dead body’ to ascend to the position of prime minister.
“Holt entered parliament in 1935, at just 27 years of age. [born 1908, died 1967]
“In 1940 Holt enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force as a gunner, with parliamentarians receiving military pay in addition to their parliamentary allowance and being given a ‘pair’ during parliamentary divisions. Later in 1940 he was recalled to the ministry by Menzies, following the death of three ministers in an air crash in August that year.”
Mal, you are hereby tasked with checking out that 1940 air crash. Note: umpteen Congresspersons have died in office but not much is made of it.
Its really worth checking out, the air crash. I found it hidden from my schooling , when i was looking at the unlikely Malaysia Air double disaster. Looks like there was going to be disagreement at the Canberra meeting, like Titanic not all boarded that fateful trip.
Simon, two MPs who were scheduled to fly “took the train instead” that day. The Ministers for Army, for Air, and Executive VP all died. Mal obtained that info for us. If you want to research it further please do, but how will it help us?
It is pretty disgusting to think they get rid of dissidents that way. Rather Katyn-ish. See my chapter on dead whistle blowers in Fraud Upon the Court.
Talking about it doesn’t help. See Fiona Barnett’s website today for good news of her efforts to rally the public. http://www.pedophilesdownunder.com.
Hi Mary,
I was just highlighting this episode, to peak interest in readers (Australian). My current theory is that individuals just have to do their own research. You for just one instance (of many), got me interested in cat virus. I tried to write a paper on it for gums, but my inference is too out there for most. I built a timeline 30,000bc
to now, then started to insert history into it. I was trying to discover the hidden force. Like a virus this force has either created its envirorment or jumps opportunistically to new pastures. I have read few books or watched tv in 20 years(conscious decision). You and Mullins , the only books I can recall (you are in his league, and I do not give praise easy).
Nice to see Fiona is ok (I checked the writing style and they are consistent . One thought troubled me though, her decision to go to the us and months of
missing. She was unaware people were looking out for her welfare. The gov needs to keep this in check, the records are written ( thanks Bill H). Britteny Spears (mk princess) broke down but was reprogrammed .
The public for the most part are unaware. , unbelieving. I angle at the fence sitters. There is no political solution (so no legal is possible). While I wait by the side of the river I will try and sway the opinion of brothers and sisters.
Curiosity killed the cat (predator). Glad I have no whistleblower info, imagine that, morally bound to tell, knowing the consequences but doing it anyway. My kinda peeps, hope I can return the favour one day.
Jahar gonna walk. Jahar gon faaaahnd Ray Charles.
So what happens now Mary Who is going to be Jahars defense in this matter
First things first, Tom. Jahar has to have his gag removed. That is, the SAMs have to be cancelled by our dear Jeff Sessions.
So what would have happened if he’d represented himself ?
What would happen if the petty-offence rabble at the bottom of the pyramid pulled out?
Berry, what do you mean about the rabble?
As for self-representation, yes of course it goes without saying that any accused can speak for himself.
6th amendment right alive & well you reckon ?
As to the “rabble” question It goes without saying that until such time as Mr. & Ms. Av are prepared to:
challenge ungrounded charges such as parking on the “wrong” verge, placing a rubbish-bin the wrong way round, having a pocket-knife in a hand-bag etc etc
refuse the “services” of the petty sessions duty lawyer.
Nothing’s going to change
To anyone who reckons it’s easier to just pay the bloody ticket my response is “ultimately you’ll reap exactly what you’ve sewn”
Dzhokhar victims the marathon Boston 2013
Please…congratulation the support the young
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev!! Freedon !! Justice
Tank you srs.
Hey Florindo. please start a website (it’s free) and gather up those who will give their name and location in support of the Boy.
Anonymous ones have no value in my opinion, as any ten of them could have ben written by the same person.
Yours truly, Mary, Glenda, Harry, Norma, Norman, Bell ringer, Little Pat, General Soyuz, etc.
I googled for The One Fund Boston that paid $80 million to Marathon sufferers. Did not learn much but a link led to the wikipedia entry on Boston Marathon Bombing. I quote:
President Barack Obama addressed the nation after the attack. He said that the perpetrators were still unknown, but that the government would “get to the bottom of this” and that those responsible “will feel the full weight of justice”. [Yay!]
He ordered flags to half-staff until April 20 on all federal buildings as “a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on April 15, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts.” Moments of silence were held at various events across the country, including at the openings of the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, and NYMEX on the day after the bombing. …
Holy strombolie, look at this article about the McCoy case’s relation to Jahar,
Fick, you’re licked. Better start reading the Want Ads — in the Boston Globe!
I recall the following item at Gumshoe: https://gumshoenews.com/2016/05/26/the-fbis-cute-trick-form-302-and-the-marathon-bombing-case/
More than two years ago — progress is so slow!
Another person at imminent high risk, with very grave ramifications:
[…] on May 13, 2018, the US Supreme Court ruled in McCoy v Louisiana, as was described here at GumshoeNews.com. The relevance to Jahar Tsarnaev is that McCoy objected to his defense attorney telling the jury he […]