by Dee McLachlan
This is the third part of the previous William Guy Carr articles, “Pawns in the Game” (12/1/2017), and “Money Manipulation” (13/12017) — in which Carr describes a diabolical centuries-old plot by a few to dominate humanity.
“If we intend to save the future generations, from the fate being prepared for them by the forces of evil, we must take immediate action… there is no time to lose.” William Guy Carr, 1958.
John F Kennedy probably read Carr’s books, as in his 1961 speech, he was crystal clear regarding his view on secret societies:
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it…
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence… It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”
And then Kennedy was assassinated.
We understand that the powerful elite have stitched up the banking, corporate and government systems. But if you were born into such a privileged and advantageous position, would you complain? From my experience growing up in South Africa, only a very small percentage of the privileged want to level the playing field.
So I am guessing, do not expect members of the elite families, and those corporate and bureaucrats in office benefiting from a rigged system, to play fair. They are party to the diabolical and dirty game that has been played out for centuries now.
William Carr’s Advice
Carr asks: “But what action must we take?” In his book, “Pawns in the Game“, he actually writes that there would be little justification in publishing the book, if he did not provide solutions. He says “…very few… offer practical solutions to the problems, or make suggestions to bring to an end the evils exposed.” Brilliantly said.
I will go through, briefly, Carr’s suggestions as to how to end the cabal’s agenda. (Note: I’m using the word cabal to collectively describe many elite groups.)
Carr’s Practical Steps

Carr says that we must take practical steps and use constitutional means to counteract “the threat of both international Communism and international capitalism, and any other subversive ideologies which may try to destroy TRUE Christian democracy.” Let us look at this holistically — remove the word Christian, and replace it with “spiritual” to include all good people across this earth.
Below are the practical steps the military-man Carr had to offer in 1958. I have provided an abbreviation from his book below, and have sometimes removed the Christian references. The bolding is mine:
A. Demand monetary reforms: Because selfishness and greed, and the desire for power, are the roots from which all evil grows… the tax-payers have a legal right to demand that their elected governments redress the wrongs committed against them; put an end to all forms of usury; and reimburse their treasury departments to the extent of the loans floated during the last century to fight wars fomented to further the interests of those who loaned the money and charged interest on these loans.
B. Monetary controls: The electors must insist that the issue of money, and the control thereof, be placed back in the hands of the government where it rightfully belongs.
C. Punitive action: The electorate can justifiably demand that heavy penalties be imposed on all those found guilty of corruption and graft because these two evil practices are the principal means used by the agents of all revolutionary organizations to subvert, or force, others into doing their will. All subversive organizations must be outlawed…
D. Diplomatic negotiations: Because the agents of the international conspiracy always work behind the scenes of government, and always use secret meetings and diplomacy to further their own plans and ambitions, secret negotiation should not be allowed under any circumstances.
E. Christian Crusade: Laymen of all Christian denominations should unite in the Name of God to put an end to bigotry and misunderstanding…
F. United Nations: …do not lend themselves [yourself] in any way to suggestions favouring the trial of a World Government, regardless of whether it is called a super-nationalist government or disguised in any other way.
G. Illegal traffic and trade: …all those engaged in illegal traffic and trade, or criminally connected with the underworld, shall be arrested and brought to trial regardless of what their political affiliations may be, or what position they hold in society.
H. Publicity: …insist that subversive propaganda be eliminated from the press, the air, and T.V. programmes.
J. Defeatism: Every effort must be made to counteract the efforts of those who preach defeatism. They usually argue that there is nothing that can be done to correct the existing conditions.
K. Brotherly Love: …there is no logical reason why some… should live in opulence while others starve to death. The theories of the new economists should be tried out to devise better methods for the more equitable distribution of the necessities of life. [Take note: Since 1958 the rich have become richer. Oxfam claims that in 2010, the 388 richest people owned 50% of the globe’s wealth. In 2017 it is now only EIGHT richest people. Wow.] Conditions of ‘Fear’ and ‘Uncertainty’ would be abolished.
L. Military Preparedness: Military preparedness is absolutely necessary just as long as the conditions exposed in this book are allowed to continue… The only justification for fighting a war is to prevent subjugation by the enemy…
M. Internal Security: The best way to Strengthen the internal security of any nation is to build up a strong and efficient Civil Defence organization. Because our only potential enemies use their 5th Column and underground organizations to overthrow the constituted government by revolutionary action, and subjugate the population by means of terrorism…
N. Action. There is no time to lose: …The task is not beyond our capabilities. We must remember that the Devil’s important nucleus of evil in this world at the present time is centred in no more than about three hundred master-minds.
O. Faith, Hope and Charity: [not] doubt, hatred, and despair. We can now use or misuse atomic energy. If we allow it to be misused the powers of evil [will] undoubtedly kill off one half the human race and cripple most of the others. [Possibly their intention.] It is our duty too see that all members of the human race share equally in the bounties and blessing…
The Spiritual Fight
Much of Carr’s writings are phrased in a Christian God vs Satan, and he writes this in strong religious tones. Christianity aside, and whether you are religious or not (maybe you’re a Buddhist), Carr is describing a fight of good against EVIL. We are definitely in a spiritual battle against those who have no moral compass. Maybe we are witnessing a version of ‘survival of the fittest’ — or simply that psychopaths can leave a wake of misery without remorse. In this way they rise in society like cream (in milk)… only to turn sour and curdle at the top.
Carr asks us to recognize that spiritual issues are involved. And he quotes Ephesians 6th chapter 10th to 17th verses, which tells us:
“…For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities and the Powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness on high…” [Note: I excluded references to the Christian crusade. Personally past religious crusades were usurped by violence and discrimination.]
The Internet Age
We are now in the connected age. With a ruptured mainstream media, there is an opportunity to reach clarity — and a tipping point. The one emotion we need to rid ourselves of… is fear.
“J. Defeatism: Every effort must be made to counteract the efforts of those who preach defeatism. They usually argue that there is nothing that can be done to correct the existing conditions.”
Nothing can be done? Dee, look at all those boys in the photo with GHW Bush, standing in front of the “special” clock. It all looks so childish.
I am quoting the NY Times obit of Dorothy Walker, the mother of President the First. (She died in November 1992, age 91):
“Mrs. Bush also reared her children in a strongly religious home, a reflection of her own childhood during which she is said to have attended church as many as three times every Sunday.
“While George Bush was Vice President, Barbara Bush said in an interview that her mother-in-law ‘had 10 times more’ influence on her son than his father did.”
Well, you can’t expect the NY Times to tell you the truth. It is well known that she was cruel to President the First in his youth. That may imply that her parents did the same to her.
P.S. I don’t know why my comments have started to be called “26chatsworth.” It’s me, Mary Maxwell, former candidate for Senate. Note: Chelsea Manning, previously Bradley Manning, a whistleblower, is running for Senate.
Dear Gumshoers, Immediately below this comment is a comment by Dee inviting us to watch a video.
I hereby add to her alert that it is DISTURBING. I go so far as to suggest that you not watch it. I watched it a few hours ago and will never be able to erase it from my brain. I will repeat this comment below Dee’s item.
A very disturbing video of a police shooting… “a strong civil defense req.
Thank you, Dee. Here us the follow-up. The officer was acquitted. Surely the availability of this film indicates its purpose — to tell us we have no hope.
Intelligent people need to get together now and take note that any killing of any innocent civilian can be “justified” on the basis that he was reaching for a gun. There are many such deaths of black men in their car who were shot when po said the man could have been reaching into the glovebox for a gun.
While it’s true that the po may have been trained to do exactly that, I say the purpose of such training IS the purpose shown in this film, to reduce us to blithering idiots.
The incident started when somebody was “reportedly” shooting out a hotel window.
Seascape, anyone? Hobart Officer PJ Allen if you are reading this, please get in touch with gumshoenews.com. You are a hero.
Let me say it more simply. The message here is that any uniformed officer can do anything to you, as there will be no punishment for him/her down the line.
Got that?
Anyone interested in my lecture at Watertown Public Library on Jan 23 at 6pm, please see this British article, and British comments, about Jahar’s boat-side capture.
“Our training kicked in”, so “we were not afraid.”
“We are declaring war on that policing.”
We have all seen unjustified shootings by cops. There is a whole category of that on Youtube.
The one Dee offers above is very wrenching. I honestly suggest you give it a miss.
What do you need to know from it?
You only need to know that an armed man has power over an unarmed man.
And that we have gradually given our police the idea that their own safety requires that they make a pre-emptive strike.
You don’t need to see the utter humiliation delivered to the victim in this video. I wish I had not seen it. Most likely its purpose is to put us off our fight, and to make everybody lose their sense of personal worth.
(Now please note: below this is Dee’s 5.10pm comment from Jan 14, in which she says she agrees. This item by me post-dates that one, OK? She may or may not agree with my current comment.)
I think you are right MM.
That is why “Every effort must be made to counteract the efforts of those who preach defeatism.”
The Youtube you posted is not available in Oz — strangely enough. Censorship in process?
This one seems to work:
Oh, does one consider that a petition be arranged to be presented to our parliamentary inmates for government to adopt and apply selected and salient suggestions of Mr Carr?
It woud require a crowd fundng campaign to inform, advertise and a experienced mover and shaker to contribute political nouse, experience and belief in the purpose. (No one presently incumbent….all are proven failures and not be up to the proposed office)
I have a few persons in mind, one being ………!
Now, anyone have ideas for genuine informed experienced candidates to be quietly approached, with contact details and a intoduction, for a comprehensive reality briefing?
It may be wise to suggest possible candidates in a letter to Dee’s mail address?
Good idea Ned. Let’s proceed.
And work out how to do it.
They are 0.999999 percent, we are 100 percent.
Every one. Come on board.
I also believe fear is pivotal but if you could rid yourself of it completely you wouldn’t be human.
I think observing it, as opposed to fighting or suppressing it, is key to overcoming the source.
I don’t think St Francis would have gone all lovey dovey if he’d been faced with a pack of wild dogs. He would probably have just taken command, something that anyone can do by virtue of being human. Everyone has the same divine spark, it’s a matter of training.
But no one ever reaches the end of the road: not on this earth, in this body.
This William Carr series deals with the fundamentals of our condition.
We possess the truth of things, but making it manifest is the challenge now, as it was when Carr wrote his analysis.
Evil has many more devious and violent tools at it’s disposal than those with moral integrity.
Even the populist “champions” like Hanson and Katter refuse to carry the critical heavy weight and waste their time with shallow platitudes about the symptoms of the monopoly idea, always afraid to walk into the political tent where it really matters.
We need a new type of political action dynamic that has genuine accountability and knowledge at it’s core.
We must force our public servants, academics, and journalists to face on the record scrutiny of the matters William Carr and others explain and evidence.
It is an incredible joke that we live in an illusory world where only a tiny few of our fellows could be described as genuinely accountable for their views and political habits.
How bizarre is our “Truman Show” world that having an expectation that your MP should be available to face on the record, audio and film, cross examination by constituents, is deemed beyond possible or of import by the electors.
Why is this not a fundamental constituted guarantee?