A drop by G5
by G5
The recent dropping of a Russian Naval Vessel was the result of a USN Seal Team planting limpets. Hardly the great non-existent Ukrainian fighting machine of obtuse propaganda.
The same as the USN did to freighters in The South China Sea and The Persian Gulf. All the events being not without reward. Playing; we are the champignons; to political herds of lemming buffoons, is not convincing Russia that someone else did it.
And as with all such activities — every action has an equal, if not far greater, reaction.
Turkey shot down a supposedly safe TU in its airspace, without cause. It’s agent publicly murdered a Russian ambassador. It protested as The Russian Navy was overshooting it from The Caspian Sea while driving out the American pestilence that had invaded Syria. It threatened Russia that it would not allow any more Russian Naval Vessels through The Sea of Marmara (the ancient Propontis). The echo chamber of the last threat having again been heard.
It should have reasonably sunk in, that the final vestige of The Ottomans, is on its last warning from being handed to Greece, Armenia and Israel. Particularly during The Cuban Missile Crisis. But America of course has no concern as to its fondness for inventing cannon fodder.
The same characters who allegedly flew into Pakistan; as Soetoro, HRC, and assorted faecal dross; allegedly watched live (?) in the WH bunker area. Landed a helicopter in a security zone. Searched and found bin Laden (not CIA Tim Osman of remnant Ottomans), killed him in a firefight; subsequently released for consumption of the believing. (Shh. Actually training footage I had seen many years ago). Even worse than the Ardern-Howard False Flag perpetrated in Christchurch. Carried the body to the waiting unchallenged helicopter. Flew back to a waiting carrier (Vinson). Somewhere, a long distance off Pakistan. None of which was observed.
Then Soetoro decided he should be buried at sea; in accord with an unknown Islamic ritual. And so he would not become a martyr. Is there a sense of Disney somewhere in all of this?
All good PR; and Septics love their heroes. So HRC allegedly claimed a pyrrhic psycho-closure.
Add to the insane: “We came, we saw, and we killed him”. Concerning the Act of War murder of Ghaddafi and his family, (postured as only a psychopath could articulate a dumb paraphrasing). And the “We landed under fire” insanity, and The Act of War Kursk Incident. The genocidal gassings of non-combatants, particularly children and the false conviction by the puppet ICTY of Milosovic. His innocence determined by the more rational ICC, and his murder ‘suicide’ by American Intel, just prior to his release. And of course the American follow on desperation having killed their Oswald, requiring the false conviction of a trophy of American morality: Mladic.
(‘Veni, vidi, vici is a Latin phrase popularly attributed to Julius Caesar who, according to Appian, used the phrase in a letter to the Roman Senate around 47 BC after he had achieved a quick victory in his short war against Pharnaces II of Pontus at the Battle of Zela’).
But of course, something of the mental and moral magnitude of HRC who actually shot herself in the head, could be excused for figuratively shooting herself in the foot; repeatedly.
The problem with the bin Laden lie, was that he was already dead. Leaked American Intel files. You can’t have some fellow nominated as the world’s most wanted if he’s likely to turn up somewhere. Civilisation would fall if False Flags, Hoaxes, and Ruses ever became a critical mass in herd, lock step, group think, pavlovian belief systems. Apart from actually thinking through the official version, delivering the stupidity in clear light.
So we had heroes ‘Seal Team 6’ out and proud, exposed and posturing. Then leftist media wanting to enhance the exclusivity of the non-event, began questioning the bought outed. So: the alleged original team all go down in a helicopter ‘accident’. A long history of America murdering its own. It did happen. Not a change of actors in the play.
So suddenly a new team emerges with telegenic posturings and scripts. Pretending they were the ones at issue at the bin Laden theatric. REALLY?
Well, remember The Disney Kubrik Area 51 Moon Landings with zero technology; and Nixon’s instant phone call from 384,400 Kms away, when across the street took seconds. Remember that Newton was wrong (almost reminiscent of Galileo, before he was ‘Rehabilitated’ by Team Infallibility. I bet God was pleased with that call); when Earl Warren, Gerry Ford, and Golden Cresent ‘Poppy’ Scherff, determined that objects move towards a force, and not opposite. And what about kerosene able to melt steel as against blast furnaces, by good old reliable Bush puppet RINO Tom Kean.
Confusion still reigning: as the skill set of skin colour and genitals allow a token SCOTUS squatter to rule on women and the commencement of life, even though she declares she has no knowledge of either as she is not a biologist.
Well, at least Disney has now woked itself to oblivion. An instant 70% irreversible drop in revenues. Apparently, Opinion Leading doesn’t work. From whence did that electrical activity between the ears originate.
The Russian Embassy in DC is delivering copious written protests concerning The Russian Liberation of Ukraine from The American Invasion of 2014 and the horrendous genocidal Occupation until 24/2/2022. The paper trail is well established as the future mountain to which to point. When Russia was forced to act and expel America and its criminal cohorts. As it did in; Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, South Ossetia, Dagestan, Crimea, Georgia, Belarus, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria, Donetsk, Luhansk, Afghanistan, and Ukraine.
Soetorostan: the former America now circling its own plughole with ever-increasing circular velocity. So Long…Farewell…Adieu Adieu… The theme of The Brokeback Mountaineers of Cook County Chicago. https://youtu.be/UAc3MzAfL-o
And apparently the Kenyan born CIA closet Sunni Barry Soetoro has Durham proven Espionage and Foreign Agent in his baggage. And good old el Cabron Pajero Pendejos cannot sign off on it. As confirmed by Kavanaugh to Graham, and actioned by Mattis, Kelly, and Trump (D5) in the McCain III and GHWB (German born Scherff) Affairs. Even if swapped for Jamaican born druggy giggler Cunio Negra.
Russia swept through Ukraine and withdrew to its Eastern Border and Dombass region. While maintaining a presence to prevent utilities being again blackmailed against The People and the continuation of the ethnic genocide against Russians and Hungarians.
Zelensky posturing to represent The People while reading absurd American scripts, has passed the nausea stage for Russia. Talkies are gone. Expect Russian Martial Law to protect The People, and a stronger push to remove American materiel and puppets leaching in through Poland.
Ukraine does not have airstrips, as I have written. A nuisance oil storage facility fire close in to Russia, was a ground force exercise.
Remember all the NATO, Macron (does not speak for France), UK, and American non materialised naval and airspace threats; predictably zero occured. To the point that China; supposedly observing American sanctions and supporting America; just overflew NATO no go zones with full layout Military Freighters and rearmed Serbia. Further surrounding the very stupid Poland. I recall all the old Irish Jokes, were originally Polish.
And of course Russia flew in convoy, and nuclear armed Venezuela, last December (2021). As I have written. Not a peep then either. And strangely disappearing off the paperless void. Recall the Cuban Missile Crisis, concerning Turkey. The real history, not the official colouring book rendition, for the soft of mind and spirit.
The Russian fleet after the exercises off Ireland, floated off in The North Atlantic and stands a short shooting distance from America. Still maintaining its standing in The; Arctic, Black, Caspian, Alboran, Aegean, and Leviathan Seas. While the USN is in economically constrained Operational Pause. Living the dream off propaganda and fading jingoism, with parking lots in Japan, Oregon, and San Diego, and out of engagement reach from The Indian and Pacific Oceans.
And of course the Russian bases on Cuba of Lourdes and Santa Clara were always maintained for patrol and engagement purposes. While America still maintains its Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo, UN illegal torture facility, denied by Blythe and Soetoro. With a purpose for which does not exist.
The propaganda war and suicidal and hypocritical American sanctions serenade continuing from 2014. Virtually all alleged Russian Military losses being manufactured (images of child genocides being those by America in Syria, and images of military engagements being either individually staged or those when America was driven out of Lebanon. And of course the standard American theatres of crisis and victim actors aimed at those who don’t really matter. (Don’t miss out on a few more vaccinations, and vote for Biden as did 81 million others in 2020. And Woke is the way of the moral future.)
Currently: through Poland; warned more than sufficiently; weapons and proxy mercenaries (US, UN Peacekeepers, NATO, Azov) are infesting into Ukraine causing suffering to the vast majority of Ukrainians. A vain and culturally exceptionalist obtuse attempt of America recovering a position of pestilence on Russia’s western border.
I have written that American puppet NATO has failed. Politically as well as in military ability. The UK, France, Germany, and Italy are not playing. Hungary, Turkey, Rumania, and Bulgaria have turned mute. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have baggage and are going through script reading motions.
The Czech Republic as with Poland are being used against their better judgements of neutrality, in an event concerning yet one more expulsion of the learning challenged America.
The path from the Russian Embassy in DC to the posturing American Administration is wearing thin. As it did when Japan protested the oil blockades from Malaya. America posturing its monstrous ruse of 1941; under Dem criminal FDR.
Soetoro in his third illicit term, needs a major hit from Russia as a pretext to cancel the flushing of The Dem Party on 8/11/2022. He has been begging for it since The Methane Clathrate Affair of 2015.
Soetoro keeps pushing and Putin keeps ignoring. The more Soetoro pushes, the more evidence is gathered by Putin for when he eventually acts to put America and its vassals and sychophants out of their hegemonic moral exceptionalist misery. The preferred situation is GOP dominance in Nov. 2022 and the removal of Biden by impeachment to follow. Trump acting as House Speaker would push that through.
As a consequence: The Russian Situation can be diffused by American proxies being removed from Ukraine and Poland. Don’t forget that Russia was forced to drive America from Syria and Afghanistan, when Trump’s ordered withdrawals were countermanded and he was lied to in official reports by his own (alleged) Intel, Military, and State.
After the midterms Russia will take whatever action it needs to descum its western border, while protecting its people from ongoing American atrocities. Most of the American garbage has already filed through Poland. Some three and a half million. The number of seven and a half million homeless children being an American propaganda lie. Where are they. Perhaps an arithmetic confusion concerning America’s southern border insanity.
America is vehement; at least in propaganda; to protect The Ukrainians, half way round the world. But has no interest in its own sovereignty and the Socio-Economic wellbeing of its own people.
Currently the Black-Hispanic Drug and Territory Civil War naturally caused by the mentally compromised experts of the Dem Party is being hidden by Media Partners in Crime.
[…] Source […]
The SCOTUS squatter shows (she) is at the cutting edge of the judiciary when “(she) “declares (she) has no knowledge of [gender] as (she) is not a biologist”, facts and reality are now a fashion industry and they change into anything if you can flood the airwaves and internet. Useless eaters are just passengers and what they see out their windows has no influence over anything.
Crikey, aksimet is blocking everything
G5… Very amusing. Your grammer and parsing’s improved lots too. You get a gold star.
All the juice on Barry Soetoro in only 3 mins !!!
JUST SEEING IF THE Dee – Mary Faction are still to scared shitless to allow our last 7 contributions.to air AND you think the Globalists are paranoid !!!!!!!!!!!
Fish may have to change his name to Fisk:
Perhaps Mary – but for sure YOU will have to reveal whom, what and WHO you really work for. AND what your agenda really is. BUT Dee will se to it none ever sees ——-
Your Cloak is very good. – but the end cost will be the same.
God is good.
“I know if he was here he would have been doing it with me” (at the 58 second mark).
By the way, the race was won by a Kenyan male and a female from — Kenya.
From yahoo news:
At checkpoints up and down the Boston Marathon Finish Line, security teams were busy Monday opening bags to check on what people were carrying closer to Boylston Street.
“It takes 30 seconds, and everybody’s bag is checked. It just gives a better sense of security, ” Ali Kinahan, of Dorchester, told me.
“I think it’s so much more important that we are doing this, instead of feeling unsafe,” added Gabby Osher, of Boston.
Bomb squads, K9 crews, police from different communities from all across Massachusetts were stationed on every street corner, paying attention to the massive crowds.
not specific but broadly topical … 10 minutes of Wag The Dog Fake News
(featured on Jeff J Brown’s latest substack article)
How long ago did HRC “shoot herself in the head”? and where is the proof?
This would be an exceptional body double in this current video interview discussing the Ukrainian incursion.
She is just a disgusting hypocrite….. standing for freedom bull …….
Ask Ghadaffi …
And the rest….. try what they did with Nuland to Ukraine in 2014.
By attacking the rule of law, Republicans are helping Putin and Xi.
By Hillary Rodham Clinton and Dan Schwerin
The Atlanntic
“The recent dropping of a Russian Naval Vessel was the result of a USN Seal Team planting limpets.” – Limpet mines are attached to the haul below the waterline. They would have to have been attached before the ship sailed, they could hardly be attached while the ship was sailing at 60 knots.
So when were they attached?
Yes. My thoughts also.
“while the ship was sailing at 60 knots.”
Your question, regarding attachment while sailing is valid. However, to the best of my knowledge no ship that size is going to be moving at 70 mph. While on patrol, I suspect it would be closer to walking speed.
Do I remember correctly – Australia’s oil reserves are stored in the US, Sleepy Joe sending our oil to Europe in time for our winter?
9 March 2022
“The Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) has replaced the Australia Travel Declaration (Australia deleted?).
This is an enforceable requirement. A person who fails to comply with the requirement may be liable to a civil penalty (fine) of 30 penalty units (currently $6,660 AUD)… section 46 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.”
You couldn’t make this stuff up, and a quick search proves you didn’t
Canada province cancelled beast system
800 athletes dropping on fields
Well, note these statistics and when coming across the ignorant one who meets, spruiking for a politician on 21st May,
Simply provide details of this report for a few minutes to the spruikers and mentioning Ivermectin being banned.
Simply ask them: If a dog was not treated properly, would you report it to the RSPCA for action. Bloody hell, I have appeared for prosecutions by the RSPCA…..THEY ARE ON THE JOB AND ACTUALLY CARE.
Walk away from them, they are chosen idiots conditioned by the msm paid liars. and instructed by ignorant candidates.
The video above is less than 5 minutes.
File it on the IPhone and offer to play it on speaker to the spruikers.
Watch them run.
This is a serious chance to awaken the public.
Think, by opening the mind to the street puppets with a few facts, they have to report to their boss and discuss their experiences over the dinner table with family.
The they can report to family: we are 99%,they are nothing.
Another Australian cricket guy got a heart attack and now in a coma in Holland in MSM news today
Another Australian cricket guy got a heart attack and now in a coma in Holland in MSM news today ( w3 got banned by Akismet )
“The reason for wars is to make more money from debt, cleanse populations and push mass immigration. This system so wicked, is run by psychopaths, inspired by satan himself.”
Yep …
America – The Weimar Republic 2.0 [AND Australia]
2:24 – Central Banking
Banking was gifted exclusively to the jews by the Vatican 900 years ago if my memory is correct. What was a jew back then ? Probably anyone who claimed to be a jew. So why did the Vatican give away that right. Why is the Vatican related to Vatika godess of the underworld. What about Confederation Helvetica. They are all part of the same thing, since about 1500 years ago.
The reason why there are a lot more readers than commenters is because the MSM reads Gumshoe News faithfully to see what a real comments column is saying, since their comments columns were all taken over by cancel-bots. I speak from experience as the cancel-bot Aksimet has now disabled my w3 tag which has been very reliable since the previous one got disabled. May have to start a new email just to get past the artificial unintelligent bot.
The sinister agenda of Communism, was/is internationalism — the overthrow and vanquishment of all existing nation states in order to establish a despotic global Jewish Communist Super-State. The pathological criminal madness known as Communism was, from its inception, a Jewish conspiracy for the destruction and subjugation of the Gentile world whereupon a tyrannical global Jewish imperium would be established. Communism was nothing more than an expression and manifestation of the hateful, supremacist doctrines of the Jewish Talmud, which states: “Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.” (Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10) A good example of this insanity was the 66 million White Caucasian Christians and others murdered, starting in 1917 in Russia with the violent take-over of the Russian Government by JEWS as evidenced in “The Secret Force” by Maurice Pinay !!
Swissy has totally got you fooled, with the jew frontman thing they have been running for 900 years, along with their other front, the Vatican, which they have been running even longer..
The 1972 Declaration For World Slavery
“The 1972 Lima Declaration was one tool used to create the New World Order. This video refers to Australia, but the Declaration also applied to the USA, Europe, Asia and worldwide………
Political parties are two wings of the same bird. Puppet on the right, Puppet on the left, but look it’s the one Puppeteer! There is no Communism and Capitalism. It’s all one. Ask the Jewish Zionist Bolsheviks who ran the 1917 Russian revolution. They were funded by Wall Street Bankers who in turn are European bloodline families………………..”
The 1972 Declaration For World Slavery
The Globalists red-blue party is slowly being eroded
After 26:00 looks like a TOTALLY OWNED independent, probably an ALP asset, but who knows
BULLETIN – Gonzalo Lira is missing
You may recall this (see his channel for more)
• Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky
Now Gonzalo Lira is missing.
Some of the recent topical links in no particular order
• Russia Today Report Disappearance of Gonzalo Lira – Inside Russia Report
• A quick message and contacting the Chilean Embassy in your area – Alex Christoforou
• Still looking for confirmation on the whereabouts of Gonzalo Lira – Eva K Bartlett
• Let’s talk about how the Gonzalo Lira disappearance relates to the Daily Beast/Sarah Ashton-Cirillo – Graffi’s Place
• Gonzalo Lira Murdered by the Daily Beast? – Kevin Barrett
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