Home Satire Vote to Keep Our Politicians (Safe) Behind Bars

Vote to Keep Our Politicians (Safe) Behind Bars


The temporary fence before the real “wall” is built

by Dee McLachlan

As usual, the government is tight lipped and secretive — this time about a fence to keep them “safe.”

A security fence across the lawns of Parliament House will be under construction within weeks, and is the result of a September 2014 security review — prompted by the perceived terrorist threats in Australia. The attacks at the Canadian Parliament in October 2014, and the recent London’s Westminster episode has politicians worried — so many are happy with the 2.6 metre (nearly 9 feet) fence that will soon insulate them from the dangers of the outside world.

A few politicians oppose this “wall.” The Canberra Times quoted Greens senator Lee Rhiannon:

“I strongly dispute the need, I strongly dispute the way the presiding officers have handled this and their justification that the AFP, ASIO and the Attorney-General’s Department are supporting the fence. Security is very important but this is looking like a huge overspend and overreach by agencies which have enormous power.”

The design and cost are yet to be made public, and Parliament’s presiding officers, Speaker Tony Smith and Senate President Stephen Parry, have cited national security concerns as a reason not to release information to the public.

I present the satirical video below. Instead of the postal vote on same-sex marriage, we should be voting on whether to keep our politicians behind bars. 

(It will keep the good, the bad and ugly separated… from the rest of us.)



  1. Why would Federal politicians need a security fence around Parliament house when it their employees that set up any terrorist attacks that happen in Australia? Can’t even they trust the intelligence community?

  2. To keep them safe and the public also safe I suggest that they all be rounded up and placed behind bars in Risdon for the rest of their natural lives and that in return Martin Bryant be released.

      • Yep, easily fixed.
        Stop invading them. Stop
        Stealing their resources and stop
        Killing them.
        Stop Soros and the NWO inserting
        them into Europe.

        • Your knowledge of Islam is found to be wanting, Ned. You forget or just ignore, that Islam has been at the West’s throat since their first failed attempt at invading Europe during the Battle of Tours toward the end of the eighth century.

          Look up Charles Martel and the French resistance to Islamic European overtures.

          Look up the Battle of Lepanto in the sixteenth century, when Islam attempted to again invade Europe, but was repulsed.

          Islam attempted a European invasion again in 1683 at the Siege at the Gates of Vienna. Islam failed in gaining a foothold in Europe but was successful in planting itself into the Balkans at that time and to which Islam has given much trouble since in the Balkans and Russia.

          Remember the 1990s and the break up of Yugoslavia and the consequences of that event?

          And then we have the current ‘modern’ history of Islam that has been steadily making inroads into the West via the Muslim Brotherhood and Hitz -but -Tahir. The current version of the Great Jihad began in the mid 1960s when Black September and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) began blowing up airports and hijacking aircraft – but you probably don’t want to know about that?

          Which then brings us to the ‘modern era’ of Islamic terrorism that has caused over 30,000 Islamic terror attacks since 9/11 and regardless of who gets the blame for that event, one must consider the consequences of those recorded 30,000 Islamic terrorist attacks, and the Islamic attacks that have now ‘progressed’ into Mindanao in the Philippines where Islam (ISIS) now openly kills any Christian or ‘foreigner’ that the local branch of Islam can get hold of.

          But you keep holding that candle up to the most retrograde force on Earth – as Winston Churchill described Islam to be, while you and others on this site deny the reality of what Islam truly represents to us all, and that the Globalists are using to their advantage in gaining their ultimate goal over us.

          You mention Soros, who is the public face of the Globalist plan that uses the Muslim to undermine the West through terror attacks and lawfare, while whittling away our own rights that we are entitled to.

          So, you recognize that importing Islam into Europe poses a problem? Or, is it because it is Soros’ money that you don’t like?

          You might even consider that after three failed attempts at gaining ground in Europe over the past 1300 years, Islam is now being ably assisted by those who wish to destroy us all as a civilization?

          • Dear oh dear Nemesis, give us a break.
            Everyone in past history, even before Islam has attacked, attempted to or concquered someone, killed heaps and taken land and resources.
            (E.g. Try the NZ Maoris who in the 1850s found the Chattam Island people and invaded! Ref: ‘Guns Germs and Steal)
            Are your ancestors and their tribes an exception?
            In the present, stop the invasions theft of land and resources and killing.
            If the the Saudis and Iran etc want to have violence, do not provide the arms, issue hockey sticks to each side and let them be.
            Who just sold 3 billion in arms to SA? (US and UK) Are they, (SA) not some of your muzzies who jusy happen to be mates with Israel?
            Stop the boats!
            Get out of the Middle East.
            General Wesley Clark told Amy Goodman about ‘the plan’ to take down 7 countries in 5 years, planned before 911 by the NEOCONs.
            I am not aware that even one of those neocon criminals is one of your ‘mussies’.
            Wonder who they really represented? Thieves and killers?

          • For other readers, the reference to guns germs and steel is by Jar(r)ed Diamond and for the ‘sloths’, a summary is at Wiki… .
            As a matter of interest, when I read it I think he was living in Ms. Marple territory……. probably before the flouride era down there? (:-
            As an addition to my comment above. JC had some good ideas for peaceful living. Pity he was extinguished and the principles adulterated by serial greedy bureacrats and control freaks.

          • Well done Ned, you didn’t disappoint.

            Here is what you and others, fail to realize about Islam:

            1. Islam has not changed since its inception around 680AD. There has been no reformation or enlightenment as in Christianity or Judaism and what we see today in Islam, is the same one would see if they got to travel back down the time tunnel to 680AD.

            2. First and foremost, Islam is a supremacist political ideology that controls the fundamentalist Muslim 24/7 – of which there is an estimated one and a half billion today. Islam is not a religion as we understand a religion to mean and is the complete antithesis to what we in the West still hold dear.

            3. Islam is a totalitarian ideology that tolerates no other religion or belief system and is akin to National Socialism or Communism which is why Hitler got along so well with the grand Mufti of Jerusalem and why Islam fits in so well with the Globalist plans for their World Order and why Islam is currently getting a free pass everywhere within the West.

            4. Islam does not worship the one true God but the ancient Arabian Moon God, Allah, which is why Mosques have the Crescent Moon on top of their Minarets.

            5. Islam is the only belief system that encourages its Muslims to lie to the infidel whenever it suits the advancement of Islam – the ability to tell lies is called – Taqiyya. Look it up if you don’t believe what I write is true.

            6. Islam is the only belief system to employ the advancement of Islam through Jihad – look up the meaning of the word and realize what we are up against and why the Globalist through their intelligence agencies use the Muslim to further their own cause against us.

            ‘The Mosques are our barracks, the Minarets our bayonets and the Muslim our foot soldiers.’ President Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

            The above is just a sample of what people should know concerning what we are all up against because there are two enemies being used against us – those of the Left and Islam who fit hand in glove with the Globalist agenda.

            Those you label ‘neo-cons’ are about as Conservative as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin – look up the word in any dictionary printed prior to 1960 to understand what conservatism really means because conservatism has nothing at all to do with starting wars or regime changes.

            Over to you?

          • Indeed, just the right mob to be used to incite and clean up the Christians leaving the NWO mob, who set up the invasion of Europe with primitive opportunists, to clean up the remaining goyim and have world dominion.
            Keep at it Nemisis, you are a gem. Dr. Day an old relative?

          • The NEOcons was not a label invented by me and appears well after your 1960 dictionary…….. about 40 years later and have a defined personage in this era
            Nevertheless, they do give Hitler and Stalin a run for the money in their similar policy stakes…….. and with the usual similar consequences to be realised.

          • Ned, once again you haven’t disappointed.

            It appears from your comments that you are prepared to give a free pass to Islam, but are not prepared to defend our own cultural heritage of Christianity/Judaism.

            Your referring to Judaism and Christianity as, according to you, just as dangerous as Islam contradicts the evidence that does not support such thinking.

            For instance: Those who still believe they are Christian or Jew, and are driving the NWO agenda do so despite their religion not because of it – a simple omission that you probably had not considered? Whereas, Islam does what Islam does due to its tenets and supremacist ideological fundamentalism, not in spite of it.

            And on the term neo-con.

            I asked you to look up the meaning of ‘conservatism’ in any dictionary prior to 1960 before the Marxist ‘word revisionists’ got to changing definitions. I did not ask you to look up the term ‘neo-con’ which in reality is a term used to mask the actions of Nazis.

      • Whilst the world is occupied by those crazies who refer to us to hate us as infidels or lower class goyim, there is another lot of crazies.
        Nemisis, look up the other crazy Talumidic quotes from another lunitic barn.
        For other objective readers just look up talumidic preachings.
        Yep, the ‘mussies’, per Nemisis are the only world’s village idiots.
        Sorry Nemisis, the world is full of them.
        Ever heard of and applied to the best of one’s ability, the reported principles encouraged by the Jew, Jesus Christ?

        • The teachings of The Christ were hijacked by the early church, Ned – one does not need to go to Church to adhere to Christian ideals. God does not live in a ‘house’ built by men but is all around us and within all of us.

  3. “The design and cost are yet to be made public, and Parliament’s presiding officers, Speaker Tony Smith and Senate President Stephen Parry, have cited national security concerns as a reason not to release information to the public.”

    Now where have I heard the name Stephen Parry before?? Oh, I remember, wasn’t he the funeral director from the Port Arthur massacre??


    or this…


    Senator Stephen Parry goes from Tasmanian policeman to president of the Australian Funeral Directors Association to Senate Leader. Now he’s citing “national security” to justify keeping more secrets from the people who pay his damned salary.

    This guy is very fishy.(but isn’t everything these days??)

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