Home Society War on America, War on Humanity 2

War on America, War on Humanity 2


Freckles, the goat, has something extra in every one of her cells: Freckles is also part spider.

Comment by DM

This Tucker ‘on his tour’ video is two weeks old, but he invites Alex Jones onto stage at 46:30. For new and old readers, Jones manages to summarize the war on America and humanity quite well. He covers the diabolical research of the mad global scientists and the reasoning behind the destruction of America and humanity in his usual ‘passionate’ way. He covers Oprah, Diddy and more.

Back to Kamala:

They loaded supplies onto a C17 for a Kamala photo op, but never sent the plane:



  1. Notice:
    Gumshoenews.com is not; ASSOCIATED WITH THE ABC, SBS, any Australian political outfit, self opinionated ignorant media SHOCK JOKE/S or any political non-interested party or organisation and particularly not associated with corporate spivs advertising crap to finance the media to bullshit and deceive their sad listeners let alone, with the Australian Federal Department of political communications, deemed truth, censorship and official propaganda.

    • Including DeepState psy-ops like real raw GPT
      Anyone still believing that stuff should tune in to AJ above for a wake-up

  2. The perverts in power prefer totalitarianism, remaining in the shadows unaccountable for crimes. They don’t want a free nation of mum and dad family small business, preferring korporate hell
    devolving Oz into a rats nest of traitors, bringing wages down for those not in the club. Their money from nothing, charging interest, to fund endless war is our national disaster. Add income tax plus get stuffed tax on every item, if lucky we may be left with 10 cents for every dollar earned, in the land of the “free” with absolute slavery body, mind and spirit.

    • The only “free” are the freeloaders working for administration of government money-go-rounds while anyone else gets drained by tax and mortgage until death, even superannuation is a tax because of inflation you lose whatever you saved, you saved on income tax but the profit went to the multinational corporations your super fund invested in. The young got it even worse, they have HECS sucked out of them before they even get started. A few winners are allowed to win and the rest become losers spending 30 years paying bills and getting nothing. After ww2 my father supported a family paid off a house in a good area and bought a boat with less than ten years of work. Banks and governments have united to make the house prices off the scales, the only remedy is rampant inflation which they create by printing money, then claim they are fixing the petrol price by increasing mortgage rates. What a joke.

  3. T.0
    Remember you raised my sixpence with a shilling regarding the Brunson USSC CASE?
    Well I raise two bob. (Three bob presently in the pot?)
    Not sure if we are betting against each other but maybe ‘fizzle’ BRUNSON Joseph might put into the pot and we can share the winnings.
    We need MM to ‘PLEASE EXPLAIN’ and summarise the analysis and possible outcome/s [100 words should do it MM]
    There is an advert about every 9 minutes, so skip two and start at 19. If you wish.
    Link sent to Dee and Terry S.
    ( Terry S, dig up some of your thripences 🤪- 14 min to join to help knock up Joe’s entry)
    [Mr Olsen can be our auditor]
    15.54.57 on 11/10 at rumormillnews.com – reading room. (Ignore ‘site not secure’ that is for the normies💁🙀🤪)

    • If you want another ‘two bob’, I’ll throw in a early Florin (92.5% silver), or you can have a 1966 50 cent piece that has a bit more silver than the Florin.

      I predict in another two years it will be common for people to discuss the value of old silver coins. – I’ve got some old American dimes and quarters to really mix up the exchange rate. Hell, I’ve even got a silver King Faruke (sp) coin from Egypt.

      • Terry – the beauty of the QFS financial system is that there will no longer be any exchange rate, as all trade will be on a one to one basis.

        A true level playing field.

    • Only attempting to up the pot, Ned, to a more reasonable amount. I know what is coming from what Q has put out.

      A certain winner!

  4. Well, I think I know why ‘we’ are being ‘moderated’.
    The algorithm is having a panic attack🤪
    A couple here might have a real one.

  5. I’m going to preference Elbow next election because I want him as a lame duck for 3 years and ChromeDome is too dodgy I would rather have a stoopid failure failing at everything because hopefully the Senate will be so full of competent independents that the government won’t get away with anything. ChromeDome will never repeal all the nasty forced injections stuff, just pushes on with his little hobby horses, Scomo “it’s not a race” was better. As they said in the Tucker interview above, only Nixon and Reagan did not go for the Epstein Island type of experience, they were both torn down, infiltrated by HW Bush. Probably Krudd also did not participate, though he scammed $200m off the CES quick as a flash, impressive work. Others, hard to say. ChromeDome, seems to be owned from say back, destined one could say. Better to watch Elbow stutter and stumble his way through another 3 years of laughable lies and miserable failure

  6. ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
    Patriot underground and Jim Willie …… the storm is here….’
    Good technical HARP AND DEW STUFF FROM THE Start > start of civil war🙀

  7. Flashback 2016 :

    Incident #2 — New Orleans .

    Getting those race riots going on in time for the 2016 election .


    Would love to show the uncut version of this “harrowing” scene but Censor Czar Joey B . beat me to the punch .

    In real time you see Mr Sterling reaching under the vehicle and pulling out.a blood pack , you see the cap rolling away , you see a giant blood puddle on Mr Sterling’s shirt , miraculously there is no hole in the shirt , nor any exit wounds or blood dripping from his back , and his hand was straight up in the air for several seconds , never seeing it drop before the video ends .

    The thing the cop takes from his hand is probably said blood pack .

    The way the kid cries here and at the funeral seems pretty genuine , so I am guessing Mr Sterling took the payoff and let the family believe he was deceased .Or the lad is a really good actor .

    Another example of the elites propaganda war against the unsuspecting citizen. Alex Jones got it right when he said there is a war on for your mind .

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