Introduction by DM
Today’s entertainment: Greg Hunter interviews Steve Quayle in a biblical-style discussion.
Steve Quayle is a nationally known radio host (Survive2thrive and Coast to Coast), photographer, and author of a number of books including Breathe No Evil, first published in 1996, and Angel Wars (about how Humanity hangs in the balance, with secret, powerful forces aligned against it), Giants, and Blueprint for Survival, etc.
You cannot have the most sophisticated electronic surveillance in the world suddenly fail. The invasion of Hamas into Israel had to have been “allowed” to lead us into the future. Quayle talks about Gaza, nuclear weapons and the forces leading humanity into hell, and the destruction of (woke and broke) America — a nation stripped of resources. And can Israel survive without a nuclear conflict? He discusses the MSM, labeling it the Mainstream Accessories To Genocide (MATG).
(Newsweek reported that an “Israeli lawmaker is calling for her nation’s military to use nuclear warfare in response to attacks by Hamas.”)
“The invasion of Hamas into Israel had to have been “allowed” to lead us into the future.”
Well I’m sticking with the argument that if the Israelis had been on their toes it wouldn’t have happened.
Obviously just another 911 SET UP.
Are we to be suckered again?
NB: I don’t swallow the Bin Laden story
Have never swallowed that crap either. Still stinks today much worse then it ever did, simply because folks refuse to accept Building 11 which was not hit with anything, and BBC anounced on World News THE THING WAS GOING DOWN, when we were all watching it LIVE, and lo and behold, there it was standing in the back ground. Of course the dancing Israelis were never adequatly explained, not was the allowance of the Saudis to fly in an CLOSED AIR space to anyone else.
Building 7! The Salomon (so) building
47 stories in 6.5-7 seconds.
Interesting to see high rise buildings in GAZA, say 15 plus floors bombed and doing something similar..
Those Israelis are good, plenty of practice!
The initiating house-to-house carnage simply couldn’t have been carried otherwise as per my comment of 11th Oct:
“The issue that I’ve yet to see acknowledged ANYWHERE, the BURNING issue that’s been assiduously avoided by the Jew-haters, the Jew-lovers, and the conspiracy theorists alike, is the relationship between the attack and civilian disarmament.
Which phenomena, as all the commenters on these pages are no doubt painfully aware, is synonymous with
The cultural decadence of the Age as exemplified by the likes of Yuval Harari, the archetypal mascot of humanism/wokism. I can just imagine how anyone of such ilk would deal with a common & garden break-and-entry.
“synonymous with the cultural decadence of the Age – HENCE THE IMPENDING WW ISLAMIC RULE”
Are Schraub, Harare, Tedros, the IMF, the UN, the WEFers, Gates, Fauci, Charlie 111, European Royals, the City of London, the Vatican, the District of Columbia. Muslims?
Who controls the Muslims? Perhaps ask General Pyke, just dig him up for a answer.
EB – the head was taken off that snake some years back. Cast your mind back five years ago when the Commie Pope was pushing Islamic immigration into Italy and calling for a new world religion.
He is no longer pushing that NWO barrow any more, is he.
The organisers of “impending WW Islamic rule” via Meditarranean crossings etc is our same elites who have been pulling the strings all along. The same organising Latinos bussing to the Rio Grande, Turks into German factories, Albanian mafias into Australia and so forth, and let us not forget the wars against Syria and Libya designed in part to drive them into Europe. Mafias and freemasons leaderships come from out of Knights Templars era personalities. The banks are in Swissyland, the elites are the same as always. Where on earth would we get new elites from ??? It’s all stitched up.
I think it is almost impossible for the “Hamas invasion” to have just happened. The Egyptian intelligence had been warning them for a imminent attack. So many failures???? in their defence. Does not make sense.
Makes a lot of sense for those who planned it and are going to gain and profit from it and let humanity be dammed.
Did Hamas think they were going to gain anything militarily against the Israel superiority?
Remember who sponsored Hamas ,,,,, and who really owns them to be used to justify the present response.
Muslim superiority is written into the Koran; killing any Jew is a sure-fire ticket to heaven
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam)
that he may make it superior to every other religion, exalting it over theirs.” (Surah 48:28)
What needs to be taken into account is that Harrari’s entire dictum is religious
Obviously whenever you stick to a particular brand of laundry soap it’s because you’re convinced it’s a better deal/does a better job than anything else, but there’s a big difference between telling others they should try it and looking down on them because they won’t – which is of course the 1st step toward writing them off altogether.
I realise there’s a lot of so-called “Christians” & orthodox Jews who do exactly that but there’s nothing in the Old or New Testaments that allows, let alone recommends any such thing.
All planned well in advance I would say” as with the date of Referendum and the “week of mourning”. Colours dates flags all important for such evil. Tavistock 2021 20 30 AGENDA.
1973 a significant year for Global Takeover Plans -Hence many 50 year anniversaries- patterns agendas repeating –synchronised
“The infiltration of southern Israel by Hamas at daybreak Saturday amid a religious holiday prompted Israel’s prime minister to declare the nation “at war” and stoked memories of another surprise attack that occurred 50 years and one day earlier.”
The earlier attack — which launched Arab-Israeli War, also called the Yom Kippur War — was led by Egyptian and Syrian forces. The name Yom Kippur War refers to the surprise attack, which occurred on holiest day of the year in Judaism”.
All this biblical stuff is based on futuristic expectations in the Mid East thousands of years agon whilst Australia’s indigenous were existing for ten of thousands of years prior.
Hopefully, nothing applies to Australia,as Australia was not in mind in the Mid East at the time.
Keep out of the Northern hemisphere.
Those who want it can piss off up there and leave us out of it.
Politicians; MSM you lot listening? . STAY OUT!
It was out until 1788 when the blackfellas got the union jack planted
Yes sadly indeed.
So we desperately need a divorce NOW…. From the globalist crazy psycho murdering control freaks and their controlled political puppets in Australia.
Ned, right on again. Leave all the warring idiots to themselves.
Every one of these factions is religion based. Much of the problems coming from the supposed prophets of he past and so in my opinion and my late father, “religion is the root of all evil”.
I expect to be blasted by my statement, so go ahead, do your worst. I have never seen anybody to be benefited or better by being religious.
The Buddha came up with pacifism before Jesus, but he was 26th in a line of super-gurus. Pacifism is good for emperors and empire managers
When I became aware in October 1978 that the US had not changed its ways since Vietnam, I knew I had to leave – this was not going to end well.
When you see the train is heading for a burned out bridge, get off the train. Now I am comfortably sitting on top of a mountain in Oz watching the Northern Hemisphere shitshow that was inevitable. I’ve got the popcorn ready…
Plus the garden of veggies, fruits and distilleries… (good thinking Terry)
As Trump states, he could shut all this down within 24 hours – how? Watch The Greatest Show on Earth 2023 – because he knows all the players and the secrets that many of them wish to keep.
What we are now witnessing is the exposure of the warmongers and what is left of the Cabal, who have now lost control in Ukraine, and will soon lose in Israel.
Avoid taking sides, for every country has its good and its bad – and we are seeing the bad being exposed to be eventually removed.
No world war, no nuclear exchange.
I’m with Terry – sitting back with the popcorn and watching the show as it unfolds.
It had to be done this way – Q
This little episode has exposed and identified more deep state players.
Once a General, and as military protocol demands, busted down to Private, and all medals and adornments removed, Mark Milley hanged, yesterday, at Gitmo.
A Traitor to the end.
One theory goes that Russians and Ukrainians along with neighbours such as Bulgaria and other Slavic tongued peoples were not enthused about our overlords injections program ( takeup less than 40% ) so they have to be reduced another way.
Gazans only 5% approval for the mRNA va666ines (2021) !!!
Some West African places also resistant for the shortlist next.
Just to push this nuclear thing around.
!. how could it be that the two bombed cities of ww2 Japan were open for business soon after detonation. Should they not be so radioactive as to be still uninhabitable, but yet they visit Piece Park by the throng, daily
2.How did the Rainbow warrior, repeatedly enter the Muora Atoll after multiple tests(Lenin =>lead opposition).
How can anything still be on Christmas Island
How can be that the animals are doing well around Chernobyl
Long Island, ground zero, just doesn’t have that 25,000 year half life feel.
Sooo, anywho a bogan thought comes to mind. What is they told us on our Sat phones(AM radio yesteryear and still available), that such and such had been nuked and therefore we could not travel to those places.
“ve vill guard these places for your safety and shoot you should you want to cross from your “domiciled” city.
Ref the animals around Chernobyl.
I have a copy of a study that went into this issue 4 years after it happened. Sadly, NO, said study revealed the animals are NOT doing well. NONE live longer than 4 yrs. Many of them have tumours growing within them and also suffer from lack of full appendages. This study also reported many fibrous unexplained growths with them as well. Any auquatic life was suggested should not be eaten, nor should the animals. B.T.W, the ferral pigs were the worst effected. Even the horse breed, which is endemic to those ereas, is also threatened with survival, as none get older that two years, where as prior to Chernobyl they got to 12 or more. Of course that report was written before 2014, and well before the program to destroy the World as we know it was initiated.
I sighted no refs either, was hoping for some bogan help(he is quite good at that.)
I don’t claim no immediate flash point issues( I would not put 40 babies in a microwave oven) or even x-ray them for all and sundry annually .
Luv we are just kicking this around, how many generations of pigs have produced further production round the Chinobe. Check out fluoride as a industrial by product, no pigs or any mammal within(court proven- no proofs again but court litigation 10km’s+)
“How far away from Fukushima is safe?
30 kilometers
So, how far from Fukushima is a safe distance? The answer combines both science and politics and that is one reason why it seems to vary so much from country to country. According to British-based nuclear physicist Frank Barnaby, Japan’s setting a distance of 30 kilometers as the safety zone is a perfect example”
It just seems a bit cozy, bro, from how deadly this stuff is over generations there should be ZERO animals
It’s dust blowing around
Interesting documentary on Trump’s rise to fame (save for the gemantria interruptions unless you’re into that sort of thing). Charlie Freak claims Trump is the son of General Patton – hadn’t heard that before.
I managed about 1.5 of Freak, indeed very interesting from about ten minutes.
In time would like to get to the end.
Yes, neither had I heard of the Patton link. But I always wondered why he was given this ‘military schooling’
‘ol blood n guts,
Never checked your lnk Was, but they do roll this way. Push comes to shove I would take his CinemaScope, over Ike, (think B.Clinton was raising more than a few bast… never mind)
Best I can say to the Trump situation, is maybe he twigged that the billions hurt. (Barron included). Could he will renege, but maybe that’s on the table. As much as I can concede, having so many promises, “unrequited” . for trumpenstein(come on -winK).
I decided not to post, but you triggered me Dee. Story goes he did not starve his surrenders, like Eisenhower did.
Always the story of two narratives
Patton is shuffled in 1945,
“When was CinemaScope first used?
16, 1953, “The Robe” had its premiere at the Roxy Theater in New York. Trumpeted as “The First Motion Picture in CinemaScope — The Modern Miracle You See Without Glasses!” — “The Robe” offered audiences an image twice as wide and significantly taller than what they had become accustomed to.”
Its an Edward Bernaise thing, sorry just had to close that loop/thought. out
Thus legends are born and deities created
Is Thomas Mayonaise made of the same substance?
We may as well chuck Episode 3187B at into the mix for more fun.
Gold down to $A3033.17 for the gematria fans.
Ignore the O👻 the Freak show (ref above) chaps would be excited .
666. V. 17 = biff up?. Well that’s my interpretation as a non follower. 💀
Time? 6.17!
Oops, withdraw time, but only a hour out.
AUD3018 sell 3k, buy 3040, 99.99 per troy ounce
Its as high as it has been in aussie.
Its money but don’t get caught up in the love of money. Say your twenty and some rich guy needs a hole dug for his swimming pool. You dig the hole with your fit back and put the output in gold under your bed. Your now an old guy and you want a pit dug for your pool – No quid pro quo, just they same sized hole(some guy gets an excavator fine, that progress, so really you should expect a bigger hole for that saving, NOT less than you will get) from BIS etc.
precious metals sales in my experience do not attract GST but they will thrn want a cost base for potential capital gain should they blockchain it. They will never allow for inflation but there still is to date, an even keel
New Dr Jim Willie: the quickeningfeeling strange ….October 2023. At BIN.
5 mins > he wonders about avatars and in no way is he buying the SURPRISE INVASION 7 mins.SO WHO IS BUYING IT? Try the ABC, SBS, controlled mass media and sucked into politicians.
Israel giving Ukraine weapons then going back to the boys controlled by Langley..
Plus the weapons left for the Afghans …. “You have to screw your head on to work out what is happening here”
Oh well a glass and to relax for the rest from about 20 mins.
Hope PM and Wong has some idea.
A Willie of fun …..
must listen from ONE HOUR to 1.06 or the end for joe’s hopeium.🤪
Uncle Andrew : 1.05
That’s great news to hear Dickhead Dan was forced out and sacked ( oh yeah ), they all tell us they had no gas left in the tank, feeling he winds of change I would suggest, meanwhile Gerard Rennick also got sacked but at least didn’t have to leave the building yet. All these dogs like WEF Young Global Leader Sarah H-Y and WEF Young Global Leader Claire O’N are still pushing on with their careers and picking up whatever tailwinds are blowing out of Klaus Swab’s tailpipe.
Now did the SCOTUS really have a secret ruling, maybe, so when do we see the mass resignations and when do we see Kari Lake installed in Arizona and will all of this have any effect in Australia or just led to more problems for the USA whose dollar hegemony is disappearing fast – and going to Swissyland. I don’t believe the Vatican had 100 tonnes of gold under it, I would say it’s all in a tunnel in Swissyland. NATO will have to attack Swissyland to get it back.
Milley hanged at Gitmo yesterday according to some, seems to have been a Trump concept worked up into reality by fake Alt-news
“The invasion of Hamas into Israel had to have been “allowed” to lead us into the future.”
Just as the 1948 repatriation was “allowed”?
“Thus says the Lord GOD, ‘I will gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give [back] to you the land of Israel.’ “
EZEKIEL 11: 17
Should really be read in context:
Listen to archbishop Vigano at BIN.
Clearly the pope was fraudulently elected and a heretical globalist. Particularly listen from 20 mins. Ref to Podesta and Clinton.
I am now on
New SG anon w/David Rodriguez: Halloween Surprise is Here WW111 – Israel Gaza specOps – Fall 2023..
Hold onto the popcorn and try not to spill it.
Meanwhile ABC-TV princess, the massively overpaid Sarah Ferguson, quotes Swab sidekick Yuval Harari as if he was a household guru we all ordinarily take our opinions from. There is a boomerang effect in all this, that it will whip up generalised jew-hatred and take the heat off Globalist overlords. The undercurrent is that it is jews, the simple minded will be satisfied with that, they don’t differentiate between jews, Zionists and further up the food chain.
They have these things called “think-tanks” I’m sure you’ve heard of them.
Speak of Archbishop Vigano where is commenter ant56 for the last 2 weeks, is he in the basement under Gore Hill
The importance of Israel goes to the fact that it was selected as a working model of what sticking to the Eden mandate reaps, the disastrous consequences of failing to do so and God’s unfailing mercy.
Jew-haters are simply people who resent life itself and Jew lovers are those who live in a fools paradise.
“Jews are a manufactured race – some have a jewish mother and some don’t” – Sean Hross
Why is it one incident of slaughter is condemned as brutal terrorism whilst another is excused because it is just a natural consequence of war? Both need to be condemned and resisted equally, or do we just evaluate their evil by the number of bodies?
The Israelis MUST have known of the incursion from AT LEAST six thirty. It is inconceivable that they were not aware of the plan well in advance. The video above shows a time of 9.30. Are you telling me in an area with a full Division of IDF, there was no warning or evacuation and no attempt to provide armed opposition for at least three hours? This was blatantly an Israeli PR ruse (they are experts at it) to excuse and legitimise an offensive against Gaza. If they push the population south into an ever smaller enclave and ghetto – and how darkly ironic are those terms – do you think they will ever give it back? Essentially this is just another land grab and ‘Nakba’.
They grabbed a bit of Lebanon too, they call it creating a buffer zone, they don’t admit outright they grabbed it, you have to read between the lines. As Paul Craig Roberts has said, they want southern Lebanon for the water resource
Speaking of PCR here’s his latest (short) article’ “the worst is yet to come” and links to “do the american people have enough intelligence to survive”
He has also produced a new book mostly made out of old articles, “The Empire of Lies”
“It is inconceivable that they were not aware of the plan well in advance”
As unwittingly intimated by John Kiriakou in the above interview, sooner or later habitual lying is bound to render one a victim of deception
Simon seems to have started a trend with half sentences, obscure references, and needless apologies.
Please everybody, get back to normal grammar and grampar.
I couldn’t even figure out what Simon was saying about Patton, much less the guy with gold in his bed.
Trump rode a donkey into a bar mitzvah, clouds of hopium filling the air, “I’m feeling a little hoarse”. Tanked up, visited the foreign exchange next door and smashed up a couple of desks, staff comment: hope this doesn’t become a Patton, Trump: “Too late” (wink)
from Steve Quail to Dale Holmes and Mark Atwood in a day
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, said on MSNBC on Sunday that opposing Zionism is not only “anti-Semitic” but also “genocide” because “every Jewish person is a Zionist,” writes Chris Menahan .
“I have long said anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism – I was wrong, anti-Zionism is genocide,” Greenblatt declared.
“Every Jewish person is a Zionist,” he emphasized, regardless of whether they are a religious Jew or an atheist.
The UN Charter is based on the former USSR Constitution
“The United Nations is Zionism. It is the super government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897 and 1905.” – Henry Klein, New York, Jewish Lawyer, in Zionism Rules the World, 1948.
“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
“Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
“Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206
You’re thinking exactly what you’re supposed to think, gold star for you