Home War/ Terror “We Are Going To War” – Anarchy Imminent?

“We Are Going To War” – Anarchy Imminent?


Are the Dems bringing revolution to America?



  1. There has been so much talk about a conflict/war between the West and the East. However, the Russians and Chinese don’t have to do anything, America is destroying itself from within. The East just has to sit back and bide their time.

    By the time I left America in Feb 1982 I could clearly see the rot beginning, however, the rot is now beyond anything that I imagined back then. – The concept that evil destroys itself is on display.

    The sooner Australia breaks its ties with America the better. We need a better future than the corruption and decay that the US has to offer.

    • What needs to be countered in is that both Countries were founded as colonies, but that there’s never been a revolution in Aus and the current likelihood?

      As we all know, the place was just tacitly transferred around the middle of last century; small wonder that the last 2 decades have just been a toss-up between China & Uncle Sam

      • E.B. Well we did have the rebellion at Eureka Stockade that gave us our first hint of national identity via the Southern Cross. By that time though, our rulers were a little wiser after the event, and the lessons learned, from the American revolution.

        They’ve been using the stick and carrot method against us all, since then. An incremental removal of our God given rights that a tiny minority of us could see occurring, and whose warnings fell on deaf ears and the self-absorbed, and ruthlessly complied with, by a very treacherous media.

    • Time to play catch up Terry. This country has been under American Military Jurisdiction since, January, 17 (there’s that 17 number again!) 2024.

      Eventually, we will become part of the United Republics of America.

      Truly, you should start to open those eyes of yours to see what is actually occurring all around you.

      But then again, that is your choice.

      • You have no idea what my research is and what things I know. But don’t worry yourself about what you aren’t aware of, all will be revealed in the fullness of time.

        Protect yourself, nobody else will…

      • ” This country has been under American Military Jurisdiction since, January, 17 (there’s that 17 number again!) 2024.”
        I know you don’t like to supply links but could you “please explain”?

        • Dear Sandra – A full explanation is so convoluted and intricate, that I would need a book to explain the workings of what is now occurring. So what follows will be, in a ‘nutshell’ presentation.

          Sorry, but it is the best I can put out for you in such a short space.

          The United States and Australia, as also, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, are in a period of INTERREGNUM – no legal rule of law. And we have been this way for decades. Previous and present governments have been guilty of assisting the destabilization of, not only their own countries, but also the United States, which has always been the main target, via their role in Five Eyes, and the United Nations agendas, of the Lima Declaration, Agenda 21, Agenda 30 and all the other United Nations policies and agencies that are in place to destabilize the western forms of government and economies.

          The United Nations is and has always been, the headquarters of the Cabal/Deep State.

          This country, as have most nations, come under American Military Law – Martial Law – due to lack of any remedy for any country’s citizenry to regain sovereign control over their own country via peaceful and lawful means.

          Such has been the control of the Globalists for a very long time.

          China, India, and Russia are the exceptions due to their assisting roles in the Q Plan. You will need to go back to 2017 and Trump’s trip around the world to understand the implications of how this has come about.

          In short, and in order to prevent bloody civil wars from erupting in all western nations, and to extinguish the Cabal’s agenda of total control over this entire planet, the world wide military alliance that is headed by the American military, and has Trump as Commander in Chief, has installed Martial Law in most countries world wide and at government levels of control and at present away from public notice – hence the meme – you are watching a movie. All actions that are controlled by the military in order to continue to awaken those still fast asleep – that will all end shortly.

          The world will eventually be broken up into Seven Kingdoms – does that ring a bell with you? Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico and the 50 states of the current U.S. model, will all be part of The United Republics of America.

          You will also need to listen to Derek Johnson explain the Law of War Manual, 2015, and how this fits in with what is now occurring world wide – you will find his explanations over at beforeitsnews.com

          You have to appreciate that all western governments are about to collapse. What occurs when that happens? If martial law is in place and the public are made aware, and then given information of how this world has been controlled for so long over a ten day period, via a lock down, then we at least have an understanding of what has gone before, and what we can all look forward to, while avoiding a civil war bloodbath.

          The old world ended, May 21, 2024, and a New Golden Age awaits us all.

          I hope this has helped you.

          • T.O.
            Seems that we are members of the very select β€˜cultist’ club.
            To think that you had to go to all the bother and trouble to explain what can easily have been found and discerned if one had been following some real stuff and connecting the dots at least since 2020 that could have been worked out from the comments and links provided here.

          • It can be frustrating, Ned. It can also be a very lonely place when friends and family tend to avoid any discussion about what they should all be aware of.

            I try to rationalize why some folk simply cannot grasp what you and I have learned through joining a few dots.

            I guess a lot of why some will see and some will not see, comes down to life experience, and the ability to not allow the indoctrination of the distractions in this world, to take them off course from where they should be following.

            Most of those I know and love, have already fallen back to sleep.

          • Well the proof partly is that notwithstanding my several references to Derek Johnson, there has not been any reply considering his analysis in many videos.
            We are amongst those who refuse to see anything other than distractions.
            Their problem.

          • Agreed! but what really gets me, is that the two of us, once at loggerheads with each other, are now on the same wave length because we have chosen to expand our thinking.

            Pity, that other folk just do not see that as a reference pointer.

    • INTERREGNUM – is the term you should be using E.B. We are all being ruled by belligerent governments under their unlawful and illegitimate dictates.

      That is not anarchy.

      Their paid for security forces, police and military forces, who are loyal to them, rule the streets – so there is no anarchy only belligerent government who pretends to be legitimate.

      • Well so far as I’m concerned “a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority” is exactly what happens when any such “authority” reneges on it’s obligations, as spelled out by Francis Schaeffer, quote:
        “God has ordained the state as a delegated authority; it is not autonomous. The state is to be an agent of justice, to restrain evil by punishing the wrongdoer, and to protect the good in society. When it does the reverse, it has no proper authority. It is then a usurped authority and as such it becomes lawless and is tyranny.”

      • : the time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes. 2. : a period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended.1 Apr 2024

        Interregnum Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
        EB’s terminology is more apropos.

        • Indeed – we have not had a duly and lawfully elected government in decades, at least since 1975. We are currently under martial law to prevent us from falling into a civil war and to prepare us for what needs to be done to finally secure this country for We the People.

  2. Trust the Plan. The military is the only way – Q

    One million National Guard Federalized by Trump in 2019 – I wonder where they are all hiding out at present? Why would it be that they have now been deployed and are in position for, all around the world, and mostly in major cities, like Chicago and Sydney?

    Where has the 33,000 Marines who landed in Darwin for a supposed exercise with Australian forces, during the early part of this year gone to? Are they all still here hiding out in places where they may be needed, and soon?

    Ask yourself, do that many Marines take part in an exercise or are they really part of a world wide military operation?

    Are you familiar with the many differences between a military exercise and an actual military operation?

    NATO is about to cause a false flag event upon itself – just to blame Russia. Do you truly believe that will ignite WW3? If we know their plan, so do the Russians, and Vlad is still a master Chess player.

    No WW3 – Trump is the Peacemaker.

    Why has this country’s premier fighter base, Williamtown RAAF Base, been on continual operations for over 18 months, and that has so far encompassed two Christmas periods, that in more normal times, would be shut down for at least six weeks?

    What do you think is happening? I know what is happening, and so should you.

    • They’re desperate, and it shows. They’ve got to get rid of him somehow.

      Can’t confirm the number – but allegedly, there has been at least 12 attempts on Trump’s life, as well as that of his extended family.

  3. Government incompetence shows up like open wounds on society and governments are deliberately making everything worse, pushing dysfunction to the limits, as they rave incessantly about nonsense like Global Warming when the real problem is the education system, the health system, the financial system, the governance system.
    As the feature video tells, there is a Globalist plan underway to anarchise the USA and militarise Australia, the events in Melbourne a couple of years were just a practice run. Australians are deprived of one right after another, the right to run a business, own a gun, even to choose whether to be injected or not, rights are all being removed.
    In the USA I see anarchy followed by a political backlash and the Trump dynasty of DJT24 and Ivanka28 as hypothesised by freemason Groening. We already had an over-egged political reaction in Australia leading to the wall to wall ALP mess we are in, heading for a massive recession, with no way out. In the US I expect the Trump dynasty to go full NWO with MoB ID and Warp Speed II and finally going total Ziomaniac under Ivanka. The funny thing is that this will be a better outcome than under John Kerry protege Anthony Blinken who will probably replace Biden soon and ensure the Democrat Party goes full ZOG. Blinken is another one of these with a step-father arrangement, like Bill Clinton and Barry Obama, a smooth liar, maybe so good they will save him for a run against Ivanka in 2032.
    There is no way out for Americans who don’t even know they lost their revolution starting 1812 and no way out for delusional Australians who think the party never ends even as they are taxed and government indebted out of existence, well on the way to owning nothing in the eastern states, the whole mess will be enough to take the west down in five minutes. The mainstream politicians and M$M including elements of Alt-media play to the public delusions and keep everyone in a sort of drugged up optimism, just look at their chatter about interest rates always closer to coming down, like a carrot dangled on a stick, while the going gets steadily worse.
    Why should we be so privileged as to party on in the sun forever when every other society is torn down after a couple of generations, by its controllers. The liars in government outnumber the truth tellers 10:1, the cops have shown they are prepared to shoot rubber bullets at people who are not doing anything, the subservience to Globalists continues, with laws and treaties cementing in UN governance, none even publicly mentioned, all passing through the communist ALP government, while ads on the 20% Globalist owned SBS-TV constantly telling us donate to Globalist causes and to basically love BigBrother. As the demised-at-51 Frank Zappa said, “When the movie’s over and you look behind the curtain all you see is a brick wall”.

    • The Brunsons’ cases should be read in conjunction with the feature video
      The SCOTUS will drag this out until it doesn’t make any difference and Brunsons give up. Anyone thinking two years is a long time ? For the DeepState it’s nothing. So much for the rule of law, what we have is pretence, enough to keep the sheeple quiet in their pens, munching contentedly on whatever is put in front of them.

      • Equate this to the Julian Assange situation.Just drag out the legal toing and froing so 5years in solitary keeps extending and Julian finally succumbs to “natural causes”-Problem solved.

          • Not when 7 years in the Ecuadorian Embassy and 5 years in Belmarsh have ravaged him physically and psychologically.

          • How long would he have lasted out in the open, do you believe?

            He was the Globalists No 1 target.

            He will soon be free, and speaking his mind without the worry of being killed at any time.

            The man is a hero, and will be suitably acknowledged as such.

          • Seth Rich who leaked and supplied Assange was shot in the back.
            Maybe he would have been better off in prison for jay walking rather than walking down the footpath with his back to the killer behind him.
            Any one found his killer yet?

  4. From what I can gather everything good about the U.S. was imported via the pre-revolution Euro refugees who chose to deal with the prospect of starvation or freezing rather than exist under political & religious tyranny
    Whereas everything bad was imported by the ex-Brit Toffs aka the β€œfounding fathers”
    The men who managed to clinch a deal with the extant peasantry
    A deal that was then broken circa 1861

  5. There’s not much point in “waking people up” if they are too dumb to know anything anyway. At the same time as this is supposedly happening, we have all the DeepFake videos emerging and censorship legislation being prepared so nobody will know what’s really going on. In the leadup to this the military was all “vaccinated” and yet more bloodbaths around Greater Zion funded by Biden. The US military will run out of hegemonic funding soon as BRICS cuts the supplies. Are we to assume they will all work for goodwill ? That’s opposite to the usual arrangements of mercenaries.
    What appears to me is a fragmented collection of possible realities all intertwined, with nobody able to say for sure where one ends and another starts. So a sort of “Alt-Soft Power” narrative is stitched in there where we are perpetually waiting for some sort of message or action, meanwhile events continue much the same as always.
    Trump is hostage to the MIC and BigPharma cannot speak against the Gaza Holocaust-clearout or the mass injections program for existential reasons of survival reality. Rockerfellas had the place stitched up starting 1963. If anyone wants us all to wake up why don’t they take control of the crooked ABC-TV and start by simply telling everyone “Global Warming via CO2 is bullshit”, wouldn’t that be easier than holocausting everyone in Ukraina and Gaza ? The stories don;t make sense unless viewed through clouds of hopium, but there is not much hopium smoked around here, not enough to get high anyway. I guess for my trouble I will cop a few evidences from RealRawNews such as the latest “Swab was executed at Gitmo” and so forth and I will have to endure that.
    Anyway it’s the publisher’s call not mine what goes up.

  6. Joe – you’re almost there. You’re wrong about Trump, which seems to be a stumbling block for you, but I am not going to even attempt to set you straight on that score.

    However – I will leave you with this to ponder.

    One of the keys in understanding what is really going on is to understand what Trump is and what he truly represents for all of us. Until you can get your head around that hurdle – you will just keep on floundering.

    • There is no mystery that you alone are privy to, everyone knows Trump was anti-war, went to PRNK and had friendly meetings with Putin, all good until “Oct 7” I think they are calling it. How you can be so conceited as to think you know anything special, I am mystified. You even told everyone that I was Jew Derangement Disordered commenter Veggie and you told us you are virtually always right.
      You crave structure, order and a hierarchy and you attempt to fit everything into a very simplistic mental organisational structure you have assembled, which appears to be somewhat lacking in programmatic specificity.
      I think the Globalist mass psychologists have probably been studying trainspotters to work out how to manipulate this type of personality, which you appear to roughly fit in with.
      In old times you would have been called a “Chauvinist”, before the word was perverted by Globalist sponsored proto-feminist book writers. You probably love marching bands, formation marching and things of that nature.
      Anyway, as you would have it from your RRN cartoons, everyone was executed at Gitmo and has been replaced by doubles or clones in order to wake people up. This doesn’t make much sense so I invite you to begin by explaining why Princess Kate was executed and replaced by doubles. Did she go to Gitmo with the others or was she always scheduled to “Di”. Go on wake me up.

      • Joe – You’re response has disappointed me. I offer you a pointer, but you choose to slap it away and choose instead, to somehow make it about me.

        What an imagination you have.

        Your choice not to see.

        • If I am floundering then you are a beached flathead. You think everyone’s going to start reading RealRawNews on your say-so. Fatuous adulation has no value in any rational debate, whacked out hints that I should start saying “Trump is a Trumpet” prove how lost you are. You want to be a team builder, look somewhere else. “Trump is a Trumpet” is just about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in the bloggs. Why don’t you try to make yourself part of the solution instead of creating a new problem.
          If Trump manages to pull off his Federal Reserve revolution he will definitely be in the market for a double. The Global shitfight that follows could be very messy. International trade and cross-border usury has a lot to answer for, feeding these Globalists.

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