Home Earth/ Climate Well, There Goes Climate Change — Thanks to William Engdahl

Well, There Goes Climate Change — Thanks to William Engdahl


Greta Thunberg, Al Goreby Mary W Maxwell, LLB

William Engdahl is an American living in Germany. His 2007 book, “Seeds of Destruction,” is the best guide to patent law for life forms (something which Congress should change immediately).

I believe Engdahl used to work for Lyndon Larouche, and some folks may consider this a strike against him.  I don’t hold that view. Even if Larouche was a bit eccentric, he had great inside sources and good sense.

Anyway, Engdahl has now dropped two truth bombs on us in regard to the fakery of climate change.  Many of us had speculated that this “environmental cause” was concocted for other purposes.  Engdahl has not only explained this, but has located quotes that put paid to the whole game. I found the quotes in his article entitled “The Dark Origins of the Great Reset,” at globalresearch.ca.

To set the scene, Engdahl gives this chronology:

*In 1968 David Rockefeller founded a neo-Malthusian think tank, The Club of Rome, along with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King.

*In 1971, the Club of Rome published “Limits to Growth,” which predicted an end to civilization as we knew it because of rapid population growth, combined with fixed resources such as oil.

*In 1973, Klaus Schwab in his third annual Davos business leader meeting invited Peccei to Davos to present Limits to Growth to assembled corporate CEOs.

*In 1974, the Club of Rome presented a report, “Mankind at the Turning Point,” saying:

“Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence…. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system.”

*In 1975 (Engdahl omits this one, which is little known), a UN-led group-meeting in Peru, presented The Lima Declaration. In it, economies got allocated a certain percentage of world production.  For example, according to cirnow.com.au, Australia agreed to wind down its manufacture by 30%.

Maurice Strong, Earth Summit I, and Rio Earth Summit

The main person in Engdahl’s article is Canadian oilman, Maurice Strong.  In 1947, when Maurice was a lad of 18, he met David Rockefeller. (I wonder how he met him?) Rockefeller was already (I think) president of the Chase Manhattan Bank. According to William Engdahl, Strong, at age 18, was given a key UN position under UN Treasurer, Noah Monod. Amazing. I guess he showed ‘promise.’

“By 1971, Maurice Strong was named Undersecretary of the UN [!] and Secretary General of the upcoming Earth Day conference, [Conference on the Human Environment, “Earth Summit I,” in Stockholm, Sweden.]

Strong was also named that year as a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. In Stockholm the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was created with Strong as its head.

“By 1989 Strong was named by the UN Secretary General to head the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development. (“Rio Earth Summit II”). He oversaw the drafting of the UN “Sustainable Environment” goals there, the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development that forms the basis of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. …

Strong, who was also a board member of Davos WEF, had arranged for Schwab to serve as a key adviser to the Rio Earth Summit.”

The Three Killer Quotes

I hope you will be pleased and relieved to now read two early “confessions” as to the fact that climate change is indeed a hoax, a whole hoax, and nothing but a hoax so help you God.

Quote Number One: Strong had commissioned a report from the Club of Rome, “The First Global Revolution,” authored by Alexander King which admitted that the CO2 global warming claim was merely an invented ruse to force change:

“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these 
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
 changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” [xi]

(Source of Note xi: What is Agenda 21/2030 Who’s behind it ? Introduction, https://sandiadams.net/what-is-agenda-21-introduction-history/)

Quote Number Two: President Clinton’s delegate to Rio, Tim Wirth, admitted the same, stating,

“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” [xii]

(Source of Note xii: Larry Bell, Agenda 21: The U.N.’s Earth Summit Has Its Head In The Clouds, Forbes, June 14, 2011, https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2011/06/14/the-u-n-s-earth-summit-has-its-head-in-the-clouds/?sh=5af856a687ca )

A Third Knockout Quote: This one does not mention climate change (but feel free to imagine it referring to Covid lockdowns): In 1992, Maurice Strong, who by then was a leading oilman, had the colossal gall to say, in his opening speech at the Rio Earth Summit:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” [vi]

Actually, no, Maurice, it isn’t. Nope, not at all. If any such decision is to be made, the debate must be conducted by affected parties not by Rockefeller billionaires like yourself, K?

(Source of Note vi: Maurice Strong, Opening Speech to UN Rio Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992, accessed in http://www.infowars.com/maurice-strong-in-1972-isnt-it-our-responsibility-to-collapse-industrial-societies/)

Personal Disclosure

When I first read “Limits to Growth” I thought it was hunky dorey. In the late 1970s, I was a graduate student at Johns Hopkins and fell in love with Ecology.  Even now, I think it’s accurate to say that industrial civilization puts way too much of a burden on the environment. It needs fixing.  I am in synch with EO Wilson’s idea, expressed in his final book, “Half Earth,” that bio-diversity is way more important than most scientists realize.

But love of earth does not have to be engendered by a pandemic, a genocide, or a reset of all business and finance. Those things are being done for another purpose, which is for a few oligarchs to run both the planet and the human species.

Least of all do we need these Bozos, complete with their servile media and their servile political Parties, foisting an obvious lie on us. (See Malcolm R Hughes’ “proof” in his October 9, 2022 article at GumshoeNews.com, entitled “Which Came First, Flatulence or Climate Change?”). With the above knockout quotes, as provided by Engdahl, we can stop talking nonsense.

Let’s contemplate them once again:

Peter King: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”

Tim Worth:  “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Maurice Strong: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Note: Wikipedia offers this variation on the biographical events of 1947:

“Strong first met with a leading UN official in 1947 who arranged for him to have a temporary low-level appointment, to serve as a junior security officer at the UN headquarters in Lake Success, New York. He soon returned to Canada, and with the support of Lester B. Pearson, directed the founding of the Canadian International Development Agency in 1968.”

— Mary Maxwell’s website is www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com



  1. FYI, a reader named John emailed me to say:

    “The quotes that you reference do not invalidate the work of thousands of climate scientists. For example, …”In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill”, does not imply that pollution, global warming, water shortages, etc are lies. The quote simply says to use these phenomena as unifying factors for mankind to agree to quicken their pace on environmental action.”

    I can’t find anything wrong with that complaint. But I didn’t say that pollution, global warming, water shortages, etc ARE LIES. I am a follower of Garett Hardin’s book, “The Tragedy of the Commons.” I blame all of us, and feel personally guilty about these things.

    As to “the work of thousands of climate scientists,” ahem. Offering my trust to scientists died the day I found out about such things as vax genocide and geo-engineering. Not that I think every scientist engages in that stuff. No. But where are they, in print, when horrors get exposed?

    Seriously, where the hell are they? Can’t they form little clubs of ten? Can’t they write to me and say “Hey Mare, could you give us a hand?”

    • “I can’t find anything wrong with that complaint.”
      Well I sure can, the key phrase being “unifying factors for mankind to agree”

      Since when did mankind agree on anything ? What he really means is to execute a control agenda by way of exploiting natural phenomena- natural because we are part of the natural world.

      And said agenda is unmistakably rooted in a complete denial of the fact that the planet was NOT created perfect and that the Creator still has ultimate control

      • And the consequences of said denial are spelled out accordingly:

        “If ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:
        I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.
        And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.
        And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:
        And your strength shall be spent in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits”
        LEVITICUS 26: 15 – 20

    • The quotes absolutely do invalidate the work of climate scientists/opportunists. In our capitalist world there is no science without benefactors. And, by definition, benefactors want ‘benefits’ or their money dries up.
      What’s more, carbon dioxide is plant food. Search ‘carbon dioxide generators’. Not one of these often quoted ‘majority’ of climate scientists/opportunists has ever addressed that absolute fact.

  2. Recently I saw an old clip of Ceaucescu’s 1989 assassination being reported on BBC very promptly, right after it happened. The thought went thru my mind “Maybe BBC organized the assassination.” A few hours ago I saw this analysis of China:

  3. How is it the at the age of 18 Strong became a U.N. appointee after which he became a leader in the oil industry? Sounds like the position at U.N. created the oil man.

    Of course in all their speeches and talks these creatures do not mention that they are involved or owners in the industries that are the creators of these very same problems. They have never volunteered to close down their businesses. Only plan to put competitors and employees out on the street. Parasites, the lot of them. Have any of them have ever had proper useful employment to improve mankind’s situation? I doubt it.

  4. Nothing can beat this climate change video showing the cause of global cooling over the last decade, note the date stamp lower left corner, this is pure and simple evidence of government lies at the most fundamental level, which proves that they can and do lie about everything, in fact the one talent they have is lying.

  5. It is obvious that ‘Global warming/climate’ change is a hoax. It is also clear from the science (REAL science) that the Earth is going into a Grand Solar Minimum. It is also clear from REAL science that CO2 is helpful to the environment, like plants NEED it, it greens the world.

    I’ve given up on any political, legal, medical, media, educational, et. al, solutions to this issue. – I’ve said it before, “Protect yourself, nobody else will”.

    The society is corrupt beyond saving, it is going down the gurgler. Get off the train, it is headed to a burnt out bridge.

  6. From “CO2 Spin on that” – a site no long available –

    ……..In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”, detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:

    “practically transparent to radiant heat.”

    Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.

    This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.

    After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?

    So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

    The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.

    Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2……………

  7. Carbon dioxide is more soluble in cold water than it is in warm water.

    Water and CO2 make carbonic acid (acid rain).

    Plants need carbon and water.

    So it makes sense to me that convection causes latent heat carrying water vapour to rise, then cool when it gets high enough, condense to form clouds, and release latent heat which continues to rise. CO2 then exercises its affinity for water which falls as a weak carbonic acid when the formation of droplets reach a certain size.

    It is not in anyway possible for anyone to factually explain how Co2 or water vapour can form a greenhouse blanket around the Earth reflecting heat back to Earth. Blankets work both ways.

  8. As science, by definition, is an observable repeatable process, speculation or theory about prospective environmental changes obviously doesn’t fit the bill

    As delusions of grandeur are rooted in massive personal insecurity and known by any attempt to control that which is manifestly uncontrollable……………….

  9. From

    End of month report

    “………..Those who have no knowledge of prophecy and the divine plan have little reason to have hope. Even Christians, who expect to escape the earth from utter destruction, see no hope for the earth.

    Yet there are a few of us who know that, in spite of the apparent threat of nuclear disaster, the Kingdom is being established. We are winning this battle, and Christ will not find it necessary to “rapture” us out of here. We are not retreating but advancing. It is the enemy that is retreating while they throw temper tantrums.

    The Deep State is attempting to spark nuclear war, hoping to survive it in their underground cities and emerge later in full control over the earth. This is why the Deep State has been provoking war with both Russia and China at the same time. But I do not believe that they will succeed, though I suspect that they will bring us to the brink of destruction.

    The Green New Deal is turning out to be quite a farce. In the name of saving the environment, they are willing to destroy it. They have been working to deindustrialize Germany and Europe in general. Large German companies such as chemical giant, BASF, are leaving Germany permanently, forced to leave because they need natural gas to make their products.

    As long as there was some possibility of restoring Russian gas through the pipelines, they hesitated to leave. But once the UK and USA sabotaged the Nordstream pipelines, BASF knew that Germany could no longer reverse course, even if they wanted to do so. BASF decided to move to China.


    Meanwhile, Europeans are burning wood now to heat their homes, now that their governments have cut off their supply of natural gas.


    So the result of the Green New Deal is deforestation, especially in Poland and Germany. That makes sense only to the insane or to those government officials who are deliberately destroying their own countries. More and more people are waking up and protesting in the streets, but the mainstream media does not report it. What is actually brewing is a grassroots revolution in the streets, as people become aware that their own governments are working against them.

    Meanwhile, in the USA, Elon Musk closed the deal and purchased Twitter last Friday. He immediately tweeted, “The bird is freed,” referring to the Twitter logo. The first thing he did was to fire a number of top executives, including the Twitter lawyer who was overseeing the cancellation of free speech.


    Deep State supporters are outraged, of course, because any view that disagrees with their view is considered to be “hate speech” or “lies.” The real problem is that they anointed themselves to determine what is hate speech and what is a lie. It has gotten to the point where no one is allowed to disagree with the government’s version of events, even though the government has given itself the right to lie to us.

    The elections are scheduled to be held on November 8, and at the same time there will be a lunar eclipse. This is the first time in American history that an eclipse has occurred on Election Day.


    There are some who are warning that the election will be called off. Others are saying that it will proceed, but no matter who wins, the losing side will claim voter fraud and not accept the results. Bill Gates reportedly is prophesying of a civil war after the election. If so, it is not a prophecy but a revelation of the Deep State’s plan to try to plunge us into civil war. I can only counsel you to not participate in that plan. Stay focused on Christ and His Kingdom. Those who resort to violence are those who do not know or believe in the divine plan for America and the earth. They are motivated by fear that their side may be losing.

    Read on –


  10. Svi Bar’el wrote this in today’s Haaretz, after the Likud Party got the apparent win in last night’s election:

    “The results of Tuesday night’s exit polls are terrifying. Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to form the new government. A government that will end the era of democracy that we have known here for over seven decades. It’s true that it wasn’t just yesterday that the dramatic change was predicted. This result – a product of Netanyahu’s long and murky tenure, rife with deception, corruption, incitement and racism, in which only one freedom rejoiced, the settlers’ freedom to engage in violence – was already forecast in the preliminary polls. It has crystallized and swelled for about a decade and a half.”

    We are not alone!

  11. Beatrice Berrut plays a short piece by Bach

    “Wow, that was a very impressive performance, I’m currently working on it and I must say, mastering this piece isn’t easy at all, hope I could play it half as good as you did, I’ll come back to this video often to ”remember” how it’s meant to be played!
    Greetings from the hearth of Transylvania, Romania.

    Beatrice Berrut
    1 year ago
    Thank you for your kind message! I wish you a lot of pleasure learning and practicing this piece, and send you my best wishes from Switzerland! Beatrice”

  12. re: main story
    Everything is rigged and we see today Bibi & the Zionists have scraped home with a slim majority, nobody in the M$M suspects anything, there should be a new university degree, “election engineering”

    • Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’? .

      “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

      Kevin MacDonald’s review of Wilhelm Marr’s pamphlet, Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum, 1879, (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanism”), is a fascinating compendium of pessimistic quotations in which German political pundit Marr concludes gloomily that there was no hope left for Germany.

      It was finished — yes, as early as the 1870s. The Jews, he lamented, were simply too formidable a foe. 

      Marr’s pamphlet ends with these chilling words: “Let us accept the inescapable, since we cannot change it. Its name is: FINIS GERMANIAE—the end of Germany!”

      1.  Is America the new Germany?

      I confess I had no idea the outlook was so bleak in Germany as early as 1879. (Marr’s pamphlet has recently been translated into English and is now available in pdf format).  I had been under the false impression that the notion of Jewish domination came much later — after the publication of the Protocols (1903) and the Russian Revolution (1917).

      We have seen it all happen though. Germany was brought to its knees, exactly as Marr predicted. Its cadaver now lies rotting.

      It was only quite recently that Israel demanded from Germany a further 1 billion Euros ($1.4 billion) in Holocaust reparations for its endlessly traumatized Jewish survivors. Almost 70 years after World War II, the grim extortion racket continues unabated.

      Though World War II ended sixty-eight years ago, the number of Holocaust survivors today is truly phenomenal. This prompted Norman Finkelstein’s mother to ask somewhat cynically, after she had been cheated out of her reparations money by the rabbis who administered the Holocaust Fund: “If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one, who did Hitler kill?”

      Good question……………….”


    • Well that’s interesting, Crissy. Since news.com.au is Rupe’s material it looks like he agrees with Gumgum.

      “What you said [this means how peeps replied]:

      After a day of voting, each question has received more than 42,000 responses, ranging up to more than 50,000.

      The results are striking. More than half of respondents either said they regret getting vaccinated, or were unvaccinated and happy with their decision.

      Only 35 per cent out of more than 45,000 people said they were vaccinated and would make the same decision again. Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision.

      One fifth of respondents said they had received two doses of a vaccine, 26 per cent had three and 16 per cent had four shots, while 37 per cent said they had not taken any vaccine.

      According to Health Department data, more than 20 million Australians have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, or more than 95 per cent of the over-16 population.

      An overwhelming majority of respondents said they were no longer concerned about Covid and no longer wore masks in public settings. Half of respondents said they caught Covid, with 6 per cent of those catching it more than once, while 40 per cent said they never did.

      Meanwhile, more than two thirds of respondents said Australia‘s leaders had been too heavy-handed in the pandemic response, 25 per cent said they did they best they could, and 8 per cent said as well as any other country. — end of Rupe talk.

      I [MM] think it’s all part of a game to take away our strength and logic. And no baddy need fear that these stats will be used in a court — they’ll be ruled out.

  13. Health

    How a university, its major funders and a newspaper killed research into the toxicity of aluminium adjuvants in vaccines

    This long read was originally published in The Looking Glass, a New Zealand blog.

    This is a story about how a British university stifled ground-breaking public interest science, ostensibly to satisfy powerful interests — and save their own bacon.

    As far as the general public is concerned, universities, those hallowed halls, remain places where academics can pursue knowledge unhindered. But many universities and higher education institutions are compromised by the interests of their funders and an increasingly narrow and corporate view of science.

    Professor Christopher Exley, a lauded biologist, the world’s pre-eminent expert on aluminium and a fellow of the Royal Society of Biology — a recognition few scientists achieve — last year lost research funding for his longstanding work on aluminium toxicity in diseases like Alzheimer’s and autism, and its role as an adjuvant in vaccines.

    It took place through a series of politically motivated moves that ultimately ended with his funding being completely cut off.

    Aluminium is toxic

    If you take the time to listen to one of Exley’s many lectures — and you should — you will learn that aluminium is ubiquitous. It is everywhere in the environment, and it is highly toxic to human beings.

    In the 1980s, Exley was doing research into why fish were dying in acidified lakes and rivers; he came to understand they were dying of aluminium toxicity. Aluminium — previously locked up in rocks and clays or recycled in the environment by silicic acid — had, through the process of acidification due to acid rain, become bioavailable and entered into biological life cycles.

    Today, we ingest aluminium through processed foods, drink it in water, and cook in aluminium pots and pans (many pans are now made of anodised aluminium). It is found in baby formula, cosmetics and is a key ingredient in many vaccines………………………”


  14. In 1881 American experts warned.that the telegraph lines might knock the earth off its axis, causing earthquakes, melting the poles,and cause a glacial flood that would wipe out the human race. A news report was issued after this saying “Whether this theory prove correct or not,there can not be a doubt that something as of late has gone wrong with atmospherical arrangements, and perhaps the telegraph wires are not wholly blameless in the matter.”
    In his notes on Virgina Thomas Jefferson wrote “Change in our climate was taking place very sensibly as both heats and cold have become much more moderate within the memory of the middle aged and that snows are less frequent and less deep. One problem with a warming trend in the spring was that it often resulted in late frost, episodes that proved very fatal to fruits.”

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