by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The law can be used to bring justice where it is needed. Seriously. People laugh at me when I say that, nowadays. As if law were a thing of the past, and we are moving to some better, new, more sophisticated social arrangement.
Are you kidding? The system we may be moving toward is not sophisticated and is not better. It is also not new. It is a reversion to the law of the jungle. It is like the human slavery of the past, but with bells and whistles. It seeks to destroy the humanness of the individual. These who say “Bring it on” are truly nuts. They are what we used to call “mental.”
This article has two parts that need to be knitted together. The first is about the wise Wendy Hoffman, the youngest 80-year-old person in the world, and her teachings on the subject of mind control. The second is about the pathetic idiots who hurt her for the first seven decades of her life, and their warped plans to “satanize” us. (That’s not a typo for ‘sanitize.’ I am referring to the worship of Lucifer.)
I have written about these two things, at book length — “A” mind control, and “B” the takeover of humanity. But I’ve always treated them as two separate, distinct matters. Only today did I see the connection. Not the connection B leads to A — as in “People who want to take us over often use mind control to do so.” Everybody knows that. Rather, the new idea is “We will stop the perps of A, with all our might, and this will put B out of business.” Yay!
Thank you, Wendy Hoffman, for your book A Brain of My Own (2020), which gave me this eureka moment. Your book kept advising your fellow sufferers that it pays for them to break free of the mind-messing that was done to them. You wrote inspiring words to say that a little break-out of knowledge — such as takes place at survivors’ conferences and blogs — is enough to start the ball rolling.
You noted that if the survivor is in a cult, he mightn’t find even one relative or friend to support his breakaway, and that the breakaway will be very painful — but he should do it anyway! Survivors should get a “brain of their own” — the very thing that WEF and Yuval Harari claim we should happily abandon. (I did mention that the Harari types are mental, didn’t I? They are mental to a man.)
Might the perps track down the victims who are trying to escape, and kill them? Yes — but it’s still worth it. The mind-controlled persons deserve to have a soul. Their soul was killed by torture and threats and isolation. And humiliation and terror and betrayal. Fine then, speak up and reclaim your human right to live and to have a conscience and to enjoy love. (So says Wendy, who is also a poet.)
These quotes are from Hoffman’s A Brain of My Own (2021):
p135. The challenge of beginning recovery is finding out you don’t know yourself and giving up your previous self-concepts. Then you need to accept that you have had a fake life and thoughts that others imposed on you.
The brain becomes less blind. It sees as if for the first time. The realizations are stunning. They slay. Reality after no reality. Better to see.
p136. If you don’t find safe people to help you, you are much better off living a solitary life than living among perpetrators and evil.
We are the first wave of victims to come out of this kind of slavery and inhumanity. These are treacherous steps but we are walking. Our strides echo fearlessly. We are giving birth to safety.
p137. I was a mechanical non-human, an electrified mannequin.
My readers know me. My pen always glides toward the middle of the alphabet, to the letter L for law. I take law to be the biologically evolved way in which we became a social species, able to restrain our necessary mammalian selfishness. We have instincts to act for the sake of the group. For this we developed such things as altruism, responsibility, and standards of morality.
Oh yeah? Yeah. It took millennia. Our “beautiful neurons” (as Philip Allott calls them) have the most subtle ways to release the right emotions when needed — patriotism, for example, maternal kindness, and a drive toward truth. And we’re supposed to shelve all of that because some sad little group of monsters wants to have its way? Because the 21st century is sooo scientifically advanced that the old values should be tossed? Nah.
One hundred and thirty years of mind-control technique is enough, thank you very much. I’m using the date of Pavlov’s “conditioning” of dogs, around 1894, as the starting point. The use of torture predates that by centuries, to attain ends such as confession or intimidation. But books such as Wendy Hoffman’s The Enslaved Queen (2014) describe the highly technical method of restructuring the mind so as to create an obedient robot.
Let’s first look at what she went through as a child in the 1940s, which is what many children are still going through today! And then try to identify who is behind this crazy movement. And then apply the law. I hear you say “Mary, the law does not get applied to ‘certain persons’.” Oh Yes it does if we try. We just haven’t tried.
Believe me, the ‘certain person’ protections and privileges end now. Are ya listenin’, perps? –it’s game over. Wendy realizes the perps, too, have suffered and they will be glad to get a break from it all. Most of them have got a soul down there somewhere that can be retrieved.
Talk about a win-win situation!
The Miserable Past, a Cult Family
Readers can skip over this section if they think it may make them ill, or if they are already an expert on the subject matter. It is about Wendy Hoffman’s life in Queens New York starting at birth in 1943. She was never an abducted child; the parents were the bad guys. They took her to rituals held in the woods at which babies were sacrificed. It looks as if her whole Jewish neighborhood (living near 68th Street) belonged to the cult.
At home, the grandfather, “Max,” who is also her biological dad, gave her extensive Mengele programming, and he did the same to dozens of others. Weapons included needles put into the dental nerve, squeezing the skull in a vise (vice, British), insults, threats (e.g., we will kill your friend), whippings, spinning, raping, suffocating, drowning, stretching on a rack, and freezing in a refrigerator.
Don’t let me forget the ubiquitous black chair that delivered electric shock. By “ubiquitous” I mean it appears in reports made by many now-adult victims of childhood torture. More recently the Taser has replaced the chair. Importantly, these weapons leave no mark. But if an injury went too far, the child could be taken to a cult doctor.
From age 5 to 11, Wendy was tied to a bed in a brothel in Manhattan. She was allowed to take a shower after every ten customers. There were 50 or more boys and girls on duty there (boys were more in demand, she said). I assume this was run by the mafia, not by the cult. Like many in the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, Wendy also had jobs as a mule, i.e., courier, including on international flights, to pass drugs and documents.
From age 11 to 17 her job was “breeding.” She produced a child every year, all seven of which were immediately snatched away. Her sister, ‘Marlene,’ was a breeder, too. All these things were done for money for the parents, I guess. This was partly disguised by religious myths — the family wanted to carry our Satan’s wishes.
Structuring the Brian
Your average scientist with a PhD in neurobiology, or your top scholar in psychology, hasn’t got a clue about the human mind compared to what the “Dr Mengele’s” of this world have mapped out. Germany, in the early 20th century, along with Britain, and probably Japan, were experimenting in vastly unethical ways, to find out how to guide human behavior.
The goal was to control the person, just as you might control one of those little battery-run toy trucks that your nephew got for Christmas. As mentioned above, if you can get a human to work for you as a mule, a prostitute, or a breeder, you pretty much have a wage-free worker, a slave. So, mind control serves that financial purpose.
But these evil masters require that the slave remain unaware that she’s a slave! You have to close a part of her brain off so that she does those jobs for you without ‘consciously’ knowing that she’s doing them. (Think Manchurian Candidate). If it looks impossible to train her completely, you must kill her.
Wendy Hoffman says there are both Illuminati methods and Nazi methods for all this, and that she received both. Max, the grandfather, successfully kept her from conscious awareness, in her daily life, of his tortures. (She, like all the MK-Ultra girls, had a “front person” who walked around living a normal life.)
The training for this consisted of Max saying “You will commit such-and-such a crime and afterward you will have no memory of it. Should any memory of it start to arise, you must think of this….” The “this” referred to whatever torture he then performed.
The amazing bottom line is that, apart from hypnosis itself, there is a method to make a person blot out entire events in their life. Until she was senior citizen, Wendy had no idea that she had ever been a prostitute or a breeder. In her twenties, when standing in front of a full-length mirror she noted stretch marks on her abdomen, but even then she did not proceed to the fact that she had mothered anyone.
Note: I am not trying to be comprehensive in this essay. I’m skipping myriad details which you can find in the beautiful book The Enslaved Queen, or the clinical book by Wendy Hoffman and Alison Miller entitled From the Trenches. I’m in a hurry to get back to ‘L’ for law, but here is one anecdote I can share. It has to do with another victim of mind control, who also lived in an inter-generational incestuous family.
I am referring to my beloved late friend Trish Fotheringham of Canada. In 2012, I took a photo of her in Sydney’s Hyde Park, and published it in my book Consider the Lilies. Later after mailing her a copy of the book, I asked if she liked the picture of her. She said “I didn’t see it.” I said “Flip through the front of the book; you’ll see it.” She said “No, I am trained not to see my picture.”
In Wendy’s book I came across the explanation for Trish’s situation. If she saw a criminal do a crime, she was not allowed to memorize his face. The “training” for this, in Wendy’s case, consisted of four men acting as a police line-up. Each had a paper bag over his head with an open-able flap in front. Max would open each and say to her “Is this the guy?” (One of them was the guy.) If she got it right, she got electro-shocked. As a result, she learned to truly not recognize the guy.
Thus, if she had to appear in court as a witness, she would not stammer or sweat when saying “No, Your Honor, I did not see that guy do the crime.” (I wonder now if Trish’s ‘blindness’ was meant to prevent her discovering that she’d been used in porn films or even snuff films — which would provide her with evidence to use in court against the perps.)
Law Maxims and Jeffrey Epstein
Ah, law. It thinks of everything. It even thinks up principles known as maxims that rise up above particular laws and judge their merit. Some maxims state commonsense facts, such as “An evil custom should be abolished.” “Impunity always invites worse faults.” “The law speaks to all in the same way.” “He who does not disapprove, approves.” “The reason of the law is the life of the law.” And my fave: “Against him who suppresses the evidence, all can be presumed.”
That said, there are heaps of statutes on the books right now that can be used to get a grand jury to indict persons like Max the cruel grandfather.
Jeffery Epstein famously did some cruel things (see Whitney Webb’s book One Nation Under Blackmail) but got a light sentence. He was then killed in jail, presumably to prevent any more information coming out. But he might also have been programmed to kill himself, as is common in MK-Ultra.
Note: a survivor named Cali Shai Bergandi in Florida has said she saw Epstein being tortured and that he was tied to a chair “with his face strapped like a gas mask” and was screaming. In this world of total lies in which we live, who is to know who the real bad guys are? And given the potential for extreme malice, wouldn’t it pay for us to be open to startling information?
The “B” Can Be Reached Piecemeal, One Felon at a Time
My crude promise is that we can nail the guys who do the really big stuff, by getting the public interested in nailing smaller stuff, such as mind control. That’s doable. It doesn’t involve nuclear bombs, or centralized finance, or other things that are beyond a citizen’s capacity to sort out. And the evidence for the small stuff is already at hand.
I can name five trustworthy book-authors who are still alive: Carol Rutz, Cathy O’Brien, Kathleen A Sullivan, Fiona Barnett, and Cheryl Hersha Beck. Two more are deceased: Sarah Moore of Australia, and Brice Taylor of California. A barrister who is now wrongly imprisoned, Wilfred Wong, could no doubt contribute from his cell. In London in 2023, Jeanette Archer had the mettle to bring together about 50 survivors of SRA (satanic ritual abuse). You can see their testimony on Internet.
Don’t let your mind rush to the problem of courts declaring “hearsay” inadmissible. Listen instead to the maxim “The niceties of the law are not the law.” If you need it in Latin, “Apices juris non sunt jura.” You say the DoJ won’t prosecute? Fine. Sic my fave maxim on them. Preferably in Latin. Contra spoliatorem, omnia praesumuntur. If law enforcers won’t help the victims of mind control, they are, at the very least, accessories after the fact. Criminally.
Here are specific crimes done by handlers, each of which Max excelled in: rape, assault, making threats, pimping, conspiring to sell babies, torturing, and slave-holding. The face-flap thing could probably rise to a suborning of perjury.
I claim that going for the small crimes would suffice, as would going for the smaller perpetrators. Anything is better than nothing. Get started. Luckily there have been liftings, in many states, of the statutes of limitations.
Wendy’s Fantastic Invitation
Even better, let the perps come forward, voluntarily. I’ll end now with direct quotes from Hoffman’s A Brain of My Own. It is marvelous that she understands how the perps probably had the same awful upbringing that she had. They can be made whole!
p138. [The perps] can’t coerce all people to go against their true natures. Underneath all the mind control is a real child who doesn’t want to hurt anything and just wants love. I don’t think there’s a single satanist who wants to be a satanist. [Emphasis added]
p139. The sins of the church, other religious groups, the military, politicians, Hollywood, families are coming to light. Perhaps satanic criminal cults are next.
p140. The brain is capable of reforming itself and returning to something like its original structure.
p141. Being in the process of gaining freedom is better than being a slave for life. Don’t let this opportunity slip you by. You too can be free. You too have a chance at clean air. Even the densest drug barriers and head vise migraines can be pieced.
Without knowledge of what happened to you it will not be possible for you to locate your true self. The true self always exists.
My rage is now covered by exhaustion. My skin is thin. It hurts my soul to be around bad people.
p143. The deprivations of these lives are extraordinary.
When you meet people from the non-tortured world and see how they developed there’s a crushing pain because you missed out on all of life. You lost what you never had. I never had.
p144. I look at wounds on my body. Now I see them as badges of freedom. For I am free. No one owns me. I belong to myself.
You’ve taken a sledgehammer to mind control.
p145. There is pride in having knit your mind back together. Knowledge of what happened in your life brings dignity. It brings a self!
p146. When many more escape and talk people will listen. Victim-children will be removed from criminal families. Infants will be safe.
p147. A child born inro a satanic cult runs through a grassy field sprayed with wild flowers, her heels kicking up high behind her. Soon she’ll spread out her arms, thinking of them as wings that will fly unhindered, higher, mightier.
A gull soars, weaves among the blustery clouds, shrieks its cry of freedom.
Thank you Mary for your amazing perseverence in shining beacon light on Wendy Hoffman’s life and works, drawing threads together and connecting the dots with other amazing survivors stories over generations. I met Wendy in Oaklands California in 2016 at the Survivorship Conference hosted by Neil Brick. I also attended the 2015 conference where I met Alison Miller author of Healing the Unimaginable and Becoming Yourself the previous year. That was the beginning of my research into my own story and part of which I have shared in the many posts and comments I have made on Gumshoe News – As Fiona Barnett would say I have done my homework.
Evelyn Edwards was also subjected to extreme mind control experiments something I know a lot about.
I share the article and quote below from Fritz Springmeieri -It is bigger than us– but never ever give up. Speaking Truth to Power
https://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/Deeper.htmDeeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula
Part I
How the control comes about
by Fritz Springmeier
Part II
How help comes about
by Cisco Wheeler
It begins –Important Explanation of Contents– and becomes somewhat of
“A successful treasure hunter of the sea said, “You have to convince others of what you are looking for, and be incredibly persistent in looking for it.” I, Fritz, could really identify with what he was saying. I have searched for truth like a treasure hunter, I have sifted the dusty pages of documents, like a patient miner panning for gold. How far & deep are you willing to search for truth? Cisco and I feel we are accountable to tell you the whole truth as far as we know it, what you do with that is up to you. This book will explain many occult ideas and beliefs, many of them never before publicly revealed. There is an important reason why these occult ideas and beliefs are introduced, we need to study our enemy and know how he thinks. The U.S. Army used indian scouts to track the indians. Gen. MacArthur learned everything he could about the Japanese so that he could defeat them. Christ was extremely savvy as to Satan’s tricks. The Apostle said, “We are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.” Time and time again, this author has seen powerful Masonic clergyman do their handshakes, their codewords, etc. in front of the common people and the Christians do not catch on”
Thanks a lot, Diane. I need to know that my word gets across to someone. I’m such an ass for not trying to “market” my stuff.
Anybody willing to “work for the cause” (not just interpret our problems) pls email MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
Now this vid is probably not worth much, but at least it shows an interest by DeSantis. Just watch the first minute or so:
Worth listening to the complete report.
Hmmmm, will this ripple across to our own players?
Despite the sudden morning tea adjournment of the Wood Commission and the hidden Senator Heffernan disclosures to our swamp in 2015.
See if this dance kills you. It kills me. [“They slay.”]
By the way, I had no room to tell you that Wendy Hoffman is a dance choeographer. Well she would be, wouldn’t she?
By Jennifer Dunning April 20, 1987 New York Times
THREE years ago, Wendy Hoffman began to have memories of having been molested as a child by members of her family. Out of those memories came ”Incest,” a theater-dance piece performed on Saturday at Eden’s Expressway in SoHo.
Put together by incest survivors, as they call themselves, ”Incest” incorporates music, dance, an acted script and some dimly projected film of family scenes and world atrocities to capture the physical and emotional horror of incest. Three women share the roles of several generations of family members and a chorus, with Ms. Hoffman playing the child throughout….
”Incest” comes into its own in the discussion period that follows the performance, in which the audience is encouraged to talk about the piece and about individual experiences in one of those workshop situations that seem in part to fill the need for extended families in today’s rootless urban society. Ms. Hoffman and her fellow performers are skillful, pragmatic discussions leaders, and the evening becomes newly informative – and moving.
Anybody willing to “work for the cause” (not just interpret our problems) pls email MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com
Here are 4 credible witnesses “working for the cause” I can nominate myself as a fifth.
please listen to at least the first 25 minutes and as Ned says “worth listening to the complete report” always
Diane, the “deeper” link you gave above for Fritz Springmeier does not work. I think he is wonderful. His 3-volume “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” is a must. Vol I includes the Kennedy family.
as you may or may not know, i married a physically and emotionally abusive narcissist. Well as fate would have it, she called the cops 1 nite for taking all the covers, and when i got up to just get another blanket, she lost it and attacked physically. i held her arms from striking me. She called the cops for the bruises on her wrist and now i am on probation. i tired to defend myself but the judge said i dont know the law and not come back without a lawyer – specifically said that – not in legalese. i had video and audio evidence of her continued abuse. The sheriffs gave her cart blanc to abuse me physical including killing me. I DO believe she was telling me the truth. The DA said that her continued abuse and using my pending case and legal punishment against me had nothing to do with my case. there were no witnesses so shouldve been dismissed under the fruit of the poison tree axiom – case associated with Silverthorne vs US. My point it, there is no justice coming out the courts. they are persecuting the innocent and allowing the guilty to hold them hostage, as the state milks as much money as possible through NGOS with no oversight. I dont SEE HOW Mary, you can say that law is useful or that justice is alive and well.
Sorry for your trouble, sir. Mean, mean outcome in court.
Mary never says justice is alive and well. The majority are screwing justice. We need to unscrew it. Law is very useful as the referent point. And law is backed up biologically by emotions. Even a 4-year-old can yell “That’s not fair.”
Here is a new essay by Toby Rogers od Sydney:
So, the Europeans are wargaming a food crisis in Europe. Gee, who could have guessed that such a scenario would eventuate with all the bullshit ‘climate change’ nonsense. Throw in the real climate change of a little ice age and, yeah, things are about to get real.
Protect yourself, nobody else will…
Here’s another article that relates to the US. – Clif High has also stated his language analysis indicates ‘food riots’ in the US later this year.
My observations in life have noted that hungry/starving people will do many things they would never have considered previously. – And, they don’t give a shit about your ‘pronouns’.
Here’s an article from the UK. The video is quite good in explaining what is happening with the Globalist agenda. – I note that these massive indoor farms are dependent upon reliable energy to function.
And one from Australia – https://cairnsnews.org/2024/03/07/un-crop-life-csiro-working-to-wipe-out-most-farmers-and-feed-us-food-grown-in-vats/
As long as I’m posting about food availability, here is a Gumshoes article from four years ago.
As an update, the greenhouse is in and producing heaps of great food. I’ve continued to develop the soil to where it is magically rich. The trees, bushes and vines are much bigger. I’ve still got several things to do, but essentially I can produce my own food or trade with others for something they have.