Home Corona We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now


by James Corbett

Editor’s Note: This July 23, 2022 article is re-published at Gumshoe with permission from corbettreport.com

For those of you not following events in the island nation, the announcement of the complete collapse of Sri Lanka’s economy last month might have been surprising. And if you rely on the MSM for your news and information, the images of chaos coming out of the country—with tens of thousands taking to the streets and even storming the prime minister’s office—would doubtless have generated more questions than answers.

What’s happening over there? How did this start? Why are the people so angry at their government? And what’s being done about it?

So, how do the establishment lapdog media outlets explain this “sudden” turn of events? Let’s look at the BBC for a typically mendacious example. In “Sri Lanka’s tea farmers struggling to survive” the Big Brother Corporation’s Sri Lankan correspondent, Secunder Kermani, correctly identifies tea as the nation’s largest export, correctly points out that “[m]ost of Sri Lanka’s tea is grown by smaller farmers,” and correctly reports that those small farmers are “still reeling from the impact of a sudden, poorly thought-out government decision to ban chemical fertilizer last year.” Kermani then lies about the roots of that fertilizer ban, saying that it was “ordered to try to protect the country’s dwindling foreign reserves.”

As Paul Homewood over at the Not A Lot of People Know About That blog points out:

The ban had nothing at all to do with ‘protecting foreign reserves.’ Nor is the [Sri Lankan] tea industry being hit by the ‘economic crisis.’ The ban was a deliberate policy decision by the President, as part of his climate change agenda.

Of course, given that this inconvenient truth is not the right kind of inconvenient “truth” (the kind that Al Gore makes fearmongering and factually inaccurate documentaries about), the usual flock of “fact checkers” have descended on the story to run cover for their globalist paymasters. For one example of this, see investorintel.com’s “Did ESG really topple the government of Sri Lanka?” This article attempts to argue that a commitment to the technocrats’ beloved Environmental, Social, and Governance scam “most assuredly did not collapse a national government,” but in the end it’s forced to admit that the fertilizer ban was the trigger for the collapse and that that ban was forced on the country by the ESG pushers. Specifically, as the aforementioned fact check concedes, the ban was put in place in order to “renegotiate some of [Sri Lanka’s] IMF and World Bank financial obligations in exchange for its excellent emissions rating.”

In other words, the debt-trap mafia made Sri Lanka a deal it couldn’t refuse: join our economic suicide pact or we’ll shut off your money. Accordingly, Sri Lanka signed on to the suicide pact. The country’s disgraced ex-President even made a speech at last year’s COP26 conference in Glasgow in which he bragged about the country’s commitment to the death cult’s carbon eugenics agenda. And now the country is in chaos.

So how did we really get here? And where is this green agenda really taking us?


In this case, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe (who is listed as an “agenda contributor” on the World Economic Forum website) penned an op-ed for the WEF in 2018 explaining “how I will make my country rich by 2025.” Touting his World Bank-supported “Vision 2025” economic policy, he bragged that the smorgasbord of globalist-approved policies he was going to implement—from green energy projects to public-private partnerships to regional free trade agreements—was going to create a “social market economy that delivers economic dividends to all.”

Well, that didn’t work out very well, now did it? How embarrassing for the prime minister and everyone associated with him, hey?

At least Davos Man has the good sense to be retroactively ashamed of its association with this disaster. Yes, the World Economic Forum has removed the embarrassing 2018 op-ed from its website. But you can still read about the bold plan to turn Sri Lanka into an economic powerhouse by 2025 on the WayBack archive of the page. (Hey, there’s still three years left!)

But, incredibly, this whole debacle has not derailed Wickremesinghe’s political career. On the contrary. It has furthered it! He was just elected president of the country (“despite his unpopularity with the public,” as the BBC puts it with characteristic understatement).

So what is he going to do to solve the crisis that he helped initiate? Why, implement the World Economic Forum’s dream of Digital ID tyranny, of course!

Specifically, Wickremesinghe’s government has decided to restore order to the country by implementing a “fuel rationing” scheme that relies on QR codes and digital surveillance. Under the new carbon eugenics regime, the slaves of the new technocratic prison state will be allowed to associate one vehicle identification number with their National Identity Card number. They will then be assigned a QR code that will have to be scanned to allow them to obtain the privilege of buying fuel . . . so long as it’s their assigned day to purchase gas, that is. Their assigned day will depend upon the last digit of their license plate.

As Sri Lanka’s Minister of Power and Energy said in a tweet bragging about forcing the scheme on the public: “Some fuel stations did not adopt, some Individuals manipulated, falsified & did not want this implemented [sic]. However It will be enforced islandwide.”

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your nightmare future as serfs on the neofeudal plantation! Your government will artificially restrict supplies of basic goods in the name of appeasing the weather gods, collapse the economy on purpose, and then use that collapse as a pretext for carrying out even more stringent technocratic controls on their tax cattle.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

So how does what’s going on in Sri Lanka affect all of us worldwide? And what can we do about it?


At this point, it would take a special kind of willful ignorance to deny the connection between all of these events. Who could look at the restrictions and cuts being implemented in country after country after country, from the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka and think that it’s all just an amazing coinkydink?

No one who’s paying attention. By this point, it is self-evident to even the sleepiest of the normies that the destruction of the agricultural sector in country after country is part of a coordinated global agenda.

The strange thing is that every article by every news outlet in every country cites a different agreement, pledge, pact, commitment or piece of legislation as the underlying reason for these cuts.

The Irish Times, for example, reports that Ireland’s emission cuts are being implemented in order to fulfill the nation’s Paris Agreement commitments. Buzz.ie says the cuts come at the behest of the European Union, which will levy fines on countries that fail to reach emission reduction requirements. RTE cites the Irish government’s own climate action plan as the reason for the cuts.

In fact, there is an increasingly complex web of agreements, commitments and treaties that are forcing these same policies on country after country. Do you know about the Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management, for example? Or the Global Methane Pledge? For that matter, do you know precisely what the Paris Agreement actually mandates? Or the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Or what obligations your own country cites when it started implementing its own emissions cuts?

Did you know that the World Economic Forum signed a “strategic partnership framework” with the United Nations in 2019 to “accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”? Or that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $315 million to the CGIAR global agriculture research partnership (a group my regular readers will be familiar with) to address the “[climate] adaptation needs of smallholder farmers” by funding “early warning systems for tracking the climate-accelerated spread of crop and livestock diseases and digital services that connect farmers with a wide range of supports more efficiently”?

Probably not. But the point here is that there is not one easily identifiable treaty under one identifiable organization that is running this agenda. That would be too obvious and offer too easy a target for the disparate freedom movements kicking up in country after country to go after. Instead, a complex web of control is being woven around nation after nation by a network of foundations, non-governmental bodies and globalist bodies. And not one person in a thousand could name all of these organizations, treaties, agreements and commitments or explain how they all fit together to produce the collapse of Sri Lanka or the protests in Holland.

I am not exaggerating when I say this is a Global War for Independence that is taking shape right now. I am 100% serious. But for the most part (my switched-on, clued-in readers excepted, of course), the public is just starting to realize that they are engaged in a war at all. That puts most people very much behind the 8-ball as they begin to discover that they are the victims of an agenda that has been decades in the making and is already nearing the mysteriously omnipresent 2030 goal.

Thankfully, though, more and more people are beginning to wake up to the gravity of the situation, and every day new people are joining the global uprising.

In addition to the Dutch solidarity protests by German farmers and Italian farmers and Polish farmers that I documented last week, there are now reports coming in of solidarity protests in Spain and Panama and Argentina, and a nationwide protest in Canada to “support the Dutch Farmers and the international fight for freedom” is taking place as I write these words.

The point is, this isn’t about Dutch farmers. Or Sri Lankan farmers. Or Argentinian farmers. Or Irish farmers. Or Canadian truckers. Or any other isolated group you could imagine. This is about free humanity collectively recognizing the real nature of the struggle they’re engaged in and coming together to fight that battle. Holland and Sri Lanka are only the canaries in the coal mine that allow us to see what will happen to all of us when we are finally caught in the globalist web.

Let me state this once again: a worldwide revolt against the globalist technocrats ishappening right now. More and more people are joining the ranks of this revolt every day. Those who are not standing with the farmers on the front line of this revolt will almost certainly regret their inaction in the future when this global Agenda for Sustainable Enslavement comes for them.

The bare truth reveals itself more clearly than ever: We are all Sri Lankan farmers now.



      • Taiwan: Washington Plays with Dragon’s Fire
        Posted by Internationalist 360° on August 2, 2022

        “……….. The February decision to bomb North Vietnam and the July approval of Phase I deployments make sense only if they are in support of a long-run United States policy to contain Communist China.

        Secretary McNamara would go on to explain:

        China—like Germany in 1917, like Germany in the West and Japan in the East in the late 30’s, and like the USSR in 1947—looms as a major power threatening to undercut our importance and effectiveness in the world and, more remotely but more menacingly, to organize all of Asia against us. The long-run US policy is based upon an instinctive understanding in our country that the peoples and resources of Asia could be effectively mobilized against us by China or by a Chinese coalition and that the potential weight of such a coalition could throw us on the defensive and threaten our security.

        The memorandum would also claim:

        Our ends cannot be achieved and our leadership role cannot be played if some powerful and virulent nation—whether Germany, Japan, Russia or China—is allowed to organize their part of the world according to a philosophy contrary to ours.

        Such sentiments are just as easily found in the speeches and policies put forth by current US leadership.

        As recently as last March, a Reuters article, “Biden says China won’t surpass US as global leader on his watch,” would claim:

        US President Joe Biden on Thursday said he would prevent China from passing the United States to become the most powerful country in the world, vowing to invest heavily to ensure America prevails in the race between the world’s two largest economies.............."


    • “putting faith in the science” (“CITIZEN FREE PRESS” article)

      “I trust the science” – Julia Gillard

      As science, by definition, is nothing more than a repeatable and observable process such lingo is very telling.
      I mean the respective self-appointed soothsayers are unabashedly pushing some sort of religion

      • “some sort of religion”

        As all the previous empires on the face of the earth have all been consolidated via the worship of various idols and some sacrificial ritual or other has always been central to such worship what else could possibly be expected?

        • The underhand way in which respective obeisance is now being demanded just goes to the core monkeys-to-man tenet, i.e. the conceited notion that we are more “evolved” than our forbears

  1. Australian politicians:
    Get out of the UN fascist mob.
    Ban the WHO,
    PISS OFF the green fools with the Rest of our political NWO FASCIST ANTI-AUSTRALIAN TREASONOUS CONTROL FREAKS.
    Run Australia for OUR Australian sovereignty and
    ignore the NWO controlled mass media shock joke spivs. Ban what the msm advertises.

  2. I’m not going up against a Corbett.(so I have too)

    Indeed the battle heats

    Is it just me or is the “Dutch resistance” kinda CNN(90’s, naughties style) – them tractors while not so many really are clean like “Parramatta Road” jobs.(Sydney ref). Soft 4×4 gumshoe tyres wear quick on a paved road.(just saying because this is so, and point)

    • “Soft 4×4 gumshoe tyres wear quickly on a paved road.”

      Simon, there are times when you write in your esoteric style and we get it, even if it’s obtuse, we know what you mean.

      But here, though I am keen to find out if you disagree with the Durtch tractor picture, I can’t penetrate your prose.

      By the way, the tractor photo is not from their most recent protest; it is a few years old.

      Any hep u can gi’ us, Simon….

      • Sure,
        Weird bit – not just this picture above but the whole “visual” narrative here.
        The tractors were all very clean for just off farm, they held line on paved roads at speed(not like farmers practice this maneuver or burn up tyres((expensive hassle to replace))).
        Like the truckers from Canada, seems a hijacked/setup with rainbow colors. The ISIS Toyota riding choreography comes to mind in b/w from the ‘ol day

        Not weird bit – the outcome is no food or same/same

        • or the Colombo(where is that again, near Taiwan)_ Plan, I did some work on that, tried to share here.. Royalty Ped’s Satan , literally a who’s who’s. Massive connector(only), but

          Why I feedback on your more important things here, “people look at me sideways or like i am backwards”.

  3. “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”

    Theoretical Introduction

    Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.

    — Mayer Amshel Rothschild (1743-1812)

    “……………Today’s silent weapons technology is an outgrowth of a simple idea discovered, succinctly expressed, and effectively applied by the quoted Mr. Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Mr. Rothschild discovered the missing passive component of economic theory known as economic inductance. He, of course, did not think of his discovery in these 20th-century terms, and, to be sure, mathematical analysis had to wait for the Second Industrial Revolution, the rise of the theory of mechanics and electronics, and finally, the invention of the electronic computer before it could be effectively applied in the control of the world economy.

    “………………..Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery

    What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

    Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency or deposit loan accounts had the required appearance of power that could be used to induce people (inductance, with people corresponding to a magnetic field) into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth (instead of real compensation). They would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. Mr. Rothschild found that he could issue more notes than he had backing for, so long as he had someone’s stock of gold as a persuader to show his customers.

    Mr. Rothschild loaned his promissory notes to individuals and to governments. These would create overconfidence. Then he would make money scarce, tighten control of the system, and collect the collateral through the obligation of contracts. The cycle was then repeated. These pressures could be used to ignite a war. Then he would control the availability of currency to determine who would win the war. That government which agreed to give him control of its economic system got his support.

    Collection of debts was guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor. The profit derived from this economic methodology made Mr. Rothschild all the more able to expand his wealth. He found that the public greed would allow currency to be printed by government order beyond the limits (inflation) of backing in precious metal or the production of goods and services.

    [2 Read The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Hitchcock to discover the truth about Mr. Rothschild.]


  4. http://www.savethemales.ca/000275.htmlhttp://www.savethemales.ca/000275.html
    by Henry Makow Ph.D.
    November-December 2003
    from SaveTheMales Website
    The Red Symphony Part 1
    November 09, 2003



    Rakovsky gives his interrogator an astonishing inside view of modern history in order to prove that his sponsors control the world.
    “Money is the basis of power,” Rakovsky says, and the Rothschilds manufacture it thanks to the banking system.
    The “Revolutionary Movement” was an attempt by Meyer Rothschild and his allies to protect and extend this monopoly by establishing a totalitarian New World Order.

    According to Rakovsky,
    “The Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the chiefs of that first secret Communism… Marx and the highest chiefs of the First International … were controlled by Baron Lionel Rothschild, [1808-1878] whose revolutionary portrait was done by Disraeli the English Premier, who was also his creature, and has been left to us [in Disraeli’s novel ‘Coningsby.’]” (250)
    Lionel’s son Nathaniel (1840-1915) needed to overthrow the Christian Romanoff Dynasty. Through his agents Jacob Schiff and the Warburg brothers, he financed the Japanese side in the Russo Japanese War, and an unsuccessful insurrection in Moscow in 1905. Then he instigated the First World War (Trotsky was behind the murder of Archduke Ferdinand) ;and financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Rakovsky says he was personally involved in the transfer of funds in Stockholm. (251-252)

    The Jewish labour movement or “bund” was Rothschild’s instrument. The Bund’s “secret faction” infiltrated all the socialist parties in Russia and provided the leadership for the Russian Revolution. Alexander Kerensky, the Menshevik Prime Minister was a secret member. (253)

    Leon Trotsky was supposed to become the leader of the USSR. Trotsky, a Jew, married the daughter of one of Rothschild’s closest associates, banker Abram Zhivotovsky and became part of the “clan.” …………………………….”

    • I read the entire ‘Red Symphony’. Most of it is just about different personalities and interrogations, HOWEVER, the ‘Interrogation of Rakovsky is a BIGGIE when it comes to understanding the machinations behind the scenes. I suggest any people who have not read the interrogation to do so.

      • History is written by the winners, the interesting books got burned. Look at present day historian Sean Hross (GIUREH), who quips, “My name is Bond, Vaga Bond”. The guy goes to great lengths to obtain video evidence and upload it all for free while being jailed and harassed by storm troopers. Will his work ever become the “official version” ? As if. Money is the boss and money has to be backed by an adequate army otherwise it won’t last long. Always follow the money, then look past the money to the army. Who controls the army controls the money controls the puppets who control the events of the world. The commanders of the British Army come to us from the House of Hanover and House of Saxe-Coburg, both originally in the middle of Germany. Various agents, we safely presume are agents, such as Disraeli, come and go. Reincarnations of outfits like the East India Company continue forever. They hate the US constitution and already dealt with the 13th amendment at the time of the Civil War. Where is the 13th amendment now ? Gone and forgotten but not completely lost thanks to the internet.


      “I do not mean by the Money Power to include any persons possessed of property, who are engaged in independent business enterprise. I do not mean any American businessmen, or business Companies engaged in independent business enterprise, whether they be farmers, merchants, manufacturers, bankers, miners, builders, or persons engaged in any department of business enterprise. The Imperialism of Capital to which I allude is a knot of capitalists—Jews almost to a man—who their headquarters in the Money Quarter of London, in Threadneedle street, Lombard, and other streets in that vicinity, where bankers have their habitat. These Jew capitalists have succeeded in centralizing in their own hands the industry and commerce of the earth.—They own almost all the debts of the world,—the debts of nations, states, counties, municipalities, corporations and individuals,—amounting in the aggregate, it is estimated, to seventy-five billion dollars, on which they are annually receiving about four billion dollars of interest.—They own the manufactories, the shipping, and the commerce of Great Britain, and most of the manufactures, shipping and commerce of the whole world.—They have attained control of the industry and trade of the whole earth; and are rapidly centralizing all business in their own hands . They hold possession of all the great lines of trade and business of all kinds, and they regulate all prices by their own arbitrary methods.—These Jew Money Kings have established a grand Imperialism of industry, commerce and wealth, which is thoroughly organized, and rules in the sphere of industry and trade with autocratic sway.”

      • London Money Power or The Great Red Dragon – L B Woolfolk 1890


  5. Speaking of farming, I now have two ‘slimline’ water tanks to put next to my greenhouse. I must have looked at hundreds of tanks before deciding on the ones I bought. I’ll have a hose line into the greenhouse and will have around 4,000 litres of tank water to use in the greenhouse. The tanks will also provide a bit of radiated heat into the greenhouse during winter.

  6. Top Doc sacked for no Jab (the ‘Squeeze’)


    July 27, 2022 — This was from a discussion group for nurses on Telegram . . . So I went to the Brisbane rally today and I met a Dr. Luke McLindon. He leads the fertility services at the Mater hospital and is the principal investigator for a series of randomised controlled trials. He is also the President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine! He is top Dr. in Australia in this field! And he has been sacked!

    He just got sacked on Friday for not getting the jab and for trying to release his data on miscarriages post the jab.

    He has until next Friday to get out of his private practice rooms as he is no longer allowed to practice public or private!!

    He told me that he has been investigating miscarriages in couples/women post vaccination. He said a normal miscarriage rate is between 5-14%, sometimes up to as high as 16%. But as he has been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, he has found that 74% of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages??!

    Unbelievable . . . They are trying to hide this data and sacking anyone who speaks out! His career has just gone out the window! He is now spearheading ‘Doctors against Mandates’ initiative, a collaboration of Doctors who until now have remained publicly silent. Thank God there are still some doctors with morals and values left in the world??

    • They should all be smart enough to not “take the jab”, they should all know the juice is secret, and the ones who do take the jab are either owned, corrupt or stoopid. So the medical system will purge itself of the non-owned, non-corrupt and smart, and the snakes will pick up all the medicare money.

  7. First the English Royals stole North America from the “indians”, then Washington stole it from them, obviously causing considerable unhappiness.
    All the royals wear the Maltese Cross, commanders of the army. Knights of Malta infiltrated CIA and US government. This video has some good spooky “Eyes Wide Shut” style music and pop culture stuff but gets going after an hour or 1:20:00 with the not very secret dirt on the various major figures, enabling the re-conquest and control of the US of which the Biden coup is just a part.
    There certainly are a lot of royals, knights, skull & bonesmen etc involved in all these things.
    The producer picks up on the continuity from Egypt through the various knights, Venice etc to modern independent Switzerland and all the institutions there.
    The central theme of this “Cult of the Medics” part 8, is to show the extraordinary intertwining of the medical and the ruling classes, which of course runs throughout history.

  8. If 26% of pregnancies to”vaccinated” woman only survive and there is no guarantee that those survivors will themselves be able to breed, what guarantee that the human species will survive?

    It is said that for a population to survive there must be 2.1 children produced by each family.

  9. On Sri Lanka
    “Sri Vikrama Rajasinha (Sinhala:ශ්‍රී වික්‍රම රාජසිංහ, Tamil:ஸ்ரீ விக்ரம ராஜசிங்க; 1780 – January 30, 1832, born Kannasamy Nayaka) was the last of four Kings to rule the last Sinhalese monarchy of the Kingdom of Kandy in Sri Lanka.
    The King was eventually deposed by the British government under the terms of the Kandyan Convention in 1815, ending over 2,300 years of domination by the Sinhalese crown on the island. The island was incorporated into the British Empire, and Sri Vikrama Rajasinha was succeeded by George III, as monarch of British Ceylon.”

    QE2 was queen of Ceylon until 1972, civil war was 1983-2009 according to one estimate.
    Population is about 20 million which includes 2500 indigenous.
    But the most significant piece of news some will already be aware is that the CCP belt and road built a port there, in the locality of the recently ousted PM, Sri Lanka could not pay for the port so the CCP said we own it then.

    • Joe, why do you trust the New York Times? You should realise that they are going to slander China at every opportunity.

      China Says It Saved Sri Lanka From a ‘Western Debt Trap’ by Leasing Hambantota Port for 99 Years

      07:39 GMT 27.06.2022 (Updated: 10:44 GMT 19.07.2022)

      Western states have accused Beijing of “debt-trap diplomacy” involving extending concessional loans to low and middle-income nations and allegedly extracting political concessions in return.

      The Chinese Embassy in Colombo has said that the decision to lease the Hambantota Port from the Sri Lankan government in 2017 for 99 years was meant to actually save the island nation from the “Western debt trap”.

      The port on the southern coast of Sri Lanka was jointly developed by China Harbor Engineering Company (CHEC) and the Sino-Hydro Corporation.

      In a series of tweets, the embassy stated that the nearly $1.1 billion paid by state-backed CMPort to the Sri Lankan government to lease the Hambantota port for 99 years was used to pay off Colombo’s “high-interest-rate foreign borrowings”, including international sovereign bonds (ISBs).

      The Chinese mission said that none of the proceeds from the 2017 deal were used to repay the debt Colombo owed to Beijing.

      The remarks by the Chinese mission was made in response to a comment by Indian strategic analyst Brahma Chellaney, who accused Beijing of practicing “debt-trap diplomacy” in taking over the operations of the port through state-backed China Merchant Port Holdings (CMPort)………..


      • They were going to lease it anyway but now they probably got it cheaper and more control. Meanwhile they are still stuck on Burma which was to be their main road out of China to Sri Lanka Port. The Burmese are trying to get Myanmar under control, good opportunities for the MIC arms dealers here, it resembles another Cambodia / Vietnam type of scenario where ww2 weapons are used on villagers, probably will drag on

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