On July 13, 2024, a man named Crooks apparently shot at President Trump, and the SS and FBI then took their sweet time dealing with it. It is being rumored that there was a stand-down of police, which suggests that Democrat officials were in on the plot to kill Trump.
I don’t wish to “adjudicate” that case right now, but the public discussion about it leads to the question: What are we supposed to do if government personnel and rivals get physical, with an eye to putting each other out of business?
The article at hand starts by modeling three open and shut cases — fictitious ones — that are far from the scene of Trump’s rally. I will pretend that there were violent takeovers of the governments of Swedland and Denland, and a threatened takeover in Norland.
“The Scandinavian Situation”
- Swedland, in 1954, was a monarchy. The people approved of the monarchical form of government — you knew where you stood, and also the king shared his wealth with the poor. No strangers were allowed into Swed territory, and the locals were not allowed to learn foreign languages. But during World War II, communication with the Continent became inevitable. Soldiers brought home some odd tales of Swedland.
It seems the outside world was perfectly aware that the current monarch, Queen Angela, had attained the throne by deception. The previous monarch, King Nog, and his wife, were killed in an avalanche while skiing in 1940. They had one child, a daughter named Angela, then age 24, who took over immediately — or so it was said. What really happened was that an ambitious family killed Princess Angela and inserted their daughter Marbie, changing her name, of course, to Angela. As she wore a fancy robe and crown, nobody noticed the swap.
Now, in 1954, the population learned that there had never been an avalanche! King Nog had been stabbed to death, and this this little faker– Marbie — had fooled the people, whilst internationally foreigners enjoyed the joke, calling Swedders stupid.
At the time, there were 160 taverns in Swedland. People customarily drank there on Friday nights. It took only a few “rounds” for them to decide to decapitate “Queen” Angela. I mean, how could you not? Swedders drew lots to determine who, being male and over age 50, would be the new king. “Gorf” won. A platoon of tavern-goers approached Queen Angela, did the needful, and crowned Gorf. Everyone lived happily ever after.
- In Denland, in 1990, there was government-by-parliament. It seems that many Denners, who had studied abroad, had become enchanted (literally enchanted) with communism. Upon return, they ran for office as parliamentarians, employing a generalized campaign promise about a salmon in every pot, and social equality for women. Once in office, they began to use openly Marxist lingo, shouting that the dictatorship of the proletariat was at hand and that the state of Denland “as we knew it” would wither away.
Indeed it did wither away the minute these local politicians revealed a contract they had signed with the Supreme Soviet Union. The ‘state’ was replaced by an open-air prison. New laws criminalized every activity except breathing and working. Everyone suffered and soon they had to speak the language of the Supremers instead of Dennish. It was all so overwhelming that they couldn’t mount a resistance. Men were ashamed about not protecting their womenfolk and elderly and children. To compensate, they pretended that they liked Denland’s incorporation into the Supreme Soviets.
- Norland had traditionally been a sophisticated nation. In 2001 it was ruled by a Council consisting of 12 highly principled men and women, acting as volunteers for a term of 10 years. These Councilors kept in close touch with the people whose traditional ideology invoked themes of freedom and personal dignity. Laws were well developed to keep rights protected. People were proud and happy.
As the European continent underwent technological advances, business in Norland became intense especially as they had the leading car makers and medical geniuses. During the Spring of 2015, a crisis broke out when it was found that amazing corruption had entered The Council. A global banking system had imposed itself and apparently caused the majority of Councilors to make secret legislation that gave untold power to the banks. Citizens were reduced to code-number and no longer had “standing” as plaintiffs in court!
At the same time, someone had surreptitiously bought out much of the farm acreage and deliberately poisoned the soil so that crops could not grow. Six retired Councilors, now in their 70s and 80s, saw the imminent disaster of food shortage. They went to the head of Norland’s Defense Team, but were chagrined to hear, from her, that troops were falling ill, and many had suicided.
Further, the Councilors learned that nation’s gold treasury had been gutted by thieves.
Meeting at the home of a not-retired Councilor, they drew up a plan for the non-corrupted Councilors (5 out of the 12) to enact, “even without a majority vote, a new law aimed at prosecuting the bad 7.” By the following day, 3 of those 5 good Councilors were found dead on the street. The two surviving good ones, plus the six elderly retirees, saw that they could not win by using the law. A band of traitors, the seven bad Councilors, had sold out the nation.
Dredging up the maxim “Necessitas non habet legem ” (Necessity has no law), they walked into the Council chamber and shot dead the seven treacherous Councilors.
To sum up: Swedders refused to accept a faker-from-within, Angela, and disposed of her. Denland fell to communism, both by force and by persuasion; no come-back seemed possible. Norland’s leaders were well schooled in staying abreast of their countries’ issues and they sized up some traitors within. They put a halt to ‘globalism.’
What Has This To Do with Trump’s Rally in Pennsylvania?
The question before us — and we had better concentrate in it — is: How should Americans handle the matter of tritors who would go so far as to shoot the frontrunner in a presidential contest?
It does seem that there are plenty of spokesmen for the Democrats who want violence and likewise many Republicans who want to “win at all costs.” This itself is very un-American, but now consider the fact that people listening to that, on TV, are mostly taking sides. So far I have not heard anyone say “No matter who is winning or losing we must crack down on law enforcement’s participation in crime.”
I will try to apply the correct procedure to the characters in the July 2024 affair. Personally I am not at all convinced that there was a murder plan. It strikes me as more likely a hoax, a psy-op, meant to traumatize people. But that is a minority position and I want to go, here, with the majority.
Per the official narrative, two weeks on, a lone gunman, Matthew Crooks, climbed a ladder onto the roof of a building where he had clear view of Trump and shot at him. The bullet mostly missed, wounding Trump only superficially on his ear.
Cops had seen Crooks on the roof and should have prevented him from using his gun. When folks complained to Washington, DC, we had the familiar spectacle of top officials giving foolish answers to questions at congressional hearings — for example, Alejandro Mayorkas, the US Secretary of Homeland Security. Note: the head of the Secret Service was to be called in for questioning by Congress, but that was for incompetence not malice, not murder.
When a government has been overthrown internally, you would expect — certainly in America — that people could clearly spot the criminality and think along the standard lines of punishing criminals. But in America today we definitely do not do that. Isn’t that amazing?
To repeat, the case of July 13 has not been adjudicated, but I am going on the fact that many people think someone — symbolically “Biden” — is guilty of attempted murder. If so, all who helped out are accomplices to murder. This is no joke, no silly matter. As I said, my guess is that no one on the roof or on the ground had any plan to kill Trump — it was a psy-op. But if there were some people there who tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to kill Trump, hadn’t we better arrest them?
Five Ways That Our Thought Gets Blocked
So, what’s the matter with us? Why aren’t we being alert like the (hypothetical) Swedders and Nolanders? The following five explanations come to mind:
- Americas has had almost 250 years of patting itself on the back for having a good government. The ideology of rights is thick in the air. Probably there is a subconscious expectation that since our system is good, nothing outrageous can happen. Thus, even if a big booboo shows up, it is assumed that someone is on duty to deal with it.
- Human beings do not punish members of the social class above them. I have studied this for a long time, and I think it is a biological trait that reigns supreme. Kowtowing to one’s superiors is instinctive, presumably because it helps the society get things accomplished. So how did the Swedders kill Queen Angela without remorse? They agreed that she was NOT a queen. She was an imposter. “Throw her to the dogs.” How dare she replace our queen, our mother!
- Another instinct that is hurting us in America today is the tendency to put off till tomorrow anything that does not seem to require immediate action. Plus, we can downplay even an obvious clue as being “not a worry.” We saw the 5G towers go up over every square mile of the nation, but heck, it could be for a very benign reason, couldn’t it? To give us faster callup on our cell phones perhaps?
- One essential aspect of the current takeover of America is that there is no longer a life of the mind. Questioners are called nutjobs, where they used to be called scholars. And the majority of people have willingly absorbed the trick of the media/propagandists by which persons who recognize actual conspiracy within government are mocked, or are even ostracized. It gets surprisingly emotional. Families break up over it. (Ask why.)
- Schools no longer teach children how to make an argument. Students even at high-school level are told that consensus is a virtue and that taking an argumentative pose hurts the feelings of others! Similarly, the young are not shown how to dig into a report to see if it has valid sources and good logic. “Just smile and accept.”
What To Do about the Plot To Kill Trump?
Don’t let my five explanations take away from the main issue here, which is “what to do.” Recall ‘Norland’s’ predicament. Their nation had law, but it wasn’t being followed. The bad Councilors had already made sure that 3 of the 5 patriots were slain on the street, implying that no revolt by good Councilors would be tolerated by ‘government,’ i.e., the bad Councillors. It was all going downhill fast. Extra-legal action had to be taken.
Hmm. Let’s point again to numbers 2 and 3 on the above list of explanations, but combine them into one: We almost totally avoid punishing a person of higher rank than ourselves, and we can stare at a problem thinking it will go away by itself. Oh wait, we’d better include number 1 on the list, too: As Americans we think everything is copacetic.
The JFK assassination is now 60 years in the past. It is beyond doubt that the killers of Kennedy (the arrangers, not the shooters) included high-ranking members of government. At a minimum, Vice President Johnson, CIA Director Allen Dulles, and FBI Director J Edgar Hoover.
You may ask why I did not name mafia people, who clearly participated. The answer is that I said I would list “high-ranking members of government.” You could, I suppose, say that the mafia has infiltrated our government. A new book entitled Stolen Identity, by J Kennedy, may make you deeply aware of the big role that the mafia plays in the undoing of what used to be a transparent and accountable government.
Other Assassinations
In any case, all we get with assassinations (including that of Robert F Kennedy in 1968, so wrongly chalked up to ‘Sirhan Sirhan’), is a bunch of distractions and meaningless “official inquiries.” We have been accepting the notion that zooming in on the truly guilty party is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
Note: In the case of MLK’s death in 1968, his widow Coretta Scott King ultimately sued in court when she found out that James Earl Ray was not the shooter. (He was just a patsy and yet suffered 30 years of wrongful imprisonment.) The jury in King v Jowers decided that getting rid of MLK was a conspiracy involving government.
Mrs King received the damages payment she asked for — a hundred dollars. Gosh, how did the media manage to keep this from us? Why, simple — they did not send any reporters to watch the court case.
AND EVEN IF THE JUDGMENT HAD GOT PUBLICITY, nothing would have been done. We Americans were good at shooting our overlords in 1775 (I mean the redcoats whom the British king, our king, had sent), but we don’t shoot overlords today. Instead, we — quite properly — expect the justice system to do that. But oh-oh, the Justice system WILL NOT do it.
“What If, say, Mayorkas had indeed fired the shot at Trump?” I mean what if he had personally organized the action (involving Crooks or some other shooter), and the bullet did go through Trump’s brain? Picture the Republican presidential candidate lying dead on the stage.
Is it murder? Is there any reason not to book a Cabinet member, Mayorkas, for it? Further, if Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the Pennsylvania state AG, won’t proceed with the booking, what should be done?
Come on, it’s a serious question. If you are over 18 you should try to answer it.
— Mary Maxwell lives in New Hampshire. Pease see her website: www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com
Mary, such a long essay to a very simple question?
The act of Treason can only elicit one obvious answer.
Hang them all!
Officer Odgers, If I only wrote three words, Dee would cut my “salary.”
By the way, the US Constitution is quite picky about what qualifies as treason. (See Article III, sec 3.)
Were I the Atty General (and you know, that could happen!!!), I would prosecute for something less, for the low-haging fruit, and save the drama for the Biggie. I honestly do not know who the Biggie is.
Plenty of ‘biggies’ as well as ‘low fruit’, still out there, Mary – they’ve all been forced out of the shadows by Operation Warp Speed that, they once upon a time, took to hiding behind.
Was going to post –Last night I heard the screaming– I listened to that with serene
but too heavy –even for me – right now
“Hunger only for a taste of justice “—”hunger only for a world of truth”
thanks Mary I have a painting about strange fruit and a story about Billy Holliday and her life
Well you know what ‘KISS’ IS.🤷♂️
Sometimes it is necessary to keep ‘KISSING’.
We all remember the ‘hit job’ on Ivermectin, well, here’s another one done on the wonder drug GHB. I expect I would find the TGA has also banned it (evil bastards that they are). The Jimmy Dore video is great to demonstrate the evil machinations to get it banned. Perhaps someone with contacts could inform one of the alternative parties and bring this up in Parliament.
There is a u-tube video out demonstrating/suggesting that a FBI personality gave a signal to murder Trump by raising a sign.
As an aside from another source that there is a suggestion that
the FBI had four agents behind T.
Seems clear that the real culprits will not need a thesis to be dealt with if T gets in.
Btw MM how are you managing with matters brought, summarised for you by me re Derek Johnson’s exposure of T giving control to the military under the provisions for continuity of government provisions? And in addition the law of war manual action 12+++
I included Justice Kavanagh’s appointment hearing where he explained the applicability of civil law AND MILITARY LAW.
Do you not think the swift justice during the conduct of a invasion for local infiltrators committing treason via acts of war would save us from all your analysis above that I found no use in analysing or dealing with and perhaps you could save your time by considering for the benefit of you adherents the matters put to you as referred to you above.
Come on Mary try analysing the Evidence provided by Derek Johnson that nearly all here seemingly have not bothered to analyse.
Military justice is JUST AND SWIFT…. [ref: D.T. ]
PS, you raise the question as to what punishment is due for OFFICIALS……?
T.O says ‘hanging’.
Maybe in a civil sentencing!
In a military custom, spies, traitors and their abettors etc., are marched out of the military hearing room and shot by the loyal military after lunch.
Hanging is for traitors and propaganda media personalities such as Lord HAW HAW.
Hitler had the idea, what happened to the traitors who tried to blow him up?
If necessary for public confidence and family convenience the deal is done for the ‘traitor’ to carry out the sentence himself … Rommel💁⚖️
Dear Mary, have you ever analysed the demise of and funeral of President Bush?
Another public distraction and official convenience is …….
COVID, how sad!
There is a old suggestion in the legal profession that is quoted often,
“K-I-S -S”
ABC-TV news item: now everyone over 40 in Melbourne is catching Legionnaires Disease. I don’t live in Melbourne but I want my protection. Where is Bill Gates with his compulsory mRNA injections. Everyone in Australia should demand to be injected at least monthly. Come on ABC-TV, more injections please.
That Victorian government needs ALL its ‘air conditioners’ replaced.
They discovered in Wollongong NSW decades ago that disease came from the dirty air conditioning.
(Swamp water in the building?)
No, diseases come from not enough mRNA in the body.
An ionised sky –Elana Freeland. and Elisa E
Admire your research but I have no faith in the legal profession Ned
“There is a old suggestion in the legal profession that is quoted often,
“K-I-S -S”
For Terry
Terry,would the AR15 bullet that nicked Trump’s ear be able to continue and go through the 2 spectators in the bleacher to his left and then hit the hydraulic hose?
Lots of variables. If the bullet was a full metal jacket then it might if the wounds to the spectators were light flesh wounds. If it was a hunting bullet (soft point, hollow point) and hit bone with the first spectator, then I doubt it.
The volley of shots that Crooks let off were not accurate shots, they were in the general area. So, we could be looking at multiple shots for the injuries.
I am waiting my reply to be posted Terry, but you have it in more detail!?
For others, see if this is posted.
Crooke-d did not sxxxt
The video used a 200 grain bullet. That is the size of projectile that would be used for big game. I expect a professional sniper would use a 155 grain Match bullet that is designed for accuracy.
I should mention that the lighter 155 grain projectile would be traveling at a higher speed (more energy) and would be MORE explosive on that gel head.
Thank you for your input Terry
We look forward to the autopsy of Crooks.
I don’t care how these ultra criminals are disposed of, hanging or the bullet. Just do it. You solve the problem that this being or group cannot re-offend and you create a disincentive for others to commit the same type of crime. Most of these crimes have already wiped out somebody else’s or many people’s chance to live a full life. The Covid-19 “vaccine” is a good example. Of course an honest trial, not just a court appearance as in the Port Arthur masquerade is required to prove guilt before the ultimate action.
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: Berkner’s Nuclear Secret:
“Please join us as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep with Dr. Joseph Farrell on his latest discovery of an obscure Nuclear program called Rippple and how it connects to DJ’s research into Dr. Lloyd Berkner and the undelivered speech that JFK was going to give at the Trademart about Space Technology and the UFO File.
Dr. Farrell explores the possibility that the Ripple program which was only partially declassified in 2021,may be a major key to breakthrough energy and calls into question the entire standoff over nuclear superiority since it was developed to permit no nuclear fallout. Farrell speculates that DJ’s emphasis on Dr. Lloyd Berkner’s presence at the final speech and the anticipated ceremony of the White House Flag being handed to him was to announce the breakthrough nuclear technology and its connection to Space operation. DJ also offers that it was going to lead directly to the UFO File revelation and joint Space Program with the Russians which was total anathema to the Deep State Paperclip element that had penetrated NASA.”
Sorry folks,I tried.If I was more tech savvy there may be a way around this.
See what I can glean and report back.
Related video
Thanks Sandra–very relevant–informative– physicists- Antartica – mysteries-so much still to learn. The shadow of Tesla— Tesla and professor trump ??– still watching
some might find this of interest– I do
Other theories refer to ‘alseT’ frxx xnxrgy.!
Stolen by the R C,s
Want to do a another thesis on punishment?
Try this punishment of your country (and us) for 7 mins from 29 at Mary’s situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
EB. Your Palestine gets a mention….. look at the map.
So my comment has not turned up.
Why do I bother with you MM?….. wasting my time on a I phone ?
Just spend 7 mins from 19 (at least) to see why you are being PUNISHED. Think on that from an another Mary who informs you…. If you bother to listen.
Over at Mary’s place (WPTN) at beforeitsnews.com there is some info regarding what happened to this country back in 1947, and as the United Nations is no longer with us, how Trump has seized this country under Executive Order 13818.
My own info has this country under American Military Jurisdiction since, January, 17, 2024.
Obviously, some do not believe that piece of info.
Some Aussies are going to have a very tough time coming to terms with this nation not longer being under our control, but then again, we really lost control of this country back in 1947, when Traitor ‘Doc’ Evatt, signed us onto the United Nations Charter, an act, which was in direct contravention of the Australian Constitution.
I wonder how many at the time, even bothered to contest Evatt’s treachery?
Terry O,
They are just not game to know, they will not even look, listen and consider.
Some are dumb Christians which is sadly embarrassing….. pretenders! Just are many in other religions.
They cannot conceive the anti-Christ campaign (satanic child practises for example) under way as exemplified; by the Olympic controllers and what happened to The Roman Empire as referred to by a real Mary in SU.
Listen to Clif High on the Elohin, we have been fed a lot of religious Concocted fake BS in bible records to control us. Christ tried to free us.
Apparently, there was supposed to be 177 books to make up the Bible – we got to read just 66 of them, and highly doctored at that.
Thanks to the Council of Nicea during 325 AD.
After clearing out the Vatican during 2018, the White Hats came across all those books supposedly burned with the Library at Alexandria, which was just another early false flag event, and the contents of the Library eventually ended up in the Vatican under lock and key.
Of those 177 books bound for the Bible, the White Hats found 175 books, which are still being translated, but they cannot account for the missing two books.
Reading the Bible as is, is akin to opening a Tome in the middle and attempting to understand what has been deliberately mistranslated to confuse the reader.
As for who NOW really governs Australia, (militarily) I note your information, I have similar information, so note what Mary reports on Trump’s 55 stars on his plane.
Herds have to be slowly led into their yards. They just like being sheep.
As for Evatt being a traitor to the workers of Australia, consider Emperor P M Hake, his government and its foreign minister Willisse. Willisse signed the UN Lima Declaration in 1975 putting the cherry on the globalist commie fascist UN cake by sabotaging our workers by signing off 30% of our manufacturing industry.
Now how much manufacturing industry do we have? The teals, greens and our traitors want us servile to the globalists…… and they are doing it well.
HOWEVER FOR ALL THISE WHO HATE TRUMP, consider his policies … stuff the globalists, bring back industry and stuff Geneva.
He needs help: stuff our ABC, SBS and controlled globalist lying fake msm. Shun their advertisers…… they float on their wallets and social hypocrisy
My doctor husband got me IVF octuplets but they all came out the wrong gender so I’m voting Biden / Camel / Newsom so they can get government funded gender reassignments as young as possible, also they have mental health issues because they should have come out looking like Michael Jackson but someone forgot to update the expensive genetic material, Signed, Alexandra Occasional-Cortex c/- Bohemian Grove P.O.
What is that ?
You should have rowed with wade.
According to Bosi, if he ever gets his way, all the portraits of our treasonous prime ministers will get to be labelled as such, so that the viewing public have no doubt in their mind as to who the real traitors of this country are.
I note that some pubs are now serving a beer titled, Hawke’s Lager. Well, all I can say about that is, I wonder how many will bother drinking that beer when they find out how Hawke sold us up the river.
And to my everlasting shame, I actually voted for that swine.
Ahh trending
Trending on M$M
Olympic Sport (ugh) mixed with advertising (zzz).
Compare the pair. Same Age. Same Income. Same starting position.
Djokovic d. Nadal 6-1, 6-1, 6-4
Nadal: “Only a flesh wound”.
Possibly could use some cutting edge mRNA treatment.
Stop Press
Olympic swimming “up shit creek”
‘Derek Johnson the assignation attempt was just the beginning……’ at
beforeitsnewscom – people powered news.
I have not noted anyone report that they have listened to Derek.
Well here is your chance to consider listening to a MAN with his feet on the ground in many respects.
MM and others, why have you ignored him and spent your time in your own normie bubbles without considering his research, knowledge and impact?
Derek Johnson – A walking encyclopedia for The Law of War Manual, 2015.
On topic
Whatever is acceptable to the establishment, will prevail
Remember the boy soprano from a few years ago?
Sandra, you aren’t the only one who’s wondering if Crooks got shot from behind. Take a look at the photo and the bulge on Crooks’ neck. I’ve seen entrance wounds that bulge out like that when the body takes a high velocity hit. – Waiting for the autopsy….
Yes, and the scenario given also gels.
The first 3 “muffled” shots from inside the 2 storey building behind followed by Crooks’ 5 shots.
The pro sniper must have used a similar calibre rifle(to duplicate Crooks’ weapon) and we know the head shot that killed the chap in the bleacher to the right of Trump was not from a higher powered SS sniper rifle.
If that bulge is the entrance wound then it will have a nice clean hole, probably from a .223. If it is an exit wound then it will be ragged and larger. Let’s hope this isn’t another JFK type autopsy.