by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
You may recall that when Ahmadineja was president of Iran (2005-2013), newscasters could be expected to have trouble pronouncing his name. So the BBC instructed its staff to think of it as “I’m a dinner jacket.” It worked well.
When I lived in the Middle East (1998-1993), we English speakers knew we should respond to the greeting “Salam a likum” with a polite reply — basically “and peace to you, too.” We were taught to remember it as “I like’em salami.” It worked.
But will Comirnaty work? The FDA is the arbiter of what names a drug-maker can use. The name may refer to the technology involved — in this case “mRNA” (messenger Ribonucleic acid) — and should not be likely to be confused with another drug. (No Prosack, OK?). A third rule is that the drug name must be easy to pronounce.
My first reaction to “Comirnaty” — the forthcoming replacement for other Covid vaccines — was that no one will be able to get their tongue around it. And I assumed, at a glance, that the accent would be on the “Nat,” sort of like in “intenational.” But I was wrong on that. The accent is on the Mir. Comirnaty.
I hereby advise newscasters that the I’m-a-dinner-jacket trick to pronouncing Comirnaty correctly is simply to prepare your brain to say “Community.” Do it now. See how easy it is: “May I have 6 vials of Community, please?” Just tone down the sound of the long U in community. “May I have 6 vials of Comirnaty, please?”
According to The Insider, Scott Piergrossi, director of the Brand Institute, says the word Comirnaty was constructed from three parts: “Co” refers to the illness, Covid; “mirna” is for mRna, the technology, and THE PURPOSE OF ADDING “TY” IS — wait for it — to evoke two concepts: first: IMMUNITY (we presume the new shot has at least something to do with protection against illness) and second it stands for community— to give you that warm and fuzzy feeling — COMMUNITY.
May I have crates and crates of community, please? Thanks.
All right, the fun stops here. On Monday, August 23, the Washington Times headlined: “NEWS ALERT: Mandates begin in earnest after full FDA approval of Pfizer vaccine.”[Emphasis added]
Just like everyone else, I thought it was true — that the FDA had changed its temporary “emergency use” approval of the Pfizer vaccine. Recall my article here, which had a go at the FDA, historically, “The-FDA-has-no-authority-on-treatment-its-a-product-safety-agency.” I said nothing — I kjnew nothing– about a misreporting of the new “approval.”
But last night I attended a very good meeting of the John Birch Society in Manchester, New Hampshire. We watched a film of Dr Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA technology) being interviewed by Steve Bannon. (It’s at jbs.org, very cleverly side-narrated by Ben Armstrong.)
The white-bearded Dr Malone said that as far as he can read it, the FDA issued two letters. One keeps the Pfizer vaccine at the current status, that is, it is approved for emergency use only. Recall the brouhaha about the fact that Nuremberg Code means you should not use it because the patient can’t give informed consent — as he can’t be “informed” about the safety of a product whose safety-testing is still very incomplete….
The other letter grants APPROVAL FOR THE “BIO-N-TECH” ITEM, WHICH IS NOT YET AVAILABLE. In fact, it is barely a twinkle in its father’s eye, at this point in August 2021.
So, Everybody, please get ready for — and help to produce — a rollback of all the celebrating of Pfizer’s new status as an approved Vax. I am particularly anxious that any servicemen and women know of Malone’s correction. The mass media announced a few days ago that’s it’s going to be needle time on every US base. Plus, Dee McLachlan told me that over a million Australians called to make a booking to receive the Pfizer vax the day after news of Canberra opening the vax sites to persons age 16 – 39.
Please, please, try to persuade people that there is something rotten in Denmark. Oops. Bad choice of Shakespeare! — Denmark is the one country that has abjured every aspect of the Covid scam — with any remaining restrictions to end by October 1, 2021.
Let me find something relevant from the Bard. By golly, I’ve just now googled for “Shakespeare, famous quotes,” and the first entry to pop up provided these as the top four:
All that glitters is not gold. [Some vials of the vaccine are magnetic.]
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. [I’ll say!]
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one. [Aw, Jeez]
These violent delights have violent ends. [Qudos stadium?]
Holy cow, William Shakespeare must have had premonitions of the pandemic. (Well, why not? It seems everyone else did.)
How’s about this one for all the teenagers who are taking the jab at school, contra their parents’ wishes: “‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.”
How about, from Richard III, for Fauci: “Off with his head!” (Actually, in Richard III, it’s not his head that gets removed — if I remember correctly, and it’s not a scene you’d easily forget.)
How about, from Hamlet, for Senator Rand Paul: “Neither a borrower not a lender be.” (By the way, I have never received any of the $3K stimulus checks I’m entitled to.)
How about “The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king. (Hello? Conscience of king? Hello? I mean seriously Hello?)
One more quote, from Romeo and Juliet, for all our shops that give out hand sanitizers: “See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand…”
Texas Knows Best
I have not been able to keep track of which governors are doing the right thing. And in many cases, a state constitution doesn’t give the Executive much power. Of course that’s proper, only the legislature should make law.
The Houston Chronicle says:
“Gov. Greg Abbott issued a new executive order on Wednesday clarifying that no localities or school districts can require their employees to get the COVID vaccine, after the federal approval of the Pfizer doses earlier this week muddied his previous directive on the matter.
“Abbott’s new order, like the previous one, prohibits public institutions — including state agencies, universities, local governments, public schools and any other entities that receive public funding — from compelling employees to get the shots or asking people who use their services for proof of vaccination.”
And here they are, misreporting the truth as to the “approval of the Pfizer vax’:
“While the old order applied only to vaccines authorized for emergency use, Wednesday’s directive puts a blanket ban on the practice, regardless of approval status granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. [You go, Abbott!]
“Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo expressed dismay at Abbott’s move. ‘I’m incredibly disappointed with the state executive order today banning vaccine requirements, just as the vaccine received full FDA approval. Once again, just as a new weapon becomes available in this fight, it’s taken away. We deserve better’.” [Is she going to recuse herself from relevant lawsuits?]
Gov Abbott looks so much like a previous governor of Texas, George W Bush, aka President Bush, aka 43. They have got to be related. And since Bush’s Mom, the late and very admirable First Lady Barbara Bush, is the daughter of Aleisteir Crowley, aka Secret Agent of British Intelligence, you really have to wonder what-all is going on.
I can recommend a book by Richard Spence, Secret Agent 666 (2008). Choosing randomly a page to give you the flavor, this is from page 130:
“Crowley made another short trip at the end of April to Bronxville, a quiet Hudson Valley town just north of Manhattan, He, too, was close to New Rochelle which he had visited months before. This somehow connected to his relations with Winslow Plummer and the Rosicrucians. Maybe it involved the secret communications with the Berlin head of their “German Order.” [!!!] Crowley later told Attorney General Becker that Reuss had paid a secret visit to the Bronx. Did he mean Bronxville?”
As you may know, Barbara Bush’s mother was Pauline Robinson Pierce, married in 1918 to Marvin Pierce. Mr Pierce is related to Franklin Pierce who was US President in the 1850s. He has degrees in engineering from Harvard and MIT and became the president of McCall Corporation, which published two women’s magazines: Redbook and McCall’s. The Pierces lived in Rye, New York, which is 14 minutes from New Rochelle. I claim Marvin is not the biological Dad of Barbara; rather Crowley and Pauline Pierce had an affair, in Europe. In 1925 Pauline gave birth to Barbara, our much loved First Lady from 1989-1993.
In 1945, Barbara married GHW Bush (later known as 41 or Poppy or CIA Director or VP, or Mr President) in Rye, NY. Three years later her mother was killed in a car when her husband Marvin Pierce hit a tree. He was seriously injured, too, but lived until 1969.
Barbara and George had a boy, George W, in 1946, then a girl, Pauline, nicknamed Robin, in 1950. In 1953, little Robin was diagnosed with leukemia and Mom took her to Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York, where she and the child stayed for several months (despite infant Jeb being left back in Texas with little George). See Barbara Bush’s 1994 memoir which is simply called Memoir, 544 pages.
I have argued elsewhere that Robin was deliberately seeded with that cancer. Until recently I was unaware of the prevalence of child sacrifice but now I would guess that Robin was sacrificed. I have always assumed she was murdered at Sloan Kettering. There are many clues in Memoir. The main one for me has to do with Poppy’s buddy Lud Ashley. One day a nurse in the hospital said to Barbara, “What does your husband do, Mrs Bush? I meet him every morning around 2am when he comes to check on Robin?” (page 42) Barbara knew that her husband was in Texas. She tells us it was Lud Ashley, a bachelor in New York City. She does not point to mayhem, but if she hadn’t known of the nocturnal visits, their purpose can’t have been to comfort Barbara, right? Lud Ashley would surely have passed the word to her, e.g., “Robin seemed OK last night.”
On page 45 she writes “The minute [Robin’s memorial service] was over, George and I raced back to Midland. George’s mother [Dorothy Walker] and Lud Ashley laid our little Robin to rest several days later when the hospital released her body.” (Note: Lud was a Congressman from Ohio from 1955 to 1981, a Skull & Bonesman from Yale’s Class of 1948.)
You may criticize me for going off on this tangent about child sacrifice in an article about Covid vaccinations, but it was speculated on August 21, 2021, that thousands of children were herded into Qudos Stadium in Sydney for the quite unnecessary vaccination, based on an occult plan. I do not yet have good proof of the numbers. These things must be discussed openly, even if unproven.
Surely there is evil in the air about this disease. Just think: when the Pfizer vaccine is wrongly reported, worldwide, to have been approved, the FDA does not come forward to correct that. Wow. Talk about it, Folks, ask every member of your family what they think of that one simple oddment. Wake up, Australians! Wake up, Americans!!
Sorry, I forgot to add another thing Dr Robert Malone said in the video at JBS.com. He said that the new approved thing, Co-mirn-aty, isn’t available yet, but when it comes into being it will not enjoy the liability from lawsuits that the others are enjoying. Say this with me, aloud:
“Co-mirn-aty does not get a free ride.”
Ah, but maybe Dr Malone does not realize that a corrupt Congress could, tomorrow, modify the legislation to include Co-mirn-aty. And then “Co-mirn-aty will get a free ride.”
"The Jews have been through their traumas," a [Jewish] Democratic politican explained, "Be we have always survived. We are a separate and destined people. I have no illusion that the U.S. is paradise. America is Babylon. We must ask the question, 'Do we want death by assimilation? Do we want death by intermarriage? Or do we want to preserve our traditions?"
-- from Jonathan Reider, 1985, p. 47
More muslim news
Twitter maintains Trump ban but allows Taliban
( now did they take down the WTC or not ??? )
This is getting weird
Swi$$ conspiracy media ownership
( Sean Hross Trump hater )
Who is the real Klaus Schwab ?
CCP owns US election ( just taking a chance there are some jews running China for you ).
What the heck anyone can own the US election nobody cares.
Roll up your sleeve it’s 3rd booster time
200 injections per lifetime mooted (Biden, Fauci) booster shots time lapse now reduced from 6 months to 5 months. The new normal clearly is to own nothing, be happy, stay locked up and men in white coats will come to inject you. Too bad Steve Jobs (Apple) is not around for a comment.
Dee, made this video. See if you can stand to listen to the people on the right half of the screen.
If not, just turn the volume off and watch the lady on the left who speaks silently.
Makes you appreciate those Sumerians who invented writing!
Dee, I don’t know if you realize it, but just your formatting tells the real story of Australia in 2021. Half the people (left) are talking with their normal brain. The other half are UNABLE to use their normal brain and are speaking crazily. (As in “you will be allowed to have 5 people at a picnic if they are all vaccinated.”)
This, in and of itself, is a major issue, apart from anything about Vax. After all, if the Crazies introduce some new item next year, half or more will believe it, I guess.
Say the Crazies instructed the population to walk into their local foodmart and throw all the fresh produe on the floor. Would people do it? I guess they would. That is the nature of mind control. You do as instructed and you believe in the rightness of it.
Would our Commenters please comment on this? Crisscross767, I realize you are very dedicated to teaching everyone that “Jews run the world,” but how does that in any way allevite the situation I have just decribed?
Come on, show me that you have a working brain. I’m pretty sure you do. Prove it. Get off your Jews-done-it kick for a week or so.
Possibly the prions caused by the spike proteins are already working in the premier’s cerebrum. It seems to have turned to pate. The logic of “vaccinations is the only way to get out of this mess” is scrambled-brains with crispy bacon on the side.
Vaccinations = still keep your masks on.
Vaccinations = social distancing remains
Vaccinations = continual boosters as their efficacy declines within months
Vaccinations = Apartheid (been there)
Vaccinations = medical control over government
Vaccinations = still getting infected
Vaccinations = lowered innate response, many times more vulnerable to viral interference
Vaccinations = chasing the “dream” of herd immunity, with vaccines causing a cycle of new variants
Vaccinations = lockdowns might not go away
Vaccinations = The anxiety of “what am I really getting injected with?”
Vaccinations = time wasted every time you enter a shop, chemist, playground
Vaccinations = cops chasing vax-evaders whilst the pedos go child predating
Vaccinations = a paranoid and divided society
Vaccinations = vaccine injuries and deaths
Vaccinations = listening to the endless cycle of bullsh*t on the news
Vaccinations = sterile girls for a future barren world
Vaccinations = Human2.0 – slav-umanity
Mary thought this comment I found –might resonate—people exposing the truth get vilified—Assange–Barnett -Brewer——–
“Recently I actually ran into the story of Charlotte Iserbyt, a rather nutty old right conservative McCartyite popular on the Alex Jones Show, but one who is actually responsible for leaking the Skull & Bones lists to author Antony Sutton for his famous 1983 book America’s Secret Establishment on Skull & Bones. Iserbyt’s father and grandfather were Skull & Bones and looking at her father’s two most influential Bones’ classmates, Charles D. Hilles, Jr. and General Charles M. Spofford, they and a number of family members later were invited to the Pilgrims Society as well.”
Thanks, Diane.
Charlotte is as sober as a judge. I guess it is true to say that she is an old right conservative, as I am. I don’t quite see what her father’s classmates have to do with it. (I guess it means the smearers couldn’t come up with anything against the Dad.)
Anyway, All, please troop gaily to her webiste DeliberateDumbingDown and get a free copy of the very well documented story of how the stupidity of the US population was planned, starting sround 1928, by “education experts.”
India survival guide for virus experience including “pronal breathing” video tutorial
Off topic, Sirhan Sirhan age 77, in jail since 1968, has technically been granted parole, though it will take another 90 days to cement it. (re death of RFK).
I have been looking out on the MSM and even channel 9 says there was a second shooter.
( Apparently Kennedy was facing Sirhan when he was shot in the back and more bullets were fired than Sirhan’s gun could hold. SIrhan always says he remembers nothing. He is a very compliant patsy. ) AlJazeera plays more to the muslim sympathies of course and treats the entire thing as a con job, even down to Mind Kontrol ( “some sort of programming” ).
SIrhan will be repatriated back to Jordan where, who knows, he may get a hero’s welcome.
“AlJazeera plays more to the muslim sympathies of course and treats the entire thing as a con job, even down to Mind Kontrol ( “some sort of programming” ).”
W3 sounds like you are not convinced about Mind Control programming-let alone Mengele-Monarch programming here in Australia
Not at all !!!
Just relating the MSM Mind Kontrol efforts over the folks in TV land, for the benefit of any readers who do not indulge or who might appreciate a focus.
Mind Kontrol exists on many levels.
I was reading Trance Formation of America years and years ago.
I have more background in things than I care to brag about or think too much about, but not enough to make me very wonderfully unique.
The “con-job” I am referring to is the official narrative, if that’s what is in question
Cherri Bonney has sent us this from Natural News Mike Adams. It says the Japanese are onto it. (magnetism in the vials).
Japan News (NHK) from “Most Read” column (from 2 days ago)
1.6 million doses of Moderna scrapped after unknown metallic substances found
Sorry the 3rd entry should be
1st entry says
“The health ministry says the foreign substances have, so far, been found only from vials with lot number 3004667.
But they also decided to halt the use of vials with two other lot numbers, 3004734 and 3004956, even though no foreign substances have been found in them. These vials were made using the same production line at the factory during the same period.”
Which I guess proves that they are serving up different mixtures, such as Quaxxine 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 etc as you would expect from anything Gates was running.
Good luck customers !!! Best wishes on your mission. and … thanks
Looks like about 15% have to go before the rest might wake up.
Drs. Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman interviewed by Mike Adams: Why the “virus” pandemic is a FARCE
Children’s Health Defense to sue FDA over fraudulent Pfizer covid vaccine “approval”
WOW! Former Pfizer Employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN”
Here is a vid of a German lady doctor showing her slides of “stacked up” red blood cells. Looks honest to me. Skip over the intro by Dr Ruby and Stew Peters:
Hi All, please check out this link: Latest Data Shows No Excess Deaths From All Causes Globally in 2020 found at: https://coronanews123.wordpress.com/2021/06/09/global-data-shows-no-excess-deaths-worldwide-in-2020-massive-london-march-against-forced-injections-blacked-out-by-media/
That’s really the bottom line, Mark, isn’t it? There was no new disease. People died of what they would have died of anyway. The similarity of total deaths in 2018 to 2020 is solid proof, IMHO.
(But that’s assuming the stats you show are accurate. How does anyone know these days???)
2021 all cause mortality? Israel, Scotland, UK? Be interesting.
As x22 was saying all along, you would expect the homeless in San Francisco and elsewhere to be dying in the streets but they’re all OK, apart from the governments making plans to inject them. But we must ignore reality and look at statistics because we must trust the science. Experimental injections with unknown data are science because they are delivered by men in white coats. Statistics is delivered by cash-starved wrinkly, boring bald gits in universities so doesn’t matter if they are fake they are science. Like Thailidomide etc. Science.
As delivered by the TV which is “your one source of truth” ( thanks Jacinta ).
The entire thing is BULL$HIT from START (banning HCQ) to FINISH (lock up and inject).
Today some arsonists burned an injections centre in Western Sydney. With these injections, if someone accidentally left the fridge door open, would that not render the serum unfit ? Then Pfzzzer would sell us some more, using the globalist finance. The arsonists were apparently also linked to some graffiti. Graffiti has been around since Rome and no doubt beyond. Such a harmless thing, to publish information around the town square, should be covered by the 1st amendment in the US, just use non-permanent markers on tiles for example, how bad can that be.
Speak crazy, k
Co-mirn-aty ——- Co-murder-Auntie, soften the duh
Community ———- Comune-is-nasty,remove the snake speak(sss)
Simon, do you mean “Go murder Aunty”? That is what Ned has been saying non-stop for 7 years at Gumzo.
My best Orwell, yes but know,
Self defence is not murder, fact checkers beware, Ned’s are running free @ Gitguzmo
Gotta say its been painful yet fun
Really, I have not suggested that ABC should be murdered.
You are confusing my interest to keep the ABC by having someone like Murdock adopt it and keep it in safe hands. For a price of course.
Then again we could save a billion per year with interest, if we just freely send them to a good home with the bananas.
Winners all round.
Ned: “The ABC should be Murdoched”.
Yeah, that should keep it safe.
The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public-unless it says COMIRNATY on the vial they still have the right to refuse the EUA PFIZER version.
How could our Olympic athletes have competed at Tokyo if they had not received a placebo?.
Tavistock Agenda -Timeline 2012—Mengele—Auschwitz 1944 -me London 1948—- Wendy Hoffman NY 1948—-Fiona Barnett Australia 19 Nellie NZ
A must watch—-
the study of psychology
the study of genocide
the bystander
duality is astonishing
The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Nazi (2008)
Produced by sbs Australia
The Auschwitz pics really affirm, on no uncertain terms, that demonic possession is never a conscious process. All that anyone has to do is to take the path of least resistance; Jesus would not otherwise have said “forgive them they know not what they do”
More about water–spirituality
Quantum mechanics quantum physics
Needs quantum healing
Hopi Prophecy
Dees Link
If You Drink Water You Should Watch This! Amazing Secret of Water – Influenced With Sounds & Intent!
454,043 viewsAug 31, 2020
Confusing the nature of the vaccine with prospective compulsion is a BIG mistake.
The point is that NO medication, irrespective of any purported efficacy, should EVER be mandated.
Eclipsing the issue with superstitious rot about “bad blood” also plays right into the hands of Counter-intelligentsia
Berry, what bad blood are you referring to? Do you mean my reference to Bloodlines?
I don’t think anyone has much of a bloodline back to a particular ancestor, as each generation gets 23 new chromosomes into the mix from an outsider. (Unless the family interbreeds?)
I agree with your first paragraph. My lawsuit against mandatory vax is not about the nature of the vaccione. — https://gumshoenews.com/2021/08/24/appeal-brief-on-mandatory-vax-maxwell-v-secretary-of-defense-and-a-word-on-jacobson-v-massachusetts/
The who-do-you-think-you-are cant is flawed on two counts:
1) Few of us can back-trace more than a couple of generations
2) Most of us wouldn’t be proud even if we could
Both of my Brit grandfather’s contributed to WW1 by buying themselves a commission
But as I wouldn’t otherwise be sitting here writing this I haven’t really got any cause for complaint.
During the 1920s my maternal grand-dad progressed to commandeering a Guatemalen coffee plantation
However,as the ‘29 crash then rendered him bust he eventually had to humble himself.
Discomfort would have to be THE best wake-up call; the benefit of the current situation should be celebrated accordingly
“Produced by sbs Australia” – figures, just more absurd propaganda.
Celebrity “face of SBS” newsreader Mary Kostakidis from MKpedia
“On 21 August 2007, it was reported that Kostakidis had stormed out of the newsroom a week and a half earlier, furious at changes to the news bulletin.”
( Story later manipulated by others to suit ).
yes Terry part of the script—SBS–Aljazeera and Aunty –Tavi media pandemic
the photo of Mengele at about 3. 40 –hidden hand—Prince Harry –Napoleon—Hitler—-I have many photos—
I was speaking of MKULTRA in Australia recently try and I got dismissed by some media–yeah yeah –but there is no evidence— I said I am living evidence and referred them to SRA Alliance—–but like the virus -the jabs- transhumanism ITNJ testimonials—–that is not part of their script but this slow awakening is part of the truth telling spiritual pathway script
The Armenian genocide is also being dismissed as a fairy-tale by Ottoman revivalists
This is from ABC.net.au. Advice on how to talk to the vaccine-hesitant:
(“scene” means cartoon illustrations; I am providing only the transcript):
Scene 15: Address misinformation when it pops up. Trying to argue every point can be counterproductive. But there are easy ways to address common misconceptions.
Scene 16: “The vaccines arrived so fast. How do we know they’re safe?”
Scene 17: “COVID-19 vaccines went through the same safety checks as other vaccines. [SIMPLY A LIE] Rather than the science being sped up, the administrative and funding processes have been fast-tracked.”
Scene 18: “Most people don’t even get that sick, so why do we need a vaccine?”
Scene 19: “Getting vaccinated protects you against the serious side effects of COVID-19 and means you are less likely to pass it on to others. [SIMPLY A LIE] Vaccination isn’t just about protecting ourselves.”
Scene 20: “I’m worried about the side effects…”
Scene 21: “It’s normal to experience mild side effects, but severe reactions to vaccines are very rare. Health experts are closely monitoring this, and so far, research shows COVID vaccines are safe.” [SIMPLY A LIE]
Mary & Dee , have you seen anything on this. Truth or Fiction ??
Peter, this is the best I can come up with. I went to SCOTUSBLOG.COM and did not find such a thing. But it is true that RFK has got some great lawsuits happening.
I did find one item where a litigant asks for emergency help. He/she bring it to the one Justice that has responsibility in that region. (For me in New England, that would be Justice Breyer.) I think that one justice can decide whether ot not to try to get a total of 4 to agree that SCOTUS will hear the case.
Now here is a real examole:
EMERGENCY DOCKET. Court lifts federal ban on evictions. By Amy Howe on Aug. 26 at 11:01 p.m.
“In an unsigned opinion, the court said a federal public-health law does not authorize the CDC to impose an eviction moratorium in order to curtail the spread of COVID-19. Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan dissented.” I thinlk that means it went to the full 9 and so 6 must have said Yes.
It has nothing to do with vaccines. Landlords were forbidden to evict tenants during the … the… what?
Thanks Mary , I have generally found Before its News very reliable.
However when I checked US Supreme Court site, it says it is closed for a while, the last entries were a couple of weeks ago.
Cheers for looking into it , much appreciated.
Also I found your post above very interesting.
Crown virus detected in sewage, proving its BS.
These slavemasons are into numerology and all things kabala.
Noticing the ‘cases’, on Gladys and friends 11am agenda, everyday the figures added brought down, one to ten (looking for zero), are 3,6 and 9. These numbers consistent since beginning, with black hand witchery in details.
Jerusalem Post Health & Science
Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?
One can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.
Greek veterinarian and biotechnologist Albert Bourla heads Pfizer, and Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli who received his doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and gives interviews in Hebrew to the Israeli media.
Both men have been fairly secretive about their private lives. For Israelis, it’s enough to know that Zaks, despite the various high positions that he holds in America, is one of us, but in Greece, especially Thessaloniki, where Bourla and his wife were born and raised, there are mixed reactions. On the one hand, Greeks are proud that one of their own is at the top of the totem pole of a company that will help to save the world from COVID-19. On the other, there have already been vile antisemitic accusations against Bourla and Jews in general, accusations similar to negative comments made by US President Donald Trump about the Chinese.
Bourla comes from a Sephardi family of jewelers and real estate developers which fled Spain and has been living in Greece for more than five centuries. His family members were among the few survivors of the once thriving Jewish community of Thessaloniki, which was all but destroyed by the Nazis. He left Greece when he was 34 to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals and joined Pfizer in 1993. He represented the company in various divisions in different countries, working his way to the top. Although he has been living in America for several years, he continues to maintain a home in Greece.
In April 2019, Bourla was named the most “preeminent Greek leader” of the global pharmaceutical industry by United States Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey R. Pyatt, at the Prix Galien Greece Awards ceremony. As for the defamatory antisemitic slurs that have appeared in some Greek media, these have been publicly condemned by the Central Board of Jewish Communities of Greece.
All seven CEO’s, of the pharmakea vaxxx corp’s, are zionists.
Made in crown bsl4 bio weapons labs.
“Even the latest technology platform stated to have been invented to be able to design a new vaccine to cope with any COVID variant within 2 hours and not only design it, but even have the finished product ready to distribute within 48 hours was invented by a Jewish professor, and here are other examples of Jewish-based COVID ‘vaccine’ death shot work”
COVID-19 Vaccines Have Jewish Links https://atlantajewishtimes.timesofisrael.com/covid-19-vaccines-have-jewish-links/
Modified RNA vaccines
Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted fetuses, while Pitt sponsors the local Planned Parenthood’s operations, in what looks like an illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts, forbidden by 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 and 18 Pennsylvania Statutes 3216. Pennsylvania law also makes it a felony to experiment on a living fetus or to fail to provide immediate medical care to an infant born alive.
The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
6 coronavirus vaccine developments from Israel to watch https://www.israel21c.org/6-coronavirus-vaccine-developments-from-israel-to-watch/
Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israeli-scientists-In-three-weeks-we-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-619101
“Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis.”
Latest information about the coronavirus https://www.weizmann.ca/covid19/
These people do not look like German ‘Nazis’ to me, they are all members of the Tribe. I could go on…
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
The Creator of the Record-Setting Covid Vaccine
Pfizer and BioNTech asked the Food and Drug Administration today to authorize their Covid-19 vaccine. We talk with the visionary scientist who developed the vaccine, Dr. Ugur Sahin, and the WSJ’s Bojan Pancevski about what could be the fastest vaccine ever developed and approved.
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
“Even the latest technology platform stated to have been invented to be able to design a new vaccine to cope with any COVID variant within 2 hours and not only design it, but even have the finished product ready to distribute within 48 hours was invented by a Jewish professor, and here are other examples of Jewish-based COVID ‘vaccine’ death shot work”
COVID-19 Vaccines Have Jewish Links https://atlantajewishtimes.timesofisrael.com/covid-19-vaccines-have-jewish-links/
Modified RNA vaccines
Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted fetuses, while Pitt sponsors the local Planned Parenthood’s operations, in what looks like an illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts, forbidden by 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 and 18 Pennsylvania Statutes 3216. Pennsylvania law also makes it a felony to experiment on a living fetus or to fail to provide immediate medical care to an infant born alive.
The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
Cahna-Baals – cannibals – Moloch
Modified RNA vaccines
Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted fetuses, while Pitt sponsors the local Planned Parenthood’s operations, in what looks like an illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts, forbidden by 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 and 18 Pennsylvania Statutes 3216. Pennsylvania law also makes it a felony to experiment on a living fetus or to fail to provide immediate medical care to an infant born alive.
The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
6 coronavirus vaccine developments from Israel to watch https://www.israel21c.org/6-coronavirus-vaccine-developments-from-israel-to-watch/
Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israeli-scientists-In-three-weeks-we-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-619101
How The Medical Establishment is ‘Killing People With Covid” – Explained Step By Step. David Icke.
Maybe this may be a turning point. Years ago I ended up taking on the system by myself, nobody else was doing it. Why? because I thought it was the right thing to do. Only to be betrayed by my fellow citizens “She’ll be right”, “I got mine Jack” – and the judiciary betrayed the very fundamental principles of English Law that they pretended to uphold.
However, this time around people have been personally affected, businesses lost, jobs lost, freedoms lost, their children’s health on the line – perhaps now that it has become personal they will get off their asses and fight.
Maybe, but after all my experiences…
New World Order WILL happen – HWBush (Scherff) Sept 11 1991
“In 1785, Mayer Amschel [ Rotschild ] moved his entire family to a larger house, a five story dwelling he shared with the ‘Schiff’ ( / Scherff who later changed their name to Bush) family.”
[ Cut and paste this into duckduckgo and you will find numerous references ].
So from this snippet we might extrapolate that Rotschild moved into the Bush castle for protection, because he was getting too big for a jew-boy out in the street. Bush’s did well to keep all this concealed for 200 years but the hubris of HWBush really put everything out in the open. After 200 years he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Where did Scherff come from ? Nazis, Tesla, eventually back to Swissyland probably.
Swissy as claimed by Sean Hross originally salvaged whatever was left of the Egyptian empire ( arguably the western world’s biggest pre-Roman empire, ever ), my prime suspect is the 2nd son of Cleopatra who escaped the fall of his older brother’s empire.
I don’t think there will be any jew-style records kept anywhere because Egyptian style is hieroglyphs, that is, symbols, heraldry, logos etc, which communicate the story in their own way. Hence Sean Hross obsession with these things. The giant pyramid on top of Australia’s Parliament House being one such example.
George Herbert Walker was a plantation owner, eventually getting into shipping and banking with Germany up to the middle of ww2.
The whole escapade of the last century is laid out here ( and at least partly known to various Gumshoe readers ) but the pre-history of Scherff I will have to keep looking for.
The point of all this for me is showing who is really running things and who is just a front, I would say “the jews” are a successful deception as were “the muslims” over the last 20 years. Anyone can look up Sean Hross “Where did Swiss Wealth Come From”. The guy was in a Swiss jail for 5 years, don’t they call jail “the university of crime” ? ? ?
I needn’t have written the above article. I did not realize there was a vid available with Malone simply explaining it. So here it is:
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
“The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines”
Jesus said, John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.
There is a war on for your mind
The Jewish owned company Moderna is using technology called “Luciferace,” which they pronounce Luciferus, but phonetically it spells “Lucifer race.” Of this there can be no question since the patent number assigned thereto is WO 2020 060606.
16/02/2021 anayansi vanderberg
A Mad World: Part III, The Beginning of The End. The Encore.
A comprehensive film regarding the covid plandemic, covid vaccines and the Luciferians plan to enslave all of humanity.
Conspiracy Of Silence: Child Lives Matter, The Film.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Amoung Us. Part 1, Pizzagate.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Among Us. Part II, Hollywood & Disney.
The Satanic Matrix: Part I, The Slavery Of The Mind. The Film.
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
“The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines”
Jesus said, John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.
There is a war on for your mind
The Jewish owned company Moderna is using technology called “Luciferace,” which they pronounce Luciferus, but phonetically it spells “Lucifer race.” Of this there can be no question since the patent number assigned thereto is WO 2020 060606.
16/02/2021 anayansi vanderberg
A Mad World: Part III, The Beginning of The End. The Encore.
A comprehensive film regarding the covid plandemic, covid vaccines and the Luciferians plan to enslave all of humanity.
Conspiracy Of Silence: Child Lives Matter, The Film.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Amoung Us. Part 1, Pizzagate.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Among Us. Part II, Hollywood & Disney.
The Satanic Matrix: Part I, The Slavery Of The Mind. The Film.
Spewtube censors everything, that’s what it’s there for. Good to have pharmekeia popping up again.
This old Corbett report goes into Gates’ eugenics, depop, family history, links to Rockerfellas and so forth ( for anyone sufficiently interested ) but nothing much about jews. Were these people jews or Swissies or does it hardly matter to them. Jews are of course useful agents and will sell out as readily as senators and other government lackeys. Their great little ‘wiggles’ type soundtrack “we’re all in this together” will live in my mind until my dying day.
But I’m no closer to learning if these oligarchs have real jew connections and to what ? Babylon, there is virtually nothing left of it. They had a diverted river and some gardens. Probably a nice place to visit a few 1000 years ago but not much left to show. This connection from the fallen Egyptian empire through Rome then presumed to Venice and Zurich is much more attractive. A money mountain went from A to B, simple.
By contrast, Rotschilds were only around a very short time and simply exploited the fact they were not Christian so usury was available to them. In those days usurers were probably thought of as pawn-shops with a few gold items. Would the ruling powers anywhere in Europe have allowed them to get bigger than this ??? They needed protection. This is the glaring hole in your analysis.
Anyway this one is just about Bill, all the injections stuff well known in early 2020.
Thanks Criss Cross for list of banned from you tube—what does it take to remain on social media platforms –maybe if you take the vax – play the game–you can remain–Cathy Fox and Sally Baker did not obey the rules—- no record—unseen unknown unheard honi soit qui mal e pense-evidence shredded
hope everyone has the gumshoe gumption to be upstanding-9 am tomorrow in the ANZAC tradition
from Cathy Fox blog
From telegram—-mmm David Steele died
re sally baker
Conspiracy Cafe – The Power Hour
Today’s ‘cases’ number 1290, that’s a 3 in kabala.
Everyday it’s 3,6 or 9. Soo predictable bs. If you don’t believe me look at past tallies.
They always used to do the “terrorist attacks” on new moon too, so you would see the moon in the sky that evening and the next couple of days, to impress upon you “the muslims did it”.
Dr Peter McCullough and Sky News rubbishing the State Governments, Corporate Health Officers, basically nominating them as contenders for mass murderer charges, and discussing the criminal official bans on HCQ put in place by our insane, sold out, lying “leadership” fiends who need to be locked up permanently. (5 mins)
Hey, idiot, stop spreading crap by Dr. Malone. He thinks the vax shouldn’t be taken by anyone simply because it causes headaches, fatigue, and a low grade fever for a day or two. He takes “do no harm” to an extreme, so he’s already got an axe to grind. Comirnaty is Pfizer’s EU trademarked name. They couldn’t get that name here until it was approved: https://www.wane.com/community/health/coronavirus/comirnaty-whats-the-story-behind-the-new-pfizer-vaccine-name/
Now that the name is approved, Pfizer can trademark it in the U.S. It’s the same exact formula here as they sent to the EU as Comirnaty. It would be just like if the FDA approved J&J’s “Janssen”. You wouldn’t think they had approved something different than J&J’s vaccine unless Dr. Malone said some more BS. Use your head and stop being controlled by misinformation.