Home Boston When Did Boston Go Scared? A Message from Alabama

When Did Boston Go Scared? A Message from Alabama


“Ready to ride and spread the alarm…”

by Mary Maxwell, current candidate for US Senate

This morning I was interviewed on Alabama radio WYDE regarding tomorrow’s election. I have long been accusing media of hiding the truth about the Tsarnaev case, so was delighted when the show’s host, Jessica Borklund, asked me – yes asked me – to expound on the subject of the Marathon bombing.

I had only time enough to give her the main scoop about Aunt Maret’s affidavit, and about the ridiculous “video evidence” of the shooting of Officer Collier at MIT. But now that I am riled up about it, lemme say more. I particularly am thinking “How come a call-in show Down South can handle this subject but Boston radio hosts are too skeert to do so?” Maybe their fear is ungrounded! I hereby give them (the persons of Boston, the super-educated “Athens of the North”) a chance to redeem themselves by re-publishing this.

Part 1 – America Buys into the Terrorism Hoax

Starting in the 1970s, we in the USA were treated to many an exciting story about Arabs doing wild-west type stunts at airports. I list many such incidents in my 2011 book Prosecution for Treason. You can see on the face of it that the airport dramas were orchestrated – the terrorists must have been hired for the part. The US was never, I repeat never, going to suffer an attack by Third-world people. They lacked equipment and coordination. The name Yasser Arafat was bandied about as if Palestinians had power. Please realize now that this is was a joke.

Part 2 – On Nine Eleven We Were Shown a Real, Undeniable Attack

During Bush Junior’s first year in office, there was a stunning event. You couldn’t miss it. America was attacked, right smack dab in New York City. Within hours, Paul Bremer was on MSM stating that the mastermind was Osama bin Laden.  Bremer later became governor of US-Occupied Iraq. We are good at this – we occupied Germany and Japan for many years after 1945 and at present we have 800 military bases in the world. Anyway, the US Air Force, which OF COURSE would have gone aloft if hijacked planes were hovering over our East Coast, stayed away per instructions of Dick Cheney. Need I say more?

Part 3 – A Terrified Population Receives Orwellian “Protections”

On September 14, 2001 – we’re talkin’ 72 hours after the Main “Terrorist” Event — the 535 members of Congress passed a bill called The Patriot Act, in which they sold their constituents for 30 pieces of silver. Are those Congressmen really guilty? Well, they admitted to signing something they had not read. I think that is sufficient guilt. From that moment all the cultural expectations of “what it means to be an American” were considered excess baggage. The only thing to concentrate on, when deciding the meaning of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments was “Is law enforcement being swift enough in protecting us from the Muslims? (Arabs now recast as Muslims so as to emphasize their worldwide dreams.)

Part 4 – The Athens of the North Needs To Be Tested for Loyalty to the New Way

Enter, FEMA. They are security people — I mean “security” in Newspeak parlance. Richard Serino was the “assistant medical director” in a FEMA-like Emergency management group in the Bay State. In 2008, Serino ran a seminar to show how a terrorist scene would take place right at the Marathon finish line. How prescient! His audience was instructed– on a still-extant power-point talk – to develop good relations with the media “so they get the right story.”  (As opposed to the wrong story? How would media get a wrong story on a very public event?)

Part 5 – Patriot’s Day in the Old Revolutionary Sense of the Word

April 15, 2013 was the day of the Boston Marathon. The winner broke the ribbon at 11.30 am and after that thousands more runners crossed the Finish Line near the Boston Public library. At 2.49pm, a bomb went off and a few minutes later, another. Possibly this two-bomb event was to buttress the subsequent story that there were two brothers involved.

Many persons claimed to have been injured at the Marathon bombing. Some solicited money from GoFundMe. The amputees received a million dollars from a sum administered by Kenneth Feinberg, who had also disbursed about $2 million to each of the thousands of 9-11 victims. Congress had approved that gift (to forestall lawsuits?). One amputee story that is provably fake is that of Jeff Baumann, author of Stronger.

Part 6 – The Non-Fugitives Escape

Now for Thursday, April 18th. The Tsarnaev boys perhaps learned, on Thursday, that the FBI was looking for two men, as pictured on TV. But in fact Tamerlan and possibly Jahar were FBI informants and did not understand that there was a Podstava — Russian for “set-up” — in the works. They went out in their Honda. Unarmed, almost certainly. (Bunker Hill College teacher Heather Frizzell has the story of the putative gun.)

Part 7 – Dun Meng and the Watertown Police Shootout

A narrative is not a narrative unless it has a carjacking in it. So we’re told that in the wee hours of Friday – which was to be a history-making day of Lockdown in the Athens of the North — Tamerlan and his brother carjacked a Mercedes with Dun Meng in it. Dun then told the media that the boys had confessed to him that they had killed a cop at MIT and that Tamerlan took credit for the Marathon bombing.  Not exactly something you would tell a stranger while you are fleeing justice, but never mind.

Dun Meng jumped out of the car when it was parked at a gas station, which allowed the boys to drive to their next mission and challenge numerous police on a dark street in Watertown with weapons such as an IED and the non-existent gun that they stole from the cop at MIT. Junior ran away, in fact in his haste he jumped into an SUV and ran over his brother Tamerlan. Note: the shootout is definitely fictional, as we see Tamerlan later on a CNN video being put, naked, into a police car.

Part 8 – The Boat and the Pencil, and Charley Not on the MTA

Are you with me so far, Massachusetts citizens?  An event occurred in Copley Square on a Monday; by Thursday evening the FBI had posted pictures of the Tsarnaevs on TV; the boys went out and did not kill a cop (Sean Collier) at MIT, did not steal Dun Meng’s car, and did not engage police in a shoot-out.  Governor Deval Patrick ordered people to stay home (owing to the presence of a terrorist in the city – I’ll say) and the authorities closed the subways. Amazing.

When lockdown was lifted after suppertime, David Heneberry of Watertown went out for a smoke and noticed something odd about his dry-docked boat. This led to a police call and then a military-style presence of helicopters. Thermal imagery revealed a warm body on the floor of the boat, not moving. For some reason this inspired the police to shoot 228 bullets at the boat. After a while, Jahar emerged. He was arrested and some days later the boat yielded a lengthy note of Confession, in religious tone uncharacteristic of this 19-year-old. Also eventually located was the still-sharp pencil with which he had penned (I mean not-penned) the note.

Part 9 – Am I in Guantanamo or Boston? Oh, It’s the Beth Israel Hospital, OK

When you find a dangerous trouble-maker you really should try to find out all you can from him. He may have buddies out there planning to bomb the mapparium in the Christian Science Monitor building. (Oh, the Monitor, that once-lauded specimen of excellent journalism!) So a team of expert interrogators was brought to Jahar’s ward, the ICU. As with FBI investigators, these persons did not make a video or audio recording of the great interview. Nevertheless, they walked away satisfied that there were no co-conspirators. They noted that the boy cried a lot.

Part 10 – Man on TV Reveals All

Boston’s population was now told of the stages in Jahar’s journey. First, arrival into the US as a child. Then radicalization to Islam (he was tutored by his brother). Then a trip to Saugus Mall to buy, with cash, five pressure cookers. Etc, etc, until the afternoon of the Marathon. Then the “laying down of the white backpack on the ground,” hence the result of low-on-the-body injuries, leading to amputations. The public was treated on TV to a chat with Dun Meng who sat disguised and unidentified – understandably out of fear – telling how he prayed for his life when deciding if the unbuckling of his seat belt would catch Tamerlan’s attention (Tamerlan was playing with a GPS), and if this was worth risking. (It was.)

Part 11 – The Show Trial

In 2015 we heard about a lengthy process of juror selection. By March the trial began in US District Court Boston. The Public Defender, Judy Clarke – a death penalty case specialist – announced in her opening remarks “It was him.” So her client was pleading Guilty? No. Jahar always pleaded Not Guilty. Isn’t that hilarious? The newspapers studiously wrote in praise of her “strategizing”: to get a sentence less than death for Jahar, by admitting that he did it but only under pressure by his brother.

Before the trial began the judge had made history by shaking each juror’s hand and saying “We are a team.” This is extremely not allowed.

The defense hardly cross-examined any of the prosecution’s many witnesses. Most of the evidence would not pass the guffaw test in a normal court. For example, the man in charge of more than a thousand security cameras on the MIT campus could not come up with anything more helpful than a far-away video of the boys shooting Officer Collier. That video had no sign of any shooting, no faces of the suspects, and not the slightest appearance of Sean Collier, the victim. It had good narration though, by the US Attorneys such as Carmen Ortiz. No one questioned why the police had destroyed Sean Collier’s cruise car.  (Why do you think they did that?)

Part 12—The Death Sentence and Supermax Prison

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, nickname Jahar, was found guilty by the jury on every one of the many counts against him. After the verdict was in, and also after the sentence had been rendered, Jahar apologized to all the persons who had suffered at the Marathon in 2013. Had that apology been a ploy for sympathy he would have proffered it after the verdict but before the sentencing. It is believed that the Defense team wrote the apology for him to read, as it is certainly not expressed in the words of a college student. (For instance he said “If there be any lingering doubt.”) Can you imagine.

He is now waiting for his lethal injection in Colorado. Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch arranged for SAMs to apply to Jahar’s imprisonment.  “Special Administrative Measures” – the perfect product of 9/11 — mean that the jailer can prevent anyone from visiting Jahar. (Heck, he might share his terrorist ideas with the visitor, right?). No professor of Law that I know of has so much as written a journal article questioning the incommunicado state of this famous young man. He is now 24.

Part 13 – Aunt Maret’s Affidavit

As I said on radio WYDE in Birmingham this morning – and was not hung up on or attacked for saying it – the aunt of the Tsarnaev boys, Maret Tsarnaeva, who is a lawyer in Canada, sent an affidavit to the trial judge, Justice George A O’Toole. It said that Judy Clarke’s defense team had made 14 pre-trial trips to Jahar’s parents in Russia. Maret claims – and I believe her – that the team pressured the family to tell Jahar “to not resist conviction.”

As kids in Boston, we learned to say by heart Longfellow’s poem about Paul Revere:

“On the 18th of April in Seventy-Five

Hardly a man is now alive

Who remembers that fateful day and year….

One if by land and two if by sea

And I, on the opposite shore, will be

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm….

You had better spread the alarm today about the veritable coup d’état that has occurred in the US. It’s time for Bostonians to put aside their fears and get down to cases.

–Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB, with a BA from Emmanuel College, Boston, has less than 24 hours left to campaign.  Please visit her amazing website: www.MaxwellForSenate.com. There are 15 guys running for the one senate seat and one gal. May the best gal win!



    • And now some history for Alabamians reading my website.
      We have this sort of Marathon thing in Australia too. It was called the Port Arthur massacre. No pressure cookers, just guns — after which the government did a buy-back of the people’s guns (in 1996).

      Starting at 1.16 minutes here we have a rap artist tell the story of Martin Bryant, the equivalent of Jahar, a patsy. Except Jahar has only done 4 years so far, Martin has done 21 years. We need to hurry these things along.

      “While we still can.”

    • Great geo-history lesson Mary – thank you as always
      You trigger this contribution …

      The Mississippi Bubble (1718 – 1720)

      “Mississippi Bubble, a financial scheme in 18th-century France that triggered a speculative frenzy and ended in financial collapse. The scheme was engineered by John Law, a Scottish adventurer, economic theorist, and financial wizard who was a friend of the regent, the Duke d’Orléans …”

      Read on here
      * http://www.britannica.com/event/Mississippi-Bubble
      or here
      * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Company

      To paraphrase a few key points / interpretations …

      • happened under Louis XV
      • Mississippi Company / Company of the West / Company of the Indies (name changes) – all engineered by John Law (“convicted murderer and millionaire gambler”)
      • Banque Generale (established by John Law)
      • for investment in French territories along Mississippi (New Orleans in particular – French tobacco, African slaves …)
      • massive debt passed onto grandson Louis XVI 1780s
      • who convened States General (French Parliament) which had not met for 150 years
      • The enormous debts were soon afterward consolidated and taken over by the state, which raised TAXES in order to retire it.
      • And so began the French Revolution
      • Decline of French era of colonial power (because of poor credit rating)
      • rise of British colonial power (corporation driven – British East India Company etc)
      • on to India, China, Egypt … and so on –

      In short –
      • It’s all about the Corporations (run by ‘crooks’) – always has been

  1. “In 2008, Serino ran a seminar to show how a terrorist scene would take place right at the Marathon finish line.”

    Mary that sounds just a little bit like, sometime before the Sydney siege, albeit, the Lindt Café false flag event, there was an anti terrorist exercise executed in the mall where the Lindt Café is situated.

    From a political magazine issued recently.” ASIO whisteblower Mamdouh Habib’s most disturbing accusation is that ASIO orchestrated Sydney’s December 2014 Lindt Café terrorist siege, by manipulating gunman Man Haron Monis, Whose involvement with ASIO over 15 years was so extensive that the agency admitted its file on Monis was “hundreds of thousands” of pages thick”.

    That publication verifies the accusation that Gumshoe writers have been putting as the real scenario to this siege. Also answers why the Coroner’s Office has refused to release a vital piece of evidence that I have requesting.

    • Wow, Mal. and it’s not too late to interview Monis, by proxy. His wife Amirah Droudis whose trial was diligently attended by Gumshoe, is alive and under age 40 in prison, in NSW.

      Thanks for the Habib lead.

  2. Dear Mary,
    You have not mentioned a genuine ‘Mussie’ terrorist incident.
    There have been some evil ones.
    Nemisis may wish to enlighten you on some serious examples and the present criminal invasion of Europe. Jeff Rense has some doozeys founding conflict and the civil wars being planned for Europe to destroy the Western world and force a conflict, by pitting Islam against Christianty.
    As Dr Day explained, Christianity has to be destroyed and who better to do it, the Islamic army invading Europe and the West via ISIS sponsored, financed and armed by those who expect to gain from the conflicts.

    • I think I heard Elias Davidsson say that all the famous muzzie incidents in Europe are not genuine. That does not mean they did not take place, just that they were orchestrated.

      Thanks for the clarification, though, dear Ned.

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