Home Maxwell Where Are We Headed? Part 7: Coordination, Leadership, Punishment

Where Are We Headed? Part 7: Coordination, Leadership, Punishment


(L) woolly mammoth,  (R) the New York Philharmonic
(L) woolly mammoth, Photo: Smithsonian Magazine (R) the New York Philharmonic, Photo: NY Times

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

There aren’t many things you can do all alone. Humans act in coordination, and that coordination is guided by whatever ‘system’ is in place for their group. The US economic system works well for me as an individual, at least at the present time. Without ever having to plant a crop or raise chickens, I can eat what the market offers. There is a method by which my Retirement check appears monthly in the bank. I can pay a laborer to paint the house. Etc. Sure beats being a hunter-gatherer.

As to who is coordinating the market, the bank, the labor supply, I am basically ignorant. I grew up assuming that such things are “taken care of.” So far, I’ve lived for 77 years (from 1947 to today in 2024) with almost no anxiety about obtaining daily supplies, and no thought of bombs falling on my head.

This was based on an unspoken trust of intelligent leadership. Some appropriate persons will make the trains run on time, won’t they? Some ambitious business types will organize the distribution of goods in a way that satisfies their profit motive. Persons who like to be in the limelight will run for office and become Her Excellency the Governor, or His Honor Senator So-and-So. A military backbone will somehow develop to handle big, difficult tasks. Young lads will gladly sign up to it.


Oopsie-oops, times have changed. At this very moment I am in fear of Hurricane Milton, an attack on Iran that will start a nuclear war, a new bird flu or similar plandemic, a halt of transportation due to lack of gasoline, and new statutory laws that will dump the US Constitution overboard. (Ah, “a Republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”).

So now I look around to see what might be done to change this fearful situation. Right away I hear you say “Maybe nothing can be done because other people have interests that are opposed to yours and they will be able to block you at every turn.” Right. I’m aware of that. I fact it rings so true that I have to consciously hold back from giving in to it prematurely. As in, “Might as well give 1-800 CHECK-OUT a buzz. Thank God for painless suicide.”

Still, I was educated in Sociobiology in the 1970s (when it was a hot subject) and I like to look around to see what Nature is doing. Some species have innate problem-solving of their need to obtain and/or share resources. Our species, Homo sapiens, also has many innate features that have basically got us from dealing with the woolly mammoth to — how shall I put it — attending a concert at the New York Philharmonic. There ARE ways and means to overcome problems.


Over time, we invented two things that have eased our participation in the system: religion and law. We are born with a partially developed brain that aches to be taught stuff. Every achievement brings pride and joy, such as learning how to transport a cookie from the plate to the mouth.  If we do it wrong, someone will give a disapproving look and that will go straight to our emotions, These are called into service chemically, to great effect — they will make us try to improve our performance.

Both religion and law are cultural universals — every human society has created them. There is apparently an instinct to want to know how the world came to be. A religious leader provides an answer, even if that entails conjuring up a great fiction. Often this means establishing that there is a more or less invisible leader, a judge and provider. He is so wondrous that the though of Him evokes an emotion of admiration, and gratitude.

And right away we know He is better than us, and that we had better do as we are told in relation to him. Kneeling is mandatory? Fine. Sharing tasks with our siblings is required? Well, OK. Everybody else is doing it, so that in itself triggers camaraderie, and maybe some special pride. Virtue-signalling wasn’t invented just last year, you know. Sainthood is a goal for some.


Ubi soietas, ibi jus. — “Where there is society, there is law.”

Law is sometimes indistinguishable from religion. Something up there tell you what is right and wrong. More importantly, it tells you if your neighbor is doing right or wrong. If wrong, you can control him with a dirty look. Or, if it comes to that, with a specific complaint, perhaps uttered in the presence of neighbors.

I am not sure if law always derives from an existing religion or if people make it up because it’s so obvious. Toddlers have been found to know when something “unfair” has happened and they want to fix it. The French scholar Frederick Bastiat defined law simply as justice. In other words, the purpose of having law is to fix injustice, whether among peers (“She stole my pen.”) or in relation to the social order. (“Drat, I have to pay tax.”)

That is not the whole story, biologically, however, as humans are also geared up to obey a boss, even if his understanding of the law book is off-kilter or is outrageous. But if he is very bad, we have recourse to public law. The term “common law” refers to the whole set of rulings that were made in cases. People readily understand that a judge can bring knowledge and wisdom to a situation.

Legal Crisis Today

Brother, have we got a problem! Over the last few decades, punishment went out of style for office holders. They can all get off scot-free. No matter how well written the law is, regarding government accountability, it is plainly not enforced. As this happened gradually, citizens simply “learned” the new way by exposure to it. I’ll bet, right now, if you asked a friend “Will that mayor be punished?” the friend will say “Of course not.”

It has also come to be acceptable that the upper class is untouchable by the law. Probably we are so naturally a bunch of worshippers of the rich and famous that we actually wouldn’t want them to be humiliated! “Please, we need our Bluebloods!”

Much worse, we have somehow been trained to think that the mafia — by definition a class of criminals — is bound to do what it must do to corrupt the whole system, for the sake of its survival!

The Hiddenness of Decision-Making

And all of that is nothing compared to the fact that our biggest decision makers are now able to avoid being identified. Apparently for several decades, a whole load of smart dealers has risen to the top and they run our elected leaders as puppets. If you wonder why Congress recently passed an unAmerican bill last month, on such-and-such a topic, it’s because they work for unAmericans.

I am not referring to Israel — although the number of standing ovations Congressmen recently gave to Netanyahu is indeed shocking, and telling. (It has to do with AIPAC gifts but also perhaps with blackmail and threats.) Instead, I’m referring to any unAmerican hidden boss. He or she may in fact be as American as apple pie, but has sold his/her soul.

It’s embarrassing that we do not know how this thing works. Our Constitution — the beloved parchment — would seem to have provided enough weaponry to deal with it, but the Founding Fathers had not encountered the power of mass media.


Today’s American culture was made on a drawing board. Local creativity gets thwarted. We are told what is real and we buy the whole shebang. This needs to be turned around, and pronto. Pull down the TV networks, and even the masters of the controlled Cyberspace.

Let creativity abound! Give awards to the oddballs who stick up for human values. Stop suppressing them! For heaven’s sake, get rid of the wholly illegal US Dept of Education. Return schooling to the schoolhouse and the schoolmarms — to the nuns, if you can find any. (Ah, the Sisters who worked for no pay!)

Since the huge US economic system is in a parlous state, let people try out smaller systems. It is a fact that helpfulness springs up when there is a bad situation. Folks who feel like contributing can  announce themselves by wearing an armband, or a purple hat, or whatever society will tolerate.  No doubt people can figure out how to go from wooly mammoth days to the local symphony orchestra.

Just this week, Arthur Firstenberg advised “Throw your cell phones away.” Gosh, I would never have thought of that. Would you? And why not scribble down one or two things you have thought of advising the nation. Go on. It won’t kill you.

Actually, it might kill you. People get bumped off all the time for being good. So that opens another subject matter, how to restore the central notion of punishment for wrong-doers. It can be done.

French society got past Robespierre’s right of terror, didn’t it? For a while there, peeps thought getting guillotined was the new normal.

They got over it.

Write a list of what we can get over.

Go on, shake a leg. Don’t give in to the ones at the top. They are a veritable panoply of jerks.



  1. I did not hear/read an answer to; ‘where we are REALY headed’!
    To consider an answer, we must determine where we came from, what we really are and purpose chosen.
    I have my answers. Christ had his.
    Everyone has the capacity to find their own…… if they wish.

    • Nearly there Ned! Where we were once counting off the months, then we got to counting off the weeks, now, we are counting off the days.

  2. Religion isn’t something that, quote “we invented”
    And neither is law
    Both are written into our DNA; how we exercise them or not is the only matter of choice

    • Our DNA holds no sense of ‘religion’ which is a man made construct to keep us in line as to our thinking outside of the control box we are all reduced to living in. All of us, who are Human, have a sense of the Creator within our DNA, which is our innate yearning for why we are, and who we are. Those who cannot explain with any certainty, what exactly is the purpose of our ‘junk DNA’ and why it exists, could maybe learn a very humbling lesson, if they chose to explore Christ’s message, and who by the way, did not come here to absolve us all of our imaginary sins, but to awaken us all as to the potential we all have within us to evolve spiritually into the many upward dimensions, and that we all chose to be here at this time, to grow into.

      We all came here to learn – many have chosen to forget that purpose.

      The Fifth Dimension’s song, ‘Age of Aquarius’ was not just a hit pop song, but a song with an important message for those who could comprehend it.

      There has been many ‘road signs’ on everyone’s journey through this world, yet many fail to heed them.

      • What an individual chooses to believe re the fundamentals of his/her existence might well be influenced by cultural contagion/manipulation.
        That doesn’t mean they’re the same thing

        • That is no answer, E.B.

          We are all born into this world by choice – many simply forget their choice – as you have forgotten – and that in a general sense, is indoctrinated out of them when they are forced to partake of the so called, ‘religion, and education system’ that is in reality, designed to curb their individual thinking.

          The ‘choice’ you mention is to remain ignorant of what everyone has the divine ability to know, or to expand one’s thinking outside of that box we are all put into, via such ‘education’, so as to begin our real learning process, and is a process that does not come from a book written by others, whose narrow vested interests in humanity, are not entirely beneficial to the learning process.

          So, what is ‘cultural contagion/manipulation’ if not a religion?

          You have not given a suitable response as to why you believe – religion – is another part of our DNA – nor, touched on what our ‘junk DNA’ is there to be used for?

          Put your thinking cap on.

        • E.B. so which part of our DNA holds ‘religion’?

          And assuming what someone who you don’t know, is all about, suggests to me at least, that you don’t really enjoy having someone hold your feet to the fire?

          And if religion is not something that is a man made construct, then why are so many now turning away from the bullshit that ALL religions have been proven to produce – and that is only too obvious to anyone who can keep an open mind?

          So what happens to E.B. whenever certain Truths tend to interfere with your self-proclaimed comfit zone?

          The Creator of All things is about Love, not fear, and is reflected within true Humanity as the greatest motivating emotional force.

  3. “an attack on Iran that will start a nuclear war”

    From 39 min on the below chat, a neat synopsis of why Hitler was really the ultimate peacenik:

    Melanie Phillips: “Israel cannot be permitted to defend itself: whatever Israel does to defend itself cannot be permitted”

    Konstantin Kisin: “Yes, this is what I’ve noticed.
    If this(the Oct 7 pogrom) had happened in Britain on a per capita basis, 35,000 people killed or captured and taken as hostages – or in America – would have bombed the shit out of anyone who had stood next to the dog of the guy who did it. We would have turned countries into rubble.”

    Melanie Phillips: “And yet when Israel targets pagers that’s ‘indiscriminate’. There’s this very deeply felt view that Israel is fundamentally the problem in the region, If Israel wasn’t there, there wouldn’t be a problem; that’s what they all think”

    Konstantin Kisin: “That’s true”

    Melanie Phillips: “And consequently Israel has to be basically the problem. If Israel wasn’t defending itself there wouldn’t be a war.
    Of course there wouldn’t be a war every Israeli would be dead !”

    beforeitsnews.com- people powered news.
    Just manage a few minutes from about one hour and two minutes and listen to Alex Jones and he includes you dumb asses.
    It is in some ‘parliament’s’ nature, they are bred and conditioned and used for such of their purpose.

    • Most of those you rail about are not Human. They are named psychopaths, but in reality, they are not complete human entities and who lack basic Human emotions and thinking.

      Do you think Princess Di was telling fibs, or telling us all what we should know during her famous interview?

      Just another exposure we will all learn about, soon.

      • Years ago I read an article on different professions and the estimated percentage of psychopaths in that profession. Not surprisingly, politicians, lawyers, financial brokers were up at the top. There was also a breakdown of the % in various countries. Again, not surprisingly Israel was the highest.

        Apparently, psychopathy is passed down through the mother’s side. It is also noted that being Jewish is also passed down from the mother. Coincidence? bugger if I know, but I’d really like some further evidence on the issue.

        • I have no doubt that you will see some further evidence concerning the percentage of humankind as compared to real Humans.

          Suffice it say though, it’s pretty obvious to the willing observer that ‘psychopaths’ top the list of the most wanted in all those ‘top occupations’.

          Such selective promotion is how we got to where we are now.

          On the Israeli subject, it will be shown, that Ashkenazi Jews are part of ‘humankind’ and are not part of Humanity.

          Chosen people indeed, but by ‘whom’ were they chosen?

  5. On Hitler:

    Nostradamus 1503-1566
    “From the depths of the West of Europe,
    A young child will be born of poor people,
    He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
    His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”
    And …
    “Beasts ferocious with hunger will cross the rivers,
    The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.
    Into a cage of iron will the great one be drawn,
    When the child of Germany observes nothing.”
    What Happened:
    Hitler — who was born to poor parents in 1889 in Western Europe — used his intense oratory skills to mobilise the Nazi party in Germany in the years following World War I. Germany, as a part of the Axis powers, also allied with Japan in the East. While many believe “Hister” to be a typo, it’s also an old name for the Danube River.
    Hitler was born just miles from that river in what was then Austria-Hungary, also known as the “Danube Monarchy.” Remember, Nostradamus often incorporated anagrams, such as “Hister,” into his writing.

    They use stuff like this for a playbook and make it come true.
    The story about Trump’s uncle retrieving Tesla’s work is yet to be debunked

      Our controlled GLOBALIST TRAITOR politicians and OUR CONTROLLED mass media is our worst enemy
      http://www.whatreallyhappened.com and scroll down to 13/10 at 7.50 timeline.
      The link will take you to a lengthy WAKE UP AUSTRALIA interview of:
      What do I have to do to honour all our soldiers who died and suffered for you?
      Well feel it, you are getting it from SENATOR ROBERTS! Have the guts and wake up.
      You should at least know that the video is headed ‘BANNED’. WHY?
      STUFF them, listen to all of it (there is an advertisement in the middle)
      The fact that we have to go to America to hear and realise FOR YOU, that our mass media are traitors is SHAMEFUL AND EXPOSES OUR MASS MEDIA and POLITICIANS AS TRAITORS TO US AND THOSE WHO DIED FOR US.
      Otherwise this interview would at least be on OUR ABC AND SBS. Even that 2GB and Hadley will have to face it in due course.
      Just wake up!

  6. “Over time, we invented two things that have eased our participation in the system: religion and law”
    Both semantic till reduced and warped till there were two Semites in a pod. Where are you headed ?. Well, if all goes well, one pea in a pod. So you have to read between the lines or count body bags

    One N1H1 cow, flu over the cuckoos nest.

    There is an us and them though. You will never read about us, just them, because they are all in it together. Hamas, El Killdeda, ISIS, ISIL, Hezboola, Mudjahadeem, Black September for you oldies and the now the old is memory holed, I present the new unspeakable Nazi’s. All in lockstep with the good UN reps, fighting in your name and on your coin(your participation is mandatory).

    Keep it simple and just count our body bags. Play semantics, you will justly and suddenly end up in one.

  7. T. O. says ‘The Age of Aquarius’ was not just a hit pop song, but a song with an important message”

    Thereby disclosing the source of his religious allegiance:

    “New Agers believe the their eras of history run in cycles of approximately 2,000 years, and the implications of their thinking is fairly startling given where we are in history. Alice Bailey’s sixth ray represented the age of Pisces which, according to New Age reckoning, is coming to a close. And guess who they say was the so-called leader of the Age of Pisces? They believe it was Jesus Christ. Yes, this is part of the mushy, one-world, all-religions-are-equal co-opting of the “idea” of Jesus. New Agers believe Jesus left the spiritual realm, where He was a spirit or master guide, and visited earth. He had been a human being, just like us, and through good karma—i.e., living a good life—he evolved to become a spirit or master guide. Then he came back to earth as an avatar to teach us how to live a good New Age life. So now with Jesus Christ behind them, New Age devotees can move into the seventh age, of Aquarius—also known as “new beginnings.”

    Alice Bailey explained in the mid-twentieth century that “we’re now entering the age of Aquarius, represented by the seventh ray,” and the New Age is looking for a new leader to arise for the age of Aquarius. In The Seventh Ray, Bailey describes the essence of the Aquarian age as a scientific religion of light. She also wrote that there would be a synthesis in business, religion, and politics. Does that sound familiar? The Aquarian age, she maintained, would be ruled by the seventh ray of order and organization, greatly influenced by the Masons. “

    Luciferian roots “owned”here:

    The U.N. connection spelled out here:
    “Alice Bailey, Robert Muller, and the United Nations”

    • E.B. – The Age of Aquarius was, I have pointed out, a simple signpost on our road to learning.

      A signpost can never be an allegiance to anything – just a simple learning tool.

      Obviously, to me at least, you missed seeing the signpost and ended up on the wrong road.

      You know nothing about me at all, but, I see that fact alone, hasn’t stopped you from making assumptions about me. That in itself, exposes your intolerance for others who do not share your own ‘experience’ in this world, and have chosen instead, to travel the road of life while maintaining an open mind to all things possible.

      You seem unable, or unwilling, to expand your thinking beyond your self-imposed comfort zone.

      You have, in my opinion, become an impossible person to exchange thoughts with, which seems to be due to your self-imposed and very limited view of how this world works, and what lays ahead for those of us who wish to acclimatize ourselves to what will soon be revealed, if we wish to advance spiritually.

      I guess, and going on previous comments by you. You will now accuse me of calling you names or somehow, abusing you?


  8. “Where are we headed?”

    Straight toward the place & the fate that was foretold a few centuries B.C:

    “For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

    I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

    And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.

    Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head;
    Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things:
    The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border.
    Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head:
    And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it.

    Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:

    Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

    Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.

    Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.

    Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.

    Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.

    The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.

    The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.”

  9. The whole world was already blessed through Israel more than 2000 years ago.
    Sadly those who look for another fulfillment of OT prophesy have turned their back on the blessing. The Son of God is no longer the fulfillment to them, so they seek another cause, and another people.

    • “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”
      JOEL 3:2

      You’re evidently missing the fact that Israel was never “scattered among the nations” prior to 70 A.D. and that the promised land wasn’t “partitioned” until 1922.

      From 5 Min on this 1995 exegesis :

      “In 1920 or thereabouts, the League of Nations assigned to Britain a mandate for the land of Israel both sides of the Jordan. The terms of the mandate were to provide a national home for the Jewish people.
      In 1922, with a stroke of his pen, Winston Churchill signed away seventy-six percent of that land to an Arab nation, then called Trans-Jordan, now called Jordan, and in that territory no Jew is permitted to live.

      So they have divided up the land; seventy-six percent to twenty-four percent.

      In 1947 the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations, arranged a scheme by which they were to divide up the(remaining)land. So out of the remaining twenty-four percent Israel would get maybe ten percent and fourteen percent would go to the Arabs. What are they guilty of? Dividing up God’s land. And those nations are going to have to answer for it.

      I’m British by birth and I was living in the land of Israel when partition took place and when the state of Israel was born. I’m an eyewitness to these things. I will say that short of open warfare, the British administration did everything in their power to prevent the birth of the state of Israel.
      Do you know what happened? Israel was born and the British empire fell apart. Without ever losing a major war – the only one they really lost was with the colonists in America – their empire disintegrated. Why? Because they sinned against Israel. This shows you that God takes it seriously.”

      Their empire disintegrated and, surprise surprise, their homeland has become over-run by Islamists

    • “The whole world was already blessed through Israel more than 2000 years ago.”

      A claim that’s not even remotely supported by the Bible
      A claim that’s based on?

      • Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the prophesies of the OT. I thought my knowledge of BC history was bad. Have you not heard of the Babylonian captivity? My grandfather was neither Arab nor Muslim, yet was forced to leave his house and farm in Palestine at threat of death. God never forced you people to use the Bible so stupidly.

        • “Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the O. T. prophesies.”

          No dispute on my part that the crucifixion of 2033 opened the possibility of salvation for everyman. What you’re clearly missing is that:

          1) It didn’t automatically “bless the whole world” – as evidenced by the current condition thereof

          2) The 2000 BC Abrahmic covenant is E V E R L A S T I N G:

          “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”
          GENESIS 17: 7

  10. “Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the prophesies of the OT.”

    Said fulfillment of the law didn’t take place until 2033 A. D.

    No dispute on my part that it opened the possibility of salvation for everyman;
    What you’re clearly missing is that:

    1) It didn’t automatically “bless the whole world” – as evidenced by the current condition thereof

    2) The 2000 BC Abrahmic covenant is E V E R L A S T I N G:

    “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”
    GENESIS 17: 7

  11. Yes, but people are able to break even an everlasting covenant.
    God has none the less continued to have a people, as always.
    How do you know the people of God?
    You will know them by their fruits.
    The fruits of the spirit of God are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
    These people are in unlikely places and these fruits are in unlikely people.
    They are not called the fight over old relics, but to be a part of a heavenly Jerusalem whos builder and maker is God.
    If anyone does not believe me that the Christian Zionists are in short supply of these fruits, a short visit to one of their churches will soon change your mind.

      • But who did God make His covenant with?
        Here is something you have read often:
        ” Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”
        Have you ever understood that the seed of Abraham is one man, and not the Jews?
        Sure there was a time when Israel was synonymous with the people of God.
        Rahab and Ruth were a part of it for good reason.
        They were women of God.
        The whole world really is blessed through Christ, but He is a gentleman and does not force His blessing where it is not wanted.
        Christian Zionists have not just turned their back on Jesus and found another cause, but have become servants of the devil.
        I do not believe that the Antichrist is Muslim as they teach.
        The Messiah or Christ is not a dilemma for the Muslim, but for the Christian and Jew.
        “Anti” in Greek means in the place of, and Antichrist will be ushered in by Christians, in particular by the Zionist kind.

        • Who did God make His covenant with?

          “And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”
          GENESIS 17: 7

          Christ established a new covenant
          But there’s nothing in the entire bible that remotely suggests it superseded the original article
          In fact your entire rationale is called out on no uncertain terms:

          “I ask then, did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery?f Certainly not! However, because of their trespass, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous.
          But if their trespass means riches for the world, and their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!

          I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry in the hope that I may provoke my own people to jealousy and save some of them.
          For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
          If the first part of the dough is holy, so is the whole batch; if the root is holy, so are the branches.

          Now if some branches have been broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others to share in the nourishment of the olive root, do not boast over those branches. If you do, remember this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you.

          “You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.”
          That is correct: They were broken off because of unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid.
          For if God did not spare the natural branches, He will certainly notg spare you either.

          Take notice, therefore, of the kindness and severity of God: severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.
          And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again.
          For if you were cut from a wild olive tree, and contrary to nature were grafted into one that is cultivated, how much more readily will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree! ”
          ROMANS 11: 11 – 24

          • E.B. – you only possess 66 books of the Bible, and from whatever version of any current Bible.

            The Bible was meant to contain 770 books. Most of those missing books have now been obtained from out of the Vatican – and which will be destroyed soon as a refuge of Satan.

            You have much learning to do if you believe that only 66 books holds ALL the information that has been kept from us for thousands of years.

            That is, if you can tear yourself away from the limited source Bible, you seem to believe holds ALL the information.

          • Yes, Paul makes it clear that the gospel of Christ is very much for the Jews, as it is for the nations. I have not suggested otherwise. You may need to sit on the furnace a bit longer with all the rest of it.

    • My understanding is: Those books were once in the Library of Alexandria – which was apparently destroyed by vested interests in attempting to keep hidden, our complete Human history. Someone, or some entity, retrieved those books before the burning took place, thus, all books ended up in Rome, somewhere. before being transferred to the Vatican when it replaced Rome as the controlling city state, and some time after, the Council of Nicea in AD 395? – forgotten the actual date – chose the current 66 scrolls out of a reported, 774 scrolls for inclusion into, what we now know as the Bible.

      Trump’s foot soldiers, raided the Vatican back in 2018, soon after the Pope capitulated to Trump’s production of damning evidence that implicates all the Popes and the Catholic Church, in the most horrendous of crimes toward children and the stripping of wealth from those who were foolish in listening to the lies that the Church produced.

      They even distorted, for their own benefit, the true history of Christ – as will be revealed.

      We, the public, have yet to be informed of a complete list as to what was retrieved from the catacombs beneath the Vatican, but rest assured, what will be gathered from those ancient works will be far more informative of our Human history, and origin, than the 66 books of the current Bible.

      Biblical scholars are now going through those ‘scrolls’ – they are not really books as they do not fit the description of what we know a ‘book’ to be – and have been deciphering what is within them since the end of 2018.

      I would expect some explosive revelations to eventuate in the not too distant future.

      We’ll keep you posted, E.B.

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