Home News Where Are We Headed? Politics and Rosh Hashanah 5785

Where Are We Headed? Politics and Rosh Hashanah 5785


—  Photo: bnaimitzvahacademy.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This is Part 4 of a series “Where Are We Headed?”, in which I have tried to narrow down the meaning of the words Nation, Government, and War-making. When we use important words sloppily, we can’t think straight, much less create good solutions to problems. Today the word to consider is Politics.

I was once welcomed as a member of a synagogue, even though the rabbi knows I’m Catholic. (Maybe they were hard up for members?) Also, I regularly receive some “Dear Fellow Jews” letters from various organizations. Recently I received such a letter, intended “to prepare us for Rosh Hashanah during these terrible times.”

The lady, Ava, who composed it had an unenviable task — to avoid saying anything that might hint of wrongdoing in Gaza. I found her efforts painful and am now going to clash with her, head-on. My plan is to attack her logic in an intellectual way. This is an intellectual argument about argumentation itself.

Dear Ava, your Rosh Hashana letter is ridiculous. You have proposed the theme “We are Jews. Our people are suffering from Hamas’ attack. In our long history we have suffered by getting ejected from Christian lands. Eventually, we established a homeland in Israel, taking political control in 1948. As the holiday of Rosh Hashanah approaches, let us renew our commitment to protect one another by protecting Israel.” Blah, blah, etc.

May I make three points? Thanks.

  1. At this moment — 2024 in local time, 5785 in Hebrew Tribe time — there is a genocide going on in Gaza. It is undeniably a genocide as Mr Netanyahu has said he intends to wipe those folks out. That war is also causing a lot of loss of life of Jews in Israel. It is causing major soul-stirring of Jews around the world.

For me as a Catholic, Judaism is a major part of my religious heritage. As I’m not well-schooled in history, I don’t know if I’ve got all the facts right, but I don’t need to get them right to know that we Christians sense the morality of Judaism as part and parcel of Jesus’ ideas (albeit with Equality thrown in — maybe that was a Roman theme?).

To me, the main Hebrew contribution to western civilization is theological. It is about “right and wrong as advised by Yahweh.” It is about being fair and following the rules, especially the Mosaic rules. Plus — but I imagine this is mainly modern — the Jewish thing is to look for social injustice anywhere and try to correct it.

Therefore, if there is a problem staring us in the face, such as the wiping out of Gazans, it can’t be correct to say “We must uphold our Jewish community by preventing discussion of The Problem.” (I realize Ava’s letter did not say that, as such.)

OK, Ava, that’s my “Jew Equals Morality” argument against your theme.

  1. The second problem has to do with the assumptions you make about a “state.” Calling the State of Israel a “homeland for the Jews of the diaspora” is technically incorrect. Maybe the location (roughly, the borders of Israel) is a homeland. But a state, per se, is a state. You are mixing apples and oranges.

Granted, if the vast majority (say, 90%) of a state’s inhabitants are of a particular faith or a particular ethnicity, we tend to mentally merge the concept of “state” with those people, or with their mission. Our brain has its ways of simplifying the world. I suppose if that leads to incorrect ideas or policies, we should be more precise.

The nation-state that is today called Israel has long had a large Arab population, some of whom are Christian, some Muslim. At the moment, about 20% of Israeli citizens are ethnic Arabs. At best, you could call Israel the “headquarters” of the Jews. My point is that the nation-state of Israel is plainly not an all-Jew thing. Rather, it’s a state. It walks like a state and talks like a state, no matter what the ethnic content is.

There’s also some dispute about the ethnic origin of the European Jews who fled in considerable numbers to the then-British Mandate of Palestine in the 1940s. How many of them were ethnically “returning home” to Israel? It has been proposed that a substantial portion of the 20th century Jewish population in Eastern Europe had ancestry in Khazaria on the Russian steppes, whose ethnic ties are Turkic. “DNA” has provided some evidence of this. Allegedly a conversion to Judaism was made, en masse, by the rulers of Khazaria in the 8th century.

That’s not a problem as regards Jewish “identity” — an individual can become a Jew by conversion, and so can a whole nation. However, it takes away from the idea that every Jewish person has a nostalgic right to the old land known as Palestine. The Sephardic Jews, who never left the Middle East, are the exception. It’s indisputably their historic “homeland.” (But even that is malleable in the modern world — Individuals move around, groups make new policies about land claims, etc.)

OK, Ava, that’s my argument against your equating “a people” with a state. All states have a typical way of behaving, like states. The “State of Israel” is not the same thing as “the Jewish community.” An apple is not an orange.

  1. Which brings me to an intellectual area that is hardly developed at all: state politics in a globalized world. The element to watch for is: Who is making the decisions that affect the fate of masses of people? In a simpler time of human history, when each tribe was isolated, it could be accurately assumed that the visible leader was really in charge. But today, who makes decisions for Australia? For Ethiopia? For Jordan? For the Netherlands? For the United States? For Russia?

Back in 1990, I obtained a PhD in Politics. That degree gives me almost no clue to understanding who runs the show in 2024, in any country. We were taught to recognize some different types of government — dictatorships, democracies, colonies, constitutional monarchies, theocracies. Well, all right, there are models of such out there. (Respectively, for example: North Korea, Sweden, Bermuda, Canada, Saudi Arabia.) But isn’t every government today in the clutches of one global ruler?

In 2020, who would have guessed that the rather flimsy World Health Organization could order just about everyone on the planet to do a Lockdown, or to wear a mask, or in 2021 to get vaccinated? It did not seem to matter if you were part of a democracy, a theocracy, or a whatever. WHO became the Great Equalizer.

Look — that boss, the WHO, does not have troops! So the decision-making must have been carried out by the willingness, the agreement, of local “political” rulers! (That, by the way, included Israel, whose citizens were medically experimented on ruthlessly by the vaxxers.)

Of course, words like “emergency” and “epidemic” do tend to get a huge number of citizens to co-operate voluntarily. Still, one is left wondering if, rather than local rulers carrying out the Lockdown, it was hidden troops of world government within each of the 195 nation states. If so, then there are no real “politics” — just a lot of media blather about the numbers game and personalities. Very entertaining.

I am a dual citizen of US and Australia. In Australia, we say that the US is the hidden boss: Parliament does what Uncle Sam wants. Or, since King Charles is the monarch of Australia, the secret troops that led the pandemic response could have been British. Or, conceivably, given Australia’s location, the hidden ruler is China.

Hmm. Does China itself have a hidden ruler? All it took for the Brits to boss the Chinese around, in mid-nineteenth century, was a large supply of opium. Maybe foreign control is that easy.

Does America have a hidden ruler? During the long tenure of J Edgar Hoover as head of the FBI, all members of Congress, and even the president, were potentially blackmailable. Hoover could get what he wanted by showing them his scandal-dossier on them. But what was in it for him? Surely he was not the real decision maker about any particular policy.

I am making the odd suggestion that there is no such thing as “politics” when a global ruler is at the helm. Decisions are made and orders carried out, period.

OK, Ava, I have now asked you “Who is the global boss?” It’s unlikely that you know. I’m sure you sincerely wish to protect Israel. But that probably involves globalism. Is Bibi obeying someone? I’ll bet he is.


This article is 4th in a series at GumshoeNews.com entitled “Where Are We Headed?”. The first three articles looked at Nation, Government, and War-making, and this one looked at Politics, using — for holiday reasons — a matter of Israeli politics.

Just imagine our brains being so undisciplined that we don’t even know what such entities really are. And yet we plan activities, and make judgements, as though these terms were reliable! We blunder around, talking as though every man and his dog knows what ‘government’ is. Maybe we should pin down what WAR is, as our primary task, since allegedly we are about to enter World War III.

I thank the Jewish community writer, Ava, for sending out a letter that urges solidarity for Rosh Hashanah without getting sidetracked into “the Gaza affair.” I took the opportunity to unravel her pleading by saying that 1. Judaism is profoundly associated with morality, and that 2. Israel is a state rather than a “community,” and that 3. maybe the Jews of Israel — and the Kenyans of Kenya, etc — all have a globalist boss whom we lack control over (and can’t even identify, for Pete’s sake!).

Above, I did not enter into the ongoing genocide in Gaza, but I will now. I think that the wholesale killing (if such it is, we may be misinformed!!) is outrageous. Since it appears to be Israeli government decision-makers that are going wild in Gaza, the citizens of Israel have a responsibility to rein them in.

I hereby recommend that since Jews worldwide (like Greeks worldwide) have a well-known tie to their motherland, they should, every one of them, meet locally with a few friends (or rabbi) and hammer away at what can be done to STOP this genocide. How else can “community” come into it?

October 7, 2024 is only days away. A year of killing is enough, isn’t it? More than a million Palestinians are still standing. They are pretty helpless, although other nations such as Iran may enter the fray. Then, supposedly, there will be world war. What ever for?

Questions for your meeting:

What information needs to be put on the table?

If mistakes have been made, would it be wise to ‘fess up?

What outcome in Gaza is both humane and feasible?

What will be the price of World War III?

What is in the best interest of ordinary Jewish folks at this juncture?

Which principles and strategies have priority?

What can we do?



    • We will all be ruined if it keeps going down…. $A3,901.
      They want to break we poor silver peasants because we just want to be part of ‘a killing’.

      • Years ago I tried to follow precious metal prices as an indicator of geo-political intrigue. – What a joke, the markets were so manipulated that up was down and down was up. – Just go with the trend and forget the day/week/monthly movements.

  1. “When you approach a city to fight against it, you are to make an offer of peace.

    If they accept your offer of peace and open their gates, all the people there will become forced laborers to serve you.

    But if they refuse to make peace with you and wage war against you, lay siege to that city.

    When the LORD your God has delivered it into your hand, you must put every male to the sword.

    But the women, children, livestock, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder, and you shall use the spoil of your enemies that the LORD your God gives you.

    This is how you are to treat all the cities that are far away from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.

    However, in the cities of the nations that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you must not leave alive anything that breathes.

    For you must devote them to complete destruction—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you so that they cannot teach you to do all the detestable things they do for their gods, and so cause you to sin against the LORD your God.”
    DEUTERONOMY 20: 10 – 18

    • “Few things in politics are simple. One should always tease out the complexities, embrace the nuance. But to my mind, what is happening right now is pretty straightforward. You are either on the side of a barbarous theocratic regime that oppresses and murders women, workers and minorities and whose allies recently carried out the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, or you are on the side of Israel. It’s time to choose.”

      • What’s interesting is the affinity between Climate Alarmism and Muslim ideology as shouted out by the Madonna of said alliance:

        In my view it goes to the fact that both are based on self-righteousness
        I realise that there are untold self-righteous souls who claim to be Christian
        But the core tenets of “following in Christ’s footprints” are averse to any such mindset

        • I don’t know if Jesus read that stuff about Moses killing all the infidels, potentially it was still being written up and added to at the same time as Jesus was active in Nazareth

          • “all the detestable things they do for their gods”
            DEUTERONOMY 20:18

            From 1:37 minutes:
            “so in his excavation report McAllister found a pit which he described as being filled with a great number of bones of human beings in a confused heap.Nearby was the skeleton of a young girl who had evidently been sawn asunder: she had been cut in half. She was found along with the skulls of two other girls who had been decapitated and this could be determined because of
            the cut marks through the vertebrae and then McAllister says that all around the feet of the columns, that is the standing stones, he discovered the skeletons of young infants. They were deposited in large jars and the skeletons showed marks of fire. Around the base of these pillars were jars with burned human babies inside of them”

            I sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes the day you finally wake up to the fact that ignorance/concocting silly theories is not bliss

        • Inasmuch as, bar Israeli wokery, the 7th Oct scenario could have been averted, you’re right
          But that doesn’t exactly let the Islamists off the hook

      • In elspeth’s second paragraph he has the wrong victim. It is Israel that has been attacking, raping and pillaging and stealing the land of the Palestinians since 1948.

    • “you must put every male to the sword.

      But the women, children, livestock, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder, and you shall use the spoil of your enemies that the LORD your God gives you.” – Well, if God gives it to me, then it must be alright.

      • Yeah, “if they refuse to make peace with you and wage war against you, lay siege to that city” the template for the aftermath of the 7th October onslaught

        • ISLAMOPHOBIA: A condition caused by being aware of the core principles of Islam

          ISRAELOPHOBIA: A condition that’s synonymous with turning a blind eye thereto

          • Yep cut off the heads of those who accept Christ.
            Ref: Noahide laws.
            Sounds as bad as some Islamic crap.
            Why cannot those two get along as mates and leave the rest of us out of it?

          • Are you seriously missing the fact that the war that was instigated on 7/10/23 was against a “secular” (atheistic) nation and that’s where it rests?

            And that Judaism has never been an armed political force ?

            And that the “orthodox” crew have sought exemption from military service, being every bit as opposed to the same “secular” (atheistic) nation as the Islamists:

          • Western media is portraying Israel as the aggressor because the last thing any western government wants is to alert the Hoi Poloi to the fact they’re next on the Islamic hit list
            There’s a concerted effort to conceal the situation because it’s entirely due to the asinine political direction of the past 50-odd years – the political direction without which they would automatically lose all control

    • E.B. – what you describe there is exactly the Roman way of conquering, ‘the known world’.

      Copied, by Islam, and later, by all Western European powers and on into the United States Corporation.

      Thankfully, we will all see an end to it, forever.

      • What’s noteworthy is that the success of Islam has always been commensurate to the failure/apostasy of Christians– the “falling away” repeatedly called out throughout the bible – also in relation to Judah’s original enemies:

        Which means the ball is, and always has been in Israel’s court (as I also intimate above)

        Problem is that being oblivious to said dynamic is bound to result in getting hold of the wrong end of the stick

  2. The fact that invasion is allowed proves our governments are behind it. We have a one party system, by a few, WHO control the de facto communist party global.

  3. Heaps of fun at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
    Presently at the top, a 18 min report re FBI having the Diddy tapes showing ……… killing.
    Plus more for the normies to realise that shtf even might wake up Hadley at, 2GB- he dislikes paediphiles but does not seem to note how far up it is and that it is used to blackmail politicians, some gullible media types and run Hollywood for its masters.
    Oh well, back to the ME terrorists!
    Col Klink our censor…. You are going to lose.

  4. This is spiritual war. The idea that some are better than others, so we must always support them when they are butchering innocents, poisoning water food and air and ripping us blind is basically land grab.

  5. Heaps more with Mary at WTPN SITUATION UP DATE AT BIN.
    Just the three minute opening on Helene promises some entertainment for msm normies.
    Yep it is the lithium,,,,, billions of dollars.
    I heard a detailed report on it yesterday.
    So who does not believe in weather control as announced in the 60 s by the US airforce?

    • Silly me.
      I should know; the climate disaster idiots and globalist controlled politicians pandering to the Green race and who can forget the ABC and SBS?
      And the nine network puppets et.al.

    • Dear Elspith, (and sponsors )
      Enjoy the fun from about 51 minutes.
      Interesting plan said to be under way for both/ALL of us💁🙀🤪🤷‍♂️ – interesting “choice/s” to be made.
      I reserve on my ‘choice’ , I suspect orders and mandates from Khazarian dictators and their puppets.
      Perhaps make your own informed choice.

      • Well Elspeth, did you get to the end of Mary’s repot?
        As you requested, I have chosen.
        You duck up there with family together with your Australian opponents and sought out the problems in the lands of hate .
        If you do not mind, Australians must sit it out and watch and wish you and your sponsors manage.
        Australia with our blackmailed/ controlled politicians and msm have killed too many of us up there and elsewhere getting involved with their petty wars, at least since WW1 and on through to Vietnam, Iraq and so on.
        My CHOICE, let hatred present its own solution, out of of our sight and fight.
        Best of luck and remember the USS LIBERTY MURDERS IN 1967.
        Fool us thrice and more, silly us. Some of us say NO MORE! You go!- YOUR CHOICE.

  6. E B,
    As you are our in house old testament expert, try Ezekiel
    With Jaco from about 15 mins. At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    That is after Jaco refers to Helene, weather manipulation and the old findings on the Evergreen stuck in the Suez fitting in with the Port Authority reasons for the strike.
    Yep, it is all blowing. Fun is it not?
    That just might be why Israel and the controllers want a world war …… to cover up the lot.
    Oh well, will Israel really be lorry for last?

      • The jews video is good for anyone totally confused like the commenter berry, the moon is quite boring in the second minute

        • Very interesting address in the first video.
          Fits in with Ben Fulford’s classification of the Kharzarian MAFIA and their alleged satanic practices – the anti Jews who manipulate the useful idiots.
          Same all over, psychos abound and are found under the same umbrellas for cover.

          • Prophecy concerning Israel :

            “The Worm is Turning and the world will see My Strength and Power made perfect in Weakness!

            You few people of Israel who are left, do not be afraid even though you are weak as a worm.

            I Myself will help you,” says The LORD.

            “The one who saves you is the Holy One of Israel. Look, I have made you like a new threshing board with many sharp teeth…”

            ““Fear not, you worm Jacob,
            You men of Israel!
            I will help you,” says the Lord
            And your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
            “Behold, I will make you into a new threshing sledge with sharp teeth;
            You shall thresh the mountains and beat them small,
            And make the hills like chaff.”

            Isaiah 41:14-15

  7. https://gnostictv.com/pages/tales-of-survival-from-the-darkside?via=brice

    Our Speakers!
    Step into the shadows and witness incredible stories of resilience in “Tales of Survival from the Darkside.” These are real accounts from people who faced their darkest moments, defied the odds, and came out stronger. Their experiences will inspire you, lift you up, and show you just how powerful the human spirit truly is.

    Sharing this from Rachel Vaughan {telegram}

    nb — for those who noted re a comment I made several articles ago a response to Ricardo speaking at rallies –2022–and the Canberra rally I refered to Adrian Wells and my inability to find any news about him — and the importance of his testimony-

    well if you watch the preview above — he is one of the speakers- it made my spirit rise and brought tears of joy

    • One survivor of the cult said:

      “My mother was Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the leader of a small sect in the Dandenongs called the Family or the Great White Brotherhood. I was a small part of her plan to collect children in what she herself once called a “scientific experiment”. Later I discovered it was her intention that we children would continue her sect after the earth was consumed by a holocaust. She saw us as the “inheritors of the earth”. I didn’t know that then. In those days I was just a child. A child of a guru, but a child no less.

      Twenty-two to twenty-eight children in all lived at Uptop in its heyday, although the fosters had varying lengths of stay

      Why did Anne collect all of us children and make this false ‘family’? I often wonder just what it was she wanted of us. Was it just to satisfy her ego? To satisfy her great need to be worshipped and adored by those around her?

      Why did she raise us in almost total social isolation, miles from anywhere, with minimal contact with other humans apart from the sect members who looked after us? Why did she subject us to the bizarre and cruel regimen in which we grew up?

      I suspect perhaps that there were more sinister motives than these alone. Some of us had multiple birth certificates and passports, and citizenship of more than one country. Only she knows why thus was and why we were also all dressed alike, why most of us even had our hair dyed identically blond. I can only conjecture because I will never know for sure. However I suspect that she went to such great lengths in order to enable her to move children around, in and out of the country. Perhaps even to be sold overseas. I’m sure there is a market somewhere in the world for small blond children with no traceable identities. If she did it, it was a perfect scam. Many ex-sect members have said that they were aware that Anne was creating children by a “breeding program” in the late 1960s. These were ‘invisible’ kids, because they had no papers and there is no proof that they ever existed. Yet we Hamilton-Byrne children had multiple identities. These identities could perhaps have been loaned to other children and the similarity of our appearance used to cover up their absence. One little blond kid looks very like another in a passport photo.

      Excerpt from UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNKNOWN

      by Sarah Moore (Hamilton-Byrne)”

    • I did not listen to Cassidy but Clif High dumps her at BIN with Rodrigues.
      Clif High detects alert messages for a bloody big event coming up—— worse tan 911 yes the usuals Are desperate again.

  8. The plan is to bring wages down reducing Aussies to poverty, with CCP as role model for NWO enforcing instant punishment through digital, that’s why they’re getting rid of cash. Is this what we need in Oz when cashless becomes absolute slavery?
    Bottom line, Gaza is cleared for development and natural gas off the coast, all for the love of money!
    If people own nothing, then someone else owns everything. In this communist AI technocracy the rich own the lot.

  9. The Fall of the Anglo-American Empire and the Rise of a New Paradigm
    On this edition of KPFG.com Matt Ehret joins Assumpta on Spotlight Africa to discuss geopolitical earthquakes, the future of Africa, multipolarity, the collapse of unipolarism and more.

  10. Ben Fulford update for 4th 0ctober at beforeitsnews.com
    Quite a few important topics starting with Israel and finishing with Judea🌈💁🤪🤷‍♂️
    Come on EB, you must have contacts in Israel to deal with relevant reported matters of concern for you as reported by one of your kin.
    Most of us just have a passing interest and know sfa……. As you would think?
    Just report current matters raised, not for the last few hundred thousand years, would assist us please.
    After all, it is bloody relevant to the silver and gold market and we do not want to go broke and Terry has to plan what he needs for his summer crop.

    • Already decided on the crops. Some Sabago potatoes, jams and a bunch of three sisters gardens. I can store most of it in my root cellar for when next winter arrives.

      • When are we going to see you on TV with that monstrous hairy guy?
        Do not know his name, the program or channel but it is something about gardening.

        • I’m just a hack gardener, but it seems to be working out. – I just sat outside as the sun went down and listened to the birds and the frogs. It is nice to be in a quiet rural environment, no traffic, no music, just nature signing off for the evening.

          • I grew sebagos last year and was very happy with the crop.
            Like you I live in a rural area with cows and sheep and visited by wonderful bird life, maaggies,currawongs, butcher birds and the most melodious of all the grey shrike thrush.

          • Sandra, Terry, are you selling?
            They want to rezone me for 12 ‘more’ car ‘electric’ greenie spaces.
            All I will need is a golf cart.
            Albanese infiltrators will need to live somewhere
            What is wrong with Pilliga?

          • Sandra, searched your grey shrike thrush and note the butcher bird. But could not detect a serenade from the thrush.
            So I will raise your thrush two serenades by my butcher bird who announces his breakfast call on my kitchen widow sil each morning to share my breakfast.
            (I think I am being scammed. He has doubles and is probably a politician in the bird world)

          • Currawongs are great you know you’re up in the hills and they have a peculiar echo sort of sound so you get a feel of the size of the place

  11. Bloody hell: ABC, SBS, Globalist controlled msm and
    Your overpaid shock jokes and our dumb pelican politicians plus our useless normies here.
    Listen to Mary’s report on 4/10 at situation update at beforeitsnews.com
    You will pay…. If there is a God!
    If not, you will be strung up.

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