Home News Where Do the New Emperors Fit in the Human Community? A Philosopher’s...

Where Do the New Emperors Fit in the Human Community? A Philosopher’s Search    


The Bahamas, Photo: Villahotels.com. Thomas J Farrell's book, "On How and Why Things Are the Way They Are," about the work of linguistics scholar Walter OngThe Bahamas, Photo: Villahotels.com. Thomas J Farrell’s book, “On How and Why Things Are the Way They Are,” about the work of linguistics scholar Walter Ong

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

The world is in a crisis of apparently great proportion and possible uniqueness: It seems that a few people are trying to take over the human race.  Sure, the Roman emperors tried that, and the Brits made a partial stab at it, but their goal was not to change the human being. They only sought to impose their rule on foreigners.

Today’s New Emperors — if I may call them that — have proclaimed their intention to change the human being. Let me name four very impressive features of what’s going on. (Or maybe only of ‘what is said to be going on,’ since it’s hard to discern factual reality from fairy tales these days!)

  1. The New Emperors say they will change all of finance. We know they have the wherewithal to do that, as they have been in command of banking and hence of much of human economy, for decades. (Think how the IMF, say, is able to impose austerity measures on a government.) Klaus Schwab says his group will eliminate “ownership.”
  2. The New Emperors will change the human brain physically, such as by connecting our neurons to “artificial intelligence,” and maybe change other parts of human anatomy, by fiddling with the blueprint, the DNA. (It remains to be seen whether this is an attainable goal, but they have indeed made alterations to animal species by gene editing.)
  3. The New Emperors will — even without altering the brain — change human thinking by controlling the output of information. Old books may disappear from the library and speech will be curtailed by punishing “thought crime.” We can already see that a few people have the ability to influence the masses by lying on TV News, and/or by manipulating the emotions of fear in a whole society.
  4. The New Emperors will decide who lives and who dies. Persons whom they consider “useless eaters” may no longer have a “right” to exist. A whole nation — a whole continent — could be wiped out by electronic weapons without any visible battle taking place.

Personally, I consider the New Emperors to be useless eaters who no longer have a right to exist. If I could press a button to eliminate them, I would. I don’t have that power.  I also suspect that maybe they don’t have that power, either. What are they waiting for?  Do they have dissension in their ranks?  Do they have a lack of guts?  I don’t know.

This article goes beyond their plans. I want to philosophize as to what the possibilities are. A philosopher takes very little as final and inevitable.  The point of philosophy is to inquire about the nature of humanity, and see if things could be improved upon.

The philosophical search in this article consist so asking what it would take to de-plinth the New Emperors, given that it’s traditionally difficult to get consensus and cooperation among a large mixed body of humans. People have their individual interests, and there are “special interest groups,” too, that feel their way is the way to fight for. How to oppose the new monsters? Should we just accept them?

I will look at the human ability to act together. Really, what chances are there for us to deal with the present crisis? To repeat, my preference would be to knock off the New Emperors, who are what we used to call bastards and also seem to be “certifiable” nut cakes. But I don’t think individuals can do what is needed in a random way. They would have to organize themselves into a force; they would need a plan and today there is no plan on offer.

What Is Community?

Etymologically, word community is related to the word common, as in something that is held in common, hence is public. We hold air and the landscape in common; we all see the air and thelandscape; they are public.  The word community indicates a society with a sentiment of togetherness. I assume that sentiment is underwritten by social emotions. Humans are social by nature.

But there is no “thing” called community that we can order to appear. Our local community probably came about historically by some combination of kinship, joint work projects, or beliefs. Or, if we are in bad shape, our community may consist of a bunch of distressed and /or isolated persons. I suppose we could make a conscious effort to set up a community. Typically, big tasks require both coordination and leadership.

Here is a quote from James Rosenau’s book “The Study of Global Independence” (1980, p 106):

“By public affairs and the community, I mean those arenas of action and interaction where the collective wants and needs of individuals who do not know each other, are recognized, addressed, and managed….

“The processes of aggregation set the limits beyond which community leaders cannot extend their management of public affairs. Whether it be democratic or authoritarian, the community could not exist without the aggregative processes that link the collectivity to the individuals who comprise it….

“Good citizens are those who seek to be aware of their ties to the community and act to sustain the ties…. Neither through ignorance nor disdain can the individual get out of citizenship, if only because noninvolvement and inaction also have consequences for the process of aggregation.”

I make the assumption (but have not checked on it empirically) that “pre-civilized” societies formed themselves without mapping out the connection between individual and group. The process of community-building was most likely unconscious and instinctive.

The forming was also cultural in that each person gets born into an already existing community and can hardly wave a magic wand over it to change its practices or its shape. (Never mind that that’s what Bill Gates thinks he can do.) Looking around us today we see cultures collapsing for lack of stable connection between individual and community. We, in 21st century US, think we should look out for our personal interest first and foremost. Trust in public figures has gone. This is a very bad situation. We need community.

Law As Seen by a Philosopher

Now let’s turn to law, as that’s the thing that we tend to refer to when describing how modern people relate to one another and to their tribe, that is, their nation. (Not all nations are tribes in the ethnic sense, but all persons living today are aware of having a presence in one nation or another.) By “law” I mean something that got produced or refined by legislators or judges and which indicates the correct behavior for people to follow.

If ever there was a philosopher of law it is Philip Allott who lives in Cambridge, UK at Trinity College. Allott understands our biological nature and so realizes that law came about gradually and reflects the complexities of social relationships. However, in his 2016 book “Eutopia,” he is toying intellectually with law’s modern structure.

I will now quote relevant passages from that book, “Eutopia:  New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World.” All of this is from Allott’s Chapter 10, entitled “Law, Authority, and Society. Except for passages in double quotes, the material is a close paraphrasing of the original. Anything in square brackets is my commentary, and bolding is mine, to highlight components of our present discussion.

“Law is the anatomy and physiology of a society.” Law is made in the mind and imposed on the world. “It is based on customs, conventions, social demands and expectations. A society is a labyrinth of obligation and self-imposed necessity.”

Custom involves worship of our ancestors and accumulated wisdom. It emerges from the natural purpose of society — our survival and flourishing.  “Law is intrinsically malleable; it must often change to suit new needs. Legislated law has a hinterland of customary law.”

Common law is formed inductively by universalizing the legal principles underlying cases. “Law courts are an integral part of the … self-creating of society and hence socially accountable for their decisions….” …”The central problem of law in human society is its relation to power. All law is an exercise of power by human beings, in its making, application and enforcement. As a consequence, there can be good law and bad law, good courts and bad courts…. Law can be a means of oppression and exploitation.”

“Two particular aspects have predominated in the installing of law in the deep-structure of society — the problem of law in relation to the totality of society; the problem of the role of law in the control of public power.” Both are crucial to the task of re-imagining and remaking the place of law now, and also in regard to international law.

“The resulting social reality has a network of legal relations that bind the society to human beings and human beings to one another.” … “Values are the basis of judgements that we make, individually and collectively…. The human imagination plays a big part in forming our values, in the way that we imagine ourselves and our societies…our potentialities and our obligations, our freedom and our necessity….”

Rule of Law asserts the authority of law over all public power. “… the gradual and painful emergence of the …idea of the Rule of Law was directly connected with profound changes in some societies in the fourteenth century. The sudden development of those societies was primarily economic. Their collective wealth increased rapidly and the center of gravity… moved in favor of newly empowered social classes.”

“It would take centuries of …  constitutionalism to find the basis for the authority of a society’s law within the authority of that society as a whole…. On many occasions the struggle led to civil war.” “Self-constitutionalising societies watched each other and learned from each other.”

Until recently, no known society theorized that its legal power is simply a product of physical power — law is violence by other means.

The Alphas

Now let’s get back to the New Emperors for a minute, comparing them to alphas in mammalian species that have a distinct hierarchy. The males at the top get control of as much of the resources as they can grab. Such behavior is genetic. The alpha has worked his way up by fighting with rivals, or somehow impressing others of his worthiness for the job. The acceptance of him is also genetic. Individuals low down are not going to attack him, and once he is king all will defer to him.

In early human society, the top man in the group may have used additional means, such as coalitions, deception, or bribery, to control those who may challenge him. Anthropologist Pierre vanden Berghe thinks coalitions were key. The village chief is the person with the most supporters — these may have been his brothers-in-law, if he were able to gather several wives. Or they may be henchmen whom he bought off.  Or they may have been persons of less intelligence than he, whom he could subject to trickery.

That said, a major change has occurred. Kin supporters are no longer necessary, though the Big Guy does need a power base.  His has a large ability to pay his minions, due to the possibility of unlimited wealth-creation via “money.” And his ability to deceive is enhanced a millionfold if he has cracked the secret of mind control. Additionally, by secretly controlling entire governments, he gets the use of armies, law enforcement, and judges, which uphold his “authority.”

As listed above, the New Emperors of the 21st century, the Grand Resetters, appear to have the ability: to run all finance (and therefore all economy, which includes food trade), to change the brain physically, to control the output of information, and to decide who is worthy of living. It is vital that we recognize the newness of these four developments, even if they have some background.  They are new, new, new, and new. Please be overwhelmed.

Literacy Removed Us from Purely Natural Society

This article purports to be a philosophical search for ways to imagine the defeat of the New Emperors. I have so far used ideas from zoology on the behavior of alpha mammals, from James Rosenau on community, and from Philip Allott on law. I’m asking: How did we come to the position we are in, whereby a handful of people can politely inform 8 billion of their conspecifics that they have taken over and there is no point remonstrating.

I wish to add another scholar’s reflections, those of the late Rev Walter Ong. He was a student of language who noticed that a huge change occurred in human life when writing was invented. The human species went from “orality” to “literacy.” If Ong’s 1982 book, “Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word,” were better known known, we could jettison our incorrect assumption that people in preliterate societies thought like us but lacked a way to record their ideas on paper.

No, they didn’t think like us. We think in a way that was made possible by the abstractionism that springs from writing. I’ll give an example that Ong took from Alexander Luria’s study in Russia. Luria asked preliterate people “In the Far North where there is always snow, all bears are white. Novaya Zembla is a place in the Far North. What color are the bears there?”  If you were answering, you might apply Aristotelian logic, and answer “White, of course.” But your mind has been changed by literacy. Luria reports:

One man said “I don’t know.  I’ve seen a black bear, I’ve never seen any other.” Then Luria asked a barely literate chairman of a collective farm. He said “To go by your words, they should all be white.” Ong notes ‘to go by your words’ indicates awareness of the formal intellectual structure, “but the fellow was more comfortable in the person-to-person human lifeworld than in a world of pure abstractions.” Ong says:

“Oral cultures must conceptualize and verbalize all their knowledge with more or less close reference to the human lifeworld. A writing culture, and even more a typographic (print) culture can distance and in a way denature even the human” (p 42).

Today we say that it is technology, such as the computer, that makes us less human, but I agree with Ong that moving from speaking person-to-person (there was no other way to speak) to making an imagined group — “my book audience” — the receiver of my thoughts is a big change. Once I leave the person-to-person realm, I can no longer count on all the evolved behaviors of human social interaction. I can invent really nutball ideas such as “Most of the 8 billion eaters aren’t worthy to live.”

Sorry, I have not gotten far with this paper’s plan to come up with ways of challenging the New Emperors.  But I hope I have persuaded you that we should be attending to two human resources: build up trust in our community and assert, by every method, the Rule of Law (which, Allott notes, means that the authority for law is the whole society). And we should acknowledge that abstractionism is, at this moment, our enemy.

I doubt there is any way to tackle the New Emperor problem without giving such basic factors their due.



  1. Correction. I said: ” The point of philosophy is to inquire about the nature of humanity, and see if things could be improved upon.” I do realize that much of philosophy looks at the nature of the world, not just at humanoids, K?

    I also realize that not all philosophers are trying “to see if things could be improved upon.” This blooper on my part has now reminded me of something funny: When we were studying Social Science in college (1960s) we were told that the relevant academic ethic forbade our making value judgments about the social phenomena we uncovered. I fell for it. I believed there was an ethical rule to make us be “value-neutral.” Hilarious — the ease of training an 18-year-old’s mind.

    (Not sure when I got over it, but when I got over it I really really got over it.)

  2. “the nature of humanity” is spelled out loud and clear in Genesis through to Revelation together with the blueprint for salvation.
    And there’s no getting round the fact that salvation doesn’t take place by virtue of “improving” anything

      • The questions that need to be asked is, why did vast improvements take place in such arenas as literacy,agriculture, medicine etc within so-called “Christendom” ?
        And why has there been there a dramatic “falling away” ?

        • “Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

          That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

          Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come A FALLING AWAY first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

          Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”
          2 THESSALONIANS 2: 1 – 4


    • What about the apocrypha, they deleted the whole lot, and that guy Saul/Paul packed out the entire 2nd half with stuff he got from God-knows-where, while the Roman emperors were trying to figure out how they should handle and infiltrate this movement. In the end they did so with spectacular success, the Vatican being the most successful multinational business of all time, and precursor to the Geneva UN umbrella group of IMF, WHO, WEF etc.
      What is real and what is fake, it’s no use accepting being spoon fed by King James who faked the Gunpowder Plot and used Guy Fawkes a local bigmouth as his patsy. To accept everything is just submission and that’s the same device they use in Islam. I did read a “book” by Saul/Paul a long long time ago, it was called Letter to Timothy, I read it because it was very short, I thought it was bullshit. Saul/Paul seemed to go out of his way to celebrify himself, who knows if anything he said about being in dungeons or whatever was true. Some agendas may have been implanted with him, that we cannot even recognise because the political relevance of the time is lost to us. Like the fire of London was done in 1666, probably planned at least ten years ahead. Nero also suspected of burning Rome for real estate reasons. No, the old Holy Bible can only be a spaghetti like every other thing, nothing is pure and simple, everything gets adulterated, by greedy perverts and mercenaries and such like.

      • Fire of London and the bubonic plague. Thanks, Joe.
        Not to mention the potato famine in Ireland, circa 1849, without which we would not have the above article.

        • kinda demolishes the claim that “they deleted the whole lot, and that guy Saul/Paul packed out the entire 2nd half with stuff he got from God-knows-where”

          Quite apart from which the subject has no bearing whatsoever on the veracity of the passage I posted

          • Since Cheney’s think they own Wyoming they have got their own problems, this guy should stick to shooting raccoons.
            Nothing in the Apocrypha could be any worse than Saul/Paul’s Letter to Timothy. Not sure if the first 3 gospels were cooked up by random hireling scribes, all working to the same specifications, to remodel the Book of John.
            Now what were those Tran Brothers reading in the Apocrypha again, I wonder if I can find it.

        • NB: The persona of King James had no bearing whatsoever on the version of the bible that bears said name; said bod just happened to be the Brit monarch at the point of peak Euro literacy – hence the loss of nuance in subsequent translations

      • “the old Holy Bible can only be a spaghetti like every other thing, nothing is pure and simple, everything gets adulterated, by greedy perverts and mercenaries and such like.”

        “For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with words of wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
        For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
        1 CORINTHIANS 1:17 – 18


        • I thought he was nailed onto a pole, because the blood drips are going down on the shroud. Is Corinthians another of Saul/Paul’s letters ? They must have wanted a logo and a pole wouldn’t really do.

      • Apocrypha — Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”

        The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41

        Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”


        Chapter 7: The Conflict
        The Struggle for the Birthright:
        Table of Contents

        Chapter Selection:

        Chapter 1: The Birthright
        Chapter 2: The Story of Esau
        Chapter 3: Judah’s Dominion Mandate
        Chapter 4: The Laws of Tribulation
        Chapter 5: The Captivities of Judah
        Chapter 6: The Rejection of Jesus
        Chapter 7: The Conflict
        Chapter 8: The New Jerusalem
        Chapter 9: The Jewish Spirit of Revolt
        Chapter 10: Zionism’s Beginnings
        Chapter 11: The Rise of Jewish Terrorism
        Chapter 12: The Israeli State
        Chapter 13: The Land War
        Chapter 14: Israeli Policy Toward Palestinians
        Chapter 15: Gog’s Invasion
        Chapter 16: The Antichrist
        Chapter 17: The Conclusion


        • Same old “The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah” claim that’s not even remotely backed up by the cited source
          And that, surprise surprise, doesn’t correspond to the “Nuts & Bolts” run-down in any respect

  3. “… and one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question to test Him. “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
    Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. ‘This is the greatest and first commandment. Love God above all else. And the second is like it. ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself. ‘On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” “

    Matthew 22:35-40

    Philosophy most pure.

  4. Nice one Mary.
    Re your point 3.

    We are in an AI prison …here they tell us what to read and watch in this prison. This prison has a universal panopticon to boot. AI is being allowed to dangerously shape public discourse. According to Igor Chudov the insane-with-power WEF’s agenda is proposing to “create an AI system that would search the entire Internet for ‘wrong and dangerous ‘ ideas, generally defined by the WEF as ‘COVID misinformation’, ‘hate’, ‘conspiracy theories’, ‘climate change denial’, and more.

    This means that an unelected world bureaucracy would obtain AI-enabled tools to shape Sovereign discourse. Google is developing an AI-based tool to offer a “cross-service database of terrorist items,” with the help of the United Nations-supported “Tech against Terrorism…..Google provides a tool to comply with the EU’s Digital Services Act, which created an enormous bureaucratic mechanism to root out “Covid misinformation,” as well as many other types of discourse undesirable to the EU’s bureaucracy.” “Google wants its “AI content moderation tool” to be placed on numerous private websites to compare local content against a global “undesirable content database.”
    “It would also use material gathered from those sites to expand said database. The EU’s directive will oblige those websites to implement Google’s solution”. Further, “Most such projects are started with the explicit goal of combating child exploitation and terrorism…. However, the control machinery is adjustable, and the list of things to control inevitably expands. In the ‘so-called’ free democratic countries, the independently developing public discourse would shape the governments via free elections. The unelected EU bureaucrats want to achieve the opposite – to shape discourse without being subject to the whims of the electorate.”

    Ominous for all of us under the New Imperial power. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/allowing-ai-to-shape-public-discourse?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

    • Of all the rides since the birth of time,
      Told in story or sung in rhyme,—
      On Apuleius’s Golden Ass,
      Or one-eyed Calendar’s horse of brass,
      Witch astride of a human back,
      Islam’s prophet on Al-Borak,—
      The strangest ride that ever was sped
      Was Ireson’s, out from Marblehead!
      Old Floyd Ireson, for his hard heart,
      Tarred and feathered and carried in a cart
      By the women of Marblehead!

        • She is WEF graduate and the protege of the warlock Bliar filmed at WEF by Avi Yemeni the other day, wake up sheeples, they are trying to kill you off, the old sick weak and most of all unproductive !!!
          Dedicated to both of them

      • They have been controlling our reading matter for yonks Mary via the establishment of libraries, reading societies, and gulags of learning referred to as ‘schools’ and ‘universities.’
        The infiltration of the Bavarian Illuminati into Freemasonry.

        “1776 MAY 1- Adam Weishaupt, Freemason and founder of the Bavarian Illuminati which infiltrated into Freemasonry makes this revealing statement:
        “The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is better than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore
        takes little notice of it.
        *Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will.”
        1784 – Adam Weishaupt issues his order for the French Revolution to be started by Maximilien Robespierre in book form. This book was written by one of Weishaupt’s associates, Xavier Zwack, and sent by courier from Frankfurt to Paris. However en route there, the courier is struck by lightning, the book detailing this plan discovered by the police, and handed over to the Bavarian authorities. The courier, before dying, revealed that the book he was carrying to Paris was the Illuminati’s plan As a consequence, the Bavarian government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt’s masonic lodges of the Grand Orient, and the homes of his most influential associates. Clearly, the Bavarian authorities were convinced that the book that was discovered was a very real threat by a private group of influential people, to use wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends.

        1785 – The Bavarian government outlaw the Illuminati and close all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient.
        1786 – The Bavarian government publish the details of the Illuminati plot in a document entitled, “The Original Writings of The Order and Sect of The Illuminati.” They then send this document to all the heads of church and state throughout Europe, but sadly their warning is ignored.
        Due to the European ignorance of the Bavarian government’s warning, the Illuminati’s plan for a French Revolution succeeded and their influence spread.
        **”The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping people ignorant” Maximilien Robespierre – The most influential figure of the French Revolution. D. Icke. ‘Bloodlines’.

  5. Here’s another example of outright corruption, commenter Berry recommended the black salve for skin cancer and having a few keratoses on my nose I went and got some. Apparently this stuff works on all the cancer including melanoma, it cooks it into a powder and it just crumbles out, after a few days. Then the natural tissue grows back with no issues. Thanks to commenter berry I now have a new nose and no more dry ice burns from the village quack. Now in Queensland they are saying everyone is dying of skin cancer. Who knows maybe it is just a sunscreen advertorial. They roll out some statistics or another. Nobody has ever heard of the black salve. This is how corrupt it is thanks to the church of BigPharma and its priesthood.
    Readers should spread this far and wide:

    • It was actually Terry Shulze who put me onto it

      My experience of the dry ice treatment is that it’s a scam that’s specifically designed to keep you on tender-hooks. It’s never eradicated any of my so-called solar keratosis; it’s never done anything but reduce the size for a spell, thereby necessitating another spray-spray-spray,& another & another – more money for the GP and Medicare every time.

      The black slave sure has done a proper job albeit a somewhat uncomfortable process inasmuch as there’s been swelling and inflammation in the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes + exudate that didn’t disappear overnight, the appearance being that of an awful purulent ulcer.
      But after weeks of perpetual “post-op” immersion in t-tree oil and fresh aloe vera the skin has healed over with nothing left to show but the faintest of scars

      • so-called ‘solar’ keratosis is correct EB. The sun has been scapegoated by the Big Derma. https://www.naturalnews.com/specialreports/sunlight.pdf. Take note that so-called Vit D, delivered by the sun is a hormone, and not a vitamin. To produce the right amounts needed whole-body exposure is recommended, or at least allow sunlight to fall on the bare skin above the spleen area.
        DMSO on its own is a more gentle alternative prophylactic if diluted. The bloodroot/galanga/graviola and dmso combo of black salve can at first be abrasive. I would recommend mixing with aloe vera pulp if burning is an issue initially.

        • This is interesting:
          “Carcinogen Detected in Sun Care Products
          Valisure, an online pharmacy known for testing every batch of medication they sell, announced this week that they petitioned the FDA to recall 40 batches of sunscreens and after-sun products they say tested for high levels of the chemical benzene. The company tested 294 batches from 69 companies and found benzene in 27% — many in major national brands like Neutrogena and Banana Boat. Some batches contained as much as three times the emergency FDA limit of 2 parts per million (ppm).Long-term exposure to benzene is known to cause cancer in humans”


          Personally I’ve never been able to use the stuff; it has the same effect on my liver as too much booze

          The truth is that just about every other type commercially promoted “skincare’ products is also a hazard:

          “The health issue with petrochemicals is that 1,4-dioxane—a contaminant found to likely contribute to cancers while also being toxic for the kidney, brain, and respiratory system—can be unintentionally generated during the production process. Though beauty companies will state that their refinement process eliminates 1,4-dioxane, there is actually no way to know for certain if a product contains it, as the FDA doesn’t require it to be listed on product labels. It’s also particularly concerning that research shows that 1,4-dioxane readily penetrates the skin. The Environmental Working Group has found that around 57% of baby soaps and 22% of all products in its cosmetic database were likely contaminated with 1,4-dioxane.”

          Be interesting to know just how many $ Aus are poured into said industry per annum

  6. Re: the topic du jour
    The new emperors are the same bloodlines as the old emperors, and the sheeples do not maintain bloodlines as they have no castles, fortresses and indeed pyramids.

      • The ‘sheeples’ have been encouraged to mix their breeding Joe.The following are quotes from David Icke wrirtings.

        “The royal ‘Divine’ bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the
        Netherlands, Germany and so on. As the people began to challenge and reject the open dictatorship of royal rule the bloodlines began to move ‘underground’ by operating among the population in all the areas that control modern society. You will find a similar story all over the world.”

        ‘Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, told me how so many black African leaders that were placed In power after the colonial masters gave the continent ‘independence’, came from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who claimed to descend from the same ‘gods’ as their white counterparts.” David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”


        “Back the bloodline goes past Alexander, past Nebuchadnezzar IV, III and other Kings of Babylon, all the way to ancient African Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt – Ramesis II, I, Tuthmosis IV, III, II, I, Amenhotep III, II, I and many more. For millennia these Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, and Emperors have obsessively interbred with themselves to preserve and spread their bloodline. They have ruled over us since the beginning of recorded history, claiming they were given divine right to the throne by God or gods.

        “One common link in this bloodline is Philip of Macedonia (382-336BC),who married Olympias, and their son was Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the former lands of Sumer, and across into India before dying in Babylon at the age of 33. During his rule of Egypt he founded the city of Alexandria, one the greatest centers for esoteric knowledge in the ancient world. Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who in turn was taught by Plato and he by Socrates. The bloodline and the
        hidden advanced knowledge have always gone together.” -David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline”


        “This ‘Divine right’ is simply the right to rule by DNA. We have a head of state in Britain to this day who is only there because of her DNA and the whole freeloading hierarchy of the royal family is structured according to a person’s DNA relationship to the king or queen …what is royal rule by DNA
        if not outrageous racial and genetic elitism? This ‘Divine’ right to rule has nothing to do with the Divine’ and everything to do with the real origin of these bloodlines. They claim to descend from the ‘gods’ of the ancient world and who or what these ‘gods’ were and are, I will explain in detail later.
        The ‘royal’ families have interbred incessantly with each other since ancient times because they are seeking to retain the DNA corruption that can apparently be quickly diluted by breeding outside of itself. How interesting that the families of the Illuminati and the power elite do the same to this day.
        Why? They are the same bloodlines.” David Icke, “Tales from the Time Loop”

        • Sheeples have been told the dangers of inbreeding, now it is taboo amongst sheeples. They are seasonal labour, have to move from place to place, they have no castles to keep their treasure in.

  7. Sorry, looks very off topic.

    GERMANY, NEW: “Criminal Lawsuit against Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach and all employees”.


    (Please note, I have zero training in matters of law. Hopefully this new development in Germany, will appear in English very soon.)

    “Lawyer Wilfried Schmitz, member of the Cologne Legal Chamber, to the Berlin Public Prosecutor, Turmstraße 91. 10559 Berlin beA AZ: 6 / 2023 Selfkant, January 16, 2023

    Criminal Lawsuit against Minister of Health Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach and all employees of his Ministry of Health who, due to their willful misleading of the public and willfully and / or grossly negligent failure to fulfill their legal obligations, are jointly responsible for damage to health up to the death of an unknown number of people.
    Dear Prosecutors, hereby I raise criminal complaint against Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach, Federal Minister of Health and all other employees of the Federal Ministry of Health who may be involved on suspicion of dangerous and serious bodily harm (in office) resulting in death pursuant to Sections 223, 224, 226, 227, 340 StGB, manslaughter and murder pursuant to Section 212 and 211 StGB, negligent bodily harm according to § 229 StGB, negligent homicide according to § 222 StGB, all possible criminal offenses according to §§ 95, 96 AMG, all other possible criminal offenses and forms of participation according to the StGB, War Weapons Control Act , International Criminal Code”.

    The whole article from REITSCHUSTER Germany, 24JAN2023 (All in German)

  8. Mainstream lies are coming so fast, it’s hard to keep up. Elderly the biggest casualties because they have a memory of life before this war against us, less people remember the less they’ll recognise slavery for what it is.

    Who is orchestrating this war. Who alone has the power, to map the planet by satellite and place a $ value on every child woman man, plant and animal. We cannot contribute to this agenda, deceitfully presented as technical bs, most having no idea.
    When 5G is switched on they’ll fry our brains.

    Sooner we realise there are those born wicked, the sooner we can resist the banksters and investors, the 1% who own 95% of everything.

    Jesus set the record straight as to what God’s word is. He threw them out of the temple.

    The group now in control confuse all with doublespeak obscuring the truth intentionally. Their wars of occupation, “liberating people from oppression”, nothing but covers for banksters and corporations take over of nations, replacing leaders with puppets..

  9. THE DANGERS OF IMPERIAL THINKING [Response to JB 3.54pm: ” Sheeples have been told the dangers of inbreeding, now it is taboo amongst sheeples. They are seasonal labour, have to move from place to place, they have no castles to keep their treasure in.]
    Ironically, the laboring classes have historically been told by the elites that their home IS their castle. The nomadic seasonal lifestyle you describe is more suited to pre-historic hunter/gatherers than those subject to c1700-odd agrarian enclosure rules, however. You are perhaps mixing ideas here between the acquisition of possessions and the ability to breed. For the elites, inbreeding was a survival strategy with the aim to maintain control and power. A breeding strategy as it was, directed at weakening the genes of the opposition power group. Both groups are materialists though…the differentiation is merely in quantities of possessions…but both groups could and did interbreed as in the case of Ireland during the British occupation and the mythical inbreeding in Tasmania.

    Note that the consequences arising out of the shift away from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian one, involving the domestication and ‘ownership’ (bondage/domination) of plants and animals, and the fetishization of objects, provides a possible explanation (psychosis and dissociation) for both groups seeing themselves as distinct and separate from the rest of Nature. As a strategy or coping arrangement, elites live at low population densities often based around kin/consanguine groupings, and have much in the way of personal possessions, In contrast, impoverished agrarian or industrial families also live in small consanguine groupings but their chattels tend to be group-owned. These groupings, therefore, were collectivist and collaborative, highly egalitarian and non-materialistic in outlook. The key feature here is that the diversity of breeding among the poor results genetically in hardiness as opposed to the weakened state of the inbred group. In order to maintain power the smaller group of elites must of necessity exploit any and every means available to weaken and kill the opposition. We see the same scenario being played out now…and historically. All wars are not bankers wars…all wars are class wars. However, for both groups, the materialist linear structure of purposive, problem-solving consciousness is incapable of grasping the circular connectedness of living systems, and that explicit knowledge and rationality are insufficient tools for the sustainable management of ecological relations.
    Note that the consequences arising out of the shift away from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian one, involving the domestication and ‘ownership’ (bondage/domination) of plants and animals, and the fetishization of objects, provides a possible explanation (psychosis and dissociation) for both groups seeing themselves as distinct and separate from the rest of Nature. As a strategy or coping arrangement, elites live at low population densities often based around kin/consanguine groupings, and have much in the way of personal possessions, In contrast, impoverished agrarian or industrial families also live in small consanguine groupings but their chattels tend to be group-owned. These groupings, therefore, were collectivist and collaborative, highly egalitarian and non-materialistic in outlook. The key feature here is that the diversity of breeding among the poor results genetically in hardiness as opposed to the weakened state of the inbred group. In order to maintain power the smaller group of elites must of necessity exploit any and every means available to weaken and kill the opposition. We see the same scenario being played out now…and historically. All wars are not bankers wars…all wars are class wars. However, for both groups, the materialist linear structure of purposive, problem-solving consciousness is incapable of grasping the circular connectedness of living systems, and that explicit knowledge and rationality are insufficient tools for the sustainable management of ecological relations which pay the price for these class wars.

    Note that the consequences arising out of the shift away from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian one, involving the domestication and ‘ownership’ (bondage/domination) of plants and animals, and the fetishization of objects, provides a possible explanation (psychosis and dissociation) for both groups seeing themselves as distinct and separate from the rest of Nature. As a strategy or coping arrangement, elites live at low population densities often based around kin/consanguine groupings, and have much in the way of personal possessions, In contrast, impoverished agrarian or industrial families also live in small consanguine groupings but their chattels tend to be group-owned. These groupings, therefore, were collectivist and collaborative, highly egalitarian and non-materialistic in outlook.
    Lenksi (1990) notes that we need to bear in mind that we are members of the anthropoid suborder which includes the great apes, and monkeys and that we are closely related and genetically similar to other anthropoids. And like other species we possess a unique and distinctive heritage, stored in our genes, as chemically-coded information. Diamond (1987) challenges the notion that human history, “has been a long tale of progress” and that the move to agrarian culture was an improvement. On the contrary, he suggests that hunter-gatherers enjoyed a varied diet while farmers were restricted to starchy crops and protein- dominant meals. But the bi-products of protein metabolism (cholesterol-laden meat, eggs, diary) are nitro-samines and nitro-amines: two of the deadliest gene-changing toxins known, and not dissimilar to amphetamines known to produce psychosis and cachexia. Diamond suggests further that “I don’t think that hunter-gatherers farmed until they had to, and when they switched to farming they traded quality for quantity … they gained cheap calories at the cost of poor nutrition…and besides malnutrition, starvation and epidemic diseases, farming [brought] deep class divisions … and social parasites who grow fat on food seized from others”.
    The inequities and stratification, and other superstructural features that arise out of an unequal capitalist economic base, reinforced by the agencies of socialization like education and the media, help shape and forge our beliefs, attitudes and values. The state socialization apparatus (the school) becomes the primary vehicle for learning and shaping culture. When previously-shared experiences become individualised the cohesive bonds dissolve and break into pieces. The move from collectivism to individualism, collaboration to competition, and from foraging to the exploitation of resources as the main mode of production, fractured the cohesion so evident in hunter-gatherer societies and produced hierarchical social and class structures replete with secular rituals and obsessive compulsions.
    Loomba (2005) reminds us that, as capitalism advances, money and commodities increasingly displace, stand in for, and are mistaken for human values. Thus they become fetishized … for (capitalism) is disguising its essential features in a realm of false appearances. In essence, they lead to psychological delusions.

    Victor Kulvinskas (1975) reports that, “More people in the US are hospitalised and treated for the condition of schizophrenia than for the total cases of cancer, diabetes and heart disorders.” Citing the work of the psychiatrist Nikolayev, he says schizophrenia is a form of “protein toxaemia” caused largely by our ingestion of nitrogenous blood and flesh products and our diet of ergot contaminated cereals. Diamond asks,’ Was the move to agrarian culture an insane move and “the worst mistake in the history of the human race”? The previously-respectful relationship with other animals is severed in farming when domestication and extirpation becomes the norm. Shephard (1982) suggests that the result for animals is docility; submissiveness; reduced hardiness: in effect, infantization. The marketplace relegates life to economic exigencies. The class war does the same…it reduces the labouring classes to an infantized, and submissive, sub-class to the elites.

    Both farming and the creation of class divisions then, weaken the genetic structures of the victimized groups and the collective gene pool. In class division, features of obsessive-compulsive acquisition and production lead to hierarchical arrangements and struggles for control, disputes over property, wars, slavery and other forms of psychological imbalance not evident in any of our anthropoid or primate cousins. Farming repeatedly severs more than the animal’s throat: it severs our connection to other creatures’ writ large. It severs also, the very umbilical cord to mother Earth itself, such that our fate is to wander lost and alone as post-modern orphans.

  10. [oops..please ignore the former..editing issues abound]. .Ironically, the laboring classes have historically been told by the elites that their home IS their castle. The nomadic seasonal lifestyle you describe is more suited to pre-historic hunter/gatherers than those subject to c1700-odd agrarian enclosure rules, however. You are perhaps mixing ideas here between the acquisition of possessions and the ability to breed. For the elites, inbreeding was a survival strategy with the aim to maintain control and power. A breeding strategy as it was, directed at weakening the genes of the opposition power group. Both groups are materialists though…the differentiation is merely in quantities of possessions…but both groups could and did interbreed as in the case of Ireland during the British occupation and the mythical inbreeding in Tasmania.

    Note that the consequences arising out of the shift away from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian one, involving the domestication and ‘ownership’ (bondage/domination) of plants and animals, and the fetishization of objects, provides a possible explanation (psychosis and dissociation) for both groups seeing themselves as distinct and separate from the rest of Nature. As a strategy or coping arrangement, elites live at low population densities often based around kin/consanguine groupings, and have much in the way of personal possessions, In contrast, impoverished agrarian or industrial families also live in small consanguine groupings but their chattels tend to be group-owned. These groupings, therefore, were collectivist and collaborative, highly egalitarian and non-materialistic in outlook. The key feature here is that the diversity of breeding among the poor results genetically in hardiness as opposed to the weakened state of the inbred group. In order to maintain power the smaller group of elites must of necessity exploit any and every means available to weaken and kill the opposition. We see the same scenario being played out now…and historically. All wars are not bankers wars…all wars are class wars. However, for both groups, the materialist linear structure of purposive, problem-solving consciousness is incapable of grasping the circular connectedness of living systems, and that explicit knowledge and rationality are insufficient tools for the sustainable management of ecological relations which pay the price for these class wars.

    Lenksi (1990) notes that we need to bear in mind that we are members of the anthropoid suborder which includes the great apes, and monkeys and that we are closely related and genetically similar to other anthropoids. And like other species we possess a unique and distinctive heritage, stored in our genes, as chemically-coded information. Diamond (1987) challenges the notion that human history, “has been a long tale of progress” and that the move to agrarian culture was an improvement. On the contrary, he suggests that hunter-gatherers enjoyed a varied diet while farmers were restricted to starchy crops and protein- dominant meals. But the bi-products of protein metabolism (cholesterol-laden meat, eggs, diary) are nitro-samines and nitro-amines: two of the deadliest gene-changing toxins known, and not dissimilar to amphetamines known to produce psychosis and cachexia. Diamond suggests further that “I don’t think that hunter-gatherers farmed until they had to, and when they switched to farming they traded quality for quantity … they gained cheap calories at the cost of poor nutrition…and besides malnutrition, starvation and epidemic diseases, farming [brought] deep class divisions … and social parasites who grow fat on food seized from others”.
    The inequities and stratification, and other superstructural features that arise out of an unequal capitalist economic base, reinforced by the agencies of socialization like education and the media, help shape and forge our beliefs, attitudes and values. The state socialization apparatus (the school) becomes the primary vehicle for learning and shaping culture. When previously-shared experiences become individualised the cohesive bonds dissolve and break into pieces. The move from collectivism to individualism, collaboration to competition, and from foraging to the exploitation of resources as the main mode of production, fractured the cohesion so evident in hunter-gatherer societies and produced hierarchical social and class structures replete with secular rituals and obsessive compulsions.

    Loomba (2005) reminds us that, as capitalism advances, money and commodities increasingly displace, stand in for, and are mistaken for human values. Thus they become fetishized … for (capitalism) is disguising its essential features in a realm of false appearances. In esence, they lead to psychological delusions. Victor Kulvinskas (1975) reports that, “More people in the US are hospitalised and treated for the condition of schizophrenia than for the total cases of cancer, diabetes and heart disorders.” Citing the work of the psychiatrist Nikolayev, he says schizophrenia is a form of “protein toxaemia” caused largely by our ingestion of nitrogenous blood and flesh products and our diet of ergot contaminated cereals. Diamond asks,’ Was the move to agrarian culture an insane move and “the worst mistake in the history of the human race”? The previously-respectful relationship with other animals is severed in farming when domestication and extirpation becomes the norm. Shephard (1982) suggests that the result for animals is docility; submissiveness; reduced hardiness: in effect, infantization. The marketplace relegates life to economic exigencies. The class war does the same…it reduces the labouring classes to an infantized, and submissive, sub-class to the elites.

    Both farming and the creation of class divisions then, weaken the genetic structures of the victimized groups and the collective gene pool. In class division, features of obsessive-compulsive acquisition and production lead to hierarchical arrangements and struggles for control, disputes over property, wars, slavery and other forms of psychological imbalance not evident in any of our anthropoid or primate cousins. Farming repeatedly severs more than the animal’s throat: it severs our connection to other creatures’ writ large. It severs also, the very umbilical cord to mother Earth itself, such that our fate is to wander lost and alone as post-modern orphans.

      • Coupla genuine Q’s Ant. Who”s mass specifically are we a part of? What is the historicity of the origins of the “he” to whom you refer ? How do you choose to genderize this unknowable? And what of the possibilty that “we” are just one single consciousness experiencing itself subjectively?

        • In delusion, devoid of Holy Spirit, what’s the alternative?
          Nanotech robots transhumanism cloning and so on….keeping people under the jackboots of AI tyranny.

          Pray that He gives faith and strength to endure tribulation.
          Blind faith in science and technology has become reality, enforced by oligarchs playing with billions, motivated by luciferace.
          Simply, they are bad seed. Why do they do what they do after fleecing us to the bone?

          “It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you gotta serve some body.”

  11. Sorry to be off topic and interrupt the usual philosophical-historic wheelbarrow navel gazing analysing theorists, but at intermission, take a few minutes to enjoy a flute of bubbly and listen to the latest ‘Situation update’, presented by Mary (not MM);at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Also note the short interview with the PROSECUTORV Kash regarding the Biden classified documents being sold to CHYNA. Sorry AA. Forgive me I think I know what you think of prosecutors. BUT………..
    It is not x22 AA., so relax.
    The 107, is presently ON with some more interesting stuff for Mary.
    Thinking of Mary LL.B, How is your research going in regard to tracking down your further AVAILABLE proof, on the record, that ‘your client’ did not do Boston in your last considered article. (Ref: the last Boston obvious usual ‘false flag’,just my opinion, AA will sort me out to help with my shoe laces.)

    • The Shoelace Charles Bukowski
      a woman, a
      tire that’s flat, a
      disease, a
      desire: fears in front of you,
      fears that hold so still
      you can study them
      like pieces on a
      it’s not the large things that
      send a man to the
      madhouse. death he’s ready for, or
      murder, incest, robbery, fire, flood…
      no, it’s the continuing series of small tragedies
      that send a man to the
      not the death of his love
      but a shoelace that snaps
      with no time left …
      The dread of life
      is that swarm of trivialities
      that can kill quicker than cancer
      and which are always there—
      license plates or taxes
      or expired driver’s license,
      or hiring or firing,
      doing it or having it done to you, or
      roaches or flies or a
      broken hook on a
      screen, or out of gas
      or too much gas,
      the sink’s stopped-up, the landlord’s drunk,
      the president doesn’t care and the governor’s
      light switch broken, mattress like a
      $105 for a tune-up, carburetor and fuel pump at
      sears roebuck;
      and the phone bill’s up and the market’s
      and the toilet chain is
      and the light has burned out —
      the hall light, the front light, the back light,
      the inner light; it’s
      darker than hell
      and twice as
      then there’s always crabs and ingrown toenails
      and people who insist they’re
      your friends;
      there’s always that and worse;
      leaky faucet, christ and christmas;
      blue salami, 9 day rains,
      50 cent avocados
      and purple

      or making it
      as a waitress at norm’s on the split shift,
      or as an emptier of
      or as a carwash or a busboy
      or a stealer of old lady’s purses
      leaving them screaming on the sidewalks
      with broken arms at the age of 80.

      2 red lights in your rear view mirror
      and blood in your
      toothache, and $979 for a bridge
      $300 for a gold
      and china and russia and america, and
      long hair and short hair and no
      hair, and beards and no
      faces, and plenty of zigzag but no
      pot, except maybe one to piss in
      and the other one around your

      with each broken shoelace
      out of one hundred broken shoelaces,
      one man, one woman, one
      enters a

      so be careful
      when you
      bend over.

  12. An example of how the rule of law cannot be trusted. “Australia’s “Fair Work” Commission has become a tool of the state. Its capture mirrors Nazi Germany and has worldwide implications for fundamental human rights that everybody needs to understand.”


    • “A further unbelievable revelation from the Kassam trial was the replacement of the TGA’s lawyer by Pfizer’s lawyer on day 3 of the trial, in response to a subpoena by the applicants to the original animal studies from the Pfizer trial. The reason for the subpoena was that it was known that the TGA was suppressing the information based on a prior freedom of information request. What was not expected was that the TGA would lie about appearing in court, sending in a patsy called “Mr Glover” who never made it into court and paving the way for the Pfizer lawyer to quash the subpoena.” article above

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