by Dee McLachlan
A “bomb” was dropped onto Australia on Thursday the 5th of July.
Fiona Barnett accused Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner of the most terrible crimes, dating back to the 1980s. They are crimes that would get a person life imprisonment.
If, and I say if, these accusations (and other, related ones) are true, the political system, the legal and policing professions, the hierarchy of universities, and Australian society as we know it, should all be turned upside down.
The entire country, and especially Canberra, would need a re-boot. We would have to re-look at society and essentially start again.
Indeed that may come to pass.
But I pose the question that will be on the mind of many citizens: Are these the rantings of an insane woman? Fiona has been called a mental case before. I see that she has published an interview between psychologist Nerida Saunders and Shane Nagle (2 February 2015) on her website:
“NAGLE: Is it your professional opinion that Fiona Rae Barnett is sane?
“SAUNDERS: It is my professional opinion that Fiona Rae Barnett is sane. Fiona is also highly intelligent and has insights that are far beyond those of the average citizen…
Fiona appears sane, competent, resilient and exceptionally bold to have survived her journey. For her to have endured all the trauma and to tell the tale, even if it gets proven as only partly true, is beyond extraordinary.
But for the sake of this article — and to reserve judgement — I will assume that the HR Commissioner, are others, are innocent. There are various possible scenarios that any defence would put forward: that Fiona mistook the person for someone else; that she was told false names to deflect blame; or that the trauma of one or two incidents created multiple memories.
How upsetting would it be to let Australian society be turned upside down? The Royal Commission (into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse) has already sent shock waves through the community. Why believe tens of thousands of other abused people, but not Fiona? So should we ignore her, and others with similar stories, as the authorities have so far done? We could do that. But there’s a problem. A river is starting to spill over….
The Dam Wall is Breaking
Imagine for a moment, during the Iron Lady’s reign in Britain, that the police arrived and disrupted Lady Margaret Thatcher’s Christmas dinner — and arrested their adored and anointed guest, JIMMY SAVILE. What would have been the outcome? I’d say those officers would have lost their careers in a flash. (Though Lord Bell has said that Jimmy Savile’s claim of spending 11 Christmases with the Thatchers was untrue. Maybe it was only 7.)
In the 1980s, in the US, there were rumours that boys were being procured from orphanages and flown to ‘service’ politicians in Washington DC.
The Washington Times did go so far as to make a headline out of the “White House parties,” and People Magazine’s year-long investigation found the stories were true — identifying George Bush (Snr), Dick Cheney, and John Sununu (Snr) as paedophiles. But that story never went to print.
Former Rep. Senator John Decamp was involved in a documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” that exposed a network of leaders. But before it went to air in 1994 on the Discovery Channel, the documentary was allegedly sold and all copies destroyed.
Many of these investigations were obstructed. In 1996, over 300,000 Belgians took to the streets to protest the authorities handling of the Dutroux affair. In 2000, a magistrate leading an investigation into an Italian pedophile ring claimed that powerful politicians were openly obstructed his investigation.
Today, in 2018, misconduct by high profile people, or those suspected of it, is being exposed at an unprecedented, even exponential rate. This was assisted by The Royal Commission. Initially, I think people thought, “Oh a few rotten apples (priests) will be exposed.” But now we have been shown that the culture of abuse is rife — among almost all institutions. And what the RC found may only be the tip of the iceberg.
In November 2017, investigative reporter Mark Williams-Thomas, the ex-police detective from Surrey who exposed the Jimmy Savile scandal, said, “Until now, abuse within sport has been largely ignored, yet the problem is enormous, affecting many thousands of victims.” The revelation is being called bigger than the Savile case.
Interestingly, a few weeks ago I happened to be conversing with to a nurse who had specialised in the 1980s in psychiatric care. He recalled that back then there were over a hundred cases in Victoria of people reporting to the police satanic rituals and sacrifices. None of those investigations came to anything. Typically, the person claiming it was deemed “mental.”
But the same could be said of allegations of child sexual abuse. Did they lead to investigation? Just ask Denis Ryan.
It has been 46 years since Denis Ryan’s career as a Victoria Police detective came to an end, following his attempts to charge Monsignor John Day with child sex offences.
Yes, four decades of abuse and misery could have been somewhat averted if action was taken. All that was required then, was for the authorities to be open, to listen, and have the willingness to investigate.
That willingness is required now.
The Royal Commission has pulled off the scar of the past and is quickly trying to cauterize the wound. But if the inside is still infected, this will be a lost cause. Fiona names a lot of names. If she has been raped and abused by those people, then she can rightly name them.
And if she witnessed these people (some in very high-profile positions) doing terrible things — including murder — then she rightly exposes them.
Now is not the time for those who did not witness these alleged events to slander those named. It is the duty of the political, policing and legal professions to do their bloody jobs. They should listen, investigate, interrogate, and prosecute.
Even if Fiona’s accusations are but 20 percent true, that would still be truly shocking — and requiring of immediate action. Thus, if she has recalled these traumatic events accurately, and these accusations are substantially true, then Australian society better be prepared to have all their normal beliefs and expectations shattered.
Fiona’s article can be found here.
That is a perfect report, Dee. Let me add a quote from Barnett about the wall of barrier, including lethal violence, that police mount against any citizen FOR REPORTING such things. She writes:
“Tor Neilsen reported similar Bathurst crimes to the NSW Police. As a result of his reporting, Tor was harassed by the NSW police and Sydney psychiatrists. Later, WA test results revealed these people poisoned Tor with a drug that induced psychosis.
[As with the physical assaults on Martin Bryant’s brain, is anyone going to identify this as a crime that needs redress?]
NSW police dropped Tor’s case against Bathurst Catholic priests who abused him at St Stanislaus College. Consequently, Tor did a letter box drop– it resulted in these same priests being charged with hundreds of counts.
Tor himself was raped in Bathurst City Hall, where I also was raped. [Think about it] Tor’s lawyer mysteriously fell out of a high rise building after Tor blew the whistle on St Stanislaus.
[Again, is anyone going to see this as a crime? No one “falls out of a building” You either jump or get pushed.]
Coincidentally, a former St Stanislaus student, a lawyer, was to be a witness at the St Stanislaus hearings. He was found, hanging by his necktie in the basement library of Jordan Chambers. The man had half an hour earlier been seen happily working on a case.
[Ditto, a crime. Ah, the Jordan Library: across the hall from Lindt Café…]
Like Tor Nielsen, I too have been harassed by police, health workers, psychologists, university lecturers, and other government officials. I have had NUMEROUS PETS KILLED, received death threats, police held three loaded weapons to my accountant husband’s head for no reason.”
[Do we all understand that that is a crime? Will the ones who did it be charged and tried and punished?]
Dee, you said “reboot” if Fiona’s accusations prove true. But we need a reboot just based on the above. For all intents and purposes, police are tasked with harming YOU and ME and EVERYONE who speaks out.
Thank you, Tor Neilson, for doing the letter-drop. Thank you, Fiona. Both will go down in history as super-Aussies.
Is it a cockatoo?
Is it standing by your mate, when she’s in a fight?
Congratulations on hitting the nail on the head so succinctly.
One suggested edit to “They should listen, investigate, interrogate, and prosecute”
You left out INCARCERATE and possibly, for the worst of the worst, (sacrifice) EXECUTE.
Some things are just NOT ON!
Why does one feel that our Phil would like the protocol to be reduced to “Listen and execute”?
Anyway, Phil, here is the relevant statute in your state of NSW, for citizen’s arrest:
LAW ENFORCEMENT (POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES) ACT 2002 – SECT 100 Power of other persons to arrest without warrant
(1) A person (other than a police officer) may, without a warrant, arrest a person if:
(a) the person is in the act of committing an offence under any Act or statutory instrument, or
(b) the person has just committed any such offence, or
(c) the person has committed a serious indictable offence for which the person has not been tried.
(2) A person who arrests another person under this section must, as soon as is reasonably practicable, take the person, and any property found on the person, before an authorised officer to be dealt with according to law.
Now Mary, let’s not skip the adjudication process. Trump said it in 2012.
“Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents–fast trial, death penalty.”
I’m with HIM!
The article is o damning that my opinion is the general public will not believe it, I checked out Pilgers recent commentary on Assange and found Pilgers condemnaion of the Guardian newspaper of interest, considering individuals I know swear by this newspaper as the truth, surprising to say Pilgers commentary is otherwise? the truth is stranger than fiction that it is difficult to even think whether truth exists? certainly the establishment now masters of delusion must be given credit for the deception of the masses and to contain the brain within the constraints of a controlled system to serve the 1% who are able to manipulate and manage the human race with impunity.
The Guardian is scanned and vetted by MI5 before publication,
All part of the propaganda machine, as my sister in London states why do all these emigrants want to come to Britain? because we are superior, I said maybe they want to come to Britain because they are being killed in there country as a result of the First world selling arms to despot governments, she said this is not possible, they are backward such as the middle East, any how I am reluctant to return to Britain to stay with her, but I do have a open invitation that if I returned the underlying differences may be to much to bear.
Bravo Fiona Dee Mary Gumshoers
Steve McMurray MKUltra in Australia-Brfilliant Brain Map validated by Cathy Morgan Brain Map
Alison Miller Healing the Unimaginable. Mind Control and Ritual Abuse and Mary’s Deliverance
Some of Fiona’s words could be my words with some variation
“Yes, I have the real stuff. I’m not some arrogant academic pretending to understand what it’s like to be a victim of the most heinous crimes. I lived it. I spent my developmental years trapped in a mind control labyrinth. I then spent my adult years navigating a way out. I eventually achieved what few victims have, true integration.”
I do not have “true integration” but I now know my true self
“I prefer the term ‘victim’ to ‘survivor’ because the latter implies my ordeal is over. My ordeal will likely never end. As Dr Reina Michaelson warned, “Fiona, I think this is a life sentence.” I serve a life sentence for crimes committed against me, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian government.”
I add British Government — and those running the military agendas through cyber warfare. controlling the masses through frequency mind control–the “psychological warfare department” of Tavistock – Dr Rawlings Rees being the Mastermind then—
revisit Tavistock Agenda Timeline 2012
Dearest Diane,
It is a crying, effing shame that you have spent your life trapped and are now in old age. I note Wendy Hoffman said (at age 72) that she suddenly realized she had not had a human life, as she was always dong the bidding of others, in a sort of hypnotic trance.
I believe you have worked relentlessly to help people in Australia’s remote communities, and I am sure you consider that a very real life — which it is. But we want to comfort you.
I hope some of the hardened hearts out there will take a moment to “register” the fact that they could stop pushing a cruel agenda right now. Nobody has to continue with Tavistock’s ugly plan for control of the human race. The individuals who thought it up were psychopaths.
Mary I have not been working to help people in Australia’s remote communities – my genetic and cultural dna and lived experience is entwined with my Desert family of the Central and Western Desert and it is the deep knowledge and wisdom of the law men and women I have walked with that has liberated my soul and set me free. I can now speak with authority about genocide, torture, and horrendous crimes against humanity. My life is rich.
Yay for freedom and yay for walking with law men and women of wisdom.
Yay for you, rich lady.
The Rabbit Hole just got a LOT deeper.
If what Fiona Barnett states is true,(and as strange as it may seem, it’s looking definitely worthy of a criminal investigation) that the once captain of the Australian cricket team, together with the then NSW Police Commissioner plus famous actors, local church people as well as the current head of the Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner were at the 1985 Bathurst Town Hall for a ritual sacrifice of some of “We the sheeple”, then it’s fair to assume that we are in a state of war with these people, one which we didn’t even know about and one which we did not start.
You can’t just make up stuff like that, so Fiona Barnett should be in big legal trouble. Slander, libel, malicious mischief, etc. Right?
She made those charges public in 2015, three years ago. and has still not been challenged. Senator Bill Heffernan went public in 2015 in federal parliament, producing a list of 26 “prominent” Australians suspected of being pedophiles. He said that at least one named was an ex-Prime Minister!
What has been done about this atrocious state of affairs to bring these criminals to justice?
Looks like Sweet Fuck All.
What in the world will it take to wake people up. Lose one of their own kids or grand kids??
They pick on the little ones because they can’t begin to defend themselves .
The people in government are either pedophiles, child traffickers, or both .
The government is a moral shit-hole and should be abolished .
To 56, IMHO:
They pick on the little ones because they can’t begin to defend themselves. True
The people in government are either pedophiles, child traffickers, or both. Nonsense.
The government should be abolished. A terrible idea; go live in Iraq and see how it feels.
Mary , who abolished the government in Iraq ?
Before demoncracy came to Iraq and Libya the citizens of those nations were debt free .
The banksters had no influence there . Look at what has happened since they were liberated .
I’m sorry to upset you Mary .
This place is ruled by freemasonry the crown and kabala .
Has been like this for a century or two.
Hey 56,
I’m with you. I’m thinking that the banksters are about to be abolished, which will of itself abolish government.
Their plan was always severely flawed.
Nothing new under the Sun! All this stuff has been becoming more pervasive in Western societies since the French Revolution when public morality was gradually usurped by institutionalised secret societies and their plethora of esoteric doctrines.
With regard to John Williamson… “True Blue” has long been the catch-call or slogan of low level, “useful idiot” servants of Freemasonry in the most popular English rites. Whether John is making a popular publicity cover (smokescreen) or he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about I can’t say.
Anyhow, this network of corrupt officials, perverts, traitors etc. have a well organised covert protection racket of stooges and lackeys who have sworn putrid oaths to protect (stand by) their mates, their secrets and the secrets of the Craft whether they know what they’re doing or why. The Kabbalah inspired Craft has been busy infiltrating and subverting every influential organisation or institution with its devotees, blackmailable or otherwise controllable stooges… some of whom can be “sacrificed” (thrown under the bus) to protect the big guys and their perfidious programmes.
Anyone who likes to daydream that things will be “fixed” by a spectacle of hand-wringing, moaning and complaining to the perpetrators should have a flick through some of the leads below. If an official arrest, charge or accusation can be averted, dismissed and ignored do you think a “citizen’s arrest” will achieve any more than the derision heaped on the victims of multitudinous crimes?
There’s lots and lots more much older that have been successfully buried by the secretocracy.
I’ll make two, what I think are logical statements: 1) If the political and judicial class refuse to hold an enquiry into the accusations that have been made by these victims, then it appears to me that they themselves or close associates are indeed involved in these crimes. 2) If the victims are willing to face such an enquiry then I would assume their accusations are true.
Fair enough, Aussie, but I’d like to make a couple of distinctions in the interests of science.
Logic is the scientific rules for coherent and valid reasoning. It is not the apparent “reasonableness” of any prognostications. “Reason” of itself can start anywhere and proceed by faulty (or no) “method” to any desired “conclusion”.
However, I think that your suggestions should be seriously challenging to the establishment secretocracy.
Mal in 2… do you mean ” If the victims are willing to face such an enquiry then I would assume their accusations are true.” or that “If the victims are NOT willing to face such an enquiry then I would assume their accusations are true?
Dee, Mal means if Barnett et al are willing to have the whole shebang inquired into, they must feel they would win.
Incomprehensible gobbledgook
I think there is a greater problem, and maybe we can’t assume 1 or 2 as the only options.
I think good normal people find some of the accusations so INCREDIBLE — that their mind is unable to process the information. E.g. “Your (shadow) government arranged for 3 buildings to collapse and if several thousand people are trapped and killed — well that was the intention.” For the average bureaucrat, this information is almost too difficult to take in and comprehend. For those involved it is “normal” predatory behaviour.
That, I say, is also why so little is achieved. It is a process of changing belief systems. Once most believed it was impossible that there was a deep culture of abuse in many institutions. That was changed with the Royal Commission… Now people expect organisations to have some history of abuse.
I think there are ‘mental tipping points’ in society.
I knew it. Knew it, knew it, knew it. (That Building 7 would make an appearance.)
Seven… You mean there was a third building?
Dee, have you been into the recipe?
And Building 6??
Building 6 is always ignored….
And its “missing” insides
Mary has already published one solution:
“I hereby call on all of those professionals to come out. Be it priests, childcare workers, doctors, or judges, we want to take a census of the good ones.”
I’m genuinely disturbed by the number of dots joining Marie Bashir. eg Sydney Uni (psych), Michael Atherton (husband of Ros Croucher) on her Rivendell team, admirer Cardinal Pell… Can anyone shed any light?
Dee, I meant ” If the victims are willing to face such an enquiry then I would assume their accusations are true.” In other words, if they were not dinkum with their accusations, it is unlikely that they would want to face questioning in an investigation.
apologies. In my speed reading… I was thinking “if the accused are not willing… Of course genuine victims want to be heard.
That is not to say that an accuser that does not want to undergo the trauma of questioning in an investigation is not telling the truth. But those who are willing to undergo cross examination should be given the opportunity to put their story across.
Aussiemal, there is an old saying which is ‘Nobody ever gave up their life for something they know is a lie’. Have you read Fiona’s police witness statements? Here is a video with Peter Fox talking about his interview with Fiona. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCcb2vL7Kc0&feature=youtu.be&t=4m4s
That’s total shit. Fiona Barnett is a scammer and everyone knows. Watch this on the ABC about her http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s4343957.htm
…..and everyone knows? – Bob speaks for everyone…
Bob is so funny….
Bob there’s a SERIOUS PROBLEM with your argument — quoting Media Watch. The ABC still promotes the IMPOSSIBLE Lee Oswald theory — when proper research reveals other. It was Jack Lawrence in the drain. So can the ABC be trusted with the most basic evidence? NO.
Can Barnett’s story be trusted?
Well as I said. If 20% is true we have a problem.
The other problem is you have to call all those others (there are many of them) scammers too. Their stories are very similar.
And why not call the tens of thousands of those fronting up to the Royal Commission scammers.
But regarding the ABC — they are paid to keep you in the dark.
Testimonials on mk ultra, ritual abuse to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice in the UK in April as part of an inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse
NB I watched one witness statement only (Kirsty Allen) which mirrors many of Fiona’s experiences as she has recounted.
Barnett claims she was raped by 3 Australian Prime Ministers and President Richard Nixon. Where’s her evidence and who are the witnesses? Who are the nutters who believe that crap?
Hello Bob, I am only a commentor on this site, and I agree with you that it beggars belief.
Her evidence and witness statements could only exist after an open court case however.
Nutters, identified can give no additional insight in that its not possible for nutters and non nutters to provide this with the certainty, I understand you require. i.e- the earth is flat or round debate, that you know is historical fact, but shows the inability of non nutters as useful tools.
Prime Ministers are not beyond heinous crimes, so why the pedestal for them.
Barnett has gone public with her allegations after, due process failed in the proper protocols, that were designed for these unacceptable things.
You might say, maybe due process, could find no issue. I could not say if that was right or wrong, like you.
What we do know is, Barnetts allegations, of the crime rape is happening, to a lot of others as proved repeatedly, and recently in the Royal Commission into Institutional response.
Plenty of witnesses and evidence you rightly require, for the alleged activities being a reality.
Bartletts allegations were made under parliamentary privilege, unfair to the accused I agree.
That privilege is for a few only because of the unfairness of it. It is there for safety of a greater unfairness happening.
Bartlett again makes these allegations in public, I guess because, due process was not happening in timely fashion, given the alleged facts. She is privy to know, being the accuser.
This exposes her to, in her case, libel and slander.
If you were accused of such things, like me, would be outraged. Immediately starting, due process to right this wrong and pursue compensation that no is doubt warranted. You would not go to say, Singapore, for a weeks holiday on a whim without that process started. For the outrage alone, and the possibility of mishap, that a prudent man has for his family. For the testimonial trust, that could become the mechanism to the rightfully owed compensation to flow to your family. Like the travel insurance does.
I err on safety, and can see that a greater unfairness is well possible here.
Why are you outraged ? , not just perplexed, by the accusations, against men of standing and ability for justice?
I hope your outraged a lot more by the overwhelming amount of proven victims, and maybe can help with ideas to reconcile the need for decency and the need for justice in the, due process, needed for this universally recognised indecency that is reality.
Best Regards
I have checked the new comments via email, hoping it will alert me if you would like to reply.
I will try to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Some 4 months since your comment but I wanted to know Do you believe her ? Obviously you have read all her allegations . All the people she has accused and the things she has allegedly been involved in. I have read accusations about Dr Kidman before so on that i am open to possibility. To the ex-primeminsters and the ex president of the U.S I call shenanigans. The 6 yr old teeing for armed and unarmed combat , her involvement in the MK ULTRA trials , her going off to fight somewhere as a soldier. Seriously. I like a good conspiracy theory but this is too far fetched. Why it bothers me so is that I was and am still part of the Royal Commission Into Institutional Abuse. I am waiting for my day in court. With me there were cover ups , lies , I was released from detention to cover things up and more. I have proof of this. Although a lot has been redacted the evidence is still there. You can’t possibly go through all the stuff she has without something. As a survivor I’m insulted by her ( what I believe are ) lies. Removed from this country , brought back , taken again. I think this woman is Ill and all her followers are making it worse.
Shane, in terms of, “having been removed from this country and brought back again”, well dude, there are these things called aeroplanes. They can get you from one end of the world to the other within hours. It is truely amazing. Believe me.
Hi Shane,
I do believe her. Could she be mistaken about some events, yes she could. Could she be 100 % correct, in her case yes. She was selected for her unique abilities. These traits must be still be wanted.
Given that she has put these things on the table, and nothing has happened, leads me to surmise that her unique talents are still wanted. My guess is that they need her free will to enable these talents. Support on these types of comment pages are important, because they try to isolate her to come back to the fold(freely).
She was not a mk trial, she was mk operational. Not to carry a rifle or lift the heavy thing. She is asymmetrical warfare asset.
If you wanted to control a country, would you try and compromise a nobody going nowhere(nothing wrong with that, we are sovereign within ourselves) or the leaders, of State, Military and Church. Your shenanigans comment perplexes me. We engage more in conspiracy inference here, as we are not so naive to believe no conspiracy exists, like the term “conspiracy theory” is tied to. Tied by endless rehashing through operation mocking bird since the Warren commission into a clearly by inference conspiracy(commission into JFK assassination).
I am appalled to your experience also. I have some friends not here because of this Institutional abuse, and how shame was weaponised, both as a trigger for control and self deletion. You know the cover ups and lies happen.
Why would you say that that she has no evidence, you think the Feds entertain anyone who walks through their door. Clearly there are people from all walks of life prepared to act morally. I could not be there in your hour of need, as I can not be there for the the current ones. The Commissioner had a chance to smite, but instead chose to leave the impression of a historical crimes given justice and future crimes unable to be committed. He would have been targeted long ago, no surprises here to me.
How can people whom are obvious much smarter than I believe Barnetts allegation ? I’m not saying she wasn’t abused but seriously , look at the allegations. Abused by primeminsters of this country , ex or current president’s of the USA , at 6 yrs old taught armed and hand to hand combat , flew overseas to fight, witnessed the murder of 10 children in the Bathurst town hall , sexually abused by an actor and urinated on by a high ranking public servant etc etc etc… It goes on. Now if I believe she was abused by a president of the USA I always believe they would of killed her to keep her quiet. Weren’t most of these repressed memories ? I can name 5 Hollywood movies that run to a similar theme. I forgot about Billy Graham the evangelical leader , he too abused her. Somewhere there has to be the smallest piece of physical evidence , witness testimony , travel documents. Seriously I get blind faith but this is something altogether different. This woman is insane and dangerous.
Shane, are you related to [REDACTED] who is a “high-classed” hollywood prostitute? It may amaze you to know that these “talented” individuals move between acting and prostitution. The world is not quite as it seems.
I can’t help wondering if Bob requires “evidence” and “witnesses” to condemn the Catholic Church for all sorts of allegations made against many clerics who are, perhaps, not Catholic at all in belief and practice but are either apostate or malignant pretenders.
Officially, only physically real men (eunuchs don’t qualify) of normal disposition (sex perverts don’t qualify) are “valid matter” for ordination to clerical Orders according to ancient and venerable prescription (Church Law). There is also an official Papal edict ordering that clerics guilty of “sins against nature” should be “irregularised” (forbidden to act in the name of the Church) and be handed over to the secular authorities even if the penalty is death. (Prescriptions obviously ignored in recent several hundred years). Many morally and intellectually perverse turds have striven (are striving) to obliterate any perceptions of the Natural Order from ordinary people so that the order can be effectively inverted.
Catholic Christianity has been clearly defined right from the get-go and it is brilliantly summarised in this tiny document:
Any repudiation of the Apostolic doctrine results in heresy or apostasy i.e. “not Catholic” completely independent of the status of the repudiator.
However, there is another religion that doesn’t have this sort of transparency and continuity that is a chameleon predator masquerading as “religious leaders”, academics, lawyers, psychologists, media “experts” and politicians.
Bob seems to want to exempt some of them from scrutiny for undefined “reasons”.
Thanks oldvid, always enjoy your perpective.
Bob would be handy if the lights were out, and you needed torch light, plus someone to carry your fork to the pitching site. Thats a joke Bob. Sorry, I find humour fun, and needed discussing, what we are. Evil.
Please ridicule me, I’m fair game and no doubt deserving.
Please ask anything you want about what I said.
Researching the Dec of Inderpendance and Shay Rebellion I emailed a Freemason lodge and had exchange with the Freemasons.I noticed how closely our ideals of equality, etc are to the consistent projections by Freemason to the outsider. They state free thought just guidance as their thing. Anywho, as my lot, next thing, I’m deluded and have completely wrong perspective of the Masons. I had been very polite and honest said, that I have no other
inside knowledge of them, but, I really like the fold out brochure(but nice words and its true).
I was acknologing his join offer and honestly said, I have a slight prob with the oath, maybe not a game killer but they could reject me and also I had a lot of questions about membership, pointing out I’m a outsider and I don’t know the requirements.
I tried to explain that likely, I would have the wrong perspective, and my delusions are only of the fold out brochure. How so wrong, o a secret.
I could appear to have delusions, I guess, if the secret bit was way different to the brochure. I wait for a reply though, part of the ideals of free thought and equality.
Freemasons, or families looked after my Grandmother, I have been told. I acknowleged that in exchange, and did thank them, clearly a few times or more. Had that feeling, my Grandmother, never acknologed by them either.
I err on safety though, and currently doing hand stretches for next on the shorting list -Kabbala
Unfortunately, those who can have nobbled my computer so I am working on an unfamiliar device with limited resources.
I can well understand how attractive ‘Masonry is to anyone who’s ambition outstrips their ability. They offer you a “leg up” but at a terrible and undisclosed price.
Take a look at what ‘Masonry says about itself but what it doesn’t want “useful idiots” to know. The following link is useful for a starter but there is much, much more from a great variety of sources.
Anyhow, I, obviously, have no authority over you and if you choose to avail yourself of the worldly advantages promised by ‘Masonry you do so by your own choice.
Yeahh, stay away from vortexes
You know what I find so interesting about them. The clientele . Its massive and thats the ones we know. I don’t know but most of them must be memory mind mapping. How many defectors, do we know any except the extra illuminated ones(i smell a rat) you know the lummies, they deny thrice. Really any ???
The sales pitch is the worst, makes you wonder they got all the sign ups. They pride themselves on free thought, and breakdown at pretty much the first question.
They do only take adults(means men, but you can’t say now), these are the private meetings participants. Huge list. I don’t want to single them out, but they are kicking it. They worship the Christian god, thats their line,(I think it must mean something if your an adult, the oath). All that power, they say they are good, looking around, kinda hard to believe. It always leads back to the secret.
They are like ” ooh conspiracy, nooo, we don’t do much, play a little bridge”
Ask about the secret though, turns like a malley bull. Here is the secret phase to identify Freemasons(might not work for you girls). Why all the secrets brothers.
Ask them how old they are – ancient they say
What will i learn – a way of thinking, so everything is remembered.
How ancient did you say – once we called ourselves just Masons, but nobody really knows.
I must admit a reluctance to click links,
Its you, so what the hay, only couple of minutes in,
i’m in, why do I do this to myself (I might email a sigmund freud descendent next- madonna is freaken even me out)
Thanks too for your advice, I like the way you look out for people.
I joke a lot,hard to tell with me over this medium.I don’t really have a religion (bapt and confirmed(sprung on me for godfather)Catholic and schooled Anglican). They all struggle with questions from me, Anglicans, maybe humouring me the most. I just pick and choose the bits I want. I’m not oathing , don’t believe the “if you aint for me your agin me” and I am just perplexed by “don’t worship false idols”- all they seem to do.
I enjoy talking about it, to open religious religious types. Most sense I got was from a 80 year old Jehovah , German national, persecuted ww2 guy, because he engaged with me, not just recruiting that seems all they want(you can tell, they all do it, born agains the most obvious). They come up, I’m always respectful, always open(guarded) mind to any. Same with Freemasons, I genuinely approached them, said the bits I like and not.
Its the secrets isn’t it. All these secrets. How can any good come from religious secrets. I gotta say, the eating of Christ sacrement, really freaks me out, right near an alter that sometimes looks like a sacrificial block. I am very private and hate we have so little privacy(so much work to get some). Any institution holding secrets(all), and public institutions(what). I can not travel with that. You risk eternal damnation or worse Simon. I do, but I will not tie my own hands or look away. If we kill(expose) the secrets that large groups have, I’m sure all(reason its difficult here) will be revealed. Might not fix anything though, but I’m up for it.
Privacy yes(individuals) association ok, cartels or monopolies have to explain the need(i can’t think there could be one) secrets no(unhealthy for communal humans). Is putin trump and xi, society members(good chance, looking at the MO). I’m looking for defectors(credible)now. Rare as hens teeth.
I’ll drop the thread, just making sure Bob was sorted. I took his question as genuine, why not.
Bob, you will have to look for me on current threads if wanting to, waited as long as I could here.
You can never fully “clean” a pc. Ways to make them run ok. Happy to give you free quality advice, like you gave me.
If you went to an Anglican school it must have been the World leader in “progressive” “education”.
If cadets and a 303 is progressive (our school had an armoury).
Night before parade days the boys would take the 303 home(bolt out) on trains buses etc to clean with uniform,boots all. Had some hidings there, hornsby , had the convicted pedo there way back. Glad I had my bad attitude(or questions) then. He literally said as I was 10ish, to parents, I was the most likely to end up in jail. They only go for a couple of crimes, not the history(and all the grooming stuff,sick) So, t simkins come visit, tell me of your jail. Promise not to do, what we were taught ,including bayonet drills, but I have some questions.
Simon, your candid comments are refreshingly honest. Fun to read.
The only thing obvious here is that they never taught you even primary school basics of English. All the rest of your twaddle could be made up as you go along for a perfidious and deceptive purpose.
I think I’ve come accross the likes of you before. Someone pretending to be a doddery old man making a succession of imbecilic claims or allegations that kindly refutations of were never, ever addressed. He only preyed on generous women who thought “poor old man! isn’t he sweet!”
You’re doing a Master’s degree at Tel Aviv Uni. perhaps? To demonstrate how easily the Goyim can be conned, perhaps?
You too, I was going to ask your opinion of this— was going to drop it on the current page.
I left a lot of verifiable details, even in that last mail. I thought you at least did some work.
I’d point out the flaws in your logic that flaps, with your own words. Bob seems to want to exempt some of them from scrutiny. No scrutiny of me, even though I have repeatedly asked to be challenged both myself and my content, just fire up the torches. No wonder I kept away from this, hypocrisy. Still funny though, especially, the superiority shown here, of form to content. Great advantage though, if I wanted.
For the lazy – The school is Barker College, Hornsby , Sydney – your kinda place I guess,
going by your defence of them, your have lots of company too, from my experience. and it still goes on looking at Commission. I left a bit of blood there, never rolled. Plenty were. Only thing you mention, is interesting in that light. Accuse the target with what your doing. Your in big trouble, if you think your, masters material(in a real sense).
Intellectuals here have a different definition to mine. I thought thinking made the intellectuals.
Here its just another class system, with all the associated bigotry.
So I challenge you to refute that.
Maybe allude to my deceptive purpose, since surely you need at least some circumstantial evidence. Was I that wrong, clearly
If you don’t, well, I see a smug little parasite, happy in a loop. Cause he know that the loop should fail, will cause his demise. All good, equals then.
Freemason said, good luck, after I exposed his hidden intent of membership as his only motivation.
Out there, where the goyim you slight, have multiple enemies.
You would be seen as “you can give it but you can’t take it”. You’d be considered weak and cut from the herd. They wouldn’t need your travel history, of even any words to be misspelled.
I drop that other mail later.
See Bob,
I was accused of something nasty. I immediately take “umbrage”.
At this libel. See my reaction. Immediate. I can assure you that my
first reaction was not to open flight centre, looking for the next flight
to Singapore.
Further, since no children were hurt here, I’m sorry that I took so much
umbrage, and apologise to Oldavid not for reacting, but over reacting.
Oldavid I could forget the whole episode, like it never happened if you could
Orrite, Simon, I’ve never been one to run away from a challenge. What do you want?
I don’t have much time for delicate little princesses who make wimpering sounds about “ad hominem”, “racism”, and lots of other aggressive evasion tactics the moment their ideological narcissism is challenged.
You can “over react” as much as you like; I will not be intimidated.
I see you’ve taken on a slightly more comprehensible language… that should auger well for any of our subsequent disagreements.
There’s this little Eastern European Gipsy/Roma guy I know of, called Alex Dileo. He too, has been accused of being a “nuff-nuff” and also a “pathological liar”. Alex’s prime sexual abuse tormentor was a well-connected New Zealand born man called Arnold Barry Eaton, whom funnily enough was a close associate of one of Fiona Barnett’s tormentors, also a Kiwi, called Bruce Spence!
Alex admitted himself going to Sydney with his beloved “uncle Arnold” and even meeting Bruce Spence and other TV celebrities, as Alex’s “uncle Arnold” ran an interior decoration company called “scruples interiors”. Alex even said his beloved “uncle Arnold” knew Rolf Harris & Robert Hughes!
I met this Arnold Eaton character,(as a 10 year old child in 1983) in Melbourne’s inner bayside suburbs, outside a bowling club, where “uncle Arnold” was drying his wet socks on a public park BBQ. Even then as a child I had my deep suspicions about this man, though I must admit I found this man very clever (& cunning) & interesting, compared to my more simple dull parents & snobby neighbors, so I could see why Alex & Fiona found these sexual deviants interesting company, as highly gifted, intelligent children, (especially coming from Eastern European backgrounds, where intellectual excellence is encouraged, as contrast to British & Spanish people, who are more dull and more commercial than Eastern European people), especially during the 1960s & 70s, when we were kids. I don’t want to bore bloggers /readers all of the auto-bio details of little Alex’s life (he was born in 1968, a year before Fiona & came to Australia, as a child refugee in 1971), but Alex having a Polish Gipsy background was a very sexually attractive little boy to many of Anglo-Saxon deviants(especially Arnold Eaton & Bruce Spence, whom are also Anglo-Irish extraction, as well as being Kiwis ), Alex even admitted a Lebanese man (during one of little Alex’s many visits to Sydney, during the 1980s) chased little Alex along “The Golden Mile” in Kings X, yelling after him in his deep woggy voice, Alex reminded him of his son back in Lebanon (BS! the reader would say) , luckily Alex managed to get away from that deviant!
Fiona Barnett too, was cursed with Eastern European “good looks” or “beautiful Balt” looks (like Rupert Murdoch’s 2nd wife) and too was a desirable item for Anglo-Irish deviants (most notably Richard Nixon). Let’s face it, our British people were ordinary ugly people, compared to the attractive East Europeans. Many ethnic kids were “fair game”, when it came to the attentions of Anglo-Irish “aristocrat” perverts. These days it would be different, as there are many variations of beauty, due to more mass-migration in Australia (& America too, with the hordes of Hispanics rolling in for the past 40 years, until Trump’s Presidency) .Why would Fiona make up lies for? The New South Wales Legal system in the 1970s, was one of the most corrupt systems in the western world, an example of this was, a lowly Legal Clark (Brian Alexander-now deceased, in odd circumstances, presumed killed by gangsters) could pass himself off as a “Lawyer” to desperate criminals and collect $1000s in bribes to corrupt coppers & Judges etc and get crooks off with light (slap on the wrist) sentences for serious crimes?
Now we all know the NSW Police Force was corrupt, but what Fiona is doing here is exposing how the whole Political System is corrupt, especially during the 1970s!
We all agree, Fiona Barnett is very brave!
Who are you shilling for? Marty Boy?
Things are not necessarily what they seem after they’ve passed through the crafty censorship.
Royal commission and their proceedings should be made public. Her accusations are explosive to say the least, the reaction of higher ups andnthe system is absurd to say the least. This is a nightmare, a total and utter shame. And the response to her accusations is what worries me more than her accusations. I hope this is looked into and investigated thoroughly. Greater transparency is essential and how on earth can this be handled the way it has been handled ?
Here every one I’m neva been abused very much against it iv been trying to contact Fiona with my emails not going through I’m going to leave my name here an email so if any body no Fiona pass it on to her please as I had the Australian godfather possibly a Freemason fail to murder me so I want to pass on my knowledge to everybody on how everything works here is my email Keith.dawson1968@gmail.com