Home Australia Who’s Who and What’s What

Who’s Who and What’s What


Adopted after full privatisation, claimed to be a representation of the southern cross, and described as a diamond logo, this stepped pyramid design could also represent the sun in obscure symbolism with the “black sun” (Saturn) peeping out from underneath.

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Battle for Hegemony

All wars are the same, they are for control of territory and increasing revenue such as taxation, tithes or hegemony. The needs of the overlords are always base. The stories about liberating countries from communism and so forth are these days understood to be fictional. An event the size of World War III could only be driven by the most powerful of forces, which is global hegemony. On the face of it we see the demise of the US dollar global standard, which allowed the US to buy whatever it wanted on the world market, simply by printing the money, most of which seemed to go to the Military Industrial Complex, leaving the citizens in debt. We now see the rise of a diversified range of currencies led by BRICS+ but with a global agenda emerging most strongly from an over-excited Chinese Communist Party. An Asian hegemony was already tried as the driver for the Pacific War, 1941-45, where the Japanese contract with the Reserve Banking System was timed to lapse shortly after the war was initiated. For their trouble Tokyo was burned in a firestorm and two smaller cities were nuked. All this is fully set out in a previous essay, “Economic Terrorists”, just site search j.g. to find it.

Confidence in money is plummeting, the electronic money is cheerfully used by the underclasses who have no money, but everyone else is buying debt, gold and company shares faster than ever.

Money is OK when it’s gold backed but in that case is it really money? Any system of real money eventually becomes corrupted by printed money, and what could possibly be better than printing your own money? It’s everyone’s dream.

Trump is now speaking out about the loss of global hegemony, the US dollar standard, saying “it’s like we lost a war”, which is what happened, they have lost the Bush Wars and failed to pin back Russia’s BRICS+ confederation of the underclass nations. This looks good on the surface but whatever is promised (eg. a form of gold bearing note) most likely won’t be delivered, since virtually every country on earth is beholden to the Reserve banking System, based in Basel, Switzerland.

An old map of Burgundy and Swabia, with Lake Geneva in the east, Basel and Zurich on the Rhine River headwaters in the centre. Map by Marco Zanoli 

Why was Russia the enemy of Europe for so long? Russia adopted the Eastern Orthodox (or vice-versa) and after Islam was created the headquarters in Constantinople was cut off from Rome. Russians therefore never paid the Vatican the tithes the French and Germans were saddled with. Further along the timeline we come to Martin Luther. Did the Lutherans (Protestants) pay protection money to the Vatican? I suggest not for long. Likewise Henry VIII obviously stopped the payments, and even more brazenly, stole the Spanish gold from the high seas. This Vatican hegemony was fragile.  It seems everyone wanted to transgress if they possibly could. A major transgression of the French was to exterminate large numbers of Knights Templars. Their eventual just desserts was the installation of Napoleon, who sent them in numbers to Russia, to die in the snow, in that most curious period of history, around 1812. The punishment for Britain was to be infiltrated, and by now, the entire British empire has been infiltrated and actually usurped, first through the royal lines, then the Reserve banking System and currently by the UN agencies.

It pays to always know who is collecting the tribute. The original “Global” masters were the Egyptians, ultimately of the Ptolemic (Macedonian) line, who profited from the Nile, the great superhighway from the heart of Africa to the civilisations of the Mediterranean. When Roman technology and methods finally destroyed their empire, they apparently trudged north, becoming jews-of-convenience somewhere along the way, up to the Khazaria-Ukraine-Venice end of the silk road to start up shop again, shrugging off Genghis Khan, eventually moving in to Switzerland, and throughout all the petty wars and battles of history they never forgot their pyramids and sun god, where it all started.

The pyramid appears on the US Federal Reserve Dollar, and inspires the Maltese Cross. Even in Australia, notorious former PM the late Bob Hawke supplanted the empty sky above the new Australian Parliament House with a huge pyramid symbol, politely topped with the flag of the day. 

The Roman empire never fell, the emperors simply tired of the inevitable assassination, which usually happened after three years. It all devolved into powerful city-states, leaving behind one of the greatest experiments of history, the Vatican with its Pope. The mystery of the Vatican’s interposition is reminiscent of the old Lewis Carroll story about the Cheshire Cat. The drug addled Carroll, walking home in the twilight, saw a cat up a tree which morphed into a “grin”, which was in fact the setting crescent moon, an obvious fact but for mystery’s sake, not admitted by the story-teller. In the same way the Vatican appeared from the ashes of the Roman Empire, and without much curiosity or question, took its place in history as a Globalist headquarters and central bank on the premise of the resurrection of Christ.

Globalist plans are executed to a schedule, a slow schedule does not indicate the absence of a plan. Celebrity Elon Musk can act like he’s on our team, fun and a genius, because he is playing the long game. He has swung in behind Trump, as have elements in the Murdoch camp, because he perceives Trump as the likely winner. His alibi is that the extreme far-left radicals, currently led by Brown Hillary, will encourage one of his offspring to go transgender. The offspring probably don’t need much encouragement to deviate or even self-mutilate if starting out with a name something like X Æ A-12 is any indication, or when their grandmother is Maye Musk.

A few circumstantial resume items from Maye:

A crimson fluid, conforming to a design

Is the brain being fed or feeding 

Artificial intelligence perhaps, being recirculated

Musk donations to Trump campaign efforts now pushing past $US100m


As above, so below

The intersection between business and politics is clear in Australia where we see a similar split; the conservative Liberal-National Party is pushing for nuclear power as they have been for well over a decade, with Julie Bishop and Alexander Downer on the unofficial yellowcake board, while their Globalist opposition Teals Party, funded  by inheritance billionaire Simon Holmes à Court pushes for green dollars. Holmes à Court and LNP party leader Dutton are both trying to climb different ladders. Dutton is an apple which hasn’t fallen far from the tree. His line goes back to a pastoralist squatter from the 1800’s, who has a Brisbane suburb named after him. The suburb contains Boggo Road Jail and an old cemetery. Peter Dutton is the new superstar of the dynasty, attempting to vault from petit bourgeois to haute bourgeois. From his beginnings in the drug squad, his reported, unofficial estimated worth is now $300 million.

Since they all seem to have a plan, what does he expect from the nuclear industry in his post-political career? Dutton’s principles are on show, he has been using the Gaza redevelopment process as an excuse for muslim bashing. His racist advantage is on a whole different plane to Trump’s, since the USA is being literally invaded with the consent of the Biden administration. In Australia, the ALP government is hostage to the muslim vote and cannot join in the pro-Zionist chorus, having already lost one of its new senators to principle. Unless dealt with somehow, Senator Payman will remain in place until the next half-senate election, around 2028.

Holmes à Court’s NGO Climate 200 has set its sights on Dutton’s seat of Dickson, “which is held by a mere 1.7% margin. It’ll back candidates in some 19 seats in total, and just two are held by Labor (ACT’s Bean and Tasmania’s Franklin). Other high-profile Coalition-held seats in the eco-juggernaut’s sights include deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley’s Farrer, Russell Broadbent’s Monash (he quit the Liberals to sit on the crossbench after he lost pre-selection, so the Liberal running will be Mary Aldred), Paul Fletcher’s Bradfield in Sydney’s upper north shore, and former Home Affairs minister Karen Andrews’ McPherson”. (source: crikey.com.au)

A Holmes à Court ancestral coat of arms with maritime elements

SImon Holmes à Court’s ancestor Lord Heytesbury was appointed Ambassador to Russia in time for the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-9, the Russian Empire had seized Romania from the Ottomans, having already secured Ukraine. From 1844 he served as Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, presiding over the beginning of the Irish Great Famine. After politics on the Isle of Wight his ancestors seem to have stepped off into the admiralty, eventually reappearing in South Africa and finally coming to rest in Australia. One can see a pattern here, long experience in foreign meddling.

The following is excerpted from:


“Zoe Daniel, an independent (Teals Party) MP who went to Canberra promising to help clean up politics, has been referred to the Federal anti-corruption commission.

Former Liberal MP and NSW party president Jason Falinski on Tuesday formally asked the National Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the inner-city Melbourne politician for lobbying on behalf of one of her financial supporters, wealthy renewables campaigner Simon Holmes à Court, to keep him out of the press.

“Ms Daniel’s spokesman said the MP hadn’t heard about the complaint and would wait for any notification from the commission or Mr Falinski before responding publicly. Liberal Tim Wilson, who she beat by 3 per cent last election, is running against her again.

Mr Falinski’s letter quoted an AFR article, which said that another independent MP, Allegra Spender, had also lobbied on behalf of Mr Holmes à Court, who established Climate 200, a fundraising company that was the driving financial force behind the election of five teal independents at the 2022 Federal poll.

A member of Teal MP Zoe Daniel’s staff reportedly asked the Australian Financial Review to remove a top donor from a “covert power” list.

A member of Teal MP Zoe Daniel’s staff reportedly asked the Australian Financial Review to remove a top donor from a “covert power” list. Credit: MICK TSIKAS/AAPIMAGE

“The paper didn’t agree to the request, and ranked Mr Holmes à Court seventh for covert power, one position behind News Corp chairman Lachlan Murdoch.

Mining billionaire Mr Holmes à Court is the son of the late Robert Holmes à Court, who made billions trading in big companies, including BHP, Australia’s largest mining group. He didn’t respond to a request for comment.

“Mr Holmes à Court is known to criticise people on social media who disagree with his strong support for wind and solar power subsidies. The Society of Engineers recently cancelled a seminar on nuclear energy when he complained on X. After members expressed outrage, the society backed down and rescheduled the talk.

Like other independents bankrolled by Mr Holmes à Court’s company, Ms Daniel was elected after promising to improve ethical standards in Canberra. As a foreign correspondent for the national broadcaster (ABC), she worked in Africa and the US.

“As a journalist of almost 30 years, I have built my career on my reputation on honesty and integrity,” she said at the launch of her campaign in 2021.

“These things, I think, are paramount qualities in leaders who are, or should be accountable to us.”

Meanwhile, the mainstream media yields ever so slowly to the reality that 0.04% atmospheric Carbon Dioxide does not influence the climate even slightly as claimed, it is in fact essential to life and in any case the vast majority of planetary Carbon Dioxide is quickly re-sequestered in soil and vegetation etc.

Dutton and Holmes à Court are pushing with one handle each of the same wheelbarrow, as they fight over a slice of the same pie. The entire premise of both their policies is a hugely expensive falsehood. Conservatism is hijacked from every possible angle, and meanwhile, progressivism becomes a Trojan horse for a dysfunctional society going into its death throes.



  1. Commonwealth bank got in the news today double dipping on everyone’s e-money transfers, what a boondoggle, days after WestPac bank screwed up their software and locked up accounts. Hopefully it only gets worse and we all go back to cash, if we can just stop the Chinese from printing it, perhaps those note machines should be reading the serial numbers and databasing them, that will give the RBA something useful to do for a change.

  2. To commemorate the victory of the ALP (again) in the Canberra election today ( which I didn’t watch ), a Pauline Hanson party video which pretty much spells out the reasons why Canberra votes for the ALP, basically they are freeloaders and don’t care much about anything outside of their personal wants and dreamscape.
    Have a quick look before it probably gets banned for one reason or another and taken down. (3 min)

  3. Mostly Rhodes skolar graduates in the kraft of slavemasonry making it formal, going thru the motions at selection time with pencils and sausage sizzles, as we place papers in slotted cardboard boxes (destined for the tip unfolded unseen unheard) next to plain clothed CCP officials loaded on every suburban council since 2000 Olympics. Spare me the bs.
    The game is rigged, same boss on all sides of division, with uni-party runners handing batons in replays.
    Anyway agenda rolls on regardless, known kabal komunizm fat cats on top, empty middle and peasants below.

  4. Michael Arbon: Australia on the Road to Authoritarianism, But Not All is Lost!
    Businessman and United Australia Party advisor Michael Arbon discusses the state of Australia which is currently attempting to centralize a lot of power through Digital ID, CBDCs, misinformation, and other legislation. The culture war (e.g. gender ideology) is alive and well and he believes people are starting to see through the lies and propaganda. He ponders what drives the liberal globalist apparatchiks and career politicians in Australia passing all this tyrannical legislation. The Australian housing market is a giant Ponzi scheme. We live in a nanny state, but Michael believes that not all is lost!

  5. It was so tragic that a robust Robert HaC departed so soon after securing BHP for his financial backers. And the wife had to go to Britain to grieve.
    Some say that famous painting of a dashing Napoleon atop a prancing stallion has him wearing a Knights Templar hat. Which reminds us of an equally famous painting of Christopher Columbus in 1492 flashing a gang sign.
    It is written that the detour through Palestine the Knights Templar took on their way to Londinium, called the Crusades, was to check on the ancient Roman fort of Antonia which the history writers renamed Solomon’s Temple, no doubt, for the dialectic necessary for the drama to come. Drama that included this week’s Zionist assassination of the Hamas dude on the anniversary of the infamous Event 201 which introduced the world to the biggest money printing exercise the world has seen under the guise of a runny nose called Corona (Crown) virus disease which is probably the most accurately named dis-ease ever invented.

  6. Deserts Are Turning Into Forests
    Constant rainfall returns to deserts across the planet from the Gobi to the Sahara marking a multi-thousand year cycle in play. We see green areas of these same deserts in early 1500’s maps. How will this change economy and society as these changes are seen by the entire global populace?

  7. Biden and Obama recent discussion(lip read)-“She’s not doing as well as I would be doing”and Obama said “no she’s not but there’s still time”.But with only 17 days to go there is not really enough time to do anything campaign wise.That plus the recent UFO boost may be the hail mary pass for the October surprise.
    Mystery School America X Prophecy Revealed

    • Trump is out there saying he can save the USD as the world currency.
      Well maybe he will drain the swamp this time around !!!
      Everyone is resigned to him winning as there are probably heavily armed patriots hanging around the polling places in the swing states. Demonrats have actually given up on Arizona this time. They said they won it last time !!! Unbelievable.

  8. I still haven’t got over this one (2 min)

    and another one the same (2 min)

    Satanist runway (2 min)

    Notice how the satanism has all gone quiet pre-election.
    Now Tayla Swift, Katy Perry and even Lady Gaga are “nice girls”
    Back to business if Hillary Brown can be made to look like winning.

  9. 🙀☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️🙈🤷‍♂️
    Just ignore it, the usual dumbos.
    beforeitsnews.com – people powered news and listen to Clif High and Dick Allgire. PRESENTLY HEADING THE ARTICLE/REPORT COLUMN.
    I am not going to waste my time explaining it all to the lazy stupids who have not been following.. ……. Those who know will know……… this aspect has been referred to many times, if you took no notice, your problem.
    It is more than SEVEN MINUTES.

  10. Superstorms and Civilization Collapse Are You Ready for Electrical Outages
    Storms are becoming more ferocious and the Sun is becoming angrier which has been witnessed through every chapter of history as the change of civilizations. We are here again and our world is fragile. The question is now, are you ready for full disruption?

  11. Vanessa Beeley Interview – The Gaza Technocracy Incubator & The Global Resistance Last StandTheLastAmericanVagabond
    Joining me today is independent investigative journalist, Vanessa Beeley, here to discuss the growing world-war dynamic in the Middle East and the ongoing genocide in Gaza that is now being recreated in Lebanon with little to no push back by the supposed “rules-based international order”. We also discuss how the global technocratic elitists are using Gaza as a testbed for artificial intelligence — fine tuning for future military use on a mass scale, as well as domestic control structures — and how the rising global resistance is not just about the future of Gaza, but the future of us all.

    • Anyone who converts to Judaism from any country in the world can go to Israel and it has become known as the hub for paedophilia -44 mins.

  12. Well,
    Are things hotting up?
    Who knows?
    Anyway, think of Cliff High above a put in a few dots found by the real MARY at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news tonight under the promo of T wading with two children under his arms. The video is down a bit in the Byington text.
    First thing tomorrow I will be searching is the AU and AG prices. Normies can go get a supply of Prozac……. Interesting potential barter item🙀💁🤪

    Sandra, they are welcome to their ELOHIM ‘CULTIST’ FUTURES. (Ref: Clif High) Plus their opposition, NOT OUR PROBLEM. Hate, greed, arrogance and stupid, has its own reward!

  13. Just as a thought. Have heard/considered all of real Mary at BIN this evening.
    What if Clif High’s analysis are the public consequences of the, if it is real, the exposures of the EBS system and required lockdown to ‘force’ people to stay home to sit and listen Without distraction.
    Those exposures would be explosive and continue on with, furthering the exposures and shock, the arrests and public trials
    Even allowing the deep state to do its false flag usual stuff.
    Such actions by the DS would be their Liquidated event and PROVE THEIR COMPLICITY.
    Great movie!…. Bring on Pavarotti 😎

    • In my thoughts, I have considered High’s analysis; 23 time 912 or more.
      But that was mainly contained to the West and the US.
      The EBC exposures might ? Be the cause of a world wide AWAKENING in matters and religion etc. that cause a worldwide rethink of “WHO WE ARE AND WHTS AT”.
      Do I have to do a MM epistle on the obvious? CONSEQUENCES?
      Some will hang in there and CANNOT FACE TRUTH IN HISTORY AND “WHATS AT”. So the repercussions will continue on the CH assessment.
      Some commentators here better get that supply of Prozac, THEIR WORLD VIEWS MAY NEED SOME RE-ADJUSTMENTS.? AND SOME HUMBLE PIE FOR DESERT. GOD DOES NOT CHOSE THE ARROGANCE of the conditioned. No matter those who wrote, manipulated and think otherwise.’

      • Here you are.
        ‘Mickey’ the cockatoo has been trapped in Cole’s at McArthur Park (BSW) for a month and Cole’s is reported as getting a licence to shoot it.WIRES claim as it is a native, they cannot use a net.
        Someone has suggested a line of scotch biscuits leading out the goods entry.
        Joe, you are thinking fellow, you might have a better solution?🤪
        I think, property dressed Cole’s could sell it frozen and labelled ‘quail’.

        • I’ve always wondered what a cockatoo tastes like. The buggers love to get into my macadamia and pecan trees. If things get bad, my neighbors and I will find out what they taste like.

          The worst bird is the Satin birds. A lovely bird, but highly destructive. They will sit on my grape vines and sample a grape, nope not ripe, drop it and grab another one, nope not ripe, then do it again and again. They also love to taste a bit out of each fig. – Since they are a fruit eater they should be delicious.

          • you mean the white cockatoo, taste as bad as a wood duck. funny like the pink galah, not protected by flora and forna act, historically anyway

          • Ok then, why start work when I could do a blogg instead, then go for a coffee, then start work.
            The blue party in Western Australia is feeling very confident after the worst thrashing of all time last election where they were left with only about 2 seats ( the coalition brown party had more than them for once, about 6 seats ). The public was so enamoured with McGollum’s temporary secession and total border closure that even SME business operators voted for McGollum’s red party. Now the blue party reckons they are in with a good chance to win, the press speculating minority government for the red party, not sure who they are going to team up with, maybe Teals Party !!! For 3 more years of total bullshit. In WA the birds are not so interesting, the wild black cockatoos and urbanised cockatiels are much less interesting than sulfur crested eastern cockatoos, they don’t have currawongs, small ones like zebra finch or fairy wrens are scarce or absent, the crows are the same though.
            If you like nature you are better off in Melbourne, I have even seen spoonbills in the city end of the Yarra, where they have unfortunately built “docklands” now. In Perth you have a better chance of being run over on the beach. All the same economic survival is the priority and Dicktator Dan has done an excellent job of smashing not only the economy but the short and long term prospects in Melbourne. Anyone with a good manual trade will easily find well paid work in Perth whether electricians ( who are the kings now ), plumbers, concreters, bricklayers, roofers, tilers, painters etc.
            Donald Trump has been cooking and serving fries at McDonalds saying he will give people extra salt, in direct contradiction to the common medical advice. I agree with extra salt, the medical advice is usually sponsored and a bunch of lies. It’s the Macbuns you need to throw in the rubbish. A good test is to see if the birds will eat them. In Perth only crows will eat rubbish like that.

          • I should add, the blue party lost on purpose, in WA as well as nationally, at the last elections. Nationally they weren’t trying but in WA they lost deliberately, they put in a young guy who wanted to shut down coal immediately to save the environment from imminent destruction, which caused the wipe-out. Throughout all this they were conspicuously holding up the CO2 fraud and deliberately avoiding any sort of discussion about the reality of solar cycles, let alone acknowledging that va666ine “hesitancy” was a legit part of normal bodily autonomy. HANDS OFF Nanny State. Go and shoot yourself up with whatever you like.

    Have to love.them drills, usually just in time for something.
    At beforeitsnews.com
    Less than 7 mins to know what to do and be safe.

  15. Bless you Simon you have been in my field all day vey close. something to do with memories of visiting Buckingham palace as small child looking after my brother– Charlies grandmother and my grandmothers good friends
    was proud of Lydia today

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