by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Seventy-nine years ago, FDR, Churchill, and Stalin met at Yalta in the Crimea, to make plans for our future. Knowing what we know today about each of those three men, I’d say none were fit to be in charge of their societies, but I’ll leave that point aside for now. Each of the three was in charge of a powerful nation. What did they want to get from the Yalta meeting?
Strange as it seems, all three wanted the Soviet system to grab all of Eastern Europe. Indeed members of the Russia Army in Germany, and POWs, who wanted to stay in the West were forcibly repatriated to Russia (this took place as “Operation Keelhaul.”). Never mind that the millions of people in Poland, Hungary, etc did not want to become communist. It happened, cruelly.
Folks in the US, such as my parents, simply did not recognize the true agenda. It was conveyed, instead, as part of the victory of WWII. And soon, that war was replace by a mythical one called the Cold War, which everybody bought into as “reality.”
I am mentioning Yalta because I am at this moment glued to the YouTube channel of Eric West where all the commenters are talking about the Maui Council’s plan to deposit the debris of the August fire in nearby Olowalu. All the commenters are saying “Don’t do that” and no one is listening.
Please try to think of this as Yalta-esque. Immense damage will be done. Six people are in charge of the decision (governor, mayor, and 4 council members, all elected democratically).
Here are some Comments about that at YouTube, of Jan 6, 2024, with the title: “Urgent Update: The Disaster AFTER the Disaster is about to Happen!”
@graceprais9814 — Brother Philip preached under the Banyan Tree in Lahaina for more than 40 years after he received a vision of the destruction of Lahaina. He said he saw a great hand holding a sickle above Lahaina that swiped through Lahaina. He said he saw dead bodies everywhere and even in the ocean. He said the government is responsible for the destruction of Lahaina. His vision has come to pass.
@leewallace6180 — It won’t matter how many are against this, the council will not listen. Does any member care about the environment?
@RouillardEmler — The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can’t sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance. …
@MagnificentGoldenRetrievers — Amazing how a place in California named Paradise was lost the same way
@Lidia_Es — Eric, they’ve made it CLEAR they don’t care about what the people have to say. They will do whatever they want. No matter what petition is signed, no matter how many people oppose it. This isn’t your land anymore. It’s over.
@Cconifer49 — Painful to watch the Council members’ casual indifference to the citizens they represent. What happened to government by the people and for the people? Not in Hawaii. Who do they actually serve?
@bettymagpali5079 — These commission members are ignorant and corrupt. They need to be investigated individually. Audit their accounts
I am trying to think of ways to halt this unnecessary disaster. As stated recently, the EPA is supposed to apportion blame for toxic waste. The August 8, 2023 disaster is being written off glibly as a natural fire. Insurance companies have labelled it “an act of God.” But that is a lie, a fraud. The fire was CLEARLY caused by Directed Energy technology. It was a mass killing, and not accidental.
Thus, there is room for federal involvement, to apply the rules of the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a creature of Congressional legislation. But enforcement of any law, if federal, is handled by the DoJ, Department of Justice. That is part of the executive branch (as I understand it), based on the US president’s Article II obligation: He “shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed.”
We can say for sure that the current head of the DoJ, Attorney-General Merrick Garland, will not do the right thing in regard to this imminent dumping of toxic waste. Nor will he do the more basic thing of prosecuting the perpetrators of the August 2023 fire, or even looking for them. Congress could impeach Garland tomorrow morning, and the Senate could convict him immediately thereafter. No due process is required, as this is a political, not a criminal, conviction.
I don’t have much hope that Congress will act, as they do not impeach Garland for other sins. So, in this article I am fishing around for other options. I am looking for Real Men.
The two Republican candidates who seem to me to be Real Men (not counting myself) are Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (age 45) and “businessman” Vivek Ramaswamy (age 38 — just out of kindergarten!). On the hustings these candidates speak of taking action, such as regarding the Open Border, and I believe them. It’s what men do. Men protect society.
And the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson of Louisiana, age 51, seems to have action in mind. There is also the Rep from north Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Green, who knows what she’s doing. And as regards the traditional (and biologically apported) role of woman as peacekeeper, there is love-monger Marianne Williamson. She is on the ballot for president; MTG and MIke Johnson are not. There is also RFK, Jr whose name is now on Utah’s ballot.
So, lacking any better idea, at the moment, I recommend that the presidential candidates — DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Kennedy, Maxwell, and Marianne Williamson, or any others — jump onto this issue. In many states it is still not past the deadline to file as a presidential candidate, so hop on board any of you who are real men or real women.
I also call on Tom Steyer who ran for president in 2020, as his presence was obtained by his wealth. I ask him to pour some money into resolving the horrible issues in Maui. Anybody else out there with money, get into the act. Time’s a wastin’.
Oh, I also call on any of the baddies who did the DEW thing to step forward and ask forgiveness. I am sure society will reward you by sparing you from prison or hanging or whatever. (Death is the penalty on the books, in US, for both treason and genocide.)
Come on, Everybody. Reflect on Yalta. We do NOT HAVE TO BE so stupid as to fall for whatever these pathological “big guys” are doing.
And I hardly need mention that the indigenous groups of the world should be attentive to the dumping problem.
Hurry, hurry. Prevent Operation Keelhaul. Prevent Poland, Hungary et all from going Communist. Prevent FDR, Stalin, and Churchill from sending millions to hell. Prevent all the proxy wars that were fought under the rubric of “Cold War strategy.”
You can do it. You CAN do it. Child’s play. Piece o’ cake. Walk in the park.
Do it!
Some of us are trying ….. BEEN SO FOR DECADES SINCE 9/11.
Despite being classed as ‘cultists’. (Synonyms : ZEALOT, FUNDAMENTALIST, PIETIST [whatever that is🤷] thiest, believer, religionist, deist, monotheist, churchgoer, communicant, polytheist, congregant …..?)
Take care Mary.
St. Francis
“Lord, grant me the courage to change what can be changed; the patience to accept what cannot be changed – and the wisdom to know the difference….”
A favourite of mine, I try to adapt, recognise and accept help as I discern it from others and reject distractors.
Only satan worshipers can afford the benefits that come with AI plutocracy run by global oligarchs. All governments in the world are working towards that end.
We are witnessing the shift toward pure luciferianism. The delusional will submit and take the beastly mark. These days we see satan cares as little for his workers as they care for us.
CBDC is from the pits of hell, all events aiming for that gaol.
This world has been controlled for millenia. Until one can accept that simple fact of life in this world, they will never come to comprehend the shear evil magnitude of it all.
I remember saying to my wife when Trump won the 2016 election -“This world has dodged a huge bullet.”
I thank God nearly everyday for the intervention into this world, of Donald J. Trump.
Remember East and West Germany being re-joined, Ronald Reagan provided the made-for-TV slogan “Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall” but at the time the West Germans were agonising, they didn’t want their poor cousins coming in. The poor cousins were very skinny. You could get girlfriends at the snap of a finger but they all were skinny with big noses. The East Germans could identify a foreigner instantly and were drawn magnetically. They all wanted to get out of Germany. So anyway before Bismarck Germany was a bunch of kingdoms / states perhaps best compared to Myanmar where the states ( Burma is central and the biggest ) are held together by force. So I would guess the Churchill FDR Stalin arrangements were simply along these lines. I think the bloodlines cooked up Albert Pike, Sages de Sion, probably parts of Nostradamus too. Murdock has given it a run
For more up to date emissions from the “illuminati” refer the Simpsons cartoons.
Our illuminati always has a very adolescent sense of humour.
… the Revelations would have definitely been cooked it has been around so long, I didn’t include it because personally I take it as a given, from Constantine to King James who the hell knows what they have done
Matthew 11.25
“Jesus said, I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and the learned, and have revealed them to the merest of children….”
I really feel sorry for Mayor Bissen. I hope he repents.
Michaelia Cash, what a legend
Potty mouth
vs. Senator Wong
In NSW our house of reps is referred to as the ‘bear pit’.
I did not know that Canberra has a ‘cat house’.
Pretty sure a good couple of million regular German army would have at least tried commie before committing to Ike Eisenhower’s democracy, had they known the final soultion was for only others to bang out cars and stufff.
Cannot resist referring to the fist ten minutes🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
At beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
Cannot stop laughing,
criminals have to declare for the tax corporation their illicit income It was also reported at WRH
TO look up the title “ we the people news: Benjamin Fulford geopolitical situation update for 2024 – a must video”
A shadow NSW attorney general told me in early 1980’s that our tax dept, as it once was, assessed all NSW police above the rank of Sgt to include their criminal incomes.
The obvious question: what about the amount the tax dept added to our politician’s income?
Poor normies, ‘cultists (per dear Sandra) must be a real pain for them.
‘Cultists’ must be satirists dear Sandra.
The report is even getting better… wake up.
Our fake policies have a problem🙈🙉🙊
I always heard something like the NSW cops require the criminals to get permission before doing a job, while the VIC cops used to just shake them down, so I would guess the NSW method is preferable, in terms of the state.
Because you appreciated my Nancy Pelosi interview I have looked at your reference however I am increasingly skeptical about the “Khazarian Mafia”.
I could go so far as to say “The hidden hand is hidden in plain sight”
Public Warning: Contains “white hats”, “debt jubilee” etc.
Sorry Joe, I spoke below before looking.
I can pass on responsibility to you for putting up the link.🙀🤡 Sandra! Do something.
Love the sharia law report at about 25 mins…. Adulterers to be stoned💁⚖️
Bugger, Canberra is to be stoned!?
I thought they are already stoned.
All in all, I think I better go to the ABC AND SBS COMFY ZONE for some relaxing bliss.
For those interested in more than a simplistic superficial explanation as presented by BIN.
Considering the synonyms for ‘cultist’ outlined in my comment firstly at the top hereof, where do you fit?
The report is only suitable in full for cultists, Zealots et.al and similar riff raff.
It may also cause some viewers serious psychological disturbances.
No responsibility is acknowledged by the reporter or by persons who may cite the program.
You have been hereby notified and warned.
Make your own bed.
The Secret Betrayal Or. Victims of Yalta. Published 1977. By Nikolai Tolstoy. I read it long ago. My family was almost put on the forced repatriation but my father was Estonian not Russian. So we escaped, and came to Australia in 1949. Grateful.
O k cultists, tighten your grip.
I have never referred to this site before to gs as Mary usually follows up the next day with an update commentary.
‘Need to know restored republic via a her. Update as of Monday 8 Jan 2024 ( the UN-REDACTED version)’
At beforeitsnews.com people powered news
Why now?
Just a feeling, for a month or two, our PM has been running around the world like a headless chook.
So just scroll down about 7 plus headlines from the top.
After sth A see ref to our alleged secret talks to ‘INStitute WORLDWIDE MARTIAL LAW.
Now we know he has plans for more o/ss trips.
I leave the rest to the ‘cultists’
Do I have a funny feeling, yep?
Work it out Sanfra , Dianne and Eb.
If past form, dictates, control, murder and secrecy is a test, it does not give a citizen much confidence that it will be good for Our ‘democracy’
Whose orders would they be followings.?
The usuals?
So we’re back at Yalta, winners carving up.
Has the war ever ended since Sarajevo 1914, just after takeover in 1913?
Still krown kabal komunazizm loaded.
“What if they had a war and nobody showed up.” We live in faith, Rosary the weapon they fear most, simple peasants truth.
OT, or maybe not.
Too good lawyers here, how iz it, I win 2 court cases for building without payment, and still end up paying legal costs? If not they would have sold house, fully owned without debt, to get their cut in this demoncracy that iz Oz. All I’ve seen since arrival at Circular 🔑 in ‘66, not what you know but who…
Maui Ukraina Gaza, a developers dream.
Paul Craig Roberts – beware of fake conservative websites
Naomi Wolf flipped from lefty to conservative and now getting all sorts of threats
Always a problem these progressives with their new world whatever
I resonated with Naomi Wolf;s description of dealing with spooks and mentally disturbed/stupid people. Until you get on the PTB’s radar, you can’t understand how tiresome it is. The constant level of defense/paranoia takes a toll.
Fulford preview 1/8: “we are headed for some sort of mega black swan event, POSSIBLY THIS WEEK.”
Worth a short 2 min ‘stroll’ some good stuff for ‘cultists’.
Found at rumormillnews.com. Monday 8 Jan 2034 at 13.32.40
The 11th is in two days💁🙀🍿?? (Here)
The Austin story is a serious puzzlement.
Ok this is for ‘cultists’ only.
Rumormillnews.com ….. again!
Government and media ridicule…
8 Jan 24 10:1454.
I thought the first would be best but over a bit I came across the special for Sandra.
Caption with photo:
“We brainwash people to think for themselves”.
Then there’s a caption for another fellow.
Sorry normies, now you know, did you not?
Always something knew to discover- from Star Trek.
Best time.
💁🏼 new🤷