Home Society Witchcraft and the Cruelty of Anti-Semitism

Witchcraft and the Cruelty of Anti-Semitism


(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP(L) Chancellor von Bismarck (C) Witch burning, Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica (R) Chancellor Hitler at Berlin in 1938, Photo: AP

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

I recently found a 1956 book entitled “The Magic Background of Modern Anti-Semitism: An Analysis of the German-Jewish Relationship.” It was written by Adolf Leschnitzer from lectures he gave at Free University of Berlin from 1952 to 1954. He served in WWI as a German soldier and then was a history teacher in high schools until he emigrated, to escape persecution, in 1939 — first to Netherlands then to England.

The theme of the book — “Magic Background” — goes like this.  For two centuries — the 1200s and 1300s — there was violent persecution of Jews in Germany (this book never talks about Jews elsewhere). Oddly, the cruelty lightened up during the 1500s and 1600s, the reason being that a focus on witchcraft replaced it. Then it came back again in 1800s and 1900s.

In the preface, Adolf Leschnitzer says “In another study I propose to put to the test the assumption that modern anti-Semitism is the witchcraft ‘mania’ of ‘late’ modern times.”

Notice the sarcastic quote marks around ‘late.’ The author is not so sure we have got passed the stage of developing hatred for a group when we are in economic distress — as Germany was, following two depressions, 1919-1924 and 1929-1933. His book seems to me to be spot on, and I was elated to see a new approach to “mass hypnosis.”

Interesting Historical Facts

Here are three background factors discussed in this very readable and very ideology-neutral book:

First, there wasn’t a “Germany,” as such, until the 19th century. There was Prussia, and other areas of German speaking people.  It was partly feudal. It did not participate in the intellectual liberation, such as the Paris salon, or cogitate on the American republic.

Second, Jews in Germany did not receive Emancipation until the 1800s. They got partial emancipation in 1812, via the Prussian edict “On the Civil Equality of the Jews,” then full equality in 1872. At that time, by an edict of Otto von Bismarck, (1815-1898), first chancellor of the German Empire, the serfs were also freed.

Third, because the lower classes got mobility at the same time as the Jews, anyone could now go to university, become professionals, and own land.  The two groups came through it together and were friends — in symbiosis. Many Jews assimilated fully and after 1872 most were indifferent to their religion. Some followed the recommendation to get baptized. Page 78:

“They were irreligious. They thought they had found in science … an adequate substitute for religion. They did not attend religious services at all, or at most … on the High Holidays. They paid their Jewish community taxes. One could sever all ties with Judaism without being baptized, in Prussia they could do so by a simple declaration to a lower court.”

Jews made up only one percent of the German population but after they could get formal education they became writers, doctors, lawyers, musicians, judges, and contributed heavily to the cultural blossoming of Germany.

Now let’s go back earlier.  Note: when the author says ‘the seventeenth century,’ I will change that to ‘the 1600s,’ as it is easier to picture. Pages 27-28:

“The first stage began in the last two decades of the 1600s when a handful of well-to-do Jewish families were again granted permission to live in the capitals of a few German states, such as Vienna or Berlin. … The state assisted in the creation of a Jewish upper bourgeoisie…. The first personal relationships between Christians and Jews evolved.  Thus Lessing and Mendelsohn struck up their friendship in 1756.

“(a) The groups involved on both sides were small. Neither the largest portion of the Jews nor the mass of the German population were touched by this process of coming together.

“(b) The process was set in motion by the mercantilist economic policy of absolutism…. The Jews pioneered in some fields in which other businessmen were late or hesitant to enter.

“(c) Assimilation or absorption followed each other within two or three generations.”

Witches, Anyone?

I am jumping around the book, but will now report Leschnitzer’s insight into anti-Semitism, which I think has merit. The Jews were used to being persecuted. They were downtrodden and looked down upon. (I say it’s natural for the dominant group to give little recognition or even hate to the lower class.) But this took the form of “magic.” Jews could be blamed for anything.

I think the author got this idea from the chronology, pointed out above, that during the 1500s and 1600s in Europe people went crazy blaming “witches.” I had no idea until I read this book that perhaps a hundred thousand were burned at the stake or hanged for being witches. This was from 1575 to 1699.  Page 97:

“In a time of transition [the advent of science], when many people did not know which way to turn, the witchcraft mania was directed primarily against the female sex. The general feeling that womankind is strange grew to absurd suspicion, which was in turn activated by the grotesque superstitiousness of the age and a systematic policy connected with economic calculations.”

Holocaust “Denial”

Before continuing with Adolf Lesnitchzer’s theme, let me revert to our interest in Holocaust revisionism. I jumped on the bandwagon with my Adelaide friend Fredrick Toben, circa 2012, as he pointed out to me the outrageousness of the prison terms being handed out in Germany for “Holocaust denial.”  A phrase in the law made it a crime to insult the dead, or something like that.  (Talk about making history inaccessible!)

France and Poland made similar laws. Australia’s Human Rights Act did not make it a crime, but Toben was jailed for contempt of court when he refused to delete “anti-Semitic” material from his website. (I am on record supporting Toben in court and I am also on the record evaluating his AdelaideInstitute.org website as anti-Semitic; one of the cartoons was disgusting, but dear Fredrick was determined to fight censorship.)

At GumshoeNews.com, we were also moved by a very intelligent German lady, age 90, Ursula Haverbeck who stated in videos that no Jewish organization would answer her simple question about the location of the Nazi’s mass killings. The museum at Auschwitz had quietly changed its proclaimed number of Jewish deaths from 4 million to 1.5 million without that causing a rewrite of the famous number six million.

Furthermore, sleuths found many quotes in the New York Times, as far back as the 1920s, that “six million” Jews died in the FIRST World War — a figure no one today would try to support.

We know today, even from prisons in the US and the UK, that torture abounds when no one is looking. Jews were rounded up from their homes and interned — there’s no shortage of evidence for that. But no written evidence of an extermination policy has thus far been located. It is OK therefore to question it, indeed it is very healthy, always, to put the arguments on the table.  A whispering campaign is by definition dangerous.

(Note, however, that it’s not German Jews but German Gentiles who have made and enforced the laws against Holocaust denial or Holocaust minimization. What’s that all about? Hmm. I don’t rule out that the whole deal has to do with keeping eyes off of the truly guilty. Indeed it would be a very clever strategy, wouldn’t it?)

When reading this book “The Magic Background of Modern Anti-Semitism,” it struck me as very likely that Jews have had to put up with very unfair criticism — many people hold a negative view that can’t be reasoned with. And maybe it is akin to hysteria about witches. Psychologists know how important it is for individual to find a scapegoat to blame for their trouble. And masses can do this, too.  Pages 140-143:

“Emotions, ideas, desires… were available to be manipulated for political purposes…. A new psychological vacuum had arisen which needed to be filled…. For a long time, anti-Jewish feeling found expression in words, in social discrimination, but only rarely in outbreaks…. Highly inflammable materials were being assembled.  Evil gossip… fear… baseless and bottomless hatred were swarming in the air….

“Declining classes generally believe they are suffering an injustice. They are inclined to blame the classes which are rising at the time. The lower middle classes between 1850 and 1880 linked their own difficulties with the prosperity of the Jews in a cause-and-effect relationship…. [By 1933] the number of [Germans] threatened with ruin swelled exorbitantly. The wild senseless anti-Semitic charges pulled out of air became a kind of magic word in Nazi mouths… creating the precondition for dictatorship.  [There was] a systematic fostering of mass hypnosis.

“The racist doctrine of the inequality of man — the German was able by birth, destined to the highest achievement, the Jew worthless — was the dynamite that blew up the democratic egalitarian conception of the republic. In Mein Kampf, Hitler makes it clear that the masses must always be presented with but ONE enemy.  There was the passionate desire to find the villain and make him answer for his crimes.”

We are all doing this today.  It’s remarkable that Leschnitzer was writing in the Fifties: he had no way of seeing our situation. The tragedy we are facing is the takeover by the globalists. I, like others, am keen to identify who is responsible. Surely it takes massive coordination for the geo-engineers to do their hurricanes, and the financiers to plan a depression, and the “Tavistockians” to control our minds, and the Mafias to supply the hitmen of errant leakers. Etcetera!  Surely it can’t be “the Jews.”

I know of scholars who believe it is the Jews. They do intensive research and find plausible clues. But they fail to look for clues that would take them elsewhere.  Here is an example, which I often mention.  Many Americans think AIPAC is running Congress. Without doubt, there are unofficial congressional whips who do get our legislators to pass particular laws (by bribe, by blackmail, whatever).

The “I” in their acronym stands for Israel. This does NOT mean that Jews are running Congress. It does not even mean that Israel is running Congress. The 535 members of Congress are running Congress. When they do wrong, they are the ones to blame.  If they feel helpless, let them say so. Maybe we could help them.

Three of the top Cabinet posts in the US government today are filled by Jewish individuals — State, Treasury, and Justice. Those three persons are doing evil things. Are they doing it because they are, ethnically or religiously, Jews?  I don’t think so.  Are they doing it to help their tribe?  Surely you jest. So what’s going on?  Let’s open everything up and find out.

Apologies Are Due, for Anti-Semitism

In 2001, the Massachusetts House of Representatives declared innocent the many women who were executed as witches in Salem in the 1600s. Recently, the government in Scotland has apologized for its witch hunting. I suppose the motivation for this is that, since everyone now knows that the executed persons were really not witches, it is time to correct the record.

I think apologies are due to Jews for persecutions and pogroms that occurred throughout millennia. In 1998, Pope John Paul II issued a paper “We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah,” acknowledging that the Church should have taken a position against Naziism. And Germany has paid reparations to survivors of the Holocaust and to the state of Israel. But we Gentiles should go further and repent our (natural) habit of blaming people for things they are not actually guilty of.

Jews have been particularly vulnerable to attack as individuals but also as a group — as when, say, Queen Isabella kicked the Jews out of Spain in 1492 despite their great contribution to culture. According to History.com, “Many died trying to reach safety, and in some cases it is believed that refugees paid for passage to other countries only to be thrown overboard by Spanish captains.”

I don’t think it would be wise to talk about apologies at this moment, as there is already a major effort underway to stir ethnic groups up against each other — the media gives it non-stop coverage.

To repeat: Adolf Leschnitzer’s 1956 book “The Magic Background of Modern Antisemitism: An Analysis of the German-Jewish Relationship” is a wonderful contribution to the study of an era — mainly 1872 to 1933. The author show sympathy to the Germans for their economic plight and does not blame them, as a people, for Nazi policy.

That book is now 63 years old. I hope there’s a contemporary Leschnitzer out there who can help us, such as with our imminent war over Ukraine. Let me quote again his insight, that there was “a systematic fostering of mass hypnosis.” Such a thing is hardly limited to Germany. Page142:

“Wild senseless anti-Semitic charges pulled out of the air became a kind of magic word in Nazi mouths… turning individuals into masses and thereby creating the precondition for dictatorship….



  1. “The museum at Auschwitz had quietly changed its proclaimed number of Jewish deaths from 4 million to 1.5 million without that causing a rewrite of the famous number six million”

    So what’s that claim based on?

    • Research the continual figure of 6 million in the newspapers from about mid 19teens.
      Good work on it with newspaper reports from about that time by Mike Rivero at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
      I wonder if anyone cares about the Holodmor (sp? Re TWENTY MILLION PLUS IN THE UKRAINE.
      Now there is a challenge for you MM.

      • Russian deaths under Stalin were reportedly more than all deaths under Hitler, and Chairman Mao was an even more successful killing machine. Of course there are some who say jews were behind any and all of the above.
        Jews adapt better to western culture than almost anyone else, thanks to a focussed upbringing they enter the professions and make their way upward with the ease of a well-bred Anglo. Other cultural groups take two or more generations to achieve what the jews might do in one. If there was an Olympics in getting degrees the jews would probably win. I have noticed they are simply focussed, they are drawn more intensely to ideas and intellectualism of various types, and their treatment since Pharaohs time has made them thick skinned enough to sum up valueless situations by simply turning their backs and walking away. It’s in their upbringing, I don’t know that there are any jewish “yobbos” anywhere but yobbos are produced in numbers here.
        Social engineering happens everywhere, at every level, from individual to tribal to mass culture, there’s pressure applied from all directions. The Globalist concept of nuclear family (2+2) is broken up, now “we are all individuals” (Thatcher), and women can’t wait to put their kids into state-run childcare, let the state do everything, their newest idea is wokeness.
        Here’s an odd bit of corporate-level blowback against wokeness, 3 woke bank failures in one week (approx).

    • “On its website, Yad Vashem, Israel’s principal Holocaust research center, quotes the Eichmann reference, and then says that both early and more recent estimates by a variety of different scholars have fallen between five and six million.

      Such estimates are arrived at by comparing pre-war census data with population estimates made after World War II. The Germans, though they treated their plan for annihilation of the Jews as a state secret of the highest order, also kept scrupulous records of deportations and gassings, which also serve as a vital source of data.

      One of the earliest researchers, Raul Hilberg, came up with a figure of 5.1 million in his 1961 classic “The Destruction of the European Jews.” In the third edition, from 1985, he provides a lengthy appendix explaining how he calculated the estimate.

      Lucy Dawidowicz, in her “The War Against the Jews” (1975), used prewar birth and death records to come up with a more precise figure of 5,933,900. And one of the more authoritative German scholars of the subject, Wolfgang Benz, offered a range of 5.3 to 6.2 million. Each used his or her own method to arrive at the totals.”

      • In my view said fear is deeply convoluted with the issue of “Christian” ambassadorial failure spelled out in the same vid together with certain “Christian” interpretations as to when and why the millennial reign foretold in REVELATION 20 will take place.

        According to Roman Catholic doctrine we’re already in said Age( I guess their countdown starts at the ascension) but so far as I’m concerned it’s patently obvious that an Age in which “Satan is bound” would not have been, or continue to be, characterised by wickedness

        Another glaring giveaway re the implausibility of said doctrine goes to the biblical illiteracy of most RCs – and for that matter, most protestants:




        Enough said.

        Here’s a rough outline of my position:

        “The premillennial interpretation of the reign of Christ holds that He will reign on earth for one thousand years after His second advent………………………… Its general characteristics are unfolded in such passages as Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 11; Psalm 72; Jeremiah 23:5-8; 31:31-40 ; Ezekiel 37; Daniel 2:44-45; 7:13-14 ; Micah 4:1-8; 5:2-5 ; Zechariah 14. The outstanding New Testament passage is Revelation 20. ………………The multiplied details of every aspect of life relating to the millennium makes untenable the efforts to spiritualize all these Scriptures and make them conform to the present age. The description of this period is so graphically different in all of its aspects that it demands a literal fulfilment in the period following the second coming of Christ. The millennial kingdom will be the crowning work of Christ prior to the eternal state.
        The thousand-year reign of Christ will close, according to Revelation 20:7-9, with a rebellion against Christ as God and King. This will be occasioned by the loosing of Satan who has been bound throughout the millennial kingdom and who upon his release immediately prompts many on earth to rebel against Christ. Those who are deceived in this way have been born during the millennium and, while forced by circumstance to make an outward profession of faith in Christ, nevertheless reveal their true state of unbelief as soon as opportunity arises. Those who rebel, led by Satan, encompass the city of Jerusalem in an attempt to take it by force and according to Revelation 20:7-9 are destroyed by fire which comes from heaven. With the destruction of the army, Satan himself is cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10) where the beast and the false prophet were cast a thousand years before. The millennial kingdom, the most ideal state imaginable for man apart from the eternal state itself, thus closes with another graphic demonstration of the wickedness of the human heart even under such ideal circustances and forever shuts the mouths of any who would question God’s justice in judging the world”

        In short you’re either getting ready for when a Jew rules the World or not:

        “The long history of Christian anti-Semitism is the great stain on Christendom that cannot be erased.But while Christians today cannot change the past, we can pay heed to Paul’s warnings, repent of all forms of supersessionism, and relate to the Jews in a way that the Lord expects: by showing mercy, love, and honor. THIS WILL BE QUITE NATURAL IF WE ACKNOWLEDGE WHERE WE CAME FROM”
        “WHEN A JEW RULES THE WORLD” page 75

  2. Jews hate Christ, a descendant of Shem in the flesh, therefore the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan are anti-Semitic.

    To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b)

    “As to dialogue in the purely theological sense, nothing could be more fruitless or pointless. Judaism is Judaism BECAUSE IT REJECTS CHRISTIANITY; and Christianity is Christianity BECAUSE IT REJECTS JUDAISM. What is usually referred to as the JEWISH- CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS EXISTS ONLY IN CHRISTIAN OR SECULARIST FANTASY.”—- 1966, by Rabbi Eliezar Berkowitz, chairman of the department of Jewish philosophy, at the Hebrew Theological College



      • What is Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

        “……….The Pharisees who were guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit will not be among the overcomers who inherit the first resurrection. They are disqualified from being overcomers. They will not be able to enjoy the benefits of immortal life in the coming age. That is the essence of what Jesus was telling them.

        In fact, the first resurrection will be limited to a few, for we read in Revelation 20:5, “the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed.” These Pharisees are among “the rest of the dead.” They will be raised for judgment at general resurrection and will be summoned to the great White Throne for judgment (Revelation 20:11, 12).

        The Pharisees’ Sin

        What is unique about blaspheming the Holy Spirit? The context shows that these Pharisees attributed the work of the Holy Spirit to Beelzebub, “Lord of the Flies.” (The Jews altered the name slightly to read Beelzebul, “Lord of the Dunghill,” where flies tend to congregate. In their zeal to slander Jesus, they found it necessary to slander the Holy Spirit, by whose power Jesus had just cast out the dumb demon. In doing so, they identified God as Beelzebub.

        Those Pharisees prided themselves as being avid followers of the Law, but in fact they were followers of men’s carnal understanding of the Law. They had put away God’s Law in order to follow the precepts of men (Matthew 15:3, 7, 8, 9). That lawless lifestyle simulated lawfulness, for they claimed that their doctrines presented God’s character and plan accurately. But if they had truly known the Law, they would have recognized Jesus as the Messiah, for He fulfilled every word in the Law and the Prophets.

        In the judgment itself, they will not be forgiven, but instead they will be “sold” (Exodus 22:3) as debtors to the Law until the Law of Jubilee finally sets them free into the glorious freedom of the children of God. This is the nature of the “fiery law” (Deuteronomy 33:2 KJV)………….”


        • So you reckon that One for Israel is “guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit”
          Or were you simply stumped for words?

  3. On topic re more WITCHCRAFT AND CRUELTY.
    If anyone wants to care about your place now and SOON, try the latest report by Jim Willie at beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
    He also refers to Ricardo Bosi and Clif Highl
    With banks and expected vengeance against the current WITCH-DOCTORS from their victim”s families as well as loss of trust in the finance fraud system.
    Anyone note gold and silver over last few days?

  4. Change Jew to Irish Catholic, dial the years back. Its bad for ANYone of faith, in MSN history

    Do you think any of the fallin angels have had a change of heart, I do. I don’t commune with any unless a hopeless… just a messenger experience. Talking about 1 in 20 years.

    Does spirit cooking with Brockawitch cause your gut to want to empty, these people are so demonic because the “force” is perverted to a few(themselves((black magic)).
    An outward prayer for others is a force, but I will not call it magic, white or otherwise

  5. When someone makes a claim such as, quote:

    “The museum at Auschwitz had quietly changed its proclaimed number of Jewish deaths from 4 million to 1.5 million without that causing a rewrite of the famous number six million”

    And they’re asked to substantiate it
    But said request gets drowned by a truckload of off-topic distractions……………….

  6. Latest situation update at beforeitsnews.com very worthwhile on current globalist financial planned scheme from about 18 mins
    Note Israel pulled a billion from silicon V bank before collapse ( 911💁🤡 habit)
    News for Penny at about 37 re China war!

    • Just up the hill from the Elizabeth St big flagpole, on the right
      Biolab central, gain-of-function, weaponisation, forced injections
      Aussie Cossack & Maria Zeee

  7. “You Can’t Fix Stupid”

    June 7, 2017

    Sit the students down and explain slowly: “According to the World Jewish Encyclopaedia there resided 2.4 million Jews in German Occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jewish ‘holocaust survivors’ were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining six million were lost.”

    Let us see if the students have been paying attention and now ask the class how many Jews died during World War Two.

    Six million, sir!”

    Okay, let’s start again: “Doctor Charles P. Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, in 1945 was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s department. As part of a US war crimes investigation team Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other camps examining more than 100 corpses on some days.

    Dr Larson confirmed that none of the autopsies he performed showed any evidence of death by poison gas. But, his conclusion was that death had occurred by typhus and starvation (as a consequence of USAAF and RAF saturation bombing).”

    Testing the students to see if attention is being paid, the question is again asked and the knee-jerk Pavlov response is, “Six million, sir.”

    It is exasperating, I know, but let us persist…………….”



    History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number

    By John “Birdman” Bryant

    “I do not believe that telling the truth about Jews — even the ugly truths — is something that ‘promotes hatred’ of Jews — at least not among intelligent people. If, for example, we point out that most Jews believe in and promote the Orthodox Jewish Version of the Holocaust, we are not claiming that they are evil any more than the many non-Jews who believe and promote the same story — we are only saying that they are misguided and need to be properly informed. This, of course, does not keep believers in the Orthodox Jewish Version — whether Jews or gentiles — from hating US when we point out its falsity, and indeed, this is what they often do; but that only means that the worst we could be accused of is that, in telling the truth, we promote hatred of OURSELVES.” –JBR Yant ………………….”


    • Chinese dead under Mao nobody even counting, could be 50 million, could be 300 million, nobody cares, he’s a national hero. Hitler was not so lucky thanks to the persistence of the jews and the stubborn enduring resentment from the poms. Do we hear from the gypsies, cripples, Czechs, Belgian slaves, etc, no only the jews and poms can maintain the rage.

      • It’s weird how this funny little debate persists – that there were not 6 million killed but only 1 million or some other number, as if that means the killers are innocent and the victims are lying therefore guilty, it is indeed witch logic, if she floats shes a witch, if the jew dies he was innocent, it’s such desperate rubbish I don’t know why it keeps coming up, Mass murder qualifies as a much smaller number, probably 5, 10 or 20, you don’t have to get to thousands or millions if you want to be a mass-murderer, of course if you want to be the greatest mass-murderer of all time then you have to get into the 100’s of millions

  8. Specially for Dee from Aishe Spark and the conglomerate.

    Thank you Gabbi Choong and bless you my dearest Nellie we stand together https://youtu.be/IVOELuhBUWk

    “Nellie is a courageous survivor of ritual abuse and M K ultra in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. She speaks out today to show the structure and methods used by cult networks in programming children into mind control slaves and from here mass populations. ”

    Nellie shares her important truth to assist other survivors in healing and to raise awareness in our communities so we all may know the signs of cult abuse and watch over the children around us

    Despite reporting serious crimes in thousands of pages to the police and various state authorities, nothing has been followed up or actioned and instead Nellie herself received targeting

    Together we must support our whistleblowers. It is these important truths that are exposing the evil that has remained hidden for lifetimes. Only then will our children be safe

    comment from our Vicki

    “Just finished watching. I am blown away Nellie. Thank you ever so heartfeltly if that is even a word, well now it is. The detail, the techniques, the horrors of what people have had to endure through their lives. Your honesty and courage to stand in your truth. To expose the cults and networks is imperative and we that have been hidden from it need to honour the bravery of those who can. At one point i thought i was going to burst into tears. Your speech on the June 21 was not even close to the things shared in this interview. I don’t think i could have survived all that. I so look forward to hearing your next interview.
    Gabbi Choong thank you for bring yet another Australian survivor to heal us from this evil, to understand the enormity of vile monsters out there and to say to all of them you are believed. You can no longer say this shit doesn’t exist. I pray when the voices of millions echo the world and deafen those ears and minds who chose not to hear or see the world for what is truly is. I pray this multi-generational abuse can stop the minute we acknowledge what survivors and whistleblowers have endured and survived to tell their stories.”

  9. Well, after 35 comments, I clearly see that I failed to make my point. It was not about issues that Gumshoe like to mull over: How many died at Auschwitz? [maybe less than a million]; Who owns the Media? [actually Blackrock owns it]; How does AIPAC bully Congress? [Search Gumshoe for “Gus Savage”] — etc.

    The article was about prejudice and the misery of being subjected to blame for sins you did not commit. Or, just the unfairness of rejection. Leschnitzer’s book gave me a whole new sense of that — although, btw, he did not run that theme at all. He told the history of witchcraft and it made me realize how gullible we all are (vaccine, anyone?) when a story is going around.

    A reader emailed me critically because, after saying “I think apologies are due to Jews for persecutions and pogroms,” I reported two other apologies: the Papal “sorry” and the German payout. That was a grammatical glitch; I should have started a fresh paragraph to mention those two official apologies. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were chicanery behind both of them. My apology is just human-to-human.

    We are all prejudiced — we “pre-judge” based on shortcuts. I once read an article by a Black guy who said he nearly strangled a Whitey who said (intending to be polite) “Your problem is…”

    Denigrating people by their “category” is our problem, not theirs. Just teach that simple fact to kids in school, maybe with some hilarious cartoons, and it will be quickly learned.

    I apologize for MY PART.

    • Well I guess that means that you’ve got no means of substantiating your claim that, quote:
      “The museum at Auschwitz had quietly changed its proclaimed number of Jewish deaths from 4 million to 1.5 million without that causing a rewrite of the famous number six million.”

      The assertion that the article “was not about issues that Gumshoe likes to mull over: How many died at Auschwitz” is also belied because HALF of it appears under the heading “Holocaust ‘Denial’” and it incorporates:

      (1)an outright contradictory remark, quote: “let me revert to our interest in Holocaust revisionism”

      (2)An attempt to downplay said “interest”, quote: “A phrase in the law made it a crime to insult the dead, or something like that.”
      (3) An attempt to sanctify it via equivocation quote: “no written evidence of an extermination policy has thus far been located.”

      This is a pretty good summation of the overarching thrust:

      “Most (“revisionists”) don’t deny the Holocaust outright, they relativize it — by questioning the number of Jews murdered during the Second World War, 6 million, or by denying its historical significance.”

      The co-founder of the climate change protest movement Extinction Rebellion, offered a famous example (in November.2019) Roger Hallam told German weekly Die Zeit that the Holocaust was ‘just another f***kery in human history.’ ”

      • This is not a courtroom, Berry. I don’t know why you put so much effort into picking everything apart. So I writes a book review to share a little-known book, as it has unusual content. So why not just grab any part you like, and if there be no such part, why not just go to the movies.

        Berry, do you realize I have never been paid for the thousand or more articles I have posted to Gumsies? Might there be a teeny-weeny thank-you someday? Maybe you could add to my eulogy “She wasn’t completely horrible, no, she had her fun moments.”

        Here’s “Cato” for your amusement:

      • So you think that publishing a false accusation about the Auschwitz museum is OK because it’s not going to be vetted by some humanoid authority figure
        Well I strongly disagree

    • Maybe you haven’t quite seen your point, one point is that it’s so easy and comfortable to simply blame “the other”, as mooted, jews and witches. Some people take jews as a given, for example the remaining barrow pusher, will not be dislodged from the idea that every jew is evil and controls everything and must die to save the rest of us who are all lily-white and innocent as babies. This dogma is virtual insanity but for many people it’s bedrock, just as is loathing Trump because his is a fat old white man in a business suit and because the M$M told us to despise him for years now. Trump also needs to be seen more objectively but people are satisfied with their one-eyed position, which fits in with their social and work life, effectively they’re a brick in the wall.
      I have seen jew-haters wilt and fade away from this very blogg because when challenged they reveal they have no substance and suddenly become too sensitive for reasoning debate. They post their advertising again and again, fuelled by xenophobia, without acknowledging the obvious, that people of all colours and races are welcomed into the New World Order, but they insist “it’s the jews” and won’t expand their thinking even in the face of a mountain of facts.
      So the evidence you are looking for is the vacuum in front of you.
      Why not explore who is really in control, and people are starting to wake up, it’s staring everyone in the face, and I have made no secret of WHO they are.
      Do people really want answers or do they want their prejudices confirmed ?
      The latter of course !!! Who ever said the truth was popular, isn’t the saying “the truth hurts” ? Lies are designed to go down better.
      Why not do a story, “Yes it’s the Jews after all” and you might be surprised by a wave of on-topic support.
      But I think Dickhead Dan has outlawed free speech in that respect.
      As for people staying on topic, that’s against the first amendment, posting funny videos and songs that nobody likes is our basic human right, shared by all.

      • With respect to Trump being a Freemason, he may have decided to ditch it after (during) 9-11, here comes David Bowie again who fascinates me as a suspended Freemason of unknown degree.
        On one of his Berlin albums he did a song called “Yassassin” and also this one “Blackout”, about being hunted. His next album was called “Lodger” and we couldn’t work out why at the time but it was about moving around. He was being hunted for saying too much in his songs. Private life too I guess. The next album “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps keep me running, running scared”. At about this point his music deteriorated to the point of uselessness and he needed money and sold out to pop culture to the disgust of his fan base.
        So this is what happens to Freemasons who blow too much hot air, they get hunted down. It seems Trump has effective protection ?

        BLACKOUT lyrics
        Oh you, you walk on past
        Your lips cut a smile on your face
        (Your scalding face) to the cage, to the cage
        She was a beauty in a cage
        Too, too high a price
        To drink rotting wine from your hands
        (Your fearful hands) get me to a doctor’s, I’ve been told
        Someone’s back in town the chips are down
        I just cut and blackout
        I’m under Japanese influence and my honor’s at stake
        The weather’s grim, ice on the cages
        Me, I’m Robin Hood and I puff on my cigarette
        Panthers are steaming, stalking, screaming
        If you don’t stay tonight
        I will take that plane tonight
        I’ve nothing to lose, nothing to gain
        I’ll kiss you in the rain
        Kiss you in the rain (kiss you in the rain)
        Kiss you in the rain (kiss you in the rain)
        In the rain (in the rain)
        Get me to the doctor
        Get me off the streets
        (Get some protection)
        Get me on my feet
        (Get some direction)
        Hot air gets me into a blackout
        Oh, get me off the streets
        Get some protection
        Oh, get me on my feet
        while the streets block off
        Getting some skin exposure to the blackout (get some protection)
        Get me on my feet (get some direction, woo-hoo)
        Oh, get me on my feet
        Get me off the streets (get some protection)
        Get a second, get a (woo-hoo)
        Yeah, get a second breath and pass, second go, blackout

  10. All people everywhere suffer injustice, especially in war, where there is no love only hatred and blood overflowing.
    For two years, German cities were carpet bombed to flatness. They were rebuilt, although loss of civilian innocents never revealed.
    All races continue suffering, as long as enemy’s on all bases loaded collecting the spoils. There are only two paths, respecting all living or destroying.

  11. Maria Zeee covering the bank big picture in the backwash of the Woke Bank meltdowns. The big picture has been very clear in Australia over the past few decades as State Bank Vic then Bank of Melbourne then BankWest all got absorbed into Commbank and Westpack after financial crises. Probably others I’m not aware of, and I think a Queensland one is poised if I’m not imagining it. Meanwhile MacQuarie Bank has stepped down to retail level, breaking all the principles of the Glass-Steagall Act ( cancelled by Bill Clinton in his last days as president ), the 1930’s Act made in the USA to prevent another Great Depression.
    Spoiler: They end up migrating to hippyland, farmers’ markets etc.

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