Introduction by DM
Whilst the global elite wine and dine, they scuttle all over the globe demanding that farms be seized, cattle be exterminated and farm food production is bad for you. The WEF and Gates want to own the food supply — i.e ., we need to innovate so we can starve people ethically in case they cook from climate change.
It always sounds like they are helping the disadvantaged: (WEF source)
“Worldwide, nearly 2 billion people lack access to sufficient, nutritious and safe food… Current food system needs to produce much more food, whilst already now planetary boundaries are being crossed… Food Innovation Hubs are the next phase of the World Economic Forum’s Innovation with a purpose platform and a flagship initiative of the Forum’s Food Action Alliance… “
And they have partnered with Bill Gates:
“Food Innovation Hubs Put Farmers at Head of the Table for Systems Change … More than 20 organizations are leading on the Food Innovation Hubs with work already underway in Colombia, India, Europe, ASEAN and several countries in Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has provided multi-year support for the development of a Food Innovation Hub in India and several public and private sector partners have committed in-kind resources to support the development of Hubs in various regions.”
How do they plan to produce more food but limit food production because of climate change?
Easy… “Farmers across the globe will be replaced with WEF food innovation hubs” (link to Mark Rutte video)
And “Deutch farmers to be forced-bought by the government to stop farming for good” (link to allyfortis)
The video from The People’s Voice “WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle” is about global food control and food reduction.
Food Rationing — Digital ID
We reported on the Iceage farmer a year ago on “IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots”. | May 17, 2022 |
“Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs. Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices. This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.” Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.”
Gumshoenews with Iceage Farmer Video. There is no reporting on what has unfolded in Iran. Also, what has happened to the Iceage Farmer … he’s been off the air for about 6 months and gone dark?
War on Farmers?
Reported in the Washington Standard:
“UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global “War On Farmers”
“The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times. Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.
“High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the U.N.’s implementation of the global plan…
To continue:
“The WEF, a network of major multinational businesses that collaborates closely with the CCP, is a “strategic partner” of the U.N. on Agenda 2030. The increasing regulation of food production and even efforts to shut down many farms and ranches come as officials around the world such as U.S. President Joe Biden and U.N. World Food Program chief David Beasley warn of looming food shortages worldwide. But instead of easing restrictions and encouraging more production, Western governments and many governments dependent on aid are clamping down even harder.”
“You will own nothing and be happy” or is it going to be: “You will be nothing and be grateful to be allocated a ‘pass’ to be alive”.
Not to worry, the Greens and the teals will not let our Australian government inject livestock with whatever and stuff up our farmers and we will be happy being fed crickets and worms in the 15 minute council NWO prisons and medicine and treatment dictates will be provided by the NWO WHO CONTROL FREAKS.
Anyone aware of the government going along with some treasonous arrangement with the WHO?
Brilliant, Their heaven on earth, at least we will not have to pay for our treasonous politicians and fake media……. They will have no need to exist and their children and grandchildren will be spitting on their graves.
Jim Willie at beforeit’snews.com has an answer for those criminal treasonous genocidal control freak bastards.
Do you gullible village idiots think you will enjoy it?
Oh well, euthanasia will be free….. as in some states in Canada.
Yes. very interesting that the ‘Ice Age Farmer’ (Christian) has disappeared. Here is a video by some bloke that mentions it and possibly ‘why’. Just the first 10 minutes discusses the forbidden GSM and Christian.
One of the things that Christian did was to keep pulling up all sorts of videos of what was going on. Perhaps he was starting to wake people up. If the PTB could keep the masses in the dark about the GSM and even get the masses to work against their own interests by supporting the ‘global warming’ narrative, then the depopulation agenda becomes much easier.
That was broadcast 12 months ago
Meanwhile a host of other channels have continued to tout the same theory:
What never gets counted into ANY humanely-devised salvation scheme is that sooner or later/one way or another we’re all going to die and that the value of the moment therefore lies purely and simply in getting a grip on the real deal
The “ice age farmer” channel hasn’t disappeared in any case:
Sorry, I meant humanly-devised – which of course is the antithesis of all that’s humane
“How then does God view something like the Great Reset?
We find the answer in Psalm 2:4:
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
The sophisticated forms of babble offered by promoters of the Reset are ultimately neither ingenious nor incredibly impressive. Surely, these global leaders are serious about the claims which they make. But, set as they are against the eternal Word of God, their extravagance and ostentation only provoke righteous defiance within the believer, along with conjecture as to how long the Reset will take to achieve its own self-destruction.
More than 80 years ago in Germany, Adolf Hitler went far beyond calling for a Reset. His anticipation of a 1000-year Reich stirred the masses, and he set Europe on fire with the power of his rhetoric. Yet God humiliated this demonic madman in short order—meanwhile turning his heinous intentions and actions around toward the re-establishment of the modern Jewish nation in Israel.”
1:37 / 10:32
Have we become little children?
Richard Vobes
‘They’ steal everything –
They don’t actually lend money!
When you “borrow” money from a Bank to pay for a house your promissory note has already paid off the loan
“money ” includes:
(a) currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(b) promissory notes and bills of exchange; and
(c) any negotiable instrument used or circulated, or intended for use or circulation, as currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(d) postal notes and money orders; and
(e) whatever is supplied as payment by way of:
(i) credit card or debit card; or
(ii) crediting or debiting an account; or
(iii) creation or transfer of a debt.
Which side of the ledger is your promissory note deposited?
Went to the annual Corpus Christi walk with Christ, from Martin Place to St.Mary’s Cathedral yesterday. As we walked in silence, prayer and song, feeling true love in all hearts present, ten thousand pilgrims gathered in peace.
Do you think the media mentioned it?
As in previous years, Catholics are ignored.
Archbishop Fisher mentioned, euthanasia is now practised in all Oz hospitals, nursing and aged care homes. Have we commons ever been asked about our thoughts?
Google has replaced faith within, our youth brainwashed with fiction.
Went alone, mum not stable for long walks, better half doesn’t believe and younger daughter living in city didn’t come although raised in Catholic skools. I love her and look forward to seeing her today, she has a heart of gold, thank God for that.
As many in her generation, she went to the gay parade, go figure. There were no political puppets to be seen yesterday. A nation lost without true Christian leaders.
“True colours shinning thru”….keep the faith.
Bill and Melinda Gates were both lynched in India, in 2014, what you see now are look-alikes, same as the fake Biden dead & buried.
Thanks. But I keep wondering why they let the look-alikes/clones/actors keep working against humanity
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their own history” George Orwell.
A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –
“Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained (by me) are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”
Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
“…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil.
Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”
As I see it Parliaments Statutes are mandates which are called legal. Mandates are gratuitous contracts which means they are only binding if voluntarily accepted
MANDATE Definition & Legal Meaning
Definition & Citations:
A mandate is a contract by which a lawful business is committed to the management of another, and by him undertaken to be performed gratuitously. The mandatary is bound to the exercise of slight diligence, and is responsible for gross neglect. The fact that the mandator derives no benefit from the acts of the mandatary is not of itself evidence of gross negligence. Richardson v. Futrell, 42 Miss. 525; Williams v. Conger, 125 U. S. 397, 8 Sup. Ct. 933, 31 L Ed. 778.
A mandate, procuration, or letter of attorney is an act by which one person gives power to another to transact for him and in his name one or several affairs. The mandate may take place in five different manners,…………………….”
From Noah Websters 1828 Dictionary –
GRATUITOUSLY, adv. Freely; voluntarily; without claim or merit; without an equivalent or compensation; as labor or services gratuitously bestowed.
2. Without proof; as a principal gratuitously presumed.
mandate | Etymology, origin and meaning of mandate by etymonline
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Hittite maniiahh- “to distribute, entrust;” Greek mane “hand,” Latin manus “hand, strength, power over; armed force; handwriting,” mandare “to order, commit to one’s charge,” literally “to give into one’s hand;” Old Norse mund “hand,” Old English mund “hand, protection, …
I wonder if all our politicians are looking forward to their meals of dehydrated maggots, centipedes, scorpions, snails, lizards snakes and frog legs soup forever and a day?
Nope they will be — as usual — dinning on fine foods imported from NZ or Argentina. Or maybe the homeless…
Those who allow or enable these moronic programs of the psychopaths to go ahead are themselves mentally sick.
Does anybody have proof that Bill Gates has ever been a philanthropist? We know he buys people and industry, but as far as “giving” to those in need, has that ever happened?
More like experimenting on them …
Geert Vanden Bossche
The pandemic isn’t over.It’s the calm before the storm.
Long Covid will be replaced by acute Covid and vaccinees will need prophylactic antivirals.
Yep… that plus pandemics in cows, chickens, sheep ,,, then mad cow or Marburg to clean the place up.
Oh and only bees