Home Conspiracy Your Basic Targetted Individual – John Finch

Your Basic Targetted Individual – John Finch


by Mary W Maxwell PhD, LLB

What can you do if the law lets you down? Dalia harps on the way in which media persons — and also scientists (Hello, Dr Karl) — let us down. Maybe they don’t want to take up certain issues for fear of being a threat to “national security.” But what if the law lets you down? What if courts and academic lawyers won’t touch an issue with a forty-foot barge pole, despite its having no possible connection to national security?

I received a heart-rending letter last week from a man who lives in a city where someone, perhaps the military, I don’t know, plays with his brain by sending electronic hits that are excruciatingly painful. His friends have asked all sorts of legal organizations to help him, but they always get the bedbug letter. The guy cannot get relief.

Ah, I forgot to say what city he lives in. How about Melbourne? Yes. That would be Melbourne, Southern hemisphere. Melbourne, as in Oz. You don’t believe me? Frankly you shouldn’t. There is no basis on which to believe it. A preposterous story. Get the bedbug letter going!

Except I happen to know it’s true. Long story short, I was recruited into a Truth and Reconciliation Coalition in America in 2010. Found out a few things about mind control. And though there is the usual smattering of fakers in the lot, the stories told by the real ones are remarkably consistent.

Edward Snowden gave us a few leaks about weird weapons, but even without Snowden there has been a medical literature in plain sight. Adelaide pediatrician Ross Adey, who spent most of his research career in Loma Linda, California, experimented on the brains of animals and that includes us, last time I looked. In 1968 Stuart Mackay published “Biomedical Telemetry” which showed how to manipulate the brain by remote control. That was 45 years ago and time has, presumably, not stood still….

I have often written about the travails of a targeted individual, Mary Gregory. She could apparently escape the hits by moving away from her home in Rego Park, but she seems to be under some kind of spell that prevents her moving! The Melbourne man, John Finch, has asked for the protection of a safe house, so far without luck.

He expresses gratitude for two little scraps of non-ostracism. In one instance, three lawyers held a meeting with John’s fellow sufferers, and in another a member of a small UK political party Mr Andrew Reed, gave advice to them in Strasbourg. (Well you would, wouldn’t you.)

Not to knock Mr Reed. He said “The abuse of power is the essence of moral evil. Moral evil occurs, when the authorities refuse to accept the responsibility for the welfare of those who are logically under their care. When there is no close ties with the citizens, moral evil and tort are common practice. We are governed by a distant political elite, which has lost all contact with the people.”

Good point. Human sympathy requires actual interaction with the aggrieved party.  As for the lawyers (and I’m not knocking them either), they said

“Your difficulty is that we have practically no legal evidence of the attacks, so we have to make do with:  a) statistics b) similarities in symptoms and experiences   c) similarities of torture cases d) existence of weapons’ patents  e) existence of the technology patents for the use of V2K  and f) complicity of a number of psychiatrists worldwide.”

I actually disagree that the thing is so legally difficult. Any person who reports that he is injured can have his story judged by a jury. It is not at all impossible.

Blocked, Blocked, Blocked


My issue is not the psychotronic torture itself. Rather, I can see that targeted individuals are not going to get any help until we unlock the social institutions mentioned above: the police, the legal profession, and the parliament.

It’s indisputable that IT IS THEIR DUTY to help a citizen such as John Finch.  If they are not doing so, it’s not because they lack the means.  Do they lack the will, and if so, why? We need to concentrate on this, not on the torture.

For now I believe we’ll have to use any small social setting to stir people up. I doubt if folks are willing to get on a train or bus and start lecturing, but you could seat yourself several rows away from a friend (a ‘confederate’) on the bus and chat with him about, say, John Finch.

Or you could invite neighbors to your verandah. Promise them they won’t be asked to offer John Finch a safe house, but say you’d like to go over the theoretical possibilities for cracking the case. Call it a brainstorming session. When our institutions are AWOL, society has to step in and do the job.

You should do it. To let John Finch go unanswered is to hasten the day when we, too, get tortured. I say again, it’s happening right here now. If you are reading this in New Zealand, google for “Janine Jones of Rotorua” and see her lengthy petition to the Crown for relief from a Delgado stimoceiver.

Maybe it would be easier for Kiwis to discuss “our” problem (e.g., John Finch) and for Aussies to talk about Janine. That’s OK, any talk helps.

Please contact me if interested. This is a local matter.

— Mary W Maxwell is at mary.maxwell@alumni.adelaide.edu.au.


  1. Sorry Mary- but this article seems really silly. Are you trying to be completely absurd, is it ironic?

    IF not: I think this type of speculative nonsense doesn’t bear up to any scrutiny (like the 9/11 commission report). Whilst it 100% true that Governments around the world have engaged in despicable mind control programs, illegal covert drug testing, and every other imaginable spook horror- unsubstantiated accounts of some individual targeted by unknown organizations, for unknown reasons, by unknown technologies- are just fanciful nonsense.

    What evidence was there in the Snowden docs pertaining to ‘weird weapons’? This is a throwaway ‘click-bait’ line? Yes there are plenty of new cyber-espionage weapons revealed by Snowden- but any direct mind control revelations? I haven’t seen them. A link might help substantiate such a claim.

    Alien abduction claims are remarkably consistent: yet that does not make them real- nor does having ones eyes opened at some ‘truth and reconciliation’ event.

    I am writing this because I think speculative conspiracy theories like this are used by certain parties to throw doubt and mud onto claims of provable, known conspiracies- most notably 9/11. 9/11 truth suffers from similar ‘fringe’ claims: micro-nukes, particle beams, holographic airplanes, the official story, etc. I believe many of these provably absurd theories are actively promoted by Cass Sunstein’s filthy little ‘cognitive infiltrators’.

    I hope that this website does not end up looking like beforeitsnews, abovetopsecret, rense, infowars, etc. where legitimate conspiracy theories sit side side by side with talk of Giant Humans, the return of Planet Nibiru, newly found Martian Cities, Hollow Earther’s, chemtrail experts, Everything is a False Flag-ers’ and Morgellons, etc, etc, etc. If it does I won’t be coming back.

    Don’t get me wrong: I am not a blind authoritarian-supporting skeptic of any theory- I am willing to look into just about any unlikely theory- and I have looked into many of the above (mostly for amusement )! what I usually find is a complete lack of empirical evidence- and a liberal dose of pure BS.

    Do I doubt that US gov agencies have tried to invent mind control machines? No- not for a second. Of course they have. Do I believe THIS story about some poor Mr Finch? Not for a second. The best lies always contain at least a few grains of truth: MKULTRA was a real CIA program, scientists have studied these types of weapons, and even deploy sound weapons at protests today- but that doesn’t make any old claim true.

    Those voices people hear in their heads- almost always originate ‘in their heads’.

    • Dear Jacques, You yourself wrote: “Whilst it 100% true that Governments around the world have engaged in despicable mind control programs, illegal covert drug testing, and every other imaginable spook horror…”

      Jacques, when the recipients of such bad treatment told people about it, do you reckon the listener said “Wow, I believe you and I am eager to help you?” Not at all. They victims had to face the stunningly hurtful fact that they couldn’t get anyone to believe them. They were very lucky that Senator Frank Church held hearings in 1975, at which some of the truth came out. More came out when President Clinton held hearings in 1995 for army men who had been radiated. Google ‘Claudia Mullen.’

      I see from your comments in the last two weeks that you are gung ho 9-11 conspiracy (as I am). But the majority of people would say to you “Go wash your mouth out, Boy.” In other words, the first line of reaction to hearing that a government did something bad is disbelief.

      Today you said: “UNSUBSTANTIATED ACCOUNTS OF SOME INDIVIDUAL TARGETED BY UNKNOWN ORGANIZATIONS, FOR UNKNOWN REASONS, BY UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGIES – ARE JUST FANCIFUL NONSENSE.” But, as I said, the technology is not unknown. Go to any medical library and peruse the journals of psychiatry around 1955. People like Jose Delgado (professor at Yale Medical School) were boasting about what they did to their experimental victims.

      Or just read Mary Gregory’s book, “The Science behind Microwave War.” I now apologize for bringing in the name Edward Snowden. My point was “We do not need leaks; we already know this stuff.” Are you aware of “The Body Electric,” written in 1985 by Robert O Becker, a surgeon at a VA hospital? He had trouble being believed, and lost his job, but now his book is adored, as well it should be.

      Of course you know that members of the US embassy staff in Moscow received compo from Uncle Sam for suffering the kind of electronic hits that our John Finch is having today. So, per your words, did those hits in Moscow come from “unknown organizations for unknown reasons”? Perhaps you’d say “Nope, it was the USSR trying to hurt the USA.” But I wouldn’t say that.

      I think the “organization” involved is still “unknown.” America deliberately allowed the embassy staff to suffer for ten years. This indicates they were in on it, don’t you think? Yet “the organization” is no more “the USA” than is true of 9-11. My American constitutional government (granted, that’s an abstraction) does not blow up buildings in New York. I mean it’s not in the job description of the mayor of New York (Giuliani) or the vice president (Dickus) to kill off a raft of firemen, s’far as I know.

      So somebody else arranged it. Do you know who?
      I don’t claim to know the names of the persons that decided the WTC should be attacked in 2001. But logic leads me to think that it’s the same guys who are hurting folks in Melbourne. In particular, I can see that the ones who did 9-11 are able to control the police from making any relevant arrests. Silverstein strolls down the street, “happy as Larry.”

      Being able to control the police, and the staff of the Department of Public Prosecutor, is a remarkable achievement. They will forever prevent John Finch from getting legal satisfaction. John showed me the tons of bedbug letters his group has received. It’s so shameful that no one in the law enforcement profession gives a damn.

      Jacques, if you decide to reply to me, please say what you think are “the reasons” those mean old mind-control programs were invented and carried out.

      • Go wash your mouth out Boy? now that’s just rude Mary- at the ad-hominen gutter level of J and El K. I also suspect it may be quite wrong that ‘the majority’ would react to my comments by saying that…

        well- maybe if the ‘evidence’ you have provided wasn’t so anecdotal, random, flimsy and utterly inconclusive- people might believe Mr Finch’s story a little more.

        I support the 9/11 truth movement because of the vast amount of rational primary evidence that exists to support the argument and entirely undermine the official story. I don’t support elements of the movement who go off on bizarre tangents and come up with highly unlikely and entirely unprovable theories about 9/11 (such as Space Based Particle Beams, and Massive Daylight Holograms).

        I believe in Operation Northwoods because I have read the document and know its provenance. Etc.

        I cannot support theorising that asks me to go read 1955 psychology journals- and extrapolate new remote action mind control ‘zappers’ from there. I may as well go read 1950’s SciFi novels, No?

        Any clues on why the obscure Mr Finch is being targeted? Any clues as to How? Any evidence at all?

        • Forget the 1950s journals.
          Per Amazon, a brand new book, “Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry,” by a Greek professor of Electrical Engineering:
          “Covers body area electromagnetics, antennas for biomedical telemetry, intra-body communications, as well as safety issues, human phantoms, and exposure assessment to high-frequency biotelemetry fields,
          Presents biosensor network topologies and standards; context-aware sensing and multi-sensor fusion…
          Introduces clinical applications of Body Sensor Networks in addition to selected examples of wearable, implantable, ingestible devices, stimulator and integrated mobile healthcare system paradigms for monitoring and therapeutic intervention.”

          Jacques, the phrase “Wash your mouth out” is no ad hominem. A Mom says it to her kid if he utters a blasphemy. And the greatest possible blasphemy for a Yank (in the early years after 2001) was to even hint that 9-11 was an inside job. I ran for Congress on the Inside Job platform in 2006 and was consider a freak. Indeed it was un-American not to show max vitriol to all Arabs, despite that, in itself, being outrageously un-American behavior!

          Good old Homo sapiens living up to its phylogeny.

          • A quick note as to why I write for this website. Dalia has high standards and sees to the heart of many issues. She isn’t out to knock Canberra but to get Canberra to behave decently. I don’t know anyone else who bothers to make that effort!
            As for my main approach, it’s that we members of the public can turn our political/cultural problems around (or at least try to). I am not here to prove a case.
            When I wrote about John Finch today, I did not expect to be told that I shouldn’t offer a report without also supplying the proofs.
            The fact is that even if I had a hundred proofs, it would not result in action by the police or the pollies. THAT is what I am writing about. That’s the issue I care about more than I care about Finch or 9-11. It’s that disconnect that has us all in danger.

            There are many websites about TI’s. I mentioned the one by Alex Constantine. He is an honorable person and has devoted his career to helping society.
            Naturally there are plenty of paid blog-commenters who are out to sabotage such work. I found this definition of “Targeted individual,” dated Feb 21, 2015, at Urban Dictionary:
            “Targeted Individual is a term that lunatics use to describe themselves to explain why their shitty lives are not their fault. ‘Targeted Individuals’ allege that there is a global conspiracy of ‘gang stalkers’ who are constantly messing with them, but the reality is that their lives are shitty because they are crazy, not because there is a secret reptoid government beaming invisible lasers into their brains from space satellites.”

            Oh well. What I said was that I hope folks will listen to Finch. It’s the humane thing to do, and wouldn’t even cost anything.

      • So assuming these technologies exist, and are affecting folks like John Finch, has anyone with RF technical skills ever bothered to try to investigate their source?

        Seems to me that anyone with a reasonably directional broadband antenna and DC to gigahertz spectrum analyzer (not expensive these days) should easily be able to not only detect what is troubling John, but “foxhunt” where exactly it comes from!

        Incorporated into this process would be a built-in control whereby the subject being asked about their RF torture experience would not always know whether the RF analysis and recording equipment was active or not. This would stop someone who might be falsely attributing the pain they feel to an RF signal from only claiming “hits” when the test equipment was “off”. “They can sense your test equipment and they know whenever you turn it on!”

        Don’t laugh, I’ve got firsthand experience with people doing this during technical analysis of their RF discomfort complaint!

        Whenever reading these stories I always feel the question arise: “Is he still troubled by this torture if taken out to the country, or out on a cruise, or if sitting in a grounded metal container?”

        These would be the very first experiments I’d do, if it happened to me, assuming I wasn’t under some sort of “spell”.

    • Dear jacques

      Your information is false, if anyone might know anything about 9/11, they may well become a TI as well. If you are genuinely interested in the truth, please consider that as a possibility, if you ever uncover the truth you would find that this is true.

      Sorry, but the truthfullness of TI’s being attacked/degraded etc is not one of those “fringe claims”

      • “if you ever uncover the truth you would find that this is true.”

        How will “they” know the instant Jacques uncovers the truth, if he is not already a targetted individual? Let’s assume he’s using wireless internet on a prepaid sim, where he has not provided any personal details. The best they can hope to harvest is the location of the device that “uncovers the truth” at a particular instant in time. How do they find him personally?

        “Sorry, but the truthfullness of TI’s being attacked/degraded etc is not one of those “fringe claims”

        All TIs are truthful? Isn’t that potentially as fallacious as claiming all TIs are lying?

  2. I received this email from New Zealand this morning. (I have been told Janine is the recipient of a Delgado stimoceiver)

    “Oh thank you Mary, thank you and I was proud to read such a good, well written article God Bless and keep up the fine work you do against evil. Have a great day Mary, Janine.”

  3. Bad news: As of 13 March, 2015, Bill Windsor is back in jail, with bail set at $4million. He’s the guy that tries to help targeted individuals like Marc Burnell and Gloria Welburn. I got that from a website MedicalKidnap, which I hope you will peruse.

  4. Target individuals are existing in this world and we dont get help when we ask for it.
    nobody believes I am happy the FBI is being forced to investigate target individuals.now we may get the help we need.

  5. I have been a targetted individual for the past six years now. I’m currently being framed in the Albury Local Court, and told I will be sent to jail for blogging about pedophile rings, and lodging complaints about the agencies who have all acted corruptly to allow this imposition of false charges onto myself to continue.
    I was assaulted by three Albury police officers, on instruction from a staff member of the NSW Attorney General, and then charged with resist arrest, when I attempted to have their false charges and convictions examined in the Federal Court. They add in another charge of resist arrest on a day that I wasn’t even arrested.
    The AG, Mark Speakman, has allowed his employee’s charge of ‘offence’ to stand against me, and for the corrupt Magistrate she originally enlisted to frame me for false allegations. She was offended by the contents of one of the complaints I had lodged about her actions, and those of Albury police. However, had she not perverted the course of justice against me, and instructed the Magistrate to find me guilty of those, I would have had no complaints to lodge about any of them.
    I was constantly forced to appear before corrupt Magistrate Murray, despite lodging complaints with the NSW Judicial Commission about his illegal conduct towards myself. He was allowed to continue with that, until both the AG’s employee and corrupt Albury police now have me facing so many false charges, that’s its just not funny. That same magistrate plans to falsely convict me of all of them, if not by his own hand, but by instructing his understudy to do it for him, to pretend that he was not involved.
    I became a targetted individual in 2011, after blogging about corruption at Centrelink, which was designed to keep people off disability pension, when they applied for it, by any means necessary, as ordered by Julia Gillard, the most corrupt PM Australia has ever had. In fact, I was told recently that she is the person who heads up the Gang stalking of Targetted Individuals program in Australia. I believe it is also a ruse for human trafficking, and that people on welfare payments are particularly vulnerable to these evil people, working within government.

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