Home Health 2019-nCoV


(L) A dramatic image used in izodnews.com, and (R) the same image flopped and used by dimsumdaily

by Dee McLachlan

I have always thought that bio-warfare could be the number choice for an elitist cabal to ‘control’ populations. Governments can pass any laws, create untold restrictions and central control over humanity. In many ways it is the ultimate false flag.

Yesterday in The Age, “A lock-down of the city of Wuhan has become an unprecedented quarantine of 48 million people in Central China.” That is twice the population of Australia. It is hard to imagine “lock-down.”

Jon Rappoport writes,

“…public health officials all over the world are gathering data on how well ‘the Chinese experiment’ is going… They want to know more about containment, mass quarantines, and lockdowns… CHINA IS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ICE-BREAKER FOR THE REST OF THE PLANET. ‘Well, they did it there, so it can be done…’ The biggest potential contagion here has nothing to do with the virus. It has to do with other countries deciding to follow China’s example.”

Do we need perspective?

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with one person dying every 37 seconds in the US (according to the CDC). That equates to about 647,000 Americans dying from heart disease each year.

Natural News is reporting (27/1/2020) that,

“Nearly 44,000 people are already infected by the Wuhan coronavirus, warned academic researchers from the University of Hong Kong over the weekend. The “official” number of infections claimed by the communist Chinese government is only 2900, revealing a desperate effort to cover up the true numbers and lie to the world about a dangerous, deadly pandemic.”

Some reports are putting the figure at 100,000 infected.

But authorities are somewhat prepared as there was a practice run in October last year.

Event 201 — High-level Pandemic Exercise

Event 201 was a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It was a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York City.

To quote the Event 201 site:

“The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”

Their promotional video:

Weaponized Variant

In an email to me, G5 wrote:

“The current Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is common in many of its forms — not related to Rhinovirus — and is a weaponized variant. Coronavirus is related to The SARS and MERS biological weapons.

Coronavirus was first identified in the US in the 1960s. And has the usual ‘suspicious’ origins. Fort Detrick was certainly a busy place up to allegedly 1969. But it never ended, and was changed, or moved. [He added]

As of the early 2010s, Fort Detrick’s 1,200-acre (490 ha) campus supports a multi-governmental community that conducts biomedical research and development, medical materiel management, global medical communications and the study of foreign plant pathogens. It is home to The US Army Medical  Research and  Materiel Command (USAMRMC), with its bio-defence agency, The US Army Medical Research Instiitute of Infectious  Diseases (USAMRIID). It also hosts The National Cancer Institute (NCI-Frederick) and is home to The National Interagency Confederation Biological Research (NICBR) and National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC).’

The US, making the biggest noises about Russia not complying with Biological and Chemical Weapons Agreements, was actually the one which was breaching every agreement it ever signed. One of the ruses being operations rebadged as being conducted by the DOJ and not the US Military Laboratories.

The alleged Novichok of Theresa May’s Salisbury False Flag was DOJ BZ Gas (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate). [Internal Porton Down Reports.] Developed in 1950 by the US Army at The Edgewood Arsenal, as a military weapon. Later rebadged as a crowd control agent and passed under the cloak of the DOJ.”

[End of G5 email.]

Sourced from Medicosis Perfectionalis Youtube channel


In 1948 Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, allegedly told his CIA Interrogator that the most devastating plague in human history — the Spanish Flu — was man-made. Mueller was said to have said,

“I am not a doctor, you understand, but the ‘double-blow’ referred to a virus, or actually a pair of them that worked like a prize fighter. The first blow attacked the immune system and made the victim susceptible, fatally so, to the second blow which was a form of pneumonia…[Schreiber told me] a British scientist actually developed it…Now you see why such things are insanity. These things can alter themselves and what starts out as a limited thing can change into something really terrible.”

Livescience suggested the new coronavirus may have ‘jumped’ to humans from snakes, writing that a new study “points to a slithering suspect: snakes.” But what other slithering variety may be the cause?

Laboratory in Wuhan

The Washington Times is suggesting the disease may have originated from a laboratory in Wuhan City.

“The deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert…  a local Wuhan television report from 2015 showing China’s most advanced virus research laboratory known the Wuhan Institute of Virology…  The laboratory is the only declared site in China capable of working with deadly viruses.”

To quote Cairns News (sourced from Zerohedge), “Coronavirus stolen from Canadian laboratory by Chinese agents 2018”:

“Last July, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, an advanced scientist who was the head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies Section at NML was forcibly ejected from the facility, along with her husband, Dr. Keding Cheng another biologist…

“Over the school year 2017-18, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu had made at least five trips to the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, which is housed at the military facility linked to China’s Biological Warfare Program.

“In 2018, it became the first lab in China designed to meet the highest biohazard level of biosafety-level-4 (BSL-4) and it was actively researching coronaviruses like SARS. It is located just 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market at the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak.”

To continue with Rappoport:

“And now we come to THE VACCINE against the virus… Several of the novel vaccines being rushed toward approval and production are completely experimental. They have never been openly used on the public. So the stage is set for a grand planet-wide guinea-pig test. In a recent piece, I explained the admitted danger of one of these vaccine varieties—RNA vaccines. They can cause autoimmune reactions. The body goes to war against itself.

“What are the chances that one of these new vaccines will be mandated in the US and other countries? Mandated. Ordered. Commanded. ‘In order to preserve public safety’.”

Johnson & Johnson allegedly advised Coronavirus simulation. Now who stands to gain financially with new vaccine?

Get your masks and settle in for the show.



  1. Stay away from crowds! If the majority population realized how the few are able to control the majority, there would be riots in the streets and targeted people hanging from lamp posts.

    • Hard to stay away from the airborne defence team. The Japanese did various airborne vector attacks on China and others in the ww2 era. They were folded and protected to keep the program running just like NASA founding father.
      If they struggle with landing lights all kinda games could be played.
      Whats a level 4 lab, Peter Doherty Institute just banged together the “new” virus in Melbourne.
      Australia has a history of biological matter entering the environment, both admitted and others “top secret”. They are more likely to get a Nobel prize than to swing from lampposts however.

    • So an Israeli “expert” is claiming that failure to initiate a complete global lock-down within the 1st week of Feb will, quote, “ spark a global, catastrophic pandemic”

      Well, given the current fragility of the WW financial system
      the historical use of bluff and panic in securing the territory currently known as Israel,

      I’d say there’s more afoot than meets the naked eye

      • But rather than jump to wild conclusions I’d need to see a bit more evidence of the respective claims, in particular, quote, “Netanyahu gave Trump a paper, authored by Israeli epidemiologist Dr. Michael Frieger”

    • BrizVegas, Vet Ben Cunneen 33 dies of Hendra Virus that “somehow” jumped from bat’s. OK the somehow is a open microbiologist secret, maybe why some many also die.
      Peter Doherty of a Melbourne Institute fame is just a vet from Indooripilly of Briz who hangs out with Vienna scientists getting cool Nobel prizes and stuff, but nothing to see here.

  2. it will make it very difficult to search for corona that is emitted from EV vehicles. so far i kind find both. however, i have noticed this on many scientific subjects. when i need to research something that has a scientific bearing on ‘conspiracy’, it is difficult to find because the search words and phrases are used for things like memes and in this case a virus. The biggest one i have noted is the association of st Patrick to the malificorum.

  3. Every psy-op has ‘exercises’ going on, they are always proceeded by ‘predictive programming’. Take a look at the video that Dee posted –

    The economic system is going to eventually collapse, why not blame it o the virus? Population control is an agenda of the PTB, why not blame it on the virus? There is a move for more centralized control, why not blame it on the virus? The internet needs to be censored, why not blame it on the virus?

    I learned a long time ago that anything that comes out of the John Hopkins university is orchestrated by the Globalists. Since I am a ‘coincidence theorist’, that video from John Hopkins appears to be more than just another ‘coincidence’ that hits all the above issues. – Protect yourself…

    • Terry, I agree. Hopkins/Gates/WEF/WHO-etc. are all grounded in globalist power. And, once there are so many ‘coincidences’ all pointing in the same direction, it’s foolish not to question what is really going on. I consider that critical thinking, not conspiracy theorizing.

  4. From Jon Rappoport — one of the experts in medical investigation:

    “First, only “official researchers” are involved with the “discovery” of the new virus. There is no confirmation from independent researchers. For example, in the case of SARS (2003), ten labs belonging to the World Health Organization (WHO) performed the “discovery” of that coronavirus. They were connected through closed circuit—no outsiders allowed. Eventually, a Canadian biologist working for WHO, Frank Plummer, told the press he was quite puzzled by what he was seeing: more and more SARS patients didn’t have the SARS virus at all.

    “Epidemics are good for business. Pharmaceutical business, inducing fear business, shutting down travel business, diverting the public from key events business, surveillance and quarantine business, and so on.

    “I’m sure, at some point, there will be THANK YOU, CHINA, BUSINESS, too. Thank you, China, for your rule by iron fist over the population. Your ability to stop anyone for any reason and test for “the virus” may have saved the planet from an extinction event. Freedom? Forget it. Public safety is the ace in the deck. It wins every time. Hell, we may need a good epidemic in the US, so we can exert more control over the unruly citizenry. The doctor is king. Do what he says. Always. How many vaccines are there now? Take all of them. Everyone must.

    “Nineteen years ago, when I started this website, I told you that, of all the cartels in this world, the most important and powerful one, long-term, was the medical cartel. Nothing since that time has changed my mind.


    • Dee, You should have told them as Jon did that quote “Last summer, in Wuhan, China, a city where air pollution often reaches very dangerous levels, protests erupted. Against all odds, in a brutal police State, thousands of people took to the streets. They and their children were experiencing serious lung problems. Again, many of these protestors were the very people who were benefiting from the economic juggernaut that is Wuhan. Middle class.

      And a few months later, voila. Suddenly, China announces that a very convenient coronavirus is causing a very serious disease. One of the major features of this supposed epidemic? Lung problems. Not only that, the whole city of Wuhan must be locked down. Protests? Totally vanquished. Outlawed.” unquote.

      • Dee,
        Thank you, for excellent investigation of facts, always.
        When mainstream here mentioned, Christmas Island and Port Exmouth involvement, reassured me sadly, that these days Oz is one big science experiment.

  5. Obviously the virus is spreading and quite rapidly, however, getting firm statistics on the death rate appears difficult.

    At first they were reporting a 4% fatality rate. Then it went up to 15%. I saw today a report of around 25%. Here is a report from China –

    “As of 24:00 on January 26, Hubei Province had reported a total of 1,423 confirmed cases of pneumonitis with new coronavirus infection, 221 severe cases, 69 critical cases, 76 deaths, and 44 discharged patients.”

    OK, if this is firm data on the resolution of cases (perhaps snuck by the censors who may be concentrating on total cases and missed the significance of these figures), then 44 people got cured and 76 people died. – Out of 120 people, that is a 63% death rate. To put it another way, 3 out of 5 people that get the virus DIE.

    Also, people who are asymptomatic can spread the virus. No fever, no cough – just hanging out with them and you may get the virus just by having it land in your eyes. Or, since it active on surfaces, you can touch something and transfer it to your system and recent information is that the virus can live for up to 28 days on a surface (got any packages coming from China?)

    Further, it is around twice the infection rate as the Spanish Flu – it spreads faster. That means it is going to rapidly increase the number of infections.

  6. One thing we can be sure of is that the medical industry will use this event to make vaccinations mandatory. Refuse, and you will be vaccinated by force. By creating fear and panic, the public will applaud. I will be disappearing into the bush.

    • I’ve spent virtually my entire adult life in the country because it’s easier to think, sleep and breathe. In a land as vast as Australia it’s pretty telling that the bulk of the population is crammed into 4 cities, but I seriously don’t think that fear is a healthy motive for leaving.
      In fact I can’t think of a better way of playing into the hands of the Fat Controllers.

      • Berry, if they can’t persuade you to come out, they’ll threaten to blow your house down — or maybe ‘burn” you out now.

  7. Off-topic

    SWEARDA GOD, this is the world we are living in.

    “Among the surprising arguments was one by Alan Dershowitz, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, who said, ‘If the president does something that he thinks will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment’.”

    I’m gonna move to Norfolk Island.

  8. I live in an area of Sydney which is heavily Asian. Lots of face masks. Haven’t seen anyone keel over yet. I was sent the video of the Chinese nurse telling the world that the virus was spreading much faster than the Chinese govt was reporting. Does anyone remember Nurse Nayirah?? I don’t trust televised nursed to spread the truth. This whole Corona virus smells like a Deep State effort to panic the masses, as an excuse to shut down global activity and give them cover for what we all
    know is coming. An economic/financial/monetary/Central Banking collapse. Couldn’t get a war, no matter how hard they tried. Shot down MH-17, blamed the Russkies. Nothing. Poison gas attacks in Syria. Blamed on Assad. Nothing. Shot down a Russian Su-27 and murdered the parachuting pilot. Still Putin resisted a response. Poisoned the Skripals and blamed the Russkies again. Still nothing.
    Bingo. Let’s focus on a Global Viral Pandemic with an uncontrollable disease spreading at a crazy rate. Big tell is the ridiculous attention the globalist media is giving it. Anyone remember the Zika Virus? Ebola? Deep State at it again. With the help of their minions in the media. And a few people in the alternative media who really oughta know better.Enjoy the show and remember, you’re watching a movie. Got popcorn??

    • Now matter how we try to inform people, basically they are intellectually deficient and subject to believing the msm and government. Try 911.
      They are basically to stupid to consider their plight.
      How is the tennis progressing?
      Do the msm have children and care about their future/s?
      NO. They are too stupid and selfish to understand

  9. Coronavirus. Be afraid, very afraid. very, very ,very afraid. Because the media tells you to be very afraid. Panic,panic,panic.
    What about the bushfires. And climate change (end of the world in 12 years) Oh come on people. Wake the fuck up. This corona thing is a deep state piece of fear porn. The common cold is more dangerous than the current garbage being pumped through the global media. Remember 19 Arab terrists brought down 3 builds with 2 planes, and Marty Bryant murdered 37 (19 head shots from the hip at the cafe) and wounded 22i(sh) using only 64 bullets?? And JFK was shot by LHO from the book repository and they walked on the moon in the 60’s using Commodore 64 computing power (and they somehow got a dune buggy into the Lunar Lander) but they can’t get to the moon today?
    That media?? And China is going to build a1000 bed hospital in 10 seconds (days, still as stupid) But the nurse says there’s 90,000 infections?? There’s nothing they won’t say in order to panic the “sheeple” because they think the “sheepe” can no longer think rationally. Maybe they’re right..

  10. Is there anything that can be done on a global scale to fight possible pandemics?

    Yes! Stop playing around with viruses in laboratories. They then cannot escape or be used intentionally as weapons of mass destruction.

    Has it been noticed that these regular viral attacks have been happening more and more often in recent years, as we humans supposedly become smarter and more educated. In other words as we have more knowledge of how viruses work, there is an opening for human hands to play God. Inventing new or adaptable viruses. And we know how evil certain groups are around our planet, who will do anything to make a fortune or gain more power.

    • On sbs news, this evening, we were informed that six thousand Chinese land in Sydney daily. If that’s official doesn’t that throw immigration statistics out the window.
      Look at Christmas Island. How many have come via that route? Six thousand in as many years, I don’t know. This invasion is on steroids. Planes land every 10 minutes from overseas and American/European tourists are a minority in these numbers. The virus if it’s in China, it’s here and everywhere. 100 million ccp members are the dominant global tourists. They’re colonising and bringing global workers with sole purpose of replacing indigenous everywhere.

      There are no more nations, it’s one world disorder.
      Go to medical centre, docs usually Indian. Emergency dominated by London graduates.
      See specialists, mostly Jewish. Go to operating table, surgeons mostly Chinese.

      Chabad is boss, communists rule and preferred workers are from Nigeria or similar.
      Multiculturalism (slave trade) is agenda for genocide.
      Get people off the land, herd them into megacities addicted to the debt/usury scam.
      All lands confiscated by sleight of hand terrorism, gifted to the ones that never ever toiled it.
      An inverted and perverted reality.

      I still believe love can overcome evol.

    • Diane,
      Like you, all of us are experiencing similar. Thank God for that.
      I’m a simlple man, always in sin, but do remember a different world with skills passed on from father and all before him. The knowledge was honesty and integrity gained with toils at hand.
      This world today, has nothing in common, with those great people that have lived since the beginning of creation. It is a different world. It’s still there in small hamlets (the real world) but nowhere to be found in the cities.

      But doesn’t matter where, we are the living of our forebears,
      we need to expose the opposing force just like they did and our children must.
      I have much faith in our youth, just like ours had in us.

      I’m peasant blood, did ok in elementary school, after midway in high school failed most subjects.
      One thing I did learn, was to have a sharp pencil point, cause that is the start for the completion of all good works. We’re all copying from the source, so relatively as in the muse, “ keep it live not canned.”

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