Home Awakening 2021 — The Year For Change and Awakening

2021 — The Year For Change and Awakening


by Dee McLachlan

2020… a year of one grand and sophisticated false flag/coup to disrupt the re-election of a president and lock-down the mind of humanity. And a year that absolutely 100% confirmed that Silicon Valley and the mainstream media (MSM) are the enemies of democracy and free thought.

Living in muzzle-city (Melbourne) this last winter was like being on a dystopian film set. The city was named after Lord Melbourne, but Lord’s real surname was Lamb — most apropos for obedient Melbournian sheeple being prepped for their genetically altered destiny. Fortunately, my winter lockdown was broken up with daily cold water swims, which were not only mentally and physically invigorating, but added another perspective to a year of reflection.

I started Gumshoe in 2013 and began on the usual topics — for example, 9-11, Port Arthur, etc. Mary Maxwell, particularly, came on to add her voice many years ago, as did many other contributors (about 20 or more authors, plus G5), and then as other topics arose, we wrote about events such as MH-17, the Boston marathon, the Charlie Hebdo brothers, Lindt Cafe siege, etc., and of course Covid.  There were some incidents that only Gumshoe reported on; e.g., my article on the Bella Vista incident on the 25th September 2014 when an ADF officer was allegedly assaulted by two men (of Middle Eastern appearance). After the media did their usual blitz, this encouraged the passing of terror laws in Canberra later that night; then lo and behold the officer dropped charges the following day. All predictable.

And so Gumshoe has provided a platform over the years for the many highly informed contributors, intelligent commenters, and readers that have come on board — and many a good debate followed in the commenting thread.

Tomorrow will be 2021, so where to now?

Revelations and State Child Abduction

For the last two years, I have been working mostly behind the scenes — somewhat focused on child abduction and state kidnapping. I have lived and worked on five continents, seen extreme poverty, been to a war zone, and believed I understood the world. But nothing had prepared me for the hell that I was to be dragged into. And it’s a living hell on earth for so many children and protective parents. Only the very strong survive in what seems to be an industry for destroying bonds and love.

And so this journey has led me to believe that something else is going on.

I could never have conceived that humans could be so deliberately torturous to the most innocent of their own tribe. My focus was mostly South Australia, but this is replicated across the country. And now, having spoken to and been told stories by so many people, I now believe every second person in that State has most likely been abused in some way in childhood. And of course, many abused also become abusers or enablers — a deliberate cycle, seemingly carefully orchestrated by “forces” more powerful than government to keep perpetuating.

When one thinks of an ant colony, the ants function — robotically — like a single organism. So if humans were individuals and had independent thought, as an example, I’d expect that at least one minister would react with revulsion at the evidence I had presented and thereafter offer help. But no; this does not happen. All ministers and high-level government leaders seem to act and function as one.

The reaction to my correspondence has confirmed to me that government leaders are not in control whatsoever. (And this seems to be the case with other issues such as war, foreign policy, false flags, or vaccinations, etc.) It seems many judges, too, sway to another authority. (Freemasons?)  I won’t go as far as declaring that they are mind-controlled, but that’s how it feels. It’s like persons have been sapped of all common sense in these instances. Drained of all empathy and logic. Is their reptilian brain in overdrive?

As I indicated above, it seems that the government is functioning like an ant colony — a hum-ant colony, robotically following some more powerful conductor; evading evidence of the most terrible abuses. In fact, they seem so puppeteered that they will — against all logical thought — invent reasons; that the child is either a liar or that it could never have happened. The logic and deceit can be so bad that to find justice in a Children’s Court would be like finding a needle in a haystack. It’s a rare event as far as I can gather.

But let me digress briefly — to allow context to this overlong article.

Elmon Mhlongo

The African Experience

I was born and brought up in South Africa, and Africa rubs off on one. It is so rich with cultures, religions, and diverse beliefs, that in one way, I felt I was missing out on having a traditional Western education. Strangely, I felt my whiteness was hobbling my mind and psyche. Let me give you an example:

In the 80s I was making a wildlife story about a filmmaker, John Varty, and a tracker, Elmon Mhlongo. The documentary, Silent Hunter, was about these two men following a mother leopard and her cubs in the wild. And when the leopards went missing, it was decided to visit the Sangoma — something they’d done previously. We sat down in a circle and after the bones were thrown across the dirt, the Sangoma began to chant (in Shangaan). It was entrancing. Elmon later interpreted for the camera — that we must drive along this particular road until we find a tortoise on its back (a very rare sight normally), and the leopard will be in a tree in the bush nearby.

At the time I treated this like most westerners would; yeah, good scene for the film. But it was at some point during the drive that I realized Elmon, who was sitting on the front of the landrover, was in full belief and searching for the upside-down tortoise. He spotted it on the verge of the road. We stopped, and Elmon flipped the tortoise and sent it on its way. Within minutes he had sighted the leopards — exactly as described by the Sangoma. (As a side note, Elmon’s eyesight was extraordinary, and was equal to a pair of powerful binoculars.)

Though I didn’t realize it then, I think this was one of my more notable memories of “remote viewing” as we call it today. So if you have watched any of JC Kay’s videos recently, she has been remote viewing many realities that we can hardly imagine — hell under our feet, such as children in underground bunkers — and much more.

JC Kay, a good friend of one of our contributors, posted her first video 3 months ago. It began with a meditation — which she describes as a remote viewing-like experience. She has resonated so strongly with so many people that her popularity exploded and she has now close to 50,000 subscribers on just one platform — YouTube. But she warns you up front not to watch her if you cannot be open to a world outside the 3D reality.

Children’s Life Force 

This journey into child “protection” has changed me and my view of humanity and the world we exist in. It has left me scratching my head. I feel I am missing something as there are unexplained forces or energies at work. The coordinated efforts to destroy and disrupt family is one thing, but the plans to manipulate humans over the generations; over centuries… even millennia does not fully make sense. I would imagine shorter timelines being more logical. Am I missing something? Would an individual be plotting for an agenda that will only eventuate many hundreds of years in the future — long after he/she is gone from this earth? Do human brains work that way?

There is something non-human about what is going on. Children seem to be the “prize” (the source), and I believe there are other motives beyond money (i.e., the multi-billion dollar Out of Home Care business, or the child porn industry). We now know more about sacrifices and the calling up of dark energies in rituals, and that trafficking and pedophilia are important components of the Illuminati/elite.

Children are pure in life-force, and the disruption of this life-force harms all of society. These actions erode humanity, degrading the miraculous qualities of the species. One could say the same about interfering with babies’ immune systems right after birth.

So what is this all about? The carnage of the human spirit! The disrupting of a species at source (aren’t species designed to protect offspring)? The harvesting of Life-force?

I have also been told many times of how the faces of enablers in the system light up and become vibrant when they set their torturous actions in motion — all under the guise of law, order, and protection. I would describe many of these people as soulless. And if I were to write this into a sci-fi script, these persons would have become “infected”; their souls snatched and replaced by an entity from another dimension. Now working on a low or different frequency, these entities feed off the fear of humans. The more pain and suffering, the greater is their reward. Anyway, that’s how it feels.

The Hamster Wheel and the Roller Coaster

Looking back to 2019 and 2020, I feel I’ve been on two hamster wheels.

With child ‘protection’, I’ve been writing letters to the same ministers for two years. As I provide more factual evidence about the atrocities happening under their watch, the replies are the same, and the denials and deflections the same. It has been groundhog day for over 650 days. For many advocates, it is much longer. Yet nothing changes. And while I’m on the hamster wheel to keep it squeaking — the system slowly and deliberately drains the very life out of these children and these protective parents. I know of children who are thinking of escape, but they fear to, as almost everyone in authority has failed them. The system seems intentionally designed this way, and all those around (e.g., school staff, friends, and family) participate in meek acceptance.

Where is the outrage?

And I also feel like I’ve been on a Gumshoe wheel too. Articles, day after day, insightful comment after insightful comment keeps squeaking the wheel of dissent — anything from corruption, false flags to medical tyranny. Meanwhile, the mainstream media are carpet bombing the populations with bullsh*t day after day. Drowning them in deceit and panic. And so, it feels like we here have become trapped in the vortex (a phrase Diane described to me). It feels like I’ve been providing a roller coaster entertainment ride for six years or more. Close your eyes, and you hear people screaming. Then the ride circles back to pick up the next ride… the next story for us to all scream on about.

Just another groundhog day complaining about the same old robotic hum-ant colonies we call the government and global corporations — functioning as instructed, in self-interest, and against “the people”. Fixing minds into fear and subservience, and slowly driving the human species away from nature and from enlightenment — even discouraging the miracle of the human body to function as intended. And now we’re being prepared for the GM Covid (non)vaccine that is really a trans-human technocracy venture. As one doctor/scientist said: this is like a Jurrasic Park experiment — what could possibly go wrong?

What Are We Missing?

So what forces are driving humanity (as we know it) to the brink of self-annihilation?

Like solving any crime or false flag, consider who gains? Who has motivation? Almost nobody — nobody human that is. One might say a handful of elites want control of everything, and Covid is their coup. What might be the purpose and benefit of destroying and altering everything (chemtrails, earthquakes, fires, etc, etc.); plus potentially mutilating the genetics of almost every living human on this planet?

I have thought long and hard on this — and believe this is not a “human” trait. So I have to ask: what else might be happening? What or who might be influencing these human minds? Who or what might benefit if they can stifle the brilliance and creativity of the human race? Who benefits from destroying love? And who benefits, and how from societies and species in constant low-vibrational fear? A predatory sub-species; a parasitic entity?

As a screenwriter, it has become second nature to seek out a narrative that has logical pathways. It cannot be stitched together by co-incidences and implausible impetus. Narratives follow logical options; it joins the dots — and of course, any narrative has surprises. But with each surprise comes a revelation — a revelation that in hindsight makes sense of the narrative.

I understand that there are two mostly opposing narratives — that of the mainstream machine, and the reflection of that; a more factual exposition of events. But both narratives have to compound to join all the dots. But I believe they don’t. There is so much unexplained. It’s like trying to analyze the shape of an iceberg by only what protrudes above the surface.

It was this year — the year of 2020 — that I released how little I know; that there is so much to learn, so much to understand. That it would take me 25 more years even to scratch the surface of the knowledge that I’d like to have. I mentioned this to a close friend, and in her wisdom, she kindly said that it would be a much shorter period. (I thank her for the inspiration and encouragement.)

I feel that I have been trapped in a narrow band of 3D thinking that provides only a few of the solutions to the countless problems facing humanity and who we are. I’m sure many contributors and readers might feel the same, as many of you have an insatiable desire to search for answers and truth. And there are just not enough hours in the day.

Humanity is at a critical point, not only physically (e.g., pollution and species loss), but we’ve come to a spiritual divergence. I’ve come to believe that central to this is the war over children — a spiritual war battling for the source of a species. It’s now common language to say we’re at war with dark forces, etc.  (So if our actions are locked in by legal structures and language parameters… can you fight a spiritual war in a Children’s Court? I doubt it.)

And that is why I say, the more I search, the more I realize how little I really understand. It’s like seeking answers from a streak of light shining through a very narrow crack. But hold up a prism and you see much more as white light disperses into its component colors — because red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet each has a particular wavelength. Could this be a metaphor for our reality — that we need to search for the layers beyond our 3D reality? I believe so.

Layers of Understanding 

I’ve been watching a few wildlife videos recently — just to connect with my African roots. One video, for example, was the battle between a wildebeest and a crocodile at the water’s edge. The desperate battle raged on for ages… watched on by two interested spectators; two hippos. After what seemed ages, the hippos suddenly decided to become involved and powered through the water chasing off the croc, allowing the wildebeest to hobble off with a broken foot. And this drama was watched on by more interested spectators… tourists on their game drive. (These tourists also follow the rules: never intervene in the natural world.) And this whole spectacle was filmed by a person behind a camera. But do the layers of spectators stop there?

Religious people might add that God is watching on from above, and also not intervening in this drama being played out. (Note: A recent survey said about 51 percent of people in the world believe in God.) How many layers are there? How many people consider that galactic races (or angels) might be looking on, observing (hopefully protecting) our progress. So many questions remain unexplained, and as I said in a comment a few weeks ago, “all bets are off.”

The MSM will discourage you, for example, from believing the reports in the Israeli newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, about how the former Israeli space security chief, Haim Eshed, spoke of the “Galactic Federation of aliens” working with the US and Israel. This aligns with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer’s disclosure or the many whistleblowers interviewed by Kerrie Cassidy. And what is the Secret Space Program, and what was the purpose of President Trump signing a directive to create another branch of the military — Space Force — to monitor the heavens and protect the US?

There’s a Zulu legend that says our moon was put in place by two brothers, Wowane and Mpankuwith, with scaly, fish-like skin ages ago; and the legend describes the moon like a hollow egg with its yolk removed. What a laugh! It just happens that NASA discovered that the moon rings like a bell — somewhat hollow — reverberating sometimes for hours at a time

What is the true storyline of the human species?

Are there dimensions and realms around us that we interact with, and do these have relevance to why forces are attempting to drive/change humanity into slavery and annihilation? What about the 10,000 strange animal mutilations across a band in America? Or the remote viewing exploits or Looking Glass Technology revelations? Are children being brought up from deep underground dumbs that crisis cross the continents? Are children the focus of otherworldly forces working through humans (e.g., satanic or otherwise)?

We are linked to nature, to the frequency of the earth — so one wonders where a techno-medical tyranny might lead humanity if they are allowed to hijack your mind, body and soul.

So who is the real enemy?

White Hats and The Light

We are living in exciting and extraordinary times. What a time to be alive.

Many say that the white hats have already won (a conversation for another article); that they have lured the corrupt into exposing their crimes; that the world will pass through brief turmoil as the dark forces are expelled. In the micro-scale, I know this one mum in SA has won and it’s only a matter of time before the government steps into line.

2020 has been a year of preparation… a global coup v an awakening. Maybe this awakening is assisted by a pulse or energy beyond our comprehension. But to be practical, I think it is up to each one of us to expel the fear within — especially in Australia, which is most likely the beta-test for the attempted global reset.

However, as the age of Pisces fades behind us, will we vibrate with a new frequency… guiding each of us through this journey, and hopefully, expanding our thinking in our search for real understanding?

I thank those (and J) who made donations. May you all have a festive New Year, and may 2021 be a happy and fruitful year for you. Thank you. 



  1. ISIS Declares Responsibility for Yesterday’s Bus Attack in Deir Ezzor

    US-sponsored ISIS terrorists issued a state confirming their responsibility for the attack on the bus in the Deir Ezzor province yesterday that left dozens killed and injured. The US-sponsored ISIS terrorists claim they killed 40 personnel of the Syrian Arab Army in the attack trying to whitewash their heinous crime, as 25 of the passengers […]

    Read more of this post


    • Let’s hope that these lawyers are unsuccessful – because Bitchute has been a beacon of internet freedom in these heavily censored and de-platformed times.

  2. Dee
    Alister Crowley warned you all of this, HP Lovecraft also tells you about the same thing in his horror stories, There are entities incapable of projecting/creating a reality they seek to either push the sole into the back seat or boot it out all together. When Crowley told you to Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law very few understand what he actually meant, he was warning you you to stop serving other masters in your head and to know who you are and your thoughts.

  3. Crowe’s conclusion
    “The coronavirus panic is just that, an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test, that has never been connected to a virus
    And which won’t be connected to virus unless he virus is purified. There is very little science happening.” (It’s no science) So this is the best kept secret that you will ever hearing of this in the media. This is just an introduction with the problems of the PCR test and is much worse than I am describing here. So the other test that we mentioned here are less reliable as:
    Symptoms only
    Blood tests unreliable
    Hospital test kits experimental only not for diagnostic purposes
    On-site 5 minute kits these are less scientific

    Does anyone know if these obtrusive and fraudulent PCR testing sites are the 5 minute ones?

  4. This article just in from ex-CIA white hat Phil Giraldi titled ‘A New War in the New Year? Trump Again Takes Aim at Iran’.

    From the article :

    “One of the most perplexing narratives presented during the waning days of the administration of President Donald J. Trump is his apparent disengagement from dealing seriously or providing leadership regarding the surging Coronavirus while at the same time continuing an activist foreign policy that in no way benefits any American.

    So unhinged is the hatred for Iran and all its friends that the Trump Administration has, in its last days in office, gone so far as to sanction Asma, the wife of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as well as all her highly respectable family living in England, where she was born and raised.

    The reality is that the United States and Israel will stop at nothing to denigrate what they conveniently describe as “rogue regimes” when the only real rogues are in Washington and Jerusalem.

    Trump and Netanyahu have been wanting to start a war with Iran for the past four years and have been seeking to provoke the Iranians into a response that could be used to justify a massive counter-attack.”

    There it is readers. And yet amazingly, some contributors on Gumshoe still boast of how Trump has ‘started no new wars’ during his tenure.

    Well, it’s certainly not for want of trying – seeing as the Trump administration has pulled out every trick in the book from provocations, to sanctions to killing General Soleimani etc, in the hope that the other party will take the bait and retaliate – which the Anglo-Zionist empire will use as a pretext to start a war.

    Now Trump has even resorted to sanctioning the First Lady of Syria, a humanitarian of the highest order and a treasure to humankind.

    The DESPERATION of Donald J Chump is tangible in the twilight hours of his tenure.

    Thankfully, the fire he’s lit on behalf of his Zionist benefactors will soon be extinguished.

    • They have no conscience and it is all part and parcel of this evil “Dominion theology” that the Catholic and jews possess in their demented and deranged exclusive racist ideology. They are agents of satan that is why the bible describes them well.

      Dominion theology
      Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That’s Undermining Democracy

      The Woman On The Beast In End Time Prophecy Has Dominion Theology

      Dominion theology in Recent History

      Dominionism and Dominion Theology

      The Deception of Dominion Theology

      Greater Israel

      • Arlyn, it would seem that your relentless barrage of attacks on Christianity (now including some of the loony Protestant sects as above along with a token reference to what might be called Christian Zionism) would appear to serve none but the SoS. By decrying just about every kind of “dominionism” except that of the Synagogue of Money and their abject Goy Sayanim lackeys in ‘Masonry (which would much better suit the description of the Bloody Harlot in the Apocalypse than anything you and your mates have come up with) you do nothing but sow confusion and fear of a concocted straw man enemy.

        Why don’t you stick to flogging Corona virus or Sino virus like the rest of your mates?

        • oldavid
          You never respond to any of my posts point by point with evidence as I do. You still are flogging your ‘no idea’ personal opinion with your very convoluted personal opinions. Just for once why don’t you respond to all of my posts point by point otherwise you are just mouthing off starting with the ‘Israel’ one otherwise it is a pointless exercise in dealing with your dogmatic ideology instead of biblical facts and correct biblical exegesis in which obviously you have no idea
          That is a standard Catholic response to criticise with no facts or evidence and I certainly know that you are not familiar with the bible as most Catholics are not as I have a number of life-long friends who are Catholic.

          Read and learn but you don’t want to… you just want to criticise with no facts or evidence or biblical verses. You are going against the bible by your silly rants with no proof. You are using “Killing the Messenger” without reading or even understanding as I said to you before you are unteachable with your spirit which is a pity.

          You said you “conceded before and said you were a fool”. What has changed since then? Have you forgotten what you said in your post to me? If you are not going to respond as I do point for point with evidence stop wasting both of our time

          Revelation 17 Commentary
          17:1-2 The Judgment of the Harlot of Babylon: Chapters 17, 18 and part of 19 deal with the judgment of Babylon the Great. In Revelation 17:1-6 The crimes for which God executes judgment upon the harlot, the Roman Papal system, are enumerated; in 17:7-18 her punishment and the means by which it will come to pass is pronounced.

          The Mother of Harlots

          Mystery Babylon – The Great Harlot (What is Mystery Babylon?)

          Revelation Identifies End-Time Babylon

          The 3 Angels’ Messages
          … Proclaiming God’s Final Message to the World …

          A Woman Rides the Beast

          Is an exposé of Revelation 17 which describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow her precepts. A thorough exegesis is presented comparing the general views on this chapter with the realities of our present day. The chapter sets the stage for the final events in the conflict between good and evil.

          17: 1-2 ~ The Judgment of the Harlot of Babylon: Chapters 17, 18 and part of 19 deal with the judgment of Babylon the Great. In Revelation 17:1-6 The crimes for which God executes judgment upon the harlot, the Roman Papal system, are enumerated; in 17:7-18 her punishment and the means by which it will come to pass is pronounced.

          She is called “The Great Whore.” According to Ephesians 5, Jesus is the spiritual husband of the church; therefore if a church unites with or receives favors of one who is not her husband, she commits spiritual adultery. The “kings of the earth” represent civil powers. When churches lose the power of the gospel to transform hearts and lives they turn to the power of the state to support their doctrines and thus they commit spiritual fornication. The “many waters” are the countless people (vs. 15) she has deceived and “made drunk” with her doctrines.

          • As I said, Arlyn, I am reasonably familiar with the tactics proposed by the communist “Jew” Saul Alinsky that have been adopted by just about all who want to destroy what’s left of Christian civilisation. I will not be cornered and bullied into defending myself from a barrage of gratuitous and arbitrary accusations that are only designed to hide and misrepresent the real issues and to demoralise your prey in a gulag of noise and smoke and mirrors.

            So far there are none of your pop up “experts” who can back up their cleverly contrived diatribes with any reference to what the Apostles and their disciples taught right from the word go.

            Once upon a time it was ludicrous that “real” Christianity could only be dated back to a few egomaniacal malcontents of the 15th and 16th centuries. Now, according to you, “real” Christianity can only be dated back to some fanciful interpretations of an edited version of Scripture proffered by some 20th century upstarts whose sole claim to credibility is that they dismiss 2,000 years of documented history.

            Orrite! What you’re pushing is not Apostolic Christianity. It’s a make-it-up-to-suit the politics of a time and place and circumstance. I am not afraid. Church history is replete with all sorts of Gnostics, Kabbalists, insanely ambitious prelates, all kinds of predators but they’ve always been outnumbered by the faithful wise and good.

            I guess that you’ve never heard of the bit where Peter the boss was deferring too much to Judaic customs and Paul “withstood him to his face because he was to be blamed”. I guess that yous galahs could never except that Paul didn’t create a precedent for yous and go and create a “new Church”.

          • oldavid
            Once again you have proven yourself to give your own concocted ideology opinions with no evidence just as I suspected because that is what you have done all along. You are wasting both of our time by your constant ranting or bitching about something else besides the context of my posts. You obviously do not want to educate yourself as I know you are not reading otherwise you would not being saying the things you are saying. You can’t even bother to answer basic questions as your mind goes somewhere…

            I ask again:
            You said you “conceded before and said you were a fool”. What has changed since then? Have you forgotten what you said in your post to me? If you are not going to respond as I do point for point with evidence stop wasting both of our time

          • Heh heh. Fool that I am I don’t remember the exact words but it goes something like “And having itching ears they take unto themselves teachers…”

          • “For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”
            2 TIMOTHY 4:3

          • in the olDavid and Arlyn argument, i would like to interject that prima facia – the man from nazareth, jesus christ most likely was seen as haman in the purim feastival of the time. and the christian church was most likely formed due to this particular Hamans popularity. wouldnt sound doctine then start at the individual level by me exposing all of my own lies to the universe in the verbal – sound wave propagation?

          • Kevx
            Jesus Christ was the God-man as He was both human and God Himself. Yes you are correct as He was “most likely was seen as human” He lived, died and was resurrected for the penalty of humanity’s sins. The Everlasting Gospel is a gift from Heaven for those who of their own free will receive Christ into their hearts.

            Sound doctrine is certainly not by man-made humans as there are so many sects-cults that are not sound doctrine, they are unbiblical and they control people’ minds with false ideology and superstition. It is obvious that man cannot govern mankind for a number of reasons.

            “wouldnt sound doctine then start at the individual level by me exposing all of my own lies to the universe in the verbal – sound wave propagation?”

            Yes confessing and repentance to God alone not to a priest or a minister is the way to live by and the way to Eternal Life

            Who is Jesus?

            Is Jesus God?

            Was Jesus the Messiah?

            Study Guides

    • Trump sanctions Asma al Assad, First Lady of Syria, Lioness of Damascus? WTF!!?

      These clips put all the qualities of this wonderful woman on display (re-sharing as a compilation in two comments)

      • Asma Al-Assad during the reception made to the participants in ” Woman For Peace ” Bicycle Ride

      • I love Asma Al Assad

      • oldavid
        Your ears are blocked and your eyes are blind. Think of the 3 monkeys.I wonder why you don’t want to earn and you are so dogmatic and don’t provide any proof just nonsense. You just want to stir…

        • Somewhere, way back in my supposedly “anti-Biblical” Catholicism I dimly recall that St Paul said something like; if anyone, even if they present as an angel of light, teaches anything but what we have taught just shoo them away or, as we might say in A’straya, piss ‘m off outa here.

          The “prophetess” Jezebel was only a type of more to come.

          Some fanciful interpretation of a much corrupted Bible does not constitute a “proof” of anything. Go look at the first and second century disciples of the Apostles. You might as well start with Polycarp who was a friend and disciple of John the Apostle.

          • For you bods “discernment” is agreeing with your opinions. It’s not a new trick. Just pluck a few quotes out of context and massage them to mean whatever your ideological prejudice requires.

            The SoS is frantically opposed to Apostolic Christianity and it will come at anything to deride, defame, subvert, sabotage, the institution created by Christ and left in the possession and care of mere men; the mere men of which He knew one would betray Him, one would emphatically deny Him, nine would run away and hide, and only one would be with the three Marys and Him to the bitter end. Of course, His Excellency Wally Veith and Your Excellency Arlyn are not part of this fallen Human Race and with your wonderful esoteric gifts you soar above the angels in knowledge and perfection.

            Nah! No amount of links to your “superior beings” is going to make me jump out of the Barque tossed on stormy seas to cling to your fantastic castle in the air. I hope you don’t con anyone else to do it either.

          • This Lennox bod always has an interesting take on things even if the Anderson bod seems way out of his depth.

            Prof. John Lennox | The logic of Christianity

    • continued 2/2 …

      First Lady Asma al Assad was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2018 …

      • Our prayers are with you, Mrs Asma Assad

      Her first major interview after treatment and being cleared of the cancer – it is in Arabic so I would go full screen and read the subtitles.

      • Asma al Assad tells of her struggle against cancer

      Talk about stoicism, morality and gratitude – Asma al Assad is the essence of grace and dignity!!

      None of those qualities pertain to the ever more despicable DJT.

      Trump has effectively left a parting curse on every Syrian and the memory of every genuine soul that has suffered for the benefit of his demonic Sabbatean cohorts and handlers.

  5. Still on the matter of a character reference for Trump, comes this video that I urge everyone to watch (especially those misguided souls who still believe Trump has any redeeming qualities) :

    Focus especially on Jimmy Dore’s objective appraisal of Trump from 6:45 – 7:00 when he asks :

    “He [Trump] is still your hero ? [Then] you’re a f_ _ken CHUMP.

    Donald Trump IS the swamp”.

    Well said Jimmy.

    • • Trump Planning Mass Arrests, Military Tribunals for Deep State Traitors

      “EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATE” – Mike Adams (Health Ranger- CounterThink channel on Real.Video)

      My original video links have been removed but referenced here …

      Any day year now …

      • I’m a little suspicious that Lizzie might have taken a bait back a bit.

        Believe it or not, a few years ago when I was becoming a little notorious for not following band wagons on a couple of forums I was serially propositioned by someone I know not with “David! $3000 for your opinions!” After I’d deleted the proposition a few times I eventually replied with “Piss off! I don’t need the likes of you to proffer my opinions.”

        Perhaps whoever it was was offended by my characteristic lack of genteel social politics and they’ve left me in my poverty ever since.

  6. The Unholy Trinity on Earth

    The Empire of the City-The Unholy Trinity that Rules the World

    The Powers – Behind the Global Empire

    These three city-states share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system. They are sovereign, corporate entities that are not connected to the nations they appear to be part of. Again, just to clarify, the City of London is not technically part of Greater London or England just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy and Washington DC is not a part of the United States, although DC does have controlling power over it and its political system.

    Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, which established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London. Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.” The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations, both of which are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry. Washington DC operates under a system of Roman Law and not under of the limitations established by the US Constitution.

    It should not be a surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. If you look at the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, you will notice that on either side of the US flag is the depiction of bundles of sticks tied together with an axe. These are called fasci, the root word of fascism. This was the symbol of fascism in the Roman Empire, under the Nazis and it still is today. These symbols are featured on the floor of Congress and the United States corporation is controlled by the Crown, which is not the British Monarchy as many believe, but rather the private corporation that is the inner ‘City of London’ itself, also commonly known as “The City” or “The Square Mile.

    Ring of Power – The Empire of ‘The City’ – World Superstate

    Washington DC, City of London and the Vatican are Sovereign states

    Trinity of Babylon: Vatican-London-Washington DC

    • City of London – FINANCE: Receives taxes from their subjects (slaves) in
      Canada and the United States. They design and control our financial and
      banking systems.

      Vatican City – RELIGION: The Pope wants to merge all the religions into
      one, which is absolute nonsense. The Pope broke off from the truth
      (confusingly referred to as The ‘Eastern Church’ or ‘Eastern Orthodox
      Church’ or ‘Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox’) about 1000 years ago.

      Washington DC – MILITARY: Death camps and stacks of black plastic
      coffins that can hold six to ten bodies each, are piled high in a long
      train-like fashion, as far as the eye can see, in the United States,

      These three are sovereign, corporate entities that are not part of the
      countries they are located in.

      The flag in Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican offers spiritual guidance. The constitution of the district of Columbia operates under a tyrannical roman law known as lex fori, which in no way resembles the U.S. constitution.

  7. CAIRNS NEWS latest posts
    Scientists, doctors won’t take the mRNA COVID vaccines: Why should you?
    Lawyer warns illegal testing con will lead to unlawful vaccination
    US patriots still have options to block crooked Biden despite court backdown
    Another Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ project this time to strangle Far North Queensland and Torres Strait
    World Recognition of Iron Curtain Policing by Victorian Government
    Port Arthur

    A juggernaut of support for NSW police officer who challenged official Covid 19 narrativehttps://cairnsnews.org/2020/12/29/a-juggernaut-of-support-for-nsw-police-officer-who-challenged-official-covid-19-narrative/

  8. Gabe and Jake …

    In my early days of ‘awakening’ I encountered a guy named Gabe Zolna (‘Zolna Report’) who was a Million Percent pro-Trump, highlighting all the obvious evils of McCain, Obama, the Clintons et al. I became a keen follower and viewer. Then a few short months into Trump’s presidency he suddenly went “Oh Shite!!“ and started questioning what Trump was up to – or not up to in terms of his ‘promises’. Not soon after that Gabe was de-platformed from Spewtube.

    • Zolna Report – bitchute

    Jake Morphonios (Blackstone Intelligence News) has also done some great work. So many of his videos have been removed (a little too close to the bone) but there is still an array of material available here – whatever topic catches your eye …

    • Blackstone Intelligence – Videos

    And here as another example …

    If you don’t want to watch it all, start at 12:50

    • Jake Morphonios: Trump’s Deep Connections to Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeff Epstein

  9. Lest We forget…

    Dodgy Tasmania police still covering up Port Arthur scam

    Senator’s report reveals prior knowledge of Port Arthur incident

    Port Arthur shooting witness dies before eventually exposing the Port Arthur psyop

    Australian Government Port Arthur cover-up evidence expanding

    Martin Bryant show by Channel 7 Sunday Night will not tell the truth about Port Arthur

    Port Arthur Shooting coverup revisitedPort Arthur –

    A warning given to Tasmanian barristers about Martin Bryant and Port Arthur

    Patsy Martin Bryant rots in jail while the Tasmanian Liberals promise to free-up gun laws

    Australian Broadcasting Corporation perpetuates the Port Arthur massacre myth

    Advance obituary for Martin Bryant on government death list

    • Australia’s corporate-political elite are overseeing the destruction of Victoria (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
      CAIRNS News believes Australian super bureaucrat Jane Halton, who is a key player in the Gates-Rockefeller so-called “global health” network, could help us better understand Victoria’s draconian and insane shutdown and police state imposition.

      Halton tops the list of commissioners on the advisory board of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, set up to “better coordinate the efforts occurring within and between the public and private sectors following the novel coronavirus pandemic”.

      Halton is also chairwoman of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a key player in the Gates-Rockefeller funded global health network that has been heavily involved in planning the “pandemic response” under the watchful eyes of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.

      The COVID-19 commission’s advisory board consists of a corporate elite, headed by Neville Power, chairman of Perth Airport and deputy chairman of Strike Energy Ltd. His deputy David Thodey is chairman the CSIRO and EFTPOS banking business Tyro, and accounting software provider Xero. He is also a non-executive director of Ramsay Health Care and Vodafone Group Plc.

      Other commissioners include Paul Little AO (transport and logistics), Catherine Tanna (energy retailing), Samantha Hogg (transport, infrastructure, energy), Mike Hirst (banking) and Paul Howes (KPMG). Then there’s the secretaries of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Philip Gaetjens, the Department of Home Affairs, Mike Pezzullo, and The Treasury, Dr Steven Kennedy.

      So this corporate-government elite with vast financial interests and power in Australia, who are supposed to be co-ordinating the national COVID-19 response, are quite happy to sit back and watch Andre

      Part 1

      Morrison, Andrews and Halton in big
      Part 2

  10. Dee,
    Thank you for great writing explaining, how and why we got to ‘WE ARE ONE’ above stage for new year celebration, on harbour foreshores without people participating. Here we are, one day after and face nappies are mandatory outside of cubicles.
    The wine press of human blood is overflowing. for the murderous elite feasting upon innocents, on full moon events. We are in lockdown waiting for their mark, whilst they enforce this insane agenda by crime syndicates, masquerading as philanthropists. Their time is short. desperate measures widely visible now, are bound to fail.

    Happy new year
    God is everything that ever was and will be for eternity.

      • 1700 Japanese companies may well have left China (after being bullied and intimidated into doing so by the depraved U,S hegemon).

        But the end of China, just like the prematurely announced death of Mark Twain, has been greatly exaggerated.

        China has been the world’s largest gold producer for at least the last 15 years, if not longer.

        By law, every gram of Chinese gold produced stays in the country – accumulated by its central bank.

        In ADDITION to domestically mined gold output, China has been buying as much gold as it can get its hands on from other producers. (China is the single largest procurer of gold mine output from the second largest gold producing nation on Earth. ie: Australia).

        Russia is also purchasing gold at a breakneck pace.

        At a time of their choosing, China and Russia will announce gold holdings that DWARF alleged U.S gold holdings (the U.S says it has 8000 tonnes but refuses to conduct in audit, the last being 47 years ago, so it’s rumoured that it may have significantly less or NONE at all).

        When China and Russia announce their colossal gold holdings, this will simultaneously correspond to a gold backed Chinese Yuan and Russian Ruble and comcomitant establishment of one or both of these as the World’s Reserve Currency.

        At this moment, the U.S (which will already by in an inflationary depression and tormented with civil unrest from rioting hordes of hungry and homeless), will descend deep, DEEP into a bottomless abyss from which it will never extricate itself.

        In tennis parlance, it will be Game, Set and Match for the U.S – as China (and Russia), complete a straight sets white wash.

        • TV
          Yes I am aware of that concerning the gold and have been for some time. Australia apparently has a fair bit itself but closed the mines a few years ago then reopened them.

          Australia’s $19b gold industry on edge of ‘production cliff’ as mines run out of gold, analyst warns

          Australia is on the edge of a “production cliff” and could slip from second to fourth on a list of the world’s biggest gold producing nations by 2024, mining analysts have warned.
          Key points:

          A research analyst says Australia's biggest gold mines are getting older and not enough new discoveries are being made to replace them
          He predicts global gold production will be in decline from 2022
          The CEO of the Perth Mint says a significant fall in Australian gold production is highly unlikely

          Behind only China, Australia’s gold mines will produce an estimated 10.7 million ounces this year — the equivalent of about $19.2 billion worth of the precious metal.

          But analysts predict Canada and Russia will overtake Australia, with production to fall more than 40 per cent to 6.3 million ounces over the next five years.

          With the Australian dollar gold price trading near historic highs of about $1,820 an ounce, that could potentially represent about $8 billion in lost production.

          The six biggest gold mines in Australia

          Australia’s gold at the Bank of England – Extended Q & A
          What happened to Australia’s gold? What’s your opinion?

          The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) claims to have 80 tonnes of gold bars stored in a bailment arrangement, in an allocated gold account, at the Bank of England vaults in London. Bailment means the Bank of England is custodian, and the RBA owns and has title to specific serial numbered gold bars.

          However, there have never been any independent physical audits of this gold, which means that there is no way to verify the RBA’s claim that it has all the gold that it claims to have.

          In 2013, the Bank of England allowed the RBA to do a partial audit of some of the claimed RBA gold holdings, but the results of this audit remain secret, and even after FOIA requests, the documents from this audit were blocked by both the Bank of England and the RBA and never released. This also raises a red flag.

          Abstract click on link for full article

          • I know of copper mines that on occasion in reality are gold mines from which the ore is shipped out of the country.

          • Arlyn, you asked : ‘What happened to Australia’s gold? What’s your opinion?’.

            In the late 90’s, Peter Costello sold two-thirds of Australia’s central bank gold holdings for around $ 300 odd dollars.
            ie: fraction of it’s present worth.

            Now, I’ve got a lot of praise for Costello as Treasurer (paid off the Federal government debt accumulated by every previous administration since Federation in aggregate and left a $ 70 billion surplus in the Future Fund – thus making us less beholden to the Usury Cartel of Bankers), but selling our gold at near the trough was one dumb move.

            Anyway, as all of you know, Rudd and Gillard accumulated three centuries worth Federal government debt in their six short years in office and set us on the path of indentured servitude to the cabal.

            Not to be outdone, Scott Morrison (aka ScuMo), is doing his bit to increase the crushing debt burden for our kids and grandkids.

            All the pols are beholden to their cabal masters – all are bastards.

  11. CC
    I treated a guy years ago that worked in a gold mine and he says there was heaps but they just cap it like diamonds to keep the price up

  12. Dee, i whole heartily agree (heart = earth anagram). my resume – R&D tech and tech fellow. i tell smart marketers what and where to look for new tech – they dont listen. AND i have come to the exact same conclusion that there is something i just dont know/understand.
    – bored folks that live 1000s of years? or just their family lines doing better than the rest?
    – A.I. is here, has been here, setting up shop? we will be cyborgs? the fleshy disposable razors?
    – Aliens – greys= gay lizards = lesbians (my mediation takes me to Jungs archetypes)
    – demons and cern portals to dark predator worlds? inside myself? my own internal evil?
    – parasite or fun- eh gus? hive mind or one purpose but hidden by mind?
    — this makes me think of the ort cloud around the inner planets and space dust – what is in that dust?

    you brought up the awakening – mine occurred in 2011 at the end and it was a real eye opener (the distance from the path i want to be on)
    – too much work for someone to experience the Christ (like kundalini)? who wants to martyr for a bunch of FB posers?
    during my experience i believed i had to do the ‘trials’ which was me running around at night through the mountains and under culverts and following random lites
    – and the seeing of casting of spells and that we all do it as part of our daily rituals/routines
    – and the bells – oh the ringing of the bells. pretty sure men cried when the liberty bell cracked!
    – not to mention the harmonious frequencies that play above the ‘spring like’ (bed springs?) vantage point looking back at earth
    — and the sounds asked if i was there to work
    —- and a large black lake of tar and an eye that opens in the middle and asks if i am tired yet
    —– that sent me right back home, eh!
    Always interesting to guess who OR … these dreams come in from – handles hallelujah?

    Back to archetypes and hubbards role – acknowledging that I AM duality and if i dont give some to my dark side it may come out unexpectedly – left handed pathing
    and you mentioned spirituality which i believed at that time was the awakening but now i think the awakening was just a warning to leather up a bit – i also have some tech (magnetic tap shoes, warming devices for head back and pits etc). ya know – prepare for what is to come
    – the worst living in a bathtub of mold to breath off the water and have some food created out of – well you know…
    At any rate it is hard for me to keep on the path of the the things i learned on the awakening – apparently i prefer thorny trails to soft grass
    i also noted a lot of folks wanting to speak about awakening but i heard distortion from them – maybe my own!

    and spirituality has something to do with lite – just need to point out that people that buzz around saying the world and life is wonderful are ignoring the children you found in dire need of some relief. to me this life is my chance at real work
    – shuemann is 7.83 hz – very low long wave
    — lo long waves are where i surf
    – long waves contain the most information and cover the greatest distances
    – i give up amplitude for frequency in lo – high freq conversion

    And you mentioned the wave length being different – but doesnt this fly in the face of a constant speed of light?
    – base 10 is like 2+2=5
    – we use triangles to describe circles
    – the flower of life vs daisy of death
    – in digital all math is addition

    And the extinction events – which in my research into biology makes me think that all of the internal bodily systems are from external systems in nature – so what happens when the dodo goes extinct? TOTEM – the memories of past conquered planets and their apex creatures memories

    which takes me to Remote viewing and the memories or our past: this site rings true to me

    thank you for acknowledging that there is something missing,
    – anton bentov would say for us to ask what is next ( with his clownish smile)

    so what is the next piece of information we need in order to see this predation for what it is?
    why is the suffering and torture desired?
    WHO is the opposition?
    – do the eaters of humanity know that we are poisoned?
    — is the vaccine the poisoning of the eaters of the people – gods?

    When i hear MR/MRS Global message – i have to say i DO agree with a bunch of it, just not the part where every body has to be tortured for it to be ‘all good’

    Thanks Gumshoe – best place for real exchange…

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