Home Awakening 2021 — The Year For Change and Awakening

2021 — The Year For Change and Awakening


by Dee McLachlan

2020… a year of one grand and sophisticated false flag/coup to disrupt the re-election of a president and lock-down the mind of humanity. And a year that absolutely 100% confirmed that Silicon Valley and the mainstream media (MSM) are the enemies of democracy and free thought.

Living in muzzle-city (Melbourne) this last winter was like being on a dystopian film set. The city was named after Lord Melbourne, but Lord’s real surname was Lamb — most apropos for obedient Melbournian sheeple being prepped for their genetically altered destiny. Fortunately, my winter lockdown was broken up with daily cold water swims, which were not only mentally and physically invigorating, but added another perspective to a year of reflection.

I started Gumshoe in 2013 and began on the usual topics — for example, 9-11, Port Arthur, etc. Mary Maxwell, particularly, came on to add her voice many years ago, as did many other contributors (about 20 or more authors, plus G5), and then as other topics arose, we wrote about events such as MH-17, the Boston marathon, the Charlie Hebdo brothers, Lindt Cafe siege, etc., and of course Covid.  There were some incidents that only Gumshoe reported on; e.g., my article on the Bella Vista incident on the 25th September 2014 when an ADF officer was allegedly assaulted by two men (of Middle Eastern appearance). After the media did their usual blitz, this encouraged the passing of terror laws in Canberra later that night; then lo and behold the officer dropped charges the following day. All predictable.

And so Gumshoe has provided a platform over the years for the many highly informed contributors, intelligent commenters, and readers that have come on board — and many a good debate followed in the commenting thread.

Tomorrow will be 2021, so where to now?

Revelations and State Child Abduction

For the last two years, I have been working mostly behind the scenes — somewhat focused on child abduction and state kidnapping. I have lived and worked on five continents, seen extreme poverty, been to a war zone, and believed I understood the world. But nothing had prepared me for the hell that I was to be dragged into. And it’s a living hell on earth for so many children and protective parents. Only the very strong survive in what seems to be an industry for destroying bonds and love.

And so this journey has led me to believe that something else is going on.

I could never have conceived that humans could be so deliberately torturous to the most innocent of their own tribe. My focus was mostly South Australia, but this is replicated across the country. And now, having spoken to and been told stories by so many people, I now believe every second person in that State has most likely been abused in some way in childhood. And of course, many abused also become abusers or enablers — a deliberate cycle, seemingly carefully orchestrated by “forces” more powerful than government to keep perpetuating.

When one thinks of an ant colony, the ants function — robotically — like a single organism. So if humans were individuals and had independent thought, as an example, I’d expect that at least one minister would react with revulsion at the evidence I had presented and thereafter offer help. But no; this does not happen. All ministers and high-level government leaders seem to act and function as one.

The reaction to my correspondence has confirmed to me that government leaders are not in control whatsoever. (And this seems to be the case with other issues such as war, foreign policy, false flags, or vaccinations, etc.) It seems many judges, too, sway to another authority. (Freemasons?)  I won’t go as far as declaring that they are mind-controlled, but that’s how it feels. It’s like persons have been sapped of all common sense in these instances. Drained of all empathy and logic. Is their reptilian brain in overdrive?

As I indicated above, it seems that the government is functioning like an ant colony — a hum-ant colony, robotically following some more powerful conductor; evading evidence of the most terrible abuses. In fact, they seem so puppeteered that they will — against all logical thought — invent reasons; that the child is either a liar or that it could never have happened. The logic and deceit can be so bad that to find justice in a Children’s Court would be like finding a needle in a haystack. It’s a rare event as far as I can gather.

But let me digress briefly — to allow context to this overlong article.

Elmon Mhlongo

The African Experience

I was born and brought up in South Africa, and Africa rubs off on one. It is so rich with cultures, religions, and diverse beliefs, that in one way, I felt I was missing out on having a traditional Western education. Strangely, I felt my whiteness was hobbling my mind and psyche. Let me give you an example:

In the 80s I was making a wildlife story about a filmmaker, John Varty, and a tracker, Elmon Mhlongo. The documentary, Silent Hunter, was about these two men following a mother leopard and her cubs in the wild. And when the leopards went missing, it was decided to visit the Sangoma — something they’d done previously. We sat down in a circle and after the bones were thrown across the dirt, the Sangoma began to chant (in Shangaan). It was entrancing. Elmon later interpreted for the camera — that we must drive along this particular road until we find a tortoise on its back (a very rare sight normally), and the leopard will be in a tree in the bush nearby.

At the time I treated this like most westerners would; yeah, good scene for the film. But it was at some point during the drive that I realized Elmon, who was sitting on the front of the landrover, was in full belief and searching for the upside-down tortoise. He spotted it on the verge of the road. We stopped, and Elmon flipped the tortoise and sent it on its way. Within minutes he had sighted the leopards — exactly as described by the Sangoma. (As a side note, Elmon’s eyesight was extraordinary, and was equal to a pair of powerful binoculars.)

Though I didn’t realize it then, I think this was one of my more notable memories of “remote viewing” as we call it today. So if you have watched any of JC Kay’s videos recently, she has been remote viewing many realities that we can hardly imagine — hell under our feet, such as children in underground bunkers — and much more.

JC Kay, a good friend of one of our contributors, posted her first video 3 months ago. It began with a meditation — which she describes as a remote viewing-like experience. She has resonated so strongly with so many people that her popularity exploded and she has now close to 50,000 subscribers on just one platform — YouTube. But she warns you up front not to watch her if you cannot be open to a world outside the 3D reality.

Children’s Life Force 

This journey into child “protection” has changed me and my view of humanity and the world we exist in. It has left me scratching my head. I feel I am missing something as there are unexplained forces or energies at work. The coordinated efforts to destroy and disrupt family is one thing, but the plans to manipulate humans over the generations; over centuries… even millennia does not fully make sense. I would imagine shorter timelines being more logical. Am I missing something? Would an individual be plotting for an agenda that will only eventuate many hundreds of years in the future — long after he/she is gone from this earth? Do human brains work that way?

There is something non-human about what is going on. Children seem to be the “prize” (the source), and I believe there are other motives beyond money (i.e., the multi-billion dollar Out of Home Care business, or the child porn industry). We now know more about sacrifices and the calling up of dark energies in rituals, and that trafficking and pedophilia are important components of the Illuminati/elite.

Children are pure in life-force, and the disruption of this life-force harms all of society. These actions erode humanity, degrading the miraculous qualities of the species. One could say the same about interfering with babies’ immune systems right after birth.

So what is this all about? The carnage of the human spirit! The disrupting of a species at source (aren’t species designed to protect offspring)? The harvesting of Life-force?

I have also been told many times of how the faces of enablers in the system light up and become vibrant when they set their torturous actions in motion — all under the guise of law, order, and protection. I would describe many of these people as soulless. And if I were to write this into a sci-fi script, these persons would have become “infected”; their souls snatched and replaced by an entity from another dimension. Now working on a low or different frequency, these entities feed off the fear of humans. The more pain and suffering, the greater is their reward. Anyway, that’s how it feels.

The Hamster Wheel and the Roller Coaster

Looking back to 2019 and 2020, I feel I’ve been on two hamster wheels.

With child ‘protection’, I’ve been writing letters to the same ministers for two years. As I provide more factual evidence about the atrocities happening under their watch, the replies are the same, and the denials and deflections the same. It has been groundhog day for over 650 days. For many advocates, it is much longer. Yet nothing changes. And while I’m on the hamster wheel to keep it squeaking — the system slowly and deliberately drains the very life out of these children and these protective parents. I know of children who are thinking of escape, but they fear to, as almost everyone in authority has failed them. The system seems intentionally designed this way, and all those around (e.g., school staff, friends, and family) participate in meek acceptance.

Where is the outrage?

And I also feel like I’ve been on a Gumshoe wheel too. Articles, day after day, insightful comment after insightful comment keeps squeaking the wheel of dissent — anything from corruption, false flags to medical tyranny. Meanwhile, the mainstream media are carpet bombing the populations with bullsh*t day after day. Drowning them in deceit and panic. And so, it feels like we here have become trapped in the vortex (a phrase Diane described to me). It feels like I’ve been providing a roller coaster entertainment ride for six years or more. Close your eyes, and you hear people screaming. Then the ride circles back to pick up the next ride… the next story for us to all scream on about.

Just another groundhog day complaining about the same old robotic hum-ant colonies we call the government and global corporations — functioning as instructed, in self-interest, and against “the people”. Fixing minds into fear and subservience, and slowly driving the human species away from nature and from enlightenment — even discouraging the miracle of the human body to function as intended. And now we’re being prepared for the GM Covid (non)vaccine that is really a trans-human technocracy venture. As one doctor/scientist said: this is like a Jurrasic Park experiment — what could possibly go wrong?

What Are We Missing?

So what forces are driving humanity (as we know it) to the brink of self-annihilation?

Like solving any crime or false flag, consider who gains? Who has motivation? Almost nobody — nobody human that is. One might say a handful of elites want control of everything, and Covid is their coup. What might be the purpose and benefit of destroying and altering everything (chemtrails, earthquakes, fires, etc, etc.); plus potentially mutilating the genetics of almost every living human on this planet?

I have thought long and hard on this — and believe this is not a “human” trait. So I have to ask: what else might be happening? What or who might be influencing these human minds? Who or what might benefit if they can stifle the brilliance and creativity of the human race? Who benefits from destroying love? And who benefits, and how from societies and species in constant low-vibrational fear? A predatory sub-species; a parasitic entity?

As a screenwriter, it has become second nature to seek out a narrative that has logical pathways. It cannot be stitched together by co-incidences and implausible impetus. Narratives follow logical options; it joins the dots — and of course, any narrative has surprises. But with each surprise comes a revelation — a revelation that in hindsight makes sense of the narrative.

I understand that there are two mostly opposing narratives — that of the mainstream machine, and the reflection of that; a more factual exposition of events. But both narratives have to compound to join all the dots. But I believe they don’t. There is so much unexplained. It’s like trying to analyze the shape of an iceberg by only what protrudes above the surface.

It was this year — the year of 2020 — that I released how little I know; that there is so much to learn, so much to understand. That it would take me 25 more years even to scratch the surface of the knowledge that I’d like to have. I mentioned this to a close friend, and in her wisdom, she kindly said that it would be a much shorter period. (I thank her for the inspiration and encouragement.)

I feel that I have been trapped in a narrow band of 3D thinking that provides only a few of the solutions to the countless problems facing humanity and who we are. I’m sure many contributors and readers might feel the same, as many of you have an insatiable desire to search for answers and truth. And there are just not enough hours in the day.

Humanity is at a critical point, not only physically (e.g., pollution and species loss), but we’ve come to a spiritual divergence. I’ve come to believe that central to this is the war over children — a spiritual war battling for the source of a species. It’s now common language to say we’re at war with dark forces, etc.  (So if our actions are locked in by legal structures and language parameters… can you fight a spiritual war in a Children’s Court? I doubt it.)

And that is why I say, the more I search, the more I realize how little I really understand. It’s like seeking answers from a streak of light shining through a very narrow crack. But hold up a prism and you see much more as white light disperses into its component colors — because red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet each has a particular wavelength. Could this be a metaphor for our reality — that we need to search for the layers beyond our 3D reality? I believe so.

Layers of Understanding 

I’ve been watching a few wildlife videos recently — just to connect with my African roots. One video, for example, was the battle between a wildebeest and a crocodile at the water’s edge. The desperate battle raged on for ages… watched on by two interested spectators; two hippos. After what seemed ages, the hippos suddenly decided to become involved and powered through the water chasing off the croc, allowing the wildebeest to hobble off with a broken foot. And this drama was watched on by more interested spectators… tourists on their game drive. (These tourists also follow the rules: never intervene in the natural world.) And this whole spectacle was filmed by a person behind a camera. But do the layers of spectators stop there?

Religious people might add that God is watching on from above, and also not intervening in this drama being played out. (Note: A recent survey said about 51 percent of people in the world believe in God.) How many layers are there? How many people consider that galactic races (or angels) might be looking on, observing (hopefully protecting) our progress. So many questions remain unexplained, and as I said in a comment a few weeks ago, “all bets are off.”

The MSM will discourage you, for example, from believing the reports in the Israeli newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, about how the former Israeli space security chief, Haim Eshed, spoke of the “Galactic Federation of aliens” working with the US and Israel. This aligns with former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer’s disclosure or the many whistleblowers interviewed by Kerrie Cassidy. And what is the Secret Space Program, and what was the purpose of President Trump signing a directive to create another branch of the military — Space Force — to monitor the heavens and protect the US?

There’s a Zulu legend that says our moon was put in place by two brothers, Wowane and Mpankuwith, with scaly, fish-like skin ages ago; and the legend describes the moon like a hollow egg with its yolk removed. What a laugh! It just happens that NASA discovered that the moon rings like a bell — somewhat hollow — reverberating sometimes for hours at a time

What is the true storyline of the human species?

Are there dimensions and realms around us that we interact with, and do these have relevance to why forces are attempting to drive/change humanity into slavery and annihilation? What about the 10,000 strange animal mutilations across a band in America? Or the remote viewing exploits or Looking Glass Technology revelations? Are children being brought up from deep underground dumbs that crisis cross the continents? Are children the focus of otherworldly forces working through humans (e.g., satanic or otherwise)?

We are linked to nature, to the frequency of the earth — so one wonders where a techno-medical tyranny might lead humanity if they are allowed to hijack your mind, body and soul.

So who is the real enemy?

White Hats and The Light

We are living in exciting and extraordinary times. What a time to be alive.

Many say that the white hats have already won (a conversation for another article); that they have lured the corrupt into exposing their crimes; that the world will pass through brief turmoil as the dark forces are expelled. In the micro-scale, I know this one mum in SA has won and it’s only a matter of time before the government steps into line.

2020 has been a year of preparation… a global coup v an awakening. Maybe this awakening is assisted by a pulse or energy beyond our comprehension. But to be practical, I think it is up to each one of us to expel the fear within — especially in Australia, which is most likely the beta-test for the attempted global reset.

However, as the age of Pisces fades behind us, will we vibrate with a new frequency… guiding each of us through this journey, and hopefully, expanding our thinking in our search for real understanding?

I thank those (and J) who made donations. May you all have a festive New Year, and may 2021 be a happy and fruitful year for you. Thank you. 



    • Yep, that is what they are up to with the politicians and mass media hiding the agenda to enslave the grandchildren ……… The poor kids did nothing to deserve their dumb and stupid parents,

  1. Aussie Mal
    You asked for a link to X22 somewhere. and was referred to X22report.com.
    I also linked it today just above the robots in the Folly of Afghanistan article with a comment.
    Note my comment and enjoy the robots below it.

  2. “There’s a Zulu legend that says our moon was put in place by two brothers, Wowane and Mpankuwith, with scaly, fish-like skin ages ago;…………….

    Dec 31, ISBN Mar 11, ISBN Christopher Knight and Alan Butler realized that the ancient system of geometry they presented in their earlier, breakthrough study works as perfectly for the Moon as it does the Earth. On further investigation, they found a consistent sequence of beautiful integer numbers when looking at every major aspect of the Moon—no such pattern emerges for any other planet or moon in the solar system. In addition, Knight and Butler discovered that the Moon possesses few or no heavy metals and has no core—something that should not be possible. Their persuasive conclusion: if higher life only developed on Earth because the Moon is exactly what it is and where it is, it becomes unreasonable to cling to the idea that the Moon is a natural object. The only question that remains is, who built it?



    • Im always impressed by the fascinating coincidence that the moon is just the right size and just in the right position between the sun and the earth for every now and then, a total eclipse of the sun.

      may your 2021 be twice as good as your last and half as good as your next everyone.

      • How very 1969! I noticed that all the actors in the film were under 30 years old, I wonder where all of them are now.

        I watched ‘Hair’ when I was on R&R in Kings Cross back in April 1970. Long time ago, but it was a nice show.

        • Take it that you went visit the CIA chaps at the burger and beef Steak (sp) establishment and met with the CIA watchchaps who ran the place.🤡

          • Naw, all I wanted to do was get drunk and laid. Met a lovely lady from Finland (Toola was her name) that spoke 5 languages, she kept me busy for the week.

          • So sorry to be obtuse, but all the info came up when I spent two years on a conspiracy case..
            Fancy that! A conspiracy. Plea guilty finished ti with a sentence, with his cancer, all over within two years thereafter.

          • Yes, Toola. I remember her!🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
            The CIA had many language assets.

        • 🙂
          this harmony and understanding goes way back!


          “Marx’s prescient analysis
          Though he lived in 19th Century, the German philosopher, sociologist, and critic of capitalism Karl Marx developed a theory based on his observations of social dynamics at play in his own time that seems to hold true as much today as in the 1800s. Marx described the people at the very bottom of the social hierarchy inherent to capitalist society as the “lumpenproletariat”. For Marx, the lumpenproletariat is the group below the industrial working class and is made up overwhelmingly of criminals, street urchins, and other “social scum,” as he put it.

          But in spite of occupying the lowest rung of the social order, Marx observed that this group ironically did not seem to identify with its “rightful brethren” – i.e. other members of the proletariat.

          Rather they tended to side with reactionary and counterrevolutionary forces. For Marx, this is because they end up as “bribed tools of reactionary intrigue.” That is, they get cynically manipulated by political forces far more powerful than them who, needless to say, don’t have their true interests at heart. And the leaders of this reactionary intrigue in a 21st Century context are easy enough to spot. They are the funders, the backers and the backroom ‘thought’ leaders (if they can be called that) of these modern-day brownshirt movements.”

          I just thought that article interesting, Im not endorsing anything in it.. and dont mean to suggest far left extremism is in any way mor favourable over far right..

          just wishing for more harmony & understanding in these unprecedented times! 🙂

          I remember the days when an article on gumshoe getting over 100 comments was a big deal!

          good job everyone – keep calm & carry on!

          • Go to Richardson Post and post the Tommy Robinson link there. Anticipate and enjoy the huge reaction from the yobbo’s

          • “Richardson Post” you say? – an aussie site? – will have to look into that one. thanks Crissx

          • You’re being unjustifiably generous to Karl by describing him as a philosopher and sociologist, Dinky. Karl was an incestuous pervert, a Satanist with an inveterate hatred for God and the common man. The proletariat is, for him and his ilk, just a mindless rabble to be incited to bring down the remnant of civilised order.

            There is a whole secretocracy that calls itself “The New Right” that goes under all sorts of Druidic, Nordic, Germanic supremacist banners, that sponsors all sorts of rag tag disturbances to usher in a wonderful “New Order”.

            Other strategists in this plan to make the common man into a mindless rabble know that to do so the first requirement is to get the common man to saturate himself in moral and intellectual errors so that he has neither the will nor mind to resist the emotional hype.

            The old Acton adage that “power tends to corrupt…” may have once been offset by the virtues of the “powerless” but these days I’m suspicious that the virtuous commoner may be very hard to find. Poor ole Lot didn’t do too well in Sodom either.

          • “You’re being unjustifiably generous to Karl ”

            just to clarify dave.. i didnt write the linked article 🙂

          • Dinkum, whether one agrees with Marx or not in an overall context, what you posted is interesting reading in that it reveals Marx was a ‘selective social justice warrior’.

            In other words, Marx’s doctrines were never about saving the entirety of the downtrodden masses from capitalistic exploitation.

            His brand of ‘progressiveness’ was only concerned with his own subset of the class struggle, and to hell with those on the lower rungs.

  3. Am selecting some classic one liners
    “And a year that absolutely 100% confirmed that Silicon Valley and the mainstream media (MSM) are the enemies of democracy and free thought”.

  4. “muzzle-city (Melbourne) this last winter was like being on a dystopian film set. The city was named after Lord Melbourne, but Lord’s real surname was Lamb — most apropos for obedient Melbournian sheeple being prepped for their genetically engineered destiny”

  5. “Only the very strong survive in what seems to be an industry for destroying bonds and love.”

    “And of course, many abused also become abusers or enablers — a deliberate cycle, seemingly carefully orchestrated by “forces” more powerful than government to keep perpetuating.”

  6. “All ministers and high-level government leaders seem to act and function as one.”

    Realise my multiple systems are responding –so will stop here–2021 NYR –practising forgetting to remember –remembering to forget.

  7. Lots and lots of revelations have been revealed in 2020 with no action. 2021 desperately needs action as it depends on Humanity to stop the Crimes of Humanity

        • Senator Heffernan”s speech –just stop there –this is 2021 action–Arlyn Gumshoers

          Karen –another hero. says — her words from video in ” ”
          “I believe chem trails are real – i believe they are a fire accelerant-
          the wild life across the country had decimated creatures- “–she speaks of the plan–purpose

          “This is the line in the sand for me”

          ” they will cause as much damage as they can before they surrender”

          ” you gotta think logistically”—” we will not descend into anarchy and rioting”–
          “ANZACS know how to focus and ANZACS know how to target”–

          who to target–this is what you have been doing Dee–me too –and so many others–lets not forget Fiona Barnett –she put Australia on the map– we must never ever dismiss her contribution–for me-life saving-and hey Mary that’s how we connected and Terry et al—-
          be prepared to march boots on the ground —answer the call

          “remain cool calm and collected”
          there will be fires–floods and famine—–

          perhaps Beehive is our new platform

          we shall overcome—–but not perhaps as we imagined

          • in colorado we had a bad fire- that sprouted into several. it seemed to smell chemical and the air had an oily residue. we spray magnesium chloride in the winters. i dont know about the the chlorides but magnesium paper is very fun.

          • Kevx
            Action should have already been taken. The sooner the better but it not going to happen as Australians are Australians. That is why china locked onto Australia with their well renown national apathy.

            In the US Trump was just another psyop of “Conrolled Opposition”. All of these demented and deranged statements websites and Youtube about Trump being of God and prophecy in Trump by these crazed fundamentalists that do not know their bibles. They are simply soothsayers.

            No we are not here just to witness and be inactive. I have spent the good part of 40 years educating myself and others who will listen about a number of issues and been involved in two Royal Commissions.

            President Eisenhower and JFK warned the American public and the world about the military industrial complex and secret societies in he early 60’s and people have taken no notice nor have they been vigilant towards the government. Now it is a Fascist Corporatism that is ruling from with and from without as legal governments are no longer in control. We have criminal illegal corporate-government entities operating for their agendas not ours.

            Have you listened to the two past US presidents in their speeches? Now the problem is a thousand-fold compared to the 60’s

            People need to read just the Quotes of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams James Madison to reactive their genuine patriotism for their country that has been taken from them. The time is going to come to everyone to make the final decision to defend your country and its constitution which has been trampled on for decades or do nothing.

    • arlyn said that lots of revalation with no action – are we just here to witness (2020 vision comes to mind)? would 2022 be the time for action where we are damned if we do and damned if we dont? Act that is? oh look, we are back to the heros journey – who designed this sing-song language anyways…

  8. My commiserations, M. McLachlan.
    It’s a conundrum that defies any explanation from the absurd premise that Everything can, and does, produce itself randomly from a primeval “Super Nothing” (an imaginary “Singularity”) that made matter out of a burst of energy that came from Nowhere by randomly postulated “processes” that are nowhere to be seen. Then, if that matter is assumed to randomly “organise” itself by implied processes that directly contradict observed physical reality into live organisms that “develop consciousness” that is simply the underlying assumption of “inevitable Progress” by a dialectical competition between “old and new”, past and future, weak and strong, servants and masters which is only realised in a dominance of a select few… sometimes called “social Darwinism”. Anyone who swallows this irrational, superstitious bullsh!t but objects to how it’s going only does so because they want their “unenlightened opinions” to hold back “progress” to a “comfort zone” of a bygone age.

    Naturalism and Materialism and its indispensible Relativism are central to being able to con the “soft in the head and hard in the heart” to subliminally accept the premises even while objecting to some of its effects. It’s been called a “diabolical disorientation” where one can simultaneously accept and hold essentially contradictory opinions.

    If one is shallow enough to think that physical reality, condensed to 3D space and Time, is all there is, any metaphysical concepts such as Life, Truth, Love are incomprehensible except as slogans intended to gloss over, and presumed to explain, what is unexplainable according to the Materialist ideology. Metaphysics is as much reality as is physics.

    There’s plenty of explanations grounded in Revelation and Reason that can compellingly indicate what and why perversity is. I’m very happy to talk about it but I suspect that almost no one here could tolerate the theology that would emerge.

    • At face value this might appear to be a bit of a gimmick but I actually think she’s genuine:

      The parable of the hired labourers comes to mind(MATHEW 20:2)

      • I have no reason to suspect that the two bods above are not sincere, however, they do seem to stick to the Evangelical script and carefully avoid any of the “hard sayings” of Jesus and the Apostles.

        St Paul says somewhere that it’s hardly fair to chuck everyone in at the deep end i.e. you must start with a diet of milk before the meat can be digested. (There are notable exceptions as if God says: “Yair, Paul, but I can bypass the natural order of learning if it suits Me to do so”).

        I have read and heard a great many testimonies of people who’ve come to the fullness of the Christian Faith from just about the whole gamut of backgrounds. One thing that sticks out like the proverbial dog’s things is that all those who came from or through the multitude of Protestant sects always expressed a gratitude for that experience as it was, at least, an introduction to Christianity and its supporting Scripture.

    • oldavid – i am up for that theological discussion. if i am understanding what you are writing, then at a base level any frequencies that interacts with other frequencies could be considered predatory – or meaning that a 3rd harmonic will be formed and distortion will result – 2 loud whistlers at a concert creating that screeching beat frequency. but in terms of a theology – i am all ears!

      • Rightoh, Kevx, what do want to discuss? I have no arcane or occult novelties to offer. My position is entirely the beliefs and explanations of the Catholic Church right from the get go, starting with the earliest summary of core beliefs (that I know of) often called “The Apostle’s Creed” and all that is implied therein.

        I am well aware, though, that there have been, and are, many spurious challenges to that doctrine and discipline which I will defend to the best of my ability.

  9. Dee
    Are you able to charge these evil freemason politicians with Misfeasance in High Office for not acting appropriately?

    Under English law, misconduct in public office is a criminal offence at common law which dates back to the 13th century.[2][3]

    The offence carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. It is confined to those who are public office holders, and is committed when the office holder acts (or neglects to act) in a way that constitutes a breach of the duties of that office.[4]

  10. Jews Get Bitchute to Label Nationalist Parties Nordic Resistance Movement and Greek’s Golden Dawn as Proscribed Terrorist Entities, Despite No UK Censor
    Bitchute’s designation of NRM as a “terrorist” group seems to stem entirely from a controversial ruling by Finnish courts to ban the group’s local branch. The Finnish government was pressured by Israel to ban the Finnish activist group in September 2020 after Israeli diplomats claimed their embassy was vandalized following an anti-war protest, even though the culprits were never actually identified. Neither NRM or Golden Dawn are classified as terrorist or criminal organizations in the UK. British companies are not tethered to the rules and whims of individual European Union states. Bitchute’s choice to take away the voice of dissidents while they face unfair political persecution is selective and self-defeating, making the whole concept of free speech pointless. Last July, the Chinese government declared leaders of the Hong Kong protests to be terrorists, yet they are not banned from using Bitchute.Jews Get Bitchute to Label Nationalist Parties Nordic Resistance Movement and Greek’s Golden Dawn as Proscribed Terrorist Entities, Despite No UK Censor

  11. Seasons greetings to the outside.
    Only 1550 days to go until April 1 2025 and the next WEF 5-year plan.
    We’ll get all the bankrupts signed onto socialist Universal Basic Income contracts.
    “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy” … well until the next 5-year plan in 2030 anyway.
    It’s a slow burner !!! This way sheeple. Enjoy fireworks on the telly. Your safety is our priority.
    Anyone can’t conform to this is obviously a mad bomber conspiracy theorist.
    Have a happy and safe New Year.

  12. “I felt my whiteness was hobbling my mind and psyche.”

    “This journey into child “protection” has changed me and my view of humanity and the world we exist in. It has left me scratching my head.”

    “I have also been told many times of how the faces of enablers in the system light up and become vibrant when they set their torturous actions in motion — all under the guise of law, order, and protection.”

    “I thank those (and J) who made donations”

  13. ‘1. The Truth Behind Washington’s “Free Tibet” with Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci) – ‘Land Destroyer’ channel

    ‘2. Happy New Year – Let New Year’s snow fall

    ‘3. THANK YOU Dee

    • More from Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci)

      US Awards “Quad” for role in Anti-China Alliance

      His prolific work on Syria is what gives him credibility …

      US Crimes Against Humanity Continue in Syria | 12/12/2020 Review

      • PS … this is what the likes of morrison, hurley et al get their medals for. You may recall this ‘mistake’ …

        Sept 2016: US-Australian air raid massacres 123 Syrian soldiers at Deir Ezzor, helping ISIS/DAESH

        • Tim Anderson, as usual, shedding truth on the U.S backed and orchestrated Syrian ‘civil war’.

          Fish, your ‘US Crimes Against Humanity Continue in Syria’ video is a much watch for those misguided fools who still believe that Trump had anything to do with the destruction of ISIS.
          It is abundantly obvious that the Trump administration, in a continuation of the policies of Obama, was backing and providing logistical support for the ISIS head-choppers.

    • Yikes Arlyn – have you looked through the headlines on that DREADful click bait channel … ?

      • China is Desperate
      • It’s All Gone
      • China is Done
      • China’s Downfall
      • Game Over China
      • China is Bankrupt
      • China’s Economy is Finished
      • China is Collapsing

      I hope this isn’t another Epoch Times offshoot.

      I would counsel caution until we find out who is behind this channel.

      But there are worse … 😊

      • Julius
        It is one of many of the terrible floods by the 3 Gorge dam. I just came across it last night. The dam and the flooding have been in the news for months. I think China only has 15% for agriculture. I was interested in the food production as eventually we are all going to be hit with food shortages as it is in play already

        China Agriculture according to statistics provides the biggest output compared to other countries in the world but only 15 percent of the total land available in China can be cultivated. This available land is divided into nearly 200 million household and at an average everybody has nearly 1.6 acres of land in their part. This shortage of cultivating land has often created trouble in its history as the country has faced severe food shortage at various moments.

        It is observed that more than 75 percent of the total cultivated land is used for producing food crops. Among the available cultivated land, rice, which is the most important food crop in China Agriculture is cultivated on almost 25 percent of the land available. Cultivation of rice is mainly available in places like Yangtze Valley, Huai River, Zhu Jiang Delta and many other places.


        • Thank you Arlyn … which is probably why they are investing so ‘heavily’ [an understatement] on the South-North Water Transfer Project – probably the biggest infrastructure project since the Great Wall itself.

          • South-to-North Water Diversion Project


          Not sure about the tone of the presentation but this is informative

          • South-to-North Water Transfer Project: China’s Redistribution of Natural Resources

          Another little anecdote I read just the other day …

          Chiang Kai-shek actually used bombs/detonations to cause the Yellow River to flood in 1938 as a ‘battle tactic’ to hopefully drive out the occupying Japanese. It drastically backfired – the Japanese merely sidestepped the flood and it wiped out hundreds of thousands of his own people, displaced millions, created famine and actually ALTERED the course of the Yellow River – barely 80 years ago.

          • A Deliberate Disaster – Chiang Kai Shek Floods the Yellow River

          (I read in a comment in the first video above that the Water Transfer project is costing way less than the F35 project – by a factor around 26.)

      • ………….Operators of the Three Gorges Dam said the concrete barrier on the Yangtze River could withstand the impact from flooding twice the mass flow rate recorded on Saturday, at 61,000 cubic meters per second. Photo: Xinhua

        Xinhua also stressed in its report that all metrics were still up to standard and all the variables being monitored fell within the design parameters.

        Meanwhile, Wang Hao, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an authority on hydraulics who sits on the Ministry of Water Resources’ Yangtze River Administration Commission, has also assured that the dam is sound enough to withstand the impact from floods twice the mass flow rate recorded on Saturday.

        Still, Wang’s remarks stoked a volley of mockery after he said the flooding could be a good thing as the dam would only become more rigid the longer it was steeped up to its top.

        Zhang Shuguang, director of the Three Gorges Corp’s Hub Management Bureau, echoed Wang’s judgement, saying nothing could topple the dam in the next 500 years and that not one of the 12,000 sensors fitted throughout the humongous concrete barrier had ever flashed red on the central control panel…………


        • It was not about the stability of the dam nor was it about the stability of the strength or integrity of the dam it was about flooding and food shortages

  14. have just read a review of book re Tavistock Institute–from an Arlyn link—

    two quotes –the first with Terry’s comment in mind. – and the second –for Dee


    TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015)
    7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book

    “The saddest and most troubling aspect of this book for me, as a former CIA operations officer, was its documentation of the degree to which CIA, in active collaboration with universities funded by the Rockefellers and other elites, deliberately created the drug culture in the 1960’s, liberally dispensing LSD and other drugs, and in particular, handing out LSD tabs at Woodstock. The author is compelling in suggesting that the Grateful Dead (perhaps unwitting) were a covert operation by the CIA intended to introduce and then proliferate the drug and consciousness culture, reducing by a considerable number those able to reach adulthood without losing a substantial portion of their brain cells.
    QUOTE (110): “At Woodstock,” writes journalist Donald Phau, “nearly half a million youth gathered to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm. The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with [free] psychedelic drugs, and kept awake continuously for three straight days, and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials.”
    Decades later, and after Viet-Nam, we have the crack cocaine explosion at the intersection of the Nicaraguan contras, the US Marine Corps and El Toro, and the CIA.”

    “This book floored me. Written in 2011 and republished in 2015, this book is one of three in the past ten years that have altered my perception of reality. The other two:
    • Review: Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy
    • Review: Trance: Formation of America
    I thought I understood covert action and its subset propaganda. I did not.

    The New World Order (One World Order) fascist corporate state demands the end of nationalism, the repression of languages and cultures and ethnic or cultural identities, the fragmentation of the family, and the dissolution of community. In other words, everything that we in “fly over” country or the rural heartland, believe is our essence. I cannot help but conclude that California and New York are now like the concentration camp or prison “trustees” of the neo-Nazi elitists, and this is one reason why the Electoral College is so important – to keep those two states populated by libertine morons from destroying America the Beautiful.”

    • Okay – call me a conspiracy sceptic. The ‘phibetaiota” site is by Robert David Steele – I have question marks about him (especially after his interview with Kerry Cassidy).

      Somewhere down that rabbit hole I was taken here

      • Von Braun’s Legacy (with Dr. Carol Rosin) – I’ll just set it at 30:00 where she talks about VB telepathically transmitting the lecture to her left ear – in front of an 18,000 audience.


      von Braun – more question marks – what moon landing?
      Carol Rosin – more question marks.

      Von Braun “told her in 1974 to make sure she put a stop to the weaponisation of space”. Carol goes on to say that VB told her that the last card they would be playing is that the ‘aliens are the enemy’ from which we need those weapons to protect all creatures on the planet.

      In 2001 she is still doing her well-polished talk roadshow.

      • Dr Wernher Von Braun & Dr. Carol Rosin Claim Space Force Is Based On Lies Donald Trump December 2019


      I get the feeling we are being to invited to “look over up there”.

      • The Space Force is yet another pretext for obtaining more appropriations from Congress to spend on yet another white elephant.

        Then, a False Flag will be initiated (be it a meteor or alleged extraterrestrials invading Earth), and yet again the mask-wearing / social distancing dumbed-down masses will be traumatised – thus enabling even greater budget appropriations to combat said existential problem.

        Meanwhile, throughout all of this, the bulk of the money is being siphoned off to the cabal and the Apartheid Israeli state (as it was especially during LBJ’s tenure and during Dov Zakheim’s tenure as Comptroller / Chief Financial Officer at the Pentagon).

        A small portion will be spent on make-believe weapons systems that don’t actually work and special effects demonstrations and marketing campaigns to convince Americans (and a few lacking critical thinking right here in Oz), that their technology leads the world.

      • TV
        Yes I have had my suspicions about him as well.
        Robert Steele, Leonard Pozner Attempting to Delete and Make Invisible All Posts Critical of the Flawed Legal Finding in the Sandy Hook Case?

        Governments are just gangster criminals on a massive scale its hard to comprehend supported by the taxpayer

        It was LBJ all the way with the evil Zionists Israeli regime

        The space project is just part of the “Full Spectrum Dominance Doctrine to control everything

  15. re above–this is the bit –that aligns with Dee’s article
    “This book floored me. Written in 2011 and republished in 2015, this book is one of three in the past ten years that have altered my perception of reality. The other two:
    • Review: Project Human Extinction – The Ultimate Conspiracy
    • Review: Trance: Formation of America
    I thought I understood covert action and its subset propaganda. I did not.”

    The last paragraph –“I cannot help but conclude that California and New York are now like the concentration camp or prison “trustees” of the neo-Nazi elitists,”

    and then we have Tavistock social engineering of the masses hidden in Australia—the secret laboratory

  16. As I originally posted last year this is a replay of the Oklahoma bombing and building #7


    Does anybody find it odd that the Dominion voting machines were moved to Nashville this past week and audited by AT&T, which just so happens to be the place where the bombing happened?

    Jeffrey Prather lays out the motives, the means and the actors involved in the election fraud and in the attendant Nashville bombing. Prather is a veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group in the Army Special Forces and in his judgement and that of his colleagues, the device used in the Nashville attack was a 250 lbs Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) deployed by the MQ9 Reaper drone preferred by the CIA.

    • Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid

      June 22, 2020

      BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions of bailout dollars from the Federal Reserve. The fate of a large portion of the country’s corporations has been put in the hands of a megalithic private entity with the private capitalist mandate to make as much money as possible for its owners and investors; and that is what it has proceeded to do.

      TO most people, if they are familiar with it at all, BlackRock is an asset manager that helps pension funds and retirees manage their savings through “passive” investments that track the stock market. But working behind the scenes, it is much more than that. BlackRock has been called “the most powerful institution in the financial system,” “the most powerful company in the world” and the “secret power.” It is the world’s largest asset manager and “shadow bank,” larger than the world’s largest bank (which is in China), with over $7 trillion in assets under direct management and another $20 trillion managed through its Aladdin risk-monitoring software. BlackRock has also been called “the fourth branch of government” and “almost a shadow government”, but no part of it actually belongs to the government. Despite its size and global power, BlackRock is not even regulated as a “Systemically Important Financial Institution” under the Dodd-Frank Act, thanks to pressure from its CEO Larry Fink, who has long had “cozy” relationships with government officials.

      BlackRock’s strategic importance and political weight were evident when four BlackRock executives, led by former Swiss National Bank head Philipp Hildebrand, presented a proposal at the annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in August 2019 for an economic reset that was actually put into effect in March 2020. Acknowledging that central bankers were running out of ammunition for controlling the money supply and the economy, the BlackRock group argued that it was time for the central bank to abandon its long-vaunted independence and join monetary policy (the usual province of the central bank) with fiscal policy (the usual province of the legislature). They proposed that the central bank maintain a “Standing Emergency Fiscal Facility” that would be activated when interest rate manipulation was no longer working to avoid deflation. The Facility would be deployed by an “independent expert” appointed by the central bank.

      The COVID-19 crisis presented the perfect opportunity to execute this proposal in the US, with BlackRock itself appointed to administer it. In March 2020, it was awarded a no-bid contract under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to deploy a $454 billion slush fund established by the Treasury in partnership with the Federal Reserve. This fund in turn could be leveraged to provide over $4 trillion in Federal Reserve credit. While the public was distracted with protests, riots and lockdowns, BlackRock suddenly emerged from the shadows to become the “fourth branch of government,” managing the controls to the central bank’s print-on-demand fiat money. How did that happen and what are the implications?

      Read on –


      • The Jews through Blackrock now own the Federal Reserve, IMF, the UN, the IRS, the Treasury, NATO and all countries subservient to their lending institutions as well.

        This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Blackrock Just Took Over the US Treasury and Fed (Blackrock, Transcript + Audio)

        From the FTN Website: In less than a week the Federal Reserve has been merged with the U.S. Treasury (implying it wasn’t always that way) and BlackRock, the world’s largest and most powerful financial services institution, has been put in charge of executing future acquisitions and trades. Who is BlackRock? What do they own? And perhaps more importantly, what and who do they control? Jazz and James dive into BlackRock and uncover a significant portion of the apparatus by which U.S. politics are controlled and manipulated. Full episode: https://therightstuff.biz/2020/03/29/ftn-300-i-am-the-line-thy-god/

        Read more

        The IMF,Treasury and Federal Reserve are now one unit with the Jewish firm BlackRock.

        The IMF was set up at the same time as the UN – 1945

        1.The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.(Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I.,Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No.26, Public Law 102-391.

        The IMF is an Agency of the UN (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)
        The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)
        The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg.113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288) —
        New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

        http://users.rcn.com/zap.dnai/money0.htm The site has disappeared.

        New York is symbolises Biblical modern day Babylon – Rev.18.

        • Federal Reserve All in the family

          8.6 The Federal Reserve System

          The Federal Reserve System of the United States probably has the highest profile of all of the central banks. It is highly influential in the central banking hierarchy.

          G. Edward Griffin is an American film producer, author, and political lecturer. He is perhaps best known as the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994), a critique of much modern economic theory and practice, specifically the Federal Reserve System.

          In beginning to describe this situation, Mr Griffin reckons the best place to begin is with the formation of the “creature from Jekyll Island”; the creation of the Federal Reserve.

          Jekyll Island is a real island that’s off the coast of Georgia. It was on that island back in 1910 that the Federal Reserve System was created at a highly secret meeting that took place there…………



        • Interesting. listening to latest update re covid and border closures–“we have activated our response”
          “All sorts of codes being sent–rules and exemption being reviewed”

          XX would you believe Black Rock has a cluster—Northern beaches-Thai cafe’s and the cross roads hotel

          70 – 7 and 80 – thousand got tested yesterday repeated –fascinating

          21st December just mentioned
          follow directions isolate and get teated

          19 cases now linked to Black Rock cluster in Melbourne
          18 have come out of the seal

          This is global communication signalling readiness for the reset–

          Un bloody believable and almost unimaginable

          Alison Miller Healing the Unimaginable Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control
          Thank you Alison Miller
          I share one of her quotes at the beginning of her book

          “The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to Lovel and to be greater than our suffering”
          Ben Okri, Nigerian Poet and Novelis

      • Slight correction to the statement you posted Criss X, that ‘The Jews through Blackrock now own the Federal Reserve …’.

        The fact is, the Zio-cabal ALWAYS owned the Federal Reserve and to the extent that rabid Zionist Larry Fink and Blackrock are involved, it’s only as a ‘temporary custodian’. more in a supervisory role.

        I recall listening to an X22 Mis-Report a few months ago and hearing Zio-Dave BOASTING about how Larry Fink had ‘taken control of the Fed’.

        I had to laugh at that – at how that didn’t immediately throw out a Red Flag amongst X22 cultists, telling them that Zio-Dave was not to be trusted.

        It’s like boasting that a convicted paedophile had been appointed to run the pre-school your child was attending.


      To earn your status it is a must to listen to the X22 report linked above and pass it on.

      • I think you’re onto something there Ned.

        All the youngsters need to listen to Zio-Dave so as to gain a firsthand understanding of how psyops and cabal funded disinformation works.

  17. Chinese Vaccines less dangerous than the Jewish made Wests –

    “………..While clearing all the regulatory hurdles for more Chinese vaccines to hit the market and teasing the people with a top-down, no-one-left-behind free immunization drive, the NHC has also taken potshots at the safety of some Western drugs developed with “frontier but less verified” techniques.

    The messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines researched by Moderna as well as Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, which will also be marketed in China via a Shanghai-based distributor, have been called into question by the chief of China’s National Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Gao Fu, director of the Chinese CDC, reportedly said mRNA vaccines were being injected into healthy people across the United Kingdom, the United States and other parts of the West for the first time and such a large-scale roll-out was not without its risks.

    Gao, a virologist by training, told Xinhua right after the Chinese regulator approved SinoPharm’s product that the cutting-edge mRNA formula was meant for treating cancer patients, so applying it to produce a vaccine against a virulent respiratory disease was a “bold step.”

    Gao went so far as to suggest that Chinese authorities would not hasten its review and allow the mRNA drug to be used on such a massive scale as seen across the West.
    Vials with Covid-19 Vaccine stickers attached and syringes with the logo of US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech. Photo: AFP/Justin Tallis

    The mRNA vaccines being progressively rolled out in the West use a copy of a natural chemical called messenger RNA to induce an immune response. They transfect molecules of synthetic RNA into immunity cells to build the viral protein that would normally be produced by a pathogen or a cancer cell.

    These protein molecules stimulate an adaptive immune response to teach the body how to identify and destroy the corresponding pathogen, like the novel coronavirus.

    Traditional, attenuated vaccines from SinoPharm and Sinovac, by comparison, use diluted and detoxified viruses to trigger an immune response, and since they are developed using existing, time-tested platforms and techniques, they are believed to be safer. ………….”


  18. Friends

    Is This all Trump Has?

    “There is no one coming to save us. It is going to be up to us, the dregs of society, the deplorables, and whatever other names these communist like to refer to us as.”


  19. How on Earth can anyone imagine hat Trump is going to “save us” that is a totally deranged thinking process. We are the help we are the ones to save us and no other. If you don’t want to be saved then then do nothing. If you want to be saved do something anything except being idle. Educate yourself and others and stand up for God’s sake and resistance this awful medical hoax dictatorship that is going to turn into a Technocratic Communist Surveillance takeover of Australia

    • That’s about it. The stupids will not understand the current events by noting the X22 reports I linked a bit above and my ‘grandfatherly’ comment.
      There is a potential leader …….. you do not have to do much, other than wake up, inform others and follow…………Can be done from your lounge chair!

      • There is no excuse whatsoever that anyone should not know what is going on. Its blatantly in your face and we have the internet with so many different platforms with so many honest and reputable websites with honest experts, researcher, doctors who are courageous enough to speak out to inform the world of this medical tyranny hoax.

        Our computers are the bullets to help change the false narratives, the propaganda, the lies, omissions and exaggerations. How People cannot see the precarious circumstances we are in meaning all of humanity. Humanity must stand up to these evil beings who are psychotic deranged megalomaniacs as the consequences are fatal for inaction

        As said by Patrick Henry “Now is the Time for All Good Men to Come to the Aid of their Country.” https://lightfromtheright.com/2013/02/18/now-the-time-for-all-good-men-come-the-aid-their-country/

        This phrase, first uttered by Patrick Henry as “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party,” could easily have replaced the title of Joseph Loconte’s article for the Centennial Institute’s February issue of their Centennial Review. Loconte holds a PhD. from the University of London and is an associate professor of history at King’s College in New York City. He’s also a Believer, and his message is spot on: now is the time not to shrink from the responsibilities of citizenship but to grasp them fully.

        He puts it much more elegantly than I:

        The new conventional wisdom is that the greatest threat to American democracy is the person who believes that there are universal, transcendent truths, that these truths are embedded in human nature, and that they are meant to govern human life and human societies. The people who hold such views, people of faith, are now called extremists. The proper moral posture, we are told, is that of the moderate…

        Moderates reject the concept of a moral God who governs the universe, because an attachment to ultimate beliefs about right and wrong breeds fanaticism. These “abstract ideas”—such as the ancient belief in a God who defends the widow and the orphan and the unborn—have no place in the mental outlook of the moderate.

        If we hope to bear witness to the truths of the gospel in our generation, for the sake of our neighbors and our nation, then we must choose sides in this battle for hearts and minds. Moderation and neutrality are not options, for both involve a retreat from responsibility. Both would allow the dark forces of this world to gain ground.

      • Thanks Ned
        Hence the destruction, suppression, censorship and removal of evidence and history from Youtube Twitter etc…in addition to banning a vast amount of people providing proof of facts of evidence

        People need to also wise up who is behind all of this by Knowing your enemy in plain site

  20. Mind Control and Synthetic Humans–Elisa E and Elana Freeland

    Very informative— covers mind control programming –organised stalking–The Umbrella was MKULTRA in the 80’s it moved into remote programming

    Also Elana Freeland- Under an Ionised Sky
    “This book illuminates what is under the rug behind the curtain.”

  21. Humanities schizophrenia

    By chaos (Khaos or “void that occupies a hole in nothingness”) we understand something unpredictable that escapes the myopic vision that can only be glimpsed by our eyes in the face of facts that escape the known parameters because our mind is only capable of sequencing fragments of the total sequence of the immense genome of chaos. So we inevitably resort to the term “butterfly effect” to try to explain the dizzying conjunction of centripetal and centrifugal forces that will end up configuring the unconnected puzzle of the ordered chaos that is being developed and that could lead to the utopia of a new age of humanity.

    The term utopia was used by Thomas More in the 16th century and represents “Humanity’s untiring quest since the beginning of time for an ideal place or society”. Despite its unrealistic nature, it enables us to recognize the ideals of a society or community at a particular moment in its historical journey, as well as the obstacles that prevent its idyllic dream from crystallizing. The utopia thus conceived would be the way to reach a dream that would carry implicitly in its power the faculty of becoming a concrete act (the destination is in the way), being necessary to transit through the path marked by il poverello d’Assisi: “Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly you will be doing the impossible”, which implies a catharsis and later metanoia.


  22. Way tooooooo long….Its time enough to spin the stories. They have had decades of evidence and I’m quite sure there are a number of internal memos describing it all over the decades

    • Good ol’ Paedophile Pence is leaving no stone unturned in his quest to give Trump a second term.

      What a colossus of intestinal fortitude, what a wing-man.

      • I am keeping an open mind. Where is the fuel stored? I have not seen a modern passenger jet aircraft being coupled up to anything other than an air compressor and that was at Brisbane airport, though it has to be said that it is not often that I get on a plane.

  23. Dec 18 2020
    Trump declassifies “everything” related to spying during 2016 Presidential campaignshttps://brassballs.blog/home/president-declassifies-everything-john-durham-special-counsel-prosecutor-october-19-spy-activities-relating-2016-presidential-campaigns

  24. China’s 18 patents used to steal Trump vote
    Sources are the patent offices in the U.S. and Canada.




    Covington, law firm

    Flynn Intel Group

    China has an office in the U.S. Patent Office in Alexandria, Virginia.

    Most of the people living in Alexandria work for either the CIA or NSA.


    Canada admits its patent office is a transfer service for them to end up in Beijing, China.


  25. Wonderful article Dee.

    I resonate with the paragraph “I have also been told many times of how the faces of enablers in the system light up and become vibrant when they set their torturous actions in motion — all under the guise of law, order, and protection. I would describe many of these people as soulless.”

    I have been told similar stories by protective parents caught in the nightmare DCP/Family court matrix. Which also brings to mind the horrendous reaction of members of parliament across the world who recently passed laws allowing late term abortion/infanticide. How can people feel joyous at such a prospect? How can they revel in the painful murder of innocents?

    I agree that these individuals are ‘inhuman’. In my experience certain people can be taken over by dark forces. As a child I saw it happen in front of my eyes on many occasions.

    Some might call this a form of demonic possession. Others might say they have an ‘attachment’ – an energetic connection which drains them of sense or reason and impels them to evil acts. As Di’s links concur, there are ways to control a human remotely.

    It is also very likely that certain individuals with socio/psychopathic tendencies are attracted to positions which allow them to wield power over their ‘feeling/altruistic’ counterparts.

    Socio/psychopaths despise loving, caring people. With good reason. Loving, caring people can sense a socio/psychopath a mile away. And we call them out.

    They don’t like to be exposed.

    2020 exposed them all. Hence the draconian lockdowns and the fear-mongering narratives around the common cold/flu from which 99% of individuals recover.

    However, no matter how desperately the psychopaths among us try to repress the golden age which began on the 21st of December 2020, their reign on Earth is over.

    The much-anticipated Saturn/Jupiter conjunction anchoring the Age of Aquarius cannot be thwarted by separating the herd. Keeping us apart only fuels our awakening.

    The prophesies of this time were written 26 000 years ago.

    Agenda 21 is already a failure.

    Their greatest fear – mass enlightenment – has already occurred.

    Demonic ‘attachments’ are fleeing the earth in droves. They cannot exist within this new vibration – it repels them. Not even 5G frequencies blanketing the Earth will make their stay possible.

    We altruistic beings have good reason to be hopeful for OUR future.

      • Rachel thank you for your voice- the global and local testimony- that you courageously present also the platforms you contribute to /lead—-your compassion and your outstanding work- you are a true light bearer light warrior
        “I have also been told many times of how the faces of enablers in the system light up and become vibrant when they set their torturous actions in motion — all under the guise of law, order, and protection. I would describe many of these people as soulless.”

        Brought me back to many references on Gumshoe to the Tavistock Grin— there was one where you identified a walk and then there are the hand signals codes numbers promoted through TeleV vision programming—netflicks msm doco’s

        Dee I was meaning to pick up on
        “My focus was mostly South Australia, but this is replicated across the country. And now, having spoken to and been told stories by so many people, I now believe every second person in that State has most likely been abused in some way in childhood. And of course, many abused also become abusers or enablers — a deliberate cycle, seemingly carefully orchestrated by “forces” more powerful than government to keep perpetuating..”
        .. the hamster wheel -the merry go round the infinity loop

        I will build on this through my knowledge-personal and researched– about SA history and current role re torture and Trauma related mind control experiments—the web

  26. brassballs.blog/home/cia-bill-barr-failed-to-prosecute-hillary-clinton-lockup-attorney-general-doj-operation-legend-un-united-nations-fbi-race-war-house-bill-7120-hb-nato-mercenaries-police-review-boards-michelle-bachelet

    What happened in Kansas City, Chicago, and Alburquerque?
    Teams of NATO snipers were allegedly hired to kill innocent Americans in order to start a race war.

    As I keep saying NATO have been behind this from the beginning with their armed couriers transporting biological, chemicals and nuclear

  27. Wake up Americans and wake up world!

    Some topics

    Judge orders cover-up in Ohio child slavery case

    FBI’s Hughes promoted for covering up his role in parents’ child sex ring

    Barr promoted Zink to hide child slavery network

    The evil behind Lisa Page’s child trafficking ring

    Child slavery budget increased to $31.3 billion

    OH Gov. DeWine part of child trafficking ring in Haiti

    Bribes fuel UN’s control of child trafficking

    Employers to require yearly China flu shot

    Trump supports UN’s global vaccine plan started by Bill Gates

    Man behind the pandemic is a Rockefeller heir

    Barr’s “Operation Legend” turns over local policing to UN

    Hillary to be appointed President by UN

    Police unions sell out to Hillary and UN

    Imprisonment needed to stop viruses says UN Chief

    Planned-demic is a military operation

    Congress paid 137 cities to join UN

    Media wants control of the internet

    Trump’s Vaccine Czar backs Biden, China Qatar

    Fauci signs treaty for world vaccination plan

    Why the death rate is half of one per cent for Fauci’s China virus

    Hillary’s plans to control Trump supporters

    Fauci is Hillary’s hit man to take out Trump

    Bavari to trigger bioweapon two when? (George Webb has mention him many times in his video presentations and his books)
    George Webb Archives

    Books by George

    BSAT Pentagon unable to track its “biological select agents and toxins”

    China gets free U.S. biodefense tech

    NATO’s caddy: Dr. Anthony Fauci

    Insiders failed to act after being told Oct. 18th about the pending Chinese Chronavirus outbreak

    Ground zero started at Winnipeg, Canada

    China bought virus bioweapon from University of North Carolina

    Sham Sentencing for two Uranium One defendants starts Weds.

    Congress launders another $7.5 billion dollars through NATO

    20,000 troops to bring back virus from NATO mission in Europe

    Bidens’ handlers for 39 years? The Donilons

    FBI’s newest surveillance server room is in Nairobi, Kenya

    Buttigieg worked for Gen. Dunford and NATO
    Buttigieg entered the Navy as a Lieutenant from Day One with no training

    NATO signed a treaty Tuesday binding the U.S. for 15 years

    “White Powder” Pete in Africa for 42 months with Strzok doing what where

    “Poppy” Pete part of Afghan poppies to heroin network

    CIA has been spying on citizens without a warrant since July 24th, 2014

    Pelosi third in line to Presidency

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