Home News The Ice-Age Cover-up

The Ice-Age Cover-up


Kate Cheney, Teal “Independent”, who was elected via a Simon Holmes a Court entity to the Federal lower house in 2022 on the coattails of the Globalists’ Global Warming scare campaign, is now fighting for some version of “truth” in political campaigning to be enforced by legislation. Future Teals’ Party positions expected to be carefully crafted by well funded lawyers and potentially not include references to the fictional Global Warming, instead adhering strictly to “Climate Change”, which in their political cycles essentially translates as weather. Like the Pharaohs, they will control the weather by spells such as CO2 legislations. We are entering the warm part of the 11 year solar cycle now and the weather will remain warm for several years before cycling cooler again.

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

Major solar cycles are about 100,000 years, leading to regular ice-ages.

Minor solar cycles are about 11 years, leading to El Nino / La Nina weather.

Note that the time scale of the chart above is reversed, the present is at the left.

The huge deserts of Arabia and Sahara are on similar latitudes to rainforests or jungles such as the Amazon, Congo or Far North Queensland, but they are composed entirely of desolate, shifting sand. In both Arabia and Libya there are vast oil reserves close to the surface, indicating very major and enduring forests decayed there, in geologically recent times.

A story is put about that oil comes from rocks mashing together deep underground but this is hard to reconcile with the fact that rocks are made from mostly oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Meanwhile, trees take up carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, the carbon combines with a few minerals and water and transforms into leaves and branches. These eventually die and decay on the forest floor becoming soil, which piles up over the millennia. Elementally the oxygen has mostly been released, leaving hydrogen and carbon, or as they come to be arranged, hydrocarbons. Under tree cover the cycle continues and deposits are laid down, but when the trees are removed the organic matter dries out and blows away. If undisturbed, unlimited amounts of carbon can be laid down in this way and eventually stored as crude oil or types of coal, depending on time, temperature, pressure and so forth.

Some deserts are naturally barren, such as in Central and Western Australia, where evidence is abundant, of the land having been seabed in geologically recent times.

The tops of hills, around 100 metres above present sea level, show a coastal type of erosion, because the continental plate has tilted up so rapidly.

The deserts of Arabia and Sahara don’t suffer from this adjustment, there is no apparent geological reason for them to have become desertified, rather it is a case of climate change, actual climate change, in terms of the last great ice-age period ending 10,000 BC or thereabouts. 

In the centre of these two great and mysterious deserts is the Nile River, fed by the huge Lake Victoria, which “was formed about 400,000 years ago, and lies 1,134 m above sea level”.

“Speculative” green map of North Africa

The original Hebrews are said to have floated down the Nile along with all the other traffic and the other trafficked. The capitals of Egypt with their various locations over time, benefited from this commodity super-highway, a business model vastly superior to anything else before. The Hebrews were eventually sent on their way by Ramses III, as already presented here:

The Hebrews were not absolutely unique with their one-god Yaweh model since the Greeks had Apollo, which amounted to a sort of hybrid between the pantheons, god-kings and the one invisible creator. Nonetheless it all put the Egyptian god-king model under strain. By the time of the Macedonian pharaoh Ptolemy around 300BC it became necessary to rewrite history, to cement these red haired Greeks into the eternal chain of pyramid-mounted demigods. The Egyptians, including Ptolemic and previous dynasties, directed the activities of the Hebrews, who became their vanguard and proxy into the desolate northern territories of Canaan or later Judea. The Egyptian inspired concoctions, such as Noah’s Ark are still believed by some, as if Noah collected polar bears, emperor penguins, millions of insects and so forth, and kept them all on a huge boat. This is a different argument to the one that says “God can do anything”. This is simply about statecraft, lies and manipulation. 

Western civilisation was supposedly born or borne out of the Caucasus, near where this ark supposedly came to rest, and also around where the Egyptians fled at the fall of their empire. It seems they first came up with the alias of Judaists of some type, around this time, as these gold-laden refugees from the destroyed Alexandrian empire fled into what was to become Khazaria.

More and more history had to be rewritten so the official date for total deletion became “the flood”. Hence we have lost all records pertaining to the removal of the forests of Arabia and Sahara, presumably during the ice-age around 10,000 BC, where the Egyptian empire was placed exactly at the geographical centre of this massive deforestation.

Ancient or “pre-Diluvian” history such as Atlantis and ocean voyages having been erased, we are nowadays told China had the oldest civilisation on earth, going back five or six thousand years. The lies persist until a more powerful force materialises to usurp their entrenched control and destroy them.

Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform Syllabic writing system from around 3500 BC

Old Persian, another derivative example of an ancient hyper-rational script

Evidence of the great ice-ages are there for anyone to see, the little ice ages of the 1300’s and 1800’s, the great famines of Europe, woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers, all are not in dispute, we are simply expected to forget. The Ice-ages and Jurassic warm period are presented as stories for children. It’s all supposed to be understood as a bit of a mystery.

The Suez canal was operative thousands of years ago under the Persian Darius the Great and the Egyptians seem to have travelled far and wide. If Noah could build a great ark the Pharaohs probably did it first.

Egypt in Australia:

The disappearing empires’ obsession with secrecy doesn’t end with Egypt, the Romans thought it was an even better idea. The super rich and powerful have their own problems without making a lot of public appearances. The Globalist Vatican promoted the Old Testament of their created Holy Bible along with the New, adding and deleting other texts as they saw fit. The Apocrypha was out, St. John’s Apocalypse was in. Until recent times the bibles were written in Latin and the priest faced the stained glass window when reading, with his back to the congregation.

Who knows what the peasants made of all this, on returning to their hovels.

God had given them one day off per week, so better not to complain.

The Magic River of Egypt had an upgrade with Alexander’s Silk Road, now superseded by the Chinese One Belt Road. Lions and elephants were out, Oriental manufactures including newly discovered substances were in. The Silk Road fuelled a never-ending conflict between Venice and Byzantium, reflected today with NATO vs. Russian Federation, and the One Belt Road projects. This crossroads defines all the national relationships around it and from there the Khazarian former Egyptians expanded their invisible empire. The focus nowadays is on the Donbass and Crimea, and the genocidal war of opportunity is in Gaza, where already the adjacent sea is being invaded and included amongst the spoils, obviously as part of the original plan. This is done under the guise of international aid, presumably led by the wilfully impotent United Nations. (They can organise a good fake pandemic when they want to).

A side-trip into the “Dark Ages” 300 AD – 800 AD.

Oligarchy, the cancer on human history:

14 July 1994. Former member Webster Tarpley gives a class on 2,000 years of rule by Oligarchy, both its headquarters, which has existed within the empires of Babylon (the magi), Greece (the Cult of Apollo at Delphi) , Rome to Byzantium to Venice, and its current London (the Square Mile) location, plus its modus operandi of usury, genocide, slavery, monetarism, racism, aristocratic feudalism and now to U.N. World Government.

“The Diocletian empire was a communist, fascist, corporate state and we do not need to go back there”.

God forgive them, for they know not what they do



  1. When the normies get the history above behind them have fun with the preset at BIN
    First 10-15 mins might wake a few up.
    Why have I suspected that the Biden avatar was put there by the white hats for a job a good actor can do… next year’s Oscar winner for sure.
    Joe, hold on tight or you will fall off your fence. But you know💁
    For normies, they are not in the White House …. Never were, it is a Hollywood mock up🤪 have you lot ever woken up since January 20021?

  2. “Like the Pharaohs, they will control the weather by spells such as CO2 legislations”

    And the idea that said rulers did any such thing is based on?
    My understanding is that, as the grain storage facilities of the day were geared to accommodate drought years there was no need for them to resort to nonsense

    In my view both sides of the climate debacle prove nothing more than an uneasiness re what’s REALLY up ahead & the limits of human endeavour:

  3. Zali Steggall was also telling us about truth in campaigning. As a former ski-acrobatics performance artist she would be well aware the ski seasons in Australia have gone on as normal despite the predictions of doom since the 1980’s.
    Both Zali Steggall and Kate Chaney come to us as part of their inheritance, Chaney’s father Fred was a minister under Fraser and WA senator, while his father Sir Fred was a minister under Menzies. They all “believe” in CO2 Global Warming. Steggall got into skiing as a child in France, and has other sport celebrities in her family. Mr. Pocock is another one, not sure if he is/was “Teal” or not, came from a Rhodesian plantation. How is it that our “representatives” are all so leveraged with privilege and want to brainwash us about the CO2 climate hoax. Of course we are at peak oil and we have to cut down on consumption, the remaining oil is needed for tanks, battleships, Lear jets, Maseratis etc. Why is it necessary to tell such transparently whacked out lies, constantly on the TV, about CO2 ??? Why are “our representatives” part of this ???

    • They can mask the issue of Peak Oil with a bogus claim about ‘carbon’. They not only can reduce the consumption of the remaining oil, but also use the climate hoax for more control/carbon credits. They know the dumbasses will fall for it, Crikey, they fell for Port Arthur, 9-11 and ‘safe and effective’, why not ‘Global Warming when we are going into a little Ice Age. It will work wonders to help reduce the population, get all the dumbasses worrying about warming when it is the cold that will reduce the growing season. – They’ll eat the bugs when they get hungry.

      • I had some bugs in Asia, the guy would not sell me mixed bugs so I chose about a dollar’s worth of fried worms which were vaguely like small sized wichety grubs. I think the fried worms would combine successfully with the KFC “chicken nugget” product which I think probably didn’t exist when I was teenage and last tried KFC. His fried worms could have used a little salt, or perhaps 11 secret herbs and spices. Harder to find a decent steak in Asia so the bugs are still marketable.

          • When I was in the Boy Scouts we had a day of ‘survival’ training. Thankfully, the grasshoppers were deep fried like the ones in the video. They weren’t bad, crunchy and kind of nutty tasting. A mate of mine was in Thailand and stopped at a road vendor and had a deep fried tarantula. It looked ghastly in the picture he showed me, but said he enjoyed it.

  4. Kariong glyphs sometimes referred to the Gosford Glyphs. I had to check them out myself and read all the bullshit about them being in a cave. When I finally located them I actually laughed out loud.

    They are not in a cave. They are carved into SOFT SANDSTONE. They are open to the weather and easily eroded. They will likely be gone in a hundred years, so forget about them being very ancient as they would be gone by now. Apparently they were carved during a summer by some college students as a lark.

    • Wow controversy, is it possible there are two different sets. People used to go to so much trouble doing pranks in the olden days, how about the guy with the fake torch opening the Olympics.

      • That was fun, I know one who was in on it.
        The next morning at breakfast the reverend director of the uni college walked the isle toward his usual seating, stopped turned to the seated table of culprits, bowed, turned and walked on.
        They were the days before woke.

        • BTW, it was a college team with supporting guide vehicle etc, up York st to the Town Hall for the Lord Mayors welcoming speech for delivery of the ‘torch’. Which he took in hand and commenced his speech only to be tapped and his attention directed down York St.
          The ‘torchi consisted of a frosted can with a rag soaked in metho? , Nailed to a frosted old leg of a chair put together by the students… mainly student engineers who went on to bigger things.
          Decades later one was seated next to the ex LM at a function and said, “remember when…..”.
          “YOU BASTARDS…”.”
          What has happened to Australia?

    • Another Wikipedia write-up that proves that said source is only as informative or skewed as the input:

      “The Gosford Glyphs, also known as Kariong Hieroglyphs, are a group of approximately 300 Egyptian-style hieroglyphs located in Kariong, Australia. They are found in an area known for its Aboriginal petroglyphs, between Gosford and Woy Woy, New South Wales, within the Brisbane Water National Park.

      The glyphs have been dismissed as a hoax by authorities and academics after their discovery in the 1970s, but there are still attempts to prove the false belief that they were carved by the ancient Egyptians about 4,500 years ago.[1]

      While rumours of Egyptian glyphs have existed since the 1920s, a spokesperson for the National Parks and Wildlife Service has said “The engravings are something we became aware of in the early 1980s, which is around the time the majority were thought to have been made.”[2]

      In late 2023 the National Parks and Wildlife Service began dislodging boulders it deemed unsafe near the glyphs. These works were criticized by residents and a local environmental protection organization as unnecessary and extreme.[3]”

      So what’s stopping everyone from submitting a PAM account that’s similarly accurate ?

  5. Is it possible we are devolving to lower forms and our ancient predecessors like newborns came from a Higher Source. I believe so, as the beasts tell lies vision on all screens globally pushing demoncracy. These days we’re gadget hooked and spiritually barren with AI slavery, nothing like the clever simple peasants that built this place with skills practical passed on from generation to generation. What will we teach our children, how to swipe wrists at the AI counter?

    • Pity you couldn’t be bothered listening to the above “the most powerful will be expelled” exposition.
      The following quote is from16:51:

      “in LUKE 6: 47 – 49:‘Whoever comes to me’ – Jesus is speaking – ‘Whoever comes to me and hears my sayings and does them, he is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.
      And when the flood arose the stream beat vehemently against that house and could not shake it for it was founded on the rock
      But he who heard and did nothing it’s like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation against which the stream beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great’

      Notice there’s no difference to the tests to which each house was subject: each of them are subjected to the storm.
      Don’t imagine that being a believer will give you a storm free passage through life if anything rather the opposite.
      There’s a kind of presentation of truth today which is only half truth; the idea that if you come to the Lord and get saved everything will go well, you’ll never have any problems etc
      Most of us know by experience if not by scripture that that isn’t true.
      A friend of mine who’s a preacher was once asked ‘what is the evidence of the Holy Spirit?’
      He replied ‘trouble’
      The only difference between the 2 LUKE 6 houses was that one was built on a solid foundation, a rock, and the other was not
      Building on the rock is very simple: it’s hearing what Jesus says and doing it. That’s the only foundation that will give us a building that cannot be shaken”

      • Said bod sure did have a bent toward delivering simple/obvious, albeit unpopular, truths.

        At 2min: “The writer of Hebrews suggests that the opposite of having faith and patience is being sluggish or lazy
        We wouldn’t normally think that laziness is the opposite of patience but it really is
        Patience seems so inactive and yet it requires tremendous strength and it’s often just sluggishness or laziness in our path that causes us to give up”

        • Actually, quite apart from fostering a faux sense of power, the populace appeal of baseless “Kariong glyph”-style conspiracy theories is also rooted in sloth.

          • The bible is full of stuff about how you should let the overlords scam you, such as “render unto Caesar …”, “turn the other cheek …”, “meek will inherit the earth …”, “your reward will be in heaven …”, it’s all spoon fed to the masses in order to control them, then when the time comes they are told to forget all of it and butcher each other en masse and steal each others’ territory, happening in the “Holy Land” right now. Bible quotes should not be relied on to buttress some moral argument or another.
            Sorry to have to inform you since I know you love it and of course it does have patches of historical value.

          • Don’t come around here and expect me to turn the other cheek. I’ve perforated people before and can do it again.

            Although I’m 76, I hope I can hang around long enough to see where this is all going. The recent video posted by Sandra on the possible ‘pole reversal’ is FASCINATING (I’m sure Mr. Spock would agree), especially the comment about the global warming hoax being a ‘bait and switch’ for what
            may really be going on.

            I was also unaware that the poles excursion started after the 1859 Carrington event took place. That was like a big ‘DOT’ for me to connect with the Electrical Universe theory.

          • “And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words.
            And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?
            Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it.
            And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar’s.
            And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him. “
            MARK 12: 13 – 17

            Only a total retard could miss the fact that, had the Jewish populace been “rendering the requirements of God unto God” they would never have been conquered by Rome and that there was only ONE WAY to get rid of said yoke

            “turn the other cheek” – – MATTHEW 5:38 – 39 – a graphic illustration of the fact that engaging with an enemy on His/Her terms is the best way ever of supporting His/Her cause

            “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” – MATTHEW 5:5 – obviously only a problem for those with a big fat investment in the power system that’s dogged mankind for time immemorial

            But SPECIAL thanks for reminding me that , quote:

            “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.
            Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you. “ – MATTHEW 5: 111 – 12

          • One day Jesus is saying give Caesar back his denarius, next he is being crucified for attacking the foreign exchange desks outside the temple, I don’t think Jesus would have been a hypocrite, they are putting words in his mouth, it’s fake. They put the first gospel into triplicate to make sure all the fake stuff was rammed home.

          • Why do you think people got tortured to death for “blasphemy”, why do you think the super-rich funded the bibles, nothing wrong with you believing in Jesus but the bible is like hanging onto a branch in a flooded river, the river would be “shit creek” with a bunch of vampire pedos floating past.

          • “turn the other cheek” – – MATTHEW 5:38 – 39 – a reminder that diligently refusing to engage with an enemy on His/Her terms is the best way ever of suffocating His/Her cause

          • In the bible they even call you a flock of sheep and they have a hook for your neck, it’s all grooming, most of the bible is cooked but the uncooked parts are pretty good, actually even the cooked stuff has its moments, like the talking snake

          • Yuval tells big lies of omission, otherwise he is a reasonable futurologist. I’m different to him in that he is trying to create the future he talks about and I am resistant to it and his whole dream of technocracy. As for you and your beliefs, my opinion is they are getting in the way of your critical thinking. That’s about all, no other agenda, if they make you happy it’s ok, not hugely important. Getting old we all want to know if there is something beyond and what. My point is you can’t RATIONALLY place all your faith in a book that has been messed with for centuries. Of course you don’t have to be rational if you don’t want to, that would be another limitation.

  6. I have been following Jim Lee for several years.
    This interview with Del Bigtree touches on many issues pertaining to weather modification and the consequences of not reigning in these solar management strategies.

  7. This system is nothing but a delusion, a sinister substitute for our former joyful independence pre-911, now sold as the good life when it’s really a slow death in a mass open air debtors prison.

    We’re slaves to a parasite money system invented by the Babylonian Chaldean Edomites. Wherever these parasites enter a nation, that place has the life sucked out of it, with all real assets ending up in the hands of a few, who always live well, as the majority poor barely cover bills. Where most go to their graves with no assets to pass on to children. All labour through blood sweat and tears stolen.

    Words may change from generation to generation, yet the system remains the same, based on every evol conceived by two legged beasts on all bases loaded.

    • Well said … “Wherever these parasites enter a nation, that place has the life sucked out of it, with all real assets ending up in the hands of a few,

    • The politicians are on a racism mudslinging contest now, Pauline Hanson on the defensive, the ALP reckons they have the creepy ABC-TV so they are going to win, the average voter is going to stay where they are on the spectrum of identity politics so the whole thing is a waste of time, as usual the politicians have nothing to offer except what used to be called “hot air”

  8. Well I had enough royals for a while until I saw news-hound and CIA reject Tucker Carlson got PRANKED !!! and he said the thing he was best at was telling if people were lying. Oh well, so I had this saved up:
    and it didn’t disappoint, from scary music ( I could have watched it forever ) through to Princess Diana and the horrific conclusions, “The People’s Voice” has once again delivered, this is like David Icke on steroids

    • What to think?
      what to know?
      What to believe?
      What to accept?
      There will be no end till recovery or the ‘double’ [?] appears? Then even then?
      What about the children👩‍❤️‍👨😢
      Wonder what Clif High will assess….he has a formula – for those who do not know or have not followed

      • If you decided you like it on the fence perhaps bring yourself a cushion and get comfortable.
        Jim Willie said there was a tunnel going from Rome to Constantinople to Jerusalem and there was a pile of gold bars somewhere down there 5 foot high and 6 foot wide and 10 miles long, previously I have heard if all the gold every produced on earth was made into a big cube it would fit on a tennis court. If there was so much gold as Jim Willie says it would bring the price down not up so why would they be hoarding it, they would be getting rid of it as quickly as possible, like the BRICS are getting rid of US$. Now US and Eurozone are stealing Russian deposits as fast as they can and as it happens I do closely agree with Jim Willie on the inflation interest rates etc. ( in terms of probability )
        Look at the trouble Malcolm Trumbull is having with his Snowy 2.0 expansion, they keep getting bogged in unstable ground with their you beaut drilling machine, I wish their project well but it seems to be a bit of a mess and it’s only some short distance of a few km or whatever. I think Swissy probably has the far superior drilling machines and MT bought a dud. You would want a tunnel out of Jerusalem, they said it was going to be vaporised as far back as Nostradamus I think.

        • At times I have noted that Jim is just catching up ? on other stuff from other places.
          But his financial insight drops one off the fence and not onto a cushion….. unless s—t is defined as such, because it is the home of Schrab’s dung beetles and bugs.

        • Try Archbishop Vigano’s latest at rumormillnews.com.
          Bloody conspiracy theorists💁🏼🙀😱🤷
          Satan will have his day…… go SANTA.

  9. The largest shift in more than a century.
    Northern Sea Route(NSR)
    Arctic Technology
    USD trade down
    China creating trading system independent of West-28 countries signed FTA’s with China including New Zealand-ANZUS now AUKUS.

    • I visited the ‘Gyphs’ about 20 years ago. There was a lot less moss/lichen on the stone faces back then. It looks like Mother Nature is slowly eroding the faces of the sandstone back to the sand it was created from.

  10. what a load of rubbish, its a load of tripe the claims this man is making, this guy is full of it ignore him, he is a misinformation artist

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