By Dee McLachlan
It is September again — and the 11th is not far off.
For sixteen years the mainstream media (MSM) has perpetrated the official lie about the attacks on New York. In this article I explain in brief what I think happened — and then recount some information emailed to me last month.
I guess there were several things happening that September day. There was the “Pearl Harbour-like” attack on New York that was required to start an endless war on terror for a NWO agenda. Then, the accountants and details for black ops programs, and shadow government expenditures (in the trillions) were destroyed in the pentagon. The gold heist, insurance pay-outs, expiring bonds, WTC demolition, military spending, and war contracts were probably bonuses for the participating companies and players.
I assume the planes were switched — taking from Operation Northwoods — and then remotely controlled. Matt Campbell wrote an excellent article on Gumshoe explaining how the planes were probably remotely controlled by one team – as the transponders switched off and collisions happened in sequence.
I have always wondered about Flight 93? Was its destruction over Shanksville plan B?
Maybe 93’s destination was the White House. Just after the second plane hit the South Tower, Laura Bush was driven off to her scheduled destination at the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill. Bush was going to appear before the Senate Committee to talk about early childhood education (while her husband was reading the Goat book elsewhere).
Laura Bush (and Sen. Edward Kennedy) went on CNN just after 9.41 am to announce the cancellation of the hearing. When a USA Today reporter asked if she had a message for the nation, Bush replied, “Parents need to reassure their children everywhere in our country that they’re safe.” She was never rushed off to a “secure” location.
Maybe Flight 93 was destined for Building 7. If so, they would have had to rewire the sequence of the detonation.
However, the official narrative is so illogical and thin, that it is a wonder the MSM have not invented a new story.
Recent Correspondence
I received several emails regarding 9-11 from someone with Intel connections last month. Much of this has been reported before, but we have new readers to Gumshoe — so have listed BELOW some details sent to me.
I have been told that the assassination of John F Kennedy was “controlled” by James Jesus Angleton. He was chief of CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975 — officially the Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence, ADDOCI. [I guess that much was learned by the assassination of JFK — and how the public reacted and were traumatized?]
9-11 was so much more complicated, and meticulous planning would have in process for a long time. One person was investigating Osama bin Laden, and maybe could have confirmed or refuted the stories put out by Paul Bremer et al.
John O’Neill, as we know, was killed that day. He was an FBI Special Agent in charge of Counter-Terrorism and was investigating the 1993 WTC bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, the 2000 USS Cole strike in Yemen, and Osama bin Laden. In 2001, he resigned from the FBI after he concluded that an Israeli Cruise Missile had struck The USS Cole, and became WTC head of security. He warned of a pending attack.
The Planes and Drills
The two WTC planes were swapped for drones. The real planes were later flown automatically East and shot down as practice by Navy. [No mention whether there were passengers in these planes.] The aircraft that struck the North Tower was guided to the offices of Marsh and McLennan.
A lot of people were involved — but this was confused by a military drill concerning a plane striking a highrise building in New York City, with another aimed at the White House. Allegedly, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, were only made aware of the drill, prior to the event.
Warnings and Arrests
Haaretz published on 26/9/2001, that Odigo, the Israeli messaging service, had sent out a warning two hours before the first tower was struck (South Tower).
Israeli company, Zim Integrated Shipping Services, vacated its North Tower offices a week before — breaking the lease, and on the 10th, a message originating from Goldman Sachs, Tokyo, advised staff to stay away from WTC the following day.
Michael Dick, of The Office of Intelligence at The DOJ, responsible for matters concerning National Security, Terrorism, and Counter-Intelligence, was stood down by Michael Chertoff prior to 9-11.
After 9-11, 140 Israelis were arrested for espionage on military bases, as well as, DEA, FBI, SS, ATF, US Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., US Marshall’s Service, and US Attorneys’ Offices. The charges concerned — Electronic Surveillance, Intel Intercept, and having an Explosives Ordnance Unit operating in America. 60 of the detained were listed as employed by Amdocs — providing directory assistance, call recording, and billing services — for the 25 largest telephone companies in America. All of whom had fake identifications. The NYPD and The FBI held the detainees.
Chertoff advised that al-Qaeda was responsible for 9-11 and released all Israeli detainees. He was involved as prosecutor in the 26/2/1993 WTC North Tower bombing, and his business Chertoff Group employs ex-political figures as ‘consultants’ in security matters. His mother was a Mossad Operative.
The Explosives
It was discovered that some 10,000 sq.ft. of vacant floor space in Towers 1 & 2 had explosives stored. There was a residential compound of explosives specialists were at level 91 in one of the towers.
There were devices in WTC 1, 2, 5, and 7 — and were of different types. Two mini-nukes had been constructed in the elevator shafts of both towers, and Building 7 had been fitted for controlled demolition. Building 6 was hollowed out by a particularly planted array of detonations — and was not seen under the dust of the collapsing towers. Building 7 had been vacated earlier due to the sighting of dead bodies and fires in the building. (My source says that teams of shooters worked through certain floors of Towers 1 and 2 and Building 7. I wonder why?)
The explosives and incendiary devices were obviously remotely detonated — and there was an explosion in The North Tower basement. A vault there had held $1 billion in gold, but was moved before 9-11. There was a theft — but not as generally believed or reported. [I’ve always thought that the trucks arriving in the early hours of the morning Susan Lindauer had spoken about were to remove the gold — not bring in explosives.]
I have been told explosives were in a mobile generator at the Pentagon, parked to the right of the entrance to that wing, and pieces of debris were planted about the site and up to the side road area. [Not sure how that would have happened.]
Ground was broken for construction on the Pentagon in September 11, 1941, and a major subcontractor was the Saudi Bin Laden Group. As we know, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the target, which had been tasked with finding the missing trillions, was destroyed — along with all its secrets.
The Federal Reserve assumed Emergency Powers, and there was also the highly complex Project Hammer GHWB-CIA Financial Scam that had to be dealt with. Some $240 billion in fraudulent American 10 year Treasury Bonds maturing on the 12th of September had to be electronically cleared and deleted. Allegedly, information that may have exposed the Black Eagle Trust, was also destroyed.
I have been told that Dove Zakheim was controlling the events of day.
[Wikipedia says Zakheim served in various Department of Defense posts during the Reagan administration, including Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Planning and Resources from 1985 to 1987. From 1987–2001, Zakheim was CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of System Planning Corporation (a high-technology analytical firm) — plus serving as a consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. During the 2000 US Presidential election campaign, he served as a foreign policy advisor to George W. Bush as part of a group called The Vulcans. He is also a member of CFR, and was appointed as Under Secretary of Defence and Comptroller of The Pentagon by GWB (2001 to 2004).]
In May 2001, SPC was under investigation [not sure by whom] concerning the first WTC bombing of 1993, and SPC also had security knowledge and structural blueprints of the WTC Complex. One of SPC’s clients was Eglin Air Force Base in Florida — to which Zakheim had sent 32 Boeing 767’s as part of a Boeing Pentagon Tanker Lease Agreement. He had access to 767’s Remote Control Flight Systems.
There was also the highly complex Project Hammer GHWB-CIA Financial Scam that began with some $240 billion in fraudulent American 10 year Treasury Bonds maturing on the 12th of September that had to be dealt with. [Rense report here]
Zakheim, as Comptroller, was tasked to track down the Pentagon’s missing $2.3 trillion worth of unaccounted transactions — that Donald Rumsfeld had announced missing on the 10th of September.
In conclusion — I wonder who Angleton and Zakheim were taking orders from? And, how many trillions were “wiped” from the books that day?
James Corbett’s documentary: 911TRILLIONS and BLACK911 focus upon following the money. The newest book by Christopher Bollyn, “THE WAR ON TERROR: THE PLOT TO RULE THE MIDDLE EAST” explores over 30 years of planning by Irgun/Likudist Israelis. Bollyn’s article gives a taste of what his book is about: http://bollyn.com/15522 I’m handing out copies of THE WAR ON TERROR to fire department personnel.
Right now I am on Amtrak again. So I goes into the Dunkin Donuts shop at the station and they are blaring the song “Bye-Bye Miss American Pie”. Certainly my understanding of the lyrics has changed since being put thru the Gumshoe ringer these last 3 years.
As I am passing by Manhattan, the skyline is foggy but I can easily discern Sumabi Al Squnami’s passport on the street. No, seriously, the train passengers look so sophisticated – all ages — that I can’t believe that any one of them would fall for the hijacker story.
Whoops, just as we pass thru Bronx I get an email from Australian opera “reminding“ me to go to Coolangatta to see AIDA on the beach. Sorry, can’t make it. Am now in the ghet-to with some outstanding graffiti. The big Tech story here today is that the Boston Red Sox cheated to win last night’s game with Yankees by using an i-watch.
Now in New Rochelle, strictly Whites on the platform; I guess NY state is not integrated. Alabama is beautifully integrated.
When I lived in Manhattan, 1970-1974, I thought I was in heaven. Also when I lived in Adelaide, 1980-2017, I thought I was in heaven. I have a tendency to think I am in heaven.
They are now selling “tiny houses” here. You can carry them on the back of a large pick-up. Now in Greenwich, CT. Everyday we have headlines of Trump’s mental illness. I kid u not.
Googling Watertown Library, I see that Bollyn’s talk is still scheduled for Sep 7 at 6.30pm, title changed to: “The Deception That Changed the World and Solving 9/11.”
Dee u did a great job for 9/11. Is there more coming? I want to hear more about the planes flying east.
Surprising how the general public seem completely oblivious to whom our main enemy is? the American and British governments, also Israel, our central terrorist organizations, dealing with drugs, military, war, on a unprecedented scale and this may well be the reason why the general public are reluctant to acknowledge they are complicit in crime.
The fact that Australians do not have a international news service having nationals of Afghanistan stating the Afghan position of Western invasion and so forth? and what do we have? same sex marriage, no gas, and such trivia, is a omission of absence of world commentary.
The possibility of co involvement with America on invasion of North Korea, this commitment by our head of state Turnbull, is no less than criminal, no reference to Australians as to whether we should go to war is mind boggling, for a nation such as we are? to be party to the whims of a president having no prior experience in politics, who may be insane? is a indictment of a nation having lost its way and the public not to question its leaders as whether they are capable of understanding international affairs? and repercussions of such actions.
Don your comment “Surprising how the general public seem completely oblivious to whom our main enemy is?”
Do you think CIA, MI6, ASIO are actually private organisations — being paid by public taxes?
Turnbull is not the Australian “head of state”, unless the Australian Constitution has been successfully usurped back in 1973. “The Queen” is Australian “head of state” and must answer to the people of this nation, if Australia is still a nation. May I suggest CIA, MI6, ASIO, and all alphabet soup agencies are actually private organisations of the same parent private corporation
Nice synopsis Dee.
Make the lie BIG. REPEAT it often. Presto, it becomes the TRUTH.
E.P.Heidner does a painstaking breakdown of the financial and intelligence agency operations in the lead up to 9/11. It’s long, complicated and so, the sheeple will not read it. (The footy’s on)
Too bad. The Enterprise, the Cabal, the New World Order (call it whatever) was looking like they had it all sewn up.
And then along comes The Donald. If Trump is another con-job, then they deserve to win.
I take it that you have read the Heidner commission report revised December 2008.
Takes some effort, pity that you are the only commentator who seems to have done so.
Informative is it not?
Question arises, why are you and only me appear to have read it?
Bet; Jonathon Faine of our ABC has not read it.
Neither has any politician or msm faker,
Well done Dee.
Did I hear way back that our Australian Broadcasting Commission turned down your planned tv series that included an episode or two covering 911?
Well! That’s ‘our’ billion dollar taxpayer’s lying propaganda fake lot for ya!
To think that they pay Jonathon Faine over a reported 350 thou’ per annum for fake BS.
SELL the ABC, take the money and save a billion per year and the interest paid on the debt.
Leave the msm to put out the fake and go broke whilst we go to good trusted internet sites for news, genuine discussion and reality.
Need I tell our politicians what we think of them and expose what lying scum they are?
It is not just MSM that perpetrates the 911 Lie.
The entire Pseudo/Left and Anarchist movements worldwide, Lie by omission, and suppress the truth.
Dear ‘Adam our spiritual warrier’,
Interesting thoughts by you in your many comments on articles, below.
However, as a matter of interest, do you have any thoughts on who really planned and carried out the mass murders on 911 and how it was done?
Hello Ned, thankyou 🙂
September 11th is such a huge wide ranging topic. I sense the elites have laid various obvious ‘traps’, and ‘flaws’, to lead awakening truthers down cul de sacs arguing in endless debate on matters, chasing tails.
Such as the thermite debate.
If ever ive sensd im getting bogged down in it all, ive stepped back, and reminded myself it was an ‘inside job’, tried not to get dragged down into minutiae. Even though i think, assembling various bits of evidence is very important. CCRG blog, and State of the Nation/Anonymous Patriots, i like their analysis on 911, its very thorough and deep, these are true researchers
I remember watching the tv on September 11th, and for a split second only, when i saw the twin tower seem to pulverise into powder from the top, i thought ‘thats odd’.
Same again later that afternoon, WTC7 falling in a perfect controlled demolition, a split second voice in my said thats odd.
But then a few seconds later i dismissed any of it. And i believed the whole lie until May 2013 when i had big awakenings during a bizarre red pill week.
Theres much that could be said on this huge topic. I think Larry Silversteins dermatology appt that morning, and his admission on Charlie Rose that WTC7 had to get’pulled’, and the ‘dancing israelis’ who then appeared on tv back in Israel, celebrated almost. And the fact via the synagogue grapevine, so many jewish WTC employees didnt show up for work that day.
And various other things, leads to the inescapble conclusion, elite international Jewry’s fingerprints are all over September 11th.
But complicit with much deeper sections of the Deep State too
(September 11th disinformation firewalls: The Saudis Did It!
https://daliamaelachlan.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/911-firewall.jpg?w=206&h=300 )
It seems to have taken in the Saudi secret service complicity too, prince Turki is a suspicious character. Theres the Bush Bandar connection. Bearing in mind apparently the al Saud royal house is actually crypto jewish it seems. And extreme Wahabism a jewish creation some are saying.
Then theres MI6 and who knows who else involvement. Various big people were in Manhattan that day, the head of MI5 or 6 I think it was. Sam Cameron was there, a possible Crown Agent sister according to Abel Danger, which is all disturbing stuff. Its possible that day, at various locations in Manhattan in the shape of a pentagram star, a mass satanic ritual might have taken place, with the mass sacrifice of 3000 plus poor people.
Italian deep state black nobility might be involved. So its a complex mess in a way.
Heres my recent thought though on 911, and I think Dr Judy Wood is correct, Nikola Tesla scalar weaponry was used on the towers. Yet amazingly a passport was found in the rubble lol
Also, I was surprised to learn it was a missile went into the pentagon, Also, the many trillions that had been siphoned off into secret projects and underground base construction and transdimensional USAir Force or USNavy secret space projects which are like Star Trek capable of travelling to other universes. All those trillions missing were being investigated, and a meeting was arranged at the pentagon that day for the investigators and perhaps where the paper trail might have been too.
So it seems there might have been many birds atte3mpted to kill with one stone, on September 11th. Plus theres the DHS parallel army that got set up as a result, headed by elite Zionist jews. To facilitate the cultural Marxist jewish takeover of America, many people are saying.
So its a mixed bag of things going on
You were worried about getting bogged down — but I sense you getting bogged down in detail with 9-11. And have you flown in a international commercial flight before? And have you gone boating or sailing in the ocean?
Yes, I’m not getting bogged down, because my mind is free, and just pushing the envelope on my senses and feelings and reading on September 11th. And mentioning very odd things that have happened before it, since the Matrix was made in 1998 I think. So I’m just trying to hammer September 11th hard with my train of thought for this thread, but I think ive reached the end. Aug Tellez offers another mindblowing explanation for 911 which I’m not going into.
Yes ive flown on international flights many times, including from London to Moscow then to Tokyo which was a mindblowing trip in 1987 arriving in Tokyo on Aeroflot. I’m sensing this Is an earths curvature question?
Ive done some boating sailing in the Mediterranean sea, off th coast of Malaga in the 1980s. I have a feeling youre going to say something powerful that will debunk my lack of earths curvature claims and ill look a fool
Balloons with no fisheye lenses have gone high up past 100,000 feet on youtube, and seen no curvature!
Airline passenger windows, are distorted that can create the impression of curvature
This is shown on a youtube, a major US tv channel forgotton the name, Adam someone, TV programme, they ‘debunk’ flat earthers. But they get debunked, high up in the fighter jet. Because to the front, yes theres curvature, but its the bending of the jet glass.
Straightaway with the other camera. pointing towards Adam somebody out to the back of the plane where the glass isn’t curved. The horizon is flat. Apologies I cant remember the damn name of this well known American science show, or the youtube link. Ill find it if you want it though
I could well be wrong. But I’m sensing that September 11th , much more was going on than a simple terror false flag thing, to obtain more control over humanity with a fake war on terror though this was certainly one major strand.
Just like the odd bizarre confusing Hampstead business which I don’t pretend to understand or make sense of. But my sense tells me multi-layered things were going on, not just one thing, parallel, maybe interlinking agendas but quite separate too, known only to those who hold high interdimsnional multidimensional knowledge and kept things from the rest of us. The Babylon schools maybe. A multidimensional agenda maybe.
Adam — I don’t claim to know a fraction of what world we live in. And that includes the motivations behind those beings that orchestrated 9-11. My mind is constantly open.
But I remember clearly at around about 6 or 7 yrs old watching big ships (thru binocs) on the horizon slowly move away… until their mast disappeared. I have a problem with many of the links you suggested.
If we apply “the trivium”, who? what? where? when? followed by how? and why?. Alot of people have got stuck, intentionally distracted, on the How? and never moved on to the Why?. The why explains our current position.
Heres a recent space related thought https://gumshoenews.com/2017/01/30/mucking-about-in-the-ionosphere/comment-page-1/#comment-34815
It does astound and floor me to consider it. But considering all the hidden suppressed technology based on Nikola Tesla physics, I realise its perfectly possible. It seems evidence exists the planes could have actually been holograms http://tapnewswire.com/2017/08/100-proof-911-was-done-using-holograms-and-directed-energy-weapons-case-closed/
Which is astounding because the American Airlines planes looked so real. But I realise it could be possible. If true, why would they be holograms and not real planes? I suppose for the operation to flow as best it could, it takes a lot of uncertainty out and stuff to go wrong, if theyre holograms. Did people die in the pensylvania field? Were they real passengers?
Considering the evidence in the last few years that Ole Dammegard and others have shown, these Satanists conjure up not only loads of bussed in actors for recent FF events like Manchester. But even fictional situations too and non existent people and the MSM reports it regardless and the situations insane.
I don’t mean to say overall, real people aren’t being killed – of course they are. But for strange reasons, many are faked. Just like the bizarre situation of Dick Scobee and Michael Thompson 1986 Challenger astronauts whos faces are so distinctive and eerily like those who ‘died’, are actually alive and well today with the same names. Ive asked the question: whats going on and whats the motive of this?
It seems the elites want to blur the lines where we cant tell the difference between whats real or fake. its a real traumatic assault on peoples minds and I think the Tavistock in London is responsible for this. http://www.starshipearththebigpicture.com/2016/05/29/off-topic-post-for-wanderers-chronic-misplaced-comments/comment-page-45/#comment-56123
But I don’t think we should despair, these are mind games and if were spiritually strong theres a way through this
Jane Standley BBC reporter reporting WTC7 had collapsed, telling a bare faced lie (maybe unbeknownst to her), 30 mins before it did when BBCNews24 were telling us WTC7 had collapsed.
Could this have been
– a genuine boob by the authorities, that gave us an advantage to see the machinations behind events that day?
– Or, has it always been in the -plan, for complex reasons, the evil elites have always wanted us to realise and see the truth behind 911 despite running us round in circles? There might be Universe Law karmic type reasons for this, why they must do this
– Neos passport in the Matrix was from GHWBushes 1991 NWO speech on Sep 10th I think, and expired on Sep 11th 2001. The Wachovski sisters who made the Matrix, despite making very interesting awakening films (perhaps too favourable towards putting AI in a good light I don’t like), are Jewish and Transexuals.
– Or. Could infiltrated ‘white hats’, good people who think and feel like us all, have deliberately created these mishaps like Jane Standley did, to help awaken people to the hideous false flag murder and psychological worldwide mass hypnosis on humanity on Sep 11th?
I don’t know. It might even be a combination of all 3, there might be competing or should I say parallel agendas to September 11th. Killing 6 birds with one stone.
Or it might simply be satanic thugs terrorists with no souls , elites, possessed by dark demonic entities from literally the underworld beneath our feet. A brazen attempt tp consolidate power and using astrology, decided Sep 11th was their best time. Laura Walker astrologer tells us loads of fear energy the demonic gods the elites are in contact with, reeived loads of fear energy that got loaded into the NYC and Tri State leyline, a huge leyline running by Manhattan.
Its a fun world we live in 🙂 But we have to keep smiling
I enjoy watching Bill Murray films to help me keep smiling.
How far back does one go? 1967?
Neos Passport shows an incredible amount of planning and preparation for 911, a long time in advance. The 1980s illuminati playing cards do too, they show twin towers burning,with a plane going in, they show a burning pentagon, they show free energy devices, and they show a flat earth card saying ‘the flat earthers know something’.
Whats even more astounding, seeing as the elites doing everything with numerology, for their false flags and other things. Donald Trumps age on 2017 Januray 20th Inauguration day, he was 70 years, 7 months, 7 days old. And I bet was 7 hours 7 mins 7 secs old delivered by caesarean.
This amount of preplanning is astounding.
However I must emphaiise, I truly sense all isn’t what it seems with Trump. The Aim4Truth crew who are extremely intelligent on the ball, burning passionate patriots and truthseekers with spiritual knowledge and astrology too. Have fierce support for Trump, how hes the ‘wrecking ball’ for the deep state.
Even if Trump has come from the Deep State himself. For reasons I don’t understand, Trumps personality and perhaps interdimsnional intervientions too. The Deep state want to bring him down and I don’t think this is a Truman Show Punch and Judy Show. AIm4Truth must know things I don’t, so I’m putting my despair about Trumps illuminati jewish background to one side.
Ghostbusters, The man who knew too little, and Groundhog Day are great films and nothing bad can happen to us if we align with Bill Murrays humour I think
Fabulous 5 minute video by Brother Nathanael Kapner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTBQe2f3W_Q
On ABC radio, 621, I think on “Conversations” 6th September, the person interviewed stated how he became a doctor as a result of the stringent process of becoming a airline pilot with statistics of a pass rate of 30% only, how did the pilots having such stringent pass rates were able to fly these planes into the Towers?
They learnt with a couple of flights flying a Cessna.
Bright buggers!
Even Jonathon Faine (ABC Melbourne radio guru and ex lawyer) would be able to manage with a couple of lessons…….. he must believe!
Ned — testing comments. Maybe “they” are blocking me.
Hahaha!. I love to know who your “Source” is. He should be writing fantasy for a living. I really hope you don’t believe this “source”, because its obvious he is full of bull.