Home Australia $A500 Million for Consultants, and Government Destructions of the Domestic Economy

$A500 Million for Consultants, and Government Destructions of the Domestic Economy



by G5

Apart from the economic lunacy of the horrendous cost — not only of construction, but maintenance of the disused desalination plants in Melbourne and Sydney — Australian state governments have many dark secrets.

AUD 500 Million

It slipped in early December 2017 that The New South Wales Government in Australia is paying the four big accounting firms an ‘admitted’ AUD 500 million a year for Consultancy Services. Nothing has since been questioned on the matter. There being more compelling issues for the news cycles of Australian mainstream media (MSM).

The Government has apparently ‘Lost its Expert Capacities’. An issue that raises many more questions than answers. Whatever happened to the suicidal Doctrine of Keynesianism?

Now, if these four firms are being paid to ‘advise’ Government, but at the same time represent the largest corporations playing in Australia, would that not at sometime be a conflict of interest. Or is that also covered by that peculiar mental gymnastic of ‘Professionalism’ — or even ‘Another Practice within The Firm is handling those clients’, as with the Industry of Law.

So if these firms are ‘Advising’, and other characters are lobbying and representing the interests of certain clients, where would all these cute theories intersect. Or would that reality not be possible?

So multinationals and international banking cabals are in effect lobbying the government to ensure their particular growth and agenda aspiration policies are functioned by damaging other players.

Regulators in Australia, as elsewhere, damaged and destroyed local enterprise by the dictates of foreign interests — to create competition-free vacuums. Certainly nothing to do with keeping anyone honest. But rather keeping the invading sector dishonest.

A 1995 Australian Senate Report, accurately warning of what was to unfold over the forthcoming twenty years, was bureaucratically buried under the predictable flood of ‘expert’ nonsense that has led to inquiry after inquiry, and cover-up after cover-up — in the banking, finance and market sectors. Established businesses were destroyed, individuals were looted, demonized and criminalized, to satisfy the lunacy of rogue regulation, acting as the unwitting, or otherwise, puppet of foreign interests.

The stories are legend. I witnessed the Third World determinations and aspirations of the Sycophant Americanized World, first hand. Rogue Lemmings at their finest.

Domestic small and medium enterprise was regulated and taxed to extinction to aid the takeover by foreign interests acting against the domestic economy and the existing and established client bases.

As for Governments lacking Skill Sets — when was it ever different. The reality being that apparatchiks are supposed to behave very differently. And not destroy that part of the domestic economy that those apparatchiks are not able to package and sell to their toxic parasite paymasters and cohorts.

Irresponsible governments paying billions of dollars for the benefit of those damaging the economy.

Even if I were never a student of ‘Yes Minister’, the obvious is obvious. Britain acts to contain the transparency of its Capture by Government. And what in reality was The Common Market Membership. Colonies as Australia lie and deceive. But good old America sticks it in The People’s Faces. So we have suddenly discovered Deep State America and The Swamp. But what was being said for decades. Or was all that just nonsense, collusion, and conspiracy theory. The Swamp, Sludge, and Dross we had to have.


The Private Public Partnership or Privatisation; is Collusion with Pay to Play and the manipulation of Government Guaranteed Contracts of Performance. Drawn to the predictable outcomes by the demonstrable economic ignorance of government, reaching for quick fix, bottom line, political solutions.

Nothing was ever learnt from the false criminalizing of Milken, Boesky et al; and the invention of idiotic terminology as; Junk Bonds, White Collar Crime, Ponzi Scheme etc. The New York City Treasury sent itself broke by its massive deceptions, and inventive blame games.

Were the American Courts really going to find against their own? As phony as the DSK Affair. And, surprise, surprise — even Trump has discovered (as President; he well knew as an entrepreneur) that the American Court System — as contaminated in the Americanized World — is hardly as the theories portray.

That particular bureaucratic deception was of course picked up by the sycophants of the Americanized World of Grand Official Fiction. Innocents were gaoled and the guilty ignored. As false statistics and fake MSM narratives became the benchmarks and delivered the economic damage that they would.

Any false, wrongful, or concocted convictions on the determined regulatory journey to oblivion were protected as collateral damage per se.

As with the manufacturing foundation of a domestic economy — once it is destroyed by government, it cannot be restarted by the whim of government.

There is little that remains after the farm is sold off, and the locals are subjected to exploitation by the government guaranteed, monopolized fraud that has been established.

Short term numbers signed to long term economic devastations.



  1. For America the switch of play happened wayyyy back. The ability to create credit should a Union State be unable or refuse pay “its share” then a binding legal ability for the Federal Government to legally demand remittance of “principal plus costs plus interest{actual not legislator}”, killed the dream, after 200 odd years of milking.
    Australia can not be a just place till it recognises it foundation. All the things (important) that are discussed here(I have the anger of the article-great article).
    We just have no moral ground and maybe future unless this is reconciled.

      • Federation I mean, this is Australia’s foundation. Of course the issues date back to the first fleet. People think most of the Indigenous atrocities happened prior to 1901 and don’t relate it to Australia(refusal to acknowledge).
        If we rally around the nation, laws and flag of Australia – we rally around this continuing injustice. Its ground zero for all of us.

  2. 911 is the litmus test . Ask anyone , on the street , and then you will see how most avoid and don’t want to have anything to say about the biggest sleight of hand lie forced upon humanity . Deep down they know something is not right but for fear of economic oblivion their servitude goes on unabated .
    Corruption is entrenched here , in business and politics , with a smile .
    Fake and discrediting the truth at all costs , no matter how much they amount to . It’s just kickbacks for the connected , sharing their wealth amongst themselves and all associated cronies .
    Meanwhile , at the coal face , the real workers compete for jobs at 711 with new arrivals , to this penal colony , for $10 going down to $8 per hour . A communist utopia for the 10% and misery for the rest .
    Chairman Wong for PM in the not to distant future , with approval from the left and right goose stepping consumers that make up this 98% urban dwelling landscape . Welcome to the kleptocracy that is !

  3. The fact that nearly everybody will not accept that Martin Bryant did not carry out the Port Arthur Massacre, gives the politicians and bureaucracy the confidence to carry out their crimes with impunity, since 1996. They can rip us off for as much as the country can borrow and nobody can do anything about it, or so they think.

    They can also sell off all our important services and infrastructure to foreign or greedy local companies while pocketing massive “pay to play” personal payments and or give themselves cushy diplomatic positions.

  4. id like to point out that all claims of government are lies nothin there to be believed. And as for all debt it will collapse into the nothingness it was born from and with it all the so called wealth of the elite???????.

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