Home Trump All The Perfumes of the World Cannot Disguise the Stench

All The Perfumes of the World Cannot Disguise the Stench

Obama standing in for Biden

by G5

[Editor’s note: I received a call from G5 this morning saying that both Biden and Harris were under protective custody for their safety — to avoid any mishap that might be blamed on the Trump White House. It was also interesting to note that Google Trends, a website that tracks what people are searching for in the Google search engine, reported  that the phrase, “Can you change your vote?” skyrocketed immediately after the second presidential debate.]

Witness Protection

Harris is in “Witness Protection” Custody, after her disaster against Pence. The posturing next President is in protection, concerning her true history as DA of San Francisco, AG of California, behaviour as a Senator, links to The Pelosi-Newsom-Feinstein Crime Families, and The Biden Crime Family.

The alleged recent rallies concerning Harris, Biden, and the resurfaced Obama, are fake.

It appears that certain interests have taken offense. Joe, of course, is again hiding in his basement.

Both monumental fraudsters are being exposed as representing nothing beyond the interests of themselves, their handlers, and owners. Reliant on a massive electoral fraud to sweep them to office and control of the West. They will be rewarded with the results of; Brekinridge against Lincoln, Stevenson against Eisenhower, Dukakis against GHWB, Humphrey and McGovern against Nixon, and HRC against Trump.

All the perfumes of the world, cannot disguise the stench of the Democratic Party. From Institutionalized Racism to unbridled corruption. The contemporary Trump Brand, is only the means. Video here and here.

[Assassination] Attempts have been made against Joe Biden. Some real, some False Flag. Those of that persuasion would hardly be beyond their sacrificing their own, should they envisage a gain.

Whitmer’s False Flag kidnapping, was her diversion for being left at the altar by Biden’s Owners, and savaged by her own Michigan Supreme Court. Among other disguised attachments.

The Laptop From Hell

The FBI had Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro, and a hard drive on 9/12/2019, following a subpoena served on the repair shop. Hunter had left the computer for repair on 12/4/2019. Not in April 2020, when it was allegedly dumped there. Nothing was done. A parallel to the 2016 HRC Email Affair.

The FBI Director who arranged for this evidence confiscation; after being advised; was Christopher Wray. To be fired at the end of 2020, over many indiscretions, during his tenure at The FBI. A parallel to The Comey Affair.

The computer and drive have already been downloaded by White Light Intel prior to the FBI 7th. Floor Mafia, gaining access. The devices were personally left at the shop by Hunter Biden, who signed the repair docket. He was not in California 3,000 miles away, but twelve minutes away hiding in one of his father’s houses. He had absconded during child maintenance proceedings where he filed fraudulent evidence.

Apart from the $1.5 billion from The Bank of China link, the Burisma Directorship Affair, the $3.5 million from the Moscow Mayor’s wife, Joe’s quid pro quo having the Hunter Biden Ukrainian prosecutor sacked, the $5 million non-payable pretend loan by the Chinese Communist Party to the Biden Family, the Kazakystan Affair, there were also links to Joe’s brothers Frank and James. There is evidence that not only did Joe know all that he did, has lied about in Huntergate, but was also ‘The Big Guy’ referred to in the communications, and Indian Fraudster Kamala Harris is mentioned as a lead contact. As well as evidence that Hunter had a penchant for ‘molesting’ young Chinese children.

In October 2016 HRC’s Presidential aspirations were destroyed by Weiner’s computer. In October 2020 Joe Biden’s Presidential aspirations are destroyed by Huntergate.

The DNC put forward the deeply corrupt and baggage laden, insane HRC. And the exact failed formula was repeated in 2020.

The Entertainment Section. The insane won’t leave her to dissolve back into the slime, so why should the sane. Video.

They all like being other people. Bipolarity is a polite explanation.

Bill Clinton is Bill Blythe. Hillary Clinton is Hillary Blythe. Barack Obama is Barry Soetoro. Michelle Obama is Michael Lavaughn Robinson. Eric Holder is Lou Alcindor. Loretta Lynch is Elizabeth Carlisle. Victoria Nuland (Kagan) is Victoria Nudelman. Anthony Weiner is Carlos Danger.

Most of those on the Dem joker’s list, have also been adjusted on fake Wikipedia. It helps block the young generation from finding the truth behind the postured heroes of deception.

The problems are far deeper than initially might be perceived. We find ourselves arguing with people who actually believe the stupidities they are articulating. When simple independent studying, will deliver truth for them. [Video. And Nancy Pelosi.]

The forthcoming election has nothing to do with liking or disliking Brand Trump. The outcome has grave consequences for the entire West.

Trump Brand

Trump was sounding out running for President from 1980. He had one aborted run and joined The Democratic Party. Joining the enemy is always a good Intel reconnoiter. He also worked at the forefront of visual media. Which he understood he would need in developing his Brand.

Having developed a Brand; he was approached by a ‘conservative’ consortium, to begin a run in 2015.

The damage had been established with the US as the end target for the final rounds of the century run efforts of Totalitarian Globalism.

The Usual Suspects emerging from the shadows of the 1913 (Dem Wilson) privately owned FED and IRS, and WWI. Through to the destruction of The Roaring Twenties, following the massive 1929 Market Frauds. Dem FDR causing the following decade of the Great Depression, by insane taxation and economic regulations destroying all attempts at recovery.

The US involvement in WWII having already been determined before FDR began lying about non-involvement as a campaign platform. Pearl Harbor, the essential trigger, caused by the blocking of sea lanes. And the jump to the European Theater to allegedly save those actually targeted by the US.

Dem Truman, following with the formation of the privately operated CIA, and the incessant wars, from Central and South America to The Middle East, to South East Asia.

FDR also looting the US of all public and private gold assets. A parallel was later manipulated in the UK by Totalitarian Brown and removed cohort Blair, in the looting of the privately-owned (1998) BoE assets.

Europe being captured by the same proven disastrous Totalitarian agenda unraveled towards its bankruptcy with BREXIT. The projected financial support was to come by continuing the looting of the US Economy began in the contemporary by Blythe and Soetoro. They needed the election of HRC in 2016. The last hoorah in 2020.

Trump was enhanced as his brand, and projected to front Nationalist Populism, as the opposition to the moralized and intellectualized, Utopian Socialism, disguised Totalitarian Globalism of The Usual Suspects.

A very close battle from 2015 against a developed Fifth Column. Including; Deep State, the Fourth Estate, the intellectually, morally, and ideologically captured, and the vengeful and resentful. Variously couched as; Progressive, Liberal, and Left-Leaning.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott, 1808.



    • Dumb question Mary.

      This is Australia and, reading from left to right, the FIRST thing we read is that which is most important. ie: which day of the month it is.

      After all, most people have got a pretty good idea what month it is.(Evidently not so for Americans – many of whom can’t locate the U.S on a map of the world).

  1. If I am reading this right, the Clintons, Obamas, Holder, Lynch Etc are operating under names that were not registered at birth. Why would this be so? Is it that if they were caught out, involved in crime, with the court papers issued in their current “names”, they could technically get away with the charge because the subpoena would be in incorrect name?

    • Lorraine, you’ve caught me out. I don’t know the answer and can’t stop to research it today. The first thing that came to mind was the law maxim “Fraud vitiates everything it touches.” But I doubt these people are fraudulently using a wrong name. Most likely they went to a court and got a name change.

      I seem to recall the case of a black South African whose name had been demeaningly reported by authorities as “Positive Wasserman.” He got it changed — the law looks favorably on almost anyone wanting a name change. Would Marilyn Monroe’s career have taken off as Norma Jean Baker?

      As for Aussiemal picturing a clever creep avoiding a subpoena because of a name change, I doubt the law is that silly. Recall the maxim Ratio legis est anima legis: “The reason of the law is the life of the law.” Yay.

      Past atty gens Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch are on my “list” for having kept Jahar Tsarnaev under SAMs, i.e., incommunicado. Even today Wm Barr is doing that. I wonder what his real name is. Jeff Sessions did it too. The much-recused Jeff Sessions.

      Never a dull moment.

  2. I believe that every PM from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu has been under a false name. Mileikowsky was Netanyahu’s birth name. Kevin Woodman.

  3. 2:40 – 3:23 min Newsmax vid:
    Q: Are any of these images illegal?
    A: I can’t get into that right now
    Q I understanding

    Well I don’t: If he’d said “I’m not authorised to make any such determination” that’d be another matter altogether

    • I’ve view several pictures and the video where he has his 14 year old niece Natale giving him a ‘foot job’ while he smokes crack. If you are wondering what a ‘foot job’ is, it is a ‘hand job’ using your feet. – Kinky – you would have to see the video to see how he manipulates her.

      I saw a video of Natalie before all this happened. She is an attractive, vibrant, full of life girl with a lovely smile. I really feel sorry for the lass. She not only had an adult, but a family member do this to her and also filmed it. She is going to have a difficult life dealing with it with other people. – “Hey Natalie, can I see your feet?”

      If somebody was to draw and quartered Hunter – that is a video I’d like to see.

      • He could also have said “that’s a separate matter that will need to be dealt with separately”
        “I can’t get into that right now” just sounds evasive and he says it twice.
        How easy is it to train-wreck a valid case against anyone like so ?

  4. Note G5 second last paragraph and the reference to the fifth column including the fourth estate.
    Thats you lot;
    CORPORATE TELEVISION, not to forget our traitourous politicians destroying Australian workers, sovereignty and industry, since the traitors signed off on the UN globalist totalitarian plans with the signing of the Lima Declaration by foreign minister Willisee in 1975.
    We have our own globalist totalitarian traitors here in Australia spitting in our face.
    You shall know them by their deeds and their stench. (Apols for the rephrasing)
    Oh, i forgot the teachers federation ….. you lot too. Try doing your job, educate our children ’till they mature, then they can decide what is fair dinkum or BS being promoted presently.
    In secondary schools educate them on the financial destruction caused by the creation of the federal reserve in 1913 and why the banks and corporates sacrifice them in banker’s wars.
    Search: ‘All wars are banker’s wars’ at http://whatreallyhappened.com
    Also search: General Smedly Butler’s expose in about 1933: ‘WAR IS A RACKET’.
    If you don’t grandparents will and then they will realise that they were lied to by their propagandists.
    Surely the 5th column 4th estate might try too.
    No! Well we know why the msm is fake phoney and false, don’t we?…… the msm is controlled by globalist antidemocratic totalitarian greedy control freaks and we are on to the deceits.
    Stand up grandparents before they force us into nursing homes to be denied treatment for covid, already available…….try professor Borody and his resolution for treatment, denied by our 5th column politicians.
    So how many elderly died under Dan because his departments denied available treatment?
    Surely the average Aussie, by now can have a sniff and be overwhelmed by the stench from our own mass media and the political cardivers.

  5. Just received this email:

    From: “Name: conspiracy

    Email: nutjob@……
    (probably fake)

    Message: If you honestly believe the crap you peddle, please seek help. You are not working in reality. If you don’t honestly believe it, you are a shameless piece of crap exploiting gullible people with your conspiracy theories. Grow up”.

    I would like to know what “crap” this person refers. But this is a sign that the frustrated and delusional are being unsettled.

    • “this is a sign that the frustrated and delusional are being unsettled.” – Agree, just infantile insults without addressing any of the ‘crap’. Kind of sad really coming from an adult, unlike a funny scene of little kids in a school yard calling each other ‘do-do face’.

  6. G5’s credibility has been on the line for some time after posting some less than plausible assertions in recent months.

    He’s done himself no favours by posting a video of former NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik – apparently trying to make a case in aid of Trump’s re-election.

    I posted this link before in Gumshoe but worth another look for those who don’t know who Bernie Kerik (and his bosom buddy Rudy Giuliani) are :


    Yes readers, Bernie Kerik is a CONFIRMED 9/11 criminal.
    Scroll down the article in the link above and you’ll come to a photo of a van owned by Israeli company Urban Moving Systems :


    Many of you will already know this but for those that don’t (almost always the same crowd who’ve done next to NO research on 9/11 yet claim with conviction that there was no Zio-involvement in this False Flag), the photo is a picture taken of the van apprehended on the day of 9/11.

    Your eyes do not deceive you.

    Yes, that is mural painted on the side of the van showing the Twin Towers with a commercial aircraft banking to the right as it about to impact with the south tower – EXACTLY as happened on that day when flight UA 175 banked to the right, moments before it allegedly struck in the second impact.

    How’s that for clairvoyancy !!

    That’s how brazen these bastards are. They can paint a mural on their van for all to see, knowing that if they’re apprehended, that they’ll then be released since they own the judiciary, they own the mayor of NYC (Giuliani) and it’s Police Commissioner (Kerik).

    The caption below that photo of the van reads : ‘Bernard Kerik helped Israeli 9/11 terrorists escape’.

    That’s all you need to know about Bernie Kerik.

    YET, G5 trots out this most despicable of criminals like he’s a trusted and authoritative entity.

    G5, you really need to pull up your socks.

    (Hint: You’re welcome to drop me a line – via Dee – and I’ll furnish you with a laundry list of bona fide genuine truth-seekers and reliable sources).

    Because, at the end of the day, the individuals you’re referencing have credibility that’s not worth a rat’s bum.

    • Tv.
      Considering your experience and knowledge; in your opinion, if I could vote on 3rd November in the US, whom do you recommend I should vote for, elephants or donkeys?

      • Btw tv, i think G5 knows who did 911. Ssssh, sorry you are not in the loop.
        Tell us where and what day you wish to know all about D day in ww11.

        • G5 has written (somewhere on Gumshoe) what nuclear devices were used. As maybe with Rudi and Kerik he will only go so far with finger-pointing. Too far…… you know the story.

          • With all respect for G5 INFO ON 911, nothing new. WE SUSPECTED A NUCLEAR DEVICE AS USED IN THE BASEMENT YEARS AGO….. BY ABOUT 2008.
            Just recall the caretaker Rodreguise (sp) and his description of the explosion in the basement …… even before the plane hit.
            ‘ big explosion ……… came in with both arms stripped from skin to the bone’.
            I bore with so many media and gullible ignorants of the evidence relating to the mass murders on 911.

          • Dee, as far as finger pointing at Guiliani and Kerik go, I get that G5 will only go so far.

            BUT, does that excuse posting these VERMIN in videos on the pretence that they are a credible source of information so as to talk up Trump’s re-election chances ?

            This is a low, LOW act of desperation.

            Yes, yes, by all means post something on these two if your intention is to RIDICULE THEM for their part in an act that led directly to the death of almost 10,000 Americans (almost 3000 on the day of 9/11 and many 1000’s more U.S troops killed in wars for Israel thereafter – not to mention those maimed and PTSD’ed that runs well into six figures).

            Let’s also not forget that 9/11 was a pretext for the perpetual war that the U.S has embarked on in the 19 years since that resulted in (using the words of Paul Craig Roberts) …..

            …. ‘TENS OF MILLIONS killed, maimed, orphaned, displaced and dispossessed’ from Anglo-Zionist military misadventures.

          • Agree, I spent 5 years bashing everyone involved. What I am trying to understand is the layers upon layers. We all know that nearly every single person in “a position” is compromised. But only 5% of the people know that. So it’s not the 99% against the 1% or the .1%. It’s the 5% against the 94% controlled by the 1%. No win position. The question is: how to we get CHANGE in the world?

            But as an aside, anyone exposing the abuse of children…. (do you shut them down, and allow the abusers to continue?) A hypothetical.

          • Dee, and I’m sure I speak for everyone else here at Gumshoe, I am ALL FOR supporting those politicians, political parties etc that are exposing child abuse.

            And, when I find such an entity I will support them wholeheartedly.

            But, now that Bill Heffernan and Franca Arena have departed the scene, I know of NO SUCH politician either here or in the U.S that is doing anything even partially substantive.

            Of course I’m well aware that there are some CLAIMING to be exposing paedophile networks and rescuing children.

            (These are the same ones that claimed the U.S economy was the ‘best ever’ when in actuality it was the biggest house of cards in human history).

            But I’m yet to see proof that said politicians are doing anything over and above the round up of miscreants that LOCAL authorities across the U.S and elsewhere are ALREADY doing – and have been doing since time immemorial.

            All I see is narcissistic politicians and psyop affiliated groups trying to STEAL THE THUNDER from local authorities who have been doing the hard yards and actually catching the deviants.

            It’s nothing but subterfuge.

    • Seems that one of my comments may not have been sent.
      Anyway, It is noted that tv wishes to brief G5 with info via dee.
      Tv take a holiday and go phiffising for baramundi up North and let us know how you go with a postcard written with a thumbnail drenched in tar. Best of luck fishing. Take a Bulletin magazine from the late 1800s and beware of crocodiles, they mght find you of some use.

      • Thank you Dee- very illuminating 😊

        At 22:00 – “how did Cohen get access …“ – exactly – all part of the theatre.

        23:50 – “known for being a deceiver” … “elaborate hoaxes” – “hate the human race … “

        24:48 – “you know they have something negative inside of them – some sort of negative aspect – some sociopathic aspect to their personality and there’s a lot of hate for the human race.“

        Precisely – say no more

    • When it comes to religion it’s not exactly hard to figure out that Trump is a complete bunny
      Not exactly a desirable condition for any national leader
      But pouring over Jack Chick-style rot about the jesuits/papacy aint exactly going to fix the problem

      • If you want to be a Christian, you would only need to be equipped with half a dozen sayings of Jesus, you might find it harder to get through the eye of a needle when encumbered with a special hat and accoutrements. None of those people who got thrown to the lions had degrees and certificates. So I agree Trump is a bunny, but I think that’s good, and I think the stuff about him working for the Pope or whatever it is, is probably just more sensationalism, cooked up by some bored person in a lockdown trying to inject some creativity into their publishing.
        In any case Trump is constantly disparaged and underestimated, while the lying MSM whips up panic about nothing, and gets way too much credit, a quiz show between Trump and a panel of presstitutes on the subject of religion would be interesting.

        • I think priests and popes don medieval gear for the same reason as judges wear wigs and burnt-out movie stars get face-lifts: the careers of all 3 are dependent on maintaining a certain be-fooling mystique. In all 3 cases a certain audience is maintained accordingly, hence the delusion of power.

          If nothing more, Jack Chick’s comics are a perfect illustration there-of: the guy had an absolute knack for sabotaging genuine concerns:


      • The USA in Bible Prophecy | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts
        Shows where the United States fits in with the prophecies of the Bible….
        The Lamb and Dragon | USA in Bible Prophecy | Revelation 13
        2 Jul 2009 … Bible Prophecy speaks about America. What the Bibble is telling us about USAand the time of the end?
        Walking through Revelation – Amazing Discoveries
        God uses prophecy for two purposes: to warn and to encourage. For example, prophecywarns us of the Enemy’s plans and encourages us with hope and the …

    • Timothy Veater signed a Petition to (UK) Parliament, and received the meaningless, not to say disgusting, reply linked above. Here is the text of the original, important Petition:

      “Repeal the Coronavirus Act 2020
      “The Coronavirus Act grants potentially dangerous powers including to detain some persons indefinitely, to take biological samples, and to give directions about dead bodies. Powers last up to 2 years with 6 monthly reviews, and lockdown powers could prevent protests against measures.

      “The Act also lowers protections under the Mental Health Act. Only one medical ‘officer’ is required to sign off a compulsory treatment order. There are changes to the court system and registration of deaths, and inquests have been suspended in some circumstances. There is no requirement for any medical certification for cremations. It also provides for the indemnity of health service activity for those providing care to a person who has, or is suspected of having, coronavirus disease.”

  7. Thanks for the heads-up Ned.

    I am quite partial to barramundi and will be sure to avoid the crocs.

    As for voting in the U.S, for those who are eligible, I’ve already posted my thoughts on that in Gumshoe comments some weeks ago.

    For those that missed it, neither elephants or donkeys should come into the equation. For those that show up to vote, the obvious choice is Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate.

    Yes, she’s got no chance of winning, but if the Libertarian vote could be bumped up to the double digit range, it would serve as a springboard for the 2024 election.

    Do not dismiss what I’ve written above out of hand until you read the following :

    Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Syriza party, won the elections in Greece in 2012 to lead his country.

    In the election prior to that one, Syriza got a LOW SINGLE DIGIT PERCENTAGE of the vote.

    In other words, ‘it’ can be done. ( ‘IT’ being to END the two-party tyranny that exists in the U.S / the UK and Oz – a duopoly that is accountable to the SAME Usury cartel of bankers).
    ie: they are just two factions of the SAME PARTY.

    Equally as good, seeing as it’s not compulsory to vote in the U.S, is to BOYCOTT THE ELECTIONS.

    Can you see Ned, if 80-90 % of potential voters did not turn out, this would send a message to the Powers That Be that …..

    …. WE, THE PEOPLE, know the electoral system in the U.S is a FRAUD.

    We’re on to you, your days are numbered and …. WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE !!! :

  8. Ned, as to your comment about G5 and knowledge on 9/11, I would much rather that he hadn’t known.
    At least that way I could’ve given him the benefit of the doubt due to ignorance.

    Because, for G5 to know who was behind 9/11, and yet simultaneously post the opinions of a KNOWN 9/11 CRIMINAL like Bernie Kerik, a man that was and STILL IS as thick as thieves with the Zio-perpetrators of this False Flag, suggests something about G5 that I can summarise in two words.


    • Dee,
      “30,000 spies in Australia”
      Have thought for a time that CCP secret intelligence is leading the agenda.
      Last elections, we had plain clothed ccp snoops directing us to the ballot boxes.
      Crown via Talmudic doctrine have been developing the communists for over 100 years.
      The bit about viewing Oz only as a resource,, should send alarm bells to everyone here.

  9. This article just in (which I think James O’Neill will especially appreciate) : ‘Caitlin Johnstone: America Has No Allies, Only Hostages’ by Caitlin Johnstone :


    Some interesting bits from it below :

    “The unofficial doctrine of the empire-like cluster of international allies that is loosely centralised around the United States does not recognise the sovereignty of other nations, much less respect them as equals. This empire takes it as a given that it has every right to determine what every nation in the world does, who their leaders will be, where their resources will go, and what their military posture on the world stage will be. If a government refuses to accept the empire’s right to determine these things, it is targeted, sabotaged, attacked, and eventually replaced with a puppet regime.

    If you’ve ever wondered how the the US is so successful in getting other nations around the world to align with its interests, this is how. It’s not that the US is a good actor on the world stage or a kind friend to its allies, it’s that it will destroy you if you disobey it.

    Australia is not aligned with the US to protect itself from China. Australia is aligned with the US to protect itself from the US. As a Twitter follower recently observed, the US doesn’t have allies, only hostages.”

    This is a great article and I recommend all Gumshoers with an interest in Australia’s misguided foreign policy should read it.

    (I would’ve called it a RIPPER of an article but for Johnstone’s claim that the U.S facilitated the removal of ‘the pro-China Kevin Rudd who was replaced by the compliant Julia Gillard’.

    Now, I can understand that there may have been a perception among some that the Mandarin speaking Rudd was in China’s corner but there is more than enough evidence that demonstrates that Rudd was an unprincipled opportunist that was arguably the most compliant Zio-puppet we’ve ever been unfortunate enough to call P.M.

  10. Anyone still can’t spot an expertly controlled demolition can watch plenty of videos on youtube.
    Here is one showing a few failures which should make it obvious even without any other evidence that 3 towers falling perfectly into their footprint by random events is highly improbable, and with a more critical eye you can see when and where things were detonated, except you may find the close-ups of the WTC showing the windows blowing out under the fire zone seem to have disappeared from youtube now, maybe they went down to the very end if anyone feels the need to look

  11. Message to Dee from the so-called Comments Moderator: Kindly give a one-sentence, or at least a two-word description along with your links.

    All three seem to do with CCP blackmailing members of the Australian government and media.

    The reporter is Miles Guo.

  12. Crown Zionists Communists are one and the same. They dominate in ALL positions of this dystopian global gulag surveillance web enforcing 5G rollout for the final solution.

  13. You just have to look in your own backyard to find corruption and criminal activities are rampart and they have been for decades! We need many John Hattons as he was a real Australian

    The stench of politics and the rats who manipulate it

    The Stench In This Parliament
    The Mafia, Death Threats, Corrupt Police, Political Isolation – could not stop him …

    Hatton calls for an independent team take on ‘NSW stink’


    Quotes from the Book and the Assembly Hansard

  14. That is why Australia cannot get a national ICAC going from the corrupt and criminal politicians who are in sedition and treason to expose their criminal activities and those who are not in politics ut close to those who are

    Corporate Australia
    A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It’s not what you see, it’s what goes on behind the scenes.

    Kangaroo Court of Australia
    Why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge

    • Personally I am skeptical about the story of the parting of the red sea (anyone who objects to my revisionism remember the Pope has been promoting homosexuality just last week) but I do think the history of Roman Judea is beyond dispute whether you call some part of it Israel or another name so it seems to me the creators of this narrative posted above may be bigger liars than those they accuse.
      As in any politics there are problems with both sides. In some cases Palestinian Arabs have sold out, in other places their farm was stolen, but in both cases the Arabs have to claim it was stolen because they aren’t allowed to sell to Jews. I think the Jews will get south Lebanon whether anyone likes it or not. I think Syria and Lebanon deserve to maintain their ancient cultures and cities intact, the best way out would probably be for them to simply sell south Lebanon while they can. It’s like fighting the Chinese freeway, or any small scale farmer fighting the government, winning is not an option, you can only choose the type of loss.
      The way to sell for the most profit might be to threaten to infest it with land mines.

  15. Hallelluyah!!!! Thanks Arlyn- think you’ve nailed it.

    find a Jewish Homeland on the earth some where

    British Zionist league–the Kimberley

    PM Robert Cosgvrove Tasmania –Port Day

    God steps in –
    never was ancient Israel

    Zionism is a political movement nothing to do with the Jewish People

    The Vatican wanted a foundation to build a world religion–to build their empire

    The New Messiah— The Great South Land–it is all being played out in the Central Western Desert of Australia right now and Melbourne is to be the headquarters.

  16. Now here’s a good research project for some of you randoms
    Find out if this whole Zion Mania and All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars thing originated from the Rockerfella Foundation as a “Look Over There” strategy because Rockerfellas/Bush are such driving forces behind big oil and the MIC

    • I can take it a bit further with this Rockerfellas vs Rotschilds world domination hypothesis.
      The income stream via war tax (now called income tax) through the MIC plus the profits from BigPharma and BigOil should be bigger than Rotschilds’ profits from the US Fed especially considering the Fed profits are split between merchant banks (part owned by Rockerfellas) and the US treasury.
      How do you know negative interest rates weren’t strategised partly to take down some of Rotschild’s income?
      No doubt the Rockerfellas would like ALL of their country back.
      The numbers ultimately aren’t public. And many of the documents were destroyed in the WTC and pentagon archives bombings 20 years ago.

  17. Please check out Arlyn’s link above re Kangaroo Court of Australia

    Five-star and four-star book reviews for journalist Shane Dowling’s new book: Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket

  18. Link
    Kangaroo Court of Australia
    Why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge

    “In the last couple of weeks, I have also sent copies of the book to Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and attached a letter to both as per below:

    Dear NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian

    15th of October 2020

    Please take the attached book, Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket, as a formal complaint regarding government and judicial corruption. It is pointless to send it to the NSW ICAC as Commissioner Peter Hall is one of the numerous people in the book exposed for being corrupt.

    There needs to be an independent public inquiry into the evidence and allegations exposed in the book.

    I am the author of the book and I also publish the judicial/government corruption website Kangaroo Court of Australia.

    I look forward to your response.


    Shane Dowling

    I sent a similar letter to Scott Morrison and will give an update when I get a response.”

    Maybe we could all send letters to Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian to support Shane’s work.

  19. Dee, Mary or ?? could you post process i.e. email address or registered mail- for best way to contact Morrison and Berejiklian re above.

  20. The Mammoth Book of Cover-ups (Mammoth Book of) Paperback – 29 Jan. 2008

    The Assassination of JFK, 9/11, the Da Vinci Code, The Death of Diana, Men in Black, Pearl Harbor, The Illuminati, Protocols of Zion,Hess, The Bilderberg Group, New World Order, ElvisFluoridization, Martin Luther King’s murder, Opus Dei, The Gemstone Files, John Paul I, Dead Sea Scrolls, Lockerbie bombing, Black helicopters… In other words everything ‘they’ never wanted you to know and were afraid you might ask! Jon E. Lewis explores the 100 most terrifying cover-ups of all time, from the invention of Jesus’ divinity (pace the Da Vinci Code) to Bush’s and Blair’s real agenda in invading Iraq. Entertainingly written and closely documented, the book provides each cover-up with a plausibility rating. Uncover why the Titanic sank, ponder the sinister Vatican/Mafia network that plotted the assassination of liberal John Paul, find out why NASA ‘lost’ its files on Mars, read why no-one enters Area 51, and consider why medical supplies were already on site at Edgware Road before the 7/7 bombs detonated. Just because you are paranoid, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to conspire against you.

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