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Artificial Telepathy 101



by John Finch

The experience of “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.

Indeed, most of the technology involved is identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.

Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out.

The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as “artificial telepathy”.

Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.

The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.

When used as a “non-lethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists, and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon

Like a perverted phone caller, a hostile person with this technology in hand can call at any time of day, all day long. Sleep can be disrupted. Prayers can be desecrated, religious beliefs mocked. Business meetings can be interrupted, thoughts derailed. Love can be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, fond memories trashed.

The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous.

But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is left on the body and there is absolutely no proof that any crime or any violation ever took place!

Everything that “happens” to the victim happens inside the victim’s head. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the “crime scene” or fingerprint the stalker?

There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical “scene at all,” and no evidence that an attack ever took place.

Most people who experience this abusive form of “artificial telepathy” feel as if their mind has been raped.

They find themselves hunted, stalked, harassed and abused by a person or persons who refuse to give their names, who defile one’s mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable, and who refuse to hang up or go away.

The caller or callers delight in the perverse and sadistic torture of their targets. Furthermore, they delight in violating the privacy of their targets and demonstrate as brutally as possible that the target has no privacy at all.

Put into the hands of a secret police unit, the potential for abusing such technology is even more chilling.

Now, the natural reaction of a normal and intelligent person who undergoes the horrible experience of mind rape for the first time is to panic and reach for a phone. They call family, contact their doctor or call police with a bizarre complaint that “someone is beaming voices into my head.”

But if the police are the ones behind the abuse, the victims aren’t going to get much help, are they? It’s much more convenient and easy to believe that the caller is a nutcase.

In short order, the victim of mind rape finds herself or himself undergoing the additional humiliation of being carted off to the psych ward, often being committed involuntarily by a loved one “for one’s own good.”

The more vehement the efforts to prove that the voice or voices in one’s head are “real”, the more smug become the smiles of the medical doctors, who gently insist that such technology does not exist, that the voices cannot possibly be real, and that one must take a powerful psych med and lie down for a good long rest.

The experience of “hearing voices” — especially voices that give a running stream of negative abuse — will gain one automatic admission to the rubber room. Indeed, hearing voices is a classic example of schizophrenia. If you hear voices, you are, by definition, crazy.

Yet when released from the psych ward with an expensive supply of meds, “voice hearers” often find that the meds are ineffective — exactly as one would expect if their problem had nothing to do with brain chemistry and everything to do with a bio-electronic attack by unseen stalkers.

Voice hearers often puzzle psychiatrists, because many of them don’t fit the classic model of schizophrenia, which usually begins onset in the early twenties.

The victims of “artificial telepathy” are often well into their thirties or forties and many have no prior history of serious mental illness or drug abuse. Many seem to be alert, healthy, and rational even while insisting that they can hear voices.

They agree with the psychiatrists that, yes, they are depressed, but who wouldn’t be a bit depressed under such trying circumstances? To be stalked and verbally bullied every waking hour of the day is a form of mental torture.

Victims of mind rape quickly learn not to discuss their “psychological problems” with family and coworkers. It’s embarrassing, it’s bizarre, it gets very little sympathy and only serves to alarm most people.

The only way that another person can “help” is to suggest that the mind rape victim see a psychiatrist. The result is a very stiff medical bill, which only adds financial pain to the mix. And the verbal harassment continues.

As they learn to endure their daily torture, voice hearers can usually return to mainstream life, where they are able to carry on intelligent, coherent conversations, hold down jobs, and function quite normally.

In fact, if they don’t discuss their “problem” they usually can’t be told apart from normal people on the street. Because they are normal people.

The growing number of voice hearers in our society is therefore well masked. Those who continue to insist that there is a “secret society of people beaming voices into our heads” are simply laughed at. They are completely discredited.

In fact, many voice hearers have by now internalized the idea that they are mentally ill, and they struggle to understand how their “auditory hallucinations” could continue to seem so very, very real.

Naturally, many of these voice hearers are deeply confused. They turn to support groups, including such on-line communities as the Voice Hearers’ support group at Yahoo.com.

Anyone who doubts that “artificial telepathy” exists need only contact such a Voice Hearers community, where they will encounter people who continue to insist that they are being harassed by real people using an unknown or unexplained technology.

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights,

John Finch, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia,

FACEBOOK: john.finch.16547?ref=profile

GROUP FORUM: peacepink.ning.com

— John is a member of The Worldwide Campaign against Electronic Torture, Abuse and Experimentation. He invites you to contact him for further information at johnfinch@gmail.com, or MCmailteam@gmail.com.


Photo credit: mamiverse.com





  1. Considering how advertising works and the varied forms of manipulation imposed upon the mind it is doubtful as to how many have their original mind particularly when the brain has been manipulated for centuries and molded into becoming a mind whereby the ownership is largely no longer owned by the custodian.

  2. Truth is a discovery we make in reality. It does not need belief. I wonder if voices heard can be challenged for their veracity and thus neutralised. Truth is ever present waiting to be discovered.
    Imagination is also an internal dialogue providing ideas to fuel creativity. To have ones being, rooted in nature and not in the artificial world human being devise, is a key to sanity.

  3. Perhaps if one does not fill ones mind with ones own thoughts it leaves room for the thoughts of others to dwell within. When human beings have a purpose their minds are occupied with that purpose.

  4. Hi John, I have followed you for a long while, I being a UK TI for 21 years, and I thank you.
    A question ..do you need an implant to receive V2K or do they need your EEG Or is there another means.

  5. Information about antisocial person [KAJAL KANTI DEY , (m) -+918276909442 /+918584929823 His Add : 8/3/26A , jessore road Kolkata-28 , India &
    PRATIK DEY , His Add:-sodepur, west bengal, India ],

    they harass people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring brain controle thought this RNM machine) . I would like to inform you that , I am living in Kolkata , my born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Brother-in- law (Pratik Dey urf Souvik Dey ). (Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but I don’t know she have this RNM or not )Past 2 year and 6 month I have been tortured by them by varies way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use against me, body itching , illness , forced sleep, forced wake, High heat, Mentally torture, hamper in my job ,In my comparative exams & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM (Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (frequency level )through satellite.They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually ( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes they can see ) and some Valgur sensation by this RNM (Machine ). (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING “have such features through which they have been tortured by people & females ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) They generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass and torture them, some Minister and VIP’s information they have been observed by this connection of RNM( machine) as for Entertainment of themself.This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this connection ) , help me and raise my Voice against this kind of antisocial , violence , harassment , torture against women’s and people in Kolkata (dum dum & sodepur) , which is against Law.(Kajal Kanti Dey & Pratik Dey ) both generally shows their character in public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .

    Vulnerable Criminal Activity through “Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) – Remote Brain Mapping”
    RNM (Environment Violation)
    1. Huge Fraud – Making artificial environment by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
    2. Prostitution Business – Breaking human own privacy to make prostitute & Sexual
    Excitement by Bio-Telemetry using RNM
    3. Assassination – Remote Brain Mapping, brain wash & Bio-telemetry using RNM
    4. Pre-planned Rape – Remote Brain Mapping & Bio-telemetry using RNM
    5. Blackmail – Breaking human own privacy & Bio-telemetry using RNM

  6. Jen Rowan
    Hi John I’m mel Australia been a targeted victim nearly four years I’ve heard there is an advanced scanner that can track the victims and perpetrators ?


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