We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now
by James Corbett
Editor's Note: This July 23, 2022 article is re-published at Gumshoe with permission from corbettreport.com
For those of you not following events in...
How Does It Help Australia To Have a Monarch?
(L) Governor Barbara Baker of Tasmania (C) Prince William at 2022 Garter ceremony (R) Malcolm R Hughes, Australian Army soldier in Vietnam
by Mary W...
Why We Don’t Just Shoot the Mega-bullies: Numbers
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
On July 11, 2022 at GumshoeNews.com, I wrote two articles: "Biologically, What Powers Do Humans Have for Defeating Mega-Bullies?" and...
Bringing to Book the Internal War Crimes of Sri Lanka of...
by Dr Binoy Kampmark
The fall and ignominious retreat of Sri Lanka’s Gotabaya Rajapaksa has enlivened one distinct possibility. Having formally resigned as Sri Lankan...
Grand Jury, Segment 2: Constitution for the World, and 5G is...
(L) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director of WHO, Photo: DW.com (C) Astrid Stuckelberger, Photo: Amazon (R) Silvia Behrendt, Photo: Facebook
Introduction by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Dealing with the Mega-Bullies: Leadership and Creativity
Dutch Farmers protesting in 2019, Photo: Robin van Lonkhuijsen at Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
My previous article on this topic of dealing...
Grand Jury, Segment 1: City of London Spotlighted
Introduction by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I have never seen as happy a document as this. You have heard that Reiner Fuellmich was arranging some...
West Deliberately Provoking Nuclear World War III as Part of Elites’...
(L) Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, Photo: en.wikipedia.org (C) Jens Stoltenberg, Sec'y General of NATO (R) Gen Wesley Clark, Photo: CNN.com
by Joachim Hagopian
Last week, Russian...
Highland Park and Sandy Hook — How To Use a Rebuttable...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Today was an especially happy day for me, July 4, 2022. It was my first walkabout in this campaign season...
A Citizen’s Arrest Song for the Fourth of July
(L) Rupert Murdoch, Photo: Wikipedia.org (C) Bill and Melinda Gates, Photo: People.com (R) Albert Bourla, Photo cnbc.com
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
(Sung to the tune...
Bitchin’ USA
Photos: ThunderPro-Video Clip, Surfin' USA, Beach Boys, remastered
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The Beachboys, 1960s song:
"We're waxin' down our surfboards/ We can't wait for...
The Return of the Strong Male (Dane Wigington)
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
There are at least two outstanding books about "the male situation" -- Ben Greenstein's The Fragile Male (UK, 1993) and...