Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


Media Fakes — Come Out With Your Hands In The Air

by Dee McLachlan There were several articles in The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) and The Herald Sun today about President Donald Trump's 80...

Kay Griggs and the Anal Theory of Power

(L) Kay Griggs by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB Kay Griggs is a very important person. She spoke out several years ago and has not been...

A Win for the Deep State

President Trump and Mike Flynn Editor's Note: I was surprised by the manner in which Mike Flynn was side-lined. That's what happens when one tries...

Phone Call to National Security Hotline

by Mary W Maxwell Grass does not grow under the feet of Gumshoe’s editor, Dee McLachlan. If she sees a problem, she jumps at it,...

Barrister Reminds MP of Her Duties

(L) The North Tower exploding outwards, and (R) Kate Ellis MP 
Editor's Note: I publish below the open letter to Minister Ellis, and below that to...

The Man Who Stabbed Verwoerd — NOT

Assistant editor’s note: This first appeared on Gumshoe on April 15, 2015 as “1960s Assassinations.” Now the author adds more about the patsy, Dimitri...

“Controlled Insanity” – What an Amazing Goal

Christopher Brodeur disrupts Mayor Rudolph Giuliani testimony before the Sept. 11 Commission when security remove a woman (L). Editor's note: Following from yesterday's comments about...

Anybody for a Pizzagate Truth Commission?

Me get ’em by Mary W Maxwell, LLB There is no question in my mind that the persons who have been doing terrible things to the...

Whales are Dying — Why?

by Dee McLachlan It just happens I am writing a movie action script on whales at the moment.  So I am alarmed to see that...

The Goat on Parliament House — Is it Munching Our Politicians?

A goat, and Eliphas Levi's drawing of Baphomet, the alleged god of the Knights Templar The goat has allegedly been a powerful symbol for the...

A Presumption Standard When Satanic Abuse Is Reported

Allegedly a photo of "The Family" mothered by Anne Hamilton-Byrne. It looks like Julian Assange is in this photo. by Mary W Maxwell Fiona Barnett made...

Humanity In Crisis, Part 5: The Radiation from Fukushima

Friday, March 11, 2011 at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, Japan by Dee McLachlan I posted a comment yesterday on the Fracking article about a line...