Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


A Slip Of The Tongue?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcGz1a76Clk Apparently his office put out a correction, but maybe he "misread" his notes - that the US was funding ISIS.    

Infiltration And The Art Of Brain Scrambling And Transformation

Christopher Brooks alerted us to this video. The Peoples Voice looked at infiltration of organizations by private security, the government and police. It is relevant...

Jade Helm 15 Review – “This Wine Has A Sour Note...

I was having dinner in Sydney last week, and we were discussing all topics conspiratorial and real. The host asked another guest (his relative)...

Unshackling the Reality of USS Liberty

by Greg Maybury All Conspiracy, No Theory For any number of reasons Ray McGovern's recent article on the USS Liberty attack underscores the absolute imperative for...

“Your moment has come, Mr Tsipras, take back control of your...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=253&v=94UcyJnRcGU sourced from prisonplanet

The Strange Story Of Two “Losers”

This article by Mary Maxwell can be read here on rumormillnews.

A “Silver Spankley Award” Is Up For Grabs

Win a Silver Spankley trophy and a return trip... on the London tube (from Piccadilly to Russell Square). Here at Gumshoe, we cannot let the 10th anniversary...

“I shall wear the creditors’ loathing with pride” – Yanis Varoufakis

In a stunning resignation, Varoufakis steps out of the ring to allow the prime minister of Greece to meet and negotiate a way forward. In...

“The Hairs On My Neck Are Standing Upright” – Peter Power...

10 YEARS AGO tomorrow - on the 7th of July, the day of the London bombings - the head of the security-related Visor Consultants, Peter...

The Health Contradiction That Politicians Ignore – Reported Vaccine Side Effects

Reported in Investmentwatchblog: "If Vaccines don’t cause Autism why is it a side effect listed on the package insert with the FDA!" Here is a clear...

Will The Banking Gang Attempt To Extinguish The Defiant Dissidents?

A Comment by Christopher Brooks The Greek nation votes above 60% to stop the crushing debt austerity creep and negotiate a new deal. The results from...

Voting in Greece “Not For Myself, But For My Grandchildren”

Voting has begun. And the world waits for Greece to decide. One of the first in the polling booths, 80-year-old Michelis said: "I'm voting 'No'  ...not voting...