Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


‘The Hourglass Is Empty’ – Jim Richards on the $$$

"The Fed and the Treasury are the greatest threats to national security, not Al- Qaeda." Jim Richards (in a meeting in the US Treasury). https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=563&v=DZgugGEmAoU This fast...

Further to the Judge in the Marathon Case

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB Dear Judge O’Toole, Yesterday I made bold to send you an open letter re the Tsarnaev case, but now...

More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History

by Patricia Church - Easter Sunday It is Easter, and the nation is once again feasting on chocolate. Australia will spend close to $200 million...

An Open Letter to Judge George A. O’Toole

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB     April 4, 2015 Dear Judge, We have a lot in common. Both born in Massachusetts in 1947, both grabbed a...

Fracking – How Corporate Corruption Fractures Democracy

April Fools: On Wednesday, April 1st, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet approved a measure to bring fracking into Germany. The patents, mainly owned by...

Joe Hockey Calling Profit-shifting Companies “thieves” and “cheats”

The Treasurer of Australia, Joe Hockey, has assaulted multinational profit-shifters, labelling these companies as "thieves" and "cheats". He has the public's support to force multinationals such as Apple, Google...

Smart Meters Keeping You Awake At Night?

We know smart meters have drained about a $1000 from every household in the State of Victoria in Australia (Herald Sun), but are they safe?...

A Card-Carrying Conspiracy Theorist

Dr Richard Day An extract from Mary Maxwell's article "Why I Am a Card-Carrying Conspiracy Theorist" on Rumourmill News (full article here) Mary writes: "I believe there is a...

We Are Run By Criminals If France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEmgv27N6xQ 21stcenturywire reports (extract below): "Political elites and super-bureaucrats are worried. It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality. A history stitched together by lies and cover-ups, political...

Building 7 Is Just Not “Going Away”

WTC 7 Building 7 is an itch that is not going away. Now 55 architects are submitting a resolution to be voted on at the AIA National...

Senate Passes Controversial Metadata Laws – In Memory of Martin Place

MPs Cathy McGowan, Andrew Wilkie and Greens MP Adam Bandt, March 19 - on the left. Only three Australian ministers opposed the controversial metadata laws,...

Germanwings In 8 Minute Descent. Other “Suicide” Pilots In 1 Minute...

What happened in the Airbus A320, the Germanwings Flight 9525 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf? The latest news is reporting that German co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, aged 28, "hijacked"...