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Dalia Mae


Top Anti-GMO scientists Band Together In Film To Expose Threats And...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNE1B2Rl5Y As a trained botanist, this is an issue of great importance to me. Monsanto el al want to have their cake - BUT they DON'T...

An Infuriated Mary Maxwell Writes to Genevieve Glinch. Is the Average...

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB An odd thing happened to me on Saturday, Valentine’s Day, 2015. I am an agent at Rumor Mill News,...

Australia Needs Money CREATION Reform And Honest Sovereign Money Policies.

A letter to the Australian Ministers from Christopher Brooks The money creation racket is in essence so simple in method and yet so vaste in...

The Strange Journey of Freelance Journalist John Cantlie And His ISIS...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN3ktXbLzlY John Cantlie's ISIS propaganda 'travel' video through the bustling city of Mosul emerged on the 3rd of January this year (above). John Cantlie was...

False Flags, Including Domestic Ones.  When Should Citizens Be Angry?

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB It is excellent to have at our disposal the list of 42 “admitted to” false flags provided by Infowars.com....

The Proposed Hate Laws Should Be Focused on David “Peddling of...

Come on Britons - threaten those proposed laws on your Prime Minister, Mr David "Peddling of lies" Cameron. MPs have called on the “Crown Prosecution...

False Flags – Admissions Of Past ‘Terror’ Attacks

One of the 9/11 'Explosive' events. “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. will clamor...

Terrorism Defined. What We’ve Learned from Brzezinski, Tavistock, and Gladio

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB How foolish we are to keep on letting the bad guys foist a word upon us, when that very...

Minister, Have You Actually Read The TPP Document In Your Charge?

Minister Robb. I again asked the Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb's office on Wednesday (4/2/15) whether the Minister has actually READ the detail...

Paedophiles in Power – A Conspiracy Of Silence And Cover-up (in...

Glitter, Savile and Harris Sexual predator Gary Glitter (Paul Gadd) hit the news today - again. And we know about Rolf Harris. Both men had connections...

Rupert Murdoch – This Could Be Your Greatest Hour.

By Dee McLachlan Mr Murdoch, sir, you have the opportunity of a lifetime. For more than half a century you have amassed a media empire across...

How Much Longer Will You Abuse Our Patience?

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB “The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan...