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Dee McLachlan


Arrest the Media Traitors, Fraudsters, and Obstructors, While Upholding the Law

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Members of the mainstream media (MSM) are to this day misreporting two major events in America -- the assassination of...

Twitter Election Interference, and History Repeating

Growing up in South Africa, I am acutely aware of censorship. And we have over the last short while witnessed the worst of...

A Message of Freedom and Hope from Robert F Kennedy Jr

Editor's Note: On October 24, 2020, there were many rallies around the world. Activists in these countries are joining in a common voice: Argentina;...

The World Moves On, Yet Australia Clings to a Dangerous Past

By James O’Neill* There are many definitions of stupid, but acting against one’s interests, on either a personal or national level, must rank as among...

The Death of Judge Juan Torruella, and Update on Request to...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB GumshoeNews is sorry to report the death, at age 87, of Judge Juan Torruella. He grew up in Puerto Rico...

The Committee of 23, Part 1: Introduction

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Many things that are occurring in the 2020 “pandemic” are criminal.  Genocide, murder, treason, and fraud, to name just the...

All The Perfumes of the World Cannot Disguise the Stench

by G5 Witness Protection Harris is in "Witness Protection” Custody, after her disaster against Pence. The posturing next President is in protection, concerning her true history...

Rachel Vaughan Tells of Good Coppers in South Australia

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In 2018, I interviewed Rachel Vaughan (born 1973) for Gumshoe. She reported her knowledge of the 1966 murders of the three Beaumont...

Is Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Safe From His Own Party?

by Dee McLachlan I received a phone call this morning, which has inspired me to post this very brief article for the record. I saw a...

IVERMECTIN: One Story of Superb Success and One Story of Sordid...

Introduction by RWA The following two articles provide extremely current information about IVERMECTIN and to a lesser extent, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE. IVERMECTIN is a medication that is...

The Great Purge by Techocracy

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fo9H2EVFnx8j/ Editor's note: Amazing Polly explains the purge quite well. Thousands of conservative sites were removed -- just in time to stop the contents from...

The A-Z of the Police State

by John W Whitehead Copyright © 2019 The Rutherford Institute Editor’s Note: Hard to believe, but John Whitehead wrote this alphabet over a year ago. It...