Dee McLachlan
EXPLOSIVE: Will a CIA Falconer Be the One To Drain The...
Editor's note: CIA whistleblower Allen Harrow Parrot, a falconer, tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) about the real cover up.
Don’t Steal Children, Part 2: Satanism and Ritual Abuse
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Satanism is a confusing topic to write about. Let’s start with the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights: “Congress...
Is Facebook Really Farcebook?
by Dee McLachlan
Facebook, like YouTube, has become censorship city, with so many accounts just being deleted. No explanation. A recent group Quantum Truths: The...
The Destruction of Species and a Word from Amos
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Now we’ve gone and done t! We have spoiled the Earth. Just in the last two hundred years of human...
Don’t Steal Children, Part 1: Four Categories of Government Stealing
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Since the August 2019 death of Jeffrey Epstein in prison, London’s Shaun Attwood has been covering, almost daily, the story...
Debates, the White House and Declass
by G5
The Vice-Presidential Debate
I watched the ending of the Pence Dumbala Affair. I knew she was lying because her mouth was moving. I couldn't...
Russia and China Both Subject to Unrelenting Economic and Social Warfare
by James O’Neill*
It is no secret that the United States government has been bitterly opposed to the Nord Stream 2 project that will provide reliable,...
The Concept of Legitimacy, and the Legitimacy of Secret Societies in...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Is the mayor of your town legitimate? I mean, does she hold that position legitimately? Is the governor of your...
URGENT: Last Opportunity to Voice Objection to Victorian Covid-19 Omnibus Bill
DEADLINE for objections 5:00 PM 7 October 2020. You have only hours to email your objections. (Copy, adjust, add, paste, and send.)
This is my...
Betrayal of Our Westminster Judicial System
by Brae Antcliffe BA LLB (retired NSW barrister of 50 years in the law; occasional crown prosecutor)
Linked within this short observation is a link...
How To Overcome Today’s Police State
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Not everyone realizes, yet, that we are in a police state. For those who do realize it, I offer two...
Dr Reiner Fuellmich Leads the “Corona Crisis” Tort Case
Editor's note: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California. He is one of four members of the German...