Home Corona Dr Reiner Fuellmich Leads the “Corona Crisis” Tort Case

Dr Reiner Fuellmich Leads the “Corona Crisis” Tort Case


Editor’s note: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California. He is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. In this video, he describes how there is no legal doubt about the possibility of a class-action lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns. 



  1. What is Premier Andrews’ address for service for a class action claim?
    Sleep tight Dan and Raise your mask over your eyes and insert the ear strings deeply to the ear drums…… then you will al least be like two of the three monkeys.

  2. Australians should be not only highly embarrassed by the mute silence of Australian doctors that have displayed their silence by not speaking out about this Medical Marshall Law Pandemic Hoax but outraged that they have abandoned the motto of “First Do No Harm.” They have abandoned science and have allowed the corporate-government propaganda apparatus to control the false narrative of only drugs and vaccines will save us. Medicine has a hell of a lot to answer for with their seriously flawed plagiarist medical model of Pasteur compared to the real physician Bechamp.
    Medicine is the third largest cause of death in the Western societies so why would anyone place their confidence in it. It is overly protected by governments in the aiding and abetting of this complicity which is unwarranted due to the damages it has caused and is causing of this trans-global conspiracy of creating this Technocratic Communist Surveillance Regime waiting in the wings by the Communist UN, WHO, NATO, the evil Vatican and the vaccine cabal corporations. The evil Freemason politicians who are also behind this is a front for the evil Jesuits in their New World Religion as this is a spiritual war as well and the Jesuits have never stopped with their counter-reformation against Protestants. Businesses are leading the country down the path of Communism by allowing these unlawful government ‘directives’ to blindly following them for the short term to continue their businesses those who still have one.

    Those should be charged with a number of charges including the RICO Act for fraud and racketeering https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act

    These evil politicians should also be charged with sedition and treason that has been in play for decades with impunity.

    Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason

    a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
    Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
    Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.

    h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.

    Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)

    Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)


    By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

    i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.

    j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

    Medicine kills millions
    Every single vaccine is toxic and contaminated

    • Well said. You may be interested in this You&tube link evidencing another action being launched in England for private criminal prosecutions against all individual MPs etc. in the Common Law Court

    • Does all of the above mean that all of the so-called Constitutional lawyers over the years have been involved in criminal activity by allowing all these indiscretions to pass. i have often wondered how certain legislation gets by these “Constitutional lawyers”. Maybe they like Barack Obama became a Constitutional lawyer even though he did not attend lectures, according to those who should have been his co-students.

  3. Wow! What a video of information? Seems that we at Gumshoenews, can give ourselves a pat on the back for being well ahead in searching out truth and informing others of that truth.

    Maybe, as I have previously suggested, the One World Government adherents have brought themselves undone by implementing this horrendous scheme, known as the Covid-19 pandemic.

    • Mal, I expect that a lot of people that were previously ‘asleep’ have now woken from their slumber. When it was somebody else’s problem, ‘she’ll be right’, but now that they have been personally affected, they are starting to wake up.

      There are still a lot of ‘mask-holes’ out there, I have to keep reminding myself to not engage and to think – “barking dogs, barking dogs, it is not important, it is just noise”.

    • Terry, well spotted, wow he certainly has the right book. Gerry Spence certainly would be an inspiration to anyone. Do you think the book is strategically placed for the blog? I think maybe.

      • Peter, obviously it was. I don’t know how many Aussie trial lawyers will identify with the book, however, it only takes one to grab the bull by the horns and give it a go. – Of course, then there is the Australian Judiciary to contend with, that is the biggest hurdle. All the evidence and legal principles can’t overcome judicial corruption.

  4. According to the story, it only took one small man with a sling shot, to defeat the dreaded Goliath.
    I agree with many here, this is the sling shot that the world needs right now, to stop in its tracks, the fraudulent efforts of a few elites.
    The Dr appears to have a very strong and interesting case, whilst keeping it simple for as he quotes, there is no need to complicate the case.
    He also has hit, just about every nail on the head, including WHO, and MSM, they are simply drawn into the case by Being knowingly complicit in the fraud.
    Many thanks to Gumshoe, great work on this distribution.

    • What a deception imposed by the msm, ABC and our traitor politicians
      Why will the msm Not report on this disclosure.
      Simple: they lie and misinform to create panic, destruction of the middle class and create globalist terror for their agendas.
      If we wake up they are losers.
      Black ball msm and their advertisers who finance their agenda
      Sell the ABC, lefties can go Live under ccp in China.

  5. The Master Criminals Admit Test Results Are NOT Accurate!

    “Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS – CoV-2 coronavirus strains such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, 0C43, or 229E”.

  6. The salient issue is: what can we do about it?

    One can be vastly knowledgeable about globalism, fascism, elitism, corporatism, and pseudo democracy, but it is all for naught unless we act… decisively and effectively.

    Historically, we are talking about the ultimate survival war between The Powerful and The People, and yet few are facing up to the reality that this means actual war; as in civil war. How many have calculated the odds or the logistics? That is the new conversation.

    Just watch the outraged champions flee in droves.

  7. I offer a few suggestions from some 30 odd years as a Concerned Australia with experience in a number of issues:
    1. Get educated and stop watching the box as you won’t learn a darn thing as the corporate propaganda apparatus lies, exaggerates, omits information with bias and selected material, suppression of facts of evidence, and censorship are a few
    2. If you don’t realise that this is actually part of WWIII then you had better get your head screwed on asap!
    3.The evidence and history shows that Australians are not standing up to the issues as other countries have been who have been setting the pace
    4. Australians need to learn about Common law seriously
    5. They need to know that the illegal corporate-government entity is in sedition and treason
    6. It is Corporations masquerading as government
    7. It is a Communist Technocratic Communist Surveillance Takeover and Covid 19 is a tool for Control, Containment and Compliance
    8. That the Bio-Security Act 2015 has not been followed correctly and they have blatantly ignored the legislation
    9. If people are not researching and educating themselves and others for a minimum of 4-6 hours daily then you are not in the fight
    10. People need to network with like minded people
    11. Educate the police and military even though they are part of it. The honest ones may actually have a conscience if you teach them
    12. All of this as we know needed to go to the courts to seek remedy
    13. The medical monopoly is unlawful with the aiding and abetting of the prostitute MSM
    14. Mandatory mask wearing is unlawful and against Occupational Health
    15. Mandatory vaccines is against the Nurenberg Code of Ethics
    16. If you are going to stop this hostile and brutal takeover you will have to eventually decide to defend the Australian Constitution with your life or surrender and it will be a hunde times worse
    17. Hundreds of thousands of people need to hit the streets like the Vietam war protesters. So far not even close to the numbers
    18. Lots of legal affidavits need to be directed towards the police, military and the illegal corporate-government officials
    19. Documented cases and photos of unlawful police arrests with time, dates, name and badge numbers with police car registrations.
    20. Be part of the Class Action against the Victorian government if applicable and the same for all state and territory violations

    • Hydrogel:
      Fast track to hell

      Independent doctors call hoax
      on Deep State’s faux pandemic

      The vaccine will do away with the need
      for computers or phones because hydrogel
      will enable your body to connect to the Internet.
      — Dr. Carrie Medej

      Once it’s inside your body,
      there’s nothing you can do about it.
      — Dr. Andrew Kaufman
      Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
      on vaccines, hydrogel, and secret government programs
      (start at 58:00)

  8. We have gone past the point of no return. The beast and dragon from the bottomless pit is not conspiracy. It is WHO we and our children are dealing with daily. They have us in a trance, captive to the flickering screens controlling our every secondary movement. The real world, prohibited and out of bounds, we sit in cubicles about to receive artificial insanity hydrogel invading the Miracles of Creation that are everyman woman and child. The time for scepticism has passed. There are only two paths, let’s choose carefully to be with Truth and not the deceiver.

  9. These are the three main promoters of the “corona panic” that are being sued for “Crimes Against Humanity” by lawyer Fuellmich – and these people and their networks, are the people that our governments are basing their lockdown decisions on!

    Dr Christian Drosten, the inventor of the PCR test (corona test) — PCR tests are not approved for diagnostic purposes, as is correctly noted on leaflets coming with these tests. Even the United States CDC agrees with this. Even Drosten himself declared in an interview in 2014, that these PCR tests are so highly sensitive that even very healthy and non-infectious people may test positive. Dr Yeadon in his piece: ‘Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives’ explains the complete unsuitability of the test for the detection of infectious diseases, covid 19 has tested positive in goats, sheep, papayas and even chicken wings — Also note that previously, during the swine flu in 2009 Drosten was one of those who stirred up panic in the population; repeating over and over again that the swine flu would claim many hundreds of thousands, even millions of deaths, all over the world. This panic-inducing prognosis proved to be catastrophically false.
    Mr Tedros Adhanom, head of WHO or World Health Organisation — Drosten used the PCR test, to test in Wuhan China, it came positive, this was enough for WHO to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections — Note also that previously, 12 years earlier the WHO changed the definition of “pandemic” (to “just a worldwide disease”, which not necessarily led to many serious illnesses and deaths) and that due to this change was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009, with the result that vaccines were produced and sold worldwide. The panic prognosis of WHO proved to be catastrophically false.
    Mr Lothar Wieler, head of the RKI (German Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and author of “the “panic paper” — “the “panic paper” that was leaked which was written by the German Department of the Interior. Its classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media. The accompanying irresponsible statements of the head of the RKI, remember the CDC, Mr Wieler who repeatedly and excitedly announced that the corona measures must be followed unconditionally by the population, without them asking any question shows that he followed the script verbatim. In his public statements he kept announcing that the situation was very grave and threatening although the figures compiled by his own institute proved the exact opposite.

    These are the people he is suing, the promoters of the “corona panic” for “Crimes Against Humanity”.

  10. By the way … Fuellmichs video was deleted by Youtube, “Crimes Against Humanity” (which he uploaded to his channel the 3rd of October 2020) was deleted 21 October. So you you have a blank video on the transcript page, https://www.ageofautism.com/2020/10/reiner-fuellmich-crimes-against-humanity-transcript.html — It used to be in Fuellmichs channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ – youtube deleted it – Now another video is up on his channel the link is below called “crímenes contra la humanidad – en español” (in english with subtitles in spanish). In case this new video is also deleted, several channels have reuploaded the video, and this video also exists in other video platforms like Vimeo. The new video of Reiner Fuellmich can be found on his chanell here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2juC1LB-OE

    Fuellmichs video was deleted by Youtube, wich means the video on your page is blank, just as others who have used the video for their artikles – please update!

    The maintream media is not mentioning the case, there not enough people know about it, and think it is a crazy idea when I speak about it. This is such an important case.

    Mr Fuellmich in an interview with “Jerm Warfares youtube channel” talked about important information from the Investigative Corona Comitee that will be released at these three websites: Fuellmich.com, and two other to wich they did mentioned adress, the Investigative Corona Comitee, and the Tort lawyerss websites. I tried asking “Jerm Warfares youtube channel” but I havent got any answer. Have you heard about that or know the websites adress?

    Mainstream media seems to be suppressing the case. You might find this PDF transcript useful, is indexed and resumed, and the link has ben updated. Please share with friends.

    TRANSCRIPT & RESUME — https://www.scribd.com/document/480966057/The-Corona-Scandal-renown-lawyer-is-suing-the-promoters-of-the-corona-panic-for-Crimes-Against-Humanity-updated-link

  11. This case is so important, and yet I dont hear the mainstream media mentioning it! – Lawyer Fuellmich is suing the promoters of the “corona panic” for “Crimes Against Humanity”, the video presentation of his case has been online 20 days now – but politicians and mainstream media still follows the “National Center for Disease Control and Prevention”, which as it says “bases its authority on WHOs dangerous pandemic prognosis”. The WHO, which as lawyer Fuellmich has stated in his video (3rd October 2020) is being sued for promoting “the corona panic” on false grounds, and is are sued for no less than “Crimes Against Humanity” Yet mainstream media has not mentioned the case, and is calling experts that disagree “conspiracy theorists” – most people don’t even know of the existence of the case. This Case is Really Happening!

    I am talking about the misinformation on corona virus, covid-19. Many Doctors, Scientists, Experts, Layers, disagree with WHO, the danger and spread of corona are greatly exaggerated, the lockdown is disproportionate – they are called “conspiracy theorists” by the media. Even Politicians that disagree are called “conspiracy theorists” – as lawyer Fuellmich explains, David Sieber (member of the German Green Party) who suggested they should listen to these other scientist that disagreed with WHO – was called a conspiracy theorist, without ever having considered the content of his information and then Sieber was stripped him of his mandates!

    On Mr. Fuellmichs Youtube Channel, youtube has deleted his English video “Crimes Against Humanity” once, then it has been reuploaded with the title “crímenes contra la humanidad – en español” (in english with subtitles in spanish), and now also in French. Why censor, specially when this is an international corruption case of the what you might call “Legendary Level”, this will be written about in history books. This commes as shoking news for many!

    The Media, used to be the Forth Pillar of Democracy! What has happened! — Truth & Justice, and the people that fought for them in our history, they brought us our wisdom and our human rights! Justice is the axis of human civilization, it is what made it possible for us to survive as a group from the beginning of time . We have passed “The Technological Singularity Point” predicted by Futurologists. The people that fought for Truth & Justice in our history, these people brought us our human rights, these people are our real Heroes! Our sense of Truth and Justice needs an urgent update from within!

    Documentary: The Social Dilemma — The subtle bu strong influence of social media. Interesting documentary about “social media and relation to this case”: The Social Dilemma (premiered 26 january 2020 on Netflix)” – gives some insight into the influence of social media in our lives and society.

    Update to lawyer Reiner Fuellmichs case suing the promoters of the corona panic for Crimes Against Humanity. With new videos, links, and events! You might find this PDF transcript useful, is indexed and resumed. Easy to share the basic facts with friends.

    — PDF TRANSCRIPT, RESUME, & NEWS ABOUT THE CASE – https://www.scribd.com/document/481442489/UPDATE-The-Corona-Scandal-renown-lawyer-is-suing-the-promoters-of-the-corona-panic-for-Crimes-Against-Humanity

  12. CDC is a Private Organisation Not Government

    Former US CDC chief criticizes COVID-19 vaccine opaqueness political meddling (ABSTRACT CLICK ON LINK FOR FULL ARTICLE)
    Biopharmaceutical companies that have received billions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to support COVID-19 vaccine research and development are not being transparent enough with the American public and should share their full study protocols, the former head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
    “I don’t see any valid reason for them not to do so,” said Tom Frieden, who ran the CDC for eight years during the Obama administration.

    Soriot told investors that the study participant who received the company’s experimental vaccine in the trial experienced neurological symptoms consistent with transverse myelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord, Stat News reported Sept. 9. But neither AstraZeneca nor its partner, the University of Oxford, would publicly disclose details about the adverse event.

    “That’s not acceptable,” Frieden said. “We need radical transparency here. We need complete transparency because sunlight is a great disinfectant. Sunlight can shine down and kind of get rid of the shadows of suspicion that are all too present in the current days.”

    He noted that most of the COVID-19 vaccines are using new technology platforms, such as messenger RNA and DNA, which have never been used in humans before now.

    “So there’s a lot we don’t know,” Frieden said. “We don’t even know what adverse events to look for in these vaccines. We’re not sure of the correlates of protection. We think neutralizing antibodies are going to correlate with protection, but that’s just a theory. Until we have a lot more data, we won’t know that that’s the case. And it’s an important question.”


  13. The Vaccine Deep State. Impacts of Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines
    (This is a very well presented material that exposes the lies of the vaccine industry and the propaganda associated with it. It names those those associations and corporations who are involved and they should be charged with a number of criminal charges and use the RICO act for racketeering, fraud, false advertising with false claims using toxic and contaminated poisons to injure and murder with Crimes Against Humanity etc. There is no due diligence, duty of care, with Malfeasance in Office, failing to ‘fully inform’ the contents of the Vaccine Packets Inserts to the parents. They have blatantly ignored and abandoned their Oath of “First Do No Harm” and ignored the Precaution Principle
    Unlike the theatrical charade of America’s political discourse, when narrative directly impacts government-supported private financial interests, such as the pharmaceutical industry sales, then open freedom of speech and debate are smothered. According to Herman-Chomsky,
    “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow a very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views.”

    This strategy works, according to Herman-Chomsky, when people believe they are actively engaged in the democratic process. However, for controversial issues that directly discredit industries that economically rely upon science, such as genetically modified crops, agricultural pesticides, and pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, the public has no voice. Rather opposition is ridiculed and consent is manufactured in the shadows and through a wide network of media and internet resources to reach the public’s ears.

    Popular scientific consensus has yet to tackle the growing uncertainty gap to identify the most probable causes of childhood neurological disorders and increasing rates in asthma, allergies and autoimmune conditions, including the role that toxic vaccine ingredients such as adjuvant aluminum compounds may play in these epidemics. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, the autism rate can be projected to reach 1 in 2 boys in the next five years. Unfortunately the Vaccine Deep State is silent over this urgent debate. And even with all the scientific evidence, the mass media continues to parrot the CDC’s mantra that there is no further debate to be pursued as to whether vaccines contribute to neuro-developmental disorders.

    Dr. Shoenfeld is an example of what happens to any scientist, physician and even journalist who questions vaccination. Therefore, how can we trust anything written about vaccines in the mainstream media? That is the conundrum.
    We can ask journalists six basic questions to determine their journalist integrity and honesty.

    1) Have you interviewed the leading vaccines critics within the medical community?

    2) Have you honestly investigated the scientific literature to review the toxicological evidence about vaccines’ harmful effects?

    3) Have you reviewed the actual transcripts of the CDC’s senior immunologist Dr. William Thompson who provided evidence that the MMR is associated with autism yet this was systematically covered up by the agency.

    4) Have you reviewed Robert Kennedy Jr’s release of the Simpsonwood meeting transcripts that provided conclusive evidence that the CDC’s own research showed a vaccine mercury-autism connection and this too was intentionally concealed from Congress and the public

    5) Have you reviewed the politics behind the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the subsequent Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to understand how the pharmaceutical industry received a pass to avoid being held legally accountable for vaccine injuries.

    6) Have you interviewed and sought documentation from any of the following medical doctors and researchers Drs. Suzanne Humphries, Nancy Banks, Brian Hooker, Lucija Tomljenovic, Lawrence Palevsky, Christopher Exley, Tetyana Obukhanych, among many others Each of these individuals were pro-vaccine before that found reason to explore the actual published science.

    To sustain the nation’s vaccination rates, to preserve corporate profits, and to keep Americans convinced that vaccines will protect their children from infectious illnesses, the CDC requires a dynamic marketing and public relations apparatus.
    The tentacles of the government’s health agencies are not only wrapped around the mainstream media but also the entertainment industry.

    Unknown to the general public and many in the medical profession is the existence of the CDC’s sophisticated public relations operations. Tax dollars are spent to train journalists to defend the federal agencies’ and pharmaceutical industry’s national and state vaccine agendas.

    One vehicle for manufacturing consent is the CDC-Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) joint fellowship program. Scores of health editors, writers and reporters throughout the nation’s leading media corporations and publications—MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Reuters, the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle to name a few on the fellowship’s webpage—have passed through the CDC’s Atlanta campus for a week’s worth of intense instruction in national public health policy. According to the AHCJ’s fellowship information, journalists are indoctrinated in conventional federal health policies regarding epidemiology, global disease prevention, pandemic flu preparedness, vaccine safety and autism. They also receive training in “navigating databases such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey and CDC publications” to assist their research and writing. Afterwards journalists return to their publications to propagandize the CDC’s ideological talking points to increase vaccination compliance and receive notices and pre-written scripts about stories to report for their news outlets.

    Google, as well as its co-collaborator Wikipedia — a primary source of medical misinformation — will inevitably play a critical role in Vaccine Deep State’s efforts to implement the CDC’s immunization strategy. This includes employing Google’s Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) to manufacture consent through behavior modification. This would be parallel to the mainstream media that is already controlled by the Vaccine Deep State. In fact, this effort, according to Sayer Ji at GreenMedInfo, is already underway. Google’s manipulation of search terms generates “suggestions” to users that “anti-vaxxers are burdening the economy” and “HPV vaccines are safe for your child.”

  14. Is The CDC A Marketing Arm For The Pharmaceutical Industry? By Del Bigtree

    The lecture will discuss the revelations of the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, who has provided 10,000 documents that back up his claim that the CDC knowingly committed scientific fraud to hide the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. It will show how Del’s journey across America with the film has made him aware of a severe health crisis being caused by vaccines. Del Bigtree will explain the danger of vaccine mandates like the new law in California Sb27. Connect with The Real Truth About Health http://www.therealtruthabouthealth.com/ https://www.facebook.com/The-Real-Truhttps://www.instagram.com/therealtruthttps://twitter.com/RTAHealth

  15. Opinion/Rakatansky: CDC interference strikes at heart of medical ethics
    Herbert Rakatansky is clinical professor of medicine, emeritus, Brown University.

    The recent “takeover” of the CDC communications by the political arm of the Trump administration is destructive of more than just the medical integrity of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and advice.

    That doctors in all their roles should make decisions only in the best interest of their patients is a very old basic ethics principle of Western medicine. Some 2,500 years ago Hippocrates, who had little to offer therapeutically, set the stage by advising doctors to at least “Do No Harm.” We have long incorporated this approach into our practices.

    The emphasis on advocacy for patients’ best interests as the central core of medicine is of more recent origin. Since the atrocities committed by Nazi doctors in the guise of medical experimentation (1933-45), medical ethics has recognized the absolute right of each person to accept or refuse medical care for themselves and the obligation of doctors to offer all treatment that is medically effective. Lack of adequate resources in the real world may limit treatment, but not purpose or intent. Unrepentant Nazi doctors were tried in Nuremberg in 1947. Out of these trials came “The Nuremberg Code,” a statement of basic ethics principles which has morphed over the years into detailed ethics codes and guidelines.

  16. Should You Quarantine After Traveling? The CDC Now Says You Don’t Have To
    It is just ‘Social Engineering’ with no scientific basis. It is making people act like walking zombies to separate humanity and to bring suspicion on us humans instead of their biological release for many dark agendas to come

    CDC Blocks Whistleblower William Thompson from Testifying in Vaccine Injury Case

  17. John Tieber: County Public Health Propagates Big Pharma Quackery and CDC Scientific Fraud
    In collusion with U.S. corporate mass media and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Big Pharma” has declared war on parental rights.

    U.S. corporate mass media, now controlled by just six transnational corporations, all heavily funded from the drug industry’s $36 billion annual profits, are running a coordinated and sensationalized propaganda campaign to hype a “national measles outbreak,” while demonizing any parents sufficiently informed and responsible to question the efficacy and safety of highly-toxic products produced by transnational corporations that have nearly completely captured the U.S. federal government apparatus ostensibly set up to regulate them.

  18. One Test Case

    Is There Vaccine Cause-And-Correlation Regarding The Dramatic Rise In Children’s Chronic Diseases?
    Is there a “cause and correlation” effect relative to children’s chronic health issues surrounding the overwhelmingly accelerating negative health demographics seemingly related following the inordinate mandated number of multi-valent vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as administered by pediatricians since the 1990s?
    That’s a unique and valid question apparently no one in federal health agencies, specifically the CDC and FDA, wants neither to investigate nor find statistically valid data and answers either to substantiate or disprove using science-based methods.

    Since the introduction of CDC’s hyper-vaccine schedule, which saw children’s vaccines schedules increase from 10 to 69 vaccines after the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed into law, very young children are contracting chronic “old age type” diseases early in life—an anomaly heretofore not experienced demographically.

  19. Is There Vaccine Cause-And-Correlation Regarding The Dramatic Rise In Children’s Chronic Diseases?
    Is there a “cause and correlation” effect relative to children’s chronic health issues surrounding the overwhelmingly accelerating negative health demographics seemingly related following the inordinate mandated number of multi-valent vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as administered by pediatricians since the 1990s?
    That’s a unique and valid question apparently no one in federal health agencies, specifically the CDC and FDA, wants neither to investigate nor find statistically valid data and answers either to substantiate or disprove using science-based methods.

    Since the introduction of CDC’s hyper-vaccine schedule, which saw children’s vaccines schedules increase from 10 to 69 vaccines after the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed into law, very young children are contracting chronic “old age type” diseases early in life—an anomaly heretofore not experienced demographically.

    The CDC is in bed with Big Pharma

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