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Dee McLachlan


Mikovits, 5G, and Economic Collapse, Part 6: Whose Got Bats in...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article continues on from Part 5’s observation that during the Covid-19 crisis we are seeing “power-without-accountability” and we see...

Dangers from Vaccines and from Vaccine Research Itself

by Felicity Hingston Ty and Charlene Bollinger, an American couple with no formal background in Medicine, created an excellent video series by interviewing 60 of...

The Confluence of Stories: Rachel Vaughan, Cheryl Beck and Many Others

by Dee McLachlan Rachel Vaughan needs no introduction to our readers. While we were together, often filming interviews, Rachel described what her father, Max McIntyre, had...

Mikovits, 5G, and Economic Collapse, Part V: Six Categories of Trouble

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The parts of this series so far have been: I. A Glossary of law; II. Imagining Some Prosecutions and Lawsuits;...

Mikovits, 5G, and Economic Collapse, Part IV: Dr Rashid Buttar Made...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I love Dr Buttar, don’t get me wrong. He is the snazziest thing to come along in a long time....

Start Growing and Preserving Your Own Food

by Terry Shulze I don’t proclaim to be a good, let alone professional farmer. I’m probably like most of you, agriculture is/was not my main...

Mikovits, 5G, and Economic Collapse, Part III: “Tracing” the Fourth Amendment

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Welcome to the races, very exciting time! The Bill of Rights neck in neck with HR 6666 (aka The Trace...

Western Mainstream Media Continues its Sorry History of Decline

by James O’Neill* It was the great American writer Mark Twain who first formulated the maxim: there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies...

Who Are Our “Hosts” — Those Ultimately Controlling Our ‘Gray State’...

by Dee McLachlan Today I’ll reflect on two film projects. One is the successful Netflix television series COLONY. The other is an unfinished feature film...

Mikovits, 5g, and Economic Collapse, Part II: Imagining Some Prosecutions and...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Part II picks up from Part I‘s section on “Moral Hazard.” That section identified some old English laws that Blackstone...

What To Believe? Is It All Personal Greed? Is...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This article is a response to two things coming across my desk at the moment. One is the article by...

Professor Dolores Cahill Debunking the Corona Narrative

Editor's note: Professor Dolores Cahill debunks the narrative and will open your eyes and mind into the official narrative. It's a must watch. She...