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Dee McLachlan


A Merry Xmas to the Department of Child Abuse

by Dee McLachlan There is much maliciousness in the Child Protection Departments across the country, and it goes beyond what I believed possible in a...

Where Are The Grown Ups When They Are Needed?

By James O’Neill* Before he became a member of Parliament, the current (who knows for how much longer) Prime Minister Scott Morrison was in the...

What about Judicial Finality in Australia? We Ask for Your Input...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Just today, it happened that a great Constitutional scholar in the US, Professor Louis Fisher, directed me to his new...

What Does Mind Control Do to the US Constitution?

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I have always believed the United States constitution to be perfect. Granted, it was composed by mortal men. Granted, many...

Impeachment Theatre

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p5X4aH2h9M by G5 The House has predictably voted to send Impeachment Articles to The Senate concerning Donald Trump. Those responsible for the reversal of opinion in 2018...

Fiona Barnett’s Nine Days of Christmas

Gumshoe thanks Fiona Barnett for her lifetime work and congratulates her on the proofs of her story. This week at her website, PedophilesDownUnder.com (what...

The Web Beyond the Oklahoma Bombing

by G5 The Oklahoma City bombing of 19/4/1995, with the fake false flag convictions of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols has some interesting side issues. DOJ-FBI do...

Talk about 9-11 — Graeme McQueen Uncovers the Early Reports

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Dear Neighbor, It is well past time that you faced up to the simple truth that the 9-11 disaster was not...

A Second Coming — Is Hillary To Return?

by G5 We just survived 'Nightmare on Downing Street', and now we are facing 'Weekend at Hillary's'. The DemLoons with, with no candidate, no Leader,...

The Beauty of Impeachment

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The year was 1991. "Desert Shield" was about to turn into "Desert Storm." A Texas member of the House of...

The Pedophile Racket, Part 4: Escape, Knives and Denials

by Dee Mclachlan  I was alerted to yet another account of “deflection-suppression” of child abuse in South Australia. And with each new case, more...

“We Have Some Planes.” Today’s Oral Argument in Tsarnaev’s Appeal

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The following is the opening of the 911 Commission Report. Chapter 1's title is "We Have Some Planes." September 11, 2001,...