Dee McLachlan
Dr Freda Briggs on Child Abuse and the Family Court
Dear Minister Rankine
I had the misfortune to be present in the Family Court yesterday when Justice Dawe refused to return the children to their...
Questions to the Ministers of Child Protection in All States and...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I have now visited three states in Australia and met many Protective parents. Often they asked me a question for...
Christchurch Massacre: Attacks at Two Mosques
by Dee McLachlan
In The Guardian's report of the Christchurch massacre, they write:
"After the 7 July bombings in London in 2005, Dr HA Hellyer was...
You’ll Wonder Where the Money Went
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Yesterday I waltzed into the Children’s Court of SA at 75 Wright St., in the once-beautiful Adelaide. The first thing...
The Divine Right of Dark-hearted Despots (Then and Now)
by Greg Maybury
Brief: Advocacy of regime change—the wrecking ball in the foreign policy toolshed—continues to permeate the political and media discourse in Washington, with Venezuela...
The Foreign Influence Register, 9-11, and Treason
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Gumshoe, in the person of moi, is Sydney working on the Protective parent issue. Was in Qld yesterday and pleased...
Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines
Thank You, Scomo and Steve, and I Hope You Know the...
by Dee McLachlan
I just want to thank the Prime Minister's Office, and the Hon Steve Irons (Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister) for their...
Did Trump Avert a False Flag To Down Dem Plane?
by G5
Earlier this year (2019), Trump blocked a Dem Congressional jaunt in a USAF plane. He acted on Russian VChK–KGB–SVR and Israeli Aman-Mossad intel....
Old Narratives Challenged: USS Maine, Starfish Prime to Apollo 11
by G5
One Hundred Nation States devastated, in One Hundred Years, with the murder of One Hundred Million People... and for what?
It isn't that we...