Home False Flags Mosque Shooter’s Overseas Travels

Mosque Shooter’s Overseas Travels





  1. Guess who was in NZ a few days before the operation in Christchurch???

    Hillary and Skippy Podesta..(14 min. mark)


  2. Is it not really strange that the MSM are screaming about gruesome footage while the social media monopolies are removing it as fast as possible in case it incites more violence, while the same Zionist psycho’s have their army snipers killing and crippling thousands of unarmed Palestinians ?
    I have seen the 15 min. clip of the supposed shooting and the obvious reason for their rush to remove it and their aim to demonize and prosecute anyone who even talks about it is that it is clearly fake.
    See Renegade Tribune website.

      • The shootings did happen Terry but the ‘live’ video is FAKE as Gary has stated & is not of the live shooting. So is the video of the aftermath at the second mosque (Linwood). If you still don’t believe that they are fake I suggest you study them.

  3. I hope there are some ‘white hats’ that have been brought in to interrogate this bloke. Hell, I’d like to cross-examine him myself. “Tell me about this ‘manifesto’, did you ever read it?”

      • Regarding the Guardian report above, there was a thread, since removed, discussing the feasibility of the scenario presented in the media of Abdul Aziz forcing Brenton Tarrant to drive away and not commit any more murders.
        I recommend listening to the report before reading this, since ot will make more sense that way.
        One comment by a Polleej, goes
        ” Most commenters here have been assuming Abdul Aziz didn’t know how to fire the gun, yet no one has this assumption challenged until the official story starts being questioned. Yes, on the face of it, you wouldn’t think there’d be a bullet left, but so much else of this is nonsensical. Why would Tarrant assume that someone who picked the gun up would be able to fire it, since the whole reason to drop it in the first place was that it no longer had any rounds ? How many people would be walking around with the right ammo? Then, once he gets back in his vehicle which has more guns and ammunition, he just high tails it after, by Aziz’s own account, Tarrant apparently thought Aziz was shooting at him. That’s right, Tarrant confused a gun being thrown into his window with the same gun being fired, even though he had zero reason to believe there was even a round left in the gun. if I didn’t know any better, I’d say a narrative is being encouraged of good brown guy without a gun beats bad white guy with a gun.”
        This was part of a thread started by a V Ling with this comment:
        “This man is from Afghanistan. He probably knows how rough it could be.”
        Clearly a little too close to home, but I have photographic evidence of the thread’s existence.
        Y/tube and the Graun have done their usual thing, but I can rely on Gumshoe News to fill the gap.
        Thank you for being there.



    “It took police officers in New Zealand 36 minutes to catch the terrorist who murdered 50 people in two Christchurch mosques last week. Dramatic footage shows that just two officers—only one of whom had a gun—apprehend the suspect after his bloody rampage. We are now learning that this response time would have been longer, but police happened to be conducting a drill nearby practicing for a similar attack.

    In what can be described as an extremely strange “coincidence,” Chris Cahill, a detective inspector who is president of a local labor union for police officers, explained that officers were involved in a drill near the city center when the shooting broke out.

    According to the NY Times,

    The police said a special armed tactical unit arrived at Al Noor Mosque four minutes after the first officers, or 10 minutes after the initial emergency call.

    Mr. Cahill said it normally would have taken longer, with team members summoned to a police station to suit up. On Friday, though, they happened to be in a training session in the city center and wearing their gear, he said…

    Police in New Zealand don’t typically carry firearms, much less dress in tactical gear, so officers holding a drill with all their tactical equipment and weapons at the ready was a helpful coincidence indeed.”

  5. I wonder if the agenda was that the tactical team was suppose to dispose of the killer at the second mosque, but the civilian bloke that showed up with a gun ran him off and he ended up in custody.

    Kinda like Bryant when they miscalculated the amount of barbiturates that they needed to knock out a clumsy mental retard and Bryant struggled out of the burning Seascape alive – oops!

    • And kinda like Jahar Tsarnaev surviving 228 (officially 228) bulllets pumped into the boat at Watertown. Oops!

      We need more oopsies. But even when they happen they are skirted over. LET’S TALK MORE BOLDLY ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING.

      By the way, Adelaide Advertiser’s front page showed the pile-up of flowers “to honor the victims”

    • Terry,
      We live in a world of ‘wonderment’!
      All planned drills should be disclosed to the public and the location/s specified.
      As a rule of thumb, then we should all head for the hills till it is completed and safe to return.

  6. And there is this – the kids from Parkland High School visiting Christchurch before the massacre to spread the gun control message.


    I remember something similar back in the Port Arthur days with the British school massacre and then Port Arthur. I can’t remember the full facts, but I do remember Rebecca Peters being involved. Oh wait, didn’t Rebecca Peters show up for this massacre too?

    • Nope, she didn’t show up, she was just interviewed on NZ radio. I wonder where Paul Mullen is, they could all have a reunion.

        • Got any information on that? Channel, time, program – whatever. I’d love to hear what the POS had to say. Yeah, I know it will just be a load of crap (like Hoddle Street, Amouroa (sp) NZ, Chelmsford Hospital, Macquarie Uni, Port Arthur) – but hey it’s worth a giggle.

          • Terry Rebecca Peters was interviewed on ABC Breakfast this morning.
            This could be of interest– New World Order in Australia–have not watched it all but I will

            Jeremy Lee Brisbane 2-4-91

    • “the manifesto seems more likely written by a leftist inarticulately trying to channel or inhabit the language and ideas of conservatives, albeit deceptively.”

      Couldn’t agree more

      But like most kiwis/aussies, I’ve never witnessed live combat so I can’t really comment about the rest.

      • I’ve only read a couple of pages of the Manifesto but that’s enough to know that it was put together by someone who was out of touch with the real world to the extent of overlooking the following fundamentals:
        1)Sovereign citizen/separatist convictions, by definition, are engendered by what’s happening on one’s own turf not what’s going on overseas.
        2)Tourism is a form of hedonism/escapism; the antithesis of the sociological/political determination in question.
        3)Such determination is invariably rooted in personal relationships, workplace experiences, and interaction with one’s own government over a prolonged period of time; the idea of such a process happening during a 8 week period in a foreign land is just plain woowoo
        Criminal violence typically manifests in males aged 15 – 24 and it can almost always be traced to some sort of childhood trauma( 28 yr old Tarrant is from a non-abusive two parent family)

  7. Real killings in Gaza Terry, fake killings in NZ Terry, as per YouTube clip.


    Stay on subject Terry and tell us why Kiwi Muslims Matter but Palestinians don’t.

    • Scott Bennet’s analysis is likely correct – “Here, we have something else. We have fabricated fakery. I am seeing real people shot but I am also seeing video I believe has edited into it fake episodes as well, ”

      As he stated later, the purpose is to create a ‘disinformation’ campaign. Some people will focus on the fake stuff and declare all of the information fake, thus discrediting themselves.

      The bad guys have created a way to discredit any resistance.

      Come on NZ, have that inquiry!

  8. Wow, the spent brass disappearing in mid air shows obvious editing. I wonder what is going on?

    The dead bodies do appear legit to me, I noticed several head shots where there is an apparent impact. There is also the bled out bloke at the front of the mosque and then the lady in the gutter. However, the obvious editing shows a much larger involvement of others in this psy-op.

    Perhaps that is why the NZ government doesn’t want the video to circulate – it raises too many questions.

    The NZ government damn well better have an inquiry to find out exactly what really happened, before they go ramming any legislation down the throats of the Kiwis.

    • Not sure about the shell casing vid. Hard to tell with low quality video and compressed artifacts going on. But the other video though, where there is a gun magazine already planted on the floor when the shooter first walks into the mosque, is questionable. Why is his ammo already there?

    • Terry, would not John Winston Howard have already advised the NZ Prime Minister, to put a stop to any enquiry and to have the mosques dismantled before any evidence can be collected???? He knows from experience that these tactics work.

      It is interesting to find out that Hillary Clinton and side-kick, John Podesta were in attendance two days before the event. Another distraction for the US media, at a time of possible release of indictments against both these parties.

  9. I really do not know why people see a conspiracy here when the massacre fits an established pattern.

    Entirely without electoral mandate, Government imposed a massive immigration/refugee programme (4 million immigrants, mostly illegal and almost all of cultures which are incompatible with Australian values), and then enabled articulate immigrants to gain free access to public media, especially the ABC and SBS, in which they demand their values override those of Australian’s.

    It was always only a matter of time before some nutter would go on a rampage, a fully anticipated event which can be expected to provoke more clamp-downs on free speech, other freedoms, and enhanced gun control.

    Who did not see this coming?

    • Ah Tony, you just scratched the surface. Consider the Australian representative at the U.N. (an UNELECTED position ) voted in favor of allowing migrants of all persuasions and colours to enter Australia. Need I point out, this was done a LONG time before the U.S. declared war on the people’s in the M.E. and the Balkans. Very little notice was given at the time to this very important change. Many of us were inundated with nice fancy talk about being multicultural and how it was going to benefit us all mightily, such talks is still going full blast today, and if you DARE to raise your head, and point out the short comings of such a policy, you’d better be prepared to pull your head in quick, or it might be knocked off. Meanwhile, the FACTS on the ground in the U.K. where similar policies were introduced much earlier, displayed the short sighted thinking of such policies. Did that matter to the designers and supporters of the idea ? Not one bit. Today there are areas in the U.K. that are a no go area for British white people. It doesn’t take Einstien to work out that such programs will result in the same result here. All the above was well under way a long time BEFORE the bullets and bombs started to drop, which then accelerated the migration ten fold with the result of refugees.
      Were any of the ordinary people ever consulted canvasing their views on introducing such a policy ???????? Most definately NOT. No one was consulted, the politicians made that decision entirely on their own, holding the populace in contempt and ignorance. Today we see a policy slowly coming to fruition of DIVIDE AND CONQUER of the populations involved.
      Of course there’s going to be some radical people who see this as a traitorious act and believe it’s time to do something about it. Such beliefs also play into the hands of the architects, and gives a boost to their planned agenda, that’s why so many of these acts are so transparent and usually happen whilst an alleged “DRILL” is occuring.
      There is a war being waged by our respective Governments against their own people, all under the auspices of GLOBAL GOVERNMENT, destroying national pride, attempts to remove borders, even introduce GLOBAL LAWS developed by people who have never ever, been voted into power by the people who are expected to bow down to these laws. Take a good look at the E.U. where all this was introduced, why do you think we are staring Brexit in the face, why are countries in the E.U. closing their borders and in some cases reverting to their own currency again and demanding passports from travelers ? Clearly, the GLOBAL WORLD idea has been proven to be a massive Failure, however, what are we to do with the folks transplanted into our country under that policy ???? Meanwhile folks are sleeping thru it in their ignorance, having no idea of what’s been planned, and being done to them by our Government.

    • Point taken Tony, but read the VT analysis on CGI Fakery. The internet is screaming about this topic and calling it out as a False Flag hoax psyop. BTW, The author the article is a US Army psychological warfare specialist.

      Perhaps the anticipated carnage between Christians and Muslims wasn’t happening fast enough so they needed to give it a bit of a push along.

      I saw an 8 sec clip of a second shooter with a baseball cap waiting outside the front gate as the shooter ran inside. Most strange.

    • If the overarching intention was murderous, investigations as to whether the slaughter was real or fake or whether Tarrant was a stooge or an actor are, in a sense, mute. But it’s good to be reminded how unskilled/clumsy the key players actually are.

  10. Grow up, stop playing video games. this was real, The conspirators do not live in New Zealand, but get money from you reading their rubbish

  11. There were many “ODD” things occuring during this event, as posted here, another one that I thought was very ODD indeed was the interviews with the ambulance crews afterward. Since when has the MSM sought to interview the ambulance crews on their views and what they saw and felt ??
    That was REALLY ODD. Let’s face it, can anyone recall when similar incident occurred and the ambulance crews were lined up along a wall and interviewed ??????????

  12. I hope everyone watched the x22 link above to the end to realise how we are being censored,

    Now watch censorship in action from a report by Lisa Have whose previous report on the 74 page rant was withdrawn by the fascists control freaks
    (might need to turn her down a notch)

  13. This is the heart of the present problems.
    It is not off topic it should be the topic.
    THE CENTRAL BANKERS are the winners in creating hate and misery in the world,

    Note about the 5 minute mark and why Trump needs to bring back industry because the globalists sent manufacturing out of the US. That is why they attack Trump……. he is opposed to globalisation=fascism.

    Now be reminded how our politicians have sabotaged Australia. The 1975 (UN-Labor government) Lima declaration:

    Getting the picture?
    Bring down the US, Australia etc into debt slavery, encourage hate (problem) create public concern and take away our liberties and sovereignty (resolution)

    • Freemasons are a ‘Jesuit front’ so we have the suggestion from article and websites that Freemasons (who are luciferians) behind the New Zealand massacre according to many unofficial reports from a number of websites, articles and personal testimony. Just like the insidious Central Intelligence Agency aka the Catholic Intelligence Agency with many many fronts so do the Jesuits. We are talking $billions upon billions of dollars behind these evil organisations that subjugate democracy, assassinate people world-wide, overthrow duly elected governments and install dictators and hide behind these facades or fronts in past massacres by the Latin Roman Catholic-Church State. This evil hierarchy has a long history of massacres from the start of the middle ages or the dark ages to the present in their counter-reformation under the guise of wars.

      This is not simply a world of chaos in geo-political terms, it is a religious war by the Jesuits against Protestants world-wide agenda of their continuous counter-reformation that is ongoing. It has not stopped!

      Nelson Mandela was a 33 degree Freemason

      The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church by Dr. James Wardner(Final Edition)—This video shows what Communism really is and how modern day “Catholics” endorse communist and Freemasonic ideas and philosophies which are opposed to Catholic teaching


      Nelson Mandela was a 33 degree Freemason
      Thar’s correct Nelson Mandela is a Knight of Malta and has brought destruction to the white protestants living in South Africa , There have been killed at least 20.000 white protestant Boers by the South African blacks all triggered by an evil wicked racial hate agenda all orchistrated by the Jesuits

  14. Thttp://www.citizensnewswire.org/files/NWORichardDay.pdf
    This is getting more exposure these days as people wake up to the globalist and their plans for fascist (Orwellian) control, including:

    using terrorism to make governments conform to their plan. READ IT!!!!!!!!!

    MSM: you getting the picture yet for your children’s future that you lot are betraying?
    The globalist plan outlined by Dr Day as reported by Dr Dungan is also here at gumshoe way back.

  15. This is the gumshoe report on the new. world order, just scroll through it and think of your life’s past experience and observations..… it has come to be……. has it not?
    So what are you going to do about it? Try telling everyone …… as a start?


    I will come back later and refer you to their necessity to cause terrorism, if someone does not put up the para number beforehand. (Phil?)

  16. I’m probably wrong here but can anyone see the resemblance to the shooter and the Overbeeke sons from the Pr Arthur massacre, even though one of them allegedly commited suicide??

  17. Can I suggest people watch Europa – The Last Battle on Bitchute?

    Part 1 focuses on the russian “Civil War” in 1917.

    There are ten parts altogether, I have managed to watch half of it so far (it is a little over 10 hours long in its entirety.)

    Probably something that needs its own article and discussion.

  18. Deni I agree there is a resemblence to the Overbeeke sons, maybe just coincidence though. There are a number of similarities I’ve noticed with the P.A massacre – Tarrant’s dad died as did Bryant’s and both did a fair bit of overseas traveling afterwards. Bryant was initially charged with the one murder as Tarrant has. Even the names are similar ie. they have the same number of syllables and the surname ending in “ant” which kind of lends itself to being spat out of peoples mouths in disgust…

  19. I look forward to comments on this series from:
    Senaror Derryn Hinch,
    That Phelps person,
    Anyone from Get Up,
    Pauline Hanson, come on be real.
    Anyone from our ABC or SBS. Faine, you are in the ABC trough, anything to say?
    How about 2GB? Come on Alan, you are skating around the realities. They have you?
    How about Hadley and 2 GB crew, advertising revenue grabbed your tongue? Same for the rest of the msm fake crew.
    Come on Latham, you know, want our vote? So stop the bs.go for it.
    How about our Green lot? Ever heard of designed product obselence using up your greenhouse gasses producing bs products? Not a word.
    What a lot of globalists they all are, same uniform, different colours, all designed to bs the public under different guises for the NWO corporate fascists.
    They are all owned by the…………..!
    And they are too stupid to realise.
    I vote: my dog. I know she is loving, loyal and would not betray me.
    Vote: number 1, the ‘My dog party’.

  20. Responsible journalism as described by the ABC yesterday:

    “But reporting what happened and analysing how it could have happened are clearly in the public interest. It’s what responsible journalists do — the test is whether it can be done without giving the alleged shooter the platform they crave.

    “Once the order to pixelate the accused’s face was made in NZ, we chose to follow that direction across our platforms.

    “Ordinarily a New Zealand judge’s jurisdiction doesn’t extend across the Tasman, but the digital world we all share doesn’t recognise quaint constructs like courtrooms and national boundaries.”

  21. Sibel Edmonds raises weird mysteries in regard to this fellow’s visits worldwide and particularly twice to Turkey .

    So when/why do date and time stamps on his CCTV views be scrubbed?

  22. Despite threats of jail time longer than that of Cardinal Pell for possessing and sharing the manifesto and video, I have already been able to dig up both on the internet.
    Assuming that it is all psy-op, why the release of such a badly doctored video in the first place?
    Is this meant to be bait for inquisitive types? It seems to start off some whackey theories among non New Zealanders.

    • The actual shooting of the people appears real, then there is the absurd shooting down empty streets without any targets, which is when the spent brass disappears into thin air.

      It appears that who ever put it together as a disinformation (90% true, 10% wacko/fruitcake) ploy may not have thought it all through. Sure, there will be heaps of linear thinking people that will jump on the ‘hoax’ bandwagon, but the very existence of the CGI in an alleged ‘livestream’ video raises more questions about the ‘lone nut gunman’ theory. Clearly, there have to be more people involved.

      If this had happened before the internet, you would never had the access to the information, you would be dependent upon the MSM for your information – just like during the JFK assassination.

      I note Sibel Edmonds has another video out with more revelations from Turkey,


  23. Dee sent me an email and requested some further clarification about the video. I will add my response to this post –

    OK,the killing in the Mosque is real. However, there have been bits added, which I figure is to allow ‘disinformation’ to be spread about the video (it’s all fake, it’s a hoax)

    People have referred to no blood spray. However, you can see bodies with blood on them. The fellow at the front of the Mosque has ‘bled’ out.
    That means his heart kept beating and pumped him dry.

    When I used to hunt, I gave a game 10 minutes to bleed out before I would track them down. Usually they would be dead or unconscious when I found them.

    To get a blood spray you need to hit a person in an artery so that the blood pressure in the body will spray out. The entire body is ‘pressurized’ (blood pressure) and when you blow a hole through an artery, the body works like a pressurized balloon and will spray out the arterial hole. Sometimes it looks like a geyser of blood. When spooks talk about ‘getting wet’ (wet work) that is from cutting someone’s throat and the blood spray will ‘get them wet’.

    Most of the people have taken cover in the corners. The killer is shooting into the mass of people. The entrance hole of a .223 is very small, only .22 of an inch. There is usually very little blood that flows from the entrance wound of a .223.

    A bit of trivia, that is why early military cartridges were around .30
    caliber as that size entrance hole does allow the entrance wound to bleed out.

    However, the exit wound of a .223 is usually much larger and that is where most of the blood flow comes from. You can’t see the exit wounds on the pile of bodies. The blood is flowing into the pile of bodies and into their clothes.

    You mentioned the woman with her hair flying. When you hit a person in the head with a high energy bullet the skull tends to explode. That is what you are seeing. The same thing is apparent when he goes back in and shoots several people, you can see a bloke get hit and his hat flies off.

    When I first saw the video, I couldn’t figure out why he was just shooting
    down an empty street – it didn’t make sense (no targets). However, it appears that was put into the video with the CGI. Those are the
    sequences where the spent brass simply disappears. I figure that is the
    disinformation sequences.

    It will be real easy to compare the video to the later police video and
    pictures to confirm that it is the same place with the same bodies. I expect by the time the police photographers arrived, there was a fair bit of blood that had bled out from the bodies (think of the Port Arthur video).

    Hope this helps.

  24. The vanishing shell cases!?
    I saw that short clip.
    They do vanish.
    I think people were murdered and injured. Terry’s opinon is one i respect.
    So: accepting that for discussion, then someone doctored part/s of the complete video. ( which I have not seen)
    Why and who?
    I do not know where in the video where the vanishing cases scene is seen? At the start, during or after?
    If it is at the beginning then he could have recorded it? That does not explain vanishing cases.
    If during, well, that means something else.
    If at the end, stil very curious.
    All a wonderment? Therefore a reason to threaten people for ten years for having it etc?. All very very very weird.
    Anyone have a download of the Kennedy murder for the last 50+ years?

    • As an aside; Nothing knew here.
      Remember all the videos around the Pentagon on 9/11 and nearby businesses (gathered straight after) have not been seen except for a few frames in one instance from the carpark and one allegedly from a petrol station. Nothing of value anywhere there.
      No other security video has been rereleased by the US government.
      So we seem to have another duck: if it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck then it is surely a duck!!!

      • Another very weird thing about the jail threat is that the media keep referring to both the censored items. Why are they not being arrested?

    • So the Democrat controlled House of Reps is holding a hearing into White Nationalism using Jerrold Nadler (who was quite happy to interject on numerous occassions on Peter Sztrok’s behalf as he testified). Don’t try to guess his parentage.
      You can’t make this studff up…

  25. Sharing because it’s new to me. ‘Blonde’ gives a good analysis and makes some very relevant points (albeit I do not agree with her fundamental opening premise)

    • Brenton Tarrant, Acceleration & Collapse [Blonde in the Belly of the Beast]

  26. I think Blonde is too accepting of Terrant’s profile as a disaffected European sympathizing white.
    Another version that I have heard of him is a globe trotting Australian born Jew.
    I have no reason to believe any of it.
    I don’believe Terrant is working alone, and I agree that the media is working with him.
    I also agree with her that the west in its current form is not worth fighting for.
    The NWO plan is to flood us with immigrants, and our best retaliation is to live together in peace.

  27. Crikey, it looks like the disinformation campaign is well on the way. Dee just sent me some garbage article that ‘no one died’ in Christchurch. That is really going to go down well with the victim’s families.

    The guy was crapping on about there being no bullets, etc. Here’s a bit from the article –

    “9. Clump of hair blown of woman’s scalp indicates air expelled by a rigged device

    So called killer fires shots against car window and window did not break
    The whole thing seems like a Pulp Fiction type movie”

    If you go back to the the article I posted above you can see a picture of the killer’s car. There are three shotgun blasts through the front windscreen. The front windscreens are made with laminated glass – so they don’t shatter. The side windows are not made with laminated glass, so when he shot through the side window it shattered.

    It is right there, objective evidence of real guns and bullets, objective evidence of three discharges through the front windscreen, but this dumb-ass or disinformation clown can’t see it, hasn’t done the research or is just trying to blow smoke up people’s butts.

  28. I am not sure if anything is off topic or unrelated these days so …

    Jake Morphonios – Blackstone Intelligence Network –
    • Trump Tries to Grab Syria’s Golan Heights for Israel & Oil Profiteers

    Vanessa Beeley
    • THE VETO: Exposing CNN, Al Jazeera, Channel 4, western media propaganda war in Syria

    (If you watch this you will be thinking ‘Wag The Dog”)

    And this quote comes to mind

    • “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! WE WILL CONTINUE THIS ATROCITY PROPAGANDA, WE WILL ESCALATE IT until nobody will accept even a good word from the [redacted], until all the sympathy they may still have [] will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. IT WILL NEVER BE FINAL.

    • Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – THOSE INDESTRUCTIBLE WEEDS OF HISTORICAL TRUTH.”

    Sefton Delmer (1904-1979), former Jewish British Chief of `Black propaganda’ – 1945

    More from Delmer …

    • “There are no limits. No holds are barred”

    • “I must warn you that in my unit we are up to all the dirty tricks we can devise. No holes are barred. The dirtier the better. Lies treachery, everything.”

  29. Ok, for those who do not imdersatnd the place of MK-Ultra, and are happy with the blue pill: forget what is below……………just dream on.
    Leaving aside all the author’s theories just scroll down to the real part on operation Gladio’s modus as applied to NZ and understand why the alleged video of the actual Christchurch murders was likely produced and directed before a actual murderous event.
    Remember it was operation Gladio that murdered 80+ people at Bologna railway station decades ago. The msm will not tell you about that.

    When you observe and consider, then understand why they want anyone who might view the evidence, threatened by 10 years gaol. No way do they want any examination of reality.
    Just think Green Screen……..as is common in Movie productions these days………Vanishing shell casings is the give way to invite serious considerations of the rest of the video charade.

    • They do seem to leave clues about the place, in Charlottesville there are an amazing number of shoes flying/scattered around in that famous shot of Markus about to land on his back (and get up, take the shoe off his right foot, hop onto the bonnet of the Toyota Tundra to the right then land on his right foot all within ten seconds)

      http://www.crowdsondemand.com must be doing good business these days.

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