Home Australia Big Pharma, Ivermectin, and Non-existent Polarising Electoral Fraud

Big Pharma, Ivermectin, and Non-existent Polarising Electoral Fraud


by G5

[Emails from G5]

John Ruddick (LDP)

The opening remarks on Covid are worth noting.

Big Pharma did not like Ivermectin; which works; in preference to the toxic frauds of genocidal unproven vaccinations. The current psychotically driven queueing for their fifth attempt at the suicide lottery.

Ivermectin derived from Japanese soils has worked proven for over 30 years in over four BILLION examples. Hardly a horse dewormer.

The Australian TGA is 97% funded by American BigPharma. A parallel to the original California Cancer Institute of the 1950s. Decisions and legalised mandates hardly drawn from the rigorous scientific consensus of opinion. The Follow The Science Fraud.

With over 100,000 immediately identified Vaccine injuries; an inquiry would be recommended and as to how a virus became the improbable pandemic.

Governments in NSW have jumped from a 7 billion to a 187 billion deficit, without a logical train of accounting.

We already know that Conspiracy Theorists are well-read historians, and today’s conspiracies are tomorrow’s facts.

He speaks well of Switzerland but damages the flow when mentioning Churchill.

He correctly analyses The Vatican; to which I label The Holy Roman Catholic Church of Satan, and scans a couple of its more notorious lootings of the poor and trusting.

The subject of Environmentalism and how it was hijacked through an orchestrated fraud into the failed Global Warming to the lingering Climate Change.

It actually having the next phase pending of; Extreme Weather; which he did not project.

Gore with his ridiculous theatrics became the world’s first Carbon Fraud billionaire.

He delves into Anarcho-Capitalism on the basis that less government is good.

I write in terms of The Left-Right Paradigm being the non-existent polarising electoral fraud. I also write the problems are derived from the spectrum of more and less government. Not any philosophical contortion of one.

He mentions taxation as theft, linked to wherever the guns are maintained. Legalised coercion and violence to control is hardly a just or even rational society.

Currently, the Australian Government from Local to Federal loot, manipulate and misuse some 50% of GDP. When the true number should be about 5% allowed.

He concludes with the world’s tragedies traceable historically to variations of Socialism, with Keynesianism; about which I write; also a contributing Intellectualized evil. He lifts Friedman, Rand, and Hayek as the sane voices in the wilderness. There are many more on both sides.

I would not classify the rhetoric as outstanding. It skirts the obvious for the sane. But can understand the mental trauma of it being unacceptable to the ignorant and deluded.

From about 1 minute for about 15.



Re: WEF Says Fashion Will Be Abolished by 2030: “Humans Will All Wear a Uniform” – The People’s Voice

The World Eclectic F*cktards are a theatre group. Every Schwaberism is total horseshit.

The clown-in-chief stands in front of a board with logos, thinks he is believed and has sway. Eat bugs, wear a uniform, own nothing, and be happy. And Climate Change will destroy the world by 2010 when the polar ice melts at that time 15 years ago. 

Inconvenient Truth, Nobel laureate, liar-in-chief Gore: wanted to run the troupe at the previous Davos, but missed the votes needed to defeat the world’s most believable Communist-approved NAZI, head jester, The Schwabster.

It doesn’t get more comedic and mentally unattached.

Like little Johnny sent to the dunces’ corner with his hand up wanting to go for a dump.

Editor’s note: this is from the People’s Voice:

“The People’s Voice

“The World Economic Forum has declared that by 2030 fashion will become completely obsolete and all humans will be vegan, whether they like it or not. A newly resurfaced report written in 2019 states that humans will only be permitted to buy three items of clothing per year and will be prohibited from buying or consuming meat.

“Published in 2019, ‘The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World’ report funded by the WEF, sets out extreme targets for governments around the globe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as consistent with the 2015 Paris Agreement ambitions. The report outlines six areas where world governments can take “rapid action to address consumption-based emissions”: food, construction, clothing, vehicles, aviation, and electronics:

“The report demonstrates that mayors have an even bigger role and opportunity to help avert climate emergency than previously thought … While the analysis addresses big global questions, its purpose is to inspire practical action … average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two-thirds or more by 2030.” – Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40

“It is now clear that action to reduce consumption will be necessary as part of the global effort to mitigate climate change … The actions set out in the report are challenging and they will be confronting for many, but we think they are necessary … City Mayors can set a vision and convene actors to bring about the changes we describe … The work reported here forces a focus on what a sustainable urban future might look like and helps us to consider what policies, regulations, incentives and behavioural changes will be necessary to transition to a zero-carbon world.” – Gregory Hodkinson, Former Chairman of ArupThe Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World, 2019



  1. We now have International Energy Agency to go along with World Meteorological Organisation and W.H.O. and I.M.F. and World Bank ( the latter two merger pending )
    These clowns haven’t realised the world is cooling through the sun’s recent dimming.
    It won’t stop them pursing Carbon Capture and Storage which was talked up as far back as the Kevin Rudd era, about 2010 or earlier.
    Funds are being awarded to industrialists finding ways to pump smoke into the ground after the heat energy has been extracted, and they talk about Net Zero, there will be Net Zero energy created after it is all used to pump the smoke into the ground.
    This is money laundering.

  2. On G5’s view of Churchill. I wonder if G5 is aware of why Churchill continually refused multiple peace offerings from Hitler, choosing instead, to back Uncle Joe Stalin, one of this world’s most evil dictators?

    Hitler has been the Globalist scapegoat for all the ills of this world, while Uncle Joe Stalin still gets a free pass.

  3. It amazes me that the psychopaths pushing for dehumanizing of the planet are still believed by many to be brilliant beings when the exact opposite is true. They are maniacs who in the past would have been arrested and institutionalized. In the process of attempting to make the planet barren they are making themselves very, very wealthy at everybody else’s expense and the forfeiture of life of many.

  4. The only useful thing about Ivermectin, helps prolong the FAKE, ‘.virus narrative’ for the perpetraitors. Remember, the ‘ Cure’, is the killer, not an imaginary virus.
    Question those who keep harping about it !

    • Whether Ivermectin works against ‘Covid’ or just the common flu, it WORKS! You get sick with whatever it is, do yourself a favor and take Ivermectin – I vouch for it (along with heaps of other people).

  5. Secret to healthy and good life is keep your mouth clean. Wish I’d known that yesteryear.
    We’re all sinners, some more some less, giving us hope in faith. He didn’t come to save winners driving Bentleys and super yachts sucking the juice ambrosia teenage crew captive.
    Save the children.

    • ant56 – Jesus came here to remove the blinkers that had been placed over the eyes of the masses by the then all controlling Cabal – ‘He who is without sin may cast the first stone’ – is more an allegory and maybe less a reference to an actual event, as to how Humanity has been subjugated through religious dogma to become practitioners of auto – responses to whatever actions are required as dictated to, by the Cabal hierarchy.

      The dogmatic ideology of everyone being born into, ‘Mortal Sin’, is just another example of directing the masses into accepting that ‘Baptism’ into religious control is somehow a requirement to accept God, but in reality, is just another example of one’s controlled life in this world.

      God is within all of us – we are part of God’s creation and we have the ability to create within us all – but that ability has become ‘educated’ out of us, while those who think they control us attempt to destroy every vestige of God’s good grace.

      Since Jesus arrived here with His teachings, and for the first time in two thousand years, they have lost control, and they know it!

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